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Purpose Of Project:
In these days, plantation is essential for the environment; without plants, no
one will survive on Earth, including small insects and humans. Plants are
one of the reasons for rain, and cooking items come from plants. Our forest
density is decreasing day by day, and crop production is also less compared to the
past due to a lack of water irrigation. Daily watering plants is sometimes
impossible; we may forget about it or may go on long trips, preventing us from
being available to water plants. Therefore, we have an idea to address such
problems by implementing an Automatic Irrigation System using an Arduino Uno.

Scope Of Project:
· The project involves the development of a circuit-based system with some
code utilizing moisture sensor, relays, pump with small pipe, electrical
components and arduino uno code.

· It aims to automate the irrigation process by continuously monitoring soil

moisture levels and activating the irrigation system as needed.

· Emphasis will be placed on simplicity, reliability, and efficiency in water


Project Overview:
In this automated plant irrigation system, a moisture sensor is utilized to gauge
the moisture content in the soil surrounding the plant. When the sensor detects
that the soil moisture has dropped below a certain preset threshold, indicating
that the plant requires watering, it sends a signal to a microcontroller.

Upon receiving this signal, the microcontroller initiates the activation of a water
pump connected to the irrigation system. The pump starts delivering water to the
plant, ensuring it receives the necessary hydration for healthy growth.
Once the soil has been adequately irrigated and reaches the desired moisture
level, as detected by the moisture sensor, the microcontroller receives a signal
indicating that watering is no longer necessary. Subsequently, the microcontroller
instructs the water pump to stop, halting the irrigation process.

This system operates autonomously, continuously monitoring the soil moisture

levels and providing water to the plant only when needed. By doing so, it ensures
efficient water usage and promotes the optimal growth conditions for the plant
without requiring manual intervention.

Required Components for Project:
· Moisture sensor

· Arduino

· 5v relay module

· 6v Mini water pump with small pipe

· Connecting wires

· 5v battery


block diagram:
circuit diagram:

· connect the relay to the Arduino board as follows, Connect the VCC of the
relay module to the 5v pin of the Arduino and connect the ground of the
relay to the ground of Arduino. Now connect the relay signal pin to any
digital pin of Arduino except pin 13.
· then connect the soil moisture sensor with the Arduino. Connect the VCC
and gnd of the sensor to the 5volt and ground pin of the Arduino. The
analogue output of the sensor connects to any analogue pin of the Arduino
· Finally, connect the pump to the relay module. A relay module has 3
connection points which are
1)common, 2)normally closed, and 3)normally open. We have to connect the
pump positive to common and connect the normally open pin to the positive of
the battery. The next step is to connect the ground of the pump to the ground of
the Arduino and finally, connect the small hose to the water pump.
· Now connect the battery to the circuit.
Code for arduino:
int soilMoistureValue = 0;

int percentage=0;

void setup() {



void loop() {

soilMoistureValue = analogRead(A0);


percentage = map(soilMoistureValue, 490, 1023, 100, 0);

if(percentage < 10)

Serial.println(" pump on");


if(percentage >80)

Serial.println("pump off");


Explanation for above: It uses an Arduino, which is like a tiny computer, to check
if the soil around a plant is dry or wet. If the soil is very dry (less than 10%
moisture), it turns on a water pump to give the plant a drink. But if the soil is
already moist enough (more than 80% moisture), it turns off the water pump to
avoid overwatering. This way, the plant gets just the right amount of water it
needs to stay healthy without us having to keep an eye on it all the time.


· Automation
· Water Conservation
· Scalability
· Customization

· Initial Cost
· Complexity
· Maintenance
· Dependency on Power Supply

In conclusion, the automatic plant irrigation system utilizing Arduino technology
offers a transformative solution for efficient and hassle-free plant care. By
integrating sensors, controllers, and actuators, this system ensures plants receive
optimal hydration levels tailored to their specific needs. With the ability to
continuously monitor soil moisture and automate watering processes, it
minimizes human intervention while maximizing resource utilization. This
innovative approach not only promotes water conservation but also fosters
healthier plant growth and improved yields. Moreover, the scalability and
adaptability of Arduino-based systems enable their application across various
settings, from home gardens to agricultural fields. As we strive towards
sustainable practices and technological advancements, such automated solutions
represent a significant step forward in modern agriculture and environmental

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