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Job satisfaction is a set of favorable feelings with which employees view their work. It is
a worker sense of achievement and success and is generally perceived to be directly linked to
productivity as well as to personal well- being. The happier people are within their job, the more
satisfied they are said to be, Job satisfaction implies doing a job one enjoys, doing it well and
being suitably rewarded for one’s effort. Job satisfaction can be influenced by a variety of factor,
e.g. the quality of one’s relationship with their supervisor, the quality of the physical
environment in which they work, degree of fulfillment in their work, etc. Job satisfy further
implies enthusiasm and happiness with one work Job satisfaction; describe how satisfied an
individual is with his or her job.

Job satisfaction is not the same as motivation, although it is closely linked, but satisfaction
includes the management style and culture, employee involvement, empowerment and
autonomous work groups. Job satisfaction is a very important attributes which is frequently
measured by organizations. The most common way of measurement is the use of rating scales
where employees report this reactions to their jobs. Questions related to rate of pay, work
responsibilities, variety of tasks, promotional opportunities the work itself and co- workers. For
the organization job satisfaction of its workers means a Force that is motivated and committed to
high quality performance. Increased productivity the quantity and quality of output per hour
worked seems to be a product of job satisfaction and loyalty. Organization can identify the root
causes of job issues and create solutions for improvements with an accurate perspective of
employees a views discover what motivate people, what drives loyalty, and what genuinely
makes and keeps Your employees satisfaction levels increase when an employee knows that their
issues are being addressed. There is a direct link between employee, job satisfaction and
financial results. The more satisfied your employees are the more motivated and committed they
will be towards the organization success. In this Research paper we have tried to make a
comparison of Job satisfaction between private sector tried to out the basic reason dissatisfaction
in job.

Job analysis refers to a systematic process of collecting all information about a specific
job, including skill requirements, roles, responsibilities and processes in order to create a valid
job description. Job analysis also gives an overview of the physical, emotional & related human
qualities required to execute the job successfully. Job analysis is an important step in ensuring
that the right candidate is selected. Job analysis helps the employer in recruitment and selection,
performance management, choosing compensation and benefits.


A job is defined as a collection of duties and responsibilities which are given together
to an individual employee. Job analysis is the process of studying and collecting information
relating to operations and responsibilities of a specific job. It is the process of studying and
collecting information relating to operations and responsibilities of a specific job. The aims of
Job analyze is to always ascertain and record the job-related information of the employment
measures like training, selection, payment, and performance assessment.

Following are the main objectives or purposes of job analysis:

1. Job description
2. Job specification
3. Job Evaluation
4. Setting up of standards

A job description is a job profile which describes the contents, environment, and condition of
jobs. It is prepared on the basis of data collected through job analysis. It provides information
relating to activities and duties to be performed. It differentiates one job from another by
introducing unique characteristics of each job.

Job analysis provides the information related to the job and this data can be used to make
the process or job simple. Job specification is another notable objective of job analysis. It
includes the information relating to the requirements of skills and abilities to perform a specific
task. It states the minimum acceptable qualifications that an incumbent must possess to perform
the assigned duty successfully.
Work simplification means dividing the job into small parts i.e. different operations in a
product line or process which can improve the production or job performance. The job
specification statement identifies the knowledge, skills, abilities needed to perform that task

Job analysis also provides required information which is necessary for evaluating the
worthiness of jobs. After the preparation of job description and job specification statements, it
assists for the evaluation of actual performance against the predetermined standard. Then the
deviation (if any) is found out that has taken place during the course of action. Moreover, job
evaluation helps to establish the value of different jobs in a hierarchical order which allows
comparing jobs one from another.

Setting up of standards
Standard means minimum acceptable qualities or results or performance or rewards
regarding a particular job. Job analysis provides the information about the job and standard of
each can be established using this information.
Job analysis provides the following information about a job:
I. Nature of jobs required in a concern;
II. Nature of organizational structure;
III. Type of people required to fit that structure;
IV. Relationship of a job with other jobs in a concern;
V. Kind of qualifications required for a particular job;
VI. Physical condition to support the activities of a concern ;
VII. Materials equipment and methods used in performing the job.


Step 1- Identify Purpose of Job Analysis

Step 2- Selection of Analyst
Step 3- Selection of Method
Step 4 -Train the Analyst
Step 5- Preparation of Job Analysis
Step 6- Collection of Data
Step 7- Review and Verify
Step 8- Develop a Job Description and Job Specification

Job satisfaction is defined as the level of contentment employees feel with their job. This
goes beyond their daily duties to cover satisfaction with team members/managers, satisfaction
with organizational policies, and the impact of their job on employees’ personal lives.
Job satisfaction is defined as the extent to which an employee feels self-motivated, content &
satisfied with his/her job. Job satisfaction happens when an employee feels he or she is having
job stability, career growth and a comfortable work life balance. This implies that the employee
is having satisfaction at job as the work meets the expectations of the individual.

Importance of Job Satisfaction

A satisfied employee is always important for an organization as he/she aims to deliver the best of
their capability. Every employee wants a strong career growth and work life balance at
workplace. If an employee feels happy with their company & work, they look to give back to the
company with all their efforts. Importance of job satisfaction can be seen from two perspectives:

For Employers
For an employer, job satisfaction for an employee is an important aspect to get the best
out of them. A satisfied employee always contributes more to the company, helps control
attrition & helps the company grow. Employers needs to ensure a good job description to attract
employees and constantly give opportunities to individuals to learn and grow.

The positive effects of job satisfaction include:
1.More employees of workplace if they are satisfied with their job.
2. Higher employee loyalty leading to more commitment.
3. Job satisfaction of employees eventually results in higher profits for companies.
4.High retention is possible if employees are happy.

Job Satisfaction Factors Kit:

Job satisfaction is related to the psychology of an employee. A happy & content employee
at a job is always motivated to contribute more. On the other hand, a dissatisfied employee is
lethargic, makes mistakes & becomes a burden to the company. The elements & factors which
contribute to job satisfaction are:

Compensation & Working conditions

One of the biggest factors of job satisfaction are the compensation and benefits given to
an employee. An employee with a good salary, incentives, bonuses, healthcare options etc. is
happier with their job as compared to someone who doesn’t have the same.
A healthy workplace environment also adds value to an employee.

1.Work life balance

Every individual wants to have a good workplace which allow them time to spend with
their family & friends. Job satisfaction for employees is often due a good work life balance
policy, which ensures that an employee spends quality time with their family along with doing
their work. This improves the employee’s quality of work life.

2.Respect & Recognition

Any individual appreciates and feels motivated if they are respected at their workplace.
Also, if they are awarded for their hard work, it further motivates employees. Hence recognition
is one of the job satisfaction factors.

3.Job security
If an employee is assured that the company would retain them even if the market is
turbulent, it gives them immense confidence. Job security is one of the main reasons for job
satisfaction for employees.

Monotonous work activities can lead to dissatisfied employees. Hence, things like job
rotation, job enrichment etc can help in job satisfaction of employees as well.

5.Career Growth
Employees always keep their career growth part as a high priority in their life. Hence, if a
company helps groom employees and gives them newer job roles, it enhances the job satisfaction
as they know they would get a boost in their career.

There are several theories given which help in evaluating & measuring job satisfaction of
employees at workplace. Some of them are

 Hierarchy of Needs by Maslow

 Hygiene Theory by Herzberg
These help in understanding the parameters or factors which influence job satisfaction of
employees at workplace.

Job Satisfaction Examples

There can be several examples of job satisfaction as it is related to the psychology of an

individual. A particular job can be satisfying for one employee based on the salary, location,
workplace, responsibilities, job level etc. and the same be lead to dissatisfaction to some another
employee. Consider an employee who has joined an organization 1 year back and has been
awarded for his good work with bonuses and incentives. Also, the company has chosen him for
an exclusive training program which would help in boosting his career. Also, the employee is
entitled for a sabbatical leave as well to pursue his own dream. Hence, all these factors and HR
policies would lead to job satisfaction.

Measuring Job Satisfaction

It is critical for any company to measure job satisfaction as the efficiency, productivity and
loyalty of an employee depends on it. Companies can conduct surveys with questionnaires
asking the employees about their feedback and understand if they are satisfied or dissatisfied
with their job. Companies can ask the following questions to measure job satisfaction and can
give multiple options like Satisfied, somewhat satisfied, neutral, somewhat dissatisfied,

1. Are you happy with your salary/incentives?

2. Is your contribution to the company recognized with awards?

3. Do you find your workplace conditions good, hygienic, competitive?

4. Do you have a good work life balance?

5. Are you happy with company policies for your career growth & training and

Apart from the above questions, specific open-ended questions about job satisfaction can also
help in understanding employee pain-points and how the company can improve to ensure a
happy employee.

It is critical for any company to measure job satisfaction as the efficiency, productivity and
loyalty of an employee depends on it. Companies can conduct surveys with questionnaires
asking the employees about their feedback and understand if they are satisfied or dissatisfied
with their job. Companies can ask the following questions to measure job satisfaction and can
give multiple options like Satisfied, somewhat satisfied, neutral, somewhat dissatisfied,

Are you happy with your salary/incentives?

1. Distribution to the company recognized with awards?

2. Do you find your workplace conditions good, hygienic, competitive?
3. Do you have a good work life balance?
4. Are you happy with company policies for your career growth & training and
Apart from the above questions, specific open-ended questions about job satisfaction can also
help in understanding employee pain-points and how the company can improve to ensure a
happy employee.

