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THE oncom rrow il RILOT'S OPERATING MANUAL = PIPER . ‘This manual i incomplete without an APPROPRIATE EAA APPROVED AIRPLANE FLIGHT MANUAL and an APPROPRIATE WEIGHT AND BALANCE REPORT. WARNING EXTREME CARE MUST BE EXERCISED TO LIMIT THE USE OF THIS MANUAL ‘TO APPLICABLE AIRCRAFT. THIS MANUAL REVISED AS INDICATED BELOW OR SUBSEQUENTLY REVISED IS VALID FOR USE WITH THE AIRPLANE IDENTIFIED BELOW WHEN APPROVED BY PIFER AIRCRAFT CORPORATION. SUBSEQUENT REVISIONS SUPPLIED BY PIPER AIRCRAFT CORPORATION MUST BE PROPERLY INSERTED. | wopet paan-200 AIRCRAFT SERIAL NO, _288-7325366 _ pecisTRATION NO, PILOT'S OPERATING MANUAL, PART NUMB} PIPER AIRCRAFT CORPORATION APPROVAL SIGNATURE AND STAMP. Assurance tht the sigplane is in an srworthy condition isthe responsibilty ofthe ownes. ‘The pilot i command is rxpondble for determining thatthe airplane i safe for fight. The pilot is ao cexponsible for remain within the operating imititions outlined by the Aiplane Flight ‘Manual, natrument markings, and placards. ‘This Plot's Operating Manual is not desgned a a substitute for adequate and competent fight instruction, knowledge of the curent airworthiness directives, applicable federal air {efultons, or advisory dreulan. Ii n0t intended to be a guide for bate fight instruction or & ‘ining masa or trantian from singe to makttengine fying. If an inconsistency of information exists between she Pilot's Operating Manual and the Aigplane Fight Manual approved by the FAA, the Aiplane Flight Manual shall Be the authority, ‘A complete or partial repacerent of thls manual, Part No, 461 493, may be obtained only from Piper Customer Services. Putiahed by PUBLICATIONS DEPARTMENT Ttaued: November 1971 APPLICABILITY ‘This manual is applicable to Piper Model PA-28R-200 airraft having serial nombers 28R-7235001 through 28-7335446. Contact Piper Customer Service for specific information (on the application ofthis manual REVISIONS ‘The information compiled Inthe Plot's Operating Manual will be ket current by revisions Aistebuted tothe airplane owners. Revision material will consist of information necessary to update the text of the present rmanval and/or to add information to cover added airplane equipment. 1 Revisions Revisions will be distributed whenever necessary as complete page replacements or additions and shall be inserted into the manual in sccordance with the instroctions given below: 1. Revision pages will replace only pages withthe sare page number. 2 Insert all Sdeional pages in proper numerical order within each section. 3, Page numbers followed by a smal letter shal ba Inserted in same common numbered page. 1. entiation of Revised Material Revised text and llustration shll be Indios ed by a black verte line long the let hand margin of the page, opposite revised, added or deleted material, Aline opposite the pege number or section ttle and printing date, will indicate that the text of ilustration was unchanged but material was relocated toa difereat page or that an entire page was added. Black lines wil indica only current revisions with changes and editions to or deletions of existing text and ilustrations. Changes in capitalization, selling, punteation or the physical location of material on s page wll nat be iden fied. IL. Original Pages esued ‘The original pages issved fortis manual prior to revision are given below: 1-1 through 1-3, 2-1 through 2-22, 3-1 through 3-14, 41 through 48, §-1 through 5-32, 61 through 6-6, 7-1 through 7-2, 8-1 trough 8-9, 9-1 through 9-15, [REVISIONS ISSUED ‘Current Permanent and Temporary Revisions tothe PA-3 Pilot's Operating Manual issued April, 1971 ae as follows “761483 PRT) Permanent Revision Dated Bebrnry 4, 1972 ‘761 83 (PRT2N210) Permanent Revision Dated February 10,1972 761453 (PRTIN320) ‘ermaneat Revision Date March 30,1972 761 93 PRTANGIS) Permaneat Revision Dated June 15,1972 71 483 pRTANBLY) ‘Permanent Revision Dated September 11,1972 “761453 PRTaN802) Permanent Revision Dated August 21972 ‘OWS 761493 PRTAINN4) Permanent Revision Dated November 14,1972 owe 761483 PRT3O115) Permanent Revision ate January 15, 1973, ows 761483 (PRT30330) Permanent Revision Dod March 30,1973 toFM & POM ‘T1483 (PRT30830) Permanent Revision ted August 30,1973 to & POM, "761.93 PRIAIO18) Permanent Revision ‘Dated October 18, 1974 ‘oF, WB & POM 761 493 (PRIS1205) ‘Permanent Revision Dated December 5,175, OFM, WB & POM 761 493 (PR090810) Permanent Revision Dated Apel 10,1979 (FIM, WB & POM 761 495 (PRAT) Permanent Revision Date March 27,1984 TOF/M, WIS & POM. 761453 PRESII25) Permanent Revisca ued November 25, 1985 To HIM & POM, "761493 PRBGOAIB) Permanent Revision Date Apu 1, 1986, ‘OHM 761493 (PRETO!) Permanent Revision ‘Dated January 31,1987 ‘OFM & POM 7161 493 (PRO0CT20) ‘Permaneat Revision aed July 20,1990 ‘oPOM 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS DESCRIPTION-AIRPLANE AND SYSTEMS FLIGHT MANUAL FAA APPROVED EMERGENCY PROCEDURE WEIGHT AND BALANCE OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS: OPERATING TIPS PERFORMANCE CHARTS HANDLING AND SERVICING GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS ARROW IL SPECIFICATIONS PERFORMANCE Performance figures are for airplanes equipped for cross-country transporation and flown at gross weight under standard conditions at fea level or stated sltade. Aay changes In ‘atipment may result in changes in performance ‘uke-off Run (maximum effort, 25° ap) (2) no ‘Take-off Over 50s Bair (maximum eff, 25° fap (2) 1600 ‘Bost Rate of Clim Speed (gear retracted) (ph) 100 ate of Climb (ft pr sia) 900 a 15,000 700 “Top Speed (mp) 175 Optimum Cralsing Speed (75% power, optimum atte) (mph) 165 ‘Crating Range (758 power optimum ate) (a) 70 ‘Optimum Cruising Range (35% power, optimum suis) (mi) 300 Salling Speed (Naps down, gear down) (moh) 6 ‘Stalling Sped (laps and gear up) (mp4) n Landing Roll (Maps dowa) (2) 0+ Canding Roll Over 50-8 Barer (A) 1380" ‘This value applies only forthe conditions indicated on the landing distance versus density alutade char WEIGHTS Gross Weight (bs) 2650 ‘Empty Weight (Standard) (bs) 1859 « [USEFUL LOAD (Standard) (be) uni ‘These Weights are approximate. POWER PLANT Engine (Lycoming) 1o.360-c1¢ Propeller (Hartzell) HOCIYK-1( 1666542 or HC-C2YK-.( )H/FT666A-2 Rated Honepower 200 Rates Speed (rpm) 2700 Bore (in) 5125 Stroke (in) 4375 Displacement ain) 361.0 ression Ratio, a7 Dry Weight (bs) 326 (GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS ISSUED: November 15,1971 1 ARROW IL FUEL AVGAS ONLY ‘Unable Fel Capacity (US a) oa Aiton Grade nin ts) “ 1001130 on. (Oi Capacity (as) 3 (Oi Specification Refer to latest ieee of ‘Lycoming Snstrction No. 1014, (il Viseosty per Average Ambient Temp, for Stating MILL-60828 —MilL-L-gaest Mlnesal Asless Dispsrsane SAB Grade SAE Grader ‘All Temperatures = 13W-50 or 20W-50 ‘Above 80°F o CG ‘Above 50°F 50 4oor50 30°F 90 40 0 OF 1 10°F 30 30,40 or 20W-40 Ot 908 20ws0 209050 or 15-50 Below 10°F 20 0 or 200-20 ‘When operating temperatures ovrlep indletedrenget, se the lighter grade oll BAGGAGE ‘Maximum Baggage (Ibs) Baggage Space (eu) Baggage Door Size (Io) DIMENSIONS Wine Spa ‘Wing Area (sq) ‘Wing Losing spor o9 8) Length Height) ower Loading (Ibs perp) LANDING GEAR ‘Wheel Base) Wheel Tread (@) ‘Tite Presse (pa) ‘Tite Size Nowe Main Nose (four ply rating) Maia (fourply rating) 12 200 2 20x22 322 170 156 248 1338 18 10s 30 2 300%5 600x6 (GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS REVISED: JULY 23,1990 (GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS ISSUED: November 15, 1971, 18 ‘REVISED: June 15,1972 DESCRIPTION-AIRPLANE AND SYSTEMS BLANK PAGE, ARROW DESCRIPTION [AIRPLANE AND SYSTEMS ‘THE AIRPLANE ‘The Cherokee Arrow Il isa single-engine, cetactable landing gear, all metal aircraft. Tncrestedfarlage length has enhanced the comfort in the rar seats. A large eabin door allows ‘composed entry and exit ofthe spacious interior. Four individual seats allow individual comfor {or extended crost-country fights. Sound proofing bas been built into the aireralt to redice ‘aig and permit osul conversation Simplicy of operation was designed ilo the airrat Allow te icraft to operate ia VER or IFR conditions with uahesied en route planaing. AIRFRAME, Aluminum alloy cotstuction has been used throughout for the primary structure except forthe stel tube engine moun, steel landing gear struts and isolated areas. Fiberglass and ‘ermoplastic ae used extensively for wing tip, engine cowling ané non-sructre components ‘The aifame bas been designed to postive lini oad factor of 8. ‘The fuselage isa conventional semi-monocogte structure, External stringers on the bottom ofthe fuselage extend the length ofthe cabin aea, and are used to maximize cabin room. On {he right side ofthe aircraft ae a large cabin door and a large baggage compartirent door ‘Maintenance hat teen reduced toa mitimum with advanced fselage design ‘The wing is of conventional design incorporating « laminar flow NACA 65-415 airfoil section. This allows for locating the man spar 40% aft of the leading edge, an erangement ‘hich benefit the stuctuce in wo ways. 1. It provides anobtracte cabin space foe he rear passenger. 