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Ms Vien Pham – ILSW6 English 6


1. apartment (n) /əˈpɑːtmənt/ căn hộ chung cư
2. balcony (n) /ˈbælkəni/ ban công
3. basement (n) /ˈbeɪsmənt/ tầng hầm
4. garage (n) /ˈɡærɑːʒ - /ˈɡærɪdʒ/ nhà để xe, ga-ra
5. gym (n) /dʒɪm/ phòng tập thể dục
6. yard (n) /jɑːd/ cái sân
7. (swimming) pool (n) /puːl/ bể bơi
8. clean (v) /kliːn/ dọn dẹp, rửa dọn
9. dinner (n) /ˈdɪn.ɚ/ bữa ăn tối
10. lunch (n) /lʌntʃ/ bữa ăn trưa
11. breakfast (n) /ˈbrek.fəst/ bữa ăn sáng
12. dish (n) /dɪʃ/ cái dĩa/ món ăn
13. kitchen (n) /ˈkɪtʃ.ən/ nhà bếp
14. ________ laundry /ˈlɑːn.dri/ việc giặt giũ, là (ủi)
15. go shopping/do the shopping /ˈʃɑː.pɪŋ/ đi mua sắm
16. college student (n) /ˈkɑː.lɪdʒ ˈstuː.dənt/ sinh viên đại học
17. chef (n) /ʃef/ đầu bếp
18. really (adv) /ˈriː.ə.li/ thực sự/rất
19. housework (n) /ˈhaʊs.wɝːk/ công việc nhà
20. ______ the east /iːst/ về phía đông
21. ______ the west /west/ về phía tây
22. ______ the south /saʊθ/ về phía nam
23. ______ the north /nɔːrθ/ về phía bắc
24. village (n) /ˈvɪl.ɪdʒ/ ngôi làng
25. town (n) /taʊn/ thị trấn
26. countryside (n) /ˈkʌn.tri.saɪd/ miền quê
27. be famous for sth (a) /ˈfeɪ.məs/ nổi tiếng vì...
28. Mekong Delta (n) /ˈdel.t̬ ə/ đồng bằng Sông Cửu Long
29. floating (a) /ˈfləʊtɪŋ/ nổi, lềnh bềnh

Ms Vien Pham – ILSW6 English 6

30. floating market (n) /ˈfləʊtɪŋ ˈmɑːr.kɪt / chợ nổi

31. visit (v) /ˈvɪz.ɪt/ viếng thăm, thăm quan
32. grow (v) /ɡroʊ/ trồng trọt, nuôi lớn
33. important (a) /ɪmˈpɔːr.tənt/ quan trọng
34. business (n) /ˈbɪz.nɪs/ kinh doanh
35. transportation (n) /ˌtræn.spɚˈteɪ.ʃən/ giao thông vận tải
36. region (n) /ˈriː.dʒən/ khu vực
37. population (n) /ˌpɑː.pjəˈleɪ.ʃən/ dân cư, dân số
38. average temperature /ˈæv.ɚ.ɪdʒ ˈtem.pɚ.ə.tʃɚ / nhiệt độ trung bình
39. France (n) /fræns/ nước Pháp
→ French (n/a) /frentʃ/ người Pháp, tiếng Pháp, quốc
tịch Pháp
40. England (n) /ˈɪŋ.ɡlənd/ nước Anh
→ English (n/a) /ˈɪŋ.ɡlɪʃ/ người Anh, tiếng Anh, quốc tịch nước
41. museum (n) /mjuːˈziː.əm/ bảo tàng


1. Present Simple

2. Subject pronouns

I. Give the correct form of verb in the brackets

1. Nam's school ( be) _________ big.

2. There (be) _________ 20 classrooms in his school.
3. Tony (have) _________ 2 sisters.
4. Lan (get) _________ up at 6 and (go) _________ to school at 6. 30.
5. Our school (not, have) _________ a big yard.
6. I (be) _________ grade 6.
7. What (do) _________ your sister do? She (be) _________ a nurse.
8. It (be) _________ my book.

Ms Vien Pham – ILSW6 English 6

9. We (have) _________ breakfast, then we (go) _________ to school.

10. I usually (eat) _______ breakfast at 7am.
11. My school (have) _________ 3 floors and my class (be) _________ on 1st floor.
12. Who _______ (do) the housework at your house?
13. Who _______ (make) breakfast for your family?
14. _______ he (live) ________ Hanoi? Yes, he _______.
15. What ______ Ken (write) ______ about?
16. What housework ______ Kim (do) ______ ?
17. _____ your house (have) ______ a pool?
18. Where ____ your father (work) _______ ?
19. We (not, go) ________ on Sundays.
20. When _______ you (brush) _______ your teeth?
21. My apartment (not, have) ________ the balcony.
22. I (not, like) ______________ drinking tea.
23. My sister (not, play) __________ tennis.
24. My friends and I sometimes (go) ______ picnic in the park.
25. _____ Tom (go) _______ to school by bus? No, he ________.

II. Give the correct form of verb tobe in the brackets

1. I __________ a doctor.
2. They __________ tall.
3. He __________ old.
4. It __________ a pencil.
5. Lan and Hoa __________ pretty.
6. My father __________ kind.
7. The children __________ lovely.
8. The dogs __________ big.
9. You __________ a student.
10. He and I __________ friends.
11. Hello, I _________ Mai.
12. _________ you a student?
13. This _________ my mother.

Ms Vien Pham – ILSW6 English 6

14. It _________ a book.

15. That _________ an eraser.
*Use the negative form of the verb To be
1. This _________ my pen.
2. Those _________ clocks.
3. They _________ windows.
4. It _________ a pencil.
5. My father _________ a doctor. He is a teacher.
6. This ruler _________ long. It is short.
7. Those schools _________ big. They are small.
8. I _________ a nurse.
9. You _________ engineers.
10. Ba and Bao _________ here.

III. Circle and correct one mistake in each sentence

1. What am Vietnam famous for?

2. There is two rooms in my house.
3. Do your school have a big swimming pool?
4. My brother and I don’t cleaning the house.
5. What housework do your father do?
6. What is you?
7. He likes apples, but he don’t like bananas.
8. This is my pencils.
9. That are teacher’ book.
10. Hello, I is Janet.