There are three dimensions of overall job satisfaction which include general satisfaction,
internal work motivation, and growth satisfaction, which are combined into a single measure.
The facets which are measured on the survey include security, compensation, co-workers, and

The top 10 job satisfaction factors are:

1.Appreciation for your work

2.Good relationships with colleagues
3.Good work-life balance
4.Good relationships with superiors
5.Company’s financial stability
6.Learning and career development
8.Attractive fixed salary
9.Interesting job content
10.Company value

Appreciation for your Work

We all know how easy it is to become demoralized if you turn up for work day after day,
same old, same old and no one in leadership positions even acknowledges you leave alone tells
you what a great job you’re doing. Appreciation from your boss and co-workers can turn a
mundane day into one where you feel valued and respected – whatever your job, whatever your
level. Good Relationships with Colleagues. It can be miserable working in a group of people
with whom you don’t get on; if there’s no one to share a smile and a laugh with, no one to help
or explain things and no one to turn to when things aren’t going well, then each working day can
turn into one simply to be endured.

Good Work-Life Balance
Gone are the days when it was expected that an employee started at 8.30 and finished at
5.30 five days a week. Flexible working is now embraced by many employers and the right to
part-time working and parental leave is enshrined in law. Companies with rigid working
practices (although there are obviously areas such as health care where fixed shifts are a
requirement in order to maintain service levels) are finding that they are not attracting top
candidates who will opt instead for an employer who will consider working from home or a
compressed working week.

Good Relationships with Superiors

The very best managers do not tell their staff what to do, rather they lead by example and
cooperation. Those sort of managers will always have the most productive work force because
their team will want to work for them. They treat their team as individuals, recognize strengths
and weaknesses and utilize people to their best potential, meaning workforce morale and
motivation will be consistently high.Conversely grievances and disciplinarians will be low as
there will be continuous dialogue leaving little room for niggles to become major issues
Company’s Financial Stability Let’s face it, at the end of the week/month we all expect to be
paid for working – very few of us are in the position of being able to work for free! Knowing that
you are working for a company which is financially viable enough to meet the weekly or
monthly wage bill is obviously re-assuring.

Learning and Career Development

Continuing professional development is applicable in all jobs – no one wants to be stuck
in a dead end job, doing the same thing, the same way until it’s time to retire (that’s if you
haven’t already dropped dead from boredom). There is no reason why even the least glamorous
of jobs cannot benefit from updates to training and methodology and a clearly defined career
path (for those who want it) is both aspirational and motivating.

Job Security
Interestingly, job security is something that seems to belong to yesteryear. Millennials are
prone to job hopping and are less likely to be seeking a ‘forever’ job than previous generations.
That being said, no one goes into a new job planning to leave it and no one wants to start a new
role in an organization which is clearly on its knees.
Attractive Fixed Salary
As stated previously – we all expect to be paid a for a day’s work and knowing what your
income is going to be each week/month is far preferable to dealing with variable hours and
therefore salary (zero hours contracts for example). If offered the choice between two employers
(everything else being equal that is) than a candidate will most likely opt for the one who will
pay the most – it’s human nature.

Interesting Job Content

If your job is mind-numbingly boring, how engaged are you likely to be as an employee?
Won’t you just be watching the clock until it’s time to go home. We can’t all be research
scientists, brain surgeons etc but with a little thought (perhaps rotating tasks between a group of
individuals) it should be possible to offer a degree of variation in most jobs. If you are a vegan
you are unlikely to apply for a job in a butchers or abattoir – your values are so far out of step
with that prospective employer that you simply wouldn’t countenance working for them. Perhaps
the issues are not always that stark and clear cut and there may not always be a choice but if your
personal values closely align with that of your employer and the culture in the workplace is also
a match, then you are far more likely to experience job satisfaction.Employee engagement is
increasingly seen as one way to retain staff, encouraging staff to share their views and ideas with
both co-workers and senior management creating an environment of trust andmutual cooperation
(provided of course that it is not something undertaken simply to put another tick in a
management box.

In Summary
Society has moved on from the ‘job for life’, retire at 65 and die a few years later which
was prevalent in the post-war years. Job satisfaction is both desirable and attainable; it may
sometimes be necessary to modify your expectations, or even to consider changing jobs (this is
where career counseling can be invaluable but no one, not your boss, co-workers nor society in
general can keep you trapped in a role that makes you unhappy. Maybe we’ve all become a little
more selfish in expecting at least a modicum of happiness in our working lives, especially since
we’re all going to be working until we are older and none of us should be afraid or ashamed to
try different roles until we find one that suits us best.

Higher Productivity – Irrespective of job title and pay grade, employees Who report high
job satisfaction tend to achieve higher productivity. Increased Profits – Keeping employees safe
and satisfied can lead to Higher sales, lower costs and a stronger bottom line.
High job satisfaction may lead to improving productivity, decreased turnover, and improve
attendance, reduce accidents, less job stress and less unionization. If employees feel that their
jobs are fun and interesting, they will be more willing to give extra effort to work.


•Analyze performance metrics. …
•Be purposeful when you communicate. …
•Stay goal-oriented. …
•Manage your expectations. …
•Make accountability a priority.
• incentives. …
•Train and develop your team.
•Promote internally
•Embrace flexibility
• Build a culture of wellbeing and support
• Create opportunities for collaboration
•Celebrate wins

Analyze performance metrics

It can be challenging to address inadequate performance without first recognizing where
gaps exist in your organizational workflow. To help you understand how your employees are
performing, it’s a good idea to analyze performance metrics on a regular basis. Completing
analysis tasks regularly can help you get a better grasp on why your employees aren’t achieving
goals or performing to their potential. You can hold performance appraisals that may lead you to
identify the root causes behind performance metrics. After identifying such causes, you can build
systems with the expressed goal of providing better support for your employees to succeed.
Be purposeful when you communicate
Managers who communicate ineffectively can lead employees to experience heightened
confusion and disengagement from their roles. Therefore, to avoid such challenges, you’ll want
to make it your duty to communicate efficiently, regardless of what you’re communicating.
When employees understand their jobs, duties and purpose, they’re more likely to reach
the goals you set for them. With this, you’ll want to be purposeful when you communicate such
information. Starting employees out with a clear and actionable description of their
responsibilities can help you unmistakably establish relevant performance benchmarks.

Stay goal-oriented
If employees have clear expectations set out for them, they can more easily meet or
exceed those expectations. Because of this, you’ll want to establish explicit goals that help your
employees better understand their roles and how their responsibilities fit into the mission of your
organization. It can even be beneficial to create workflow maps for your teams with visuals that
help employees picture how tasks are connected, where collaboration may be helpful and what
the end goal of a particular project is. Further, by maintaining a goal-oriented mindset on your
team, you can better measure your employees’ ability to reach objectives, which can help you
provide real-time support and intervention whenever necessary.

Manage your expectations

When setting goals for your team, you need to manage your expectations and maintain a
realistic perspective. Even if you are clear with your directions, provide specific objectives and
design benchmarks you will use to measure your team’s success, but you’re not thinking
practically, it’s likely that your team won’t improve their performance.

Make accountability a priority

Keeping your team accountable for meeting specific standards is an important part of
improving employee performance. When your employees perform highly, you can enforce
positive accountability and offer increased responsibility or constructive feedback. If your
employees aren’t meeting your expectations, you need to communicate this by keeping them
accountable for their performance and offer supports that might encourage their increased focus
and engagement. It’s important to remember that you need to balance accountability measures
with authority—in most situations, you’ll want to avoid doling out negative consequences and
instead find methods for helping your employees successful.


Building feedback opportunities into your employees’ workflow can help them
understand how their performance is stacking up to your expectations. These feedback
opportunities should occur on regular intervals and be reciprocal—you should encourage your
employees to offer you feedback of how you might better support or lead them. Comparatively,
when giving feedback, tell employees about areas they’re excelling in and where they may need
some improvement. Implementing such a system can help both you and your employees receive
clear, obtainable guidance on how you can work together to achieve goals.

One of the best methods for improving employee performance is through encouraging
them to be more efficient by offering rewards and other benefits. You can consider offering
special incentives to recognize when your employees’ perform highly and produce excellent
work. From organization-wide praise to actual monetary bonuses, you can instill different
incentive programs that may inspire employees to take more initiative in their roles. Consider
offering additional paid time off, gift cards, bonuses, late passes, meals, wellness programs or
professional development opportunities to show your employees that you’re invested in
motivating their success.

Training and develop your team

When employees receive the requisite training for them to understand their roles and
foster their skills, it’s more likely that they’ll perform their jobs with precision. Therefore, you
should try to implement robust training programs when employees transition into their roles that
will prepare them to succeed. From here, you can also encourage continued employee
development through supplemental training programs, professional retreats, conferences,
workshops and coaching systems. These tactics can help your employees expand and strengthen
their skill sets, which in turn, can help them improve their performance. In addition, investing in
an employee’s development can help foster a culture of loyalty and respect that may reduce
turnover and increase engagement.

Promote internally
It is a common mistake for managers and organizational leaders to seek external candidates
over highly qualified internal candidates when a position opens up. The prospect of promotion
can be an incredibly effective incentive for employees to improve their performance and
maximize their efficiency to reach organizational goals. Therefore, don’t overlook your current
staff when searching for a candidate to fill a senior role—not only do your organization’s
already-trained employees understand your mission, values and objectives, but awarding them
with a promotion can serve as the ultimate reward for excellent performance. With the potential
for career advancement at stake, your employees may take action and improve their work.

Embrace flexibility
Employees often highly value flexibility in their roles. Offering flexible work schedules
and telecommuting options to your employees can help them be more productive overall and
foster a sense of trust among your staff. While many managers believe employees are less
productive when they work unmonitored from home, this is a common misconception. When
employees don’t have to waste time commuting or skip work for illness or midday appointments,
they can maintain their energy levels, engagement and productivity in a way that may otherwise
not be possible. Therefore, try to embrace flexibility with your employees to enable them in
maximizing their time—it could lead to higher performance levels overall.

8 Ways To Improve Employee Morale in Your Workplace

 Employee morale is the overall outlook, emotion, and satisfaction of employees
towards their jobs and workplace environment.
 The way they perceive their workplace often decides their productivity. An
employee with high morale is happy and enjoys his work. On the contrary,
employees with low morale are dissatisfied and keep a negative outlook towards
his/her work.
 With high morale stay motivated and work towards the organization’s goals. They
maintain a healthy relationship with anyone they come in contact with. They
complete their tasks more effectively.