2. ttallows fora lighr wing stture to improve the bef load ofthe eres, ‘The wing also incorporates rear spar and front stu spar. The main spar carries the ‘bending loads and the rear and stub spars cary torsional loads, ‘The main spars are bolted into & spar carry through at both sides of the fureloge. The tear and stub spars are bolted to tachment at enc side ofthe fselage. ‘The allerons are of modern metal construction incorporating 4 balance weight on the outboard end ofeach alleron, and sre contolled by a right of let rotation of the control wheel “The flaps are also of metal construction. When the flaps are inthe retracted position, the ‘ight fap act a5 a step. ‘The ap control is located between the font seats. ‘Te empennage comssts ofa vertical stabilizer, a rudder and horizontal stabilaor. The cempesnage conetrstion is of « modern lighwelght design. AIRPLANE AND SYSTEMS ‘REVISED: December §, 1975 a ARROW IL ENGINE AND PROPELLER ‘The Cherokee Arrow Il incorporates a Lycoming 10-360-CIC four-cylinder, direct dive, horizontally opposed fot Injected engine rated at 200 horsepower at 2700 RPM. iis furnished with a stare, 60 ampere 12-volt altemator, shielded ignition, vacuum pump driv, fu pump, propeller governor and 2 ry automotive (ype induction ar filter. A fecommended overhaul period of 1400 hours is based on Lycoming service experience, Operttion beyond the Fecommended time isthe decision ofthe operator. Since Lycoming from time to time revises the recommended overhaul period, the owner should check the latest Lycoming Service Instruction at his Piper dealer for the latest recommended overhaul period and for any sittonal information, ‘The aircraft is equipped with a Hartzell constant speed, controllable pitch propeller. The propel: eoatrol is located onthe power quadrant between the thot and mixture controls, ‘The exhaust system is 3 erostover 496, which seduces back pressure and improves performence. Is constructed entiely of stainless stcel and is equipped with dual mulflers, ‘Cabin beat and windshield defroning we provided by a heater shroud around the muffler ‘An oll cooler is located on the forward lower right side of the firewall, with the ae inlet for the cooler located on the right ide ofthe bottom cawling. A winteciaation plate is provided to _estit ar daring winter operation, (See Winterization in Handling ad Servicing) ‘The induction system incorporates « Bendix RSA-SADI ype fuel injector The injector i (Geting system) makes the feel low proportional to allow. Faclpreature regulation by the servo Valve causes a minimal drop in fuel pressure thoughout tbe metering sytem. Metering Drestre is maintained above most vapor forming conditions while fusl inet pressure Is low Enough to allow use of a diphragm pump. The servo system feature also checks vapor Tock end ‘sSsociated starting problems. ‘The servo regulation meters fuel flow proportionally with airflow and maintains the mixture ar manually set for ll engine speeds. The fuel low divider receives metered fuel and Aitibes fuel to etch liner fuel nozzle. ‘The fuel flow portion ofthe manifld fuel flow gauge is connected tothe flow divider and monitors fuel presare. This instrument converts fuel pressure 10 an indleation of fiel low in {allo per hour and percentage of rated honepower ‘The alternate air source of the induction system contains a door that functions automatically or manually. If the primazy source is obstructed, the door will open luiomatially. It may be opened mantally by moving the selector on the right side of the ‘guadant. The primary source should always be used for take-off. ‘The pilot should read and follow the procedures recommended inthe Lycoming Operstor's ‘Manual for this engine, in order to obtain tuximum engine efficiency and time betwoen engine vera, AIRPLANE AND SYSTEMS ey ISSUED: November 15,1971 ARROW LANDING GEAR ‘The Cherokee Arrow Tl is equipped with « retracable wieycle landing gear, which is hydraulically atuated by an eletially powered reversible pump. The pump is contoled by & selector switch onthe Instrument panel tothe lof of the contre quadrant. To landing gea is fetracted or extended in about seven saconds. WARNING ‘Avoid ejecting objects out ofthe plot storm window which could posslbly eater or suet the holes inthe mast Some siteraft alto incorporate a pressure sensing device inthe system which lowers tbe gear regardless of gear selector postion, depending upon airspeed and engine power (propeller ‘ipsueam). Gear extension Is designed to occu, even If Ue slecior isin the up position, at Ssspeeds below approximately 105 MPH with power off. The extension speeds wil vary rom spproximately 85 MPH to approximately 105 MPH depending on power settings and alitude, ‘The device also prevents the gear fom reirting at sirspeads below approximately 85 MPH with full power, though te selector switch may be in the up pion. This speed increas with redveed power andor nereated altitude, Mancal Overide ofthe device is provided by an emergency geat Tove lcsied between te font Sets 1 the let of the flap handle. The sensig device operation contlled by differential air pressure across a flexible dlaphragm which mechanically Inked to & Inydaulc valve and an eleccal switch which atuates tb pump motor. A high pressure and static ‘tr source for actuating the diaphragm is povided ina mast modnted onthe left sige of he fee ing. Any obtrtion of the holes inthis mast wil ease the gear to extend. Aa options vailable to alleviate obstruction in icing cantons. The optional heated mas is ‘Gmed on whenever the PITOT HEAT i tamed 00 ‘The emergency gear lver, when bed inthe raised position, canbe used to overide the system, snd gear position it then controlled by the selector switch regardless of airspeed/power Combinations The emergency gear levr is provided wih «latching devise which may be wed 1 Tock te overde lever inthe up pos. The latch is ocaed on tele ide panel of the conse ‘below the level of the manual overige lever. To lock the override lever inthe up postion, aie the ‘vertie lever tothe ful up position and pushin the late. A yellow warning ight located below the za selector switch flashes to warn the pilot that the automate gear lowering sytem i dseble ‘The latch ie spring loaded tothe off postion lo ad itengagement. To disengage helt ase the ‘override lever and relate. The lever will eur wo its normal position andthe Yellow ashing light ‘will extinguish The lever must also be latched inthe raised (ap) postion when gearipstals are ‘When used for emergency extension ofthe ger, the emergency gear lever manually releases hydraulic preseare to permit the gear o free-fall with spring assistance on the nove gear. Te lever ‘must be held in the downward positon for emergency extension. Gear down and locked positions are indicated by three green lights below the selector and a yellow ligt for insanst positions ie located atthe Lop of the panel. A ll ips out condition Indleate the gear is up. The landing per ahotld not be revacied sbove «speed of 125 MEH snd should not be extended above a spend of 150 MPH, AIRPLANE. AND SYSTEMS, ‘REVISED: January 31, 1987 2 ARROW IL trequreo wrt ——""| {EAEKUP GEAR EXTENDER Console AIRPLANE AND SYSTEMS REVISED: January 31, 1987 ARROW IL Landing Gear Hydraulic Schematic AIRPLANE AND SYSTEMS REVISED: Jamuary 3, 1987 28 ARROW IL ‘Two micrositches inthe tote quadrant activate a waming horn and a red “Warning GGesr Up” ligh under th following conditions: 1.” Gear up and power reduced beiow approximately 14 inches of manifold prssur. 