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1. Concentrates & Roughages are main components of cattle feed stuffs.

2. Greenhouses & Mist chambers are structures used to harden plants in an agricultural nursery:
3. The Optimum spacing for wheat is: 22.5 cm (line to line).
4. Slugs & Snails are the most common Gastropod pests:
5. silver iodide & Dry ice are the substances used for artificial rain simulation.
6. White fly & Leaf hopper are the vectors of yellow vein mosaic disease of Okra:
7. Mass flow & Diffusion are two mechanisms that control the exchange of gases between the soil and
the atmosphere:
8. Brinjal & Snake gourd are vegetables of Indian origin.
9. (A x B) x (C x D) is: Double cross hybrid.
10. In India the seeds act was enacted in the year __________ by the parliament: 1966.
11. Mechanical measures are adopted only where land slope is >2%.
12. Most dangerous disease of potato: Late blight (Phytophthora infestans).
13. National Seed Corporation (NSC) was registered in: 1963.
14. Nucleus was discovered by: Robert Brown (1983).
15. 15.Pattambi local is a variety of: Horse gram.
16. Preethi is variety of: Bitter gourd.
17. World Food Day is observed on: 16th October 1945.
18. ½ of the inter quartile range is: Quartile deviation.
19. 1 bale of cotton is equal to: 170 kg.
20. 1 st Hybrid variety of Pearl millet: HB-1 in 1965.
21. 14 commercial banks were nationalization on :19th July, 1969.
22. 3rd oldest bank in India was established on :1806 bank of calcatta.
23. 1st enzyme which was discovered by yeast: Zymase 1897 (Eduard buchner).
24. 1st Hybrid variety of sorghum: CSH-1 (released in 1965).
25. 1st Intergeneric hybrid was: Raphino brassica (Radish x Cabbage).
26. 2, 4-D, Simazine, Atrazine and Fluchloralin belongs to the selectivity group: Selective herbicides.
27. 2,4-D controls only: Broadleaf weeds
28. Which are plants requiring very low moisture/rainfall: Xerophytes.
29. Average annual Rainfall in India:1195 mm.

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30. C3 cycle is also known as Blackman reaction.
31. C3 plants are: Rice, Wheat, Pea, Soybean etc.
32. C3/Dark reaction/Calvin cycle take place in Stroma of Chlorophyll.
33. C4 cycle is also known as: Hatch and slack pathway.
34. C4 plants are: Maize, Sorghum, Sugarcane, millets, Pineapple etc.
35. 36.C4 plants have: Kranz type leaf
36. C4 plants normally give more biological yield than C3 plants because of: Less respiration.
37. C4 plants prefer comparatively higher temperature than: C3.
38. Chemicals which retard transpiration rate called: Anti-transparent.
39. Chestnut compound contains which component: Copper sulphate & Ammonium Carbonate.
40. Dead furrow is made by one-way MB plough
41. The most common type of water conveyance system in the farm is the open channel
42. Keeping stubble in trenches protruding above the ground level enhances the available soil moisture.
It is known as vertical mulch
43. Sugandha-5 is a variety of Rice
44. Centre pivot irrigation is a type of overhead irrigation
45. Water bearing layer of soil is called aquifer
46. Most critical stages for irrigation in pulses is branching and pod formation.
47. Furrow irrigation (ridge bed) method developed by ICRISAT
48. Water requirement of dwarf wheat is 25-30cm/ha
49. variety of wheat contributed maximum production during green revolution in India: HD2329
50. Hybrid variety of pusa jai kisan is also called Bio-902
51. Rice can survive in an aquatic environment because it can transport oxygen from leaves to roots.
52. The quantity of water necessary for a plant to produce one kilogram of dry matter is – Transpiration
53. Country having highest area under drip irrigation is Israel
54. Direct seeded rice (DSR) saves water upto 25%
55. From where water vapour exits – stomata
56. Vertical mulch has been developed to improve infiltration
57. Usually 3 to 6 years are required for conversion of modern agriculture to sustainable agriculture
58. Ratio of evaporation to potential evapotranspiration is known as- crop coefficient
59. P.M.A is a type of anti-transpiration which closes stomata
60. Highest water use efficiency is of CAM Plants>C4>C3

