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Compute manually (also, run the test in Excel to verify results), interpret, and test the significance at 1%
level of the correlation coefficient for the following grades of randomly selected students.

Math 70 92 80 74 65 83
English 74 84 63 87 78 90

Ho: p = (the correlation between Math and English is not significant)

Ha: p ≠ (the correlation between Math and English is significant)
Test statistic: two-tailed t-test

Decision rule: At 1% level if significance, reject Ho if ¿ t c ∨¿ t .01 / 2, 6−2=t .005 ,4 =4.604 , otherwise fail to reject Ho
s s xx =¿+...+832 ¿−¿ ¿

( 464 )( 476 ) 220,864

s s xy ={ ( 70 x 74 ) + ( 92 x 84 ) +…+(83 x 90) } − =36926− ≅ 115.33
6 6
s s yy = ( 742 +84 2 +...+ 902 ) −¿ ¿
s s xy 115.33
r= = ≅ 0.24
√ s s xx s s yy √ 471.33 x 491.33
t c=
√1−¿ ¿ ¿¿

|𝑡𝑐 | ≅ |0.49|

Decision: Since |𝑡𝑐 | = 0.49 < 𝑡.005, = 4.604, fail to reject Ho at a 1% level of significance.
Conclusion: There is a strong evidence to indicate that the correlation between Math and English is not

Math English
Math 1 0.24
English 0.24 1
Correlation of Math and English grades using Excel

Learning Module on Statistical Analysis with Software Application

11. A ball is drawn from a bowl containing 18 balls of three different colors – blue, red, and white. The random
experiment was repeated 200 times with which the color of the ball was recorded and the following results
were obtained:
Number of blue balls drawn: 109
Number of red balls drawn: 57
Number of white balls drawn: 34
a. Test whether the bowl contains 10 blue balls, 5 red balls, and 2 white balls at 𝛼 = 0.01
We expect the proportion of colors as follows:
p1=proportion of blue balls = 10/18
p2=proportion of red balls = 5/18
p3=proportion of white balls = 3/18
H0: p1 = 10/18, p2 = 5/18, p3 = 3/18
H1: At least one of the proportion of colors is different than our expectation.

Observed Frequencies Expected Frequencies

Blue Balls 109 111.1111
Red Balls 57 55.5556
White Balls 34 33.3333
E1 = n*p1 = 200*(10/18) = 111.1111
E2 = n*p2 = 200*(5/18) = 55.5556
E3 = n*p3 = 200*(3/18) = 33.3333

Test statistic = 0.091

df = n - 1 = 3 - 1 = 2.
df = 2

x = 0.091, and df = 2
P-value = 0.9555

Learning Module on Statistical Analysis with Software Application

Decision rule:
1) If p-value < level of significance (α) then we reject null hypothesis
2) If p-value > level of significance (α) then we fail to reject null hypothesis.

The given level of significance is = 0.01.

Since P-value = 0.9555 > α = 0.01, so we use second rule.
Decision: Do not reject the null hypothesis.
Conclusion: At 1% level of significance, there is no sufficient evidence to reject the claim that the bowl
contains 10 blue balls, 5 red balls, and 2 white balls.

b. Verify results by running the test in Excel.

Observed Expected
Blue 109 111.1111
Red 57 55.5556
White 34 33.3333
p-value 0.95552

Learning Module on Statistical Analysis with Software Application

13. A random sample of 400 married men, all retired or at least in their 65’’s were classified according to
educational attainment and number of children.

a. Test the hypothesis that the number of children is independent of the level of education attained by the
father at 𝛼 = 0.05
Ho: The row factor is independent of the column factor (The number of children is independent of the level of
educational attainment)
Ha: There is an association between the row and column factors. (The number of children is dependent on the
level of educational attainment)
test statistic: One-tailed 𝜒 2 test (Chi-square test)
Decision rule: At 5% level of significance, reject Ho if 𝜒𝑐 2 > 𝜒(0.05,[ 3−1][4−1]) 2 = 𝜒(0.05,6) 2 = 𝜒(0.05,6) 2 =
12.592, otherwise fail to reject Ho.
Educational Number of children Row Total
Attainment 0-2 Expected 3-5 Expected Over 5 Expected
Observed Values Observed Values Observed values
Values Values Values
Elementary 12 13.8 22 28.8 26 17.4 60
High School 14 25.3 59 52.8 37 31.9 110
College 40 35.42 80 73.92 34 44.66 154
Post Graduate 26 17.48 31 36.48 19 22.04 76

Column Total 92 192 116 400

Decision: Since 𝜒𝑐 2 ≅ 21.71 > 𝜒(0.05,6) 2 = 12.592, reject Ho at a 5% level of significance.

Conclusion: The number of children is dependent on the level of educational attainment

Learning Module on Statistical Analysis with Software Application

b. Verify results by running the test in Excel.
XLSTAT 2021.1.1.1088 - Tests on contingency tables (Chi-square...) - Start time: 02/16/2021 at 08:16:38 / End time: 02/16/2021 at 08:19:18 / Microso
Contingency table: Workbook = Book102.xlsx / Sheet = Sheet1 / Range = 'Sheet1'!$A$1:$D$5 / 4 rows and 4 columns
Fisher's exact test / Alternative hypothesis: Odds ratio ≠ 1
Seed (random numbers): 123456789

Test of independence between the rows and the columns (Chi-square):

Chi-square (Observed
21.713 value)
Chi-square (Critical
DF 6
p-value 0.001
alpha 0.050

Test interpretation:
H0: The rows and the columns of the table are independent.
Ha: There is a link between the rows and the columns of the table.
As the computed p-value is lower than the significance level alpha=0.05, one should reject
the null hypothesis H0, and accept the alternative hypothesis Ha.

Weight Number of children Row Total

High Expected Normal Expected Low Expected
Observed Values Observed Values Observed values
Values Values Values
80 41.48 24 46.36 18 34.16 122
16 34 57 38 27 28 100
6 26.52 33 29.64 39 21.84 432
Column Total 102 114 438
15. It is believed that people with high blood pressure need to watch their weight. A random sample of 300
subjects was classified according to their weight and blood pressure.

Weight Blood Pressure

High Normal Low
Overweight 80 24 18
Normal 16 57 27
Underweight 6 33 393

a. At 𝛼 = 0.05, is there sufficient evidence to conclude that a person’s weight is related to his blood pressure?
Ho : Weight and blood pressure is dependent
Ha: Weight and blood pressure is not independent

Learning Module on Statistical Analysis with Software Application

Since the p-value is less than the level of significance, which is 0.05, we have sufficient evidence to reject
Thus, there is sufficient evidence to conclude that a person’s weight is related to his blood pressure.

b. Verify results by running the test in Excel.

Learning Module on Statistical Analysis with Software Application

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