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Q1) While dissecting a fruit you saw some part of the thalamus its fused to form the fruit,
what is your look out about the fruit, is it a →
a) True fruit b) False fruit c) Parthenocarpic fruit d) Apomixis fruit.

Q2) The Given diagram shows microsporangium of a mature anther. Identify A, B and C.

a) A- Middle Layer, B- Endothecium, C-Tapetum

b) A- Endothecium, B- Tapetum, C-middle layer
c) A- Endothecium, B-Middle Layer, C-Tapetum
d) A- Tapetum, B. Middle Layer C - Endothecium

Q3) How many pollen mother cells should undergo meiotic division to produce 64 pollen grains,
a) 64 b) 32 c) 16 d)8

Q4) What can be the probable reason for the scientist for not getting any success in forming an ovule bank.
Whereas pollen bank can be made even using fossils of pollen grain.
a) Excess amount of glucose fastens the process of decaying of ovule.
b) Absence of Sporopollenin in outer Layer of ovule
c) Absence of tapetum, Layer in ovule.
d) Temperature they used to make the ovule bank was not appropriate.

Q5) During apomictic seed formation, there is no reducing division reduction division and the gametes are
diploid. what is the ploidy of the endosperm formed through apomixis?
a) 2n b) 3n c) 4n d) 6n

Q6) When you are consuming the " Coconut water”, which embryological development stage is in it?
a) Free Nuclear endosperm b) follicular endosperm
c) Mature endosperm d) Cellular endosperm

Q7) Select the correct order of Artificial Hybridization?

a) Emasculation → Bagging → Rebagging → Artificial pollination
b) Bagging→ Emasculation → Artificial pollution → rebagging
c) Emasculation → Bagging → Artificial pollination → rebagging
d) Emasculation → Rebagging → Bagging → Artificial pollination

Q8) Examine the figure given below showing entry of pollen tube into embryo sac. Identify A. B. C. D. E
and F respectively.

a) A B C D E F- Obturator, Synergid, Polar nuclei, Male gametes, Vegetative nucleus, Central cell.
b) A B C D E F- Egg apparatus, Synergid, Polar nuclei, Male gametes, Vegetative nucleus, Central cell.
c) A B C D E F- Filiform apparatus, Synergid, Polar nuclei, Vegetative nucleus, Male gametes, Central cell.
d) A B C D E F- Filiform apparatus, Synergid, Polar nuclei, Male gametes, Vegetative Nucleus, Central cell.

Q9) One flower when closely observed showed following features: -

i) Huge number of pollen ii) Long exposed Stamen
iii) Long exposed sticky Stigma iv) small flowers from in Florence.
What can be the probable mode of pollinating of the flower
a) Hydrophily b) Anemophily c) Zoophily d) Myophily

Q10) Cells of the tapetum of a microsporangium are usually multinucleate which of the following can be a
reason for the tapetal cell to become multinucleate?
a) They fuse with the polar Cells of microsporangium
b) They do not undergo karyokinesis
c) They do not undergo cytokinesis
d) They do not undergo mitosis

Q 11) The figures of the developmental stage of a microspore into a mature pollen grain are given below.
Choose the option showing the correct labellings for (i), (ii), (iii) and (iv).

Q 12) Self-pollination is fully ensured if:

a) The flower is bisexual. b) The style is longer than the filament.
c) The flower is cleistogamous. d) The time of pistil and anther maturity is different.
Q 13) The given figure of an egg apparatus of an angiosperm shows the entry of pollen tube for releasing the
two male gametes. Which of the two from ' 𝑋 ', ' 𝑌 ' and ' 𝑍 ', the two male gametes fuse with?

a) 𝑋 and 𝑍 b) 𝑋 and 𝑌 c) 𝑌 and 𝑍 d) 𝑍 and 𝑍

Q 14) Select the correct statements with respect to the development of an endosperm in a typical angiosperm

i) Embryo development precedes endosperm development.
ii) Endosperm cells divide repeatedly to form a triploid endosperm.
iii) Endosperm tissue has scanty reserves of food materials.
iv) PEN undergoes successive division to form free-nuclear endosperm.
Choose the correct option.
a) (i) and (iii) b) (ii) and (iii) c) (i) and (iv) d) (ii) and (iv)
Q 15) Select the option that shows the correctly identified ' 𝑈 ', ' 𝑋 ', ' 𝑌 ' and ' 𝑍 ' in a developing dicot

a) 𝑋 - Plumule (2n), 𝑌 - Suspensor (n), 𝑍 - Cotyledon (2n), U - Radicle (2n).

b) 𝑋 - Plumule (2n), 𝑌 - Suspensor (2n), 𝑍 - Radicle (2n), U - Cotyledon (2n).
c) X - Suspensor (2n), Y - Cotyledon (2n), 𝑍 - Radicle (2n), 𝑈 - Plumule (2n).
d) X - Cotyledon (2n), Y - Radicle (n), Z - Plumule (n), U - Suspensor (n).
Q 16) Endosperm is completely consumed by the developing embryo in:
a) Castor and coconut b) Coconut and groundnut
c) Groundnut and pea d) Castor and pea.
Q 17. In which of the following combinations of seeds/ grains of different plants, residual endosperm will be
present at maturity?
a) Groundnut, Barley, Beans b) Castor, Groundnut, Maize
c) Wheat, Maize, Barley d) Pea, Groundnut, Beans
Q 18) The floral part that develops into a fruit in strawberry is:
a) pedicel b) calyx c) thalamus d) bracts.
Q 19. Match the correct structures given in column I with the fruit in column II in the given chart:

Column I (Structure) Column II (Fruit)

P- Perisperm i- Maize
Q. Thalamus ii. Black pepper
R. Pericarp iii. Strawberry
S. Endosperm iv. Mango

a) P-i, Q-ii, R-iii, S-ii b) P-ii, Q-iii, R-iv, S-i c) P-iii, Q-i, R-i, S-iii d) P-iv, Q-i, R-ii, S-iv

Q 20) Seeds of an orange when taken out and squeezed, show many embryos of different sizes and shapes.

The reason for this is as many embryos have developed from:

a) Egg cells fusing with different male gametes forming embryos
b) PEN fusing with different male gametes forming embryos
c) Nucellar cells dividing and developing into embryos
d) Synergids dividing and developing into embryos.

Assertion & Reason (CBQ)

Mark the correct choice:

a) Of both Assertion & Reason are true & Reason is the correct explanation of Assertion.
b) Of both Assertion & Reason are true but Reason is not the correct explanation of Assertion.
c) Of Assertion is true but Reason is false.
d) Of both Assertion & reason are false.

1. A: Autogamy is a transfer of pollen grains from an anther to the stigma of the same flower on the same
R: Xenogamy is pollination between two flowers on different plants.

2. A: Insects visit flower to gather honey.

R: Attraction of flowers prevents the insects from damaging other parts of the plant.

3. A: Pollen mother cells (PMCs) are the first male gametophytic cells.
R: Each PMC gives rise to two pollens.

4. A: Chasmogamous flowers require pollinating agents.

R: Cleistogamous flowers do not expose their sex organs.

5. A: Gynoecium consists of pistil.

R: It represents the male reproductive part in flowering plants.

6. A: Flowers are the structures related to sexual reproduction in flowering plants.

R: Various embryological processes of plants occur in a flower.

7. A: Geitonogamy is genetically similar to autogamy.

R: The pollen grains come from same plant.

8. A: Cleistogamous flowers produce assured seed set in the absence of pollinators.

R: These flowers do not open at all.

9. A: A typical microsporangium of angiosperms is generally surrounded by four wall layers.

R: The outer three wall layers perform the function of protection & help in dehiscence of anther to release
the pollen.

10. A: Exine of a pollen grain is made up of sporopollenin which are resistant to high temperatures, strong
acids or alkali as well as enzymatic degradation.
R: Sporopollenin are absent in the region of germ pores.

11. A: An angiospermous flower represents the modified condensed shoot which performs the function of
sexual reproduction.
R: The fertile leaves of the shoot become modified into microsporophyll & megasporophylls which bear
ovules and anthers respectively.

12. A: Although geitonogamy is functionally cross-pollination involving pollinating agent, genetically it is

similar to autogamy since the pollen grains come from the same parent.
R: In geitonogamy, pollen grains from the anthers of one flower are transferred to the stigma of another
flower borne on the same plant.

13. A: The pre-pollination growth of male gametophyte occurs inside the microsporangium whereas the rest
the of growth occurs over the Over the female reproductive organs.
R: Growth of the entire female gametophyte occurs inside the megasporangium.

14. A: Hydrophily is a major mode of pollination in most of the aquatic plants in angiosperms.
R: Almost all the aquatic dicot & monocot plants require water for the transport of male gametes & for

15. A: Pollen grains from male parent are mostly transferred to the stigma in the female parent by some
external agency.
R: This is because the male flowers or male organs have no internal device to reach the female organs in
another flower.

16. A: Nocturnal flowers are pollinated by moths.

R: Nocturnal flowers are highly fragrant & dull in colour.

17. A: A defoliated plant can respond to photoperiodic stimulation.

R: It is the shoot apices that perceive light to induce flowering.

18. A: Flowers are Structure of sexual reproduction.

R: Different type of embryological process occurs inside the flower.

19. A: Entomophilous flowers are large, colourful, fragrant & rich in nectar.
R: It helps in attracting the pollinating agent.

20. A: Tapetum is a part of anther wall that has 2-3 layers of cells.
R: Tapetum layers help in development & growth of pollen grain.


1) Angiosperm flowers may be monoecious, cleistogamous or show self-incompatibility.
Describe the characteristic features of each one of them and state which one of these flowers Promote in
breeding and out breeding respectively.

2) Most zygotes in angiosperms divide only after certain amount of endosperm is formed, why? What is the
difference in ploidy of zygote and endosperm. Draw a mature embryo sac and mention these 2 structures.
3) Compatibility and incompatibility of the pollen-pistil is determined by special protein:
a) What is the significance of this protein
b) What happens if the pollen of compatible type fall upon stigma.
c) Show the direction of the pollen tube from the pollen in the stigma on the embryo by Porogamy method.
4) What type of pollination is possible in chasmogamous flower. Explain them. How chasmogamous flower
are different from cleistogamous flower (3+2)

5) Describe the structure of the embryo sac of mature angiosperm, explain the role of synergically in it. What
is the fate of antipodal cell after fertilizations.