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61. Irrigation efficiency of loamy soil is highest (70%)
62. Boron is toxic beyond 2 ppm in irrigation water for most of field crops
63. A line drawn on a map connecting points of equal rainfall is – isohyte
64. Evapo-transpiration is measured by – lysimeter
65. Indian metrological department was established in 1875
66. Water suckers are present in sugarcane crop
67. Root pressure is measure by monometer
68. Drip irrigation has highest irrigation efficiency
69. The ratio between the irrigated area and the volume of water used is known as – duty of water
70. Hygroscopic water retention is 31 bar
71. Sugarcane is irrigated every 8-12 days during its growing period
72. Mass flow is affected by transpiration
73. Irrigation method suitable for saline soil is flood irrigation.
74. Bench terracing is done when the slop is more than 15%
75. Gravitational water potential is <1/3 bar
76. Hygroscopic water potential is >31 bar
77. Available water potential is 1/3 to 15 bar
78. Capillary water potential is 1/3 to 31 bar
79. Most critical stage of wheat for irrigation is CRI stage
80. Hydraulic conductivity of soil is very low in case of – Alkali soil
81. Relative humidity measured by – Psychrometer (Hygrometer).
82. Crop having maximum area under irrigation is wheat
83. Poor quality irrigation water is not suitable for use in – Sprinkler
84. Lunishree is a variety of - Super rice
85. Most resistance crop to water logging condition is – rice
86. Typhoon system of irrigation is used in Which crop – Sugarcane
87. Total water requirement of sugarcane crop is - 200-300 cm
88. Highest number of irrigations are applied in rice crop
89. Recorded rainfall of 2.5mm or more within a period of 24 hours in a day Called - rainy day
90. Highest water holding capacity soil – Clay
91. Drip Irrigation: A water-efficient method that delivers water directly to the plant's root zone,
minimizing wastage and promoting healthy growth.

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92. Sprinkler Irrigation: Utilizing pressurized water, this method distributes water over a designated
area, mimicking natural rainfall and supporting various crop types.
93. Surface Irrigation: Applying water directly to the soil surface, often through furrows or basins, this
method can lead to water loss due to runoff and evaporation.
94. Subsurface Irrigation: By placing water underground near the plant roots, this method reduces water
loss and promotes efficient nutrient absorption.
95. Flood Irrigation: Traditional and simple, flood irrigation involves flooding a field with water, but
can lead to uneven water distribution and soil erosion.
96. Microirrigation: A category encompassing drip and sprinkler systems, microirrigation provides
controlled water delivery, reducing water usage and increasing crop yields.
97. Center Pivot Irrigation: Circular rotation of a sprinkler system on a central pivot, often used for large
agricultural fields, optimizing water coverage.
98. Gravity Irrigation: Utilizing the natural force of gravity, this method distributes water through
sloping channels, requiring proper land grading.
99. Mist/Mist Irrigation: Producing fine water droplets, mist irrigation is ideal for greenhouse
environments and delicate plants that require gentle hydration.
100. Smart Irrigation: Integrating technology and data, smart irrigation systems adjust water delivery
based on weather conditions, soil moisture, and plant needs.
101. Subirrigation: Also known as seepage irrigation, it involves raising the water table to irrigate
plants, suitable for waterlogged soils.
102. Trickle Irrigation: A subset of drip irrigation, trickle systems release small amounts of water at a
consistent rate, minimizing soil erosion and water waste.
103. Manual Irrigation: Hands-on application of water through methods like watering cans or hoses,
suitable for small gardens and specific plants.
104. Overhead Irrigation: Sprinklers placed above plants distribute water like rainfall, but can lead to
water wastage and potential foliar diseases.
105. Basin Irrigation: Creating shallow depressions around plants to collect and hold water, supporting
efficient absorption and reduced runoff.
106. Furrow Irrigation: Digging trenches along crop rows and filling them with water, furrow irrigation
is simple but can lead to uneven water distribution.
107. Border Irrigation: Similar to furrow irrigation, but water is applied to a strip of land rather than
individual furrows, promoting better uniformity.

