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English Grammar for Employability

Current Patterns & Correct Usages
Department of Humanities & Social Sciences, KIET Ghaziabad

1. Noun
It is a Naming word of a person, place, thing or idea. It is also we can:
See: Car, peacock, umbrella, house, man, bird etc,.

Feel: sorrow, happiness, lamentation, bravery etc,.

Think: life, death, fortune etc,.

Kinds: (05)

1. Proper Noun: As you know that It is a name of a particular person, place or thing
It gives a proper identification like: Meerut, America, John, Ram etc,

No Article is used before it except some special case like:

• Kalidas is the Shakespeare of India.
Kinds: noun
2. Common Noun: It is a common name given to person, place or things. It does not
show exact name: like boy (which boy), city (which city), student (which student),
teacher (which teacher) etc, (no proper identification)
For example:
• I saw a man standing there. (Who is the man)

3. Collective Noun: It refers to a collection or group of person, place or things like:

Army, team, class, faculty, staff, Jury etc,.
Note: These can be used in singular and plural both.
The jury were divided in their views. (representing different judges-plural)
The Jury declared its verdict. (agreement on judgement-Group-singular)
4. Material Noun: It is the name of matter or substance like Gold, Iron, Wood etc,.
But remember, there are three sources of Material nouns:
• Nature: water, air, iron, copper, sand, coal, rock, sunlight, rain, earth, salt, etc.
• Animals: egg, meat, honey, milk,
• leather, wool, etc.
• Plants: cotton, food, oil, wood, jute, coffee, Not Used in Plural Forms
• medicine, tea, rubber, perfume, etc. Iron- Irons (Chains/ Handcuffs)
No Article is used before Material nouns. Glass- Glasses (Spectacles)
Wood- Woods (forest)
Article The can be used only in specific case. Water- Waters (Ocean)
• The iron is a strong metal. ( Erase The) Sand- Sands (Desert)
Paper – Papers (Documents)
• Iron is a strong metal. Copper- Coppers (Coins)
• Iron imported from China is of poor quality. ( Add The)
• The Iron imported from China is of poor quality.
5. Abstract Noun: It is the name of

• quality (honesty, bravery, kindness etc,.),

• state of life (boyhood, youth, old, childhood etc,.) or

• action (laughter, choice etc,).

These are mostly used in singular form.

Except all these-there are Some Nouns which have one meaning in singular but different in
plural. Some of them are given on the next slide:
. Work (assignment)– Works (firms, literary works)
Custom (dept.)- Customs (rituals)
Manner (way of doing) - Manners (Etiquettes)
Air- Airs (affected manners)
Return- Returns (profit)
Force- Forces (police/army)
Quarter (house)- Quarters (fraction ¼)
Thank- Thanks
Regard- Regards
Advice- Advices
Information- Informations
Noun: Gender (04)
1. Masculine Gender: It denotes male sex like Mohan, boy, Tiger, Peacock /that stands for
Violence & Strength like: Sun, summer, winter, Death etc, (When personified).

2. Feminine Gender: It stands for female sex like Lucy, girl, Lioness, Peahen etc.,/ anything
that represents: Beauty, Kindness, Gentleness etc,. like Moon, Nature, beauty, earth,
Kindness, Peace, hope etc,(When personified).
3. Common Gender: That represents both sex: Teacher, Doctor, Parent, Child, Cousin,

4. Neuter Gender: That represents neither male nor female sex like:
Book, Cooler, Table, Room.
Countable Vs Uncountable Nouns
Countable Nouns Uncountable Nouns

Pen, Book, Man, Tiger, Buildings Milk, Water, Salt, Sugar, Love, Suggestion

How many (Number) How much (Quantity)

Few, a few, the few Little, a little, the little,

Many, a lot of , some Much, a lot of , some, less

Nouns: Patterns and Usages
1. Some nouns seem to be plural but are used in singular form:
scissors, thanks, annals, gallows, assets, contents, wages, innings, trousers,, spectacles,
news, etc. .
•He saw an annal in the library.
•Manish scored only an inning in the match.
•Our Professor of English does not use spectacale. Singular Nouns
scissors, thanks,
•Ram has only trouser, not shirt. annals, gallows, assets,
contents, wages,
•He went through the content of the letter. (subject matter)
innings, riches,
•The culprit was put to the gallow. trousers, mathematics,
spectacles, news,
(Use Plurals in all sentences) innings, odds etc.
2. Some collective nouns, which seems singular in form, are always used as plurals
like: Cattle, Progeny, Artillery, Poultry, Public, Police, Gentry, Offspring, People (as a
common), Clergy, Infantry etc. Plural Nouns:
• God blessed him with four offsprings. Cattle, Progeny,
• Cattles are grazing in the field.
Artillery, Poultry,
Public, Police, Gentry,
• Only very few peasantries are rich in India. Company, Offspring,
• Many soldiers in Infantries were killed.
People (as a common),
Clergy, Infantry etc.
• Most of the peoples appreciated Population Bill. (people of one nation)

Note: -----The peoples of the world should love and live in harmony. (different nations)

(Use Singular Nouns in all these sentences)

3. Following are some of the nouns, which have their singular and plural forms alike,
provided that they are used after numerals like: Thousand, Score, Deer, Fish, Pair,
Apparatus, Dozen, Sheep, Yoke
• I have four dozens pencils.