Eight ways to improve employee morale in your workplace.
One-on-one Sessions
One-on-one sessions with your employees can be one of the best practices to boost
employee morale. This may seem a very time-consuming deal for you. But believe me, a little
effort in knowing the employees and allowing them to express themselves without an agenda
would bring more positivity in them. Asking interpersonal questions in one-on-one sessions
would give your employees a sense of importance. Ask your employees if they are happy with
the work assigned to them. If they find enough support from their team members? Are they keen
on learning other processes? Or any suggestions they have on the current way of work. Questions
like these would give your employees a sense of morale boost, they would feel important, and
their thoughts would be more precise and clutter-free.

They would have a good feeling since they are being cared for Create a Healthy Work
Environment Create an environment that employees enjoy and love, which motivates them to
wake up and move to their jobs happily. A healthy work environment not only means the look
and ambiance of the workplace. Its also about how the managers, supervisors, and staff behave
internally in the organization. How they respond to an unwanted situation or crisis and how the
interpersonal connection among the folks are. Teamwork is another factor in a healthy work
environment. In an ideal work environment, everyone knows their role, forms a symbiotic
relationship with each other, and learns how to fit into the company’s goals and objectives.

Acknowledge and Appreciate Employees

A survey by Office Team reveals that nearly 50% of the workers would leave their jobs
if their managers do not appreciate them. Also, employee recognition in the workplace reinforces
particular behaviors, practices, or activities that result in better performance and positive
business results. Never forget to acknowledge and appreciate your employees. When you
appreciate your employees for their excellent work, or when achieve any small/significant
milestones it boosts their confidence and morale. More than that, it your employees satisfaction,
engaged and drives them to be more productive.

Be Personal
When say ‘Be Personal’ I don’t mean to get into their personal life and forcefully keep a
tab on everything your employees do. However, make your employees feel inclusive and make
them feel important. A flower bouquet for their anniversaries or a customized birthday present
can do all the talking when the day arrives. Also, knowing little more about their families or
arranging a get-together, or knowing them personally gives your employees a sense of
belonging. And this way, you not only boost their morale but also earn loyal employees for your

Motivate your Employees

Motivation is a driving force. Managers who know how to motivate employees in doubt
or any critical situation keep employee morale high. Motivation is also not bread to your jam. It
is the sausage you need to use in variations to uplift your taste buds. For some, hearing out could
motivate them, and for Others, maybe a day off. Or crackling them up with a good joke may do
the trick.

Empower your Employees

When you give employees the power to make decisions, trust, freedom, and autonomy in
the workplace, you empower them. Empowered employees feel in control of their jobs and,
therefore, gain the potential to achieve high productivity levels. This helps them boost
confidence and employee morale. Involve Employees as Equal Members of your Team
Employees work together to achieve organizational goals. To meet these goals, employees
should be respected and involved in all aspects of decision-making and planning. Involvement
increases employee morale, commitment, and awareness in the workplace. When you work
together, you get a sense of purpose and a common goal to work and cut the unhealthy conflict
and competition.

Show Care to your Employees

No matter wherever you go or how diverse people you meet, one common thread you
would find among them is their need for care. And here, your employees are no different. Listen
to them intently. Help them grow their skills. Keep an empathetic approach towards them. Also,
discuss and help solve a task they are struggling with. Small gestures like these are always
noticed and also helps in improving morale and attitude .
Addressing Weakness

5 Ways To Address Your Weaknesses

•Have your answer ready be honestly. …
•Stay on the subject. …
•Concentrate on yourself. …
•Take care of your problems before you address them in an application .

Consistency at work involves produce standard of work throughout a long period of time.
Consistency affects the quality of work that you develop, the speed at which you produce work,
your attendance and your communication with others in your workplace.


Five top factors are “Positive attitude and involvement of management,” “Proactive
employees,” “Good working conditions,” “Tools and equipment to raise productivity,” and
“Availability of water, power and other input supplies.”


A product innovation strategy is about creating winning products, which means products
that are in an attractive market, target a profitable customer segment, address the right unmet
needs, and help customers get a job done better than any competing solution.

5 Steps for Developing Your Innovation Strategy

•Determine objectives and strategic approach to innovation.

• Know Your Market: Customers and Competitors. …
• Define Your Value Proposition. …
• Assess and Develop Your Core Capabilities. …
• Establish Your Innovation Techniques and Systems.


Reducing employee turnover should be a priority for any business. According to experts,
it can cost twice an employee’s salary to recruit, hire and train a replacement. Turnover can also
damage morale among your remaining employees, decrease productivity and make it harder to
acquire new talent.

7 BENEFITS OF Reduce Employee Turnover

•Hire the right people.
• keep up with the market rate and offer competitive salaries and total compensation. …
•Closely monitor toxic employees. …
•Reward and recognize employees. …
•Offer flexibility. …
• prioritize work-life balance. …
•Pay attention to employee engagement


Smart Ways To Improve Your Company’s Online Reputation
•Share Your Voice On Organic Outlets.
•Display Your Values.
•Develop And Maintain Your Brand Identity.
•Get Help From A Branding Expert.
•Serve Your Customers Well.
•Own Up To Mistakes.
•Focus On Building Customer Loyalty.
•Don’t Forget Your Offline Reputation
•Regularly Engage With Your Audience
• Respond To All Reviews
• Honor Your Audience’s Preferences
• Ask Others To Vouch For You
• Be Transparent And Honest

Problem Statement:
The term Job Satisfaction figures prominently in any discussions on management of
human resources. Job Satisfaction refers to a person’s feeling of satisfaction on the job, which
acts as a motivation to work. It is not the self-satisfaction, happiness or self- contentment but the
satisfaction. Positive attitude towards job are equivalent to job satisfaction where as negative
attitude towards job has been defined. Variously from time to time. In short job satisfaction is a
person’s attitude towards job. Job satisfaction is an attitude which results from balancing and
summation of many specific likes and dislikes experienced in connection with the job their
evaluation may rest largely upon one’s success or failure in the achievement of personal
objective and upon perceived combination of the job and combination towards these ends.
According to job satisfaction can be taken as a summation of employee’s feeling in four
important areas. These are Job-nature of work (dull, dangerous, interesting), hours of work,
fellow workers, opportunities on the job for promotion and advancement (prospects), overtime
regulations, interest in work, physical environment, and machines and tools.
Management –Supervisory treatment, participation, reward and punishment, praises and
blames, leaves policy .Personal adjustment – health and emotionality. Job satisfaction is an
important indicator of how employees feel about their job and a predictor of work behavior such
as organizational citizenship, absenteeism, and turnover. Job satisfaction benefits the
organization includes reduction in complaints and grievances, absenteeism, turnover and
termination; as well as improved punctuality and worker morale. Job satisfaction is also linked
with a healthier work force and has been found to be a good indicator of longevity. Job
satisfaction is not synonyms with organizational morale, which the possessions of feeling have
being accepted by and belonging to a group of employees through adherence to common goals
and confidence in Desirability of these goals. Job satisfaction is more an individual state of mind.
Methodology8. Methodology to be used: I. Data Collection Method: The study is both
empirical and analytical. Both primary and secondary data has been collected for the purpose of
the study. Private Sector comparisons are a debate which seems to be a never ending topic. It is
very difficult to take stand for either of these two forms of administration. The reason behind that
is not unknown but obvious as both provide scopes in different ways. Job satisfaction describes
how content an individual is with his or her job. The happier people are within their job, the
more satisfied they are said to be. This paper surveys both the sectors in most of the aspects of
analyze. As the current findings show, jobholders vary regarding the extent of ambivalence
experienced with respect to their attitude toward their job.
The current findings also open up opportunities for further research regarding the
consequences of job ambivalence. For instance, the present findings imply that job performance
of individuals with high Versus low job ambivalence may fluctuate such that job performance is
comparatively high when positive beliefs and affective experiences are salient and thus
predominate at a certain point in time but that their performance may be comparatively low at
other times when negative beliefs and affective experiences are salient and predominate. In this
respect, research could, for instance, collect manager perceptions of performance consistency.
Future research should aim to replicate the present findings with larger and more diverse
samples as well as profit from the use of multiple-item scales to measure job performance. When
an employee feels a satisfaction about the job, he/she is motivated to put greater effort to the
performance. Then it tends to increase the overall performance of the organization. In other
words, a satisfied individual employee and his effort and commitment are crucial for the
successfulness of the organization.

How Do We Measure Job Satisfaction?

The biggest challenge with measuring employee job satisfaction is that each organization
is different. The causes of job satisfaction, too, vary from worker to worker, even within the
same workplace. What we do know is that across the board, most employees say job satisfaction
has less to do with financial incentives and rewards and more to do with respect, recognition, and
growth opportunities Most businesses use similar tools to measure employee satisfaction:
Employees satisfaction surveys are by far the most popular. Done right, they’re also one of the
best methods for measuring things expectations, stress levels, coworker relationships, and career
progression. Questions like “Do you feel adequately rewarded for your work commitment?”
“Does management provide you with the support you need?” and “Are you happy with available
growth opportunities?” give employers a good mix of qualitative and quantitative data. The ESI,
or Employee Satisfaction Index, provides statistics and insights on how employees perceive an
Backed by science, the ESI has employees rate on a scale of one to 10 three criteria that
help gauge employee satisfaction: how satisfied an employee is with the workplace, How well
the workplace meets the employee’s expectations, and how close in the workplace to the
employee’s ideal job?The eNPS or Employee Net Promoter Score uses one simple question to
show how employees feel about their company: On a scale of zero to 10, how likely are you to
recommend our company as a place to work?

