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Submitted to the English Education Program

Faculty of Teacher Training and Educational Sciences of Galuh University
to be Presented in a Research Proposal Examination





Student Identification Number : 2109190065





Approved by

Proposal Supervisor I, Proposal Supervisor II,

Andi Rustandi, M.Pd. Luthfiyatun Thoyyibah, M.Pd.

Acknowledged by

Head of English Education Program

Lilies Youlia Friatin, S.S., M.Pd.B.I.



This research proposal is entitled “A Content Analysis of English

Textbook for The Seventh Grade of Junior High School”.


This section generally provides the rationale of why the study takes place.

It is described through background of the study and followed by research

question, purpose of the study, significance of the study, scope of the study,

definition of key terms and research report organization.

a. Background of the Study

In teaching and learning process, a textbook has an important role.

Hamidi et al. (2016) asserted that the textbook leads teachers in conveying

materials to be taught over a period of time. In addition, the textbook makes

students easier to understand what is being taught. Cunningsworth (1995, as cited

in Ayu and Inderawati, 2019) stated that the roles of ELT textbooks are serving

to present the written and spoken materials, promoting interaction, serving as

reference of vocabulary and grammar, acting as a source for classroom activities

and offering self-access work or self-directed learning.

In using a textbook, the teacher must be able to consider and choose the

textbook that is compatible best with the curriculum, syllabus, basic competence,

and teaching and learning activity. Therefore, textbook evaluation is important

because it is considered an aspect to improve the quality of the education

(AbdelWahab, 2013, as cited in Budiarsih, 2022).


There are some researchers conducted similar studies about content

analysis of english textbook. Firstly Rivai et al. (2018) investigated the

appropriateness of the contents of the English textbook “Forward” with the core

and basic competence of 2013. This study found out that there are more materials

which are relevant with the 2013 English Standard Competence than the

materials which not. Moreover, Sunarko et al. (2019) was conducted the same

study with different textbook. In this research, the researchers chose “Joyful”

English textbook for Primary Grade II as the research object. The results showed

that the textbook meet the good criteria of content feasibility.

In addition, Rachmijati and Cahyati (2020) analyzed the language skills

presented in two English textbooks. The result showed that both books have

appropriate proportion to support students’ literacy skills. In the next year,

Sitorus et. al. (2021) analyzed materials relevance in psychomotor and cognitive-

based on 2013 curriculum. The study found that in the cognitive domain, the

textbook's materials are relevant to the 2013 curriculum. Although its lack of

materials is relevant to the psychomotor domain.

Recently, Finandiati et. al. (2022) also investigated the relevance

between the focused materials in the English Textbook “Headlines”

for grade XII and the criteria demanded by Focal Point , BSNP. The

researchers concluded that the textbook's content and related activities should

be redesigned by following the criteria of Focal Point, BSNP.

In general, there are many researchers who have examined English

textbooks including the aforementioned researchers: Rivai et al. (2018), Sunarko


et al. (2019), Rachmijati and Cahyati (2020), Sitorus et. al. (2021), and Finandiati

et. al. (2022). They have different criteria to analyze, such as content, physical

appearance, curriculum relevance, English language skills, etc. However, there

is a few researchers who investigated the psychomotor domain of the textbook.

Besides, the previous study still used 2013 curriculum. Therefore, the purpose of

this study are to describe the relevance between the materials in the student book

with the core and basic competence in Independent curriculum in terms of

cognitive and psychomotor domains.

b. Research Question

The research question proposed is as follows:

1. How is the relevance between the materials in the textbook entitled

“English for Nusantara” for seventh grade of junior high school with

the Core and Basic Competence in Independent Curriculum in terms

of Cognitive domain?

2. How is the relevance between the materials in the textbook entitled

“English for Nusantara” for seventh grade of junior high school with

the Core and Basic Competence in Independent Curriculum in terms

of Psychomotoric domain?

c. Purpose of the Study

From the background of the study stated earlier, this research aims to:

1. To identify the relevance between the materials in the student

textbook entitled “English for Nusantara” for seventh grade of junior


high school with the Core and Basic Competence in Independent

Curriculum in terms of Cognitive domain.