• Mohan has two hundreds rupees.

• Ram got fifty thousands dollars from his father.

• I participated in two-days national conference.

• M. A. is a two-years programme.

(Erase S and use as Singular)

4. Remember some nouns are used in singular only like: Scenery, Poetry, Furniture, Advice,
Hair, Information, Mischief, Wastage. Breakage, Research, Jewellery, luggage, bread
•The sceneries of Nainital are worth seeing. (Use scenery)

•He composed good poetries. (poetry/poems)

•Mohan sold his furnitures. (two articles of furniture)

•The teacher gave many advices to me. (many pieces of advice/ much advice)

•Ram's hairs are black. (Some of my hairs are white)

•I got many informations from my friend. (bits of information/ much)

(Erase S and use as Singular)

1. This trust is working for the blinds. (Blind & Blinds are different in meaning)

2. Today I have urgent work at my native place. (an urgent piece of work or much work)

3. My friend gave me many advices. (many pieces of advice or much advice)

4. There are many deers in the jungle. (Deer is always singular)

5. The vermins are harmful to the plants. (Vermin is singular noun)

6. He finds faults with others. (Fault is used as singular in this expression like “Keep your
word and not words)
7. Kindly put your sign here. (replace sign with signature)

8. Ramesh is my cousin brother. (Erase brother)

9. The geologists don’t know the reason of earthquake.

(cause is something that brings about an effect, while reason is a motive or justification for something)

10. She is a bachelor. (spinster, bachelorette)

11. I have to attend to many works. (many pieces of work/ much work)
12. He sits in the center of the room. (there is no center in the room)

13. Media is showing fake news. (Media is Plural Noun)

14. Tell me the matter in details. (Detail)

15. Always keep your words. (Keep ones’ word is idiomatic expression and is

singular)---Keep your word.

16. Pay my regard to your father. (regards-wishes)

1.Would you please let me (a)/ know (b)/ what is the criteria (c)/ of getting a job in this company. (d)/ No
error (e)
2. No matter how (a)/ adverse the situation (b)/ is, you must not stop (c)/ your study (d)/ No error (e)

3. What would (a)/ you like to (b)/ say, if one asks (c)/ you anything about Indian force. d)/ No error (e)

4. Right now, I can’t (a)/ talk to you anymore (b)/ because I have an urgent work to finish (c)/ which I was
supposed to finish only the day before yesterday. d)/ No error (e)

5. She had already (a)/ given you informations (b)/ regarding the mishap (c)/ however, she did care even an
iota for it (d)/ No error (e)
6. These type of books (a)/ are very useful to (b)/the students preparing for all kinds (c) of entrance
examinations. (d)/ No error (e)

7. Can you give (a)/ me at least five breads (b)/ to eat, because I am so hungry (c) that one or two won’t do
at all. (d)/ No error (e)

8. Because of (a)/ his dishonesty and irregularity (b)/ his service (c) have been terminated finally. (d)/ No
error (e)

9. After a long time, (a)/ I have come (b)/ to know that sunny has (c) two sisters-in-laws. d)/ No error (e)

10. Looking at the present scenario, (a)/ it is obvious that no Sonia, but (b)/ only Indra can think better (c)
about the solution of cross border terrorism. d)/ No error (e)
11. She was greeted (a)/ by all passer-bys (b)/ near Ghaziabad Metro Station (c)/ yesterday. (d)/ No
error (e)

12. One of my student (a)/ does not pay(b)/ much attention to the home assignments(c)/ he receives
everyday. (d)/ No error (e)

13. Today, Most of the people (a)/ in India live in houses (b)/ made of bricks (c)/ but earlier it was
not like that. (d)/ No error (e)

14. Will you please (a)/ let me know (b)/ what is the criteria (c)/ of getting a car booked online. (d)/ No
error (e)

15. The police (a)/ has arrested him (a)/ so we are going (a)/ to the police station. (d)/ No error (e)
16. I visited (a)/ Ram’s and Mansi’s home (b)/ and found (c)/ that the couple was not there. (d)/ No error (e)

17. She has gone through (a)/ the several plays of Marlowe’s (b)/ who is said to have influenced
Shakespeare (c)/ in many ways(d)/ No error (e)

18. You are among those(a)/ man who earned (b)/ name and fame not by (c)/ chance but by hard work/
(d)/ No error (e)

19. Pakistan’s problems (a)/ are also as (b)/ serious as (c)/ those of India.(d) / (d) No error (e)

20. The population of India (a)/is divided into two classes (b)/ Haves and Haves not (c)/ (d) No error

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