Ms Vien Pham – ILSW6 English 6

IV. Circle the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently from the others.

1 A. police B. his C. six D. sister

2 A. vegetable B. egg C. kitchen D. men

3 A. cake B. village C. make D. paper

4 A. bus B. fun C. sunny D. busy

5 A. machine B. dinner C. fish D. singer

Ms Vien Pham – ILSW6 English 6

1. Subject (n) /ˈsʌb.dʒekt/ môn học
2. Math/Maths (n) /mæθ/ môn Toán
3. Literature (n) /ˈlɪt̬ .ɚ.ə.tʃɚ/ môn Ngữ văn
4. History (n) /ˈhɪs.t̬ ɚ.i/ môn Lịch sử
5. Geography (n) /dʒiˈɑː.ɡrə.fi/ môn Địa lí
6. Physics (n) /ˈfɪz.ɪks/ môn Vật lí
7. Biology (n) /baɪˈɑː.lə.dʒi/ môn Sinh học
8. Physical education (n) = P.E /ˈfɪz.ɪ.kəl edʒ.əˈkeɪ.ʃən/ môn Giáo dục thể chất/thể
9. Information Technology = I.T /ˌɪn.fɚˈmeɪ.ʃən tekˈnɑː.lə.dʒi/ môn Tin học
10. Science (n) /ˈsaɪ.əns/ môn Khoa học
11. indoor (a) outdoor (a) /ˌɪnˈdɔːr/ /ˈaʊtˌdɔːr/ trong nhà ngoài trời
→ indoor activity, outdoor activity /ækˈtɪv.ə.t̬ i/ hoạt động trong nhà,
hoạt động ngoài trời
12. perform (v) /pɚˈfɔːrm/ biểu diễn
13. audience (n) /ˈɑː.di.əns/ khán giả
14. sign up (phr.v) /saɪn/ đăng ký, ghi danh
15. noticeboard (n) /ˈnoʊ.t̬ ɪs.bɔːrd/ bảng thông báo
16. arts and crafts club (n) /ˌɑːrts ən ˈkræfts/ clb thủ công mỹ nghệ
17. cost (n) /kɔːst/ chi phí
18. material (n) /məˈtɪriəl/ nguyên vật liệu
19. fantasy (n) /ˈfæntəsi/ sự hoang tưởng, ảo tưởng
20. mystery (n) /ˈmɪstəri/ sự kỳ bí, bí ẩn
21. adventure (n) /ədˈventʃər/ cuộc phiêu lưu
22. author (n) /ˈɔːθər/ tác giả
23. peaceful (a) /ˈpiːsfl/ yên bình

Ms Vien Pham – ILSW6 English 6

1. Conjunction: AND (và) vs. OR (hoặc)

→ AND (và) dùng để nối các danh từ với nhau trong câu khẳng định.
→ OR dùng để nối các danh từ với nhau trong câu phủ định.

I like math and biology. I like math, P.E, and biology.

I don’t like apples or bananas. I don’t like apples, bananas, or pineapples.

2. Possessive pronouns and possessive adjectives

Subject pronouns Object pronouns Possessive adjectives Possessive pronouns

Đứng trước danh từ Không đi kèm danh từ

I me my mine

you you your yours

we us our ours

they them their theirs

he him his his

she her her hers

it it its x

Ex: What’s your name? My name is Joe

This is my book. = This book is mine.
3. Động từ like/love

like/love + V-ing

like/love + Noun

Ex: I like eating bananas. = I like bananas.

Ms Vien Pham – ILSW6 English 6

John loves reading books. = John loves books.


I. Fill in the blanks with given words below

novel drama club geography arts and crafts

sign up history fantasy outdoor activities

1. Our _________________ is for people who like making things. You can learn how to make
beautiful cards and decorations.
2. John’s favorite subject is ___________________. He likes learning about people and events in the
3. Her first _________________ is about her childhood in Vietnam. Many people, especially children,
love it because they can see themselves in her story.
4. Peter Pan is one of famous _______________ novels. This novel is fun for children of all ages.
5. We learn about different countries in ____________________ class.
6. I like using computers so I _________________ for my school IT club.
7. In the summer, I love doing _____________________ like swimming and badminton.
8. To be in the school play, the Snow White, you need to join ___________________.
II. Complete the sentences with suitable possessive adjectives
1. I am Lisa. _________ hometown is in Toronto.
2. She is a teacher. _________ students are very good.
3. I have a lot of books. _________ books are interesting.
4. The monkey is hurt. _________ tail is bleeding.
5. The boys like _________ school.
6. The boy likes _________ school.
7. Susan, where’s _________ classroom? We can’t find it.
8. Tom has got a new bike. This is _________ bike.
9. We have got a new house. This is _________ house.
10. Mary likes _________ rabbits.
11. Nam is playing with _________ dogs.
12. He has a pillow. _________ pillow is very soft.
13. Wow, look! This bird is so beautiful. _________ feather is colorful!

Ms Vien Pham – ILSW6 English 6

14. They own a car. _________ is slow.

15. Hoa has a brother. _________ is Joe.
III. Complete the sentences with suitable possessive adjectives or possessive pronouns
1. She has got a cat.
→ It’s _________ cat. / It’s _________.
2. He has got a new car.
→ It’s _________./ It’s _________.
3. They have got these books.
→ These book are _________./These books are _________.
4. They have got a house.
→ This is _________ house./ The house is _________.
5. I have got a car.
→ This is _________ car./ This car is _________.
6. My friends and I have got sweets. The sweets are _______.
7. My brothers have got kites. The bikes are __________.
8. The coat belongs to me. It is __________.
9. We have new shoes. They are __________.
10. We have new shoes. They are __________.

IV. Write sentences using given words

1. I/not/like/history/P.E/./

2. I/not/like/geography/biology/math/./

3. Jenny/not/like/literature/history/arts/./

4. He/like/P.E/math/I.T/./

5. She/like/math/music/arts/./

6. My brother like/swim/in/summer/./

Ms Vien Pham – ILSW6 English 6

7. What/subject/you/like/?/

8. What/subject/she/like/?/

Ms Vien Pham – ILSW6 English 6

1. tall (a) - short (a) - long (a) /tɔːl/ - /ʃɔːrt/ - /lɔːŋ/ cao - thấp (lùn) - dài
2. blond (a) /blɑːnd/ vàng hoe (màu tóc)
3. striped (a) /straɪpt/ có sọc
4. wear (v) /wer/ đội, mang, mặc
5. pants (n) /pænts/ quần dài
6. sneakers (n) /ˈsniːkərs/ giày thể thao
7. shorts (n) /ʃɔːrts/ quần ngắn, quần đùi
8. t-shirt (n) /ˈtiː ʃɜːrt/ áo thun
9. shirt (n) /ʃɜːrt/ áo sơmi
10. cap (n) /kæp/ nón lưỡi trai
11. glasses (n) /ˈɡlæs·əz/ mắt kính
12. barbecue (n) /ˈbɑːrbɪkjuː/ tiệc nướng ngoài trời
13. weekend (n) /ˈwiːkend/ cuối tuần
14. tonight (n) /təˈnaɪt/ tối nay
15. helpful (a) /ˈhelpfl/ biết giúp đỡ
16. selfish (a) /ˈselfɪʃ/ có tính ích kỷ
17. kind (a) /kaɪnd/ có tính tốt bụng, tử tế
18. lazy (a) /ˈleɪzi/ có tính lười nhác
19. friendly (a) /ˈfrendli/ có tính thân thiện
20. laugh (v) /læf/ cười lớn
21. try (v) /traɪ/ thử, cố gắng
22. chore (n) /tʃɔːr/ công việc lặt vặt

Ms Vien Pham – ILSW6 English 6

1. Present Continuous – Thì hiện tại tiếp diễn
Thì hiện tại tiếp diễn diễn tả 1 việc, 1 hành động đang xảy ra tại thời điểm nói; hoặc diễn tả 1 việc chắc
chắn sẽ làm trong tương lai (mang hàm ý tương lai)
Signal words: Look! Listen! Be quiet!, right now, now, at the moment, at the present, tonight, this
weekend, etc.
+ S + am/is/are + V-ing She is making a cake.
- S + am/is/are + not + V-ing She isn’t making a cake.
? Am/Is/Are + S + V-ing? Is she making a cake?
 Yes, S am/is/are. Yes, she is.
 No, S am/is/are + not. No, she isn’t.