2. On aiseraft equipped with the backup gear extender, ifthe system has extended the landing gear and the ger sleciors UP, excep t ful thro 3. Gear selector switch "UP" while onthe groun, ‘On aircraft NOT equipped withthe backup gear extender an addtional switch is installed ‘which activates the waralng hore and light whenever the Maps are extended beyoad the epproich position (10") and the gear ae not dows and locked. "The nose gear is steerable trough a are through wse ofthe rudder pedal. As the nose gear etacts, tbe tering linkage disengage to reduce rudder pedal loads in fight. The nose ‘wheel i equipped with hydraulic shimmy dampener to reduee nose wheel shimmy. ‘The oleo struts. are ofthe aro type, with normal extension being 2.75 inches forthe nose {gear and 20 inches forthe main gear Under normal static lod (empty weight of sizplane plas full feel and ol. “The standard brake system includes toe brakes on the If et of rudder pedals ands hand brake located below and near the center ofthe instrament panel. Toe bakes onthe right rudder ‘edal are optional. The to tres andthe hand brake hve individual beake cylinder, but all Eylinders fe a commen roservoi. The parking brake Is Incorporated In the lever brake and ie ‘peratod by palling back on the lever und depressing th Knob atached to the top ofthe handle, To ‘oleate the parking brake pall back on the bake lever then allow the handle to sing forward, A single dsc, single puck ake is mounted oa the ruin gars. A brake dss is mounted on the Inboard side of the whets abd the brake housing which incorporszs the pucks is mounted 10 the Inboard sige of the whee axl. AIRPLANE AND SYSTEMS 26 ‘REVISED: January 31,1987 AD ISSUED: November 15,1971 ARROWIL FLIGHT CONTROLS ‘The horizontal surface stabiator) is ofthe fying tall design with a trim bervo mounted on the tailing edges This tub series the dual function of providing trim control and pitch control force The tem fonction is comtoled by a tim control wheel Tecated on the contol ontole between the two front seats. Rotating the wheel forward gives nose dow trim and fotation aft gives nose up wim, The stabil provides exire stability and controllability with leas area, dag and weight han conventional all surfaces. ‘The rudder is conventional in design and incorporates rudée trim, The trim mechanism a spring-loaded centering device. The trim contol is located on the ight side ofthe pedestal, DDelow the throtle quadrant. Turing the trim control clockwise gives nose right trim and ‘counterclockwise rotation gves nose lef im. -Ailerons are provided with differential deflection. This festure reduces adverse yaw in turning maneuvers, and ths reducing the amount of coordination required. Manually contolled flaps ae provided. They are extended by a contol cable and are spring-loaded to the revacied (up) position. The control is located betwees the two font seats ‘on the contol console. To extend the Maps pall the handle up to ‘he desired flap seting of 10, 25 or 40 degrees. "To retract, depress the bution onthe end ofthe handle and lower the contol ‘A balanced sono! system is used for ight operating fore When extending or retracting las, there i pitch change inthe arraft. This pitch change can be corecied either by eabilater tim or inereased control wheel force. When the aps are in the reacted poston the sight fap, provided witha over-center lock mechani als aoa sep. Nore ‘The sight fap will support a load only inthe fully retraced (up) poston. Whes loading and snlceding passengers make sue the Fape ae inthe retracted (¢p) position. AIRPLANE AND SYSTEMS 28 ISSUED: November 15,1971 ARROW It FUEL SYSTEM ‘The fuel system was designed with simplicity in mind, I incorporates two fuel tanks, one in each wing contuining twenty-five (25) U.S. gallon, glving «total of 48 usable gullons The tank are atiched tothe leading edge of the wing with crews and are an Integral part of the ‘Wing stroctire. This allows Tor easy romoval for service. An auxiliary elect fue! pump is provided incase fa fare ofthe engine driven pura. A rocker type switch fr controling the Electric puny is located on the switch panel above the throttle quadrant. The electric pump ‘Should be onfor ake-off, switching tanks and during landing. ‘The fal tank selector, which allows th plot fo contol the flow of fuel the engine, i located on the left side wall below the instrument panel. I has three positions: OFF, LEFT ‘TANK aad RIGHT TANK. The azrow on the handle of the selector points 10 the tak which is supplying fl to the engine, The valve also incorporates a aafety latch which prevents inadvertently selecting the “OFF” postion ‘Each tank has an individual quick drain located atthe bottom inboard rear corner. The fue strainer also Incorporates a quick drain which is located in the left front commer of the ‘gowall. The quick drain protrudes from the cowling to allow easy drainig ofthe fuel stlne. ‘All toe draas should be drained before every Right and checked for contamintion, ‘The fue tanks are vented individually bya vent tbe which protrudes below the botiom of the wing atte rear outboard corner of each fusl tank. The ven! should be checked perodeslly to ascerain bat the vent Ib ot obstructed and allows fee passage of a. Fuel qunty and pressure are indicated on gauges located inte instrumeat cluser to the let ofthe site pane AIRPLANE AND SYSTEMS ISSUED: November 15,1971 2 ARROW IL FUEL QUANTITY FUEL PSSWNE FUEL GMAT canes uate net eer tt rans URE ‘any orsremron} Foal Schemas AIRPLANE AND SYSTEMS 240 ISSUED: November 15,1971 ARROW IL ELECTRICAL SYSTEM ‘The electrical system is very simple and functional. All switches are grouped in a switch ppnel above the power quadrant. On the lower right side ofthe instrament panel i the circuit breaker panel, with each breaker clearly marked to show what cicuit i protects. Also, ceuit provisions are made to handle 2 complete complement of communication and aavigelional equipment Standard electrical acessories include altermator,satr, let fel pump, stall warning indlesto, and ammeter. [Navigation ant-colision, landing, instrument and cabin dome lights are offered a optional equipment Navigation and dome lignis are contolled by a seosiat switch on the left de of the switch panel. The sheostat contols the intensity ofthe dome light only. The lstrumest panel lights are controlled by a cheostat avitch on the right side ofthe ewitch panel. The {ntscolison and landing lights are controlled by rocker switches onthe switch panel. louds, fog or baz, since the reflected light ean produce spatial ‘isoricatation. Stobe lights should not be used in lose proximity to the ground suchas daring taxing, akeof or landing. ‘Tho master switch, slap located inthe ewitch panel is «split rocker atch. On side ofthe switch isthe battery side (*BAT") and the othr Is the alternator side ("ALT"). Henceforth, “master switch,” used inthis manual, shall mean both “BAT” end "ALT" switches. The "ALT= switch is provided for an emergency and its function is covered under “Alterator Falls” in the Emergency secon of the tundbook ‘The primary electrical power source isa 12-rolt,60-amp alternator, which s protected by a voltage regulator and an overvolage relay. The altesator provides fl electrical power output ven at low engine RPM. This provides improved radio and electrical equipment operation and Increases butery life by reducing battery load AIRPLANE AND SYSTEMS 2a REVISED: March 27, 1984 ARROW “waaNaba uvao anova HUN ‘lect Shemale AIRPLANE AND SYSTEMS ‘REVISED: January 31,1987 22 ARROW I ARROWIL ‘Secondary power is provided by a 12-olt,25-ampere hou battery ‘The emmeter as installed does not show battery discharge; rather It shows the electrical Joad placed on the sjtem. With all the elouical equipment of, and We master switch on, the ssamete wll indicae the charging rao ofthe batar. AS each electrical walt is switched on, the fmmete wil indicate the total ampere drew of al the units including te battery, For example, the maximum contiagous load for ight lying with radios on Is about 30 amperes. The 30 imnpere value plus 2 amperes for charging the batery will tbe show on the ammeter, in the alerntor ie fanctoningpropely. Solenoids, provided inthe battery and starter circuits, are used to control high current drain fonctions vemoely from the cabin. VACUUM SYSTEM, “Te vacuum syiem is designed to operate the aie driven gyro instruments. This includes the direcdional and atltude gyros whea installed. The system consists of 49 engine driven ‘vacuum pump, a vacuum regulator, iter andthe necessary plumbing. ‘The vacuum pump i «dry type pump which eliminates the need for an avo separator and its plumbing. A shear drive