2. To identify the relevance between the materials in the student

textbook entitled “English for Nusantara” for seventh grade of junior

high school with the Core and Basic Competence in Independent

Curriculum in terms of Psychomotoric domain.

d. Significance of the Study

The significance of this research will be elaborated in three aspects:

theoretical, practical, and professional benefits.

1. Theoretical benefits

The results of this research are expected to enrich the theories of

English textbook evaluation in Indonesia. The findings of this

research may be used as one of the references for the next

investigation in textbook evaluation.

2. Practical benefits

The results of this research will reveal what are the strengths and

weaknesses of the textbook investigated in terms of cognitive and

psychomotor domains. The findings of this research further are

expected to help teachers to choose the appropriate textbook in terms

of cognitive and psychomotor domains. Teachers may be able to

identify and evaluate what kind of written and visual contents are

appropriate or inappropriate with the students' needs.

3. Professional benefits

Since this research will reveal how the textbook meets the criteria of a

good textbook for English language teaching, it is expected that it will

provide future researchers some information about selecting the best

materials for English language teaching. Besides, the results of this

research can help educational institutions to develop English language

teaching materials, especially in determining the content in a textbook

that is appropriate for students' needs.

e. Scope of the Study

The coverage of this research is limited to the evaluation of a textbook

entitled “English for Nusantara” used by seventh grade of junior high school in

Indonesia. The textbooks were analyzed in terms of its cognitive and

psychomotor domains. This study focuses on the strengths and weaknesses of the

textbook investigated in terms of cognitive and psychomotor domains.

f. Definition of Key Terms

The textbook defines as determining the learners' language courses,

(Mukundan & Nimehchisalem, 2012 as cited in Azizah, 2019). The textbook is

known as a book used by the teacher in class as the main source of materials. A

teacher usually uses the textbook as the handout in the classroom, that's why

textbook is one of the crucial factors in the learning process. A textbook may give

confidence for the teacher in front of the students. The textbook in this study

refers to a book used by the teacher or trainer in the process of teaching and

learning. The textbook purpose depends on the level of academical background.


Murphy (1985) as cited in Azizah (2019) defined that the evaluation of

the materials should be “in the light of current needs” and objectives. The

objectives will help the evaluation process in line, and not too much. In the

present study, the evaluation refers to the process of examines the contents of the

textbook dealt with the objectives of the current system of the curriculum.

g. Research Report Organization

The research paper will be arranged within five chapters. The first chapter

is Introduction which presents the background of the study, the scope of the

study, a brief description of the research method, clarification of the terms, and

paper organization. The second chapter is the theoretical foundation which

presents the ground theory of the study and its related theories that become the

base of how the data of the study is scrutinized. The third chapter is Research

Method which reveals the techniques of how the data is analyzed systematically.

The fourth chapter is Findings and Discussions that presents the result of data

analysis and the discussion of the data analysis result. The last chapter is

Conclusion and Suggestion in which the whole discussion of the study is

wrapped up. It also gives suggestions for further researchers to examine

educational issues related to textbook evaluation.


This section reviews the theoretical framework and previous studies

related to the study.

a. An Overview of Textbook

(a) The Definition of Textbook


The textbook has some definitions. One of them is based on Richard in

Yokie and Thomas (2018), the textbook is one of the sources of instruction used

to promote learning by stimulating cognitive processes and providing learners

with structure and progression. In general, textbooks convey two essential

pedagogical functions: a curricular aspect, creating an advance in a particular

subject taught to learners, and a conceptual element, embodying the development

of cognitive structures in the learner. In the 2013 curriculum that has recently

been implemented in Indonesia, the textbook is one of the thirteen factors that

decide the 2013 curriculum implementation's effectiveness.

According to Eva Klemencic, et al. (2014) textbooks are essential

learning materials or records within the context of education, both in print and

increasingly, electronically in shape. The textbook is aimed at educators and

students. Therefore, as one of the methods teachers use when attempting to

achieve curricular goals, they are of immanent research interest, but they

frequently teach devices on their own, as textbooks could potentially substitute

instruction itself in the last example. Then in William (2017) textbooks are

undoubtedly the most relevant carrier of social values. As the Curriculum

Development Council suggests the essential learning resources used to facilitate

learning and teaching are textbooks. Tomlinson & Masuhara in Wahyuni et al.,

(2018) believe that textbooks are divided into two stages, namely the preparation

phase, including the collection and selection of texts, and the development phase,

covers the deepening of materials, responds to students’ initial abilities, develops

and responds to input activities, including explanations of tasks and exercises.