TVS MOTOR COMPANY Is a reputed two and three-wheeler manufacturer globally,

championing progress through Sustainable Mobility with four state-of-the-art manufacturing
facilities in Hosur, Mysore and Nalagarh in India and Karawang in Indonesia. Rooted in our 100-
year legacy of Trust, Value, and Passion for Customers and Exactness, we take pride in making
internationally aspirational products of the highest quality through innovative and sustainable
processes. We are the only two-wheeler company to have received the prestigious Deming Prize.
Our products lead in their respective categories in the J.D. Power IQS and APEAL surveys. We
have been ranked No. 1 Company in /the J.D. Power Customer Service Satisfaction Survey for
consecutive four years. Our group company Norton Motorcycles, based in the United Kingdom,
is one of the most emotive motorcycle brands in the world. Our subsidiaries in the personal e-
mobility space, Swiss E-Mobility Group (SEMG) and EGO Movement have a leading position in
the e-bike market in Switzerland. TVS Motor Company endeavors to deliver the most superior
customer experience across 80 countries in which we operate.


TVS Motor manufactures the largest range of two-wheelers, starting from mopeds, to
scooters, commuter motorcycles, to racing inspired bikes like the TVS Apache series and the
TVS Apache RR310. Whatever your requirement be, we have one for everyone.

TVS Motor’s strength lies in its extensive research and development, resulting in
products that are industry leading in terms of innovation. We at TVSM deliver total customer
satisfaction by anticipating customer need and presenting quality vehicles at the right time and at
the right price.


TVSM has always stood for innovative, easy-to-handle, and environment-friendly

products, backed by reliable customer service. More than 50 million + customers have bought a
TVSM product to date. TVSM products give you only reasons to smile!

MANUFACTURING LOCATIONS The company has four manufacturing plants, three

located in India (Hosur in Tamil Nadu, Mysore in Karnataka and Nalagarh in Himachal Pradesh)
and one in Indonesia at Karawang.


TVS Mobility is the holding company for the businesses managed by the T S Rajam
family members. The companies housed under TVS Mobility evolved from the business started
by T V Sundaram Iyengar in 1911. Businesses under the TVS Mobility group are being managed
by the 4th generation family members, descendants of T V Sundaram Iyengar.
TVS Mobility has a collective annual revenue of over USD 2Bn and has broadly four
verticals that include Manufacturing (Tyres & Tubes and Rubber products), Global Supply Chain
Solutions (auto and non-auto), Platform for Distribution and Services in the Independent
Aftermarket, and Auto Distribution (India, Srilanka and Bangladesh). Companies under the
group employ over 25,000 people and have business interests in six continents and with
establishments in more than 25 countries. The group has a diverse business base in both B-to-B,
B-to-b as well as in B-to-C segments. The clientele of its group companies includes marquee
names in both auto and non-auto segments. The manufactured products of the group are sold to
Automotive and Industrial vehicle and product manufacturers, distributors and to consumers.
The businesses of the group work closely with entrepreneurs and help them scale by directly
engaging with them and through brand support. One of the entities has created a platform for
over 20,000 retail and service entrepreneurs across the country through its technology and
service platform. Through its B-to-C businesses, it sells more than 1,50,000 vehicles per annum
(including 1,10,000 two-wheelers) and provides services to over 3.5 million customers. Known
for its compliance and governance standards, the group believes in empowering people with
skills and training programs through its schools and community outreach initiatives. It runs nine
institutions under its not-for-profit welfare trust, which have provided education and life skills
for around 50,000 persons so far. The companies in the group have grown consistently over the
years and created value for all its stakeholders.

TVS Supply Chain Solutions (TVS SCS) is a global provider of world-class, end-to-end
supply chain services for the Automotive, Beverage, Defense, Industrial and Utilities markets.
We address supply chain challenges for international organizations, government departments,

large and medium-sized businesses and trade on the ability to reduce our client’s operating costs
and improve their performance through efficient and innovative solutions.

Business Statistics & Analytics

 Introduction to Statistics
 Mathematical Programming
 Data Visualization and Interpretation
 Decision Tree Analysis
Quality Management
 Principles of Quality Management and TQM
 Dimensions and Measures of Quality
 Statistical Process Control
 Process Capability
 Quality Assurance
 Predictive Quality Analytics – Tools and Techniques
 Six Sigma and Lean Management

Supply Chain Strategy and Management

 Supply Chain Management Essentials
 Supply Chain Decisions and Strategic Choices
 SCM Tools and Techniques
 Demand Sensing & AI/ML based Forecasting
 Inventory Models
 Capacity Planning
 Supply Chain Design
 Digital Supply Chains – Planning & Analytics

 Importance of financial
 Warehousing Decisions and Material Management

 Multi Modal Strategy
 Transportation Networks and Scheduling
 Optimization Strategies
Operations Management

 Key concepts in Operations Management

 Process Matrix, Process Analysis and Process Design
 Measuring Process Performance
 Process Improvement vs Reengineering
 Managing Operations and Supply Chain in a Dynamic Business
 Operations Strategy as a Contributor to Organizations Goal

Operations & Supply Chain Logistics

 Chain risk and resilience

 Triple Bottom line approach to sustainability
 Socially responsible operation Impact of Industry 4.0 technologies like
Blockchain, IoT, Robotics, Big Data


The 4 core elements of supply chain management. SEVEN WAYS TO REDUCE

YOUR WAREHOUSE COSTS Banner image resized Your supply chain efficiency and
effectiveness make a massive impact on the overall success of any business. To boost your
business productivity and profitability further, you need to improve and optimize your supply
chain. In our experience, successful supply chain management in South Africa and the Middle
East incorporates. A consolidated supply chain strategy, instead of one that has been cobbled
together as your business grows. This is mission critical, especially in burgeoning markets in
regions like the UAE and Middle East – according to a 2014 Deloitte survey, 79% of businesses
with high-performance supply chains outperform their competitors. See the research here.
Focusing on the core elements of your supply chain can enable you to match this kind of
performance. What are the components of your supply chain you should be focusing on right
now. A properly designed supply chain strategy, with the core elements kept front and center,
will give you a host of benefits including support of your business strategy, improved customer
relationships and satisfaction, and efficiency, performance, response, and quality improvements.


Integration starts at your strategic planning phase and is critical throughout your
communications and information sharing and data analysis and storage. A single-view, accurate,
and reliable source of information on your supply chain activities and details reduces human
error, delays, shortages, and over/under-stocking, and allows you to plan for and mitigate supply
issues or interruptions. Assess your technology needs, and ensure your choice gives you the right
tools to integrate your full supply chain solution while being flexible enough to change and grow
with your business.


Your operations require an accurate, real-time representation of your inventory and

production schedules in order to monitor your output and forecast production and distribution
patterns. With the right software, you are able to align your operations with the rest of your
business, provide accurate and reliable information on the production and current inventories for
more efficient fulfillment processes. Improve your profitability by predicting likely interruptions
and challenges to reduce their impact on your business, and streamline your operational
processes to facilitate a smoother, less expensive path to fulfillment.


The right supply chain software does a great deal in terms of sourcing products in your
supply chain and ensuring you are taking advantage of the most competitive pricing and most
reliable products. Demand forecasting gives you a solid and practical method of ensuring you
have right product, in the right quantity, at the right time. Keep track of suppliers, competing
producers, and demand cycles, so that you can reduce your operating costs across the sourcing
and purchasing process.


The transport, delivery, and return of goods is a component of your supply chain that can
always be simplified, optimised, and corrected for better client service and reduced operating


TVS GROUP TVS Group was established in 1911 by Sri Tv Sundaram Iyengar .as one
of India’s largest industrial entities. It epitomizes trust value and services.


Tvs motor company limited is the third largest two wheeler manufacturers in India and
among the top ten in the world.

The company has been in the fore font in the Indian two wheeler market right from the
launch of the first moped on Indian roads to many new product launched this year .

At the helm of the company is Mr.Venu sirnivasan ,chairman and managing director of
the company.

AWARDS Tvs is the only 2 wheeler company in the world to have received the
coveted Deming prize .All over processes are Deming certified . TVs motor company has one
of the most extensive networks with over 500 dealer and 2500 customer touch points.

Tvs motor company R& D team has a strong pool of technical talent support Ed by state
of the art infrastructure capable of developing new and innovative designs.


At TVS Motor company quality is a way of life .

Tvs motor company has established an e- business system , which maximizes company
values and profits through transformation.

SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY To give back to society ,TVs motor company has formed and
funded the sirnivasan services trust to undertake the activities relating to community

1.3.1. Primary Objective:
A study on employees job satisfaction.

1.3.2. Secondary Objective:

 To measure the employees job satisfaction level in Organization.
 To study the employees perception towards Organization.
 To study the attitude of the employees towards their work.
 To identify the factors that motivates the employees.
 To give suggestion for the growth and perspective of the company.
 To check the degree of satisfaction of employees.


 Job satisfaction is important from the perspective of maintaining employees within the
organization. High job satisfaction effectively leads to the improved organizational
productivity, decreased employee turnover, and reduced job stress in modern organizations.
 Burnout: The state of having no enthusiasm because of working too hard.
 Job Performance: The accomplishment of a given task measured against the standards of
accuracy, completeness, cost, and speed.
 Autonomy: The level of freedom and discretion allowed to an employees over his or her job.
 Work-Family Conflict: The opposition resulting from the perceived differences between
individual’s work and their family life.
 Job Satisfaction: The sense of inner fulfillment and pride achieved when performing a
particular job. Reward: Something given in exchange for good behavior or good work.
 Job Characteristics: The aspects specific to a job (e.g., knowledge, skills, physical demands,
and working conditions) that can be recognized, defined, and evaluated.
 Promotion: The advancement of an employee’s position within the organization.
 Motivation: The internal and external factors that stimulate desire and energy in people to be
continually interested and committed to a job, role or subject, or to make an effort to attain a


Job satisfaction is the level of contentment a person feels regarding his or her job. This
feeling is mainly based on an individual’s perception of satisfaction. Job satisfaction can be
influenced by a person’s ability to complete required tasks, the level of communication in an
organization, and the way management treats employees. Job satisfaction falls into two levels:
affective job satisfaction and cognitive job satisfaction. Affective job satisfaction is a person’s
emotional feeling about the job as a whole.