protects the pump from damage. Ifthe drive shears the gyros ‘wll become inapertve. ‘The vacuum gauge, mounted on th right instrument panel to the right of the radios, provides veluable teformation (o the pilot about the operation of the vacuum system. A Geeroase in prosour in a system that hes remained constant over an extended period, may Indicate a dty fer diy screen, possibly a sticking vacanm regulator or leak in tstem: Zero pressure would indicate a sheared pump drive, defective pump, possibly a defecve gauge or follapsed line, In the event of any gauge vavationffom the norm, the pilot should have a ‘mechanic check tho system to prevent posible damage to the system components or eventual failure of the system. ‘A vacuum regulator is provided in the system to protect the gyros. The valve it tet 20 the sormal vacuum reads 50 £1 inches of mercury, a seting which provides sufficient vacuum to ‘Operate sll te gyros wt thei ated RPM. Higher settings will damage the gyros and with & low ‘sing the gyros will be unreliable. The regulator Is loested behind the inscument panel. ARROW INSTRUMENT PANEL. ‘The instrument pane is designed to be functional and professional, accommodating complete instruments and avionics equipment for VFR and IFR fighs. A wide range of ‘optical instruments and avionics permits an equipment selection uniquely suited to individual aeede. light instruments ar> grouped in a standard “T" directly in front of the pifot. Radio igatonal indicators are tothe right of the fight instraments and are loated to correspond to the respective radio control beads, Fuel guuges are located tothe right of the plot contol wheal tnd engine instruments are located (0 the left ofthe control Wheel. The tachometer and ‘manifold pressure instruments aro located {o the left of the power quadrant andre postioned respective of the throttle and propeller controls. “The ciruit breakers are protected by 1 cover doot ‘The climatic contols, when the airconditioning system is installed, are located inthe right instrument panel above the creat breaker. PITOT-STATIC SYSTEM “The system supplies both pitot and static pressure forthe srspeed indicator, altimeter and vertical speed indicator (when installed). Pitot and static pressue ae pickod up by the pitt hesd onthe botiom ofthe let wing. ‘An optional bested pilot head, which allevises problems wih cing or heavy sin is availabe, ‘The ewltch for pitot heat ie located on the lower left instrumest pal ‘To prevent bugs and water from entering the ptot and static pressure hole, a cove shoald be place over the pltot head. A partly or completely blocked plot head wil give erale oF 2ero readings on the instruments. NOTE Daring the preflight, check to make sure the pitot cover is removed. AIRPLANE AND SYSTEMS ISSUED: November 15, 171 25 ARROW a ey * ae a Aasdasneages ARROWIL ARROW HEATING, VENTILATING AND DEFROSTING SYSTEM ‘The heating system is designed to provide maximum comfort for the occupants during winter and cool weather fights. The system includes « hett shroud, heat ducts, defroster ‘outlets, heat and defroster controls. ‘An opening inthe front ofthe lower cow! admits ram set the heater shroud and then the sir is ducted wo the heater shu-ofs on the right ad left side of the firewall. When the shut-offs fre opened the heated ait then enters the beat ducts located along each side of the center Console, Outlets in the est dct are located at each seat location. Ar flow fo the rea seats can be regulated by controls in the heat Gusts lested between the font soat, The temperature of the cabin regulated by the Reter conto located on the right side of the instrament panel ‘CAUTION When cabin heat is operated, heat duct surface becomes hot. This could ent in bum farms or lege ae placed too close to heat duct ‘eles or urace. Defrosting is accomplished by beat outlets located on the right and left side ofthe cow! cover, Heated sr ie ducted directly to defroster shut-off Valves at the fiewall, then tothe ‘efroser ontit, Te ai low ie reglate bya defroster conzal located below the heat control. ‘To sid aie dlstibution, the cabin sir is exhausted overboard by an outlet Iocated on the bottom of the feselsge, Cabin exhaust outlet ae locate below and outboard of the rear seas "The above fetures are removed wen air condiloning is installed ‘Optional individual overhend fresh at outlets supply fresh si fom an air inlet located on the tip ofthe Vera! fin. The airs directed to plenum chamber at the base of the fi, then cod fo the individual utes. For individual comnfor, the amoust and lgection of ae ean be ‘regulated by rotating the rim of the outlet (clockwise to decrease the amouat of alr ‘ounterclockwiae to increste flow) to contol the amount of air and moving the outlet in the ‘rection of desired si flow AIRPLANE AND SYSTEMS 26 "REVISED: APRIL 10, 1979 ARROW! (CABIN FEATURES “The interior hasbeen designed for pes postions: normal, intermedia and recline. The adjustment lever is located atthe bate of the feat back on the outboard side of the seat. The font seats adjust fore and aft for ese of entry And occupant comfor. The back of the right from seat conains two laches, |e | amome | e.csies ae aca 2 | Menecieene " i | Aachen oy 5, | Manemsaomne Z Ey | MegAcos ‘et net [ae ieicien s paceman ig png cies ee 22 Feiss 7 Pope | pamiesmmmrscomnny —[ ppgonope 3 ‘Revised B.-1. item (g) and B.-2. item (2). if ee a 6 Tide ‘Added PAC Approval Form. Ox. 18,1974 | SAS SS exap ware MANUALS PRIOR TO THIS REVISION Verb Gvane TANASTRORTORNSHEMON | Ubire 7 [| fates wourcnnane (pear sasgregne pes 8 Sat ‘Revised item B.1. “April 10, 1979 Wad Kani boa via armnovin ose 4097 seroxn vassarice REVISED: APRIL 10,1079 "MODEL: PA-28R-200 ARROW LOG OF REVISIONS (con!) FAA Approved seven | Revet Pa Deepen nd Revlon ee | ae | periearae to Mech, 1584 Si | eee Wed Word Bane wo | an | teviotten Mi drengh— DI Towler Dee i505 be $omfo— nf an | peviedtems DEL Tengu rae | oa | st nto Shoe | ears yn genio Mt dronph Bal ‘Fevised emergency landing gear (DH. Trompler eer May net nxvonr: yas PAGE 30 FAAAPEROVED Ocaer 14 1971 ‘MODEL: PA-28R.200 ‘REVISED: Jannary 31,1987 ARROW SECTIONT LIMITATIONS The folowing limitations must be observed in te operation ofthis aisplane: A. ENGINE Lycoming 10-360-C1C ENGINE LIMITS For ll operations 2700 RPM, 200 HP | 8. FUEL (AvGAS ONLY) 106/130 Oetana Aviation Gasoline (Mininus) ©. PROPELLER Hartzell HC-C2YK-1( 6664-2 or Harel! HC-C2YK-1( JIFT666A-2 Pic Setings a 30 in. Station: High 29.0" 22", Low 14° £0.2° Diameter Maximum 74 ices ‘Minianum 725 inches (Avoid continuous operation 2100-2350 RPM) D. INSTRUMENT MARKINGS (Power Plant) O0L TEMPERATURE Green Are (Normal Operting Range) 15°F 0 USE Red Lise (Maximum) 245F nL PRESSURE, ‘Green Are (Normal Opertng Renge) 60 P31 090 Pst Yellow Are (Caution Range) 28 PSL 6 60 PSI Red Lise (Minimum) 25 PST if installed or 60 PST if nsulled 0 FSI UBL PRESSURE ‘Green Are (Normal Operating Range) 14 PSI 45 PST Red Line (Minimam) Tapst Red Line (Maximum) 4531 ‘TACHOMETER ‘Green Arc (Normal Operating Range) 500102100 and 2350 to 2700 RPM Red Are 2100 to 2350 RPM Red Line (Meximum Continous Power) 2700 RPM EAA APPROVED October 14,1971 REPORT: VB.363 PAGE 31 REVISED: March 27, 1984 "MODEL: PA-28R-200 ARROW 1B. _AIRSPEED LIMITATIONS AND INSTRUMENT MARKINGS (Callrated Airspeod) NEVER EXCEED SPEED 214 MPH ‘MAXIMUM STRUCTURAL CRUISE SPEED 170 MPH MANEUVERING SPEED 131 MPH FLAPS EXTENDED SPEED 125 MPH MAXIMUM GEAR EXTENSION SPEED 150 pit ‘MAXIMUM GEAR RETRACTION SPEED 125 MPH [AIRSPEED INSTRUMENT MARKINGS ‘Red Radial Line (Never Exceed) 214 MPH (186 KT) ‘Yellow Are (Caution Range) 170 MPH 214 MPH (GSmoath Ait Only) (148 KT to 186 KT) Groen Are (Normal Operating Range) ‘71 MPH to 170 MPH (G2KT to 148 KT) ‘White Are (Flap Down Range) (64 MPH w 125 MPH (G6 KT to 109 KT) FLIGHT LOAD FACTORS Positive Load Factor (Maximam) 3a Negative Lond Factor (Maximum) Nojnverted mazewers approved MAXIMUM WEIGHT 2650 LBS BAGGAGE CAPACITY 200 LBS ©.G.RANGE Weigh Forward Limit ‘Reuward Limit Pounds Inches Aft of Datum Inches After of Datum [=z ws. 33H 500 30. 350 co 3 SLA NoTEs ‘Straight ine variation between pots give 2. The datum used it 78.4 Inches ahead of the wing lading cedge atthe intersection of the straight and apered section. 