Chapter 7 (Sewage Treatment) - Sanitary Engineering Notes

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6 th Semester

Er. Bilove Moktan
Chapter 7

Sewage Treatment

Importance from Exam Point of View
▪ Carries 16-32 marks

▪ Theory + Numerical

7.1 Objectives of treatment and
different treatment methods:
Physical, Chemical, Biological
Sewage/Wastewater Treatment
▪ Wastewater treatment is a process in which the
contaminants present in wastewater are removed and
partially changed into stable organic solids from complex
highly putrescible solids.

▪ The wastewater treatment is performed to reduce the

objectionable properties of water carrying waste and make
it less dangerous for human and environment.

▪ Degree of treatment depends upon the treatment

methods used and requirement of final effluent.

▪ Wastewater treatment process make effluent safe for

disposal and reduces its negative impacts on environment
and human health.
Objectives of Sewage Treatment
1. To remove suspended and floatable material from
wastewater or sewage
2. To reduce the strength of sewage or to reduce the BOD
and COD
3. To prevent water bodies from pollution
4. To prevent sewage sickness of land.
5. To eliminate pathogenic organisms from sewage
6. To reduce health impact of sewage by removing toxic
and potentially toxic chemicals released to the
Types of Treatment Methods
▪ There are number of treatment process and methods
used for wastewater treatment.

▪ The selection on method depends upon the nature,

composition of wastewater, and effluent standards
required or degree of treatment required.

▪ The conventional sequence of wastewater treatment

goes from preliminary, primary, secondary to tertiary
Sewage Treatment Process
7.2 Preliminary Treatment
Processes: Racks or Screens,
Skimming Tanks, Grit Chamber,
Sedimentation and Chemical
Preliminary Treatment Process
▪ Used for removal of floating materials (tree branches,
wood pieces, dead animals, papers, rags), heavy settleable
inorganic solids (grit, sand, masonry fragments, etc.) and
fats (oil and grease) from the incoming wastewater.
▪ Removal of these materials is necessary to protect further
treatment process from malfunction associated with
accumulation of screenings, debris, inorganic grit,
excessive scum formation or fat accumulation.
▪ Preliminary treatment are basically physical operations
typically include screening, grit removal, skimming tank,
1. Racks or Screens
▪ Screening is the first step in the wastewater treatment
▪ Removal process of large floating debris is known as
▪ The materials that are removed from the wastewater by
screens are referred as screenings.
▪ Screenings have a bulk approximately 600-1000 kg/m^3,
moisture content of 75-90% and volatile content of 80-
Types of Screens
▪ The screens may be combination of parallel bars, rods,
gratings, wire mesh, perforated plates and the opening
may be of any shape generally rectangular or circular in
▪ Screens can be classified as:
i) Racks or bar screens
ii) Perforated or fine screens
Types of Screens
i) Rack or Bar Screens
▪ A screen composed of parallel bars or rods is called bar
rack or a bar screen.
▪ They are mostly in the form of bar grill or flats placed or
at inclination to the horizontal.
▪ Rectangular shaped made up of steel are widely used at
sewage treatment plants.
▪ They are used to protect pumps, valves from clogging by
large objects and rags. Bar screens may be: coarse or
medium size screens.
Bar screens
Types of Bar Screens
Depending upon the horizontal spacing between the bars,
it is of two types:
a) Coarse screen:
In coarse screen spacing between bars is 50 mm to
150 mm and size of the bars are generally of 25 mm.
b) Medium Screen:
In medium screen spacing between bars is 20 mm to
50 mm and size of the bars are generally of 25 mm.
Types of Screens
ii) Fine or Perforated Screens
▪ Fine Screens are composed of wires, grating, wire mesh,
brass or bronze plates or perforated plates with openings
less than 2 cm.
▪ In fine screens, spacing between bars is 1.5 mm to 3 mm
▪ They remove about 20% of suspended solids from
▪ They may also be used to remove residual of SS solids
from biological treatments.
▪ Following are the purpose of screening:

i. To reduce floating solids which may clog

the sewer, treatment plants and outfall
Purpose ii. To reduce the load on further treatment
of plant

