Expired Retyped Mike Ferry

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Hi, this is______________________from___________________________.

We are sure you’ve figured out that your home came up on our computer as an expired listing
... and we are calling to see...do you still want to SELL your home?

1. (ANGRY) When do you plan on interviewing the RIGHT agent for the job of selling
your home?
2. (MAD) If you SOLD this home.... Where would you go next?
3. (ANNOYED) How soon do you have to be there?
4. (EMPATHY) ___________... What do you think stopped your home from selling?
5. (RELAX) How did you happen to pick the last agent you listed with?
6. (RELAX) What did that agent do ... that you liked best? (UPSWING)
7. (WHISPER) What do you feel they should have done?
8. (GET EXCITED) What will you expect from the next agent you choose?
9. (MORE EXCITED) Have you already chosen an agent to work with?
10. (REALLY EXCITED) We would like to apply for the job of SELLING your home... are
you familiar with the techniques we use to sell homes in this market?
11. What would be the best time for us to show you... _____ at 10am or ____ at 5pm?


So we can keep our meeting to 20/30 min. We have a few more questions.

1. Are you planning to interview more than one agent for the job of selling your home?

2. And you said you will be moving to __________ by ____________Correct?

3. When we see you... how much do you want to LIST your home for?
As a professional real estate agent...we study homes and prices every day... therefore we
assume you’ll... LIST WITH US ... at a price that will cause your home to SELL ... correct!?

4. So what price won’t you go below?

5. So we can prepare a net sheet, and show you how much money you’re gonna get

when we sell your home...how much do you owe on the property?

6. Have you ever thought about selling it yourself? (UPSWING) Shake your head NO

Source: Mike Ferry Coaching

7. And, would you please describe your home for us?

8. Ok, ________, we’ll send over a confirmation email.

9. May we have your email please? (Repeat the email back asking S as in Sam, P as is
Peter etc.)

10. We only spoke to you, are there any other decision makers?

11. Do you have any further questions for us?

12. So ______, our meeting should only take between 5 and 25 minutes.... is that ok?

13. Finally, if what we say makes SENSE ... and you feel COMFORTABLE and CONFIDENT
that we can... SELL YOUR HOME... are you planning to...LIST YOUR HOME WITH US.
..when we come out on ________________?

We look forward to seeing you at your home on __________ at _________.

Thank you for your time, it was great talking to you. (Copyright Mike Ferry Organization)


1. We’ve worked with a lot of people just like you who have had their home on the market for
months where it didn’t sell, and then we’ve gotten it SOLD right away. If we could do
the same thing for you, would that be worth meeting with us?

2. If you ABSOLUTELY knew that we could get your home SOLD in the next 3 to 4 weeks, with
a closing date that is acceptable to you would you at LEAST consider it?

3. If we could show you a different approach... that would actually SELL your home this time...
instead of sitting on the market, would that be worth 20 minutes of your time?

4. If you’d received an acceptable offer last week, would you have SOLD it? What would be
the best time for us to show you what we do DIFFERENTLY to get homes sold ?

They are going to use the SAME AGENT:

1. If there was a benefit to list with us... versus going back to the same agent, would you
consider it?

2. Obviously, if you’re like most people, you’ll want to get a second opinion right?
3. Let us come out and look at your home, we will figure out why it didn’t sell and exactly what
we would need to do to get it sold this time. Then you can decide.... Fair enough, right?

Source: Mike Ferry Coaching

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