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7/7/24, 12:21 PM Bahasa Inggris SD | Quizizz

Lembar kerja Nama

Bahasa Inggris SD
Total pertanyaan: 15
Estimasi pengerjaan: 30menit
Disusun oleh indra indrawati

1. Mom : Dika, wake up!

Dika : yes mom
Mom : you should go to school before 7 a.m
Dika : alright mom
Mom : Now, please take a bath then breakfast and goes to school
Dika : Ya mom.
How many people in that conversation?

a) 5 b) 1

c) 3 d) 2

2. My mom ______in the kitchen

a) cook b) cooking

c) cooked d) cooks

3. My father_______one car

a) had b) has

c) have d) have been

4. My mom ________a cake

a) make b) makes

c) made by d) made

5. I have seven marbles, Diana has three marbles, we have_____

a) four marbles b) ten marbles

c) six marbles d) twelve marbles 1/3
7/7/24, 12:21 PM Bahasa Inggris SD | Quizizz

6. Waiter : “Hello, Good morning, may I help you?

Costumer : “Good morning. Yes I want to order some food.”
Waiter : “What do you want to order sir?”
Costumer : “I want a plate of fried rice and fried chicken.”
Waiter : “Wait a minute sir.”
Costumer : “Sure.”
The conversation above take place in the ….

a) school b) restaurant

c) home d) hospital

7. A : What do you have?

B : I … cabbage

a) have b) am

c) are d) has

8. I am vegetable. My color is orange. I’am very good for your eyes. I am a ….

a) chilly b) banana

c) carrot d) tomato

9. X : What would you like to eat?

Y : I would like a plate of ….

a) fried rice b) juice

c) drink d) ice cream

10. Rani : “ …. ”
Deni : “I feel bad.”
Rani : “What is the matter?”
Rudi : “I have flu.”

a) Where are you? b) How do you feel today?

c) How do you do? d) How does he feel today?

11. is – Mr. Ahmad – a – dentist

The correct order is ….

a) Dentist is a Mr. Ahmad b) Mr. Ahmad a dentist is

c) Mr. Ahmad is a dentist d) Is Mr. Ahmad a dentist 2/3
7/7/24, 12:21 PM Bahasa Inggris SD | Quizizz

12. …… is for listening to heartbeats, breathing and other sound in the body.

a) Stethoscope b) Thermometer

c) Ambulance d) Syringe

13. Dodi is twelve years old. Andi is ten years old. Andi is ... than Dodi.

a) old b) older

c) younger d) young

14. You have a motorcycle. The motorcycle is ...

a) you b) yours

c) your d) mine

15. A : “Wow ! Is it ... toy car ?”

B : “Yes, it is my toy car.

a) mine b) your

c) my d) yours 3/3

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