Screening iii. To reduced the risk of damage of pumps

and other mechanical equipment used in
further treatment process

iv. To prevent forming of sludge banks at the

site of sewage disposal.
Grit Chamber
Grit Chamber
▪ Grit chambers are used to remove grit.
▪ Grit includes heavy inorganic particles such as sand,
gravel, cinders, eggshells, bones, seeds, and other inert
heavy solid material.
▪ Grit have specific gravity of 2.4 to 2.65.
▪ Generally grit removal is the second primary treatment
▪ Grit chamber is normally provided downstream of the
Horizontal Flow Grit Chamber
▪ In Horizontal Flow type, the flow passes through the
channel in horizontal direction.
▪ The flow velocity is kept constant over varying discharge.
▪ The constant velocity is achieved by providing velocity
control section such as a proportional flow weir (sutro
▪ Such velocity allows the heavier grit particle to settle
down at the bottom of the grit chamber, whereas the
lighter organic matter is carried out through the grit
▪ Depth of liquid in these chambers is 1 to 1.3 m.
Purpose of Grit Chamber
▪ To protect moving mechanical equipment and pumps
from abrasive wear
▪ To reduce heavy materials deposits in pipe lines and
▪ To reduce accumulation of grit in settling tank and
▪ To reduce cleaning frequency of sludge digester
Grit Chamber
Numerical (Grit Chamber)
1) A town discharge sewage at the wastetreatment plant
is 55 x 106 L/d. The specific gravity of grit particles in that
sewage is found from an experiment as 2.65 and the
temperature as 27°C. Design grit chamber for removal of
grit particles of 0.21 mm. Use: K=O.06 and f=O.03.
Numerical (Grit Chamber)
2) Design a grit chamber for the maximum flow of sewage
5 MLD having grit of 2.65. Size of grit particle to be
removed is 0.25 mm. The settling velocities of these
particles ranges from 0.018 to 0.022 m/s. Proportional weir
is provided to maintain constant flow through velocity at
0.3m/s. .
Numerical (Grit Chamber)
3) Design a grit chamber for the maximum flow of
sewage 4.0 x 106 L/d, having grit of sp. gr. 2. Size of grit
particle to be removed is 0.25 mm, Assume temperature
20°C. Assume other necessary data suitably.
Numerical (Grit Chamber)
4) A grit chamber is provided to remove grit particles up
to 0.2mm from a sewage of a town of population 80,000
producing 150 liter waste water per capita per day.
Working at 20°C temperature, the specific gravity of the
grits may be taken as 2.6. Determine the size of grit
chamber. Assume necessary data.
Skimming Tank
Skimming Tank
Skimming Tank
▪ Skimming tank is a chamber installed to remove floating
substances likes grease, oil, fat, wax, soap, free fatty acids, etc.

▪ Skimming tank is arranged in a manner such that floating

matter rises and remains on the surface of wastewater until
removed and the wastewater flows out continuously at depth
or under partitions.

▪ Aerated skimming tanks are used in the treatment of domestic

and municipal sewage where the proportions of floating grease,
fat are unusually high.

▪ Skimming tanks can be also used on small installations such as

the outlet sewer from garages, oil refineries, candle factories,
service stations, canteens and similar oil and fat producing
Skimming Tank
Skimming Tank
Following are the purpose of skimming tanks
a. To remove grease, oil, fat, wax etc. from wastewater
b. To increase efficiency of activated sludge process
c. To reduce effect of oil, grease etc. on bacterial growth in
biological process
d. To reduce formation of unsightly scum on the river bank
during disposal of sewage in natural water bodies
Skimming Tank
Construction and Operation
▪ Most of skimming tanks are rectangular or circular in
shape with detention period of 1 to 15 minutes
(commonly adopted value for design is 3 to 5 minutes)
▪ The outlet of skimming tank should be submerged and
sited at the opposite end to the inlet. Outlet should be at
lower elevation to assist flotation and to remove solids
that may settle.
▪ The amount of compressed air required is about 200 to
6000 𝒎𝟑 per million litres of sewage.
Skimming Tank
Skimming Tank
▪ The surface area required for skimming tank can be
calculated from following formula
A= 0.00622

Where; A = surface area of tank (m2)

q = rate of flow of sewage (𝑚3 /day)
𝑉𝑟 = minimum rising velocity of greasy material to be
removed (m/minute) = 0.25m/minute in general
Skimming Tank
Disposal of Skimming's
▪ Skimming's obtained from skimming tanks can be used to
manufacture of the soap, lubricants, wax, pitch and
other non edible products.
▪ The skimming's are commonly disposed by burying in the
Primary Treatment
Primary Treatment
▪ Primary treatment involves processes to remove heavy
suspended materials from wastewater and reduce its
biochemical oxygen demand.

▪ The tanks are used to settle sludge after grease and oils are
skimmed off and grits are removed.

▪ Approximately 25 to 50% of the incoming biochemical oxygen

demand and 50 to 70% of the total suspended solids and
around 65% of the oil and grease are removed during primary

