Donat Tak Bulat

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Scene 1

1) Ayu berlari-lari keluar dengan gembira dari sekolah selepas tamat peperiksaan SPM.
2) Dalam perjalanan pulang, Ayu mula berfikir apa yang ingin dilakukan sementara menunggu
keputusan peperiksaannya.
3) Ketika menaiki basikal melalui kawasan jualan pasar dan food truck, perut Ayu berbunyi
kelaparan. 444Ayu mula terfikir untuk menjual donat untuk menjana pendapatan.

Scene 2
1) Setibanya di rumah, Ayu terus melayari internet menonton youtuber masakan popular, yang
paling kaya dan berjaya di Malaysia. Channel Limau nipis, Channel Buat Orang Lapo, I cook
Asia (Jom Try Masak) 1.6juta views, Yatie Kitchen, Khairul Aming, Sugu Pavithra, dan Che
2) Dengan pantas, Ayu terus mengayuh basikal untuk ke kedai mencari bahan-bahan membuat
donat. (tepung, yis mauripan, gula, susu pekat)
3) Ayu dengan riang mengayuh basikal sambil berangan jualan donatnya laku dan mendapat
keuntungan besar.

Scene 3
1) Ayu mula menguli donat sambil menonton video youtuber masakan.
2) Ayu membentuk donat (tak berapa bulat), Menyusun atas dulang.
3) Ketika Tarik donat jadi tak berapa bulat.
4) Ayu menggoreng donatnya.
5) Ayu dan ibunya merasa donat. Enak! Menjadi.

Introduction Scene: Introduce the protagonist, her passion for donuts, and her initial situation.
2. Inciting Incident: The moment she decides to sell donuts online.
3. Building the Business: Scenes of setting up the online platform, creating recipes, marketing, and
initial struggles.
4. First Success: Her first sale or positive feedback.
5. Growing Challenges: Facing bigger challenges such as scaling up, managing orders, or
6. Turning Point: A critical moment that tests her resolve and skills.
7. Overcoming the Obstacles: How she solves major problems or innovates.
8. Final Success: The moment she realizes her business is a success.
9. Conclusion: Her future plans and reflection on the journey.

2.. Create Storyboard Panels

For each scene, create panels that capture the key moments. Each panel should include:
- Illustration: A sketch of the action taking place.
- Description: A brief explanation of what’s happening.
- Dialogue: Any important dialogue or narration.
- Camera Angle/Shot Type: Indicate close-ups, wide shots, etc.

#### 4. Detailed Breakdown of Each Scene

Here’s a detailed breakdown for each storyboard scene:
Scene 1: Introduction
- Panel 1: Girl in her kitchen making donuts.
- Illustration: Close-up of her hands mixing dough.
- Description: "Emily loves baking donuts in her free time."
- Dialogue: None.
- Shot: Close-up.

- Panel 2: Emily looking at her computer, browsing online shops.

- Illustration: Side view of Emily at her desk.
- Description: "She dreams of sharing her creations with the world."
- Dialogue: None.
- Shot: Medium shot.

Scene 2: Inciting Incident

- Panel 1: Emily gets the idea to sell donuts online.
- Illustration: Lightbulb moment as she smiles at the computer.
- Description: "One day, she decides to start her own online donut shop."
- Dialogue: "I can do this!"
- Shot: Close-up.

Scene 3: Building the Business

- Panel 1: Emily setting up her online store.
- Illustration: Emily typing on her laptop.
- Description: "Emily works hard to set up her online store."
- Dialogue: None.
- Shot: Over-the-shoulder shot.

- Panel 2: Emily experimenting with different donut recipes.

- Illustration: Kitchen counter filled with donut ingredients.
- Description: "She creates unique recipes to attract customers."
- Dialogue: "This one’s perfect!"
- Shot: Medium shot.

Scene 4: First Success

- Panel 1: Notification sound on her phone, first order received.
- Illustration: Emily looking at her phone with excitement.
- Description: "Emily receives her first order."
- Dialogue: "Yes! My first order!"
- Shot: Close-up of phone screen.

Scene 5: Growing Challenges

- Panel 1: Emily overwhelmed with orders.
- Illustration: Emily surrounded by boxes and donuts.
- Description: "As orders grow, so do the challenges."
- Dialogue: "How will I keep up with this?"
- Shot: Wide shot.
Scene 6: Turning Point
- Panel 1: Emily attending a business seminar or getting advice.
- Illustration: Emily taking notes at a seminar.
- Description: "She seeks help to manage her growing business."
- Dialogue: None.
- Shot: Medium shot.

Family Kak Long, [18/5/2024 10:26 PM]

Scene 7: Overcoming Obstacles
- Panel 1: Emily implementing new strategies.
- Illustration: Emily with a small team, managing orders efficiently.
- Description: "Emily reorganizes her business and hires help."
- Dialogue: "We can do this together!"
- Shot: Medium shot.

Scene 8: Final Success

- Panel 1: Emily checking her sales and seeing high numbers.
- Illustration: Emily smiling at her laptop.
- Description: "Her hard work pays off as sales soar."
- Dialogue: "We did it!"
- Shot: Close-up.

Scene 9: Conclusion
- Panel 1: Emily planning future business expansion.
- Illustration: Emily looking at a map with potential new locations marked.
- Description: "Emily plans to expand her successful business."
- Dialogue: "The future looks bright."
- Shot: Medium shot.

#### 5. Review and Refine

Review the storyboard to ensure that the narrative flows smoothly and that each scene effectively
conveys the intended message. Make adjustments as needed for clarity, pacing, and emotional impact.

#### 6. Final Touches

- Add Color: If applicable, add color to the illustrations to enhance visual appeal.
- Check Consistency: Ensure character design, backgrounds, and other elements are consistent
- Seek Feedback: Get feedback from others to refine the storyboard further.

By following these guidelines, you’ll create a detailed and engaging storyboard that brings the story
of Emily, the girl who sells donuts online, to life, showcasing her journey from a passionate baker to a
successful entrepreneur.
Scene 7: Overcoming Obstacles
- Panel 1: Emily implementing new strategies.
- Illustration: Emily with a small team, managing orders efficiently.
- Description: "Emily reorganizes her business and hires help."
- Dialogue: "We can do this together!"
- Shot: Medium shot.
Scene 8: Final Success
- Panel 1: Emily checking her sales and seeing high numbers.
- Illustration: Emily smiling at her laptop.
- Description: "Her hard work pays off as sales soar."
- Dialogue: "We did it!"
- Shot: Close-up.

Scene 9: Conclusion
- Panel 1: Emily planning future business expansion.
- Illustration: Emily looking at a map with potential new locations marked.
- Description: "Emily plans to expand her successful business."
- Dialogue: "The future looks bright."
- Shot: Medium shot.

#### 5. Review and Refine

Review the storyboard to ensure that the narrative flows smoothly and that each scene effectively
conveys the intended message. Make adjustments as needed for clarity, pacing, and emotional impact.

#### 6. Final Touches

- Add Color: If applicable, add color to the illustrations to enhance visual appeal.
- Check Consistency: Ensure character design, backgrounds, and other elements are consistent
- Seek Feedback: Get feedback from others to refine the storyboard further.

By following these guidelines, you’ll create a detailed and engaging storyboard that brings the story
of Emily, the girl who sells donuts online, to life, showcasing her journey from a passionate baker to a
successful entrepreneur.

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