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Course Description
19.1 Year III Term I
19.1.1 0713 EEE 3101: Digital Electronics and Logic Design
a. Course Description: Credits: 3
Course Code: 0713 EEE 3101 Type: Core
Course Title: Digital Electronics and Logic Design
Course Content:
Introduction to number systems and codes. Analysis and synthesis of digital logic circuits: Basic logic
functions, Boolean algebra, combinational logic design, minimization of combinational logic.
VerilogHDL: Introduction to Verilog Hardware Description Language programming and structural and
behavioral design of digital systems using VerilogHDL, Verilog Timing analysis and test bench,
Verilog synthesis with combinational logic. MOSFET Digital circuits: NMOS inverter, CMOS
inverter, CMOS logic circuits, Clocked CMOS logic circuits, transmission gates, sequential logic
circuits, BJT digital circuits: ECL, TTL, STTL, BiCMOS, Memories: classification and architecture,
RAM memory cells, Read only memory, data converters, Modular combinational circuit design: pass
transistor, pass gates, multiplexer, demultiplexer and their implementation in CMOS, decoder, encoder,
comparators, binary arithmetic elements and ALU design. Sequential circuits: latches, flip-flops
timing analysis and power optimization of sequential circuits. Modular sequential logic circuit
design: shift registers, counters and their applications. Asynchronous and synchronous sequential
circuits. Dual Inline Packaged and Surface Mount Device (SMD) Integrated Circuits, Introduction to
System Integration and Printed Circuit Board design, Design of a Simple-As-Possible (SAP)
computer: SAP-1, selected concepts from SAP-2 (jump, call, return).
Rationale The course provides students with a fundamental understanding of digital logic circuits,
their design, and implementation. This course covers number systems, Boolean algebra,
combinational and sequential logic, Verilog HDL programming, and the design of various
digital systems. Understanding these concepts is important for students pursuing careers in
electronics, computer engineering, and related fields, as digital logic forms the backbone
of modern computing and electronic systems.
b. Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs): Upon completion of this course, the students will be able to
CLO 1 Explain and convert between different number systems and codes used in digital
CLO 2 Analyze and design combinational logic circuits using Boolean algebra and minimization
CLO 3 Develop and simulate digital systems using Verilog Hardware Description Language
CLO 4 Design and analyze MOSFET and BJT digital circuits including CMOS logic circuits and
sequential logic circuits.
CLO 5 Design and implement modular combinational and sequential circuits such as multiplexers,
decoders, latches, and flip-flops.
CLO 6 Understand and apply concepts related to system integration, PCB design, and simple
computer design.

c. Mapping Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs) with the PLOs:

CLO1 1
CLO2 1 1
CLO3 1 1
CLO4 1
CLO5 1 1
CLO6 1 1

d. Summary of Course Contents:

Contents Week Hrs. Alignment to CLOs
Introduction to number systems and codes. Analysis and synthesis 1-3 9 CLO1, CLO2
of digital logic circuits: Basic logic functions, Boolean algebra,
combinational logic design, minimization of combinational logic.
VerilogHDL: Introduction to Verilog Hardware Description 4-5 6 CLO3
Language programming and structural and behavioral design of
digital systems using VerilogHDL, Verilog Timing analysis and test
bench, Verilog synthesis with combinational logic.
MOSFET Digital circuits: NMOS inverter, CMOS inverter, CMOS 6-7 6 CLO4
logic circuits, Clocked CMOS logic circuits, transmission gates,
sequential logic circuits, BJT digital circuits: ECL, TTL, STTL,
Memories: classification and architecture, RAM memory cells, Read 8-9 6 CLO5
only memory, data converters, Modular combinational circuit
design: pass transistor, pass gates, multiplexer, demultiplexer and
their implementation in CMOS, decoder, encoder, comparators,
binary arithmetic elements and ALU design.
Sequential circuits: latches, flip-flops timing analysis and power 10-11 6 CLO5
optimization of sequential circuits.
Modular sequential logic circuit design: shift registers, counters 12-13 6 CLO5, CLO6
and their applications. Asynchronous and synchronous sequential
circuits. Dual Inline Packaged and Surface Mount Device (SMD)
Integrated Circuits, Introduction to System Integration and Printed
Circuit Board design, Design of a Simple-As-Possible (SAP)
computer: SAP-1, selected concepts from SAP-2 (jump, call,
Review 14 3

e. Mapping Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs) with the Teaching-Learning and Assessment Strategy:
CLO Teaching-Learning Strategy Assessment Strategy
CLO1 Lectures, interactive discussions Class test, homework assignments, Final
CLO2 Lectures, example problems, in-class Class test, homework assignments, Final
exercises Exam
CLO3 Lectures, problem-based learning, case Class test, homework assignments, Final
studies Exam
CLO4 Lectures, demonstrations, practical examples Class test, homework assignments, Final
CLO5 Lectures, interactive problem-solving Class test, homework assignments, Final
sessions, Exam
CLO6 Lectures, Design projects, Case studies Class test, Design projects report, Final

f. References
1. Digital Design and Computer Architecture by Harris
2. Thomas L. Floyd, "Digital Fundamentals" 11th Edition, Pearson
3. Albert P. Malvino, Jerald A. Brown - Digital Computer Electronics-McGraw-Hill
4. Stephen Brown and Zvonko Vranesic, "Fundamentals of Digital Logic with Verilog Design"
3rd Edition, McGraw Hill
5. Morris Mano and Michael Ciletti, "Digital Design with an Introduction to VerilogHDL" 5th
Edition, Pearson

19. Course Description

19.1 Year III Term I
19.1.1 0713 EEE 3102: Digital Electronics and Logic Design Lab
b. Course Description: Credits: 1.5
Course Code: 0713 EEE 3102 Type: Core
Course Title: Digital Electronics and Logic Design Lab
Course Content:
Introduction to Basic Gates and Logic Simplification Techniques with discrete logic and Schematic
Capture; Design, Simulation, and Implementation of Arithmetic Circuits using 74 series ICs and
VerilogHDL; Design, Simulation, and Implementation of Combinational Circuits
Decoder/Encoder/Multiplexer Circuit using 74 series ICs and VerilogHDL; Design, Simulation and
Test of Sequential Circuits using Verilog and Implementation in FPGA; Design, Simulation and Test
of Finite State Machines using Verilog and Implementation in FPGA; Design, Simulation and Test of
an SAP computer Machines using Verilog and Implementation in FPGA.
Rationale The Lab course aims to provide hands-on experience with designing, simulating, and
implementing digital circuits and systems. This lab complements the theoretical knowledge
gained in the classroom by allowing students to apply concepts of digital logic,
combinational and sequential circuits, and hardware description languages in a practical
setting. These skills is essential for careers in electronics, computer engineering, and
embedded systems design.
b. Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs): Upon completion of this course, the students will be able to
CLO 1 Build digital electronic circuits using 74 series gates in breadboards
CLO 2 Construct Verilog programs and logic circuits for solving problems related to digital
electronics, understanding the practical limitations
CLO 3 Design a digital system to solve a relevant problem with due considerations to public health
and safety, societal, cultural and environmental consideration
CLO4 Demonstrate application of ethical principles and practices in the project, and evaluate peer
team members ethically
CLO5 Work effectively as an individual and as a team member towards the successful completion
of the project
CLO6 Report effectively on the design done for CLO3 with presentation, user-manual and
detailed report
c. Mapping Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs) with the PLOs:
CLO1 1
CLO2 1
CLO3 1
CLO4 1
CLO5 1
CLO6 1

d. Summary of Course Contents:

Exp. No Contents Week Hrs. Alignment to
--- Introductory class, overview of the course and lab experiments, 1 3
projects, policies, grading and formation of Teams for design
project and lab works.
1 (H) Introduction to Basic Gates and Logic Simplification 2 3
Techniques with discrete logic and Schematic Capture-1
2 (H) Introduction to Basic Gates and Logic Simplification 3 3
Techniques with discrete logic and Schematic Capture-2
3 (H) Design, Simulation, and Implementation of Arithmetic 4 3
Circuits using 74 series ICs
4 (S) Design, Simulation, and Implementation of Arithmetic 5 3
Circuits using VerilogHDL
5 (H) Design, Simulation, and Implementation of Combinational 6 3
Circuits Decoder/Encoder/Multiplexer Circuit using 74 series
6 (S) Design, Simulation, and Implementation of Combinational 7 3
Circuits Decoder/Encoder/Multiplexer Circuit using
Project Describe specific technical requirements to be attained during 8 3
presentation the project & Describe any necessary modification proposed to
address public health and safety, cultural, societal, and
environmental considerations related to the project
7 (H & S) Design, Simulation and Test of Sequential Circuits using 9 3
Verilog and Implementation in FPGA
8 (H & S) Design, Simulation and Test of Finite State Machines using 10 3
Verilog and Implementation in FPGA
9 (H & S) Design, Simulation and Test of an SAP computer Machines 11 3
using Verilog and Implementation in FPGA.
Lab Test and Viva (Hardware & Software) 12 3
--- Final Lab Quiz 13 3
Project  Use multimedia and necessary documentation (user 14 3
Demonstration manual, video demonstration and project report) to
clearly communicate the project
 Participate in the project showcase and communicate
the design to industry stakeholders

e. Mapping Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs) with the Teaching-Learning and Assessment Strategy:
CLO Teaching-Learning Strategy Assessment Strategy
CLO1 Lectures, Lab demonstrations, Lab-tasks, Assignment, Lab-tests, Lab-quiz
CLO2 Lectures, Lab demonstrations, Verilog HDL Lab-tasks, Assignment, Lab-tests, Lab-quiz
CLO3 Lectures, Design project Project must be done with a CPLD, FPGA or 74
series ICs. Arduino or Microcontrollers are NOT
CLO4 Lectures, Lab demonstrations Lab-tasks, Assignment, Lab-tests, Lab-quiz
CLO5 Lectures, Lab demonstrations, design and Lab-tasks, Assignment, Lab-tests, Lab-quiz
analysis sessions
CLO6 Lectures, Lab demonstrations
f. References
1. Albert P. Malvino, Jerald A. Brown - Digital Computer Electronics-McGraw-Hill
2. Stephen Brown and Zvonko Vranesic, "Fundamentals of Digital Logic with Verilog Design"
3rd Edition, McGraw Hill

19. Course Description

19.1 Year III Term I
19.1.1 0533 EEE 3103: Measurement and Instrumentation
c. Course Description: Credits: 3
Course Code: 0533 EEE 3103 Type: Core
Course Title: Measurement and Instrumentation
Course Content:
Introduction: Definition of Measurement and Instrumentation. Analog Instruments
(Galvanometer): D’Arsonval type, its construction, Torque equation, Dynamic behaviour and
Equation of motion Under-damped, undamped, critically-damped and over-damped motion of
galvanometer, Damping mechanisms, Sensitivities. Fundamentals of Electrical Measurements: Main
terms and definitions, accuracy and precision, sensitivity, hysteresis, dead band, resolution, methods of
measurements, uncertainty of measurements, Errors, uncertainty, and reliability of signal processing,
basic statistical terms and concepts, evaluation and correction of the uncertainty, estimation of
uncertainty in measurements, standards of electrical quantities, calibration and validation, standards of
electrical quantities referred to the physical phenomena and laws, Material standards of electrical
quantities, reference multimeters and calibrators. Measurement of Electrical Quantities: Current,
voltage, power and energy measurement. Current transformer and potential transformer, Digital
Voltmeter and Digital Multimeter, Different techniques for measuring resistance, capacitance and
inductance, balancing condition of AC bridge, cable faults and localization of cable faults. Sensors:
Resistive-Strain Gauge, Radiation Thermometer, Thermocouple, RTD, Thermistor, LDR. Capacitive
Sensing Elements, Magnetic and Inductive Sensors, Piezoelectric Sensor, Hall Effect Sensor, IC
Temperature Sensor, Light sensors, Optical encoders. Measurement of Non-Electrical Quantities:
Speed, displacement, position, proximity, temperature, pressure, flow, level, strain, force and torque.
Basic elements of signal conditioning: Instrumentation amplifier, A/D and D/A converters, sample
and hold circuit, Sources of noises in measurement circuits and their elimination techniques. Data
Acquisition System: Computer based Data Acquisition System, Introduction to microprocessor
applications in instrumentation, Introduction to Mechatronics. Recording and Display Devices:
Computer Data Logging, Cathode Ray Oscilloscope, Digital Storage Oscilloscope, Seven Segment
Display. Acoustic Instruments: Microphones, loudspeakers, architectural elements, measurement of
reverberation time and its correction, absorption of sound.
Rationale The course provides a comprehensive understanding of the principles and practices
involved in the measurement and instrumentation of electrical and non-electrical quantities.
The course covers the operation and application of various measurement instruments,
sensors, and data acquisition systems. This knowledge is essential for students pursuing
careers in electrical engineering, automation, and control systems, as it forms the
foundation for accurate data collection, analysis, and system optimization.
b. Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs): Upon completion of this course, the students will be able to
CLO 1 Explain the fundamental concepts and definitions related to measurement and
CLO 2 Analyze the behavior and performance of analog instruments, specifically the D’Arsonval
CLO 3 Evaluate and correct uncertainties in electrical measurements and understand the standards
of electrical quantities.
CLO 4 Measure electrical quantities using various instruments and techniques.
CLO 5 Apply various sensors for measuring non-electrical quantities.
CLO 6 Design basic elements of signal conditioning and data acquisition systems.

c. Mapping Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs) with the PLOs:

CLO1 1
CLO2 1 1
CLO3 1 1
CLO4 1 1 1
CLO5 1 1 1 1
CLO6 1 1 1

d. Summary of Course Contents:

Contents Week Hrs. Alignment to CLOs
Introduction: Definition of Measurement and Instrumentation. 1-2 6 CLO1
Analog Instruments (Galvanometer): D’Arsonval type, its
construction, Torque equation, Dynamic behaviour and Equation of
motion Under-damped, undamped, critically-damped and over-
damped motion of galvanometer, Damping mechanisms,
Fundamentals of Electrical Measurements: Main terms and 3-4 6 CLO2, CLO6
definitions, accuracy and precision, sensitivity, hysteresis, dead band,
resolution, methods of measurements, uncertainty of measurements,
Errors, uncertainty, and reliability of signal processing, basic
statistical terms and concepts, evaluation and correction of the
uncertainty, estimation of uncertainty in measurements, standards of
electrical quantities, calibration and validation, standards of electrical
quantities referred to the physical phenomena and laws, Material
standards of electrical quantities, reference multimeters and
Measurement of Electrical Quantities: Current, voltage, power and 5-6 6 CLO2, CLO6
energy measurement. Current transformer and potential transformer,
Digital Voltmeter and Digital Multimeter, Different techniques for
measuring resistance, capacitance and inductance, balancing
condition of AC bridge, cable faults and localization of cable faults.
Sensors: Resistive-Strain Gauge, Radiation Thermometer, 7-8 6 CLO3
Thermocouple, RTD, Thermistor, LDR. Capacitive Sensing
Elements, Magnetic and Inductive Sensors, Piezoelectric Sensor,
Hall Effect Sensor, IC Temperature Sensor, Light sensors, Optical
Measurement of Non-Electrical Quantities: Speed, displacement, 9-10 6 CLO4
position, proximity, temperature, pressure, flow, level, strain, force
and torque. Basic elements of signal conditioning: Instrumentation
amplifier, A/D and D/A converters, sample and hold circuit, Sources
of noises in measurement circuits and their elimination techniques.
Data Acquisition System: Computer based Data Acquisition 11-13 9 CLO5
System, Introduction to microprocessor applications in
instrumentation, Introduction to Mechatronics. Recording and
Display Devices: Computer Data Logging, Cathode Ray
Oscilloscope, Digital Storage Oscilloscope, Seven Segment Display.
Acoustic Instruments: Microphones, loudspeakers, architectural
elements, measurement of reverberation time and its correction,
absorption of sound.
Review 14 3

e. Mapping Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs) with the Teaching-Learning and Assessment Strategy:
CLO Teaching-Learning Strategy Assessment Strategy
CLO1 Lectures, interactive discussions Class test, homework assignments, Final
CLO2 Lectures, interactive discussions Class test, homework assignments, Final
CLO3 Lectures, interactive discussions Class test, homework assignments, Final
CLO4 Lectures, interactive discussions Class test, homework assignments, Final
CLO5 Lectures, interactive discussions Class test, homework assignments, Final
CLO6 Lectures, interactive discussions Class test, homework assignments, Final

f. References
1. A Course in Electrical and Electronic Measurements and Instrumentation’ by A. K. Sawhney
2. Electronic Instruments and Instrumentation Technology’, by M. M. S. Anand
3. ‘Modern Electronic Instrumentation and Measurement Techniques’ by A. D. Helfrick and W.
D. Cooper
4. Principles of Measurement Systems’, John P. Bentley
5. Alternating Current Machines by A.F. Puchstein and T.C. Lloyd.

19. Course Description

19.1 Year III Term I
19.1.1 0533 EEE 3104: Measurement and Instrumentation Lab
a. Course Description: Credits: 0.75
Course Code: 0711 EEE 3104 Type: Core
Course Title: Measurement and Instrumentation Lab
Course Content:
Study of different meters (Ammeter, Voltmeter, Wattmeter, Energy meter, etc.); Resistance
Measurement by Wheatstone Bridge; High Resistance Measurement by Loss of Charge Method;
Capacitance Measurement using 555 Timers; Signal Processing: Precision Rectification; Power
Measurement with Integrated Circuit Multipliers; Electronic and Digital Energy Measurement; Active
Low Pass Filtering of Input Signals for Measurement Purposes; Frequency Measurement with
Integrated Circuits; Phase Angle Measurement with Integrated Circuits.
Rationale The lab course complements the theoretical knowledge gained in the lecture course by
providing hands-on experience with various instruments and measurement techniques.
Students will develop practical skills in using and understanding meters, bridges, integrated
circuits, and signal processing methods, essential for accurately measuring electrical and
non-electrical quantities in engineering applications.
b. Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs): Upon completion of this course, the students will be able to
CLO 1 Use modern tools to measure resistance, capacitance, power, energy, frequency, phase
angle etc.
CLO 2 Compare theoretical and experimental results of measured quantities under experiments
CLO 3 Design measurement and instrumentation devices/systems so that specific performance
characteristics are attained
CLO4 Present designed measurement and instrumentation devices/systems
CLO5 Demonstrate effective individual and teamworking skills

c. Mapping Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs) with the PLOs:

CLO1 1
CLO2 1
CLO3 1
CLO4 1
CLO5 1

d. Summary of Course Contents:

Exp. Contents Week Hrs. Alignment to CLOs
--- Introduction to the lab and safety protocols; Overview of electrical 1 1.5
machines used in the lab
1 Study of different meters (Ammeter, Voltmeter, Wattmeter, Energy 2 1.5 CLO1, CLO2, CLO3
meter, etc.);
2 Resistance Measurement by Wheatstone Bridge 3 1.5 CLO1, CLO2, CLO3
3 High Resistance Measurement by Loss of Charge Method; 4 1.5 CLO1, CLO2, CLO3
4 Capacitance Measurement using 555 Timers 5 1.5 CLO1, CLO2, CLO3
Project Proposal submission and discussion (preliminary) 6 1.5 CLO4, CLO5
5 Signal Processing: Precision Rectification 7 1.5 CLO1, CLO2, CLO3
6 Power Measurement with Integrated Circuit Multipliers 8 1.5 CLO1, CLO2, CLO3
7 Electronic and Digital Energy Measurement 9 1.5 CLO1, CLO2, CLO3
8 Active Low Pass Filtering of Input Signals for Measurement 10 1.5 CLO1, CLO2, CLO3
9 Frequency Measurement with Integrated Circuits 11 1.5 CLO1, CLO2, CLO3
10 Phase Angle Measurement with Integrated Circuits. 12 1.5 CLO1, CLO2, CLO3
--- Lab Test and Viva 13 1.5
--- Final project demonstration and presentation 14 1.5 CLO4, CLO5

e. Mapping Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs) with the Teaching-Learning and Assessment Strategy:
CLO Teaching-Learning Strategy Assessment Strategy
CLO1 Lectures, Lab demonstrations Lab-tasks, Assignment, Lab-tests, Lab-quiz
CLO2 Lectures, Lab demonstrations Lab-tasks, Assignment, Lab-tests, Lab-quiz
CLO3 Lectures, Lab demonstrations Lab-tasks, Assignment, Lab-tests, Lab-quiz
CLO4 Lectures
CLO5 Lectures A group project on the design of measurement and
instrumentation devices/systems has to be completed by the
end of this course. A project report has to be submitted and
the project has to demonstrated and presented in the class.

f. References
1. Electrical and Electronics Measurement and Instrumentation by AK Sawhney

