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The above-mentioned applicant has provided your name as a
business referee in order for us to find employment for them.
We thank you for taking time to complete this urgent request,
as without this they cannot start work so your prompt attention
is very much appreciated.
Please tick the appropriate box: EXCELLEN GOOD SATISFACTOR POOR
Work performance:
Ability to work in a team:
Ability to work on their own:
Ability to cope under pressure:
Interpersonal skills:
Honesty and Integrity:
How long have you known this applicant and in what capacity?
-9 months

Date they commenced employment:March 2021

Date employment ended: November 2021
Reason for leaving: Contract time had lapsed.
Would you re-employ this applicant? Yes
Can you briefly state the applicant’s best qualities in your opinion?
-can work under minimum supervision.
-can easily grasp concepts
-can work under pressure and is a good team player
- she demonstrated passion for working with the less privileged hence her impact went an extra mile.
Please confirm the type of work undertaken by the employee:She was a volunteer who helped in
contacting means testing for would be beneficiaries.
- following up on reported child abuse cases as well as developing and executing their care plans with
the assistance of the supervisor.
- assisting in coordinating social protection programmes in the district.
-accompanying child witnesses to court.
How does this applicant commit to a task?
She does her work with passion. She is able to work with minimum supervision
Has this applicant been subject to any disciplinary procedures? Please provide relevant details:
What other comments would you like to make about this person: She is a hard worker who is
committed to change the lives of vulnerable people in the community
The reference you have kindly provided may need to be produced to a third party in order to
meet our client’s safety and compliance procedures. Do we have your permission to do this:
Print Name: Mwanaka Joseph
Position:Social Development Officer/ Probation Officer Date: 12/03/22 Signed:
Please endorse with your Organisation Stamp:

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