The essence of a textbook is a learning tool. It is a key component of a language

course. The materials in it are specially prepared for institutions or made by

lecturers. According to Fahriany, et al,. (2018) textbooks are a key part of most

language programs. In some cases, they are the basis for many language inputs

that learners receive and language practices that take place in the classroom.

The importance value of textbooks in delivering high quality education

has long been accepted by educators, school administrators and parents. By

choosing subject materials, textbooks describe the nature of the curriculum and

influence pedagogy and classroom actions by structuring the sequence for

instruction and presenting questions and exercises. In developing countries,

textbooks are crucial in implementing what is taught and how it is taught in

school, especially where teachers are poorly educated and inadequately trained.

Textbooks are recognized as the basis for curriculum development, curriculum

and student learning experience in Bridget (2015).

From the definition above, it can conclude that textbook is a book used

for study, teaching and learning activity, especially in the school. The textbook

serves students and teachers in supporting the teaching and learning process with

consideration of the curriculum.

(b) Types of Textbook

There are many types of textbooks in the learning process. Before

assessing textbooks or series, it is necessary to know about the categories of


1. Core Series Textbooks


This series of books often involves a degree of literacy, usually starting

with high intermediate or advanced levels. There is an integration of the four

abilities (listening, speaking, reading and writing). However "Many series place

greater emphasis on the development of listening and speaking skills and focus

on life skills" (Hrehovcik in Muhammad Arfan et al., 2019). Many series

contains various components, such as audio-visual elements, resources for

students, web-based assistance, and evaluation options. Most core series aims to

appeal to structured evaluation, national state and other requirements in some


2. Integrated Skill Texts

These books still include practice in the four skills, but instead of being

part of a levelled core series, they are single text.

3. Grammar Texts

Some books are main grammar series for learners which involve both

presentation and practice. Other reference books are not generally used as

learners, but also useful for teachers and learners.

4. Skill Specific Texts

These books concentrate on individual skills, such as listening, reading,

speaking, vocabulary or pronunciation. Such textbooks are most generally,

adopted and published as part of the curriculum collection.

5. Literacy Texts

Certain books and other resources are primarily intended for learners with

minimal formal education. As part of their scholarships, students go through

specific textbooks. Any babsic curriculum guidelines are written in these books.

6. Content-Based Texts

These books concentrate on particular subjects such as civics or

citizenship, job-related topics, or scholars' training. In such text volumes, most

possible professional concerns and details are addressed.

7. Dictionaries

For other levels, picture dictionaries for beginning levels and various

English-only dictionaries (from limited, easy to highly advanced definitions) may

be useful for learners both in and outside the classroom. There are different types

of dictionaries, such as monolingual, bilingual, multilingual, etc.

(c) Textbook Evaluation

The evaluation has many objectives, but the primary purposes of

assessment are to measure the efficacy of the teaching subject, provide crucial

information on the students' progress, and the advancement of the course.

According to Nguyen (2015 in Muhammad Arfan et al., 2019) the primary goal

of evaluation studies is not necessary to determine, but rather to analyze. Acquire

useful knowledge to enhance the study program and textbooks and assist in

testing and evaluating the students' accomplishments. Refinement and program

enhancement are the aims of the assessment. Evaluation studies will shed light on

the strengths and disadvantages of the research program to increase what is nice

and compact with the areas that will need improvement. Evaluation is aimed at

eliminating gaps and avoidable repetition, providing a smoother improvement of

content across several levels to eliminate discrepancies between multiple

textbooks in various subjects and at different levels, and commonly providing a

training program in English more in line with the needs of the students (Foster in

Muhammad Arfan et al, 2019). Textbook evaluation is a complicated matter since

many factors can impact the achievement or failure of a textbook in an exact

course of instruction and the need for evaluators to take many decisions while

performing an evaluation (Abbasian & Khajavi in Muhammad Arfan et al.,

2019). One is the collection of assessment criteria since there is no perfect

general set of standards.