3. Tris the responsibil of the sirplane owe andthe pilot to Insure tat the airplane is properly losded. See “Weight and ‘alance Section” for prope loading instructions REPORT: VE-243 PAGE 22 FAA APPROVED October 14,1971 ‘MODEL: PA-zsR-200 ‘REVISED: January 21,1972 ARROW 1. MANBUVERS ‘All acrobatic maneuvers including spins prohibited. K. PLACARDS Ie fall view ofthe pitts “THIS AIRCRAFT APPROVED FOR NIGHT IFR NON—ICING FLIGHT WHEN EQUIPPED IN ACCORDANCE WITH FAR 91 ORFAR 135." “THIS AIRCRAFT MUST BE OPERATED AS A NORMAL CATEGORY AIRPLANE IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE OPERATING LIMITATIONS STATED IN THE FORM OF PLACARDS, MARKINGS AND MANUALS.” {fll view ofthe pilot, the following takeoff and landing check lists will be installed: ‘TAKEOFF CHECK LIST Fue on Proper Tank Mixure - Set Flaps - Set lect Fuel Pump-On Propeller = Set ‘Tim Tab = Set Engine Gauges -Checked Fasten Bolt/Herness Controls - Free ‘Alternate Air= Closed Door = Latched Seat Barks rset Air Condlioner- Off LANDING CHECK LIST Fuel on Proper Tank Electic Fuel Pump-On Gear Down (150 MPH Max) Seat Back Erct Minto - Ric ‘laps - Set (125 MPH) Fasten Belt/larnese Propeller - Set Air Conditionee- Off ‘The “AIR CONDITIONER OFF” item in the above takeoff and landing check lists is ‘mandatory for air conditioned airraft only. 1m full view ofthe pilot: NO ACROBATIC MANEUVERS INCLUDING SPINS APPROVED." ‘On the fastest pane in fll view ofthe pilot “* MANEUVERING SPEED ~ 131 MPH.” (nthe fasten pane in fll view of dhe por: “DEMONSTRATED CROSSWIND COMPONENT = 20 MPH.” FAA APPROVED October 14,1971 REPORT: VB-343 PAGE 3.3 ‘REVISED: February 10, 1972 MODEL: PA-28R200 ARROW Adjcent upper door fateh “ENGAGE LATCH BEFORE FLIGHT" (nthe inside ofthe bes “BAGGAGE MAXIMUM 200 LBS. SEE WEIGHT AND BALANCE DATA FOR BAGGAGE LANDINGS BETWEEN 150 LBS AND 200 LBS" comparement door: "Near emergency gear lever: “EMERGENCY DOWN" Near emergency gear lover (creraft equipped with backup gear extender) “OVERRIDE ENGAGED AUTO-EXT-OFF LOCK PIN ON SIDE TO ENGAGE OVERRIDE: PULL LEVER FULL UP, PUSH LOCK PIN ‘TO RELEASE OVERRIDE: PULL LEVER FULL UP & RELEASE” Near landing gear selector switch: “GEAR UP, 128 MPH MAX™ “DOWN 150 MPH MAX" 1 fl vow ofthe pilot when AutoFliteis installed: “FOR HEADING CHANGES: PRESS DISENGAGE SWITCH ON CONTROL WHEEL. CHANGE HEADING, RELEASE DISENGAGE SWITCH.” on the instrument pane installed {oll view of the pilot when the ll cooler winteiztion kit i “OIL COOLER WINTERIZATION PLATE TO. BE REMOVED WHEN AMBIENT TEMPERATURE EXCEEDS sor” (On the instrument panel in fall view of the pilot whea the supplementary white strobe lights ae installed: “WARNING - TURN OFF STROBE LIGHTS WHEN TAXIING IN’ VICINITY OF OTHER AIRCRAFT, OR DURING FLIGHT THROUGH CLOUD, FOG OR HAZE.” REPORT: BY-M3 PAGE 3.4 PAA APPROVED October 14,1971, MODEL: PA-288-200 REVISED: January 31,1987 ARROW In full vew of the plot inthe area ofthe air conditioner conols When the air condioner is atales “WARNING - AIR CONDITIONER MUST BE OFF TO INSURE NORMAL TAKEOFF CLIMB PERFORMANCE," FAA APPROVED October 14,1971 REPORT: VALU PAGE 25 REVISED: February 10, 1772 "MODEL: PA-28R-200 ARKOW ‘THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK. REPORT: VB-343 PAGE 3.6 FAA APPROVED October 14,1971 ‘MODEL: PA-2SR-200 aRKOW SECTION PROCEDURES: ‘A. SYSTEM OPERATIONS 1, ‘Thestall-warning system is inoperative with the master switch off ‘The cect fel pump must be on for bot landing and tekeof, Some sireraft are equipped with an airspeed - power sensing system (back-up gear txtender) which extncs the landing gear under low rspeed = power conditions® ‘ven though the pilot may not have selected gear down, The system wil also prevent ‘traction ofthe landing gear by normal mene when the arspeed = power values are below = predetermined minimum. (See em 5, Procedures Section) To overie tis tem or to hold the emergency gear lever in the override up position without ‘maintaining manual pessore.on the emergency gea lever, pull te lever fll up and ‘sh the latch pin in. To release the override, pull lever vp to disengage lath pin, {hen seloase lever. For nerral operation. the pilot ould extend and setrac the fear ‘with the gear selector switch located on the instrument panel, jst as he would tthe backup gear extender sysem were not isalled. ‘Approximately 105 mph IAS at any stiude, power off. 4 Landing geur postion indication and warning lights: @ The red gear warning light on the instrument panel and the horn operate simultaneously when: (0) Is ight, when the trot i reduced to where the manifolé pressure i spproximately 14 laches of mercury or below, andthe gear alecior #rich [thot nthe down position. (2) On ireraft equipped with the backup gear extender, when the system has lowered the landing gear end the gear selector switch isnot ia the down pailon andthe Wot i not ul open. (@) On ine ground, when the master switch i on and the gear elector switch is jn the up poston, Nore (nm sircraft which are not equipped with the backup gear exteoer an addtional swt is insalled which activates fhe warning horn aad light whenever the flaps are tended beyond the approach position (10°) and the Ianding gear we not don abd locked (©) The ee green lights on the instrament panel operts individually as exch > volte pari llted nthe xended potion ¥ (© Tho yellow “In Trai light o the instrument peel operts whenever any of the dee gous is notin lier the fully rated positon or ie fully extened tnd locked posison (On arr equipped with he backup gear extender tho yellow “Asto Ext. OF" Tight immediately tel the gear slater switch Sher whenever the emergency tea levers ite fl op postion FAA APPROVED October 14, 1981, REPORT: VB-343 Page 3:7 REVISED: Janoary 3, 987 "MODEL: PA-25R-200, ARROW 3. Takeoff consicerations: ‘Afler ako on trraft equipped with the backup gear extender, ifthe gear sector sch eel nth ger w oon efor acing te spend a wich he yen te longer commands gear Jom the gear wil ot retract For obstacle clearance on {akeoff and for takeoffs from high altitude airors, the landing gear canbe roracted the plo’ discretion by placing the gear elector switch inthe up postion and then latching de exergency gear lever inthe verde up position, If desired, the overte up ‘Position canbe selected and latched before takeof, ad the gear wil then ert 30 1 the gear sector switch is placed in the up pasion. Tn this cave eare should be taken ‘ot to retrct fe gear premarely, or the siveraft could sete back onto the runway. [If the override lock is tied for tkeof, It should be disengaged as toon as ticieat ‘rspeed and tera clearance ae obtined, o Tetum the ge system to normal pets tion. For nomal operation, the pl: should extend and rect the gear withthe Beat ‘lector swith Ioeted onthe instrament pal, ae tha backup gear sntendet 5mm ‘wore not neta. ‘Approximately 85 mph IAS at sea level to approximately 100 mph TAS at 10,00 f, with 2 straight line variation etwees REPORT: VB-343 Page 38 FAA APPROVED October 16,1971 MODEL: PA-28R.200 "REVISED: January 31,1987 ‘THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK PAAAPPROVED October 14,1971 REPORT: VB-343 PAGE 3.9 ‘MODEL: PA-28R-200 ARROW ‘THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK. REPORT: VB.33 PAGE 3.10 FAA APPROVED October 14,1971 ‘MODEL: Ph28R-200 ARKOW B. EMERGENCY PROCEDURES Emergency landing gear extension instructions: ‘Accomplish the following checks prir to initiation ofthe procedures. (2) Master Swit Check on (Circuit Breakers «Check (©). Panel Lighs «OFF Gn daytime) (8) Gear indicate Bubs - Check smergeney extension ‘When the Emergency Landing Gear Extension Procedure is performed for taining purposes, the following changes mutt be made © th procure inorder to prevent the hydraulic pump fom actvaling during the procodnre. On aircraft equipped withthe backup gear extender the nding [ear selector mut be lef in tb UP position etl ll ear positon indicator ae green. On sera ‘which do NOT have the bickup gear extender pull {ype LANDING GEAR PUMP circuit ‘breaker i installed and most be palled prior vo excetig the emergency extension procedure. The ‘out breaker must be rest aftr the Completion of the procodue to allow normal gear systam operation If landing gear dows nt chock down aud locke: () Reduce atspeed below 100 mph ) Move landing gear selector site o gear down position {Ie gear bat ailed to lock down on airerat equipped with che backup gear ‘extender, abn emergency ger lever to “Overs Bagaged™ position. (If gear ha ail filed wo lock dowa, move emargency get lover fo “Emergency Down” postion. (© If gear as sil failed to lock dows, yaw the airplane abruptly from side to side withthe rade 1 the nose gear will not lock down using the above procedure, slow te arrft to the owen safe peed nsioable using the lowest power toting requted for safe operation land accomplish te folowing @ On airraft equipped with the backup gear extender ruse emergency gear ever to “Override Engaged” position, (0) Move landing gar selector switch to gear down poston. 