Wh-questions What/When/Where/How… + am/is/are + S +V-ing? What is she doing?

2. Câu hỏi miêu tả người (về tính cách+ ngoại hình)

Structure Examples

Tính cách What is he like?

What + be + S + like? He is friendly and helpful.

Ngoại hình What does he look like?

What does/do + S + look like? He is tall with short hair.

I. Give the correct form of verbs in the bracket:
1. I (shop) __________ at the moment. I can’t talk.
2. My mom always (cook) __________ nice food.
3. The teachers often (give) __________ us a lot of homework on Monday.
4. It’s 5 p.m now and I (watch) __________ TV with my friends.
5. What time __________ your brother usually (get) __________ up?
6. It’s OK. Jack (not, sleep) __________ at the moment. You can come an talk to him.
Ms Vien Pham – ILSW6 English 6

7. My cousin (get) __________ married today.

8. Sarah never (walk) __________ to school. Her mom (drive) __________ her to school.
9. Where __________ you (be) now?
10. I might (prepare) __________ some things to play the tug of war.
II. Match the words with the correct pictures
talent show puppet show peach flowers
food stalls apricot flowers tug of war

____________________ ____________________ ____________________

____________________ ____________________ ____________________

III.Unscramble the sentences

1. moment/your/are/friends/What/doing/the/at?

2. Are/reading/sisters/books/your/now?

3. a movie/Mary/watching/tonight/with her parents/Is?

4. tomorrow/making/am/pizza/I/a.

5. What/are/now/doing/you?

6. soccer/you/playing/Are/tomorrow/?

7. brother/now/is/studying/Geography/My.
Ms Vien Pham – ILSW6 English 6

8. The/Look!/ is/coming/ bus.

9. look/What/your sister/does/like?

10. tall/with/black/She/is/hair.

Ms Vien Pham – ILSW6 English 6


2. never (adv) /ˈnevər/ không bao giờ
3. rarely = barely (adv) /ˈrerli/ - /ˈberli/ hiếm khi, ít khi
4. often (adv) /ˈɔːftən/ thường
5. usually (adv) /ˈjuːʒəli/ thường thường
6. sometimes (adv) /ˈsʌmtaɪmz/ thỉnh thoảng
7. always (adv) /ˈɔːlweɪz/ luôn luôn
8. music performance (n) /ˈmjuːzɪk pərˈfɔːrməns/ trình diễn ca nhạc
9. food stand (n) /fuːd stænd/ quầy đồ ăn
10. puppet show (n) /ˈpʌpɪt ʃəʊ/ buổi kịch múa rối
11. tug of war (n) /tʌɡ əv wɔːr/ trò chơi kéo co
12. talent show (n) /ˈtælənt ʃəʊ/ buổi biểu diễn tài năng
13. open (v) /ˈəʊpən/ mở cửa
14. close (v) /kləʊz/ đóng cửa
15. start (v) /stɑːrt/ bắt đầu
16. end (v) /end/ kết thúc
17. leave (v) /liːv/ rời khỏi
18. decorate (v) /ˈdekəreɪt/ trang trí, trang hoàng
19. parade (n) /pəˈreɪd/ cuộc diễu hành
20. tradition (n) /trəˈdɪʃn/ truyền thống
→ traditional (a) /trəˈdɪʃənl/ thuộc về truyền thống
20. beginning (n) /bɪˈɡɪnɪŋ/ sự khởi đầu, sự bắt đầu
21. peach flowers (n) /piːtʃ ˈflaʊər/ hoa đào
22. apricot flower (n) /ˈæprɪkɑːt ˈflaʊər/ hoa mai
23. clothes (n) /kləʊz/ quần áo

Ms Vien Pham – ILSW6 English 6

1. Trạng từ chỉ tần suất – Adverbs of frequency
always: luôn luôn
usually: thường xuyên
often/normally: thường
sometimes: đôi khi
occasionally: thi thoảng
seldom/rarely: hiếm khi
never: không bao giờ
twice a week, once a week, once a year, once a month
*Vị trí của trạng từ chỉ tần suất:
1. Đứng sau động từ tobe (am/is/are)
2. Trước các động từ thường
Ex: You are always late for work.
She never goes to bed early.
*Đặt câu hỏi về tần suất
How often + do/does + S + V?
2. Present Simple (cont.)
Chúng ta sử dụng thì hiện tại đơn để nói về những việc chắc chắn sẽ xảy ra trong tương lai, ví dụ như lịch
trình, thời khóa biểu, lịch chiếu phim, rạp hát, v…v
Ex: What time does the festival start? It starts at 6 p.m.
The puppet show ends in 10 minutes.
The restaurant opens at 11 p.m.
I. Use the adverb and the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

1. Our teacher, Mrs Jones, (never / be) late for lessons.

2. I (often / clean) my bedroom at the weekend.
3. My brother (hardly ever / help) me with my homework.
4. I (sometimes / be) bored in the maths lessons.
5. We (rarely / watch) football on TV.
6. You and Tony (never / play) computer games with me.
Ms Vien Pham – ILSW6 English 6

7. You (usually / be) at the sports centre on Sunday.

8. The school bus (always / arrive) at half past eight.
9. Josh (always / be) home after school.
10. Our English teacher (always / give) us a lot of homework.
II. Fill in the blanks using Present Simple
1. What time _________ the puppet show _________ (end)?
2. What time _________ the bus _________ (leave)?
3. _________ the train _________ (leave) at 4:45? Yes, it does.
4. The talent show _________ (start) at 3:00, and _________ (end) at 3:40.
5. The food stand _________ (open) at 11:00, and _________ (close) at 15:00.
6. I usually (eat) _________ at the restaurant in the downtown.
7. My parents always (read) _________ newspaper in the early moring.
8. How often _________ you _________ (go) to school on foot?
9. The students never _________ (eat) in class.
10. What time _________ the food stands _________ (open)?
III. Answer questions about yourself
1. How often do you go to school? 
2. How often does your sister/brother read books? 
3. Do you often go to the park? 
4. How often does your mom cook? 
5. How often do you do your homework? 