Evaluation is the systematic collection of information for decision-making

purposes. It involves collecting data on language use patterns, language ability,

and attitudes toward language. Evaluation is the decision on the curriculum's

quality or materials program in the language program evaluation (Longman

Dictionary of Language teaching & Applied Linguistics in Afshin and Elham,

2015). Assessment means paying attention to both the outcomes of a course and

the design and execution of the study. The evaluation aims to examine the

course's achievement and where improvement is required (Nation & Macalister in

Afshin and Elham, 2015). To take advantage of the former and predict the latter,

many researchers aim to find strengths and weaknesses in any teaching material

in Afshin and Elham (2015). Coursebooks have a significant role in the learning

and teaching process in every language teaching classroom. Course books refer to

the materials used for courses as the basis (Ur in Afshin and Elham, 2015).

Teachers may wish to add some improvements to it, as Nation &

Macalister in Afshin and Elham (2015) stated in adapting an existing coursebook.

The teaching materials must suit the needs and skills of learners to do this. There

should be understandable feedback to the current coursebook ("interesting

comprehensible receptive activity in both listening and reading"). The

coursebook must also have fluency in both receptive and active skills (p. 161- 2).

Students expend plenty of time and money passing the course in every language

class. It is also crucial in a structured fashion, assess the coursebook. The

instructor considers the essential features of the evaluation method at the

beginning of each evaluation process, which are "right vocabulary and grammar

level for learners, focus on language and skills, certain price of book, readily

availability of book, appropriate size and number of lessons according to length

of course, and not offend religious or cultural sensitivities of learners" (Nation &

Macalister in Afshin and Elham, 2015).

According to Nasution, the curriculum conductors conducted the purpose

of curriculum according to book entitled Taxonomy of Educational Objectives by

Benjamin Bloom which is published in 1956. They divided the purpose of the

study into three domain, Cognitive, Affective, and Psychomotoric domain.

Cognitive refers to the knowledge domain. It is related to the learner’s thinking.

Affective refers to the emotional and values domain. It is related to the learner’s

attitude. Psychomotoric refers to the use of motoric creativity. It is related to the

learner’s skill.Here, the writer reviewed more about Cognitive and

Psychomotoric domains which are related to this research.


1. Cognitive Domain. Cognitive domain related to the learner’s thinking. This

objective emphasizes remembering or reproducing something which has been

learned. Cognitive objectives vary from simple recall of material learned to

highly original and creative ways of combining and synthesizing new ideas

and materials. Bloom et al. (1956) states the learning level of cognitive

domain, they are:

a. Knowledge : Remembering or retrieving previously learned material.

b. Comprehension: The ability to grasp or construct meaning from material.

c. Application: The ability to use learned material, or to implement material in

new and concrete situations.

d. Analysis: The ability to break down or distinguish the parts of material into

its components so that its organizational structure may be better understood.

e. Synthesis: The ability to put parts together to form a coherent or unique new


f. Evaluation: The ability to judge, check, and even critique the value of

material for a given purpose.

2. Psychomotoric Domain. Psychomotoric domain related to the learner’s skill.

This objective emphasizes some muscular or motor skill, some manipulation

of material and objects, or some acts which requires a neuromuscular co-

ordination. Dave (1975) mentions the psychomotoric domain as:

a. Imitation : Learner watches actions of another person and imitates them.

b. Manipulation : Learner performs actions by memory or by following


c. Precision : Learner’s performance becomes more exact.

d. Articulation : Learner can perform several skills together in a harmonious

manner. Example of verb are: adapt, combine, construct, coordinate, create,

develop, integrate, modify.

e. Naturalization : Learner achieves high level of performance, and actions

become natural with little or no thought about them.

b. Previous Studies

The first study who already analyzed English textbook was conducted by

Rivai et al. (2018). The objectives of this research were to know the

appropriateness of the contents of the English textbook “Forward” with the core

and basic competence of 2013 Curriculum, to know the English textbook

“Forward” fulfills the criteria of good textbook by BSNP (curriculum 2013). This

research used qualitative content analysis as its research method. The data were

collected from the English textbook “Forward” for tenth grade of Vocational

School written by Shyla K Lande and Eka Mulya Astuti. The results findings of

this study concluded that 1)The English textbook “Forward” covers around

82.23% materials which were relevant with Core and Basic Competence of 2013

Curriculum for the tenth grade students of Vocational School, 2) The English

textbook “Forward” covers around 86.94% materials which fulfilled the

categories of good textbook by BSNP (curriculum 2013).