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108. Automated Irrigation: Using timers or sensors to control irrigation systems, ensuring precise and
timely water delivery without constant manual intervention.
109. The Indian government has launched initiatives like the Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchayee Yojana
(PMKSY) to accelerate the implementation of irrigation projects and ensure "per drop, more crop."
110. Bhakra-Nangal Project: One of India's largest multipurpose river valley projects, located on the
Sutlej River. It includes the Bhakra Dam and Nangal Dam, providing water for irrigation,
hydropower generation, and domestic use.
111. Indira Gandhi Canal Project: Also known as the Rajasthan Canal, this project diverts water from
the Sutlej River to the arid regions of Rajasthan, facilitating irrigation and transforming desert
landscapes into fertile agricultural areas.
112. Cauvery River Projects (Metur Dam, Kallanai Dam, etc.): Various projects on the Cauvery River
in Tamil Nadu and Karnataka, catering to irrigation, hydropower, and drinking water supply.
113. Damodar Valley Corporation (DVC) Projects: Multiple dams and reservoirs on the Damodar River
and its tributaries, serving irrigation, power generation, and flood control in West Bengal and
114. The recommended operating pressure for most drip systems ranges from around 15 psi to 30 psi.
This range ensures that the emitters (drippers) provide a consistent and uniform flow of water to the
plants' root zones.
115. The recommended operating pressure for sprinkler systems varies based on the type of sprinklers
being used. For example, stationary spray nozzles might require pressures of around 30 to 40 psi,
while rotary or impact sprinklers could require pressures of 40 to 60 psi or more.
116. The value of Sodium Absorption Ratio for high sodium water lies between 18-26
117. The first watering before sowing the crop is called paleo
118. The percentage of C.C.A irrigated at a time in one crop season is called as intensity of irrigation
119. Superfluous water is also called gravitational water
120. The useful soil moisture for plant growth is capillary water
121. Amount of water required to meet the net irrigation requirements plus water lost due to surface
runoff and percolation is called field irrigation requirement (FIR)
122. Generally field capacity is defined as the water content of soil that is left after free gravity drainage
for certain period of time. This period of free gravity drainage is generally taken as 2 to 5 days.
123. Molecular attraction between adjacent soil grains and by their loose chemical bonds, i.e adsorption,
the soil grains are able to retain water against the action of gravity on their surfaces.

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124. Equivalent moisture is similar to field capacity, in such a way that field capacity water is retained
by saturated soil after gravity whereas equivalent moisture is retained by saturated soil after applying
centrifugal force 1000 times more than the gravity and centrifuged for 30 minutes.
125. Wheat needs 6 irrigations in whole crop period.
126. The concept of Water footprint was given by Hoekstra in 2002.
127. 40% of the irrigation requirement in India is fulfilled by Canal water system
128. Crop coefficient is the ratio of ET by crop & Maximum ET (Et/ET.), its value ranges from – 0.85
to 0.90
129. Which crop requires maximum amount of water to produce per kg of dry matter – paddy
130. Highest IW/CPE Ratio – Paddy, high Ratio means shorter the intervals
131. Lowest IW/CPE ratio – safflower
132. The surface irrigation method is useful in minimize deep percolation & runoff losses (Hardly
exceeding 20%) – surge irrigation
133. When water table is very high Drip irrigation is not useful
134. In Broad bed and furrow (BBF) system about 0.5% slope is provided for free drainage.
135. Cumic day is the quantity of water flowing for one day @ 1 cumec & equal to 8.64 ha-m.
136. Orifice is the device used to measure water in comparatively small border strips furrows/ check
137. conjunctive use of water refers to the use of poor quality water with good quality of water or
surface water with ground water.
138. The total amount of available water present in soil is called as Holard
139. The provision of one or two irrigations at times of prolonged drought to save dryland crops is
called as lifesaving or supplemental irrigation.
140. Plant biotechnology is a combination of tissue culture and genetic engineering
141. Father of biotechnology- Károly Ereky
142. father of genetic engineering- Paul Berg
143. father of plant tissue culture- Haberlandt
144. The plant part which is used for regeneration is called explant
145. A mass of unorganised regenerated cells in culture medium is called callus
146. Restriction enzymes were discovered by- Smith and Nathans
147. PCR technique was invented by- Karry Mullis
148. Excision and insertion of a gene is called -Genetic engineering
149. Bacterium is used in the production of insulin by genetic engineering-Escherichia

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150. First crop plant genome sequence – rice
151. First insect whose genome is sequenced - drosophila
152. First plant whose genome is sequenced - Arabidopsis thaliana
153. The protein products of the following Bt toxin genes cryIAc and cry IAD are responsible for
controlling Bollworm
154. Restriction endonucleases are most wide in recombinant DNA technology.
155. They are obtained from-Bacterial cells
156. Lepidoptera larvae are known as – caterpillar
157. Damaging group of termites is – worker
158. Lady bird beetle is a predator of – cotton cushion scale
159. Prickly pear wees is effectively controlled by – Dactylopius tomentosus
160. Role of Malpighian tubules is – excretion and ionic balance
161. Recommended trap crop for IPM of diamond back moth in cabbage is –Mustard
162. Central plant protection training institute is located at – Hyderabad
163. Pebrine disease of silk worm is caused by - protozoa (Nosema bombyscis)
164. Reduced wings present in house fly are called as – halters which are used for balancing
165. Cockroaches have which type of antenna- setaceous type
166. Fruit fly belongs to which family – Tephiritidae
167. Scientific name of yellow stem borer – Scirpophaga incertulus
168. International institute of biological control located in – West Indies
169. Thorax of insect is having ------ segments - three (prothorax mesothorax metathorax)
170. NPV is used against – American boll worm (Helicoverpa armigera )
171. The toxin produced by Bacillus thuringiensis interferes with insects-digestive system
172. DDVP is an insecticide which has – fumigation and penetration action
173. An example of systemic foliar insecticide is – Metasystox (methyl demeton)
174. Trade name of monocroptophos – nuvacron
175. Chemical used for control of rats – rodenticide
176. Antennal cleaning legs in honey bees are modification of – forelegs
177. Ear cockle nematode (anguina tritici) is a pest of - wheat
178. Carbofuran, aldicarb, methomyl belongs to – carbamate
179. Bt cotton is resistant to- bollworms
180. Bunchytop of banana is transmitted by- Aphid (Pentalonia nigronervosa)
181. Major pest of chickpea is – Helicoverpa armigera

