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EMAMU KETTY 20/1/335/D/593.



I EMAMU KETTY, declare that this design project is based on my original work except for citations,
which have been duly acknowledged. I also declare that it has not been previously of currently submitted
for any other degree to my other University before.
Signed………………………………………………… Date………………………………………

Reg No. 20/1/335/D/593


Signed…………………………………………. Date…………………………………….
Department of Mechanical Engineering.

I would like to acknowledge the following people for being of great support to me during the whole
project period because without them this would have been impossible.
I am very grateful to the Almighty God for being faithful to me for this period , then I want to thank my
dear mother Ms. Atim Angella Sarah , my sponsor my uncle Eng.Omeke David , my supervisor Dr.
Kivumbi Bernard for being the best consultant ever and my friends with whom I consulted for different
I also want to thank specially my lecturer Eng. Kasumba Andrew who supported my project and always
taught us with guidance on how to work hand in hand with our supervisors to come up with successful
projects, may God bless you for your tireless efforts
I would like to dedicate this report to my uncle who is the artchtect of Soroti university for letting me
have such an outstanding experience of designing a lift for an incinerator in Soroti . I feel honoured
because it was my first consultation project.
Table of Contents
CHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION....................................................................................................5
1.1. Background....................................................................................................................................5
1.2. Problem Statement.........................................................................................................................6
1.3. General Objectives.........................................................................................................................6
1.4. Specific Objectives........................................................................................................................6
1.5. Significance....................................................................................................................................6
1.6. Justification....................................................................................................................................7
1.7. Scope of study................................................................................................................................7
1.8. Conceptual Framework..................................................................................................................7
CHAPTER TWO: LITERATURE REVIEW........................................................................................8
2.1. Introduction.............................................................................................................................................8
2.1.1 Conveyor systems. ...............................................................................................................................8
2.2. Belt Conveyors and their Components...................................................................................................8
2.2..1components of belt conveyor. ............................................................................................................10
2.3.Advantages of a conveyor belt ..............................................................................................................10
2.4.Common Belt problems. .......................................................................................................................10
2.5. Environmental effects on belt conveyors..............................................................................................10
2.5.1. Effect of sunlight and heat.................................................................................................................10
2.5.2 Cold effects.........................................................................................................................................11
2.5.2. Effects of oil.......................................................................................................................................11
2.6.Conclusoion ..........................................................................................................................................11

CHAPTER 3: METHODOLOGY.......................................................................................................19
3.1. Introduction...........................................................................................................................................19
3.2Premilary visit at site………………………………………………………………………………....19
3.3.Data collection………………………………………………………………………………………...
3.3.1 Feedback on questionaire…………………………………………………………………………..
1.1. Background
The incinerator at Soroti University was constructed in 2022 with the primary purpose of disposing of
waste body parts generated from the medical school laboratories. These wastes result from practical
sessions and need to be safely and efficiently incinerated to maintain hygiene standards and ensure
environmental safety. However, the current method of lifting and loading these wastes into the incinerator
is highly manual and involves significant physical effort.

Currently, the process of transporting the chopped body parts to the incinerator involves manual lifting.
Workers use ladders to carry the waste to the top door of the incinerator, where it is dumped for burning.
This method is labor-intensive and poses several challenges: inefficiency, health and safety risks, and
ergonomic issues. The manual process is time-consuming, reducing the overall efficiency of waste
disposal operations. Handling medical waste manually increases the risk of injury and exposure to
harmful pathogens for the workers. Repeated lifting and climbing can lead to long-term musculoskeletal
problems among the workers.

The manual method also leads to significant delays, especially when large quantities of waste need to be
processed. This impacts the throughput of the incinerator and the overall waste management system at the
university. Additionally, the manual approach can result in inconsistent loading of the incinerator, leading
to suboptimal burning conditions and potentially incomplete incineration of the waste materials.

To address these challenges, there is a clear need for a more efficient and safer lifting mechanism.
Implementing a conveyor belt system powered by an electric motor offers a promising solution. This
system can automate the process of lifting and loading the waste into the incinerator, thus mitigating the
drawbacks of the current manual method.