Cognitive job satisfaction is how satisfied employees feel concerning some aspect of their
job, such as pay, hours, or benefits. Many organizations face challenges in accurately measuring
job satisfaction, as the definition of satisfaction can differ among various people within an
organization. However, most organizations realize that workers’ level of job satisfaction can
impact their job performance, and thus determining metrics is crucial to creating strong
efficiency. Despite widespread belief to the contrary, studies have shown that high-performing
employees do not feel satisfied with their job simply as a result of to high-level titles or increased

This lack of correlation is an significant concern for organizations, since studies also reveal
that the implementation of positive HR practices results in financial gain for the organizations.
The cost of employees is quite high, and creating satisfaction relevant to the return on this
investment is paramount. Simply put: positive work environments and increased shareholder
value are directly related. Some factors of job satisfaction may rank as more important than
others, depending on each worker’s needs and personal and professional goals. To create a
benchmark for measuring and ultimately creating job satisfaction, managers in an organization
can employ proven test methods such as the Job Descriptive Index (JDI) or the Minnesota
Satisfaction Questionnaire (MSQ). These assessments help management define job satisfaction


• The findings of the study are subjected to bias and prejudice of the respondents.

• Time factor can be considered as a main limitations.

• The findings of the study are solely based on the information provided by the

• The accuracy of Findings is limited by the accuracy of statistical tool used for analysis.

• Findings of the research may change due to are ,demography ,age condition of economy



Warn (2021) emphasized aspects of the workplace, contributing to depression and lack of
job satisfaction. Stress is Normally caused by a lack of power over the intended effects. At the
workplace, tension is felt because of a lack of Authority, job conflicts, and uncertainty,
contributing to frustration. The principle of check ability brings a solution to Lower pressures
and contributes to job fulfillment in which a person has an attitude of desires and needs that
depends On the aspirations of the individual and governs multiple facets of the working
situation. A supportive working Atmosphere, such as a positive environment for studying or no
abuse at work or anxiety in the workplace, helps Minimize depression and achieve job
satisfaction. (2020) Explains Lebanese non-management banking employees’ work satisfaction
and results. The researchers Found a substantial link in terms of pay and supervision between
work satisfaction and gender. Only satisfied people Within the company are willing to carry out
their roles and obligations. Women workers were happy with the Salaries, while men were
happier with supervision.

The author himself often claims this does not matter because the Self-rate is inflated, and
his colleagues’ success is usually underestimate TheoryJAC : A Journal Of Composition Theory
Austin (2007) The major reasons for managers’ work satisfaction in Cyprus are “self-
fulfillment,” “independence,” And “job environment.” Fair salaries, well-educated subordinates,
the prospects for self-realization are development Opportunities. Employers can reflect on the
three aspects of community independence of their work setting to ensure . The framework’s flow

contributes to job satisfaction, i.e., age, sex, number of years in the company, public and Private
sector, number of workers oversaw. In(2007) Discusses the connection between education and
work satisfaction. Although there’s a relationship, he Claims there’s no relationship, too. In
contrast with the lower-skilled employees, higher-education workers are often Happy, as they
receive a better-quality job. He continues that under-trained employees can also be better pleased
With the “good job psychological advantages.

Employee quality varies with the educational level and results in Various levels of work
fulfilment. Job features play a major role, and you have the chance to use your skills. The Author
thus argues that organizations should concentrate more on standards of work than education.
Hawley (2008) Discusses the degree and the factors impacting the teachers’ happiness in the
beginning. Teachers Are pleased with their jobs, and academic proficiency, race, socio-economic
status, teacher’s degree, and whether Their mother was a teacher are the variables contributing to
their work satisfaction. The teaching license plays an Important part here because it demonstrates
the expertise and experience that the instructor wants to be taught. Silver throne (2008) The
contribution to job content and the associated effects, such as output and tension, of the
Individually variable locus of control was studied. Findings suggest that a low degree of work
tension and a greater Level of satisfaction and efficiency are the product of the internal position
of control.
Doesn’t reduce work stress, while the internal control locus decreases work stress by
reducing efficiency and Happiness. Antvor-(2010) discusses the national culture’s impact on the
national work satisfaction level but discusses its role on other measures of the employment
aspects at the same time. While there was a cultural impact on domestic job Satisfaction, they
claimed that all work satisfaction factors were not unique to the cultural context. The findings of
a Cross-border work satisfaction survey must be compared with management. Artz (2010)
Studies the relationship between rewards and work satisfaction for Outer. Benefits from the
periphery Do not necessarily contribute to workplace satisfaction. In so long as the employee has
the impression that he can Fulfill his desires, it is still appropriate. It is also noticed that it does
not fulfill the employee’s expectations, which Contributes to discontent. Organizations need to
evaluate their processes more effectively and, if possible, provide Fringe incentives and offer
workers the chance to make use of them, thereby generating satisfaction with their work. Mudor
and Tookson (2011) discuss the relationship between human capital administration, employee
satisfaction, And attrition eventually. Monitoring, recruitment, and compensation procedures,
which are the three factors of HRM Practices, are extremely counterproductive to employee
satisfaction. Efficient workers lead to continuous.Employment and fair wages for employees. Job
quality contributes directly to turnover.
Ramayah(2011) evaluates whether mentoring results in work satisfaction within the
Malaysian context. His results Suggest that career mentoring is connected to every aspect of
work satisfaction. The aspects of job satisfaction. Analyzed were: jobs themselves, employees,
managers, and promotion. At a higher education level, mentors often Play an important role and
deliver meaningful job results directly.
But psychological mentoring has no essential Connection to the three variables that fulfill
the job (co-workers, the job itself, and promotion). The study also Suggests that since therapeutic
mentoring contributes to non-monetary happiness, workers would not appreciate it in the longest
possible term. (2012) studies the importance of teachers’ perceived organizational support on
Job Satisfaction. There are two Aspects to satisfaction, mainly intrinsic and extrinsic. Earned
status and respect are extrinsic factors that play an Important role in employee satisfaction. Self-
efficacy, as an intrinsic factor, helps as it promotes individual self-Fulfillment. When an
organization value its employee’s contribution and cares about their well-being, employees are
Intrinsically and extrinsically satisfied. JAC : A Journal Of Composition Theory Aristovnik
(2014) discusses the influence of organizational and environmental factors on employee job
satisfaction. The police employees rated salary and security as the least motivator and support
from the management as high.
Police employees rate trust and belongingness as the key factor in job satisfaction.
Pandey (2011) State that for any country, both the public and private sector are equally important
and These two are fundamental criteria for every nation to thrive and expand. Here, the level of
workplace satisfaction Has been checked for work ambivalence (the state of having mixed
feelings or contradictory ideas about something). The manager received a higher output ranking
if the ambivalence of the workers was lower and vice versa. Jobs Happiness and success have
little connection if the ambivalence to the work rises. Organizations should also Concentrate on
clarifying their jobs to the workers in order to properly appreciate the task. Seniwoliba A.J.
(2013), analyzed career quality satisfaction levels of teachers in the public high school in Female
Metropolis in Ghana and was found to motivate employees and contribute successfully to the
achievement of job Satisfaction through factors extrinsic to pay, rewards, working conditions,
protection (medical and future pension Benefits). In terms of worker satisfaction, the wages and
working conditions are greater and organizations should Still concentrate on it and take steps to
enhance it by expanding. Organizations must preach wages for equal Status. Witte (2012)
discussed the element of job satisfaction highlighted group discrepancies. The research was
carried Out in Belgium in the banking industry. For the hypothesis test, a model was developed
The paradigm is “job Demand management support,” and the study showed that the demand for
work had the greatest impact in explaining Satisfaction in relation to working circumstances and
less in relation to explaining satisfaction with task contents.

Saari & Judge (2004) discussed attitudes towards employee satisfaction, discussed the
employee’s mood is linked To the job where an employee loves the job, the content level rises
with increasing the success of the company as a Whole. Singh & Jain (2013), Employee
happiness and its impact on results were highlighted. The behavior of workers. Represents the
company’s morality. The satisfied staff has a significant role in customer care and sales because
they Communicate regularly with the customer. The office is the gateway to employee
fulfillment. Good labor practices And good working conditions also improve workers’
efficiency, profitability, satisfaction, and retention. Shanmuga priya. S (2016), in his study, the
employees of public sector banking opined that the state banks had a Sea turn in their success in
analyzing determinants of job satisfaction. Moreover, the economic and financial market
Reforms have begun. Various factors have made India one of the world’s fastest-growing
economies, including Opening the global markets, reforming .
The banking system, rising investment levels, the proactive regulatory Landscape, and its
demographic profile. There is no question, for a functioning financial environment, a safe
banking Sector is important. Indian banks have good human capital and operating technologies
oriented, being the largest and Most profitable domestic and global scenarios. Neeraj Kumari
(2016) pursued observational research on behavior and criteria in the service sector against job
Satisfaction. The research is done with a certain framework and observations into the life
insurance scheme. Throughout the analysis, it is found that life insurance employees are usually
satisfied. The researcher stresses the Facets of incentives and financial advantages, and personal
recognition, which has a dominant function to play, Factors such as the company’s goals, the
reputation and credibility of the company, sustainability with the role, and The personality of the
employee. The researcher further suggested that managers take care of recruiting and Personnel
decisions to make a constructive contribution to the human resource to effectively aware of the
Organization’s future needs Crispin Chipunza, Bulelwa Malo (2017) concluded that an
optimistic view employees on the Organization’s community, successful relationships with co-
workers, supervisors’ encouragement. Participants are Fairly pleased with job prospects, and the
wages were not satisfactory. Finally, the connection between the Atmosphere of the company
and satisfaction at the job is important.

