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Name of the College
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Name of the Course: B.A. (Hons.yProgram (SEC)
Name of the Paper: IT Skills and DataAnalysis
Date of Examination: 17.12.2023
Semester: I

Duration: 2 Hours Maximum Marks: 40

Instructions for Candidates:

1. Write your RollNo. on the top immediately on receipt of this question paper.
2. Allquestions are compulsory.
3. Allquestions carry equal marks.

Questions are as follows:

1. The following data gives the distribution of production levels in 150 carpet looms:
Production Carpet looms
75-90 10
90-105 11
105-120 23
120-135 26
135-150 31
150-165 23
165-180 9
180-195 9
195-210 6
210-225 2

a) Construct a histogram based on the above data.

b) Calculatc cumulative frcquency intabular form.
2. a) Calculate arithmetic mean for the following data:

Marks 10-20 20-30 30-40 40-50 50-60 60-70 70-80

Frequency 10 28 32 60 34 20 16

b) Explain any 2 advantages and disadvantages of using arithmetic mean. Explain the relation
between mean, median and nmode. In which case is it better to use median instead of the
arithmetic mean?

3. The following data shows the health expenditure (in millions) for two districts- A and B for the
period 2017-2022. Draw line graphs to show the health expenditure trends for the two districts
over the given period.

2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022

DistrictA 22 24 29 36 32 43
District B 32 35 36 45 48 45

4. Explain any two" of the following:

a) Data array and raw data
b) Categorical variables and Quantitative variables
e) Primary and secondary sources of data

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