6) Is it possible that an unfertilized apomictic embryo sac gives rise to a diploid embryo? Give reason to
support of your answer. Ноw apomixis is not resemble to polyembryony & parthenocarpy. (3+2)

7) a) Can a plant flowering in Delhi be pollinated by pollen grain of the same species growing in Kolkata?
provide explanation of your answer.
b) How are pollen bank useful.
c) What is pollen allergy? (2+2+½ + ½)

8) In a particular part of stamen, microsporogenesis occur in an angiosperm, Name the part and describe the
process of microsporogenesis.
Draw 1 lobe of pollen sac & level following parts
a) Tapetum b) Endothecium c) Middle byer d) Microspore mother cell (1+2+1/2x4 = 5)

9) In angiosperm after the events of fertilization both zygote and endosperm undergo post fertilization
phenomenon. Explain each of them.

10) Geitonogamies flowering plants are genetically autogenous but functionally cross pollinated. Why?
What is geitonogamies flower? What is inbreeding depression? (2+1+2)

11) Why are some seeds of citrus referred to as polyembryonic? How are they formed, what is apomixis
and how it is different from polyembryony. (3+2)

12) What is the step of artificial hybridization, write its significance. (3+2)

13) Draw a labelled diagram of mature microspore and write function of each part. (5)

14) What are the ploidy levels of the cells of different part of an albuminous seed. How albuminous seed are
different from ex-albuminous, explain with the support of a diagram.

15) Flower need not to be colourful and nectar producing in wind pollinated flower why? How they are
different from insect pollinated flower. (5)

16) A flower of brinjal plant following sexual reproduction produces 360 viable seeds.
a) How many ovules are involved?
b) How many ovules are megaspore mother cells are involved
c) What is minimum number of Pollen grain must land on stigma
d) Ноw many microspores mother cell undergoes reduction division for above case (1+1+1+2)

17) With a diagram of anatropous ovule, explain the Process of double fertilization and triple fusion
18) a) Why are seeds of same grasses are called apomictic.
b) State two reason to convince a farmer to use apomictic crop.

19) What is apomixis? How it is useful for farmer. How it is different from polyembryony (2+1+2)

Case-Based Questions
Case-I: - Angiosperms such as pea plants undergo double fertilisation. The mall gametophyte in gametophyte
has a simple structure while the female gametophyte has a much more complex structure with multiple
supporting cells in it.
a) What is / are the product/s of double fertilisation?
b) If you are given a pea pod, how can you identify the products of double fertilisation in it?

Case-II: - The pollen grains are microspores are the male reproductive bodies of a flower and are contained
in the pollen sac or microsporangia. Each pollen grain consists of a single microscopic cell, possessing two
coats: the exine and the intine. The exine of Pollen grain is made up of a chemically stable material. Because
of this, pollen grains are often very well preserved for thousands of years in solid and sediments.
a) Name the most resistant biological material present in the exine of the pollen grain
b) what is the function of the germ pore.
c) The number of germ pores in dicots and mono cots respectively are: -
d) what is the key advantage to the plant for having Such strong pollen grain walls?

Case-III: - Pollen-pistil interaction is the group of events that occur from the time of Pollen deposition over
the Stigma to the time of Pollen tube entry into ovule. It is a dynamic process which has checks at several
places for promotion or inhibition of pollen growth. Pollen-pistil interaction is a safety measure to ensure that
illegitimate crossings do not occur compatibility and in compatibility of the pollen - pistil is determined by
special proteins. The compatible pollens are able to absorb water and nutrients from the surface of the stigma.
They germinate and produce pollen tubes. Pollen tubes grow into style. Their growth and bath through the
style are also determined by specific chemicals.
1) Which of the following parts of gynoecium determines the compatible nature of pollen?
a) Stigma b) style c) ovary d) Thalamus

2) In Trifolium sp. which type of self-incompatibility is found?

3) Which of the following are examples of self-incompatibility?

a) Tobacco b) Potato c) crucifers d) All of these

Q1. Fill the following labels with the type of cell division.

Q2. The flower of brinjal is referred to as Chasmogamous while that of bean is cleistogamous. How are they
different from each other.

Q3. Make a list of any three outbreeding devices that flowering plants have developed and explain how they
help to encourage cross-pollination.

Q4. The generative cell of 2 celled pollen devices is the pollen tube but not is a 3-celled pollen. Give reason.

Q5. How is it possible in Oxalis sp. and viola sp. plants to produce assured seed - sets even in the absence of

Q6. Papaver sp. and Michelia both have multicarpellary ovaries. How do they differ from each other.

Q7. Name the part of the flower which the tassels of corn-cob present.

Q8. How many pollen grains and ovules are likely to be formed is the anther and the ovary of an angiosperm
bearing 25 microspore mother cells and 25 megaspore mother cells respectively.

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