Aristovnik (2014) discusses the influence of organizational and environmental factors on

employee job satisfaction. The police employees rated salary and security as the least motivator
and support from the management as high. Police employees rate trust and belongingness as the
key factor in job satisfaction.
Kumari and Pandey (2011) State that for any country, both the public and private sector
are equally important and these two are fundamental criteria for every nation to thrive and
expand. Here, the level of workplace satisfaction Has been checked for work ambivalence (the
state of having mixed feelings or contradictory ideas about something). The manager received a
higher output ranking if the ambivalence of the workers was lower and vice versa. Jobs
Happiness and success have little connection if the ambivalence to the work rises. Organizations
should also Concentrate on clarifying their jobs to the workers in order to properly appreciate the
task. Seniwoliba A.J. (2013), analyzed career quality satisfaction levels of teachers in the public
high school in Temale Metropolis in Ghana and was found to motivate employees and contribute
successfully to the achievement of job .
Satisfaction through factors extrinsic to pay, rewards, working conditions, protection
(medical and future pension Benefits). In terms of worker satisfaction, the wages and working
conditions are greater and organizations should Still concentrate on it and take steps to enhance it
by expanding. Organizations must preach fair wages for equal Status. Witte (2012) discussed the
element of job satisfaction highlighted on group discrepancies. The research was carried Out in
Belgium in the banking industry. For the hypothesis test, a model was developed.
The paradigm is “job Demand management support,” and the study showed that the demand for
work had the greatest impact in explaining Satisfaction in relation to working circumstances and
less in relation to explaining satisfaction with task contents. Saari & Judge (2004) discussed
attitudes towards employee satisfaction, discussed the employee’s mood is linked To the job
where an employee loves the job, the content level rises with increasing the success of the

company as a Whole. Singh & Jain (2013), Employee happiness and its impact on results were
The behavior of workers represents the company’s morality. The satisfied staff has a
significant role in customer care and sales because they Communicate regularly with the
customer. The office is the gateway to employee fulfillment. Good labor practices And good
working conditions also improve workers’ efficiency, profitability, satisfaction, and retention.
Shanmugapriya. S (2016), in her study, the employees of public sector banking opined that the
state banks had a Sea turn in their success in analyzing determinants of job satisfaction.
Moreover, the economic and financial market.

Various factors have made India one of the world’s fastest-growing economies, including
Opening the global markets, reforming the banking system, rising investment levels, the
proactive regulatory Landscape, and its demographic profile. There is no question, for a
functioning financial environment, a safe banking Sector is important. Indian banks have good
human capital and operating technologies oriented, being the largest and Most profitable
domestic and global scenarios. Neeraj Kumari (2016) pursued observational research on
behavior and criteria in the service sector against job Satisfaction. The research is done with a
certain framework and observations into the life insurance scheme. Throughout the analysis, it is
found that life insurance employees are usually satisfied. The researcher stresses the Facets of
incentives and financial advantages, and personal recognition, which has a dominant function to
play, Factors such as the company’s goals, the reputation and credibility of the company,
sustainability with the role, and The personality of the employee. The researcher further
suggested that managers take care of recruiting and Personnel decisions to make a constructive
contribution to the human resource to effectively aware of the Organization’s future needs.

Crispen Chipunza, Bulelwa Malo (2017) concluded that an optimistic view for the
employees on the Organization’s community, successful relationships with co-workers,
supervisors’ encouragement. Participants are Fairly pleased with job prospects, and the wages
were not satisfactory. Finally, the connection between the Atmosphere of the company and
satisfaction at the job is important. Aristovnik (2014) discusses the influence of organizational
and environmental factors on employee job satisfaction. The police employees rated salary and
security as the least motivator and support from the management AA high. Police employees rate
trust and belongingness as the key factor in job satisfaction.
Kumari and Pandey (2011) State that for any country, both the public and private sector
are equally important and These two are fundamental criteria for every nation to thrive and
expand. Here, the level of workplace satisfaction Has been checked for work ambivalence (the
state of having mixed feelings or contradictory ideas about something). The manager received a
higher output ranking if the ambivalence of the workers was lower and vice versa. Jobs
Happiness and success have little connection if the ambivalence to the work rises. Organizations
should also Concentrate on clarifying their jobs to the workers in order to properly appreciate the
Seniwoliba A.J. (2013), analysed career quality satisfaction levels of teachers in the
public high school in Female Metropolis in Ghana and was found to motivate employees and
contribute successfully to the achievement of job Satisfaction through factors extrinsic to pay,
rewards, working conditions, protection (medical and future pension Benefits). In terms of
worker satisfaction, the wages and working conditions are greater and organizations should still
concentrate on it and take steps to enhance it by expanding. Organizations must preach fair
wages for equal Status. Witte (2012) discussed the element of job satisfaction highlighted on
group discrepancies. The research was carried Out in Belgium in the banking industry. For the
hypothesis test, a model was developed. The paradigm is “job Demand management support,”
and the study showed that the demand for work had the greatest impact in explaining satisfaction
in relation to working circumstances and less in relation to explaining satisfaction with task
contents. Saari & Judge (2004) discussed attitudes towards employee satisfaction, discussed the
employee’s mood is linked To the job where an employee loves the job, the content level rises
with increasing the success of the company as a whole.

Singh & Jain (2013), Employee happiness and its impact on results were highlighted. The
behavior of workers Represents the company’s morality. The satisfied staff has a significant role
in customer care and sales because they Communicate regularly with the customer. The office is
the gateway to employee fulfillment. Good labor practices And good working conditions also
improve workers’ efficiency, profitability, satisfaction, and retention. Shanmugapriya. S (2016),
in his study, the employees of public sector banking opined that the state banks had a Sea turn in
their success in analyzing determinants of job satisfaction. Moreover, the economic and financial
market. Reforms have begun. Various factors have made India one of the world’s fastest-
growing economies, including Opening the global markets, reforming the banking system, rising
investment levels, the proactive regulatory Landscape, and its demographic profile. There is no
question, for a functioning financial environment, a safe banking Sector is important. Indian
banks have good human capital and operating technologies oriented, being the largest and Most
profitable domestic and global scenarios.

Neeraj Kumari (2016) pursued observational research on behavior and criteria in the service
sector against job Satisfaction. The research is done with a certain framework and observations
into the life insurance scheme. Throughout the analysis, it is found that life insurance employees
are usually satisfied. The researcher stresses the Facets of incentives and financial advantages,
and personal recognition, which has a dominant function to play, Factors such as the company’s
goals, the reputation and credibility of the company, sustainability with the role, and The
personality of the employee. The researcher further suggested that managers take care of
recruiting and Personnel decisions to make a constructive contribution to the human resource to
effectively aware of the Organization’s future needs.

Crispen Chipunza, Bulelwa Malo (2017) concluded that an optimistic view for the
employees on the Organization’s community, successful relationships with co-workers,
supervisors’ encouragement. Participants are Fairly pleased with job prospects, and the wages
were not satisfactory. Finally, the connection between the Atmosphere of the company and
satisfaction at the job is important.


Meaning of Research:
Research mean a search of knowledge, Something it may refers to scientific and
systematic search of information on specific topic in fact research is an art scientific
investigation .Red man and Money define research as a systematic effort to gain a new
knowledge. Research is the systematic process collecting and analyzing information to increase
over understanding of the phenomenon under study . In the broadcast sense of the world ,the
definition of research includes any gathering of data , Information and facts for the advancement
of knowledge.

 Descriptive Research
 Research Design

Descriptive research can be explained as a statement of affairs as they are at present with
the researcher having no control over variable. Moreover , “descriptive studies may be
characterized as simply the attempt to determine, describe or identify what is ,while analytical
research attempts to establish why it is that way or how it came to be”.

Research Design:

The research design used for this study is descriptive research. Research Has been
conducted to the employees of the research is mainly conducted to find out the employees
employee satisfaction of the organization research design deals refers to formulation of design
for research and research is considered as a conceptual structure within which the research is to
be conducted .The Research design deals with the questions for the study, relevant data, data
collection methods and analysis of results. The research is considered to be the best research
based on the questions question from and the orientation on the researcher.


 The pattern in which a reach is carried out to arrive at a conclusion or to a final new
relationship which a particular
 Framework is called Research Methodology. Research methodology also refers to the
various sequence are steps to be Adopted by a researcher to study a problem with certain
objective in view.
Research Design
 A Master plan that specifies the methods and procedures for Collecting and Analyzing
needed information.
 A Research Design is a framework or Blueprint for conducting the Marketing Research
Descriptive Research
 It is a fact-finding investigation with adequate Interpretation.
 It focuses on particular aspects or dimensions of the Problem studied.
The Size of the population is 100.
Sample Size
The Sample size is 100.
Sampling Design
Sampling is the process of selecting a sufficient number of element from the population.
A Sample Design is a definite Plan for obtaining a sample from the sampling frame. It refers to

the technique or the procedure the researcher would Adopt in selecting some sampling units from
which inferences about the population is drawn.
Simple Random Sampling
In statistics, a simple random sample is a subset of individual chosen from a larger set.
Each individual chosen randomly And entirely by chance, such that each individual has the same
probability of being chose at any stage during the sampling. Process and each subset of
individuals has the same probability of being chosen for the samples as any other subset of
Individuals. This process and techniques is known as Simple Random Sampling. In the Research
study Simple Random Sampling is used by the researcher.

• Primary Data
These are data, which are collected for the first time directly by the Researcher for the
specific study undertaken by him. In this research primary data are collected directly from the
respondents by using Questionnaire.
• Secondary Data
These are data which are already collected and used by someone preciously. In this
research, Review of Literature, Details Of the Industry is collected from the Internet.