Ms Vien Pham – ILSW6 English 6


1. changing room (n) /tʃeɪndʒ ruːm/ phòng thử đồ

2. customer (n) /ˈkʌstəmər/ khách hàng

3. small (a) /smɔːl/ cỡ nhỏ

4. medium (a) /ˈmiːdiəm/ cỡ vừa

5. large (a) /lɑːrdʒ/ cỡ lớn

6. extra large (a) /ˈekstrə lɑːrdʒ/ cỡ rất lớn

7. jeans (n) /dʒiːnz/ quần bò

8. sale assistant (n) /seɪl əˈsɪstənt/ trợ lí/nhân viên bán hàng

9. sweater (n) /ˈswetər/ áo len tay dài

10. change (n) /tʃeɪndʒ/ tiền thừa, sự thay đổi

11. check (n) /tʃek/ hóa đơn

12. dessert (n) /dɪˈzɜːrt/ món tráng miệng

13. order (v) /ˈɔːrdər/ gọi món, ra lệnh

14. tip (n) /tɪp/ tiền boa, tiền thưởng

15. fish sauce (n) /fɪʃ sɔːs/ nước mắm

16. fry (v) /fraɪ/ chiên, rán

17. grill (v) /ɡrɪl/ nướng

18. herb (n) /hɜːrb/ rau thơm, rau nêm

19. lamb (n) /læm/ thịt cừu

20. pork (n) /pɔːrk/ thịt lợn

21. meat (n) /miːt/ thịt (nói chung)

22. noodles (n) /ˈnuːdl/ món mì

Ms Vien Pham – ILSW6 English 6

23. seafood (n) /ˈsiːfuːd/ hải sản

24. try sth on (phr.v) /traɪ/ …/ɑːn/ mặc thử

1. Demonstratives – từ chỉ định

This + singular nouns/verbs That + singular nouns/verbs

(Đây là…)  chỉ vật ở gần, số ít (Kia là…)  chỉ vật ở xa, số ít

This is my pen. That is my pen.

This book is mine. That book is mine.
These + plural nouns/verbs Those + plural nouns/verbs
(Đây là những…) chỉ vật ở gần, số nhiều (Kia là những…)  chỉ vật ở xa, số nhiều

These are my pens. Those are my pens.

These books are mine. Those books are mine.

2. Cấu trúc “would like/love to”

 để đưa ra một lời mời hoặc để bày tỏ mong muốn của mình một cách tế nhị, lịch sự

S + would like/love + to + V
*would like = ‘d like

Ex: What would you like? I’d like a pizza.

3. a/an/some/any

*a/an đứng trước danh từ số ít, chỉ các sự vật, sự việc không xác định (được đề cập lần đầu tiên)

*a đi với đứng trước một phụ âm hoặc một nguyên âm có âm là phụ âm

Ex: a boat, a car, a house, a uniform, a university, etc.

*an đứng trước đứng trước một nguyên âm, một âm câm hoặc một phụ âm có âm là nguyên âm

Ex: an umbrella, an apple, an hour, an egg, a European, etc

some + plural nouns/ uncountable nouns any + plural nouns/ uncountable nouns
dùng trong câu khẳng định, câu hỏi lời mời dùng trong câu phủ định và nghi vấn

I have some apples. I don’t have any apples.

I receive some money from my parents. Do you have any milk left?
Would you like to drink some water? She can’t buy any books from that bookstore.

Ms Vien Pham – ILSW6 English 6

I. Choose the correct answer:

1. How much are those/that pants?

2. Excuse me, I like this/these T-shirt. Do you have it in purple?
3. How much is this/that hat over there?
4. Hi, do you need some/any help?
5. Do you have it/this coat in medium?
6. Those/That are my jeans.
7. I like these shorts. Can I try it/them on?
8. I would like to some/any orange juice.
9. What would you like to order/ordering?
10. Would you like some/any dessert? Yes, I’d like a cupcake./Yes, I do

II. Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently from the others.

1 A. single B. highlands C. plastic D. smple

2 A. stay B. listen C. study D. strong

3 A. recycle B. reusable C. article D. usually

4 A. hotel B. hour C. horse D. hiking

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1. police station (n) /pəˈliːs ˈsteɪʃn/ đồn cảnh sát
2. hospital (n) /ˈhɑːspɪtl/ bệnh viện
3. post office (n) /pəʊst ˈɑːfɪs/ bưu điện
4. train station (n) /treɪn ˈsteɪʃn/ ga tàu hỏa
5. bridge (n) /brɪdʒ/ cây cầu
6. library (n) /ˈlaɪbreri/ thư viện
7. bottle (n) /ˈbɑːtl/ cái chai
8. can (n) /kæn/ cái lon (thiếc)
9. glass (n) /ɡlæs/ thủy tinh/cái cốc thủy tinh
10. jar (n) /dʒɑːr/ lọ, hũ
11. pick up (phr.v) /pɪk ʌp/ nhặt, lượm
12. plastic (n,a) /ˈplæstɪk/ nhựa/bằng nhựa
13. recycle (v) /ˌriːˈsaɪkl/ tái chế
14. reuse (v) /ˌriːˈjuːz/ tái sử dụng
15. throw away (phr.v) /θrəʊ əˈweɪ/ vứt
16. trash (n) /træʃ/ rác thải
17. charity (n) ˈtʃærəti/ hội từ thiện
18. donate (v) /ˈdəʊneɪt/ quyên góp, đóng góp
19. protect (v) /prəˈtekt/ bảo vệ
20. wildlife (n) /ˈwaɪldlaɪf/ đời sống hoang dã
21. opposite (a) /ˈɑːpəzɪt/ đối diện
22. remove (v) /rɪˈmuːv/ loại bỏ
23. purpose (n) /ˈpɜːrpəs/ mục đích
24. change into sth (phr.v) /tʃeɪndʒ ˈɪntu/ biến đổi thành thứ gì đó
25. rainforest (n) /ˈreɪnfɔːrɪst/ rừng mưa
26. create (v) /kriˈeɪt/ tạo ra, làm nên
27. aim to (v) /eɪm tuː/ nhằm mục đích,

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28. cleanups (n) /ˈkliːn ʌp/ buổi làm vệ sinh

1. Prepositon of place – Giới từ chỉ vị trí

on on horseback, on foot, on the radio, on the beach

in in Thống Nhất street, in the dining room, in London, in the east, in French,
at at home, at the theatre, at the shop, at school, at the seaside, etc.
arrive at + nơi nhỏ
arrive in + thành phố lớn/đất nước
2. Imperative – câu mệnh lệnh

Don’t + V

Don’t eat in class!

Stand up!

Open your books!

I. Match the word with its definition

A. this kind of movie is very scary. a. library

B. when people feel like this, they may cry b. charity
C. very interesting c. horror
D. the leader of an army d. fantastic
E. people can come here to read books for free e. sad
F. an organization for helping people or animals f. protect
G. make sure that somebody or something is safe g. general
II. Fill in the missing prepositions

1. I will meet you _____ the corner _____ the street.

2. I always come _____ school _____ foot.
3. The country looks beautiful _____spring.
4. The train arrives _____ Mick station _____ 4:30.
5. The picture is _____ the wall.
6. I put my hands in my _____ pockets.
7. The restaurant is _____ the coffee shop and the bookstore.
8. There is vocabulary _____ the end of the book
9. He is standing _____ the middle of the room.