The proposed project involves designing and sizing a conveyor belt system that will be run by an electric
motor to facilitate the lifting and loading of waste body parts into the incinerator. This system is expected
to offer several advantages: increased efficiency, enhanced safety, and consistent loading. Automation of
the lifting process will significantly reduce the time required to load waste into the incinerator, thereby
improving operational efficiency. By reducing the need for manual handling, the system will minimize
the risk of injuries and exposure to hazardous materials for the workers. The conveyor belt system can
ensure a more consistent and controlled loading of the waste, improving the incineration process's
This project aligns with Soroti University's commitment to maintaining high standards of safety and
operational efficiency in its waste management practices. By implementing an automated lifting
mechanism, the university can enhance its waste disposal process, ensuring that it remains both
environmentally sustainable and safe for the personnel involved.

The successful completion of this project will not only address the current inefficiencies but also set a
benchmark for future waste management solutions within the university and other similar institutions.

The design and implementation of a conveyor belt lift mechanism run by an electric motor for the
incinerator at Soroti University represent a critical step towards modernizing the university's waste
management system. This project promises to deliver substantial improvements in efficiency, safety, and
operational consistency, thereby contributing significantly to the university’s sustainability and health
safety goals.

1.2. Problem Statement.

The current method of lifting waste body parts into the incinerator at Soroti University involves using a
ladder, a process that is both labor-intensive and time-consuming, leading to inefficiencies and potential
safety hazards for the workers. This manual approach hampers operational performance and poses
significant ergonomic and health risks. Therefore, there is an urgent need to develop a more efficient and
safer lifting mechanism. This project aims to design a lift system using a conveyor belt powered by an
electric motor to enhance work performance, streamline the waste disposal process, and ensure the safety
and well-being of the university’s personnel.

1.3. General Objective

The main objective of this project is to design and implement a conveyor belt lift system for the
incinerator at Soroti University to improve efficiency, safety, and operational performance.
1.4. Specific Objectives
1. To analyze the requirements and specifications for a conveyor belt lift system suitable for the
incinerator at Soroti University.
2. To design a conveyor belt lift system that meets the identified requirements and specifications,
ensuring optimal performance and safety.
3. To construct a functional prototype of the conveyor belt lift system based on the design
4. To test the constructed prototype under various operational conditions to evaluate its
performance, efficiency, and safety.
1.5. Significance.

The implementation of a conveyor belt lift system for the incinerator at Soroti University holds significant
importance as it will greatly enhance the efficiency and safety of the waste disposal process. By
automating the lifting mechanism, this project will reduce the time and physical effort required to
transport waste body parts to the incinerator, minimizing the risk of injuries and exposure to hazardous
materials for the workers. Additionally, the consistent and controlled loading provided by the conveyor
belt will improve the incineration process, ensuring complete and efficient burning of the waste. This
advancement not only aligns with the university’s commitment to operational excellence and
sustainability but also sets a precedent for innovative waste management solutions in similar institutions.
1.6. Justification.
The justification for this project stems from the urgent need to address the inefficiencies and safety
concerns associated with the current manual lifting method used at Soroti University’s incinerator. The
existing process is labor-intensive, time-consuming, and poses significant health risks to workers due to
the physical strain and potential exposure to hazardous materials. By designing and implementing a
conveyor belt lift system, the university can significantly enhance operational efficiency, reduce the
physical burden on workers, and mitigate health and safety risks. This project not only aims to improve
the immediate working conditions and waste management process but also aligns with broader
institutional goals of adopting sustainable and modern technological solutions. Moreover, successful
implementation will serve as a model for other institutions facing similar challenges, demonstrating the
benefits of automated systems in waste management.
1.7. Scope of study.
The scope of this study encompasses the comprehensive design, construction, and testing of a conveyor
belt lift system for the incinerator at Soroti University. The study will begin with a detailed analysis of the
requirements and specifications necessary for an efficient and safe lifting mechanism. It will include the
conceptual and technical design of the conveyor belt system, selection of appropriate materials, and
determination of the electric motor specifications. The construction phase will involve building a
functional prototype based on the finalized design. This prototype will undergo rigorous testing under
various operational conditions to evaluate its performance, efficiency, and safety. The study will also
involve refining the design based on test results to ensure it meets all operational standards. Additionally,
the study will address the feasibility of implementing the conveyor belt system on a larger scale,
considering cost, maintenance, and potential challenges. The ultimate goal is to provide a reliable,
efficient, and safe lifting solution that enhances the waste management process at Soroti University.
1.8 Conceptual Framework.

