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Date: 01-07-2024 ATP PREPARATION, 2024

Time: 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM (IQBAL) Max. Marks: 100

Q1. Choose the correct answer for the following.
i. What will be the value of g at distance of twice the earth’s diameter from the earth’s center?
a. 1⁄2 g c. 1/9 g
b. 1⁄4 g d. 1/16 g
ii. A boy standing in a lift falling freely under gravity releases a ball from his hand. As seen by him, the
ball will?
a. Fall down c. Go up
b. Remain stationary d. None of the above

iii. Two capacitors of 1 μF each are connected in series then a 2 μF is connected in parallel, then
the equivalent capacitance is.
a. 2/3 μF c. 3 μF
b. 2/1 μF d. 5/2 μF
iv. The numbers of electrons passing through a wire carrying Current 3A for 20 min is
a. 2.25 x 1023 c. 2.52 x 1022
b. 2.25 x 1022 d. 225 x 1022
v. Total energy of a particle performing SHM is directly proportional to?

a. The amplitude c. Square root of amplitude

b. The square of amplitude d. Cube of amplitude

vi. The battery of a pocket calculator supplies 0.35 A at a p.d of 6v. What is the power ratting of
the calculator.
a. 2.1 watt c. 4.3 watt
b. 3.2 watt d. 5.4 watt
vii. The gravitational acceleration of an object?
a. Has the same value everywhere in c. Varies over the earth’s surface
space d. Is greater on moon’s surface
b. Has the same value everywhere on
earth’s surface

viii. What will be the work function of substance for a threshold frequency 43.9 x 1013 Hz
a. 2.879 ev c. 3.752 ev
b. 1.819 ev d. 8.793 ev
ix. The force of attraction acts along the;
a. Axis of rotation c. Line perpendicular to the
b. Line of joining the interacting interacting bodies
bodies d. None

x. Mean square velocity of a molecule is proportional to the

a. Absolute temperature.
Date: 01-07-2024 ATP PREPARATION, 2024
Time: 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM (IQBAL) Max. Marks: 100
b. Square of the absolute c. Square root of the absolute
temperature temperature
d. None of the above.
xi. Which law is called law of inertia?
a. 1st law c. 3rd law
b. 2nd law d. 4th law
xii. The elevator initially accelerates upward from rest at the basement and then ascends with uniform
speed. The periodic time of a simple pendulum in the elevator will?
a. Increase d. Decrease and then gradually
b. Decrease increase to the original value
c. Increase and then becomes

xiii. The amount of energy gained or lost by an electron when it is accelerated by 1 volt is ,
a. 1 Joule c. 1 Electron volt
b. 1 Volt d. None of them
xiv. If the earth were three times farther from the sun than it is now, the gravitational force exerted on
earth by the sun will be?
a. Three times c. One-third times
b. Nine times d. One-ninth times

xv. A transformer works on the principle of

a. Self - Induction c. AC generator
b. DC Voltage d. Mutual induction
xvi. Artificial gravity can be created in the aircraft by?
a. Increasing its velocity c. Rotating around its own axis
b. Decreasing its velocity d. Revolving it around earth

xvii. The potentiometer is used to measure____________

a. Current c. Power
b. Voltage d. None of the above
xviii. Color of light is determined by
a. Frequency c. Wavelength
b. Amplitude d. All of these
xix. The one which has the longest wave length in the following is?

a. Red light c. Infrared

b. X - rays d. Radio waves

xx. The half life of a radioactive substance depends upon.

a. The strength of the nuclear its atoms.
force between the nucleons of b. Its mass
Date: 01-07-2024 ATP PREPARATION, 2024
Time: 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM (IQBAL) Max. Marks: 100
c. Its energy d. None of the above
xxi. At what depth from the surface of the earth, will the value of ‘g’ become one-third
a. 1/3Re c. 3/2 Re
b. 2/3Re d. None

xxii. Solid state detectors use.