In sampling technique, there are two types which are probability and non- technique is
the sampling technique in which Every member of population has a known, non-zero probability
of selection such as a simple random sampling, systematic Sampling stratified sampling and
cluster sampling. While non-probability sampling is the probability of any particular member of
population being chosen is unknown. The Selection of sampling units in non-probability
sampling is quite arbitrary as the researchers rely heavily on the personal Judgment. There are
four types of non-probability sampling which are convenience, judgment, quota, and snowball
and sampling.

Tools used
 Henry Garrett Ranking


Garrett’s ranking technique to find out the most significant factor which influences the
respondent, Garrett’s ranking. Technique was used. As per this method, respondents have been
asked to assign the rank for all factors and the outcomes Of such ranking have been converted
into score value with the help of the following formula:
Percent position = 100 (Rij – 0.5) Nj
Where Rij = Rank given for the ith variable by jth respondents
Nj = Number of variable ranked by jth respondents

Research Hypothesis :
Theoretical models about the welfare magnet hypothesis postulate that individuals make
location choices based on the provision of welfare benefits in the area of destination. The welfare
magnet hypothesis has been empirically tested in the context of both national and international
mobility. The empirical evidence suggests that there is no strong support for the hypothesis.
Additionally, in those cases where researchers have found such an effect, its importance has
often tended to be limited compared with other determinants.

 Primary Data
 Secondary Data

Primary data is known as data collected for the first time through field survey. Such data
are collected with specific set objectives. Primary data always reveals the cross section picture of
anything studied .

Secondary data refers to the information or facts already collected. Such data are
collected with the objectives of understanding the past status of any variable data collected and
reported by some source is accessed and used for the objectives of the study.

 Sampling
 Design Sampling
 Size Sampling
 Population Sampling & Methodology

SAMPLE Technique :
The total element of the universe from which sample is selected for the purpose of study
is known as Population . The population of my research is the employees of company.


The main tool for data collection is Questionnaire .It can be classified into 2 types :-
Open ended questionnaire Close ended questionnaire


 Percentage analysis
 Correlation
 Chi -Square test

Percentage refers to a special kind of ratio. Percentage is used in making comparison
about two or more series of data . Percentage as also used to describe relationship .It is also used
to compare the relative terms of two or more series of data .


No . Of Respondents
Percentage of respondents = *100
Total No of Respondents

A. Simple Percentage Analysis:

Simple percentage can also be used to compare the relationship distribution of two or
more items. For calculations the simple percentage the following formula used .

No . Of Res pondents
Percentage of respondents = *100
Total No of Respondents

B. Chi-Square analysis:
Chi -Square is anon parametric test . The chi- square method is the application of testing
the significance different between observed and excepted values .For calculating the value of
chi-square test ,the following formula used :

There is no significant relationship between work culture of the company and
interpersonal relationships between employees.
H1 :
There is no significant relationship between work culture of the company and
interpersonal relationships between employees.
Calculated value is more than table values therefore accept HO.

There is a significant relationship between overall satisfaction and aspect of job.
X^2 = [(0- E)^2/ E]
E= Row total * column to / Grand total
Degree of freedom b= (R-1) (C-1)

Where as
O- Observed frequency
E- Excepted frequency
P- Number of rows
C- Number of columns


“ The essence of ANOVA Is that the total amount of variation in a set of data is broken down
into two types such as If we take only one factor and investigation the differences amongst its
various categories having numerous possible values one -way ANOVA can be used .
The format of a typical five level linker item is :
Strongly disagree
Neither agree not disagree
1. Agree
2. Strongly Agree


 Since day a was collected using questionnaire ,there is possibly of ambiguous replies and
omission of replies altogether to certain items mentioned in the questionnaire.
 Personal bias and prejudices of the respondents could affect the result of the study.


Data analysis and interpretation is the process of assigning meaning to the collected
information and determining the conclusion, significance and implications of the findings. It is
an important and exciting step in the process of research studies ,analysis follows data collection.
The process by which sense ,and meaning are made of the data gathered in qualitative research
and by which the emergent knowledge is applied to clients Problems. This data often takes the
form of records of group discussion and interviews but is not limited to this .

Through processes of revisiting and immersion in the data ,and through complex
activities of structuring ,reframing or otherwise exploring it , the researcher looks for patterns
and insights relevant to the key research issues and uses these to address the clients brief .




1 MALE 86 86%

2 FEMALE 14 14%

TOTAL 100 100%

From the above table it is highlighted that 86% of the respondents are male employees and 14%
of the respondents are female employees. It is concluded that 86% of the respondents are male

CHART 4.2.1


TABLE NO 4.1.2



From 18-20 2 2%

From 21 -25 30 30%

From 26-30 22 22%

From 31-35 16 16%

Above 35 30 30%

TOTAL 100 100%


From the above table shows that 30% of the respondents are in the age group of 21-25 years,
30% of the respondents are above 35 years ,2% of the respondents are 18-20 years. It is
concluded that 30% of the respondents are in the age group of 21-25 years and 30% of the
respondents are above 35 years.

CHART:- 4.2.2


TABLE NO :4.1.3



MARRIED 30 30%


TOTAL 100 100%

From the above table it shows that 30% of the respondents are belongs to married and 70 % of
the respondents are unmarried.

CHART 4. 2.3


TABLE NO 4.1.4



LESS THAN 5 15 15%

From 6-10 22 22%

From 11-15 18 18%

From 16-20 21 21%

Above 20 24 24%

TOTAL 100 100%

It shows that above 20 length of service 24% of the respondents are from 6-10 length of service
are respondents are 22% from 16-20 length of service respondents are 21% from 11-15 length of
service respondents are 18% from less than 5 length of service respondents are 15% .

CHART: 4.2.4


TABLE NO :4.1.5



HR 6 6%

MANAGER 10 10%


TRAINEE 25 25%


TOTAL 100 100%

From the above table it shows that 6% of the respondents are HR. 10% of the respondents are
manager .24% of the respondents are team leader .25% of the respondents are trainee .35% of the
respondents are Employees.



TABLE NO : 4.1.6



HR 10 10%

FINANCE 40 40%


TOTAL 100 100%


From the above table it shows that 10% of the respondents are HR. 40% of the respondents are
Finance .50% of the respondents are processing.



TABLE NO :4.1.7





DIPLOMA 13 13%

OTHERS 17 17%

TOTAL 100 100%

From the above table it shows that 40% of the respondents are bachelor degree. 30% of the
respondents are master degree.13% of the respondents are diploma.17% of the respondents are

CHART :4.2.7


TABLE NO :4.1.8




AGREE 20 20%

NEUTRAL 30 30%



TOTAL 100 100%

From the above table it shows that 28% of the respondents are strongly agree.20% of the
respondents are agree .30% of the respondents are neutral .12% of the respondents are disagree
10% of the respondents are strongly disagree.

CHART :4.2.8


TABLE NO :4.1.9




AGREE 22 22%

NEUTRAL 17 17%



TOTAL 100 100%

From the above table it shows that 15% of the respondents are strongly agree .22% of the
respondents are agree.18% of the respondents are neutral .21% of the respondents are
disagree.24% of the respondents are strongly disagree.

CHART :4.2.9


TABLE NO : 4.1.10



AGREE 22 22%

NEUTRAL 20 20%



TOTAL 100 100%

From the above table it shows that 33% of the respondents are strongly agree. 22% of the
respondents are agree.20% of the respondents are neutral.17% of the respondents are disagree
8% of the respondents are strongly disagree.

CHART :4.2.10


TABLE NO : 4.1.11




AGREE 20 20%

NEUTRAL 20 20%



TOTAL 100 100%


From the above table it shows that 28% of the respondents are strongly agree .20% of the
respondents are agree. 20% of the respondents are neutral.17% of the respondents are disagree
15% of the respondents are strongly disagree.

CHART :4.2.11


TABLE NO :4.1.12





AGREE 20 20%

NEUTRAL 20 20%



TOTAL 100 100%


From the above table it shows that 15% of the respondents are strongly agree .23% of the
respondents are agree.17% of the respondents are neutral .21 % of the respondents are disagree
24% of the respondents are strongly disagree.

CHART : 4.2.12




Chi-square is the sum of the squared difference observed (o) and the € data (or the deviation),
divided by the expected data in all possible categories.
There is no relationship between the squared difference Gender and length of service.
There is no relationship between the squared difference Gender and length of service

AGE * LENGTHOFSERVICE Cross tabulation

Use the formula (X-Y) and calculate a standardized value for each Add the products from the
last step together. Divide the sum from the previous step by n where n is the total number of
points in our set of paired data. The result of all of this is the correlation coefficient r.
X Y X-x̄ Y-ȳ X² Y^2 xy

160 63 -2 1 4 1 -2

162 62 0 0 0 0 0

165 64 3 2 9 4 6

161 60 1 -2 1 4 2

162 1 0 -1 0 1 0

810 310 14 10 6

Mean( x̄ ) = Σx /n = 810 /5 = 162

Mean (ȳ) = Σy/ n = 310/5 = 62
Correlation Coefficient ( r)
r= _________
√ΣX². √ΣY^2

= 6

= 6/√140
r= 0.50709 r= 0.51


ײ = (0-E) ² / E

O= the frequencies observed ; E== the frequencies expected ;

£ = the ‘sum of’

(O-E)= difference between observed frequency and expected frequency

(O-E)= Square of the differences

Degree of freedom=(R-1) (C-1) =16

At 5% level of significant the table value is 29.633

Calculated value = 390.595

Table value <calculated value

H1is accepted


Hence there is significant relationship between age and length of service the type of

questions they asked during him.



There is no relationship between the squared difference Designation and promotion


There is no relationship between the squared difference Designation and promotion opportunity.


a.9 cells (36.0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is 1.20.

ײ = (0-E) ² / E

sO= the frequencies observed E== the frequencies expected £ = the ‘sum of’

(O-E)= difference between observed frequency and expected frequency

(O-E)= Square of the differences

Degree of freedom=(R-1) (C-1) =16

At 5% level of significant the table value is 29.633

Calculated value = 390.595

Table value < calculated value

H1 is accepted.