▪ Some organic nitrogen, organic phosphor and heavy metals

associated with solids are also removed during primary
▪ Sedimentation is defined as a process of removing fine
suspended impurities that are heavier than water present
in sewage under the action of gravitational force, this
process is also settling or clarification.
▪ Most of the suspended impurities (organic matter)
present in water have a specific gravity greater than that
of water.
▪ Sedimentation is used both in primary and secondary
treatment of sewage.
▪ The sedimentation tanks are thus designed to remove
fine suspended matter from the sewage effluent which
are not removed by the grit chambers.
Sedimentation Tank
Sedimentation Tank
Sedimentation Tank
▪ Sedimentation tank, also recognized as a settling tank
or clarifier, is a component of a modern water supply
or wastewater treatment system.
▪ Sedimentation is a treatment process in which the
velocity of the water is lowered below the suspension
velocity and the suspended particles settle out of the
water due to gravity.
▪ A sedimentation tank enables suspended particles in
water or wastewater to settle out as it flows slowly
through the tank, providing some level of purification.
▪ At the bottom of the tank, a layer of accumulated
solids known as sludge forms and is eliminated.
Numerical (Sedimentation Tank)
1) Design a circular sewage sedimentation tank for a
population of 80,000. The rate of water supply is 150
lpcd. Assume necessary data suitably.
Numerical (Sedimentation Tank)
2) Design a circular sewage sedimentation tank for a
locality having population of 35675. The average water
demand is 135 lpcd and 80% of the water consumed
converts to sewage. Assume the maximum demand is 2.7
times the average demand. Check Surface Loading also.
Numerical (Sedimentation Tank)
3) Design a rectangular sedimentation tank for a
community having population 45000, with a water
demand 100 lpcd. Assume necessary data.
Numerical (Sedimentation Tank)
4) Design a rectangular sedimentation tank for a
community having maximum sewage flow 5 MLD. Take
L:B ratio 3:1, surface overflow rate 0.000289m/s and
detention time 2 hours.
Numerical (Sedimentation Tank)
5) Design a circular sedimentation tank for a population
of 40,000. Average water demand is 150 lpcd. Peak
factor = 2.7. Assume that 70% of water is converted to
sewage. What will be the dimension of tank if it is
Chemical Precipitation
▪ Chemical precipitation of sewage is similar to
sedimentation with coagulation in water treatment
▪ Fine suspended particles and colloidal impurities are not
removed by plain sedimentation.
▪ Particle of 0.06mm size requires 10 hours to settle in plain
sedimentation and 0.002 mm particle will require days for
▪ Very fine suspended particles present in sewage cannot
be removed in plain sedimentation as their settling
velocity is very low, due to which detention period
required is very high.
Chemical Precipitation
▪ This detention period is unfeasible from technical as well
as economical aspects.
▪ Again, very fine colloidal or dispersed particles contain
electric charges and they are continuously in motion
known as Brownian motion and they are not settled
down by gravity force.
▪ Due to all these problems, coagulation is needed before
sedimentation which is also known as forced
▪ There is need of certain chemicals to add in the
wastewater to remove such impurities, which are not
removed by plain sedimentation.
Chemical Precipitation
▪ These chemicals are known as coagulants. This process of
addition and mixing of chemicals is called coagulation.
▪ If sedimentation is done by adding coagulants to accelerate
settling of fine suspended particles as well as to allow
settling of colloidal particles then it is known as
sedimentation with coagulation or chemical precipitation.
▪ The coagulants form insoluble, gelatinous, flocculent
precipitate absorbs and entraps very fine suspended matter
and colloidal impurities during its formation and settlement
in wastewater.
▪ The coagulated sewage is then passed through
sedimentation tank where the flocculated particles settle
Chemical Precipitation
▪ Metals do not degrade in the environment. They can be
very toxic to humans and animals, therefore
municipalities and industries must remove them from
▪ Chemical precipitation is the most common technology
used to remove dissolved (ionic) metals from solutions,
such as process wastewaters containing toxic metals. The
ionic metals are converted to an insoluble form (particle)
by the chemical reaction between the soluble metal
compounds and the precipitating reagent. The particles
formed by this reaction are removed from solution by
settling and/or filtration.
Some basic terminology
a) Sedimentation: Sedimentation or settling is defined as
the removal of solid particles from a suspension by settling
under gravity.
b) Clarification: It is a similar term as sedimentation, which
usually refers specifically to the function of a sedimentation
tank in removing suspended matter from the water to give
a clarified effluent.
c) Thickening: It is defined as a process in sedimentation
tanks whereby the settled impurities are and compacted
on the floor of the tank or in the sludge-collecting hoppers.
Some basic terminology
d) Sludge: The impurities, concentrated in sedimentation
tanks those are withdrawn from the bottom of tank is
called sludge, while material that floats to the top of the
tank is called scum.
e) Scum: The impurities that floats to the top of the
sedimentation tank is called scum.
7.3 Secondary treatment
process and their types
Secondary Treatment
▪ When the levels of organic content are elevated,
BOD can deplete the oxygen needed by other
aquatic organisms to live, leading to algal blooms,
fish kills, and harmful changes to the aquatic
ecosystem where the wastewater is discharged.

▪ Because of this, many facilities are required to

treat their wastes. perhaps biologically, prior to
Algal Blooms
Biological or Secondary Treatment Process
▪ Biological Treatment removes the colloidal and dissolved
organic matter which is not removed by primary treatment
process or takes long time for removal in primary treatment.

▪ In secondary treatment reduction of impurities is done by

stabilization and conversion of impurities into such solids which
can be removed by gravity settling.

▪ During secondary treatment; microbes consumes organic matter

as food and converts them it into carbon dioxide, water, and
energy for their own growth and reproduction.

▪ The biological process is then followed by settling tanks known as

secondary sedimentation to remove more suspended solids.