Ms Vien Pham – ILSW6 English 6

10. We will see our new teacher _____ the beginning of the week.

III. Change these imperative sentences into negative form

1. Walk with me.

2. Talk to him.
3. Water the plants regularly.
4. Wash the utensils neatly.
5. Take the left turn.
6. Stop talking!
7. Part your ways with her.
8. Please don’t heat it!
9. Put that neatly on the table.
10. Cut the cake into two.
11. Give the children a good treat.
12. Get up and get ready.
13. Start doing the homework.
14. Switch off the lights before you leave.
15. Never give up on your dreams.

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1. action (n) /ˈækʃn/ phim hành động
2. animated (a) /ˈænɪmeɪtɪd/ hoạt hình
3. comedy (n) /ˈkɑːmədi/ phim hài
4. drama (n) /ˈdrɑːmə/ phim chính kịch
5. horror (n) /ˈhɔːrər/ phim kinh dị
6. science fiction = sci-fi (n) /ˈsaɪəns ˈfɪkʃn/ phim khoa học viễn tưởng
7. awful (a) /ˈɔːfl/ kinh khủng, tồi tệ
8. boring (a) /ˈbɔːrɪŋ/ chán
9. exciting (a) /ɪkˈsaɪtɪŋ/ thú vị, hào hứng
10. fantastic (a) /fænˈtæstɪk/ tuyệt vời
11. funny (a) /ˈfʌni/ vui nhộn, hài hước
12. great (a) /ɡreɪt/ tuyệt, tốt, hay
13. terrible (a) /ˈterəbl/ khủng khiếp
14. army (n) /ˈɑːrmi/ quân đội
15. battle (n) /ˈbætl/ trận chiến
16. general (n) /ˈdʒenrəl/ vị tướng
17. king (n) /kɪŋ/ nhà vua
18. queen (n) /kwiːn/ nữ hoàng, hoàng hậu
19. soldier (n) /ˈsəʊldʒər/ binh lính, người lính
20. invader (n) /ɪnˈveɪdər/ quân xâm lược
21. fight against (phr.v) /faɪt əˈɡeɪnst/ đánh nhau, chiến đấu
22. female (n) # male (n) /ˈfiːmeɪl/ giới nữ # giới nam
23. leader (n) /ˈliːdər/ thủ lĩnh, người dẫn dắt
24. attack (v) /əˈtæk/ tấn công

Ms Vien Pham – ILSW6 English 6

1. Prepositon of time – giới từ chỉ thời gian

at + giờ at 6 o’clock, at night, at Christmas, at present, etc.

in + năm/tháng/mùa in 1980, in 2022, in June, in spring, in autumn, in the
morning, in the evening, in time (kịp lúc), etc.

on + các thứ trong tuần/ngày + tháng on Monday, on Tuesday, on April 15, on time (đúng giờ),

2. Past simple – thì quá khứ đơn

Miêu tả một sự việc, hành động đã xảy ra và kết thúc trong quá khứ

Signal words: in + thời gian trong quá khứ, one week ago, months ago, yesterday,…

(+) Positive You/We/They … + were … I/You/We/They/He/She/It … + V2/ed ...

I/He/She/It … + was ...

(-) Negative You/We/They … + weren’t … I/You/We/They/He/She/It … + didn’t + V0 ...

I/He/She/It … + wasn’t ...

(?) Question Was/Were + S … ? Did + I/You/We/They/He/She/It … + V0 … ?

→ Yes, I/he/she/it … + was. → Yes, I/you/we/they/he/she/it … + did.
→ Yes, you/we/they … + were. → No, I/you/we/they/he/she/it … + didn’t.

→ No, I/he/she/it … + wasn’t.

→ No, you/we/they … + weren’t.

What/Where/When/Why/How many … + What/Where/When/Why/How many … + did +

was/were + S + …. ? I/you/we/they/he/she/it … + V0 … ?

Examples  I was sad.  She pulled the door.

 I wasn’t at home.  I went to the coffee shop.
 Were they happy?  Did you go to school?
→ Yes, they were. → No, I didn’t.
 Where was he?  What did Tracy do yesterday?

*wasn’t = was not

*weren’t = were not
*didn’t = did not

Ms Vien Pham – ILSW6 English 6

I. Complete the sentences with was or were.
1. I _____ happy.
2. You ____ angry.
3. She ______ in London last week.
4. He ______ on holiday.
5. It _____ cold.
6. We ______ at school.
7. You _____ at the cinema.
8. They _____ at home.
9. The cat ____ on the roof.
10. The children _____in the garden.
II. Give the correct form of verbs in the bracket, using Past Simple

1. Yesterday, I (go)______ to the restaurant with a client.

2. We (drive) ______ around the parking lot for 20 mins to find a parking space.

3. When we (arrive) ______ at the restaurant, the place (be) ______ full.

4. The waitress (ask) ______ us if we (have) reservations.

5. I (say), "No, my secretary forgets to make them."

6. The waitress (tell)______ us to come back in two hours.

7. My client and I slowly (walk) ______ back to the car.

8. Then we (see) ______ a small grocery store.

9. We (stop) in the grocery store and (buy) ______ some sandwiches.

10. That (be) ______ better than waiting for two hours.

11. Phuong _____ to Hanoi yesterday. (return)

12. We _____ the food was delicious.(think)

13. Yesterday, I (go)______ to the restaurant with a client.

14. We (drive) ______ around the parking lot for 20 mins to find a parking space.

15. When we (arrive) ______ at the restaurant, the place (be) ______ full.

16. The waitress (ask) ______ us if we (have) reservations.

17. I (say), "No, my secretary forgets to make them."

18. The waitress (tell)______ us to come back in two hours.

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19. My client and I slowly (walk) ______ back to the car.

20. Then we (see) ______ a small grocery store.

21. We (stop) in the grocery store and (buy) ______ some sandwiches.

22. That (be) ______ better than waiting for two hours.

23. I (not go) ______ to school last Sunday.

24. She (get) ______ married last year?

25. What you (do) ______ last night? - I (do) ______ my homework.

III. Fill in the missing prepositions

1. I can see you ______ Wednesday.

2. I’m very busy ______ present.
3. I have no time ______ moment.
4. She has breakfast ______ 7:30 every morning.
5. I don’t like getting up early ______ the morning
6. ______ Christmas, we send cards and gifts to our friends.
7. It is usually hot ______ the summer.
8. When is your birthday? It’s ______ October 20.
9. My birthday is ______ the first ______ the month.
10. My birthday is ______ the 5th.