1 landing gear dows not check dow, reycle gear though up postion, and repeat ()- 2, Gear up emergency landing: (@)._ On aireraft equipped with the backup gar extender lock emergency gear lever in “Override Engaged” poston before aipeed drops to 115 mph to prevent landing goer fiom inaiverealy fe falling. (0) Paps as desires (©). Clove tote and shut of the master and ignition switches. (@)_ Tum the fol selector valve to off. (@). Mixture Ide eu off (‘Tighten seat tot (end shoulder hares, if avaiable). 2) Contact surface at minimum possible aimpeed. Nore ‘With the master switch off, the lending gear cannot be retracted. EAA APPROVED October 16,1971 REPORT: VB43 PAGE 3.11 REVISED: Janvary 31,1987 "MODEL: PA-25R-200 ARROW "THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK [REPORT: VB-343 PAGE 312 28R-200 FAA APPROVED October 14,1971 ARROW SECTION mt PERFORMANCE ‘AL STALLS “The following performance figures were obtained during FAA type tests and may te realized under condone indlested with the axplane and engine in good condition and with average plocg technigue. Al performance i given for 2550 pounds, |Loss of atne daring stalls varied from 100 10 300 fet, depending on configuration sod power ‘Stalling speds, in mph, power off, versus angel of bank (Calibrated sitsped): ‘Angle of bane om 30° o Flap up(gearcovm) 71 % a 100 laps down (ear down) 6# 66 8% 0 [FAA APPROVED October 14,1971 REPORT: VB-343 PAGE 3.13 "MODEL: PA-28R-200 ARROW ‘THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK FAA APPROVED October 1, 1971, ARROW SECTION IV SUPPLEMENTS NoTE A FLIGHT MANUAL SUPPLEMENT IS REQUIRED TO BE IN THE AIRPLANE PLIGHT MANUAL ONLY IF THE EQUIPMENT WHICH IS THE SUBJECT OF THE SUPPLEMENT IS INSTALLED. testi Pitch Trim Installation ‘AvtoConirol TI Tastallation ‘AvtoFlte Winsalation poR> ‘Air Conditioner Insalation FAA APPROVED December 29,1971 REPORT: VB-3 PAGE 3.15 REVISED: February 10, 1972 ‘MODEL: PA-28R-200 BLANK PAGE ARROW ‘A, ELECTRIC PITCH TRIM INSTALLATION 1. LIMmrarions "Thre are no imitations fortis installation. 2, PROCEDURES a Preflghe Circuit breaker - Set (@) Operate rocker switch - Trim fore and aft (@) Manat override electric rim (Check manual tim operation () Ii falls pretignt, disengage electric trim by operating push bution ‘wim witch on instrument panel until repaired. If trim does not dis- engage have nit repaired before further fight. © ight (0) Aesivate rocker for-aft im. 3. EMERGENCY OPERATION {@) In case of malfunction, disengage clectic pitch trim by pus switch os instrament panel to off position, (@) Im en emergency, electric pitch trim may be overpowered using manual pitch (©) Incruse contigurstion, x malfunction can result in 10° pitch change and 200 fe alitade varition, (®) In approsch configuration, 4 malfunction ean result in ¢$* pitch change and SO FL alttde loss FAA APPROVED December 29, 971 REPORT: VB43 PAGE 3.16 "MODEL: PA-28R-200 ARROW 1B, AUTOCONTROL IILINSTALLATION 1. LIMITATIONS (@)- Autopilot use is proibives above 200 MPH-CAS () Autopilot “OFF” for takeoff and landing 2, PROCEDURES Normal Operation ‘Refer othe current AutoCortrol TM Owner's Handbook, 1. Bmergency Operation (Q)" Tnamemergeny, he AutoContol I cai be disconnected by (@) Pushing te rll “ON-OFF” eich to "OFF. (Taming acrft Maser Switch "OF" (2) Tre AwtoConto Ill ean be overpowered at either contol wheel {G) An autopilot runaway, with a 3 second delay in the initiation of re- covery, while operating ina climb, cruise or desending Might could resolt fn 0 bak and «190 foot alte oe. (© An autopilot runaway, with 1 second delay in the initiation of re ‘covery, during an approuch operation, coupled ot uncoupled, could result ina I3® bank and «40 foe aude lose, 3. PEREORMANCE ‘Tha aplane performance reins unchanged. REPORT: VB-343 PAGE 3.17 [FAA APPROVED December 23, 1971 ‘MODEL: PA-2R.200 ARROW © AUTOFLITE INSTALLATION LIMITATIONS ‘Autopilot ws is prohibited above 200 MPH-CAS ©) Autopilot “OF” for takeoff end landing PROCEDURES ‘Normal Operstion "Refer tothe current AutoFite It Owner's Handbook Emergency Operation (Q)- Tan emergency, the AutoFlte Tl canbe disconnected by (a) Pressing disconnect switch on plot's contol whee). (@)_ Rocker swith on invument panel - OFF. (2) Unit may te overpowered manually a liber contol whee. @) Aa autepitot runaway, with a 3 second delay in the initiation of re- covery, while operating ia climb, cruise or descending flight could result {na 30* bank anda 190 foo aliude los. (@ An autopilot runaway, with a | second delay in the initition of re- covery, during ah approach operation, coupled or uncoupled, cou result nw 13° bank anda 4 fot attude lus. 2. PERFORMANCE "The airplane performance rma unchanged, [FAA APPROVED December 28,1971 REPORT: VB-363 PAGE 3.18 "MODEL: PA-24R-200 ARROW D. AIR CONDITIONER INSTALLATION 1. LIMITATIONS ‘At Conditioner “OFF for takeof? and lending 2. PROCEDURES Prior o takeoff, the air conditioner should be checked for proper operation 3s follows: (2) Check irr master switch 02 (©) (Porsirea®t serial members 7235001 through 7335057) ‘Turn the airconditioner control switeh to “AIR COND" the “AIR COND. DUOK OPEN" warning light will {urs on, thereby Indicting proper air ‘ondioner condenser door action (For aircraft serial numbers 7335058 and up.) ‘Turn the air conditioner contso switch to “ON” and the fan switch to one of the operating positions - the "AIR COND DOOR OPEN” warning ligh will, ‘ue of thereby indleating proper sir conditioner condenser door actuation. (©) Tumn‘the air conditioner control switch to OFF - the “AIR COND DOOR ‘OPEN™ warning light will go out, thereby indicating the sir conditioner con- denser door iste to up posit (@ If the “AIR COND DOOR OPEN" light does not respond as specified sbove, an air conditioner systom or indictor bulb malfunction i indicated and Tarter investigation should be conducted prior to Might ‘The above operational chock may be performed during ight fan inflight failure is suspected. 3, PERFORMANCE: (a). When the full throttle position is not used or in the event of « malfunction Which causes the compressor to operate and the condenser door to remain ex fended, « decrease in rate of climb of as much ae 100 pm can be om pected a all alticudes. (©) Warning - The air conditioner must be off to Insure normal takeoft pe formance, IREPORT: VB-343 PAGE 3.19 FAA APPROVED February 1 ‘MODEL: PA-25R-200 ‘REVISED: March 3 BS EMERGENCY PROCEDURE BLANK PAGE, ARKOW It EMERGENCY PROCEDURES INTRODUCTION ‘This section contains procedures that are recommended if an emergency condition should ‘occur daring ground operation, take-off, of inflight, These procedures aze suggested asthe best Coarse of action for coping with the particular condition described, but are nota substitute for ‘Sound judgment and common singe. Since emergonces rarely happen in modern aireraft, their ‘eeurtenee is useally unexpected, andthe best corrective action may not always be obvious. Pilots shoud familiarize themeeves with the procedures giveo inthis section and be prepared 10 take appropise acon should an emergency arse. Most basic emergency procedures, rach as power off landings ae a pat of normal plot tuning. Although these emergencies are discussed here, this information is not intended 10 ‘replace such training, bet only to provide a souree of reference and review, and to provide information on procedures which ao not th same for all aircraft It is suggested thatthe plot review standard emergency procedures periodically to remain proficient inthe. In the procedures that follow, erica ations with respect to time are indeatd by ute of ‘old print; these actions should be performed immediately if the emergency condition isnot to be aggravated. The remaining procedures are noa-crtical inthe sense that time is usually ‘lleble for consulting the check Ist. ENGINE FIRE DURING START Refer to FIRE emergency procedures EMERGENCY PROCEDUKES ISSUED: November 15, 1971 4 ‘REVISED: June 11972 ARROW ee ENGINE POWER LOSS DURING TAKE-OFF “The proper action to be taken if loss of power occurs during take-off wil depend on clncomstances. mt tafficient runway remains for a normal landing, leave the gear down and land saeight ahead. 