Efficient waste management is a critical concern in educational institutions, particularly in medical
schools that generate significant amounts of biomedical waste. Manual handling of such waste is not only
inefficient but also poses serious health risks to the personnel involved. Automated systems, such as
conveyor belt lift mechanisms, offer promising solutions to these challenges. This literature review
explores the existing research and practical implementations of automated waste handling systems, with a
particular focus on conveyor belt technology, its benefits, safety considerations, and its applicability in
educational settings.
Automated Waste Handling Systems
Automated waste handling systems have been progressively adopted across various industries due to their
ability to streamline operations and enhance safety. Hossain et al. (2020) highlight the growing trend of
automation in waste management, emphasizing the reduction in human labor and the associated health
benefits. These systems are designed to handle a wide range of waste types, including hazardous
biomedical waste, with minimal human intervention, thereby reducing the risk of exposure to harmful
pathogens and improving overall operational efficiency.
Automated systems also provide consistent and reliable performance, which is essential in maintaining
the high standards required in biomedical waste management. The integration of sensors and automated
controls ensures precise handling and disposal of waste, reducing errors and improving the overall
process efficiency. Such systems have been successfully implemented in hospitals and research
laboratories, demonstrating significant improvements in waste management practices (Hossain et al.,
Conveyor Belt Technology in Waste Management
Conveyor belt systems are a cornerstone of material handling in various industrial applications due to
their efficiency, reliability, and versatility. According to Smith and Brown (2019), conveyor belts are
particularly effective in environments where continuous and consistent material transport is required.
Their study underscores the importance of selecting appropriate belt materials and configurations to
handle specific types of waste, ensuring durability and operational efficiency.
The application of conveyor belt systems in waste management allows for automated sorting, transport,
and disposal of waste materials. In the context of biomedical waste, conveyor belts can be integrated with
shredders and incinerators to create a seamless disposal process. This integration minimizes manual
handling and ensures that waste is processed efficiently and safely. Smith and Brown (2019) also discuss
the importance of regular maintenance and monitoring of conveyor systems to prevent downtime and
ensure continuous operation.
Waste Management Practices in Educational Institutions
Educational institutions, particularly those with medical and research facilities, face unique challenges in
managing biomedical waste. Gupta and Sharma (2018) emphasize the critical need for efficient waste
management systems in such settings to prevent environmental contamination and protect the health of
students and staff. Their research highlights the inadequacies of manual waste handling methods, which
are often labor-intensive, time-consuming, and prone to errors.
The implementation of automated waste handling systems in educational institutions can significantly
enhance waste management practices. Gupta and Sharma (2018) argue that these systems not only
improve operational efficiency but also ensure compliance with stringent health and safety regulations.
By automating the transport and disposal of biomedical waste, institutions can reduce the risk of exposure
to hazardous materials and improve the overall hygiene standards within their facilities.
Case Studies and Implementations
Case studies provide valuable insights into the practical implementation of conveyor belt systems in
waste management. Johnson et al. (2017) present a detailed case study of a hospital that implemented an
automated conveyor belt system for waste disposal. The study highlights the numerous benefits of
automation, including improved efficiency, reduced manual labor, and enhanced safety.
The hospital's conveyor belt system was integrated with a series of waste collection points and a central
incineration unit. This setup allowed for the continuous transport of waste from different departments to
the incinerator, significantly reducing the need for manual handling. The study also emphasizes the
importance of customizing the conveyor belt system to meet the specific needs of the facility, ensuring
that it can handle various types of waste and operate efficiently under different conditions (Johnson et al.,
Safety and Regulatory Considerations
Safety is a paramount concern in the design and implementation of automated waste handling systems,
especially when dealing with hazardous biomedical waste. According to the World Health Organization
(WHO, 2020), automated systems must adhere to strict safety standards to prevent occupational hazards
and environmental contamination. These standards include the use of durable materials, proper
containment of waste, and the integration of safety mechanisms to prevent accidents.
Compliance with local and international regulations is essential for the sustainable operation of waste
management systems. The WHO (2020) guidelines for the safe management of healthcare waste provide
a comprehensive framework for designing and implementing waste handling systems. These guidelines
emphasize the importance of proper waste segregation, safe transport, and efficient disposal methods to
minimize health risks and environmental impact.
Environmental and Operational Benefits
Implementing a conveyor belt lift system for the incinerator at Soroti University offers several
environmental and operational benefits. By automating the waste handling process, the university can
reduce the environmental footprint associated with waste disposal. Automated systems ensure efficient
and complete incineration of biomedical waste, minimizing the release of harmful pollutants into the
Operationally, the conveyor belt system will enhance the efficiency of waste management processes. The
automation of waste transport and disposal reduces the time and effort required for manual handling,
allowing personnel to focus on more critical tasks. Additionally, the consistent and controlled loading
provided by the conveyor belt system ensures optimal performance of the incinerator, leading to more
efficient and effective waste disposal (Smith & Brown, 2019).
Summary and Synthesis
The literature clearly supports the development of a conveyor belt lift system for the incinerator at Soroti
University as a viable solution to enhance waste management efficiency, improve occupational safety,
and ensure regulatory compliance. Automated waste handling systems, particularly those utilizing
conveyor belt technology, have proven effective in various settings by reducing manual labor, enhancing
operational throughput, and minimizing health risks associated with waste handling.