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182. Elytra wings are present in – coleoptera
183. Female insect receive and store sperms in – spermathicae
184. Silkworm forms silk with the help of – salivary glands
185. Honey bee drone is a – haploid individual
186. Concentrate liquids are used for – ultra low volume spraying
187. Capacity of high-volume sprayers is – 200-400 L
188. Which insect is known as plant lice – Aphids
189. Which pest has a status of “national pest” – white grub
190. Example of social insects are- honey bee and termites
191. Agronomy is derived from a Greek word &; meaning field and nomos meaning & management.
192. Annual crops complete their life cycle within a single season, producing seeds before dying,
e.g., wheat, rice, maize.
193. Biennial crops live for two seasons, with the first year focused on vegetative growth and the
second year for flowering and seed production, e.g., sugar beet.
194. Perennial crops live for three or more years, like napier fodder grass and coconut.
195. Cereals are cultivated grasses with starchy grains, such as rice, wheat, and maize, providing
energy-rich food.
196. Millets, small-grained cereals, are staple foods in drier regions and are classified as major
(sorghum, pearl millet) and minor (foxtail millet, little millet) types.
197. Pulses, like red gram and black gram, are leguminous plants used for protein-rich seeds
(dhal) and fodder.
198. Oil seeds like groundnut and sesame yield fatty acids for cooking oil, lubricants, and
industrial purposes.
199. Sugar crops, like sugarcane and sugar beet, are cultivated for their sweet juices used to make
sugar, jaggery, and alcohol.
200. Fibre crops include cotton, jute, and mesta, providing materials for textiles, ropes, and bags.
201. Spices and condiments, such as ginger and turmeric, add flavor and color to food.
202. Medicinal plants like tobacco and mint are used in traditional and modern medicine.
203. Beverages like tea, coffee, and cocoa are made from the crops of tea plants, coffee beans, and
cacao seeds.
204. Alluvial soil, prevalent in deltas, supports crops like rice, wheat, and cotton due to its fertility
and water retention.

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205. Black soil, known as black cotton soil, is rich in clay and nutrients, suitable for cotton and
oilseed crops.
206. Red soil, found in semi-arid areas, is acidic and supports crops like groundnut and millets.
207. Laterite soils, developed from laterization, are rich in organic matter and found in hilly
regions, suitable for tea and rubber.
208. Desert soil, found in arid regions like Thar Desert, contains low clay and is suited for crops
like millets.
209. Peaty and organic soils are rich in organic matter, mainly found in Kerala and coastal regions,
suitable for rice cultivation.
210. Saline soils contain excess soluble salts, while sodic/alkali soils are high in exchangeable
sodium, affecting crop growth.
211. Acidic soils have low pH and high exchangeable hydrogen, requiring lime and proper
fertilization for suitable crops like potatoes.
212. Agro-climatic zones in India (as per Planning Commission): 15
213. Western Himalayan Region comprises Jammu and Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh, Uttar
Pradesh, and Uttaranchal with mountainous and hilly brown soils.
214. Eastern Himalayan Region includes Assam, Sikkim, and North-Eastern states with high
rainfall and shifting cultivation causing soil degradation.
215. Lower Gangetic Plains in West Bengal is flood-prone with mostly alluvial soils.
216. Middle Gangetic Plains in Uttar Pradesh and Bihar have about 39% irrigated cropped area.
217. Upper Gangetic Plains in Uttar Pradesh have canal and tube well irrigation potential.
218. Trans-Gangetic Plains in Punjab, Haryana, Delhi, and Rajasthan show high cropping intensity
and groundwater utilization.
219. Eastern Plateau and Hills in Maharashtra, UP, Orissa, and West Bengal use canal and tank
irrigation with shallow to medium-depth soils.
220. Central Plateau and Hills in Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, and UP contribute to India's diverse
agro-climatic regions.
221. Western Plateau and Hills in Maharashtra, MP, Rajasthan have an average rainfall of 904 mm,
impacting cropping patterns.
222. Southern Plateau and Hills in Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, and Tamil Nadu adopt dry farming
with high cropping intensity.
223. East Coast Plains and Hills in Orissa, Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu have varied cropping
patterns and canal-tank irrigation.

