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Affiliated to Central Board of Secondary Education

An ISO 45001:2018 Certified Institution

Circular No.55/P&G/2023-24 September 27, 2023

Dear Parents / Guardian,

Sub: Growing restlessness amongst children and the use of internet

“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times….” - we really seem to have reached a pivotal
point where it is essential to recognize the challenges and complexities that are affecting many
growing children these days, who are our students and your wards, for whom we all care for
deeply. It is not a situation, which is specific to our school alone. You are aware of reports in the
media of the various events unfolding locally, nationally, and globally, involving inappropriate
use of online platforms. We can no longer ignore or gloss over such incidents but need to take
proactive steps to create a positive and supportive environment for our children, within our

We do not want to sound pessimistic; after all, we have just subdued a Pandemic. Education or the
teaching-learning process continued using the internet and via social media. That gave the world
satisfaction that though confined in their homes, the wheel of progress kept rolling. Normalcy for
us has returned many months ago. All institutions are running meaningfully. The use of technology
in the classroom and at home is reaping benefits for all concerned.

It is here that we need to pause and think. How much productive use students are making now of
the gadgets that helped them enormously in the days of COVID- 19? What kind of so-called
“trends” are they influenced by? Are they aligning their allegiance to so-called "social
influencers", many of whom reject traditional institutions and encourage their “followers” to
engage in activities that are fundamentally against societal and civil norms.

The responsible use of technology is another aspect that has to be practised, and that possibly
should begin at home. To shield children from dangers online, parents should foster open
communication with them, educating them about potential risks and responsible behaviour while
using the internet. Setting clear guidelines for social media usage, implementing parental controls,
and regularly monitoring their online activity can help maintain a safe environment for our
children. Encouraging critical thinking, promoting reporting of uncomfortable online encounters,
and modelling positive behaviour are essential. Additionally, staying informed about online trends
can enable parents to guide their children effectively in navigating the digital world while
prioritizing their safety.

Education cannot be just a race for accruing marks, or a competition for doing better than the
others. Education is being familiar with one’s surrounding. It is about learning to be generous,
accepting diversity, practising honesty, empathy and patience, developing the ability to
differentiate between right and wrong, being aware of gender sensitivity… the list is long. It is
certain though that the process of learning should not involve acquiring skills to lie, cheat,
manipulate, deceive, bully, disrespect, harm others physically, or engage in activities contrary to
the norms of a healthy society.

Affiliated to Central Board of Secondary Education
An ISO 45001:2018 Certified Institution

We at our end are watching with concern the growing lack of discipline that seems to have set in
amongst the youngsters of today, in general. A tendency to resort to violence and rowdiness is
visible, and this cannot be tolerated in any educational environment. We are ensuring that any
tendency to bully is addressed, immediately. Our counsellors are working on providing positive
reinforcement to any child who is found to be deviating from acceptable behaviour. The School is
also empowering more teachers through professional training to handle pupils who seem to have
been adversely affected during the Covid pandemic. Teachers are privy to many unspoken secrets
and recognise that behavioural problems stem from some deep-rooted unhappiness. Therefore,
more teachers will be trained to handle such situations effectively.

Usually, such attention to unacceptable behaviour is limited to any institution addressing it and its
internal stakeholders, and the same may be handled with positive reinforcement or some degree of
firmness. However, let us apprise you that at times, the situation may become much more complex
when outside agencies (including law-enforcement) get involved. Parents as adults are advised to
make themselves and their wards aware of the possible consequences or fallouts of such a

We can certainly salvage the situation by joining forces to ensure that the youngsters are shielded
from any situation that may divert them from the mainstream. These are their formative years and
the seed of who they will be as adults is sown now. It should be our collective endeavour to ensure
our children don't fall victim to a path of restlessness that may drive some to embrace
unconventional lifestyles or practices that clash with societal norms.

Sports for the pleasure of it can be a good alternative for those struggling with loneliness or
restlessness. Similarly, pursuing a creative activity can open up a world of positive opportunities.
Healthy habits like eating home cooked food, as far as possible, and enough rest and sleep is
imperative for the physical and mental well-being of our youngsters, and this cannot be but stressed
upon enough. Irritation, anger, restlessness or lack of concentration can be the result of lack of
sleep or an eating disorder.

We have confidence that you will consider this communication seriously and comprehend the
underlying concerns. We are meeting students and guardians of different classes in batches from
time to time, to apprise them further of our concerns, and will continue to do so. We may also
organise online counselling sessions for both students and parents, in near future. In case you have
any query regarding this notice, please feel free to mail the undersigned at

Let us draw upon our ‘wisdom’, let us look for the ‘light’ within us, and look forward to the
‘spring of hope’ for not just South Pointers but for all. Let us do it.. In the words of Charles
Dickens, “It is a far, far better thing that I do, than I have ever done.”

Thank you.



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