The methodology section of this research project outlines the systematic approach employed to design,
construct, and implement a conveyor belt lift system for the incinerator at Soroti University. This project
aims to address the inefficiencies and safety concerns associated with the current manual lifting method
used for disposing of biomedical waste. The primary objective is to develop an automated system that
enhances operational efficiency, improves safety for the personnel, and ensures compliance with
environmental and health regulations.
This section provides a comprehensive overview of the research design, requirement analysis, system
design, prototype construction, testing and evaluation, refinement and optimization, implementation plan,
ethical considerations, timeline, and budget. Each step in the methodology is designed to ensure that the
project meets its objectives and delivers a reliable and effective waste handling solution for the university.
The introduction sets the stage for the detailed processes and methodologies that follow, highlighting the
importance of a structured approach to achieve the desired outcomes. It emphasizes the need for a
thorough analysis of requirements, meticulous design and construction, rigorous testing, and careful
implementation to ensure the success of the project.
The subsequent sections will delve into the specific methodologies and processes employed at each stage
of the project, providing a detailed account of how the project goals will be achieved.
Research Design
The research design for this project is structured to systematically develop, test, and implement a
conveyor belt lift system for the incinerator at Soroti University. The design process follows a phased
approach, ensuring thorough analysis, precise execution, and continuous improvement. The research
design includes both qualitative and quantitative methodologies to comprehensively address the project
1. Phase 1: Requirement Analysis
o Objective: To understand the specific needs and constraints of the waste handling
process at Soroti University.
o Methods:

 Data Collection: Gather data on the current waste handling practices, volume of
waste, and manual lifting procedures.
 Needs Assessment: Identify the key requirements for the conveyor belt lift
system through surveys and interviews with stakeholders, including university
staff, maintenance personnel, and waste management experts.
 Stakeholder Interviews: Conduct interviews with relevant stakeholders to
gather qualitative insights into the challenges and limitations of the current
2. Phase 2: System Design
o Objective: To develop a detailed design of the conveyor belt lift system that meets the
identified requirements.
o Methods:

 Conceptual Design: Create initial design concepts and layouts using CAD
 Technical Specifications: Define the technical specifications, including the
dimensions, materials, and operational parameters of the conveyor belt system.
 Material Selection: Select appropriate materials for the construction of the
system, considering factors such as durability, cost, and safety.
3. Phase 3: Construction of Prototype
o Objective: To construct a working prototype of the designed conveyor belt lift system.

o Methods:

 Procurement of Materials: Source the necessary materials and components

based on the technical specifications.
 Assembly Process: Assemble the prototype following the design blueprints and
construction guidelines.
 Quality Control: Implement quality control measures to ensure that the
prototype meets the design standards and operational requirements.
4. Phase 4: Testing and Evaluation
o Objective: To evaluate the performance, efficiency, and safety of the constructed
o Methods:

 Test Plan: Develop a comprehensive test plan outlining the testing procedures,
metrics, and criteria for success.
 Performance Testing: Conduct performance tests to assess the system’s
efficiency, speed, and load-handling capacity.
 Safety Testing: Perform safety tests to ensure the system operates safely under
various conditions.
 Data Analysis: Analyze the test data to identify any issues or areas for
5. Phase 5: Refinement and Optimization
o Objective: To refine and optimize the system based on the test results.

o Methods:
 Feedback Integration: Gather feedback from stakeholders and incorporate it
into the design.
 Design Adjustments: Make necessary adjustments to the design to address any
identified issues or improve performance.
 Re-testing: Conduct additional tests to validate the improvements and ensure the
system meets all requirements.
6. Phase 6: Implementation Plan
o Objective: To develop a detailed plan for the full-scale implementation of the conveyor
belt lift system.
o Methods:

 Installation Procedures: Outline the steps for installing the system at Soroti
 Staff Training: Develop and conduct training programs for the staff on how to
operate and maintain the system.
 Maintenance Plan: Create a maintenance plan to ensure the system’s longevity
and reliable operation.
Requirement Analysis
Preliminary Site Visit
A site research visit was conducted in Soroti, Uganda, in 2024. The following preparation stages were
undertaken as explained by the machine operator and the head of the mechanical maintenance team, along
with the site engineer, who provided significant assistance by answering various questions about their
conveyor lift, its operations, maintenance, and the types of materials it transports.
Data Collection
Data collection focused on gathering detailed information about the existing waste handling practices, the
volume of waste generated, and the specific challenges associated with the manual lifting method. The
following methods were used:
1. Observation: Observations were made of the current waste handling process to understand the
workflow, identify inefficiencies, and note any safety concerns.
2. Document Review: Existing documentation related to the incinerator operations, waste handling
protocols, and maintenance records were reviewed to gain insights into the current system's
performance and issues.
3. Surveys and Questionnaires: Surveys and questionnaires were distributed to staff involved in
the waste handling process to collect quantitative data on the frequency, duration, and volume of
waste being transported manually.
Needs Assessment
The needs assessment aimed to identify the key requirements for the new conveyor belt lift system. Based
on the data collected, the following needs were identified:
1. Efficiency: The system needed to significantly reduce the time and effort required to transport
waste to the incinerator.
2. Safety: The system needed to minimize the risk of injury and exposure to hazardous materials for
the staff.
3. Capacity: The system needed to handle the volume of waste generated by the university’s
medical school laboratories.
4. Durability: The materials and components of the system needed to be durable to withstand the
harsh conditions of waste handling.
5. Ease of Maintenance: The system needed to be easy to maintain to ensure long-term reliability
and minimize downtime.
Stakeholder Interviews
Interviews with key stakeholders were conducted to gather qualitative insights and specific requirements
for the conveyor belt lift system. The following stakeholders were interviewed:
1. Machine Operator: Provided detailed information on the current manual lifting process,
challenges faced, and suggestions for improvement.
2. Head of Mechanical Maintenance: Offered insights into the technical requirements,
maintenance needs, and potential issues with implementing an automated system.
3. Site Engineer: Explained the operational aspects of the existing incinerator setup and provided
technical guidance on integrating the new system.
The stakeholders highlighted several critical aspects, including the need for robust safety features, the
importance of selecting appropriate materials for construction, and the necessity of comprehensive
training for the staff on operating and maintaining the new system.
Summary of Findings
The preliminary site visit and data collection efforts provided a comprehensive understanding of the
current waste handling process and the specific needs for the new conveyor belt lift system. The findings
from the needs assessment and stakeholder interviews were instrumental in defining the design
specifications and ensuring that the system would effectively address the identified inefficiencies and
safety concerns.
These steps laid a solid foundation for the subsequent phases of the project, ensuring that the design and
implementation of the conveyor belt lift system would meet the operational requirements and enhance the
waste management process at Soroti University.
System Design
The objective of this phase was to develop a detailed design of the conveyor belt lift system that meets the
identified requirements.
Conceptual Design: Initial design concepts and layouts were created using CAD software. These designs
were based on the data collected during the requirement analysis phase and aimed to address the specific
needs and constraints identified.
Technical Specifications: The technical specifications were defined, including the dimensions, materials,
and operational parameters of the conveyor belt system. These specifications ensured that the system
would meet the required capacity, efficiency, and safety standards.
Material Selection: Appropriate materials for the construction of the system were selected, considering
factors such as durability, cost, and safety. The materials chosen were suitable for handling the harsh
conditions associated with waste transportation and incineration processes.
Observation: Direct observation was utilized to assess the required items and the incinerator workspace
to plan the design space for the lift system. This included measurements and evaluations of the physical
environment to ensure the design would fit seamlessly into the existing setup.
Key Observations and Measurements
 Height of the Incinerator: The height of the incinerator was measured at 4 meters.
 Overall Site Covered by Roof: The overall site area covered by the roof, which represents the
working area of the lift, was measured at 7 meters.
These measurements were critical in determining the design parameters for the conveyor belt lift system,
ensuring that it would be appropriately scaled to fit within the available space and operate efficiently
within the incinerator setup.
By integrating these observations and technical specifications, the design phase ensured that the conveyor
belt lift system would be capable of meeting the operational needs of Soroti University's incinerator,
thereby enhancing the efficiency and safety of the waste handling process.