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224. West Coast Plains and Ghats in Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Karnataka, Maharashtra exhibit diverse
climate and soil types.
225. The Islands Region includes Andaman and Nicobar Islands and Lakshadweep with equatorial
climate and forested terrain.
226. Western Himalayas contain states like Himachal Pradesh with varied soil types like
mountainous and hilly brown soils.
227. Middle Gangetic Plains in Uttar Pradesh and Bihar show significant irrigation with about
39% of cropped area covered.
228. Trans-Gangetic Plains in Punjab and Haryana witness high cropping intensity and
groundwater utilization.
229. Eastern Plateau and Hills encompass Maharashtra, Orissa with shallow to medium-depth
soils and canal-tank irrigation.
230. Barley thrives in subtropical climates, requiring 12-15°C during growth and 30°C at maturity.
231. Durum wheat is suited for macaroni and noodles, mainly cultivated in Central and Southern
232. Emmer wheat is preferred in Tamil Nadu, Gujarat, Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh.
233. Wheat can germinate just above 4ºC and withstand freezing temps as low as -31.6ºC.
234. Optimal temperature for wheat is 20-22ºC, above which growth is affected.
235. Transplanted hybrid rice requires a seed rate of 20 kg/ha. Seedlings aged 20-25 days are
suitable for transplanting.
236. Horizon A is the surface soil susceptible to leaching, known as eluviation.
237. Horizon B is the layer where leached materials are redeposited, called illuviation.
238. Horizon C represents the parent material from which the soil forms.
239. Polypedon is a natural unit of soil differing from adjacent units in properties.
240. A pedon is the smallest volume that constitutes a soil.
241. C horizon is less affected by soil-forming processes, contains carbonates or sulfates.
242. Soil texture refers to the proportion of sand, silt, and clay in a soil sample.
243. USDA's system classifies soil separates into categories like clay, silt, and sand.
244. BSI's system defines soil separates as fine silt, medium silt, coarse silt, etc.
245. ISSS categorizes soil separates as clay, silt, fine sand, and coarse sand.
246. European System differentiates soil separates like fine clay, medium silt, coarse sand, etc.
247. The head capsule of an insect is known as the cranium.
248. Insects have three types of heads based on the orientation of mouthparts.

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249. Meiosis I involves the separation of homologous chromosomes.
250. The thorax is the middle tagma of an insect's body and is three-segmented.
251. The abdomen is the posterior tagma of an insect and is made up of segments.
252. Insect legs can be modified for various functions, such as jumping and digging.
253. Wing venation is used for insect classification and identification.
254. The tegmina are leathery forewings found in Orthoptera and other orders.
255. Elytra are hardened forewings characteristic of beetles.
256. Hemelytra are forewings with a membranous tip found in bugs.
257. Halteres are modified hind wings used for balance in flies.
258. Some insects have membranous wings covered with scales, like butterflies.
259. Insects can have various types of wing coupling mechanisms.
260. Wing coupling mechanisms include hamulate, amplexiform, and frenate.
261. Hamulate coupling involves hooks on the hindwing engaging the forewing.
262. Amplexiform coupling relies on broad overlapping of adjacent wing margins.
263. In frenate coupling, the hindwing has a bristle engaging a retinaculum on the forewing.
264. Insects use their head for functions like food ingestion and sensory perception.
265. The thorax is responsible for locomotion in insects.
266. Abdominal segments in insects are connected by a flexible membrane.
267. The arrangement of veins on an insect wing is called venation.
268. The anterior margin of a wing is called the costal margin.
269. Insect wings can be modified for various functions, such as swimming.
270. Insects with siphoning mouthparts lack stylets and are used for sucking liquids.
271. Haustellate mouthparts are primarily used for sucking liquids and can be piercing-sucking
or sponging.
272. Ambulatory legs in insects are used for walking.
273. Saltatorial legs are adapted for jumping and are elongated.
274. Raptorial legs are modified for seizing and grasping prey.
275. Insects exhibit different types of head modifications based on mouthpart orientation.
276. Tegmina are leathery forewings found in insects like grasshoppers and mantids.
277. Some insects have specialized antennae with various shapes like capitate and filiform.
278. Mouthparts in insects can be modified for various functions, such as piercing-sucking or
279. Ambulatory legs are designed for walking in insects.