▪ A well running plant with secondary treatment can remove about

85% of the suspended solids and BOD.
7.4 Principles of Biological
Treatment, Principle of
Suspended and Attached Growth
Principle of Biological Treatment
▪ The bio-degradable organic substances (colloidal or
dissolved) in sewage are converted into gases that can
escape to atmosphere and cell tissues that can be
removed by sedimentation with the help of
microorganism present and developed in sewage.
▪ The basic principle to operate secondary treatment plant
is to create optimal environmental conditions required
for microorganism for rapid and effective conversion of
organic matter to cell tissues and gases.
Types of Biological Treatment
Biological Treatment Process
a) Attached growth or Fixed-film process:
▪ In attached growth or fixed film method, the biomass
(micro-organism) attached and grow on media and
sewage passes through surface of the media.
▪ The media is composed of sand, rock, plastic or other
inert materials. After application of sewage through
media, it is allowed to trickle down over attached
biomass, which removes polluted materials from
sewage through absorption and biodegradation.
▪ The microorganisms attached to inert packing
material are responsible for conversion of organic
Biological Treatment Process
▪ The treatment unit works on this principle are
intermittent sand filter, contact beds, percolating or
trickling filters, rotating biological contractor,
biological tower, anaerobic lagoons etc.
▪ This system can worked as aerobic or anaerobic
processes. Attached growth systems provide higher
removal rates for BOD and suspended solids than
suspended growth systems.
Biological Treatment Process
b) Suspended growth process:

▪ In suspended growth process, the microorganisms

responsible for conversion of organic matter into gases and
more cell tissues are maintained in liquid suspension by
appropriate natural or artificial mixing methods.

▪ Activated sludge process, aerated lagoons, sludge digestion

system, suspended growth nitrification etc. are examples of
suspended growth process.

▪ Activated sludge process is most commonly used for sewage

treatment in which microbes are allowed to feed on organic
matter in the wastewater and remain in suspension.
Biological Treatment Process
c) Combined process:
▪ Combined processes are the biological treatment
process in which microorganism is responsible for the
conversion of organic matter into water and gas, are
remain in suspension and also attached with inert
▪ Trickling filter - activated sludge, activated slugged-
trickling filter and facultative lagoons are examples of
combined process.
7.5 Sewage filtration,
Intermittent Sand Filter, Contact
Beds, Trickling Filters
Sewage Filtration
Sewage Filtration
▪ Sewage filtration is process of passing of sewage through
granular media composed of sand, aggregates, rock, slag,
plastic, specially designed ceramic, plastic material, and
other inert materials.
▪ Sewage filtration works on principal of aerobic attached
growth process. The microorganisms grow attached to
inert medium of filter media are responsible for
conversion of the organic matter and other impurities
present in the sewage to simple compound like water,
gases and cell tissues.
▪ The major role is played by micro-organism and only
coarser particles are removed by mechanical straining.
Sewage Filtration
▪ The filter media provides large contact surface for growth
of aerobic bacteria that oxidized fine suspended, colloidal
and dissolved organic matter present in the sewage and
thus reduced BOD of sewage.
▪ Filter types:
The types of filters commonly used for sewage filtration are
classified as follows:
i) Intermittent Sand Filters iii) Contact Beds

ii) Trickling Filters iv) Bio-filters

Intermittent Sand Filter
Intermittent Sand Filter
Intermittent Sand Filter
▪ Intermittent sand filters are the earliest types of sewage

▪ It works on the principle of aerobic attached growth process.

▪ In which sewage is applied on the sand filter beds at

intermittent interval to increase the quantity of air between
the interstices of bed to increase the metabolic aerobic
bacteria in filter bed.

▪ These provide opportunity of decomposition of constituents

by bringing the sewage into close contact with a well-
developed aerobic biological community attached to the
surface of the filter media
Intermittent Sand Filter
▪ Intermittent sand filters are normally considered to be
part of a small treatment facility capable of producing
high quality effluent.
▪ These are largely used to treat wastewater coming from
septic tanks and primary settling tanks.
Intermittent Sand Filter
Construction - ISF
▪ Intermittent sand filters are rectangular tank that can be
constructed through minor excavation work.
▪ The depth of tank is about to 1 to 1.25 m. They are 1000
to 4000 𝑚2 in plan area with ratio of length to width
about 3 to 4.
▪ The filter media consist of a layer of clean sand with an
effective size of 0.2 to 0.5 mm and of uniformity
coefficient 2 to 5.
▪ The depth of sand in the tank is about 0.75 to 1 m.
▪ Below the sand bed a gravel bed of thickness about 0.1
5m to 0.3 m to facilitate drainage.
Construction - ISF
▪ For the drainage of effluent open jointed drain pipes are
laid in the gravel bed.
▪ Depending on requirements, a non-permeable membrane
liner may be laid under it.
▪ The design of the Intermittent sand filters depends on the
organic loading.
▪ Usually 3 or 4 beds are provided adjacent to each other
so that they can be used in rotation.
Working (Operation) and Cleaning
▪ Sewage effluent from PST is applied intermittently on each
bed through dosing tank.

▪ Sewage is applied over the sand bed to a depth of 5 to 10 cm,

once in 24 hours only.

▪ As sewage percolates through the bed, the suspended organic

matters are trapped in the voids of the top portion of sand bed.

▪ Filter bed is kept at rest for some time before the sewage is
again applied.

▪ During the rest period, the trapped organic matter is acted

upon by bacteria present in the filter layer.