Observation is a method I used to see with my naked eyes the required items and the incinerator work
space inorder to plan for the design space of the lift into the door.
Height of the incinerator = 4 m
Overall site covered by roof = 7m (working area of the lift)
4m from pythogarus theorem we can obtain the angle of
elevation and the distance / length of the conveyor belt

To perform calculations for a conveyor belt lift, we need to consider the following factors:

1. Lift Height (h)*: The vertical distance the conveyor belt needs to lift the material.
h= 4m
2. Conveyor Belt Width (w)*: The width of the conveyor belt. (m)
w= 0.7m
3. Material Density (ρ)*: The density of the material being conveyed. (Kg/m^3)
P= mass/volume
4. Material Flow Rate (Q)*: The rate at which material is being conveyed (kg/s)
Q= density *volume/3600
Q= 8.3333*6/3600
Q= 0.014kg/s
5. Conveyor Belt Speed (v)*: The speed at which the conveyor belt moves (m/s)
v = 0.25m/s
6. Friction Coefficient (μ)*: The coefficient of friction between the conveyor belt and the material.
Friction coefficient = 0.8
7. Pulley Diameter (D)*: The diameter of the pulleys used to drive the conveyor belt.
D = 0.25m

Lift Force (F_lift): Calculate the force required to lift the material:
F_lift = ρ * Q * h / (w * v)
F lift= 8.333*0.014*4/( 0.7* 0.25)
Friction Force (F_friction): Calculate the force required to overcome friction:
Friction = μ * F_lift
Total Force (F_total)*: Calculate the total force required to drive the conveyor belt:
F_total = F_lift + F_friction
Power Requirement (P)*: Calculate the power required to drive the conveyor belt:
P = F_total * v
Pulley Torque (τ)*: Calculate the torque required to drive the pulleys:
τ = P / (2 * π * D)
Motor Power (P_motor)*: Calculate the motor power required to drive the conveyor belt:
Motor = P / (efficiency of the drive system
According to my study I would recommend the university to adopt a treatment Mechanism for the
effluent gases produced by the incinerator before it is released to the atmosphere as smoke .
The university should also employ very experienced personel to handle the lfting mechanism in order to
reduce on the maintenance costs

 Gupta, A., & Sharma, R. K. (2018). Biomedical Waste Management in Educational Institutions:
A Review. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 15(3), 480.
 Hossain, M. S., Ferdous, M. S., & Gope, P. K. (2020). Automated Waste Management System: A
Review. International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, 11(7), 1601-1605.
 Johnson, L., Smith, T., & Anderson, M. (2017). Implementing Automated Waste Handling
Systems in Hospitals: Case Study Analysis. Journal of Healthcare Engineering, 8(4), 421-430.
 Smith, J., & Brown, A. (2019). Conveyor Belt Systems for Waste Handling: Design
Considerations and Case Studies. Journal of Material Handling Engineering, 6(2), 89-102.
 World Health Organization (WHO). (2020). Safe Management of Wastes from Health-Care
Activities (2nd ed.). https://www.who.int/publications/i/item/9789241548564

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