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Educational Innovations and Technology

Name: MARIA ERICKA M. DEL ROSARIO Score: ___________

Section: MBAT 1201 – MAED EM Date: MAY 18, 2024

Direction: Read each question thoroughly before you start writing your answers to ensure
you understand the requirements of each question. Organize your essays logically, with a
clear introduction, body, and conclusion. Support your arguments with specific examples
and references to the provided materials. When asked for examples, provide specific and
relevant instances that illustrate your points effectively. Write clearly and concisely,
avoiding unnecessary jargon to ensure your arguments are easy to follow. Stick to the topic
and answer all parts of each question, addressing each question fully and providing detailed
explanations where required. If you refer to external sources or specific tools, mention them
appropriately in your answers.

1. Discuss the role of cloud computing in enhancing collaboration and accessibility in

educational settings. Provide specific examples of cloud computing tools that facilitate
these benefits.
Ø Cloud computing transformed the accessibility of educational resources for
students with diverse learning needs in several ways. Firstly, the integration of
Artificial Intelligence (AI) into Software as a Service (SaaS) models allows
educators to analyze student performance data efficiently. This data analysis
enables the customization of learning experiences to cater to individual student
requirements, thereby enhancing engagement and comprehension levels (Gloria-
Concepcion Tenorio-Sepulveda et al., 2021). Through AI-powered personalized
learning, students can receive tailored support that meets their unique needs.
Furthermore, cloud computing facilitates effective storage and
management of educational materials, allowing educators to organize course
content systematically and monitor student progress accurately. With cloud-
based platforms, teachers can adapt quickly to changing educational
requirements without significant investments in infrastructure. This feature
ensures that institutions can align their resources with evolving needs promptly
(Dr. Rinkey & Dr. Raino Bhatia, 2023). Therefore, cloud computing not only
enhances personalized learning but also streamlines administrative processes for
2. Analyze the implementation challenges of cloud computing in education and propose
best practices for successful integration.
Ø Implementing cloud computing in schools comes with challenges that need
to be addressed for successful integration. One major challenge is ensuring the
security of sensitive data stored on the cloud. Universities often struggle with
issues like vendor lock-in privacy regulations, legal jurisdiction, and the
reliability of cloud service providers when considering cloud adoption. The
newness and lack of development in cloud services also make the adoption
process more complicated (Low et al, 2011; Mircea and Andreescu, 2011;
Sultan, 2010).
Cloud service vendors not meeting Service Level Agreements (SLAs) is a
reason why educational institutions are not adopting cloud services much, as
mentioned by Rittinghouse and Ransome (2010). This lack of compliance raises
concerns about the reliability and accountability of the services, which affects
decisions on using cloud technology in schools. By studying these challenges
thoroughly, like the research done at Carnegie Mellon University and other
sources, institutions can create strategies to reduce risks and be better prepared
for using cloud computing solutions.

3. Imagine a classroom equipped with IoT devices to enhance student engagement and
personalized learning. Discuss the potential benefits and applications of IoT in this
setting, providing specific examples of IoT devices and their impact on the learning
Ø The integration of Internet of Things (IoT) devices such as smart boards,
wearable technology, and virtual reality headsets in educational settings has
shown promising results in enhancing student engagement during the learning
process. By utilizing these technologies, educators can create interactive and
dynamic learning environments that cater to different learning styles and
Some of the benefits in using Smart Boards in teaching and learning: SB
technology is critical in making whole-class teaching more effective,
productive, and creative (Elaziz, 2008; Lan & Hsiao, 2011:87). Furthermore,
SBs allow teachers to plan their lessons more effectively (Levy, 2002:43).
Teachers can also use SBS to conduct lessons in a more organized and planned
manner, as well as to facilitate reflective practices (Schuck & Kearney,

4. Examine the challenges and risks associated with implementing IoT in educational
settings. Propose measures to mitigate these challenges and enhance IoT adoption.
Ø In education, using IoT devices like smart thermometers and cloud-based
attendance systems has improved efficiency and data collection. However, it is
crucial to address the issue of protecting the privacy of students and staff when
collecting personal information. Devices that gather data like body temperatures
may unintentionally capture sensitive information, raising concerns about
privacy violations (A. Meenakshi et al., 2022).
To address these challenges effectively, educational institutions must
prioritize proactive measures such as stringent encryption protocols, transparent
user consent mechanisms, and regular security audits to uphold data privacy
standards while harnessing the benefits offered by IoT technologies.