19. Course Description

19.1 Year III Term I
19.1.1 0533 EEE 3105: Signals and Systems
d. Course Description: Credits: 3
Course Code: 0533 EEE 3105 Type: Core
Course Title: Signals and Systems
Course Content:
Classification of signals and systems: Signals – classification: non-periodic signal, periodic signal,
frequency of signal, power signal, energy signal, basic operation on signals, period of combined signal,
elementary signals, representation of signals using impulse and unit step functions. Systems –
Definition, classification of system - linear, nonlinear, time varying and time invariant system. Time-
Invariant (LTI) systems: Linearity, causality, memory system, stability, inevitability. Time domain
analysis of LTI systems: analogues system Differential equations - system representation, order of the
system, solution techniques, zero state and zero input response, system properties; impulse response –
convolution integral, determination of system properties; state variable - basic concept, state equation,
state-space representation, and time domain solution. Frequency domain analysis of LTI systems:
Fourier series - properties, harmonic representation, system response, frequency response of LTI
systems; Fourier transformation- properties, system transfer function, system response and distortion-
less systems, Parseval’s Theorem, Correlation, Power Spectrum Density. Laplace transformation:
properties, inverse transform, solution of system equations, system transfer function, system stability
and frequency response and application. Pole-zero concepts. Applications of time and frequency
domain analyses: Solution of analogue electrical and mechanical systems, amplitude modulation and
demodulation, sampling theorem time-division and frequency-division multiplexing. Introduction to
Random signals: Stationery, Ergodicity, Noise models, Correlation and power spectrum of random
signals, Distribution and density functions.
Rationale The course provides fundamental concepts and analytical techniques important for
understanding and designing modern communication systems, control systems, and signal
processing applications. This course aims to build a solid foundation in the mathematical
description and analysis of signals and systems in both time and frequency domains.
b. Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs): Upon completion of this course, the students will be able to
CLO 1 Classify different types of signals and systems and perform basic operations on signals.
CLO 2 Analyze Linear Time-Invariant (LTI) systems using time-domain techniques.
CLO 3 Apply Fourier series and Fourier transform for frequency domain analysis of LTI systems.
CLO 4 Utilize Laplace transform for analyzing and solving system equations.
CLO 5 Understand and apply pole-zero concepts to determine system stability and frequency
CLO 6 Solve practical engineering problems using time and frequency domain techniques.

c. Mapping Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs) with the PLOs:

CLO1 1
CLO2 1 1
CLO3 1 1
CLO4 1 1
CLO5 1 1
CLO6 1 1 1

d. Summary of Course Contents:

Contents Week Hrs. Alignment to CLOs
Classification of signals and systems: Signals – classification: non- 1-2 6 CLO1
periodic signal, periodic signal, frequency of signal, power signal,
energy signal, basic operation on signals, period of combined signal,
elementary signals, representation of signals using impulse and unit
step functions.
Systems – Definition, classification of system - linear, nonlinear, time 3-4 6 CLO2
varying and time invariant system. Time-Invariant (LTI) systems:
Linearity, causality, memory system, stability, inevitability.
Time domain analysis of LTI systems: analogues system 5-6 6 CLO2
Differential equations - system representation, order of the system,
solution techniques, zero state and zero input response, system
properties; impulse response – convolution integral, determination of
system properties; state variable - basic concept, state equation, state-
space representation, and time domain solution.
Frequency domain analysis of LTI systems: Fourier series - 7-10 12 CLO3, CLO4, CLO5
properties, harmonic representation, system response, frequency
response of LTI systems; Fourier transformation- properties, system
transfer function, system response and distortion-less systems,
Parseval’s Theorem, Correlation, Power Spectrum Density. Laplace
transformation: properties, inverse transform, solution of system
equations, system transfer function, system stability and frequency
response and application. Pole-zero concepts.
Applications of time and frequency domain analyses: Solution of 11-12 6 CLO6
analogue electrical and mechanical systems, amplitude modulation
and demodulation, sampling theorem time-division and frequency-
division multiplexing.
Introduction to Random signals: Stationery, Ergodicity, Noise 13 3 CLO6
models, Correlation and power spectrum of random signals,
Distribution and density functions.
Review 14 3

e. Mapping Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs) with the Teaching-Learning and Assessment Strategy:
CLO Teaching-Learning Strategy Assessment Strategy
CLO1 Lectures, in-class discussions, problem- Class test, homework assignments, Final
solving sessions Exam
CLO2 Lectures, in-class discussions, problem- Class test, homework assignments, Final
solving sessions Exam
CLO3 Lectures, in-class discussions, problem- Class test, homework assignments, Final
solving sessions Exam
CLO4 Lectures, in-class discussions, problem- Class test, homework assignments, Final
solving sessions Exam
CLO5 Lectures, in-class discussions, problem- Class test, homework assignments, Final
solving sessions Exam
CLO6 Lectures, in-class discussions, problem- Class test, homework assignments, Final
solving sessions Exam

f. References
1. Continuous and Discrete Signals and Systems (2nd edition) - Samir S. Soliman and Mandyam
D. Srinath
2. Signals and Systems (2nd Edition) - Alan V. Oppenheim, Alan S. Willsky and S. Hamid
3. Analysis of Linear Systems – David K. Chen
4. Signals, Systems, and Transforms – Charles L. Phillips, John M. Parr, Eve A. Riskin
5. Signal Processing and Linear Systems – B. P. Lathi
6. Continuous-Time Signals and Systems – Michael D. Adams

19. Course Description

19.1 Year III Term I
19.1.1 0533 EEE 3107: Microprocessor and Interfacing
e. Course Description: Credits: 3
Course Code: 0533 EEE 3107 Type: Core
Course Title: Microprocessor and Interfacing
Course Content:
Fundamental Concepts: Microprocessor: A programmable device; microcomputer components and
support ICs, building blocks of MPU based systems, microprocessor buses, programming principles
using MASM, microprocessor instructions. Introduction to Intel 8086 Assembly Language
Programming: Basic instructions, logic, shift and rotate instructions, addressing modes, stack
management and procedures, advanced arithmetic instructions for multiplication and division,
instructions for BCD and double precision numbers, Introduction to 8086 programming with C
language. Introduction to Intel 8086 Microprocessor: Features, architecture, Minimum mode
operation of 8086 microprocessor: system timing diagrams of read and write cycles, memory banks,
design of decoders for RAM, ROM and PORT. I/O Controller Programming: Port definition and
read/write instructions, parallel I/O programming using 8255, serial I/O programming using 8251,
display programming using 8279 and LCD, keyboard programming using 8279 and discrete
components, generation of timing functions using 8254 Timer/Counter. Interrupt Structure: Interrupt
terminologies, hardware and software interrupt, multiple interrupt management, 8259 interrupt
controllers. Data Conversion Algorithm: BCD2BIN conversion, BIN2BCD conversion, binary
multiplication, binary division. Advanced Microprocessors and Microcontrollers: History of the
evolution of MPU/MCU, multitasking systems, PVAM operation of Intel high performance
architecture, overview of 80286 architecture, instruction and programming; overview of 80386
architecture, instruction and programming; CISC and RISC microcontrollers, instruction and
Rationale The course provides essential knowledge and skills for understanding and designing
microprocessor-based systems, which are fundamental in various fields of engineering and
technology. This course covers the architecture, programming, and interfacing of
microprocessors, focusing on the Intel 8086 microprocessor and its applications. It prepares
students to work with advanced microprocessors and microcontrollers, enhancing their
capability to design and implement embedded systems.
b. Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs): Upon completion of this course, the students will be able to
CLO 1 Explain the fundamental concepts and components of microprocessor-based systems.
CLO 2 Develop and debug assembly language programs for the Intel 8086 microprocessor.
CLO 3 Analyze the architecture and operational modes of the Intel 8086 microprocessor.
CLO 4 Design and implement I/O interfacing using various controllers.
CLO 5 Understand and apply interrupt handling mechanisms in microprocessor systems.
CLO 6 Compare and contrast advanced microprocessors and microcontrollers, including their
architectures and programming techniques.

c. Mapping Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs) with the PLOs:

CLO1 1
CLO2 1
CLO3 1 1
CLO4 1
CLO5 1 1
CLO6 1 1

d. Summary of Course Contents:

Contents Week Hrs. Alignment to CLOs
Fundamental Concepts: Microprocessor: A programmable device; 1-2 6 CLO1
microcomputer components and support ICs, building blocks of
MPU based systems, microprocessor buses, programming principles
using MASM, microprocessor instructions.
Introduction to Intel 8086 Assembly Language Programming: 3-5 9 CLO2
Basic instructions, logic, shift and rotate instructions, addressing
modes, stack management and procedures, advanced arithmetic
instructions for multiplication and division, instructions for BCD and
double precision numbers, Introduction to 8086 programming with C
Introduction to Intel 8086 Microprocessor: Features, architecture, 6-7 6 CLO3
Minimum mode operation of 8086 microprocessor: system timing
diagrams of read and write cycles, memory banks, design of decoders
for RAM, ROM and PORT.
I/O Controller Programming: Port definition and read/write 8-9 6 CLO4
instructions, parallel I/O programming using 8255, serial I/O
programming using 8251, display programming using 8279 and
LCD, keyboard programming using 8279 and discrete components,
generation of timing functions using 8254 Timer/Counter.
Interrupt Structure: Interrupt terminologies, hardware and 10-11 6 CLO5
software interrupt, multiple interrupt management, 8259 interrupt
controllers. Data Conversion Algorithm: BCD2BIN conversion,
BIN2BCD conversion, binary multiplication, binary division.
Advanced Microprocessors and Microcontrollers: History of the 12-13 6 CLO6
evolution of MPU/MCU, multitasking systems, PVAM operation of
Intel high performance architecture, overview of 80286 architecture,
instruction and programming; overview of 80386 architecture,
instruction and programming; CISC and RISC microcontrollers,
instruction and programming.
Review 14 3

e. Mapping Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs) with the Teaching-Learning and Assessment Strategy:
CLO Teaching-Learning Strategy Assessment Strategy
CLO1 Lectures, in-class discussions, problem- Class test, homework assignments, Final
solving sessions Exam
CLO2 Lectures, in-class discussions, problem- Class test, homework assignments, Final
solving sessions Exam
CLO3 Lectures, in-class discussions, problem- Class test, homework assignments, Final
solving sessions Exam
CLO4 Lectures, in-class discussions, problem- Class test, homework assignments, Final
solving sessions Exam
CLO5 Lectures, in-class discussions, problem- Class test, homework assignments, Final
solving sessions Exam
CLO6 Lectures, in-class discussions, problem- Class test, homework assignments, Final
solving sessions Exam

f. References
1. Yifeng Zhu “Embedded Systems with ARM Cortex-M Microcontrollers with Assembly
Language and C”
2. Microcomputer Systems: 8086/8088 Family by Y. Liu and G. A. Gibson
3. Microprocessor and Interfacing by Douglas V. Hall
4. Assembly Language Programming and Organization of the IBMPC by Ytha Yu and Charles
5. Microprocessor and Microcomputer based System Design by Rafiquzzaman

19. Course Description

19.1 Year III Term I
19.1.1 0533 EEE 3108: Microprocessor and Interfacing Lab
f. Course Description: Credits: 0.75
Course Code: 0533 EEE 3108 Type: Core
Course Title: Microprocessor and Interfacing Lab
Course Content:
Verification of arithmetic and basic logical operation; Load the machine code of a sample program of
data and memory addressing modes to MDA-8086, execute it and verify the result; Load the machine
code of a sample program of logical and control instruction; Single-Cycle Arm Processor: Instruction
Fetch, Decode, Execution, Memory Access, and WriteBack; GPIO: Interfacing LED, Push-Button and
Stepper Motor; General Purpose Timers: PWM, Interrupts and Timer; ADC, DAC and Serial
Communication; Interfacing Dot Matrix.
Rationale The lab course complements the theoretical understanding of microprocessor systems by
providing hands-on experience with microprocessor programming, interfacing, and real-
world applications. This lab course focuses on practical skills essential for designing and
implementing embedded systems using the Intel 8086 microprocessor and ARM
processors. It enhances students' proficiency in programming, interfacing, and debugging
microprocessor-based systems, preparing them for advanced coursework and professional
b. Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs): Upon completion of this course, the students will be able to
CLO 1 Perform and verify basic arithmetic and logical operations using microprocessor
CLO 2 Load and execute machine code for sample programs, understanding data and memory
addressing modes.
CLO 3 Implement and test logical and control instructions in microprocessor programs.
CLO4 Design and interface General Purpose Input/Output (GPIO) components, including LEDs,
push-buttons, and stepper motors.
CLO5 Utilize general purpose timers for PWM, interrupts, and timer operations in microprocessor
CLO6 Interface and manage ADC, DAC, serial communication, and dot matrix displays with

c. Mapping Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs) with the PLOs:

CLO1 1
CLO2 1 1
CLO3 1 1
CLO4 1
CLO5 1
CLO6 1 1

d. Summary of Course Contents:

Exp. Contents Week Hrs. Alignment to CLOs
--- Introductory class, overview of the course and lab task, projects, 1 1.5
policies, grading and group formation.
1 Verification of arithmetic and basic logical operations using 2 1.5 CLO1
microprocessor instructions
2 Loading and executing machine code of sample programs: Data and 3 1.5 CLO2
memory addressing modes to MDA-8086, execute it and verify the
3 Loading and executing machine code of sample programs: Logical 4 1.5 CLO3
and control instructions to MDA-8086, execute it and verify the result
4 Single-Cycle ARM Processor: Instruction Fetch, Decode, Execution, 5 1.5 CLO2, CLO3
Memory Access, and WriteBack
5 GPIO: Interfacing LED, Push-Button, and Stepper Motor 6 1.5 CLO4
6 General Purpose Timers: PWM, Interrupts, and Timer 7 1.5 CLO5
7 ADC, DAC, and Serial Communication 8 1.5 CLO6
8 Interfacing Dot Matrix 9 1.5 CLO6
9 10 1.5
10 11 1.5
11 12 1.5
12 Final Lab Test 13 1.5
--- Final Viva 14 1.5

e. Mapping Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs) with the Teaching-Learning and Assessment Strategy:
CLO Teaching-Learning Strategy Assessment Strategy
CLO1 Hands-on lab sessions, Lab-reports, Lab-tests, Lab-quiz
CLO2 Hands-on lab sessions, programming Lab-reports, Lab-tests, Lab-quiz
CLO3 Hands-on lab sessions, programming Lab-reports, Lab-tests, Lab-quiz
CLO4 Hands-on lab sessions, Lab-reports, Lab-tests, Lab-quiz
CLO5 Hands-on lab sessions, Lab-reports, Lab-tests, Lab-quiz
CLO6 Hands-on lab sessions, Lab-reports, Lab-tests, Lab-quiz

f. References
1. Yifeng Zhu “Embedded Systems with ARM Cortex-M Microcontrollers with Assembly
Language and C”
2. Microcomputer Systems: 8086/8088 Family by Y. Liu and G. A. Gibson
3. Microprocessor and Interfacing by Douglas V. Hall