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1. sleeping bag (n) /slipɪŋ bæɡ/ túi ngủ
2. flashlight (n) /ˈflæʃlaɪt/ đèn pin
3. battery (n) /ˈbæt̮ əri/ pin
4. bottled water (n) /ˈbɑt̮ ld ˈwɔt̮ ər/ nước đóng chai
5. pillow (n) /ˈpɪloʊ/ gối
6. towel (n) /ˈtaʊəl/ khăn lau
7. tent (n) /tɛnt/ cái lều, trại
8. soap (n) /soʊp/ xà phòng
9. shampoo (n) /ʃæmˈpu/ dầu gội
10. get cold /ɡet kəʊld/ bị lạnh
11. get thirsty /ɡet ˈθɜːrsti/ bị khát nước
12. get hungry /ɡet ˈhʌŋɡri/ bị đói
13. bring (v) /brɪŋ/ mang theo, cầm theo, đem
14. highland (n) /ˈhaɪlənd/ vùng cao nguyên
15. waterfall (n) /ˈwɔt̮ ərˌfɔl thác nước
16. bay (n) /beɪ/ vịnh
17. island (n) /ˈaɪlənd/ hòn đảo
18. forest (n) /ˈfɔrəst/ khu rừng
19. natural (a) /ˈnætʃrəl/ thuộc về tự nhiên
20. wonder (n) /ˈwʌndər/ thắng cảnh
21. sandcastle (n) /ˈsændˌkæsl/ lâu đài cát
22. scuba diving (n) /ˈskubə ˌdaɪvɪŋ/ bơi lặn có bình dưỡng khí
23. snorkeling (n) /ˈsnɔrkəlɪŋ/ lặn với ống thở
24. vacation (n) /veɪˈkeɪʃn/ kì nghỉ lễ
25. huge (a) /hyudʒ/ to, khổng lồ

Ms Vien Pham – ILSW6 English 6

1. Modal verbs: Can vs. Should

S + can + V0 S + should + V0

S + can’t + V0 S + shouldn’t + V0

Can + S + V0? Should + S + V0?

→ Yes, S can./ No, S can’t. → Yes, S should./ No, S shouldn’t.

W(h) words + can + S + V0? W(h) words + should + S + V0?

 Can → dùng để nói về khả năng
 Should → dùng để đưa ra lời khuyên hoặc xin lời khuyên
 Can’t = cannot
 Shouldn’t = should not
2. Conjunction “so” + clause → dùng để chỉ kết quả
I had a cold so I didn’t go to school.
He brings a sleeping bag so he can sleep at night in the forest.
3. Động từ “need”

S + need sth

S + need + to V

I need some food to eat in the forest.
She needs to bring bottled water so she doesn’t get thirsty.

Ms Vien Pham – ILSW6 English 6

I. Use words in the box to complete these sentences

sleeping bag kayaking bottled water forest

island hiking battery so

1. Fuji Mountain is very beautiful. That’s the reason why many people like _________ there.
2. I like walking in the ______ because I can see many wild animals.
3. Rafting and ________ are both great fun, but rafts have more people in the boat.
4. Phuket is a beautiful ________ in Thailand.
5. I like sleeping in my tent because my ________ ________ is very warm.
6. Oh, no! My flashlight isn’t working but I don’t have any ______ .
7. Harry, you don’t need to bring ______ .
8. We don’t have water at the campsite __________ so you should bring some water.
II. Circle the the correct answer
1. Jack, you should/shouldn’t go to the beach. It is really beautiful!
2. What need/can we do in Đà Lạt?
3. It’s raining tonight so/don’t bring your umbrella.
4. Should/Need I travel in December?
5. You should/ shouldn’t go for a check-up regularly.
6. The boys shouldn’t/should climb up the wall. It is dangerous.
7. You need/shouldn’t to bring your books with you, Jane.
8. The campsite has food so/should we don’t need to bring any.
9. I don’t like eat/eating fast food.
10. He should brushes/brush his teeth before going to bed.
III. Circle the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently from the others.

1 E. fishing F. swimming G. kicking H. highland

2 E. bay F. vacation G. jacket H. place

3 E. hotel F. hour G. horse H. hiking

Ms Vien Pham – ILSW6 English 6

4 A. garden B. car C. far D. bay

5 A. phone B. cold C. postcard D. forest

IV. Give the correct form of verbs in the brackets

1. Listen! My sister (sing)________________________a song.
2. Every night, we (go)________________________to bed at 10p.m.
3. Giang (like)_______________Music but I (like)____________________Math.
4. 10 years ago, they (live)___________________________in Hue.
5. My father (read)__________________________a newspaper in the morning.
6. Where _____ you (be) ______ yesterday morning?
7. Look! Ha (run)______________________.
8. Trang usually (listen)_______to the teacher in the class, but she (not listen)__________now.
9. Trung, you shouldn’t (eat) _______ in class.
10. ____________your father (go)_____________to work by bus?
11. How ___________your sister (go)___________to school?
12. What time _____________they (get up)_________________?
13. What ____________they (do)________________in the winter?
14. Yesterday, we (have)______________an English class.
15. ______ she (eat) _____ sushi last week?
16. Her favourite subject (be)__________________English.
17. Last year, my brother (go) _______ to Da Nang.
18. Look! Aman (call)_________________you.
19. It (rain) ______________ now.
20. Now, I (understand) _____________ what it is.

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1. megacity (n) /mɛɡə ˈsɪt̮ i/ siêu đô thị
2. earthscraper (n) /ərθ ˈskreɪpər/ khu đô thị dưới lòng đất
3. eco-friendly home (n) /iːkəʊ-ˈfrendli - həʊm/ ngôi nhà thân thiện với môi trường
4. environment (n) /ɪnˈvaɪərnmənt/ môi trường
5. technology (n) /tɛkˈnɑlədʒi công nghệ
6. underground (a) /ˈʌndərˌɡraʊnd/ dưới lòng đất
7. device (n) /dɪˈvaɪs/ thiết bị
8. drone (n) /droʊn/ máy bay không người lái
9. printer (n) /ˈprɪntər/ máy in
10. automatic (a) /ˌɔt̮ əˈmæt̮ ɪk/ có tính tự động
11. machine (n) /məˈʃin/ máy móc
12. touch (v) /tʌtʃ/ chạm, đụng
13. screen (n) /skrin/ màn hình
14. furniture (n) /ˈfərnɪtʃər/ đồ nội thất
15. make delivery /meɪk dɪˈlɪvəri/ giao hàng
16. gravity (n) /ˈɡrævət̮ i/ trọng lực
17. float (v) /floʊt/ nổi, trôi lềnh bềnh
18. astronaut (n) /ˈæstrəˌnɔt/ phi hành gia
19. space station (n) /speɪs ˈsteɪʃn// trạm không gian
20. spacesuit (n) /ˈspeɪssut/ quần áo du hành vũ trụ
21. special (a) /ˈspɛʃl/ đặc biệt
22. tie (v) /taɪ/ buộc chặt lại
23. dried (a) → dried food /draɪd/ được sấy khô
24. company (n) /ˈkʌmpəni/ công ty


Ms Vien Pham – ILSW6 English 6

1. Future simple - Thì tương lai đơn

→ Chỉ 1 sự việc xảy ra trong tương lai nhưng không có dự định, kế hoạch trước *
→ Chỉ 1 quyết định tự phát ở thời điểm nói, 1 lời hứa, 1 lời yêu cầu, đề nghị.**
→ Diễn đạt 1 dự đoán không có căn cứ. ***
Signal words: tomorrow, next week, next month, next year, soon, in + thời gian ( in 5 minutes:
trong vòng 5p)

 I want to eat a cake, I will buy one tomorrow. *

S + will + V0
 I miss her so much, so I will drop by her house tomorrow.*

 I think she won’t come to the party. ***

S + will not/won’t + V0
 I promise I will get good grades this semester. **

 Will you pass me a pencil, please? **

Will + S + V0?
 Will you marry me? **
→ Yes, S will./ No, S won’t.
 → Yes, I will./No, I won’t.