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280. The abdomen in insects is composed of segments and is flexible.
281. Insects exhibit different types of wing coupling mechanisms for flight.
282. Wing venation is an important characteristic for insect classification.
283. The head of an insect is attached to the thorax through the neck or cervix.
284. Insects have a variety of mouthpart modifications for different feeding habits.
285. The thorax is the second tagma of an insect's body and is three-segmented.
286. Insects can have either two pairs of wings or none at all.
287. Elytra are hard forewings found in beetles that protect the hind wings.
288. Hemelytra are forewings with a membranous tip found in some bugs.
289. Halteres are modified hind wings used for balance in flies.
290. Wing venation is used to classify insects and identify their species.
291. Insects can have ambulatory legs for walking or saltatorial legs for jumping.
292. The abdomen of an insect is composed of segments and is highly flexible.
293. Some insects have membranous wings covered with colorful scales.
294. Wing coupling mechanisms like hamulate, amplexiform, and frenate enable synchronized
wing movement in insects.
295. Favorable conditions for rice blast include high humidity, drizzles, and temperatures
between 15-20°C.
296. Crossing over during meiosis contributes to genetic variation through DNA exchange.
297. Pachytene and diplotene are key substages of prophase I in meiosis.
298. In meiosis I, homologous chromosomes separate and move toward opposite poles.
299. Meiosis II involves separation of sister chromatids similar to mitosis.
300. Anaphase II in meiosis II separates sister chromatids and moves them to opposite poles.
301. Meiosis leads to the creation of haploid gametes with genetic diversity.
302. Genetic recombination during meiosis enhances species' adaptability to changing
303. Mitosis enables growth, cell replacement, and regeneration in multicellular organisms.
304. Cytokinesis is the division of cytoplasm, not a stage of meiosis or mitosis.
305. Interkinesis is a resting stage between meiotic divisions with reformed nuclear membranes.
306. Meiosis generates genetically varied offspring through crossing over and random
307. Meiosis ensures genetic variety, supporting the process of evolution.
308. Meiosis leads to the formation of haploid gametes, while mitosis results in diploid cells.

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309. Mitosis produces identical daughter cells, crucial for tissue repair and growth.
310. During metaphase I of meiosis, homologous chromosomes align independently.
311. Anaphase I in meiosis segregates homologous chromosomes to opposite poles.
312. Meiosis II involves separating sister chromatids, leading to four haploid cells.
313. Mitosis ensures precise duplication and division of cells.
314. Cytokinesis follows mitosis, leading to two identical daughter cells.
315. Meiosis leads to gamete formation and genetic diversity.
316. Genetic exchange through crossing over is a key feature of meiosis.
317. The fusion of gametes in sexual reproduction results in genetic variation.
318. Meiosis produces haploid gametes, while mitosis creates diploid cells.
319. Mitosis is essential for growth and tissue repair in multicellular organisms.
320. Meiosis halves the chromosome number for gamete formation.
321. Prophase I in meiosis involves pairing of homologous chromosomes.
322. Anaphase II in meiosis II separates sister chromatids, ensuring genetic diversity.
323. Meiosis increases genetic variation through crossing over and independent assortment.
324. Mitosis maintains the chromosome number for tissue replacement.
325. Meiosis II resembles mitosis in terms of sister chromatid separation.
326. Cytokinesis completes the cell division process, resulting in two daughter cells.
327. Meiosis contributes to genetic diversity, essential for species adaptation.
328. Meiosis involves two rounds of division to produce haploid gametes.
329. Crossing over during meiosis shuffles genetic material, creating variety.
330. In prophase I, homologous chromosomes pair up for genetic exchange.
331. Anaphase II in meiosis II segregates sister chromatids, forming haploid cells.
332. Endosperm (3n) is a result of triple fusion.
333. Formation of male flower is induced by GA3.
334. Peroxisome is a single membrane organelle.
335. Conversion of fat into carbohydrate is seen in glyoxylate cycle.
336. Photosystem II is absent in C4 plants.
337. Root promoting hormone is IBA.
338. Ribosome is the site of protein synthesis.
339. The first stable product of C3 plant is PGA.
340. The shortest phase of all the mitotic phase is Anaphase.
341. The site of dark reaction of photosynthesis is stroma.