2 Iftte sca ahead is rough, or If tis necessary to clear obsructions put gear selector yith in the UP positon and on erat equlpped with the backup gear extender Intch the gear lever in the overie position. 23. you have gained sfficient altitude to atterapt a restr, proceed as follow a) MAINTAIN SAFE AIRSPEED (3 BOER SELECTOR SWITCH TO ANOTHER TANK CONTAINING FUEL, (ELECTRIC FUBL PUMP - CHECK ON (@ MIXTURE - CHECK RICH {9 ALTERNATE AIR- ON (5 EMERGENCY GEAR LEVER - AS REQUIRED NOTE (On aircraft equipped withthe backup gear extender the landing (use ill exond automatiealy when engine power fils a speeds Below approximatsly 105 MPH TAS. Glide distance with the goat Penied ts soughiy halved, if conditions dictate, the gear can be ‘eased in the retracted position by latching the Lever in the ‘veri up postion. NOTE If engoe future was caused by fuel exhaustion power will not be ‘gunod after tanks are switched unl empry fue! Ines are filed, tic ay require up to ten seconds powers not rgaioed, proceed withthe POWER OFF LANDING procedure, EMERGENCY PROCEDURES a 'REVISED: January 31,1987 ARROW ENGINE POWER LOSS INFLIGHT Complete engine power lose ia usally crus by fel flow intropton, and power will be restored shortly after fel flow ie restored. If power loss occurs a low alttade, the frat step isto prepare for an emergency landing (See POWER OFF LANDING). Maintain an alrpeed of at Ieatt 105 MPH JAS, gar and flaps vp and if altitude permits proceed as follows: Pael Sslector- Switch o another tank contining fe. ‘Blot Foel Pump - On Mixture - Rich ‘Alternate Ais- On ‘Engine Ganges - Check fr indication ofthe cause of power loss. fo fel pressure fs Indicted, chock tank selector poiion to te sure i ison a tak containing fl When power i restored: 7. Alerts Air OfF ‘Beet Fuel Pump - OFF pyeepe Ifthe above steps do not restore power, prepare fran emergency landing. fie permits: 1 Ignidon switch -"L" then "R" hen back o “BOTH” 2 Tarot and Mixture ~ Different settings. (This my restore power if problem ie too rich orto lan a mixture, or partial ful system restriction. 3, Tay another fuel tank. (Water inthe fuel cou tke some time to be used up, an ‘lowing the engine to wiodeall may restore power. If power 1st is due to ws, fuel pressore indications wil be normal). Nove If engine fare was caused by fuel exhaustion, power will not be ‘restored after tanks ae eviiched stl empty ful lines az filed, ‘which may require p to ten seconds. ‘If power is not rertored, proceed with POWER OFF LANDING procedures. POWER OFF LANDING If oss of power occurs a alitde in sterah equipped with the backup gear extender, lock Emergency Gest Lever in “Override Engaged” position before alzspeed dros ip 115 MPH TAS to proven landing gear from inadvertnly fre fling. Then tim the alreraft fr best gliding angle Glos MPs IAS) (Ais Cond. off and look fora suitable field. (See Note) If messres taken to {estore power are not effective, and Iftime permits, check your charts for lpr in he immediate ‘Vicinity ie may be posible fo Tand atone if you have sufiient alttde At est ling angle, with the engine windmiling, and the propeller contin ful “decrease RPM,” the alert wil icavel ‘sppronimately 1.6 miles for each thousand feet of alte, If possible, notify the FAA by radio of ‘Your diealy and intentions. IF another plot or pasenger is aboard him hep. EMERGENCY PROCEDURES. ‘REVISED: January 31,1987 “a ARROWIL When you have located suitable fd, establish a spiral pattern around this fel, Thy to beat 1000 fet above the eld atthe downwind postion, to make a normal landing approach. Whea the field can easly be reached, slow 1 90 MPHIAS fr the shorts landing. ‘CAUTION ‘This will incrénse your rate of descent, so be sure you have adequate ate, Bxcess allitade may be lost by widening your ater, using Maps or sipping, oF « combination of tee, Whether to attempt a landing with gear up or down depesds on many fctrs. Ifthe field chosea is obviously smooth and firm, and fong enough toting the plane toa sop, the gear should ‘be down. If there ae stumps or rocks or otber lage ebstaces Inthe fel, th gest inthe down position wll better protect the occupants of the alrra If, however, the field le suspected to be Excessively sft or short, or wen lending in water of any dep, a wheee-p landing wil normally ‘ester and doles damage tothe alplane. ‘Touchdown should normally be mode atthe lowest posible airspeed. (GEAR DOWN LANDING ‘Fora gear down lanting, proceed a follows when commited to landing: Gear down. Clove throttle and shut off the master and ignitio ‘Flaps as desired. ‘Tam tho fel select valve to of, Minture- fle eu. ‘Tighten seat belt (and shoulder harness, if availabe). ‘Touchdown a! lowest posible aispeed. GEAR UP LANDING switenes Novabee —NorE— On aircraft equipped with the antomatic gear extender the extend the gear below approximately 105 MPH TAS with power of. Be prepared to lich tho emergency override lever UP before airspeed drops to 115 mph to prevent lading geat fom inadvertently free falling, unless gear extension is desired NOTE ‘With the master switch off, the landing gear cannot be retracted. EMERGENCY PROCEDURES “ ‘REVISED: January 31,1987 ARROW IL Inthe event gear up landing is required, proceed as follows when committed to landing: 1 "On alrat equipped wit te backup gear extender: Lock emergency gear lever in “Overide Engages” positon laps as desired, Cee throttle snd shut off the master and ignition switches. ‘Tur the fel elector valve tof. Mixture - lle ew-off. ‘Tighten seat belt and shoulder bagnes, i avaiable) Contact ernest minimum porible airspeed. savaee NOTE, ‘Wits the master swlch off, the landing gear cannot be retracted. PROPELLER OVERSPEED Propeller oversped is cause by a malfunction in the propeller governor, o low ol pressure, which lows the propeller blades to rota t fll low pitch If his should occur, proceed a5 fellows ‘THROTTLE - RETARD OIL PRESSURE. CHECK PROPELLER CONTROL - FULL DECREASE RPM, THEN SET IF ANY ‘CONTROL AVAILABLE REDUCE AIRSPEED THROTTLE - AS REQUIRED TO REMAIN BELOW 2700 RPM EMERGENCY LANDING GEAR EXTENSION Accomplish the folowing checks prior tin "Master Smite = Check On 2 Girovit Breakers - Chock ‘3 Panel Lights - Off (in daytime) “Gear dicate Bulbs - Chock ion of the emergency extension procedure ‘fanding gear doesnot check dows and locked: ‘Recs alispeed below 100 mph ‘Moe landing gear elector switch to gear down position [If gear hat felled to lock down on srerattequlpped with the backup gear extender, sate emergency goat ever to “Override Engaged” poston If gear har sl Tailed to lock down, move emergency goar lever to “Ee Down" position get hs sil fale lock down, yaw te airplane abruply from side to side with ‘ho radder, ney Nore If all electical power has been lost the landing gear must be ‘extended sing the above emergency procedures. The landing gear positon indicator ight will not be operative, EMERGENCY PROCEDURES REVISED: January 31, 1987 4“ ‘ARROW IL NOTE Refer to page 3-11 for differences when emergency extension procedure is performed for taining purpots. sPINs Intentional spine ae prohibited inthis aircraft. Ifa spn is inadvertent entered, immediately use the fllowing recovery procedures: 1. THROTTLE: IDLE 2. RUDDER FULL OPPOSITE TO DIRECTION OF ROTATION 3. CONTROL WHEEL - FULL FORWARD 4 RUDDER NEUTRAL (WHEN ROTATION STOPS) 5. CONTROL WHEEL - AS REQUIRED TO SMOOTHLY REGAIN LEVEL FLIGHT ATTITUDE, NOTE (On areett equipped withthe backup gear extender the landing ‘ear will exend inthis Might condition, but will retract during ‘Seovey, and bas no advereaffost onthe spin characteristic. OPEN DOOR opening in ight are remote. However, shold you forget to completely close or atch the door, it may open partially. This wil usally happen soon ater take-off An open door will not affect the ‘oral igh charecterise, and anormal landlg can be made with it open. If the ocr opens it ‘wll i a slightly open poston, andthe airspeed willbe reduced slghy ‘Teele he dor nigh proceed as allows: Sow sre to 100 MPH TAS. Cabin Vents = Close ‘Storm Window - Open If upper lath is open - atch. IF lower latch Is open open top Tat, push door further ‘open, andthen close rapidly. Latch op Ich, ‘Alpin the direction ofthe open doot will tsi in latching procedure. Bene EMERGENCY PROCEDITRRS 46 [REVISED: January 31, 1987 ARROW It ee FIRE “The presence of fie is noted through smoke, smell, and hea in the cabin, 1 is essential ‘thatthe source ofthe fre be promptly Identified through instrument readings, character of the Smoke, or other indicttion, since the action to be taken differs somewhat in each cae 1. Soure of Fie Cheek fs Blecteal Fire (Smoke in Cabin): (2) Maser Switch - Off (@) Vents- Open (@) Cabin Heat- Om (@) Land's toon ss proccable. 