▪ The filter beds may get clogged after long use. So certain
amount of sand is scrapped, cleaned and reused.
▪ a. It produce high quality effluent and there is no need of
any further treatment before disposal.
b. As it works under aerobic conditions; so problems
related to odor, flies and insect are not faced
c. It consumes low energy and operation is simple. There is
no need of any mechanical or electrical equipments expect
dosing equipment
d. Small head is enough for applying sewage
e. It does not required skilled manpower for operation
a. As rate of filtration is low, large area of land and large
quantity of sand is required that cannot be managed near
large and medium towns. Therefore, it cannot used for
large as well as medium size plants.
b. If appropriate media is not available locally than
construction cost high
c. These are not suitable in cold climate
Due to these disadvantages Intermittent Sand Filters are
rarely used in municipal waste water treatments.
However, hotels, hospitals and other social organizations
are using Intermittent Sand Filters in remote areas where
land/ media is cheap to produce high quality effluent.
Contact Beds
Contact Beds
▪ Contact bed also known as contact filters are modified
from intermittent sand filter by providing very coarse
filter media and increased contact period to increase rate
of filtration than intermittent sand filter.
▪ In contact beds sewage applied on the contact material is
allowed to stand undistributed for some time before
emptied. This period is known as contact period.
▪ The rate of loading may vary from 4000 to 6000
𝑚3 /hectar/day.
▪ Effluent coming from contact bed is usually non
putrescible having turbidity and high bacteria
Contact Beds
▪ Contact bed remove about 85 to 90% suspended matter,
60 to 80% organic matter and 50 to 75 % bacteria.
▪ Effluent from contact bed is passed through secondary
sedimentation tanks.
Contact Beds
▪ Contact beds are watertight tanks with masonry walls and
very much similar in construction to an intermittent sand
▪ The contact material is made of broken stone called
ballast and is of size varies from 15 to 40 mm.
▪ Depth of filter bed is 1 to 1.2m and the area of filter bed
is usually less than 2000m2.
▪ Usually 3 or 4 beds are provided adjacent to each other
so that they can be used in rotation.
Working and Cleaning
▪ The sewage coming from primary treatment is applied by
the means of dosing tank with siphon on one bed of
contact bed one time.
▪ The filtered sewage through coarse media is collected at
the bottom of the tank with help of under drainage pipes.
▪ The complete cycle of operation of a contact bed consist
of the following operations:
i) Filling iii) Emptying

ii) Contact iv) Oxidation

Working and Cleaning
i. Filling: The outlet value of the under drain is closed and the
tank is slowly filled with sewage by means of dosing siphon. The
depth of sewage applied may be 5 to 10 cm over the top of the
contact bed. This takes about 1 to 2 hours.

ii. Contact: The dosing tank outlet is then closed and the sewage
flowed over the contact bed is permitted to stand for about 2 hours.
During standing period the fine suspended, colloidal and dissolved
organic matter present in the sewage penetrated into the filter
media and bacterial conversion takes place.

iii. Emptying: For emptying the contact bed the outlet valve of
the under drain is opened and sewage is with drawl without any
disturbance in biological activity within filter media of contact bed.
This process takes time about 1 to 2 hours.
Working and Cleaning
iv. Oxidation: Contact bed is then allowed to remain
empty for about 4 to 6 hours. During this period of rest,
atmospheric air enters within the voids of the filter media and
aerobic bacterial activity increases resulting the oxidation of
organic matter present in the film.

▪ Above cycle may be repeated after every 8 to 12 hours.

▪ There may be two or three per loading in each contact bed.

The stabilized organic matter from the filter media voids is
removed during emptying process. The voids inside the filter
media maybe reduced continuously due to accumulation of
solids. Therefore, after every 4 to 5 years the filtering media
is taken out, washed dried and refilled. Drain pipe is also be
washed every to 5 years.
a. Small head is enough for applying sewage
b. There is no nuisance of filter flies
c. Lesser nuisance due to odor compared to trickling filters
d. Contact beds can be operated without exposing the
sewage effluent to view
a. Low rate of loading compared to trickling filters
b. Required large land area for installation of contact beds
c. Construction cost is high compared to trickling filters
d. Skilled man power and continuous attendance is
e. Long rest period is required
f. There is high chance of clogging
Trickling Filter
Trickling Filter
▪ Trickling filter is also known as Percolating filter or
Spraying Filter.
▪ In this system, sewage is allowed to sprinkle or trickle
over a bed of course, rough, hard filter media and it is
then collected through underdrainage system.
▪ Spray Nozzels or Rotatory distributors are used to sprinkle
▪ Biological Purification is brought about by aerobic
bacteria which form a bacterial film (Bio film).
Trickling Filter
▪ Trickling filters are used for biological treatment of
sewage and industrial wastewater.
▪ Location: Trickling filters are always proceeded by
primary sedimentation along with skimming devices to
avoid clogging of filter bed.
▪ The effluent from the filter is taken to the SST for settling
out stable organic solids.
▪ Trickling filter effluent is recycled (not Sludge).
Trickling Filter
Biological Process
Biological Process
▪ The sewage is allowed to sprinkle over filter media
through nozzles or rotary distributors.