The second related study was conducted by Sunarko et al. (2019). In this

research, the researchers chose “Joyful” English textbook for Primary Grade II as

the research object. The analysis was based on BSNP textbook content feasibility

rubric which includes the compatibility of materials with KI and KD, the

accuracy of materials and supporting materials. The aim of this research is to

know how “Joyful” English textbook for Primary Grade II fulfill the textbook

content feasibility specified in 2013 curriculum. Qualitative approach was

applied in this research. The method used was content analysis method. In

collecting the data, the technique used by the researchers was documentation. The

data was analyzed using document checklist and percentage formula. The results

showed that “Joyful” English textbook for Primary Grade II fulfills the textbook

content feasibility by 79,17% so it was concluded that “Joyful” English textbook

for Primary Grade II is feasible to be used at schools. However, because it isn’t

100% feasible, the researchers encouraged English teachers who want to use

“Joyful” English textbook for Primary Grade II to cover the weaknesses by

finding another learning source relevant to the learning objectives specified in

2013 curriculum.

The third related study was conducted by Rachmijati and Cahyati (2020).

This research entitled “A Language Skills Content Analysis from English

Textbooks for Junior High School Grade 7” aimed to analyze the language skills

presented in the English textbooks. The research employed qualitative content

analyzes method as the research method. A checklist was used to collect the data,

then presented in the percentages. The result showed that the book “When

English Rings the Bell” focused more on Speaking skills (35%), whereas

“English in Focus” focused more on Writing skills (48%). Meanwhile, based on

the standard of BNSP, students in Junior High school should be able to reach the

functional level of literacy by practicing listening, speaking, reading, and writing

in English. Both books have appropriate proportion to support students’ literacy


The forth related study was conducted by Sitorus et. al. (2021). This study

analyzed materials relevance in psychomotor and cognitive-based on 2013

English curriculum of competence in Textbook of the eighth grade of junior high

school "English Rings a Bell". The methodology of this study is qualitative. The

instruments for data collection used were the analysis of document and checklist

observation. The study found that 23 materials consist 74.19% relevance in the

cognitive domain, 7 materials consist 22.58% relevance, and 1 material only

consists 3.2% relevance. While the psychomotor domain found that 10 materials

consist 32.25% relevance and 11 materials consist 35.48% relevance. Therefore,

the researcher concluded that in the cognitive domain, the textbook's materials

are relevant to the 2013 curriculum. Although its lack of materials is relevant to

the psychomotor domain.

The last related study was conducted by Finandiati et. al. (2022). The

research is aimed to investigate the relevance between the focused

materials in the English Textbook “Headlines” for grade XII and the

criteria demanded by Focal Point. This research used qualitative

research. This study used content analysis as the methodology. Based on

the findings of analyzing the content of the textbook "Headlines" for XII

grade of high school, it is found that the textbook content only fulfilled

the 11 (eleven) points criteria of the focal point with a total of 31 points from

A, B, and C of relevancy and it even did not reach half of the total.

Therefore,it can be concluded that the textbook's content and related

activities should be redesigned by following the criteria of Focal Point.


This section presents the procedure and steps in conducting the research.

Mainly thissection is about the elaboration of the research design which is further

organized into five important sections: (i) research design, (ii) instrumentation,

(iii) research procedures (iv) data collection technique, and (v) data analysis

technique. The ethical consideration in this research will also be presented in this


a. Research Design

The kind of research in education has two types, quantitative method and

qualitative method. Qualitative method is the studies that research the quality of

situations, materials, relationship, or activities. The natural setting is a direct data

source, and the researcher is a crucial part of the qualitative research

instrumentation process.

This research used the qualitative method. This method has significant

characteristics that analyze the data for description and themes using text

analysis, then interpret the findings larger meaning and write the report using

flexible, emerging structures and evaluative criteria (Fraenkel, et al., 2012: 446).

In this research, the data is the English textbook content "English for Nusantara".