a. Amplifiers c. Transistors
b. Diodes d. None of the above
xxiii. The device that converts DC to AC is known as
a. Rectifier c. Oscillator
b. Invertors d. Amplifier
xxiv. At which angle the range of projectile is minimum?
a. 45o c. 0 o
b. 90 o d. Both (b) and (c)

xxv. For 100% efficiency which two parameter of transformer should be equal.
a. Power c. Number of Turns
b. Current d. Voltage

i. The e.m.f depends on
a. Nature of the substance c. Its temperature
b. Concentration of the substance d. On all these factor
ii. Saturated hydrocarbons may undergo:
a. Addition reaction c. Elimination reaction
b. Substitution reaction √ d. Polymerization
iii. The e.m.f produced by a galvanic cell is known as
a. Half cell potential c. Cell potential
b. Electrode potential d. Reaction potential
iv. The ethyl chloride reacts with alcoholic KOH to give
a. Ethyl alcohol c. Ethyne
b. Ethene d. Ethane
v. The electrode at which reduction takes place is calle
a. Cathode c. Diode
b. Anode d. Dynode
vi. The reactivity of alkenes is due to
a. Weakness of pi bond b. Presence of double bond
Date: 01-07-2024 ATP PREPARATION, 2024
Time: 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM (IQBAL) Max. Marks: 100
c. Non-aromic in nature d. Their general formula
vii. How many molecules are shared in the bonding of methane molecules?
a. 2 c. 4
b. 6 d. 8
viii. Acetylene with Cl2 gives
a. 1,2-dichloropropane c. 1,1,2,2-tetrachloromethane
b. 1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethane d. None
ix. In which substance is each carbon atom covalently bonded to only three other atoms?
a. Carbon di oxide c. Diamond
b. Graphite d. Methane
x. C=C in benzene bond length is
a. 1.33A c. 1.35A
b. 1.34A d. 1.36A
xi. Which contains covalent bonds but also conducts electricity?
a. Brass c. Graphite
b. Iodine d. Steel
xii. If M, N, O, P and Q are in the increasing order of their standard potentials in standard
conditions of their standard half cells, then by combination of which two half cells maximum
cell potential will be obtained ?
a. M and N c. M and P
b. M and Q d. M and O
xiii. Iodoform is produces from?
a. Formaldehyde c. Ethene
b. Acetone d. None ode these
xiv. Formula of chromic acid?
a. Cr2O3 c. K2CrO4
b. H2CrO4 d. None
xv. When NH3 gas reacts with HCL white fumes are formed which are chemically
a. NH4+ c. HCL fumes
b. NH4CL d. CL-
xvi. Excess acidity caused by acid rain can be neutralized by adding
a. more fertilizers c. P2O5
b. the acidified soil d. lime
xvii. Formic acid is found in?
a. Viniger c. Milk
b. Ants d. Goat
xviii. 1 g of carbohydrate gives ____% of calories.
a. 2 c. 6
b. 4 d. 8
xix. The number of atoms in 4.25 gm of NH3 is approximately
a. 1x1023 c. 1.5x1023
b. 2x10 d. 6x1023
xx. Vapor density of a gas is 22 what is its molecular mass
Date: 01-07-2024 ATP PREPARATION, 2024
Time: 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM (IQBAL) Max. Marks: 100
a. 33 c. 44
b. 22 d. 11
xxi. What is correct about Mineral acids?
a. they are naturally occurring c. they include malic acid
b. they are man made d. none of above
xxii. Vitamin A is _________.
a. Riboflavin c. Retinol
b. Cellulose d. None
xxiii. EDTA is a _________ ligand?
a. Multidentate c. Chaletes
b. Polydentate d. Hi-dentate
xxiv. Formula of cryolite is?
a. Na2AlF6 c. Na2Al2F2
b. Na2AlF2 d. None
xxv. Cement contain high percentage of?
a. Gypsum c. Ca2CO3
b. CaO d. Ca

