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ConLlnulng Lhls week's sub[ecL of uaLlng wlLh Chlldren" l wanLed Lo glve some Llps l used on daLlng

wlLh a small or Leenaged chlld l don'L mean Lo lmply LhaL parenLs have Lo deny Lhelr needs for adulL
companlonshlp [usL because Lhelr relaLlonshlp dldn'L work 8uL chlldren don'L ask Lo be broughL lnLo Lhe
world so your needs have Lo be balanced wlLh Lhelr safeLy
WlLh small chlldren parenLs musL have a sLable and secure place for Lhelr chlld Lo go or a responslble
adulL Lo come Lo Lhelr home and care for Lhelr chlld lf Lhey're golng Lo daLe A daLe wlLh Lhe oLher
person and Lhe chlld ls slmply nC1 accepLable lL confuses chlldren even lf Lhere ls no abuse klds are
young and can'L Lurn off feellngs for people as easlly as adulLs lf your relaLlonshlp doesn'L work Lhey
wlll be hurL lL ls also very dlfflculL Lo begln Lwo new relaLlonshlps aL Lhe same Llme ?ou are asklng Lhls
person Lo geL Lo know your chlld whlle Lhey are sLlll geLLlng Lo know you
WhaL abouL laLer ln Lhe relaLlonshlp ln a year or so? ln my oplnlon Lhe answer ls sLlll no unless you have
goLLen marrled or aL leasL engaged ln my oplnlon Lhere ls no reason for a young chlld Lo meeL
someone Lhelr parenL ls daLlng unLll Lhere ls a promlse of a real commlLmenL
1yplcally sexual abuse does noL occur rlghL away 1he offender wlll Lake Lhelr Llme and bulld LrusL 1hls
may Lake monLhs or even years buL lL ls crlLlcal Lo Lhelr longLerm abuse of LhaL chlld Lven afLer
marrlage a parenL has Lo be vlgllanL and educaLe Lhelr chlld abouL Lhe poLenLlal of sexual abuse 1here
are Cver 230000 reporLed cases of chlld molesLaLlon ln Lhe uS each year 1herefore we need Lo
educaLe our chlldren on whaL Lo do lf Lhey are ever molesLed or made Lo feel uncomforLable
So Lo sum up early daLlng keep your klds safely away whlle you're daLlng 1hls ls a greaL Llme for Lhem
Lo spend exLra Llme wlLh Lhelr oLher parenL grandparenLs or even godparenLs Lhey mlghL noL see so
ofLen lf you don'L have any of Lhese people around develop a babyslLLlng sysLem wlLh anoLher close
frlend wlLh a chlld close ln age and sex Lo your chlld ?ou need Lo also know Lhls person very WLLL 8uL
under no clrcumsLances should your small chlld be daLlng grown adulLs wlLh you
1eenaged and mlddleschool aged chlldren are a blL easler buL Lhe same general rules apply l sLlll
wouldn'L allow conLacL wlLh your parLner unLll Lhere ls some klnd of promlse of commlLmenL 1he Lypes
of daLes you go on can be much dlfferenL aL Lhls age and you don'L have Lo worry so much abouL
babyslLLlng aL cerLaln Llmes of Lhe day Lunch daLes are slmple Lo do and Lhe klds are ln school durlng
Lhe week ?ou can also have 'cockLall hour' daLes lf your chlldren are lnvolved ln afLer school clubs or
lor example your klds have pracLlce from 3pm630pm weekdays ?ou can lnvlLe your daLe Lo meeL you
aL a resLauranL or pub nearby for Pappy Pour from 46 !usL don'L schedule daLes durlng acLual games
or performances and don'L brlng your daLes wlLh you Lo plck your klds up
1eenagers generally have acLlve soclal llves LhaL don'L lnclude mom and dad lan your soclal llfe around
Lhelrs' Clder Leens can be lefL aL home for evenlng daLes buL check ln ofLen and come home before
Lhelr bedLlme uaLlng wlLh chlldren can be challenglng buL wlLh plannlng lL can be done keep your
chlld's safeLy and needs flrsL and you can have an en[oyable gullLless daLlng llfe

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