▪ The biological purification is mainly done by aerobic

bacteria which form a bacteria/ film known as biofilm or
slime layer around filter media.

▪ This biofilm layer is aerobic only up to a depth of 0.1 to

0.2 mm and remaining part is anaerobic.

▪ The organic matter is degraded by aerobic micro

organisms on the outer portion of biofilm.
Biological Process
▪ The food concentration is high at the outer surface of
biofilm hence the growth of micro organisms is more at
the outer surface of the biofilm.

▪ The most diffused oxygen is consumed by micro

organism at the outer surface before it reaches to the
depth. Hence the anaerobic environment is developed
near the inner surface of the biofilm.

▪ Eventually there is scouring of slime layer due to

flowing liquid and fresh slime layer begins to grow on the
Biological Process
▪ This phenomenon of scouring of slime is called
sloughing or unloading of the filter.

▪ The trickling filter is always preceded by primary

sedimentation with skimming devices to remove the

▪ The effluent from the filter is then taken to secondary

sedimentation tanks for settling out organic solids
oxidised while passing through filter.
Components of Trickling Filter
Shape of the tank: Trickling filter may be rectangular, square
or circular. Sewage is sprayed by spray nozzles in rectangular
trickling filters, whereas in case of circular shaped filters,
rotatory distributors are used to spread sewage on the surface
of filter beds.

Filter walls: Filer walls may be of RCC or plastered brick,

masonry or hollow concrete blocks. The walls of filter tanks
are made honey combed or provided with openings for
circulation of air.

Filter floor: Filter floor should be constructed to support

under drain system and fully loaded filter media. RCC slab of
10 to 15 cm having slope 0.5 to 5% to main collection channel
should be constructed.
Under drainage: The under drainage system is responsible
for collection of trickled effluent and sloughed solids as well
as ventilation of filter media. Vitrified clay blocks are
generally used as under drains. These blocks are laid on RCC
filter floor of trickling filter with same slope of floor.
Satisfactory ventilation can also achieved by properly
designed under-drains having adequate openings provided
under the filter bed.

Filter media: The filter media consists of coarser materials

like crushed stone, granite, limestone and specially designed
ceramic and plastic material. The size of the material used
may vary between 25-75 mm. The depth of filtering media
may be between 2-3 meters. The filtering material may be
placed in layers, with coarsest stones (15-20cm) used near the
bottom and finer materials (8 to 10 cm) towards the top.
Distribution System: Rectangular and square filters are provided
with a network of pipes having fixed nozzles, which sprays the
incoming sewage into air, which then falls over the bed of the filter
under gravity. While the circular filter tanks are provided with
rotary distributors having a number of distributing arms (generally
four arms are used). These distributors rotate around a central
support either by an electric motor or more generally by the force
of reaction on the sprays. The rate of revolutions varies from 2
RPM for small distributors to less than 1/2 RPM per large
distributors. The distributing arms should remain about 15-20 cm
above the top surface of the filtering media in the tank.

Main effluent channel: This main effluent channel may be

provided adjoining the central column of the distributor or may be
provided along the circular periphery of the filter. The slope of the
channel should be sufficient to ensure a flow velocity of about 0.6
m/sec. The depth and width of this central channel should be such
that maximum flow is carried below the level of the under drains.
Cleaning of Trickling Filter
▪ Cleaning of the filter is done to prevent clogging.

▪ 30 to 40 cm of top layer of gravel is removed, cleaned and


▪ Time to time cleaning is required , but it is not as frequent

as in sand filters.
Types of Trickling Filter
▪ According to hydraulic and organic loading rates
I. Low Rate Trickling Filter

II. High Rate Trickling Filter

▪ According to number of stages or number of units used

I. Single Stage TF

II. Two Stage (High Rate Trickling Filter)

III. Multi Stage TF

▪ According to shape
I. Rectangular type TF

II.Circular type TF
Low Rate Trickling Filter
▪ Also known as standard rate trickling filter or normal
rate trickling filter or conventional trickling filter

▪ Low rate filters are relatively simple treatment units those

employ rock, gravel and slag as media.

▪ In low rate trickling filters, recirculation or recycling is

generally not adopted. They are cheaper in cost.

▪ They have depth of filter media ranging between 1.8 m to

3.0 m.