Hence there is significant relationship between designation and promotion opportunity the

type of questions they asked during interview process.



There is no relationship association between education and overall satisfaction towards the

retention strategies.


There is no relationship association between education and overall satisfaction towards the

retention strategies.




At 5% Level of significant the table value is 2.3719

Degree of freedom = 4

Calculated value= 2211.000

Calculated value> table value


From the above table is greater than calculated value so HO is rejected.

There is no relationship association between education and overall satisfaction towards the

retention strategies.



There is no relationship Association between education and overall satisfaction towards the

retention strategies.


There is no relationship Association between education and overall satisfaction towards the

retention strategies.


Particular Sum of squares Df Mean Square F. Sig.

Between 193.667 4 48.417 188.04 .000


Within Groups 50.208 195 .257 5 -

Total 243.875 199 - - -

Formula :


At 5% level of significant the table value is 2.3719

Degree of freedom = 4

Calculated value =2211.00

Calculated value > table value

H0 is rejected


From the above table is greater than calculated value so HO is rejected. There is no relationship

Association between education and overall satisfaction towards the retention strategies.




 Operating income during the year rose 25.4% on a year-on-year (YoY) basis in 2023
 .The company's operating profit increased by 21.8% YoY during the fiscal.
 Operating profit margins witnessed a fall and stood at 11.1% in FY22 as against
11.5% in FY21 at 2022.Depreciation charges increased by 31.5% and finance costs
increased by 6.7% YoY, respectively
 .Other income declined by 30.4% YoY.Net profit for the year grew by 18.4% YoY in
2021.Net profit margins during the year declined from 3.2% in FY21 to 3.0% in
 The company’s current liabilities during FY22 stood at Rs 139 billion as compared to Rs
109 billion in FY21, thereby witnessing an increase of 27.0%.
 Long-term debt stood at Rs 73 billion as compared to Rs 63 billion during FY21, a
growth of 16.3%.
 Current assets rose 22% and stood at Rs 128 billion, while fixed assets rose 24% and
stood at Rs 140 billion in FY22.
 Overall, the total assets and liabilities for FY22 stood at Rs 269 billion as against Rs 219
billion during FY21, thereby witnessing a growth of 23%.
 TVS MOTORS’s cash flow from operating activities (CFO) during FY22 stood at Rs -16
billion on a YoY basis.
 Cash flow from investing activities (CFI) during FY22 stood at Rs -15 billion, an
improvement of 68.4% on a YoY basis 2017.
 Cash flow from financial activities (CFF) during FY22 stood at Rs 29 billion, an
improvement of 1,007% on a YoY basis 2018.
 Overall, net cash flows for the company during FY22 stood at Rs -1 billion from the Rs 5
billion net cash flows seen during FY22 at 2019.

 The trailing twelve-month earnings per share (EPS) of the company stands at Rs 15.3, an
improvement from the EPS of Rs 13.0 recorded last year2020.
 The price to earnings (P/E) ratio, at the current price of Rs 745.1, stands at 48.6 times its
trailing twelve months earnings 2021.
 The price to book value (P/BV) ratio at current price levels stands at 8.0 times, while the
price to sales ratio stands at 1.5 times 2022.
 The company’s price to cash flow (P/CF) ratio stood at 20.8 times its end-of-year
operating cash flow earnings.


On the basis of above findings some recommendations can given which are as follows:

The leader of the organisation have the responsibility for creating a high level of job
satisfaction .The aim of leader should to improve the performance of man and machine ,to
improve quality to increase output and simultaneously to bring pride of workmanship to people.
A Motivating environment is one that gives worker a sense of pride in what they do. Managers
can improve motivation within their organisation by following this process.

 Provide a positive working environment.

 Reward and Recognition
 Involve and increase employees engagement
 Develop the skills and potential of your work force
 Evaluate and measure job satisfaction

International Journal of Ethics in Social Sciences, Vol. 2, No. 2, December 2001

Recommendations On the basis of above findings some recommendations can be given which
are as follows: The leaders of the organization have the responsibility for creating a high
level of job satisfaction. The aim of leadership should be to improve the performance of
man and machine, to improve quality, to increase output, and simultaneously to bring
pride of workmanship to people. A motivating environment is one that gives workers a sense
of pride in what they do. Managers can improve motivation within their organizations by
following this process:

 Provide a positive working environment

 Reward and recognition

 Involve and increase employee engagement


 Job satisfaction is a heavily researched area of inquiry.

 This paper has focused specially on one aspect of job satisfaction, explicitly, satisfaction
with pay .
 The aim was to estimate the extent to which a bankers job satisfaction is determined by
other variables mentioned above .
 Most of the banks do not see employee participation as a driver of better employees

The study highlights that these variables are among the contributing variables
towards job satisfaction .Change in organizational variables, such as pay scales, employees
input in policy development and work environment could be made in an effort to increase
organizational Commitment which in turn will lead to employees Commitment and
satisfaction. According to the results the job satisfaction of bank officer is significantly
dependent upon in pay. Promotion opportunities , rewards ,relation with boss and co-worker.
The main findings of this paper are as follows . It is evident that the dependent variable
satisfaction with pay has the excepted positive effect on job satisfaction.There is some
evidence that workers who are dissatisfied with their bosses are more sensitive to their pay
in deciding on whether that are satisfied with their job .

The overall survey of employee’s job satisfaction in TVS MOTOR PRIVATE

LIMITED was good. Its shows That employees are satisfied but some employers are only
highly Satisfied. So Company can try to give more satisfaction.To employers towards their
work and also company should try to solve employers’ problems towards their work which
Create more confident in employees about their work.


1.What is name of the employee?

2. What are the gender of the respondents?

a) Male b) female

3.How many age of the people working in an organisation?

a)18-25yrs b) 25-35yrs c) 35yrs&above

4. What are the employees working currently Maritalstatus?

a) Married b) Unmarried

5.How much monthly salary credited to the employees?

a) Rs.9000-Rs11000 b) Rs11000-Rs14000 c) 15000&above

6.Have you attended any training programmes at your organization?

a)Yes b) No

7. How many training programmes are conducted in a year?

a) 2 b) 2-3 c) 3-4 d) more than 5

8. Do you feel the training session have helped you to improve your work efficiency?

a) Yes b) No

9.Are you satisfied with department of the respondents the information provided by the
trainer during the training session?

a) Satisfied b) not satisfied c) Average

10.Will the training session education of the respondents involve only theory concepts or
even practical?

a) Only theory b) only practical c) both theory and practical

11.How does the organization assess job security of the employees impact of training?

a) Performance b) feed back

12.Long will it take to implement promotion opportunity of the employees the training

a)Lessthan1month b) 1-2 months c) 2-4 months d) more than 4months

13.Which type of training is provided by organization to their employees welfare measures

of the employees?

a)On the job b) off the job c) Technical d) Non-technical

14.Are you utilizing the training and department programme skill and knowledge acquired
through training program?

a)Yes b) No

15.What type of training is being imparted for new recruitments in your organization
working environmental comfortable of the employees?

a)Technical training b) technical skill c) management skill d) presentation skill

16.Do you think employees are treated with due respect and development program increase
the efficiency in employee?

a)Yes b) No

17.Is this your career growth based on various programs you attend employees suggestions
and grievances are consider?

a)Yes b) No

18.What are the general complaints about the good works done appreciated of the

a) Takes too much times of employees

b) Too many gaps between employee
c) Training sessions are unplanned
d) Boring &not useful

19.If you trained under on the job training method then from the organisation has cleared
and defined vision of the employees?

a) Job rotation b) coaching c) others

20.Was the training program helpful in personal growth organisation atmosphere facilities
open / free flow of communication of the employees.

a)Yes b) No

21.Do you satisfy with we meet the objective through mutual goal settings of the
employees ?

a)Yes b) No

22.What are the good supporting relationship among the team members?

a) Time b) money c) Resources

23.Did trainer motivate salary structure of the employees?

a) Yes b) No

24.Did the provision for group insurance schemes of the employees?

a) Yes b) No

25.To whom the statistical tools and analysing program is given more in your

a) Outside faculty b) based on Requirements c) Executive


 Rožman, Maja, and Vespa Cancers. “Multidimensional model of managing older

employees: The case of financial service companies in Slovenia.” Croatian Review of
Economic, Business and Social Statistics 5, no. 2 (December 1, 2019): 76–89.
 Ningkiswari, Intan Ayu, and Ratna Dwi Wulandari. “Pengaruh Kepuasan Kerja Terhadap
Komitmen Karyawan Rumah Sakit Mata Undaan Surabaya.” Jurnal Administrative
Kesehatan Indonesia 5, no. 2 (January 2, 2018): 162.
 G, Santhosh Kumar, Jayanthy S, and Velanganni R. “Employees Job Satisfaction.”
Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control Systems 11, no. 0009-
SPECIAL ISSUE (September 25, 2019): 157–61.
 Cranny, C. J., P. C. Smith, and E. F. Stone. Job Satisfaction: How People Feel About
Their Jobs and How It Affects Their Performance. New York: Maxwell Macmillan
International, 1992.
 Provides a comprehensive introduction to the major research areas in job satisfaction. It
covers topics such as the definition of job satisfaction, antecedents, and consequences of
job satisfaction and offers suggestions on new research areas that advance the field of job
satisfaction research.
 Hoppock, R. Job Satisfaction. New York and London: Harper, 1935 one of the “classics”
of job satisfaction research. Uses a case-study
 approach to examine why people are dissatisfied with their jobs.
 Spector, P. E. Job Satisfaction: Application, Assessment, Causes, and
 Consequences.
 Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE, 1997.
 A readable introductory book on job satisfaction. Offers a quick
summary of major topics of job satisfaction research. Suitable for a novice

 researched.



 Impact analysis of satisfaction level of employees in private sector.


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