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342. Dr. B.P. Pal is associated with Rose Breeding.
343. Mass selection is the oldest method of selection.
344. Cytokinin is mostly synthesized in the root tips.
345. Mallika mango is a cross between Neelam x Dasheri.
346. Ratna mango variety is released from IARI and is a cross between Neelam x Alphonso.
347. Gladiolus is propagated by Corm.
348. Grapes is a non-climacteric fruit.
349. Grafting between peach and plum is referred to as inter-specific grafting.
350. Edible part of cabbage is the head.
351. Edible part of cauliflower is curd.
352. Edible part of papaya is Mesocarp.
353. Fazli is a variety of mango.
354. Puffiness is a physiological disorder in tomato.
355. Strawberry is a short day fruit.
356. Litchi is a single seeded nut.
357. Glycoside sinigrin is obtained from cabbage.
358. Spongy tissue is a disorder of Alphonso mango variety.
359. Kagzi lime is an indicator plant for citrus tristeza.
360. Vinegar concentration used for preservation should not be more than 2%.
361. Seedless watermelon is triploid.
362. Karnal Bunt of wheat was reported for the first time by Mitra in the year 1931.
363. Karnal Bunt is also known as Cancer of Wheat.
364. Nova Plantarum Genera is written by P.A. Micheli.
365. Crystallization (Purification) of TMV virus particles is obtained by Stanley in the year 1935.
366. Irish famine (1845) was due to Late blight of potato caused by the pathogen Phytophthora
367. Fungi that can grow only on living host plants are called Obligate parasite.
368. The first plant bacterial disease is Fire blight of apple, caused by Erwinia amylovora.
369. Bordeaux mixture was discovered by PMA Millardet (1882).
370. Mycorrhiza is the association of fungi with the roots of higher plants.
371. Black tip of mango is caused due to fumes from brick kilns.
372. Moisture content in silage is 70%.
373. DCP content of Guinea grass is 1%.

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374. The percentage of crude protein in berseem is 17-19%.
375. Berseem is considered as the best crop for hay making.
376. Berseem is also known as the ‘King of Fodder crops’.
377. Livestock Insurance Scheme was started in 2005-06 on pilot basis.
378. The fat content for double toned milk is 1.5%.
379. Fat percentage in toned milk is 3%.
380. SNF in full cream milk is 9%.
381. Boiling point of milk is 101.5℃.
382. Body temperature of hen is 107℉.
383. Kadaknath breed of poultry gives black coloured egg and meat.
384. Gestation period of cow is 281 days.
385. Gestation period of buffalo is 310 days.
386. Fat percentage is highest in the milk of Bhadawari buffalo.
387. Yellow colour of milk is due to the presence of Carotene.
388. Kankrej is the heaviest breed of cow.
389. Garima, a cloned buffalo calf developed at NDRI, Karnal in the year 2009.
390. Casein percentage in milk is more than 80%.
391. The best method of milking is full hand method.
392. What is Alley Cropping - Agroforestry system
393. Highest pulse producing state - MP
394. Highest irrigation area covering Canal in the world - Indira Gandhi canal
395. Highest wheat producing state - UP
396. Highest pesticides used in India – insecticides
397. Yellow revolution is related to – oil seeds
398. How many agroclimatic zones are there in India (according to planning commission of
India) – 15
399. Most commonly used evaporimeter in India- Pan evaporimeter
400. Optimum temperature for tuber formation in potato -18-20 o C
401. Directorate of wheat research is located at – Karnal , Haryana
402. QPM (quality protein maize) is high protein maize
403. Which crop is used as camel crop – sorghum
404. Seed directly produced under originating breeder is known as – Nucleus
405. seed

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406. Precision farming is also known as – specific farming
407. Most important technique in precision farming – GPS and satellite navigation
408. What is the size of grid sampling – 0.5-5 ha
409. Full form of VRT – Variable rate technology
410. Soil map gives the information about – PH, Matter, texture
411. Satellite imagery, weather prediction, variable rate fertilizer application are
412. the components of first wave of precision farming
413. Precise planting, topographical mapping, soil data are components of 2 nd wave of
precision farming
414. Agro-climatic planning was introduced for inducing regionally balanced
415. agricultural development in the country - 1988
416. Alfatoxin is developed due to – fungi
417. Wheat: mustard is an example of - parallel crop
418. Bench terracing is also called as – staircase farming
419. Suitable wind velocity for the crop growth is – 4-6km/hr
420. Tipping is the term related to – tea
421. Which chemical cause finger leaf disease in cotton – 2,4-D
422. Prennial fodder crop – stylo
423. Retting of jute is a microbial process
424. Dead furrow is made by One-way - MB plough
425. Berseem + Forage brassica is an example of - augmentation cropping.
426. Crop showing maximum resistance to nematode is - Marigold
427. Father of agrometeorology in India - L. A. Ramdas
428. Groundnut is the crop which is grown in Zaid season in - Uttar Pradesh
429. In plant food material moves through - Phloem
430. Maize and cucurbit are example of - supplementary crop.
431. Phenyl mercuric acetate (PMA) is a chemical used in agriculture crops in order to - Reduce
432. Pusa-phalguni and Pusa-Barsati are the improved cultivar of - Cow pea.
433. Scented variety of rice – Kasturi
434. Sunflower and Buckwheat are example of - Green leaf Non-legume manure.
435. The optimum mean temperature for rapid multiplication of yellow rust of wheat – 0-13℃
436. Tuberization in potato can be achieved by – ABA