▪ In low rate trickling filters, the organic loading ranges

from 0.08 to 0.3 kg BOD5/d/𝒎𝟑 and hydraulic loading
ranges from 1 to 4 𝒎𝟑 /𝒎𝟐 /d.
Low Rate Trickling Rate
High Rate Trickling Filter
▪ The high rate trickling filters are more advanced filters
than low rate trickling filters.
▪ Their operation and construction details are same as low
rate trickling filters except there is a provision of
recirculation of sewage through the filter by pumping a
part of the filter effluent to the primary settling tank and
re-passing through filter
▪ The high rate filters have greater hydraulic as well as
organic loadings and thus requires lesser and lesser filter
High Rate
High Rate Trickling Rate
▪ They have depth of filter media varying from 0.9 to 2.5m
and organic loading ranges 0.35 to 2.4 kg BOD5/d/𝒎𝟑 .
▪ Effluent quality from high rate trickling filter in stage
filtration are not good compared to conventional filters.
BOD removal for high rate filter is 65 to 90%.
According to number of stages
or number of units used
A) Single Stage Trickling Filter
▪ In single stage trickling filters only one filter is used for
sewage treatment.
▪ When two or more filter required they will be provided in
▪ However, sewage is re-circulated to each single stage
▪ Single stage filter plant consists of a primary settling tank,
trickling filters, secondary settling and other facilities
used for recirculation of effluent.
Single Stage Trickling Filter
According to number of stages
or number of units used
B) Two Stage Trickling Filter
▪ In stage trickling filters sewage is passed through two
filters provided in the series.
▪ It consists of primary settling tank, two trickling filters in
series, an intermediate settling tank which maybe
provided according to requirement and secondary settling
tank and recirculation arrangement for each stage.
▪ The effluent from the first stage filter is applied on the
second stage filter either after settlement or without
Two Stage Trickling Filter
Design – Trickling Filter
Design – Trickling Filter
Design Parameter – Trickling Filter
Design Parameter – Trickling Filter
Design Parameter – Trickling Filter
▪Calculate the BOD removal efficiency for the
single stage high rate trickling filter. BOD
loading is 750 kg/𝑚 /day and recirculation
ratio is 0.6.
▪The effluent from PST is applied to a standard
rate trickling filter at the rate of 1.2 million
litres/day having BOD of 200 mg/L. Determine
the depth and volume of filter, consideration
surface loading of 1200 litres/ 𝑚2 /day and
organic loading of 250 gm/𝑚3 /day, Also calculate
the efficiency of filter using NRC equation.
Numericals (Trickling Filter)
2018 Q. 5(b)
▪ Determine the size of a high rate single stage trickling
filter for the following data:

▪ Sewage Flow = 5 MLD

▪ Recirculation ratio = 1.5
▪ BOD of raw sewage = 250 mg/L
▪ BOD removal in primary clarifier = 30 %
▪ Final effluent BOD desired = 30 mg/L
Design - Numericals
Numericals (Trickling Filter)
2015 Q. 4 (b)
▪ Calculate effluent BOD of two stage trickling filter for the
following data:
▪ Sewage Flow = 2 𝑚3 /min
▪ BOD of raw sewage after primary treatment= 300 mg/L
▪ Volume of both filters = 900 𝑚3
▪ Recirculation ratio for both filters = 1.5
Numericals (Trickling Filter)
2022 Q. 4 (b)
▪ Calculate effluent BOD of two stage trickling filter for the
following data:
▪ Sewage Flow = 4 MLD
▪ Influent BOD in first trickling filter = 250 mg/L
▪ Volume of first filter = 600 𝑚3
▪ Volume of second trickling filter = 400 𝑚3
▪ Recirculation ratio for both trickling filters = 1.2
Design a two stage high rate trickling filter for the following
▪ Organic loading of filter = 10,000 kg BOD5/hectares-m/day
▪ BOD of sewage = 280 mg/ liter
▪ Flow = 4.5 x 106 liters/day
▪ Recirculation ratio = 1.4 for both filters
▪ BOD removal in Primary settling Tank = 30%
▪ Max BOD allowed in final effluent = 35 mg/litre
Assume appropriate data where required.
Numericals - Solution
7.6 Activated Sludge Process:
Theory, Design and Aeration,
Advantages and Disadvantages of
the Activated Sludge Process
Activated Sludge Process
Activated Sludge Process
▪ Activated Sludge Process is an aerobic biological treatment
method for reducing the BOD levels.

▪ Sewage is mixed continuously with the activated sludge

containing large concentration of aerobic microorganisms.

▪ Thus, the aerobic microbes get coated with the effluent and
are mixed together in the presence of large quantity of air.

▪ The microbes oxidize the organic matter and staff to settle

down in the settling tank.

▪ A part of the settled sludge is then recycled to the head of

the aeration tank and the remaining portion is disposed of
properly along with sludge collected during primary
▪ It was named because it involved production of activated
mass of microorganisms.
▪ Activated Sludge - Aerated sewage containing aerobic
▪ The effluent from the primary treatment is mix with
activated sludge and is aerated in an aeration tank.
▪ During the aeration, the microorganism in the sewage
multiply by assimilating the influent organic matter.
▪ The Biomass is generally flocculent and quick settling.
▪ The Biomass is separated from aeration tank in settling
tank and is recycled continuously.
Activated Sludge Process
▪ The recycled sludge and sewage in the aeration tank is
referred as "Mixed Liquor"

▪ Some part of activated sludge is recycled

▪ To maintain high concentration of active


▪ To accelerate the BOD removal

▪ To maintain proper F/M ratio

▪ BOD5 removal efficiency is 80-95%

▪ Effluent of ASP is clear and sparkling contains less organic

Components of ASP
Activated Sludge Process consists of:
1. Aeration tank or reactor
2. Final clarifier or secondary settling tank
3. A Recycle system for returning some portion of
activated sludge from secondary settling tank to
aeration tank
4. Excess sludge wasting and disposal facilities
Activated Sludge Process
Activated Sludge Process
▪ Aeration is most important operation for oxygenation,
mixing and flocculation in activated sludge process.
▪ Aeration facilities are designed to meet calculated oxygen
requirements and maintain minimum 1-2 mg/L oxygen for
proper development of biological sludge.
▪ There are three methods of introducing air into the
aeration tanks:
1. Diffused air aeration
2. Mechanical aeration
3. Combined diffused and mechanical aeration
Methods of Aeration
1. Diffused Air Aeration or Air diffusion

▪ In Diffused air aeration or air diffusion method, compressed air

under a pressure of 0.35 to 0.7 kg/cm is introduced into the
aeration chambers through diffusion plates or other devices.