i. Find the angle of elevation of the sun such that the shadow of a pole 9m long is 3√ 3m
a. 30 c. 60
b. 45 d. 75
ii. |⃗a + ⃗b| = |⃗a−b⃗| when
a. a⃗ ∧b ⃗ are parallel to each other c. a⃗ ∧b⃗ are negative to each other
b. a⃗ ∧⃗b are perpendicular to each d. a⃗ =⃗b
iii. If A = {a,b,d}, B = {b,c,d} and U = {a,b,c,d,e} Find B’-A’?
a. B-A c. A’-B’
b. A-B d. None
iv. Arc cos (2x2-2x) = 2 π /3
1 c. −1/2
a. ±
2 d. π /3
b. 1/2
1 3 5
v. If A = 2 4 7 then Minor M23 is
9 8 6
a. -17 b. -10
Date: 01-07-2024 ATP PREPARATION, 2024
Time: 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM (IQBAL) Max. Marks: 100
c. -19 d. -3
vi. A function which is to be maximized or minimized is called ________ function
a. Optimal c. Objective
b. Feasible d. Corner
vii. If H = 2x+y is minimized, subject to x + y ≥ 3,7 x +5 y ≤ 35, x ≥ y , y ≥ 0 then H is minimized at
a. (0,0) c. (3,0)
b. (0,3) d. (3,3)
viii. The angle between ⃗ A=2i+2 j−k and ⃗ B=6 i−3 j+ 2 k is
a. 89 c. 61
b. 79 d. 51
ix. A = {e,f,g} and B = {f,x,y,z} and U = {e,f,g,x,y,z} then A and B are called
a. Exhaustive set c. Both a and b
b. Union of the set d. Disjoint Set
x. In the binomial expansion, the coefficient from the beginning and end are
a. Equal c. Unequal
b. Unreal d. Irrational
4 4
xi. sin θ−cos θ =
a. 1 c. cos 2 θ
b. sin 2 θ d. -1/ sec2 θ
xii. Period of tan =
a. 4 π c. 16 π
b. 8 π d. 2 π
xiii. The phase shift of y= √ 3 cosx+ sinx ?
a. π c. π /2
b. −π d. −π /2
xiv. Range of tan-1x is
a. R c. [-π/2, π/2]
b. [0, π] d. None
xv. If f(x) = cos x, f(x) is:
a. Even c. Neither
b. Odd d. None
xvi. The point (2, 3) lies on the line
a. 3x+2y=12 c. x-3y=12
b. x+3y=12 d. 3x+2y+12=0
xvii. For what value of m, the lines 2x + y - 1 = 0, mx +2y- 2 = 0 and 2x — 3y—5 = 0 are
a. 4 c. 5
b. -5 d. None of these.
xviii. d/dx (3x + 32) =?
a. 3xln3 c. xln3
b. X3ln3 d. 3ln3
Date: 01-07-2024 ATP PREPARATION, 2024
Time: 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM (IQBAL) Max. Marks: 100
xix. if y = ln(secx2) then dy/dx =
a. 1/secx2 c. Cotx2
b. 2x/cosx2 d. 2xtanx2
xx. The gradient of the curve y = 6x2 at point (1,-1):
a. 12 c. -6
b. -12 d. 6
xxi. Extreme values of sin x are:
a. 0 and 1 c. -1 and 0
b. 1 and -1 d. 2 and -2
xxii. The equation of parabola whose vertex is (0,0) and focus is (0,-3) is:
a. x2 = -12y c. y2 = 12x
b. y = x2 d. x2 = 12y
xxiii. What is the vertex of parabola (y -2)2 = 8(x -3):
a. (3,2) c. (-3, -2)
b. (2,3) d. (-2, -3)
xxiv. Slope of a line bisecting 2nd and 4th quadrant is:
a. 1 c. 3
b. 2 d. 0
xxv. Second derivative of e2x+1 at x =1:
a. 2e3 c. e3
b. 4e3 d. 5e3