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437. Rice inflorescence is known as panicle which has 6 stamens
438. Plants which complete their life cycle in 1 fortnight – ephemerals
439. Most critical stages of irrigation in pulses – branching and pod formation
440. Due to water logging the availability of which nutrient increases in rice field–manganese
441. Onion is which kind of crop – long day
442. Seed replacement rate of cotton crop – 100%
443. Largest pesticide consuming crop in India – cotton
444. Cry Gene for BT cotton was taken from Bacillus thurengenesis
445. COCONUT cultivation is good for soil and water conservation
446. In India mechanization of which crop is highest – Wheat
447. “hollow heart “ of sugar beet is due to boron deficiency
448. “White bud” in maize is due to Zn deficiency
449. Tomato cracking is due to boron
450. Fungi associated with higher root plant – mycorrhizae
451. Sugarcane area is maximum in which state – UP
452. Organic farming is given by Howard
453. Rabi crop which is grown to conserve moisture – chickpea
454. How many years the land/soil must be treated as organic without using any prohibited
chemicals and other substances to qualify for organic certification- 3 years
455. Organic farming movement started in which year – 1930
456. Which country has more organic farming practices – Australia
457. Growing green manure crops in the field and incorporating in its green stage in the same
field is known as in-situ green manuring
458. The breeding and rearing earthworm in controlled environment is called as vermiculture
459. The main organic product export market for India is – Europe
460. The main concept of organic farming is – Give back to nature
461. Which is the first state of India adopted organic farming very well – Sikkim
462. Azolla is a biofertilizer which increases the yield upto 50% Nitrogen fixing bacteria are
present in legumes, they live in root nodules
463. Who is the father of green revolution – NE Borlaug
464. Father of Green revolution in India – MS Swaminathan
465. Warm season crops are also called - Tropical crops
466. Tropical crops are generally grown in monsoon season and some also in summer season

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467. High temperature increases amino acid concentration in – root and shoot
468. Low temperature stress results in accumulation of – ABA, It is known as stress hormone
469. Temperate crops like wheat, barley, oats belong to – long day plants
470. Most of the tropical crops are quantitative – short day plants
471. Rice, sorghum, maize, sugarcane, pearl millet, groundnut, redgram, cowpea etc crops are –
warm season
472. Wheat, barley, potato, oats etc. crops are – cool season
473. Millet crop is most efficient converter of solar energy
474. Use of computers to operate machinery is adopted in precision farming
475. Repetitive growing of same crop on same field is monoculture
476. Father of agronomy is – Peter Decresenzi
477. Dr. Biwant Rajis the founder of Relay cropping
478. The Directorate of cropping System research is located at – Modipuram , Meerut, U.P.
479. Scientific study of mixed cropping was firstly done by – La-Flitze (1928)
480. Relay cropping concept was derived from – Relay race
481. Natural Resource management is an example of Sustainable Agriculture
482. When the sub crop are sown to supplement of yield of the main crop , the sub crops are
known as – Augmenting Crops
483. The main crop is grown in the center , surrounded by hardly or thorny crops, the sub crop
is known as – Guard Crops
484. The yield of both crops , grown together are found to be higher than the yield of their pure
crops on unit area , such cropping is known as –Synergetic Cropping
485. What is a Cash Crop – those crops , which may be sold directly from the field without
processing like vegetables , potato, etc.
486. Formula of Cropping Intensity = Total Cropping Area / Total Sown Area X 100
487. The growing of two or more crops on the same field in a year is called – Multiple Cropping
488. The practice of raising grasses or pasture , is also known as – Ley farming
489. In India , the maximum acreage and production of wheat is in UP
490. The type of fruit of wheat is Caryopsis
491. The optimum temperature for ideal germination of wheat is 20 to 25 °C
492. Norin-10 gene was brought to USA by – S.C. Salamone (1984), Norin 10 was a wheat dwarf
variety it had a gene rht 1 and rht 2 it was used to develop dwarf varieties which played a key
role in green revolution.

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493. The type of force acting on mould board plough are Draft, side draft and vertical
494. The tractor drawn rotavator specially designed for Wetland cultivation in paddy crop.
495. The Gunter chain is 66ft long and is divided into 100 links, each of 0.66 ft.
496. Central Institute for Agricultural Engineering (CIAE) is located at Bhopal.
497. Furrel is associated with Mower.
498. Self-ignition or compression ignition engine are termed as Diesel engine.
499. Saltation refers to carrying off a major portion of soil by wind in the series of short bounce.
500. Splattering of small soil particles caused by rain drop impact on wet soil is called as Rill

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