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Language Conventions: Misspelt Words: Year 5 Set Two

The spelling mistakes in these sentences have been circled.

Write the correct spelling for each circled word in the box.

1. The students received ekselent results in their English test.

2. We travelled across the oshan in our yacht.

3. When I go on holidays, I like to go to tropicle places.

4. The jurney to the south coast took three hours.

5. The man said he woud like a cup of coffee with

his breakfast.

6. The boy fell over and hurt his nee.

7. Your need to write the correct adress on the envelope.

8. She was suprized when her name was drawn out

in the prize draw.

9. The bushes grew together into a thick, high hedje.

10. The boy received a new bisicle for his birthday.

11. The farmer bought a new tracter for his farm.

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Language Conventions: Misspelt Words: Year 5 Set One

12. We sat with our friends wile we ate our lunch.

13. One sent coins are no longer made in Australia.

14. The tall bilding had many shiny windows.

15. The children ignord the rain and finished their

game outside.

16. We had a choise between spaghetti and lasagne.

17. The king took out his sord to protect his queen
from the dragon.

18. The soldier received a medal for his curage.

19. Always be shaw to look both ways before

crossing the road.

20. The reporter admited that his facts were untrue.

**END OF TEST** total for

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Language Conventions: Misspelt Words: Year 5 Set Two Answers

1 excellent

2 ocean

3 tropical

4 journey

5 would

6 knee

7 address

8 surprised

9 hedge

10 bicycle

11 tractor

12 while

13 cent

14 building

15 ignored

16 choice

17 sword

18 courage

19 sure

20 admitted

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