Uts bahasa inggris SMA

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Bahasa inggris kelas 10

Jawablah pertanyaan di bawah ini dengan jawaban yang benar!

Choose appropriate pronouns to complete the sentences !
1. ( MY / ME / I ) mother always prepares my breakfast . (SHE/HER/HERS) is a really good mom
2. Indonesian people celebrate (THEY / THEIR / THEM) independence day every August 17th.
(THEY / THEIR / THEM) usually do many competitions.
3. When I feel hungry, (/MY/ME) will cook food by myself. My family likes eating the food that
(I/MY/ME) cooks.
4. Each member has ( HE / HIS / HIM ) advantages from the company . ( HE / HIS / HIM ) can
use certain company's facilities .
5. My cellphone doesn't work well. I bring (IT / ITS / THEM) to service center to be repaired. I
hope (IT / ITS / THEM) can be used as usual soon.

Change the following sentences based on the instructions in the bracket !

6. Many children don't like vegetables in third meal? ( + )
7. Do the students always follow school's regulations? ( - )
8. The waitress doesn't serve customers politely. ( ? )
9. What is congratulaion?
10. Make an example of an congratulation sentence?

Bahasa inggris kelas 11

Jawablah pertanyaan di bawah ini dengan jawaban yang benar!
Make the sentences below correctly!
1. doesn’t – me – she – with – agree

Read the following dialogue and then answer the questions!

Amir : "We have been waiting almost three quarters of an hour."
Budi : "Yes, I think the bus will never come."
Amir : "Would it be an idea to walk?"
Budi : "Yes, it's a good idea "
Amir : " Has the new restaurant opened today ? "
Budi : " It has opened yesterday already. My friend told me it has a new and delicious menu . "
Amir : "Why don't we eat there?"
Budi : "it's a wonderful idea."

2. How long have Amir and Budi waited?

3. What to do Amir and Budi wait?
4. When did the new restaurant open?
5. Mention one expression of giving a suggestion!
6. What is letter?
7. Explain the two types of letters?
8. What is the difference between agreement and disagreement?
9. Make an example of an agreement sentence?
10. Make an example of an disagreement sentence?

Bahasa inggris kelas 12

Jawablah pertanyaan di bawah ini dengan jawaban yang benar!

Class of XII
You are invited to celebrate
The graduation of
" Katherine Sabrine Kalden "
From University
Satudary , the twenty eighth
of May
Two thousand and fifteen
Wet Pine Street
Red Jambu

PRSVP to Monica at

1. Person who writer of the letter is?

2. The exam's name is...
3. If we want to join , we must contact to...
4. The event will be held in ...
5. The recipient of the invitation above is ...
6. What is a job application letter?
7. Write the structure of a job application letter!
8. What is news item?
9. Mention generic structure of news item?
10. Write the difference between Persuading Encouraging and Hoping?

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