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Four Operations Knowledge Organiser

Topics Key Skills Key Vocabulary

• Place value.
• Use the column method for the addition • add • partition
• Column addition and subtraction. and subtraction of whole numbers.
• addition • place value
• Multiplying numbers with two or more digits. • Identify the value of digits and partition
• Long and short multiplication. them. • carrying • product
• Division. • Use the grid method for multiplying • borrowing • positive
• Powers of 10. numbers with two or more digits.
• column • powers of 10
• Adding and subtracting decimals. • Be able to calculate long multiplication.
• decimal • subtract
• Multiplying and Dividing decimals. • Be able to calculate short
• Calculating negative numbers. multiplication. • decimal place • subtraction
• Recall times tables confidently. • times
Handy Resources Place Value Support Grid • decimal point
• Be able to divide whole numbers.
hundred ten
million hundred ten • digits • whole number
million million thousand hundreds tens units
thousand thousand
• Multiply whole numbers by 10, 100,

1000 and other powers of 10. • divide

• Multiply decimals by 10, 100, 1000 • division

and other powers of 10.
Key Rules • grid method
• Divide whole numbers by 10, 100,
Numbers in Where two signs appear next 1000 and other powers of 10. • integer
Calculation for × or ÷ to each other in addition and
subtraction, replace them as follows: • Divide decimals by 10, 100, 1000 and • multiplication
both positive positive other powers of 10.
Signs Appear as: Replace with: • multiply
++ + • Be able to multiply decimals.
one negative, one • negative
positive +- - • Be able to divide decimals.
-+ - • operation
both negative positive • Know the rules when calculating with
-- +
negative numbers.

Four Operations Knowledge Organiser

All those things you need to remember… GCSE Corner

• Partitioning numbers involves breaking up your number into its hundreds, tens, units, etc. Bronze

• The number of zeros on the 10, 100, etc. will tell you how many places to move the digits when you are -861.3 ÷ 3
calculating with powers of 10. Worked solution:

• The division or multiplication symbol will tell you whether to move the digits left (×) or right (÷) when Use your bus stop method.
Use your bus stop method.
calculating with powers of 10. 287.1
3 861.3
2 2
So, our our answer is -287.1
is -287.1
• When adding whole numbers, or decimals, line up your numbers with units above units, tens above tens,
etc. Begin on the right-hand side. If, when you add two numbers, the result is bigger than 9, stick the tens Silver
digit under the line in the column to the left of the one you’re working on, to be added to your next total. Temperatures can be converted from Fahrenheit to Celsius by
subtracting 32 and multiplying by 0.56.
• When subtracting whole numbers or decimals, line up the numbers as for addition and begin on the
right-hand side. Where a smaller number is directly above a larger number, you will need to borrow. Only Convert 21°C into °F
numbers on the top row can borrow and lend. Numbers can only borrow from their neighbours, so where
Worked solution:
there are zeros on the top row, it may be necessary for loans to pass along a chain of numbers.
The question
question is
is asking you to convert
convert Celsius
Celsius into
into Fahrenheit,
• 32 × 162: For this multiplication, you may wish to use a grid (remember to partition the numbers, therefore
youwill needneed
will to work backwards
to work throughthrough
backwards the formula,
including the zeros. For example, 32 is 30 and 2, not 3 and 2. Remember to place the correct number of reversing the operations as you go.
formula, reversing the operations as you go.
zeros on each result of multiplying.) or the long multiplication method (remember to line up your numbers,
begin on the right-hand side and add an extra zero each time you introduce a new row of answers). 21
21 ÷÷ 0.56
0.56 == 37.5
• 3487 ÷ 15: For this division, use a bus stop and work from left to right. 15 goes outside the frame, because 37.5 ++ 32
37.5 32 == 69.5°F
that’s what we’re dividing by. Put your remainders on the next digit to the right each time.
• When multiplying decimals together, remove the decimal points and evaluate the resulting product using
Cali thinks of a number, multiplies it by 2.4 then adds 5.8. The
the grid method or long multiplication. Count the number of decimal places in the numbers in the
result is 13.48. What number did she first think of?
calculation. Give the digits in your answer the same number of decimal places.
Worked solution:
• When dividing a decimal by a whole number, use a bus stop. Look for the decimal point in the number you
are dividing into and copy it on top of the line. You will usually need extra zeros to attach your remainders, Work
Work backwards
backwards through the information,
information, reversing
reversing each
so place as many extra zeros as you need in the decimal places to the right of those given. operation
operation as
as you
you go.
13.48 –– 5.8
5.8 == 7.68
• When dividing a decimal by another decimal, express the division as a fraction. Multiply the numerator
and denominator by a suitable integer to give a whole-number denominator. Divide the resulting numbers 7.68
7.68 ÷÷ 2.4
2.4 == 3.2
using a bus stop; there is no need to adjust your answer.


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