W(h) words + will+ S +  What will you do in 10 minutes?

V0?  When will you go to the supermarket?

2. Indefinite quantifiers - Từ chỉ số lượng bất định

Small quantities: số lượng ít Large quantities: số lượng nhiều

→ một vài, một ít → nhiều

A few + Danh từ đếm được ở dạng số Many + Danh từ đếm được ở dạng số nhiều
nhiều A lot of = Lots of + Danh từ đếm được ở
Some + Danh từ đếm được ở dạng số dạng số nhiều/ Danh từ không đếm được
nhiều/ Danh từ không đếm được

Ex: There were a few people at the party. Ex: There were many people at the party.
I saw some cheese in the fridge. I saw a lot of cheese in the fridge.

3. Modal verb: MIGHT + V0

Ms Vien Pham – ILSW6 English 6

→ Might dùng để chỉ về khả năng, hoặc cơ hội để việc gì đó có thể xảy ra, nhưng khả năng xảy ra
không cao.

S + might + V0  Don’t play with fire. You might get burnt. (Đừng nghịch lửa, con
có thể bị bỏng đấy)
S + might not + V0
 You might not win the game. (Bạn có lẽ sẽ không thắng được

Might + S + V0? ván game này đâu)

→ Yes, S might./ No, S  How might life change in the future? (Cuộc sống sẽ có thể thay

might not. đổi như thế nào trong tương lai?)

W(h) words + might +

S + V0?

I. Match words/phrases in column A with phrases in column B


A smart device can make everything you want to eat.

A robot helper is a machine with a computer inside it

A drone can make every kinds of objects

An automatic food machine can do your washing or cleaning at home.

A 3D printer is a flying machine, it can carry things.

II. Unscramble the sentences

1. there/nine/people/are/million/living/Ho Chi Minh City/in/about/./

2. homes/the/change/How/in/future/might/?/

3. a/of/can/print/lots/cool/You/with/things/3D printer/./

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4. six/station/Astronauts/for/months/stay/on/usually/the/space/./

5. smart/living/in/think/I/really/be/will/house/interesting/a/./

III. Complete the sentences with “might” and the given words

have change live shop make

1. We _______ _____________in smart homes.

2. We _______ _____________ online and drones will deliver our orders.
3. How _______ transportation _____________ in the future?
4. John family _______ _____________ smart doors.
5. Automatic food machines _______ _____________ all our food.

IV. Circle the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently from the others.

1 A. printer B. computer C. future D. winter

2 A. stops B. bags C. cleans D. has

3 A. units B. topics C. parks D. ways

4 A. adventure B. teacher C. smart D. take

5 A. cups B. cooks C. laughs D. phones

V. Give the correct form of verbs in the brackets

1. I (do)__________it for you tomorrow.
2. We (fly)________ to Spain every summer.
3. My father (call)_____________you in 15 minutes.
4. Yesterday, I (go)______ to the restaurant with a client.
5. We believe that she (recover)_______________from her illness soon.
6. I promise I (return)______________to school on time.

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7. When we (arrive) ______ at the restaurant yesterday, the place (be) ______ full.
8. If it rains, he (stay) ____________at home.
9. The bank (close)________ at four o'clock.
10. ________ you (take) ________ me to the zoo this weekend?
11. The student (not, be) _______________ in class at present.
12. My friends (have) __________ a great time in Nha Trang last year.
13. I think he (not, come)_______________ back to his hometown.
14. My brother can (swim) ______________.
15. I might (have) ________ breakfast at 7.00.
16. Keep silent! You (talk) so loudly.
17. I (not, go) ______ to school last Sunday.
18. Where (be)______ your children?
19. I (say) ____________ , "No, my secretary forgets to make them."
20. We (have)______________ dinner in a restaurant right now.
21. My mother (fry)________ eggs for breakfast every morning.
22. My best friend (write)________ to me every week.
23. You (speak) ________ English?
24. ________ she (study) ________ at the moment?
25. She thinks that the concert __________ (be) really exciting.


1. statue (n) /ˈstætʃu/ bức tượng, pho tượng
2. museum (n) /myuˈziəm/ viện bảo tàng
3. palace (n) /ˈpæləs/ cung điện
4. tower (n) /ˈtaʊər/ tòa tháp
5. opera house (n) /ˈɑpərə haʊs/ sân khấu nhạc kịch, nhà hát
6. cathedral (n) /kəˈθidrəl/ nhà thờ, thánh đường
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7. bridge (n) /brɪdʒ/ cây cầu

8. amusement park (n) /əˈmyuzmənt pɑrk/ công viên giải trí
9. modern (a) /ˈmɑdərn/ hiện đại
10. crowded (a) /ˈkraʊdəd/ đông đúc
11. recently (adv) /ˈrisntli/ (thời gian) gần đây
12. different (a) /ˈdɪfrənt/ khác biệt
→ difference (n) /ˈdɪfrəns/ sự khác biệt
13. attraction (n) /əˈtrækʃn/ điểm thu hút
14. transportation system (n) /ˌtrænspərˈteɪʃn ˈsɪstəm/ hệ thống các phương tiện
giao thông
15. in my opinion = I think /ɪn maɪ əˈpɪnjən/ theo quan điểm của tôi,
ý kiến của tôi …
16. polluted (a) /pəˈlutid/ bị ô nhiễm
→ pollution (n) /pəˈluʃn/ tình trạng ô nhiễm
17. population (n) /ˌpɑpyəˈleɪʃn/ dân số
→ populated (a) /ˈpɑpyəˌleɪtid/ đông dân
18. temperature (n) /ˈtɛmprətʃər/ nhiệt độ
19. average (a) /ˈævrɪdʒ/ mức trung bình
20. compare (v) /kəmˈpɛr/ so sánh
21. cost of living index (n) /kɔːst əv ˈlɪvɪŋ ˈɪndeks/ chỉ số chi phí sinh hoạt


1. Comparatives and Superlatives of Adjectives - So sánh hơn và so sánh nhất của tính


Long adjectives - Tính từ

Short adjectives - Tính từ
(nhiều hơn 2 âm tiết)

So sánh hơn S + be + adj-er than…. S + be + MORE + adj

Ms Vien Pham – ILSW6 English 6

→ so sánh 2 đối tượng than…

Ex: This car is cheaper than that one. Ex: This car is more
My book is bigger than yours. expensive than that one.
My book is more
interesting than yours.