The design used in this research is the textbook analysis of document analysis to

gather the textual and written documents provided within the textbook that was


The content analysis is the technique that allows researchers to indirectly

study human behavior by analyzing their communication. As the name suggests,

this is an analysis of the usually (but not necessarily) written content of a

communication. Textbooks, essays, newspapers, novels, magazines, articles,

recipes, songs, political speeches, advertisement, pictures.In fact, the content of

almost any type of communication can be analyzed (Fraenkel, et al, 2012: 478).

Moreover, Francis states that content analysis refers to any inference-making

technique by critically and analytically defining particular material characteristics

(Nisreen, 2017: 41-42).

To conduct a content analysis on a text, the text is broken down, into

manageable categories on a variety of levels word, word sense, phrase, sentence,

or theme and then examined using one of content analysis' basic methods:

conceptual analysis or relational analysis. The results are then used to make

inferences about the messages within the text(s), the writer(s), the audience, and

even the culture and time of which these are a part. In this research, the writer

used book as my research object and did the analysis by broke down the materials

in the book into two categories, cognitive and psychomotoric domains and

examined them by relational analysis to Core and Basic competences of

Independence curriculum.

b. Instrumentation

The research instrument is a tool to collect the data based on the method

used. The instrument used in this research is a rubric assessment by National

Education Standards Agency (BSNP). The researcher used the sub-component

from the feasibility in the terms of cognitive and psychomotoric domains.

c. Research Procedures

The procedure of data consists of four steps. The first research procedure

is looking at the BSNP rubric assessment, which concerns aspects of contextual

learning, the accuracy of the materials and the materials supported by the content

aspect's feasibility. The second procedure is looking at the English textbook. The

writer observed and studied in tasks and exercises the textbook's content, chapter

by chapter, to assessed the English textbook's appropriateness and accuracy and

analyzed the content materials. The third procedure counts all of the

content/images/tables corresponding to or does not comply with each paragraph

and sentence criteria. Data has classified and organized by explaining data

analysis in each chapter into comprehensive details. The last procedure is

processed the material with the frequency of the definition data analyzed. The

writer can check how much quality of the material fulfil the criteria based on

contextual learning material..

d. Data Collection

Qualitative data are collected in the forms of words or pictures rather than

numbers. Qualitative research contains various forms, including interview

transcripts, field notes, photos, audio recordings, videotapes, diaries, personal

statements, alerts, official records, messages, etc., which transmit the actual

words or acts of people. Analyzing data are interpreted, synthesized and reduced

in the qualitative analysis, from which the researchers can collect information

from different sources (e.g. observations, interviews, documents) in a clear

explanation of what they have found or learned otherwise (Fraenkel, 2012: 427-


In this research, the writer used the document analysis to collect the data.

This study's data collected from the textbook "English Textbook for grade XI" by

Mahrukh Bashir published by Kemendikbud. The data has collected by

identifying the textbook content based on contextual learning materials and rubric

assessment from BSNP.

e. Data Analysis

Data Analysis in qualitative research is an iterative method that constantly

compares and reduces and gathers vast quantities of written information

(Fraenkel, 2012: 436). In this research, the content of the textbook "English for

Nusantara" by Ika Lestari Damayanti published by Kemendikbudristek has

analyzed based on contextual learning materials in rubric assessment by BSNP.

In this analysis, the writer used this step:

1. Classifying the materials in the textbooks based on the basic and core


2. Collecting the data from the data source and enter the data to the checklist

table to make comparison between the materials on the textbooks and the

materials required in 2013 Curriculum.


3. Identifying the differences and similarities between the materials in the

textbook and the materials in the core and basic competence of 2013


4. Evaluating the materials in the textbook to find out its relevancy with the

Core and Basic Competence of 2013 curriculum.

f. Ethical Considerations

To do an ethnic in preparing a research paper while untill it will be

happen, the researcher must to be consider for achieve a permission at the

location of the topic conducted. It is purpose to look forward all of access when

do the activities for complete the data needed. In addition, all the name of

participants will be hiden or replaced into another name.


Dec Jan Feb March April May

No Task
1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
1 Writing Proposal
2 Proposal Seminar
3 Revising Proposal
4 Writing Paper
(Chapter 1, 2 , 3)
5 Collecting Data
6 Analysing Data
7 Writing Chapter 4
8 Writing Chapter 5
9 Finishing the Paper
10 Final Revision
11 Paper Examination


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