5. Explore the advantages of using blockchain technology for secure and verifiable
credentialing in education. How does blockchain enhance the integrity and authenticity
of educational credentials?
Ø Blockchain technology has been making waves in various industries, offering a
secure and transparent way to store and verify information. In the field of
education, blockchain is revolutionizing the way educational credentials are
managed and verified, enhancing the integrity and authenticity of these
Blockchain in education can issue and verify academic credentials like
degrees and transcripts in a transparent way. This makes it easier for employers
to check these credentials quickly. It also helps in sharing student data securely,
which builds trust, cuts costs, and increases accountability in education. (Shadab
Alam, 2021).

6. Identify and discuss the challenges and limitations of integrating blockchain technology
in the education sector. How can educational institutions overcome these barriers?
Ø One of the main challenges facing the integration of blockchain technology in
the education sector is the complexity of the technology itself. Blockchain is a
relatively new and rapidly evolving technology, and many educational
institutions may not have the expertise or resources to effectively implement and
manage blockchain systems. Additionally, the decentralized and distributed
nature of blockchain can make it difficult for institutions to ensure data integrity
and security, especially when it comes to protecting sensitive student

Another limitation of integrating blockchain technology in education is the

potential for resistance from stakeholders, including students, faculty, and
administrators. Some may be hesitant to embrace blockchain due to concerns
about privacy, data ownership, and the decentralization of authority. Educational
institutions will need to effectively communicate the benefits of blockchain
technology and address these concerns in order to garner buy-in from all
Despite these challenges and limitations, there are several ways that educational
institutions can overcome barriers to integrating blockchain technology. One
approach is to collaborate with industry partners, technology providers, and
other stakeholders to share best practices, address common challenges, and
develop standards for implementing blockchain in education. By working
together, institutions can leverage collective expertise and resources to
accelerate the adoption of blockchain technology.

7. A high school plans to introduce mobile learning to provide flexible and personalized
education to its students. Discuss the benefits and challenges of mobile learning in both
formal and informal educational settings, providing examples of how mobile devices
can be effectively utilized.
Ø One of the biggest benefits of mobile learning is the flexibility it offers to both
students and teachers. With mobile devices, students can access educational
materials anytime and anywhere, allowing them to learn at their own pace and
according to their own schedule. This can be particularly helpful for students
who have busy schedules or who struggle to focus in traditional classroom
settings. For example, a student who is juggling work and school may find it
easier to review class materials on their phone during their commute to work.
Ø Additionally, mobile devices can provide access to a wealth of educational
resources that may not be available in traditional classrooms. For instance,
students can use educational apps to practice math problems, improve their
language skills, or even conduct virtual experiments in science. These
interactive learning tools can make the learning process more engaging and
effective, leading to better retention of information.

8. Analyze the role of mobile learning in developing digital literacy and lifelong learning
skills. How can mobile learning tools be utilized to empower learners in the digital age?
Ø In informal educational settings, such as online courses or self-directed learning,
mobile devices can be particularly beneficial. For example, someone who is
looking to develop a new skill or learn a new language can easily access online
courses and tutorials on their phone or tablet. This allows individuals to pursue
their interests and expand their knowledge at their own convenience, without the
need for formal classroom instruction.
1. Dr. Rinkey, & Dr. Raino Bhatia. (2023). AI Cloud Computing in Education. In June-
July 2023.

Gloria-Concepcion Tenorio-Sepulveda, Katherine-del-Pilar Muñoz-Ortiz, Cristóbal-

Andrés Nova-Nova, & M. Ramírez-Montoya. (2021). Diagnostic

2. M. Alsaied. (2022). Modeling ITOETAM for Cloud Computing Challenges

validation and developing in Tourism and Hospitality Higher Education

3. Ahmad Faidlon, Z. Arifin, Dias Prihatmoko, Safrizal, & Muhammad Wildan Aufal
Addiyan. (2024). Peningkatkan Pemahaman dan Minat Siswa SMKN 1

Schuck, S., & Kearney, M. (2007). Exploring pedagogy with interactive

whiteboards: A case study of six schools. Sydney: Sydney University of Technology

4. Safa Ben Atitallah, Maha Driss, & H. Ghézala. (2023). Revolutionizing Disease
Diagnosis: A Microservices-Based Architecture for Privacy-Preserving and Efficient
IoT Data Analytics Using Federated Learning (pp. 3322–3331).

A. Meenakshi, K. Leelarani, S. Shopika, & M. Rajasekaran. (2022). An Intelligent

Sensor based Automatic Attendance Management System Using IoT.
In International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and

Yulisman Yulisman, Uci Rahmalisa, Khusnul Fikri, & Ari Linarta. (2022).
Implementation of IoT-Based Hydroponics for SLB Pembina Pekanbaru

5. Shadab Alam. (2021). A Blockchain-based framework for secure Educational

Credentials. In Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education
6. Ma, Y.; Fang, Y. Current status, issues, and challenges of blockchain applications in
education. Int. J. Emerg. Technol. Learn. iJET

7. 2020, 15, 20–31

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