S + be + THE + adj-est + S + be + THE + MOST adj

Superlative Danh từ + Danh từ
So sánh nhất
→ so sánh từ 3 đối Ex: Jane is the tallest girl in my Ex: Jane is the most
tượng trở lên class beautiful girl in my class
Winter is the coldest Winter is the most
season. interesting season.

*Một số hình thức bất quy tắc của tính từ khi sử dụng hình thức
so sánh
 good → better → the best
 bad → worse than → the worst
 fun → more fun → the most fun
 many/much → more → the most
Ghi chú  little → less → the least
 far → farther/further → the farthest/the furthest
 old → older/elder → the oldest/the eldest
*Một số tính từ 2 âm tiết có thể được xem như tính từ dài hoặc
tính từ ngắn
clever, common, cruel, gentle, narrow, pleasant, polite, quiet, simple,

Cách thêm đuôi -er  Tính từ tận cùng bằng “e” → thêm -er hoặc est.

Ms Vien Pham – ILSW6 English 6

và -est Ex: large → larger → largest

late → later → latest
 Tính từ: phụ âm + y → đổi y thành i và thêm -er hoặc est.
Ex: happy → happier → happiest
Pretty → prettier → prettiest
 Tính từ có 1 âm tiết, theo quy tắc “phụ-nguyên-phụ” → gấp đôi phụ
âm cuối
Ex: big → bigger → biggest
thin → thinner → thinnest

2. First Conditional - câu điều kiện loại 1

→ Nói về một điều kiện có thể xảy ra ở hiện tại hoặc tương lai.

If S +V Simple Present , S + will/can/shall…(not) + V.

If - clause Main clause
Mệnh đề IF Mệnh đề chính

Ex: If he studies hard, he will pass the exam. (Nếu anh ấy học hành chăm chỉ, anh ấy sẽ đỗ kỳ thi.)
I will go to the library if I have time. (tôi sẽ đi thư viện nếu có thời gian.)

Note: Mệnh đề if và mệnh đề chính có thể đổi vị trí cho nhau. Nếu mệnh đề chính đứng phía trước thì
không cần dấu phẩy ngăn cách giữa 2 mệnh đề.

I. Give the correct comparative and superlative form of SHORT adjectives in the table

comparative superlative meaning

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II. Give the correct comparative and superlative form of LONG adjectives in the table

comparative superlative meaning














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III. Complete the sentences using a comparative form. Use than where necessary
1. They are making these chocolate bars ______________________________. (small)
2. Sport is ______________________________ politics. (interesting)
3. The weather is getting ______________________________ (bad)
4. Health and happiness are ______________________________ money. (important)
5. I can’t stay ______________________________ half an hour. (long)
6. It’s a long way from here to the station - ______________________________ I thought.
7. Can’t you think of anything ______________________________ to say? (intelligent)
8. Landmark 81 is ______________________________ Bitexco. (high)
9. You are ______________________________ me. (tall)
10. The situation is becoming ______________________________. (complicated)
IV. Complete the sentences using a superlative form.
1. This room is nice. It is ______________________________(nice) in the hotel.

Ms Vien Pham – ILSW6 English 6

2. Susie is very intelligent. She’s ______________________________ (intelligent) I’ve ever met.

3. It was a very happy day. It was ______________________________ (happy) in my life.
4. She is a very good player. She is one of ______________________________ (good) in the team.
5. Everest is ______________________________ (high) mountain in the world.
6. A holiday by the mountains is______________________________ (good) than a holiday in the
7. Many people would argue that robots are ______________________________ (intelligent) than
8. Who is the______________________________ (tall) person in your family?
9. Who is ______________________________ (famous) singer in your country?
10. Internet is one of (important)________________inventions that changes humans’ life.
11. Cutting down trees could be considered to be one of ______________________________
(dangerous) reasons leading to pollution.
12. My mum is ______________________________ (good) cook in the world.
13. This pupil is ______________________________ (clever) in the class.
14. This is ______________________________(old) castle in Britain.
15. Who is ______________________________ (powerful) person in your country?
V. Rewrite these sentences
1. Today is hotter than yesterday.
➔ Yesterday was __________________________.
2. No one in her team is more beautiful than Salim.
➔ Salim is _______________________________.
3. No house in my city is higher than his house.
➔ His house is ____________________________.
4. Lan is the most intelligent in her class.
➔ No one in her class _______________________.
5. My house is bigger than your house.
➔ Your house is ______________________________.
6. The black car is cheaper than the red car.
➔The red car ______________________________.
7. This film is more interesting than that one.

Ms Vien Pham – ILSW6 English 6

➔That film is ______________________________.

8. My kitchen is smaller than yours.
➔Your kitchen ______________________________.
9. My grandmother is older than everyone in my family.
➔My grandmother is the ______________________________.
10. No one in my class is as tall as Tam.
➔Tam is the ______________________________.
11. He is the tallest boy in his class.
➔No one in ______________________________.
12. This is the most interesting film of all.
➔No other films are ______________________________.
13. No cars in the world are more expensive than Japanese ones.
➔Japanese cars ______________________________.
14. This exercise is easier than that one.
➔That exercise is not ______________________________.
15. He drives more carefully than Jack does.
➔Jack ______________________________.
VI. Give the correct form of verbs in the brackets
1. If it rains (it/rain), we won't go (we/not/go) fishing.
2. If__________(the weather/be) beautiful tomorrow, ____________(we/drive) to the beach.
3. If ___________ (she/send) the letter now, ____________ (they/receive) it tomorrow.
4. ____________ (Fred/be) angry if ___________ (Jack/arrive) late again.
5. ______________ (I/come) to your house if ________(I/have) enough time.
6. If ____________ (she/not/pass) this exam, ____________ (she/not/get) the job that she wants.
7. _______________ (you/learn) a lot if _____________ (you/take) this course.
8. If ____________ (I/get) a ticket, ________________(I/go) to the cinema.
9. ____________ (I/buy) that machine if _______________(it/not/cost) too much.
10. ___________ (you/run) very fast, ______________ (you/catch) the taxi.
11. __________(I/go) to the doctor's if ____________ (I/not/feel) better tomorrow.
12. If the sun _____ (shine), we _____ (walk) to the town.
13. If he _____ (have) a temperature, he _____ (see) the doctor.
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14. If my friends _____ (come), I _____ (be) very happy.

15. If she _____ (earn) a lot of money, she _____ (fly) to New York.
16. If he _____ (have) a temperature, he _____ (see) the doctor.
17. If my friends _____ (come), I _____ (be) very happy.
18. A: Is Mary there, please?
B: No, but if ________ (you/want) to leave a message,_________ (give) it to her.
19. A: Has Jack phoned yet?
B: No, and if he ________ (not/phone) this afternoon, I _________ (phone) him this evening.
20. A: Is Tom going to pass his exam?
B: Well, he ________ (fail) if he ________ (not/study) harder.


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