1b. ngine Fie: (1). Incite of engin Fein ight (@) "Buel Selector OFF () Throule- Chose (9 Misure- IDLE CUT OFF (3) Heater - Off Gaal ass of re) Detroer~ OFF (all eses offre) GB Iftemain permis - Land Immediately “The possibilty of an engine fre in light is extremely emote, The procedure given above is general sd plot judgement shouldbe the deciding factor for action in such an emergency. @ Incas of eagge fu 08 he ound (2) Tfengine has not Riise TLE CUT OFF 3, Throne -OPEN Z.Tetongne wh sarer (This i am tempt to pull he ire nto thowoeite) (engine Ras steady started and is rum puny te Sento he engine. (e Thelter sare ued fo) tad), fhe fie comics longer han a {Eur seconde he fio shouldbe catnguished by th bert vaiable {festa fie exingusing 810 be applied (6 Hever fe exinguising i 10 bea I, Puel Selector Vaives - OFF vat 2. Minuue IDLE CUT OFF continue operating 10 ty LOSS OF OIL PRESSURE. ‘Loss of oil pressure may be ether partial or complete. A paral loss of ol pressure usualy indicten « maifenction inthe oll pressure regulling system, and a landing should be made a8 soon a posible to iavenligate the cause and prevent engine damage. ‘A complete loss of oil pressure indication may sgniy ol exhaustion or may be the resale. of a faulty gauge, In eiber case, proceed toward the nearest airport, and be prepared for 2 forced landing, I the problem is not a pressure gauge malfunction, the engine may stop deals, Maisiain alitade until such Ge as a dead stick landing can be scomplished. Doa’t EMERGENCY PROCEDURES ISSUED: November 15,1971 a ARROW IL change power stings unnecessarily as this may hasten complete power loss Depending on the circumstances, it may be advisable to make an off airport lading while power ail available, particularly If other indications of actual il pressure los, roch ax sudden Increase ia temperatures, or ol smoke, are apparent, and an alzport i at clase, engine stoppage occur, proceed to POWER OFF LANDING. ‘LOSS OF FUEL PRESSURE. 1. Bletric Boot Pump- Os 2. Mature Comol Forwerd, ‘3, uel Selector = Check on flank. If problem is not an empty fuel tank, land as soon as practicable an have the fel system checked. HIGH OIL TEMPERATURE. ‘An abnormally high fl temperature indication may be caused by 2 Tow oil level, an ‘obstruction Ia the oll cooler, damaged oF improper baffle seal, a dfecuive gauge, or other ‘auses. Land ar soon as practicable at an appropiate airport and have the cause investigated, ‘A steady, api tse in oll temperature is sig of trouble. Land atthe nearest sieport and Jet s mechanic favestigae the problem. Watch the oll pressure gauge foran accompanying loss of pressure. ALTERNATOR FAILURE Loss of alternator outpot is detected through a 2270 reading on the ammeter. Before executing the following procedure, insure that the reading is zero and not merely low by Sctuating an electrically powered device, such asthe landing ight. If no ircrease inthe arumetct ‘ending is noted alternator failure can be assumed. Tr Reduce electrical load. 2° Altemator Cuoait Breakers - Check. "AW" Switch- OM (fer 1 second) tea On, Jf the ammeter continues to indicate no output, or alternator will not stay rest, turn off “Ale” switeh, maintain minimum electricl load, nd land as soom as practical. All electrical powers being supplied by the baer. NOTE 1f the ator is fully discharged, the gear will have to be lowered iilng the "EMEROENCY LANDING OBAR EXTENSION" procedure and the position lights will of course net be opoating. EMERGENCY PROCEDURES 48 'REVISHD: Necomber 8, 1075 WEIGHT AND BALANCE FOR CHEROKEE ARROW APPLICABLE TO AIRPLANE SERIAL NUMBERS 28R.7235001 THRU 23R-7335446. WARNING [EXTREME CARE MUST BE EXERCISED TO LIMIT THE USE OF THIS REPORT 70 ATPLICABLE AIRCRAFT. THIS REPORT REVISED AS INDICATED BELOW OR SUBSEQUENTLY REVISED IS VALID FOR USE WITH THE AIRPLANE IDENTIFIED BELOW WHEN APPROVED BY PIPER AIRCRAFT CORPORATION, ‘SUBSEQUENT REVISIONS SUPPLIED BY PIPER AIRCRAFT CORPORATION MUST BE PROPERLY INSERTED. MODEL. PA-28R-200, AIRCRAFT SERIAL NO. REGISTRATION NO, \WHIGHT AND BALANCE, REPORT NUMBER VB-334 REVISION —_ PIER AIRCRAFT CORPORATION ‘APPROVAL SIGNATURE AND STAMP _ ISSUED: August 2, 1972 Reporn, vB-334 [REVISED: December 3, 1975, MODEL: PA-28R-200 WEIGHT AND BALANCE ‘Weight and Balance Data - Weighing Procedure. Welght and Balance Data .G, Range and Weight Instructions. Equipment Lit BLANK PAGE, arrow INDEX. WEIGHT AND BALANCE Log of Revision en Sait ‘Weight and Balance S ‘Weight and Balance Des - Weighing sa Weigh and Balance Date 39 CG, Range and Weight Insrctions 5a ip ist sit ‘A. Propellers and Proplar Accesso mmm su 1B. Engin and Engine Acessories - Fuel and OU Syatoms Zsa C. Landing Gear sed Bakes enn x3 D, Electieal Equipment. ss Insuuments S15 Hydrate Equipment Su7 G. Miscellsne0a 518 i I Hi IK, Radio Equipment (Opsonal Equpmen) 1Lnsaramenes (Optional Equiprend weornne <_ M, Miscellaneous (Optional Egupmett) nner — S31 ISSUED: October 16,1971 REPORT: VBSH4 PAGE 54 REVISED: March 77, 1984 "MODEL: PA-28R200 ARROW ‘THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK REPORT: VB334 PAGE S41 ISSUED: October 14,1971 MODEL: PA-28R-200 ARROW ‘RNES20 Intalio Loc oF Revistons evn | Reet ae esinion and Roisin approved Due 1 | se [ast paca Desi eae Scot sas | ase a0 cane 8 cares sor | ase Bao 0 ene Poke eae 529 | rortan Coton 30 Gaihpelt Y, Loenaul| [sahara 19,07 | _ |e asal| 3] eT fat Retna 5s so S| fe Aarts S| ae mes m2 aa le Sasol $29 ‘Add: Tra Speed Indicator + hn SAS “Conect instrument Specification Numbers. July 10, 1972. 33 | Sapeeee cosa ate oe ay ar; Dele Tom Cooder. WM Sontler She hae ha ‘oe 2978 Be [ASB cones tampons : 528 ‘Add: King KMA-20 Audio Panel easy @ [sa [eae Comm ste Gai rgd YN 141972 cea eae sar | namore 59 | com: |e Zanacll| 7 $26 ‘Changed from Narco Comm 10 and Comm 11 | fan. 15,1973 | tn aa coae ok $28 ‘Add: King KX-175, KN-73, KN-77 and M. ISSUED: Ocaber 14,1971 REPORT: VB.34 PAGE 5. "MODEL: PA-24R200 ARROW LOG OF REVISIONS cont) Revision Revie Fges Description and Revision Approved Date Tite ‘Added PAC Approval Form, (NOTE: AIRCRAFT DELIVERED WITH MANUALS PRIOR TO THIS REVISION DONOT REQUIRE THIS REVISION, oct 18,1974, Te #9 ‘Added Applicable Ser Nox. Revised tem, Weight, and Moment of ‘Vacaum Regulator [rts 33 ‘Revised Welgh and Blanc nfo, ‘Added Caution; relocated pare. 2 t0 pg 5-4, ‘Aded par 2 fom page 5. ‘Api 10, 1979 Panay W ‘Revned inde. Revised Weigh and Moment. Naren 27, 1984 L Somes | REPORT: VB-334 PAGE Sv ‘MODEL: PA-28R.200, ISSUED: October 14,1971 REVISED: March 27, 1984 ARROW WEIGHT AND BALANCE In order to achieve the performance and flying charotersics which are designed Int the aircraft the Atrow must be flown wit the weight and center of gravity (C.G.) position within the ‘pproved envelope. Although, the arcraft offers flexibility of loa {our adalts, full fuel wnks and maximum baggage, With the flexbiiy comes responsibilty. ‘The pilot must insure thatthe airplane is Tosded within te loading eavelope before he makes & takeott. Mislosding caries consequences for any sireraft An overloaded applane wil not tke off im of erige ts well a8 when itis properly loaded. The heavier te aiplane is loaded the le lim performance i wll bavee Center of gravity Is a determining factor in flight characteristics. Ifthe C.G, $8 00 far forward in aay sirplae, it may be difficult o rotate for wke-off or landing. If the C.G. is too far aft, the algplane tay rotate prematurely on take-cff or try to piteh up during climb. Longitadinal stably will be redoced. This can lead to inadvertent stalls and-even spins; and spinrecovery becomes more difficult as the center of gravity moves at of te approved limit. ‘A propesty loaded irra, however, wil perform at isended. Before tho aircraft i delivered, the Amow is weighed anda licensed empty Weight and C.C.localon computed (Licensed empty ‘weight consists of te empty welght of te trea plus de unusable fuel and full oll capaci) ‘Using te licensed empiy weight and C.G. location, the plat ean easly determine the weight and CLG. postion for the loaded airplane by computing the total weight and moment an then

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