1. Synonym of "Abundant":
A) Scarce C) Sparse
B) Plentiful D) Limited
2. Antonym of "Fragile":
A) Delicate C) Sturdy
B) Weak D) Brittle
3. Synonym of "Exuberant":
A) Joyful C) Reserved
B) Depressed D) Indiffere
4. Antonym of "Impartial":
A) Unbiased C) Neutral
B) Fair D) Biased
5. Synonym of "Conceal":
A) Reveal C) Hide
B) Disclose D) Show
6. Synonym of "Loquacious":
A) Silent C) Reserved
B) Talkative D) Shy
7. Antonym of "Amicable":
A) Friendly B) Hostile
Date: 01-07-2024 ATP PREPARATION, 2024
Time: 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM (IQBAL) Max. Marks: 100
C) Cordial D) Harmonious
8. Synonym of "Meticulous":
A) Careless C) Precise
B) Hasty D) Negligent
9. Antonym of "Profound":
A) Deep C) Superficial
B) Insightful D) Thoughtful
10. Synonym of "Eloquent":
A) Inarticulate C) Expressive
B) Mute D) Quiet
11. While going to the office, _________________.
A) A fox chased me. C) The fox was chased by me.
B) The fox decided to chase me. D)I was chased by a fox.
12. Unlike most birds ________________________.
A)There is a lack of feathers on vulture C)There are no feathers on vultures’ he
s’ heads and necks. ads and necks.
B)Feathers are not found on the heads d)Vultures do not have feathers on thei
and necks of vultures. r heads and necks.
13. After jumping off the boat, _________________.
A) A snake bit the man C) The man biting the snake.
B) The man was bitten by a snake D) The snake was biting the man.
14. Somebody cooks my meal every day. / My meal _________ by someone every day.
A)Is cooking C) Had been cooked
B)Has been cooked d) Is cooked
15. Which sentence is correct?
a) Not looking where he was going; he got hit by a bike.
b) Not looking where he was going, he was hit by a bike
c) Not looking where he was going, a bike hit him.
d) Not looking where he was going, he was being hit by a bike.
16. Despite the numerous challenges faced by the team, the project, which was originally scheduled
for completion in December, are expected to be delayed by several months due to unforeseen
A) Despite the numerous challenges faced by the team, the project, which was originally
scheduled for completion in December, are expected to be delayed by several months due to
unforeseen circumstances.
B) Despite the numerous challenges faced by the team, the project, which was originally
scheduled for completion in December, is expected to be delayed by several months due to
unforeseen circumstances.
C) Despite the numerous challenges faced by the team, the project, which was originally
scheduled for completion in December, will expected to be delayed by several months due to
unforeseen circumstances.
D) Despite the numerous challenges faced by the team, the project, which was originally
scheduled for completion in December, are expected to delayed by several months due to
unforeseen circumstances
Date: 01-07-2024 ATP PREPARATION, 2024
Time: 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM (IQBAL) Max. Marks: 100
17. The study's findings, which have been the subject of much debate among scholars, suggests that
a significant correlation exist between social media usage and decreased attention spans in
A) The study's findings, which have been the subject of much debate among scholars,
suggests that a significant correlation exist between social media usage and decreased
attention spans in adolescents.
B) The study's findings, which has been the subject of much debate among scholars,
suggests that a significant correlation exists between social media usage and decreased
attention spans in adolescents.
C) The study's findings, which have been the subject of much debate among scholars,
suggest that a significant correlation exists between social media usage and decreased
attention spans in adolescents.
D) The study's findings, which have been the subject of much debate among scholars,
suggest that a significant correlation exist between social media usage and decreased
attention spans in adolescents.
18. The singer was 𝐨𝐛𝐥𝐢𝐯𝐢𝐨𝐮𝐬 of the 𝐨𝐫𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐚 𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐬agitation 𝐢𝐦𝐦𝐞𝐝𝐢𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐥𝐲 𝐛𝐞𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐞 the 𝐥𝐚𝐬𝐭
A) orchestra leaders C) last aria
B) immediately before D) No Error
19. When the conference, which had been meticulously planned for over a year, was finally
underway, it quickly became apparent that many of the anticipated attendees were unable to
participate due to unforeseen travel restrictions.
A) When the conference, which had been meticulously planned for over a year, was finally
underway, it quickly became apparent that many of the anticipated attendees was unable to
participate due to unforeseen travel restrictions.
B) When the conference, which had been meticulously planned for over a year, were finally
underway, it quickly became apparent that many of the anticipated attendees were unable to
participate due to unforeseen travel restrictions.
C) When the conference, which had been meticulously planned for over a year, was finally
underway, it quickly became apparent that many of the anticipated attendees were unable to
participate due to unforeseen travel restrictions.
D) When the conference, which had been meticulously planned for over a year, was finally
underway, it quickly became apparent that many of the anticipated attendee were unable to
participate due to unforeseen travel restrictions.
20. In an effort to improve the company's environmental impact, the management team has
implemented a series of initiatives aimed at reducing waste, conserving energy, and promoting
sustainable practices among its employees.
A) In an effort to improve the company's environmental impact, the management team has
implemented a series of initiatives aimed at reducing waste, conserving energy, and
promoting sustainable practices among its employees.
B) In an effort to improve the company's environmental impact, the management team have
implemented a series of initiatives aimed at reducing waste, conserving energy, and
promoting sustainable practices among its employees.
C) In an effort to improve the company's environmental impact, the management team had
implemented a series of initiatives aimed at reducing waste, conserving energy, and
promoting sustainable practices among its employees.
Date: 01-07-2024 ATP PREPARATION, 2024
Time: 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM (IQBAL) Max. Marks: 100
D) In an effort to improve the company's environmental impact, the management team is
implemented a series of initiatives aimed at reducing waste, conserving energy, and
promoting sustainable practices among its employees.
Hip-hop pedagogy is a form of teaching that’s gaining popularity across school subjects. It involves
incorporating hip-hop and rap music into lessons as well as using hip-hop elements when teaching
other subject matters. For example, Quan Neloms’s students look for college-level vocabulary and
historical events in rap songs. Researchers claim that in addition to developing students’ social
justice awareness, hip-hop pedagogy encourages student success by raising students’ interest and
21. Which finding, if true, would most strongly support the underlined claim?
A. Courses that incorporate hip-hop and rap music are among the courses with the highest
enrollment and attendance rates.
B. Educators report that they enjoy teaching courses that involve hip-hop and rap music more
than teaching courses that don’t.
C. Students tend to be more enthusiastic about rap music than they are about hip-hop music.
D. Students who are highly interested in social justice issues typically don’t sign up for courses
that incorporate hip-hop and rap music.