19. Course Description

19.1 Year III Term I
19.1.1 0533 EEE 3109: Transmission and Distribution of Electrical Power
g. Course Description: Credits: 3
Course Code: 0533 EEE 3109 Type: Core
Course Title: Transmission and Distribution of Electrical Power
Course Content:
Transmission systems: Various optimization factors of transmission system design, types of
conductors, resistance, definition of inductance, inductance of conductor due to internal flux, flux
linkages between two points external to an isolated conductor, inductance of a single phase two wire
line. Capacitance of Transmission Lines: Capacitance of a three-phase with equilateral spacing and
unsymmetrical spacing, effect of earth on the capacitance of three-phase transmission lines, bundled
conductors, parallel-circuit three-phase lines. Current and Voltage relations on a Transmission line:
Representation of lines, solution of differential equation, interpretation of the equations, hyperbolic
form of the equations, the equivalent circuits of line, General line equation in terms of ABCD constants,
relations between constants. Voltage and Power Factor Control in Transmission Systems: Tap
changing transformer, induction regulators, moving coil regulators, booster transformer, power factor
control, static condensers in series or parallel, synchronous condensers, Ferranti effect. High Voltage
Direct Current Transmission System: Various DC configurations and operating modes, Comparison
between AC and DC transmission systems. Flexible AC Transmission System (FACTS):
Introduction, shunt compensation (SVC, STATCOM), series compensation (SSSC, TCSC, TCSR,
TCPST), series-shunt compensation (UPFC), Insulated Cables: Cables versus overhead lines,
insulating materials, electrostatic stress grading, three core cables, dielectric losses and heating, modern
developments, oil-filled and gas-filled cables, measurement of capacitance, cable testing. Insulator of
Overhead Lines: Types of insulators, their constructions and performances, potential distribution,
special types of insulators, testing of insulators. Mechanical Characteristics of Transmission Lines:
Sag and stress analysis, ice and wind loading, supports at different elevations, conditions of erection,
effect of temperature changes. Distribution: Distributor calculation, copper efficiencies, radial ring
mains and inter connections, distribution losses and feeder reconfiguration, DC distribution systems.
Rationale The course provides a comprehensive understanding of the principles and practices
involved in the transmission and distribution of electrical power. This course covers key
topics such as transmission systems, capacitance and inductance of transmission lines,
voltage and power factor control, high voltage direct current (HVDC) systems, flexible AC
transmission systems (FACTS), and the mechanical characteristics of transmission lines.
Understanding these concepts is important for designing efficient and reliable power
transmission and distribution networks, which are fundamental to modern electrical
engineering and energy management.
b. Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs): Upon completion of this course, the students will be able to
CLO 1 Understand and analyze the fundamental concepts and optimization factors in the design
of transmission systems.
CLO 2 Calculate and assess the inductance and capacitance of different transmission line
CLO 3 Evaluate the current and voltage relations on transmission lines using various mathematical
models and equivalent circuits.
CLO 4 Apply techniques for voltage and power factor control in transmission systems.
CLO 5 Compare and contrast high voltage direct current (HVDC) and flexible AC transmission
systems (FACTS) with traditional AC systems.
CLO 6 Analyze the mechanical characteristics and design considerations of transmission lines,
including sag, stress, and environmental factors.

c. Mapping Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs) with the PLOs:

CLO1 1
CLO2 1 1
CLO3 1 1
CLO4 1 1
CLO5 1
CLO6 1 1

d. Summary of Course Contents:

Contents Week Hrs. Alignment to CLOs
Transmission systems: Various optimization factors of transmission 1-2 6 CLO1
system design, types of conductors, resistance, definition of
inductance, inductance of conductor due to internal flux, flux
linkages between two points external to an isolated conductor,
inductance of a single phase two wire line.
Capacitance of Transmission Lines: Capacitance of a three-phase 3-4 6 CLO2, CLO3
with equilateral spacing and unsymmetrical spacing, effect of earth
on the capacitance of three-phase transmission lines, bundled
conductors, parallel-circuit three-phase lines. Current and Voltage
relations on a Transmission line: Representation of lines, solution
of differential equation, interpretation of the equations, hyperbolic
form of the equations, the equivalent circuits of line, General line
equation in terms of ABCD constants, relations between constants.
Voltage and Power Factor Control in Transmission Systems: Tap 5-6 6 CLO4, CLO5
changing transformer, induction regulators, moving coil regulators,
booster transformer, power factor control, static condensers in series
or parallel, synchronous condensers, Ferranti effect. High Voltage
Direct Current Transmission System: Various DC configurations
and operating modes, Comparison between AC and DC transmission
Flexible AC Transmission System (FACTS): Introduction, shunt 7-8 6 CLO5
compensation (SVC, STATCOM), series compensation (SSSC,
TCSC, TCSR, TCPST), series-shunt compensation (UPFC),
Insulated Cables: Cables versus overhead lines, insulating
materials, electrostatic stress grading, three core cables, dielectric
losses and heating, modern developments, oil-filled and gas-filled
cables, measurement of capacitance, cable testing.
Mechanical Characteristics of Transmission Lines: Sag and stress 9-10 6 CLO6
analysis, ice and wind loading, supports at different elevations,
conditions of erection, effect of temperature changes.
Distribution: Distributor calculation, copper efficiencies, radial ring 11-12 6 CLO6
mains and inter connections, distribution losses and feeder
reconfiguration, DC distribution systems.
Review 13-14 6

e. Mapping Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs) with the Teaching-Learning and Assessment Strategy:
CLO Teaching-Learning Strategy Assessment Strategy
CLO1 Lectures, in-class discussions, problem- Class test, homework assignments, Final
solving sessions Exam
CLO2 Lectures, in-class discussions, problem- Class test, homework assignments, Final
solving sessions Exam
CLO3 Lectures, in-class discussions, problem- Class test, homework assignments, Final
solving sessions Exam
CLO4 Lectures, in-class discussions, problem- Class test, homework assignments, Final
solving sessions Exam
CLO5 Lectures, in-class discussions, problem- Class test, homework assignments, Final
solving sessions Exam
CLO6 Lectures, in-class discussions, problem- Class test, homework assignments, Final
solving sessions Exam

f. References
1. Power System Analysis by Stephen John J. Grainger and William D. Stevenson
2. Electrical Power Systems Quality, Roger C. Dugan et al.
3. William D. Stevension, Jr., “Elements of Power System Analysis
4. Principle of Power Systems by V.K. Mehta, Rohit Mehta
5. Electrical Power Systems by Ashfaq Hossain
6. Electrical Power Generation, Transmission and Distribution by S.N. Singh

19. Course Description

19.1 Year III Term I
19.1.1 0533 EEE 3110: Transmission and Distribution of Electrical Power Lab
h. Course Description: Credits: 0.75
Course Code: 0533 EEE 3110 Type: Core
Course Title: Transmission and Distribution of Electrical Power Lab
Course Content:
Study of the Transmission Line Models;

Rationale The Lab course is designed to provide hands-on experience and practical understanding of
the theoretical concepts covered in the lecture course. This lab course enables students to
apply and verify the principles of transmission and distribution systems, enhancing their
practical skills and preparing them for real-world challenges in electrical power
engineering. Industry visits complement the lab work by exposing students to actual
transmission and distribution setups, operations, and maintenance practices.
b. Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs): Upon completion of this course, the students will be able to
CLO 1 Conduct experiments to measure and analyze the inductance and capacitance of
transmission lines.
CLO 2 Perform voltage and power factor control experiments using various equipment and
CLO 3 Evaluate the performance of high voltage direct current (HVDC) and flexible AC
transmission systems (FACTS).
CLO4 Analyze the mechanical characteristics of transmission lines through practical experiments.
CLO5 Demonstrate the ability to design and implement basic transmission and distribution setups.
CLO6 Gain insights into the practical aspects of transmission and distribution systems through
industry visits.

c. Mapping Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs) with the PLOs:

CLO1 1 1
CLO2 1 1
CLO3 1
CLO4 1 1
CLO5 1 1
CLO6 1

d. Summary of Course Contents:

Exp. Contents Week Hrs. Alignment to CLOs
--- Introductory class, overview of the course and lab task, projects, 1 1.5
policies, grading and group formation.
1 Experiment on inductance and capacitance measurement of 2 1.5 CLO1
transmission lines
2 Voltage and power factor control experiments using transformers and 3 1.5 CLO2
3 Performance evaluation of HVDC and FACTS systems using 4 1.5 CLO3
simulation tools
4 Mechanical characteristics analysis of transmission lines, including 5 1.5 CLO4
sag and tension measurement
5 Design and implementation of basic transmission and distribution 6 1.5 CLO5
Use transformers, circuit breakers, and protection devices to create a
working model.
6 Simulation and practical experiments on transmission line protection 7 1.5 CLO1, CLO5
systems such as distance protection and overcurrent protection.
Analyze fault conditions and the response of protection systems.
7 Industry visit to a transmission and distribution facility, observing 8 1.5 CLO6
real-world applications and maintenance
8 9 1.5
9 10 1.5
10 11 1.5
11 12 1.5
12 Final Lab Test 13 1.5
--- Final Viva 14 1.5

e. Mapping Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs) with the Teaching-Learning and Assessment Strategy:
CLO Teaching-Learning Strategy Assessment Strategy
CLO1 Lab experiments, problem-solving sessions Lab-reports, Lab-tests, Lab-quiz
CLO2 Lab experiments, problem-solving sessions Lab-reports, Lab-tests, Lab-quiz
CLO3 Simulations, comparative analysis, case Simulation reports, presentations
CLO4 Lab experiments, problem-solving sessions Lab-reports, Lab-tests, Lab-quiz
CLO5 Lab experiments, problem-solving sessions Lab-reports, Lab-tests, Lab-quiz
CLO6 Industry visit, observation, reflective learning Industry visit reports, reflective essays

f. References
1. Principle of Power Systems by V.K. Mehta, Rohit Mehta
2. Electrical Power Systems by Ashfaq Hossain
3. Electrical Power Generation, Transmission and Distribution by S.N. Singh

19. Course Description

19.1 Year III Term I
19.1.1 0533 EEE 3111: Engineering Ethics and Entrepreneurship
i. Course Description: Credits: 2
Course Code: 0533 EEE 3111 Type: Core
Course Title: Engineering Ethics and Entrepreneurship
Course Content:
Engineering Ethics:
Introduction: Background Ideas, Why Study Engineering Ethics?, Engineering is Managing the
Unknown, Engineering and Professionalism, Models of Professionalism -The Business Model and The
Professional Model; Personal vs. Professional Ethics, Types of Ethics or Morality - Common Morality,
Personal Morality, Professional Ethics; The Origins of Ethical Thought, Ethics and the Law. Ethical
Problem-Solving Techniques: Analysis of Issues in Ethical Problems, Line Drawing, Flow Charting,
Conflict Problems. The Rights and Responsibilities of Engineers: Professional Responsibilities,
Professional Rights, Engineering Standards, Blame-Responsibility and Causation, Whistle-Blowing,
Whistleblowing: A Harm-Preventing Justification. Whistleblowing: A Complicity-Avoiding View,
Some Practical Advice on Whistleblowing. Trust and Reliability: Introduction, Honesty, Forms of
Dishonesty, Lying, Deliberate Deception, Failure to Seek Out the Truth, Why is Dishonesty Wrong?
Dishonesty on Campus, Dishonesty in Engineering Research and Testing, Confidentiality, Intellectual
Property, Expert Witnessing, Conflicts of Interest. The Role of Engineers to Sustainable
Development and Globalization: Ethical Resources for Solving Boundary- Crossing Problems,
Creative Middle Ways, First Standard: The Golden Rule; Second Standard: Universal Human Rights;
Third Standard: Promoting Basic Human Well-Being; Fourth Standard: Codes of Engineering Societies
(IEEE, IEB, ABET); Environmental Ethics.

Engineering Entrepreneurship:
Venture Opportunity, Concept, and Strategy: The Entrepreneur and Introduction to
entrepreneurship, The Entrepreneur’s Challenge, The Entrepreneurial Process. Spheres of Influence.
Advantages and Disadvantages of Entrepreneurship, Economics and the Firm, Creative Destruction,
Innovation and Technology, Opportunity, how to innovate product and its issues. Venture Formation
and Planning: The business plan, how to set corporation start up, funder, its technical, economic, legal,
human resources, marketing and sales. Financing and Building the Venture: Financial aspects and
ethics together with case histories from industry to illustrate the topics. Legal Foundations: Intellectual
Property, Patents, and Trade Secret,The innovation process and intellectual property (IP) aspects of
research results are woven into the course content. Leadership: Building More Effective Teams,
Collaborative Leadership, Influence and Persuasion in Leadership, Behavioral Decision Making.
Bangladeshi Entrepreneurship: Discussion of Bangladeshi business environment, Illustrated with
successful Bangladeshi entrepreneurs. Visitors from related industry or agency will be joining some
Rationale The course aims to provide engineering students with the ethical foundation and
entrepreneurial mindset necessary for successful and responsible professional practice. As
engineers often face complex moral dilemmas and are increasingly required to innovate
and drive economic growth, this course integrates ethical theory and practical
entrepreneurship. By understanding ethical principles and developing entrepreneurial
skills, students can navigate professional challenges, make sound decisions, and contribute
positively to society and the economy.
b. Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs): Upon completion of this course, the students will be able to
CLO 1 Explain the fundamental concepts and principles of engineering ethics and professionalism.
CLO 2 Apply ethical problem-solving techniques to analyze and resolve ethical dilemmas in
engineering practice.
CLO 3 Identify the rights and responsibilities of engineers, including issues related to
whistleblowing, trust, and reliability.
CLO 4 Discuss the role of engineers in sustainable development and globalization, including
environmental ethics.
CLO 5 Understand the entrepreneurial process, including opportunity recognition, venture
formation, and business planning.
CLO 6 Analyze the financial, legal, and leadership aspects of building and managing a successful
engineering venture.

c. Mapping Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs) with the PLOs:

CLO1 1 1
CLO2 1 1
CLO3 1 1
CLO4 1 1
CLO5 1 1
CLO6 1 1

d. Summary of Course Contents:

Contents Week Hrs. Alignment to CLOs
Engineering Ethics: 1-2 4 CLO1
Introduction: Background Ideas, Why Study Engineering Ethics?,
Engineering is Managing the Unknown, Engineering and
Professionalism, Models of Professionalism -The Business Model
and The Professional Model; Personal vs. Professional Ethics, Types
of Ethics or Morality - Common Morality, Personal Morality,
Professional Ethics; The Origins of Ethical Thought, Ethics and the
Ethical Problem-Solving Techniques: Analysis of Issues in Ethical 3-4 4 CLO2
Problems, Line Drawing, Flow Charting, Conflict Problems. The
Rights and Responsibilities of Engineers: Professional
Responsibilities, Professional Rights, Engineering Standards, Blame-
Responsibility and Causation, Whistle-Blowing, Whistleblowing: A
Harm-Preventing Justification. Whistleblowing: A Complicity-
Avoiding View, Some Practical Advice on Whistleblowing.
Trust and Reliability: Introduction, Honesty, Forms of Dishonesty, 5-6 4 CLO3, CLO6
Lying, Deliberate Deception, Failure to Seek Out the Truth, Why is
Dishonesty Wrong? Dishonesty on Campus, Dishonesty in
Engineering Research and Testing, Confidentiality, Intellectual
Property, Expert Witnessing, Conflicts of Interest. The Role of
Engineers to Sustainable Development and Globalization: Ethical
Resources for Solving Boundary- Crossing Problems, Creative
Middle Ways, First Standard: The Golden Rule; Second Standard:
Universal Human Rights; Third Standard: Promoting Basic Human
Well-Being; Fourth Standard: Codes of Engineering Societies (IEEE,
IEB, ABET); Environmental Ethics.
Venture Opportunity, Concept, and Strategy: The Entrepreneur 7-8 4 CLO4
and Introduction to entrepreneurship, The Entrepreneur’s Challenge,
The Entrepreneurial Process. Spheres of Influence. Advantages and
Disadvantages of Entrepreneurship, Economics and the Firm,
Creative Destruction, Innovation and Technology, Opportunity, how
to innovate product and its issues. Venture Formation and
Planning: The business plan, how to set corporation start up, funder,
its technical, economic, legal, human resources, marketing and sales.
Financing and Building the Venture: Financial aspects and ethics 9-10 4 CLO4
together with case histories from industry to illustrate the topics.
Legal Foundations: Intellectual Property, Patents, and Trade Secret,
The innovation process and intellectual property (IP) aspects of
research results are woven into the course content.
Leadership: Building More Effective Teams, Collaborative 11-12 4 CLO5
Leadership, Influence and Persuasion in Leadership, Behavioral
Decision Making. Bangladeshi Entrepreneurship: Discussion of
Bangladeshi business environment, Illustrated with successful
Bangladeshi entrepreneurs.
Case Study Analysis: 13-14 4
 Students analyze real-world ethical dilemmas in engineering
and propose solutions.
 Discussions on the ethical implications of various engineering

Business Plan Development:

 Students develop a comprehensive business plan for a new
engineering venture.
 Peer reviews and presentations of business plans.

Guest Lectures and Workshops:

 Industry experts and successful entrepreneurs share their
experiences and insights.
 Interactive workshops on leadership, innovation, and ethical

Industry Visit:
Visit to a Local Engineering Firm:
 Tour an engineering firm to observe their operations, ethical
practices, and entrepreneurial activities.
 Interact with engineers and entrepreneurs to gain practical
insights into the challenges and opportunities in the industry.
e. Mapping Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs) with the Teaching-Learning and Assessment Strategy:
CLO Teaching-Learning Strategy Assessment Strategy
CLO1 Lectures, readings, and class discussions Class test, homework assignments, Final
CLO2 Case studies, ethical dilemma scenarios, group Class test, homework assignments, Final
discussions Exam
CLO3 Guest lectures, real-world examples, Class test, homework assignments, Final
interactive sessions Exam
CLO4 Workshops, seminars on sustainable practices, Class test, homework assignments, Final
environmental ethics Exam
CLO5 Lectures, entrepreneurial exercises, business Business plan proposals, Final Exam
plan development
CLO6 Guest speakers, leadership exercises, case leadership activity reports, Final Exam

f. References
1. M. Winston, R. Edelbach, Society, Ethics and Technology, 5th ed., Boston, MA: Wadsworth
Cengage Learning, 2014
2. Gordon C. Andrews, Canadian Professional Engineering & Geoscience: Practice and Ethics,
5th ed., Nelson College Indigenous, 2013
3. M.C. Kucchal and V. Kucchal, Mercantile Law, 8th ed., Vikas, 2018
4. N. Dhar, Labour & Industrial Laws of Bangladesh with hints on Questions and Answers, 2nd

19. Course Description

19.1 Year III Term I
19.1.1 0533 EEE 3112: Electrical Machine Design
j. Course Description: Credits: 1.5
Course Code: 0533 EEE 3112 Type: Core
Course Title: Electrical Machine Design
Course Content:
General design principles of electrical apparatus involving electric and magnetic circuit, specification
design of electromagnets, solenoids, chokes, starters etc., design of rotating machines and transformers.
Rationale The Lab course provides practical, hands-on experience in designing and testing various
electrical apparatus. This lab course focuses on the application of design principles to create
and analyze electromagnets, solenoids, chokes, starters, rotating machines, and
transformers. This practical experience is important for students to understand the
intricacies of electrical machine design, enhance their problem-solving skills, and prepare
them for real-world engineering challenges.
b. Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs): Upon completion of this course, the students will be able to
CLO 1 Apply general design principles to create electrical apparatus involving electric and
magnetic circuits.
CLO 2 Design and test electromagnets, solenoids, and chokes based on given specifications.
CLO 3 Develop and implement design specifications for starters and other electrical apparatus.
CLO4 Design, build, and evaluate rotating machines.
CLO5 Design, construct, and test transformers.
CLO6 Analyze and optimize the design and performance of electrical machines and transformers.

c. Mapping Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs) with the PLOs:

CLO1 1 1
CLO2 1 1
CLO3 1 1
CLO4 1 1
CLO5 1 1
CLO6 1 1

d. Summary of Course Contents:

Exp. Contents Week Hrs. Alignment to CLOs
1 Introductory class, overview of the course and lab task, projects, 1 3
policies, grading and group formation.
2 Introduction to general design principles of electrical apparatus 2 3 CLO1, CLO2, CLO3
involving electric and magnetic circuits
3 Specification design and testing of electromagnets 3 1.5 CLO1, CLO2, CLO3
4 Specification design and testing of solenoids and chokes 4 1.5 CLO1, CLO2, CLO3
5 Design and implementation of starters and other electrical apparatus 5 1.5 CLO1, CLO2, CLO3
6 Design, construction, and evaluation of rotating machines 6 1.5 CLO1, CLO2, CLO3
7 Design, construction, and testing of transformers 7 1.5 CLO1, CLO2, CLO3
8 Analysis and optimization of the design and performance of electrical 8 1.5 CLO1, CLO2, CLO3
machines and transformers
9 Use simulation software to model and analyze the performance of 9 1.5
rotating machines and transformers.
10 Visit to a Manufacturing Facility: 10 1.5
 Tour a facility where electrical machines are designed and
 Observe the production process, quality control measures,
and testing procedures.
 Interact with engineers to gain practical insights into the
11 11 1.5
12 12 1.5
13 Lab Test and Presentation on design project 13 1.5
14 Final Lab Quiz 14 1.5

e. Mapping Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs) with the Teaching-Learning and Assessment Strategy:
CLO Teaching-Learning Strategy Assessment Strategy
CLO1 Hands-on projects, design exercises Lab-reports, Lab-tests, Lab-quiz
CLO2 Hands-on projects, design exercises Lab-reports, Lab-tests, Lab-quiz
CLO3 Hands-on projects, design exercises Lab-reports, Lab-tests, Lab-quiz
CLO4 Hands-on projects, design exercises Lab-reports, Lab-tests, Lab-quiz
CLO5 Hands-on projects, design exercises Lab-reports, Lab-tests, Lab-quiz
CLO6 Hands-on projects, design exercises Lab-reports, Lab-tests, Lab-quiz

f. References
1. Electrical Machine Design by Rajini Nagarajan
2. Electrical Machine Design: The Design and Specification of Direct and Alternating Current
Machinery by Alexander Gray
3. Principles of Electrical Machine Design by R.K. Agarwal

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