To make her art more widely available, graphic artist Elizabeth Catlett turned to linocuts. In linocut
printing, an artist carves an image into a sheet of linoleum to create a stamp that is used to mass-
produce prints. In the linocut series The Black Woman (1946–1947), Catlett depicts the everyday
experiences of Black women alongside the achievements of well-known Black women. This pairing
invites the viewer to draw connections among the women. The linocut process enabled Catlett’s work
to reach a wide audience and supported her aim to unite Black women through her art.
22. According to the text, what is significant about Catlett’s use of linocut printing?
A. Linocut printing helped Catlett use art to connect people, especially Black women.
B. Catlett was one of the first Black artists to use linocut printing.
C. Catlett became commercially successful once she started using linocut printing.
D. Linocut printing involved using materials that were readily available to Catlett.

Artist Justin Favela explained that he wanted to reclaim the importance of the piñata as a symbol in
Latinx culture. To do so, he created numerous sculptures the material used to create piñatas. In 2017,
Favela created an impressive life-size piñata-like sculpture of the Gypsy Rose lowrider car, which
was displayed at the Petersen Automotive Museum in Los Angeles, California. The Gypsy Rose
lowrider was famously driven by Jesse Valadez, an early president of the Los Angeles Imperials Car
Club. from strips of tissue paper, which is similar to
23. According to the text, which piece of Favela’s art was on display in the Petersen Automotive
Museum in 2017?
A. A painting of Los Angeles
B. A painting of a piñata
C. A sculpture of Jesse Valadez
D. A sculpture of a lowrider car

The wheel has been used by humans since nearly the beginning of civilization and is considered one
of the most important mechanical inventions of all time. Most primitive technologies since the
invention of the wheel have been based on its principles, and since the industrial revolution, the
wheel has been a basic element of nearly every machine constructed by humankind. No one knows
Date: 01-07-2024 ATP PREPARATION, 2024
Time: 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM (IQBAL) Max. Marks: 100
the exact time and place of the invention of the wheel, but its beginnings can be seen across many
ancient civilizations.
24. According to this passage, the wheel is an important invention because
A. it is one of the world’s oldest inventions
B. it forms the basis of so many later inventions
C. it is an invention that can be traced to many cultures
D. it is one the world’s most famous inventions

“The Rock and the Sea” is an 1893 poem by Charlotte Perkins Gilman. In the poem, a rock is
portrayed as intending to confront and restrain the sea: ______.
25. Which quotation from “The Rock and the Sea” most effectively illustrates the claim?
A. “I am the Rock. Black midnight falls; / The terrible breakers rise like walls; / With curling
lips and gleaming teeth / They plunge and tear at my bones beneath.”
B. “I am the Sea. The earth I sway; / Granite to me is potter’s clay; / Under the touch of my
careless waves / It rises in turrets and sinks in caves.”
C. “I am the Sea. I hold the land / As one holds an apple in his hand, / Hold it fast with sleepless
eyes, / Watching the continents sink and rise.”
D. “I am the Rock, presumptuous Sea! / I am set to encounter thee. / Angry and loud or gentle
and still, / I am set here to limit thy power, and I will!”

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