▪ Porous plates or porous tubes made up of quartz or crystalline

alumina are used as air diffusers. They are capable of diffusing air
in small bubbles and increase efficiency of aeration.

▪ Plates are generally square with dimensions of 30 cm X 30 cm

and are usually 25 mm thick, which are fixed at the bottom of
aeration tanks.

▪ Tube diffusers are generally 60 cm long with internal diameter of

75 mm and thickness of wall equal to 15 mm.
Methods of Aeration
A) Ridge and Furrow Aeration Tanks:

▪ These tanks are long and narrow with ridges and furrows
extending across and a row of diffusers at each furrow
that gives good agitation and aeration.

▪ However, it requires a relatively large proportion of the tank

bottom in diffusion area.

▪ Diffusion is done with the help of diffusion plates made

up of fused alumina. The tank dimensions may be between 30
x 5 x 3 to 1 20 x 10 x 5 in meters.
Methods of Aeration
A) Ridge and Furrow Aeration Tanks:
Methods of Aeration
B) Spiral Flow Tanks:
▪ In this type of tank, diffused air may be supplied through
plate diffuser placed at the bottom or tube diffusers kept
in suspended to the top.
▪ In this tank, the corners are chamfered and the diffusers
are placed to one side only.
▪ The rising air sets up a spiral flow through the tanks and
produces efficient agitation with less use of air.
Methods of Aeration
Methods of Aeration
2. Mechanical Aeration

▪ In the air diffusion method, 90-95% of compressed air get

wasted and escapes from tank without giving oxygen to
the sewage, although it helps in bringing about required
agitation of sewage mixture.

▪ To combat this problem mechanical aeration method is


▪ In this method, atmospheric air is brought in contact

with the sewage and sewage is stirred up by means of
mechanical devices like paddles to introduce air into it
from the atmosphere by continuously changing the
surface of sewage by circulation of sewage from bottom to
Mechanical Aeration
▪ Atmospheric air is used (instead of compressed air).
▪ Sewage is stirred up using mechanical devices like paddles
(surface aerators).
▪ Surface of sewage is continuously changed by circulation
of sewage from bottom to top and thereby introducing air
from atmosphere into sewage.
▪ Only requirement is thorough agitation.
▪ Aeration period is 6 to 8 hours.
Methods of Aeration
2. Mechanical Aeration

▪ Aeration period depends on the mechanical

process adopted for agitation and it generally varies
between 6-8 hours.

▪ During flight, water droplets are formed when it

contacts with air. When it falls, it impacts on the
liquid surface, resulting in turbulent flow and many
bubbles, which increases the oxygen content in the
Methods of Aeration
Methods of Aeration
3. Combined diffused and mechanical aeration

▪ In this method, the diffused air aeration as well as

mechanical aeration is combined together in a single

▪ A well known type of such an aerator unit is called Dorroco

aerator. In this type of aerator, the aeration of sewage is
achieved by diffusing air through bottom diffuser plates
as well as by rotating paddles at the rate of 10-12 rpm.

▪ Spiral motion, so set up, brings about the required aeration.

Such an aerator is very efficient. The required detention
period is smaller (3-4 hours). This system requires less
amount of compressed air as compared to the diffused
air aeration.
Combined Aeration
Activated Sludge Process Numericals
▪ Calculate the sludge volume Index (SVI) for a mix liquor
with 3000 mg/ltr of suspended solids, having settled
volume of 240 ml in 1ltr sample. Indicate the quality of
▪ The MLSS concentration in an aeration tank is 2000
mg/ltr and the sludge volume after 30 minutes of settling
in a 1000 ml graduated cylinder is 176 ml.
▪ Calculate (i) SVI (ii) SDI (iii) Required return sludge ratio
(iv) SS concentration in the re-circulated sludge.
▪ An activated sludge plant has aeration tank of 2000 𝑚3 .
The wastewater of 6000 𝑚3 /d having BOD 250 mg/l is to
be treated by this plant. The effluent BOD is 30 mg/l and
suspended solids 40 mg/l is after treatment. The MLSS
concentration in the tank is 2800 mg/l. If quantity of
waste sludge is 50 𝑚3 /d and waste sludge suspended
solids is 10000 mg/ l. Calculate F//M ratio, efficiency of
BOD removal, sludge age and aeration period.
▪ An activated sludge plant has aeration tank of 2000 𝑚3 .
The wastewater of 6000 𝑚3 /d having BOD 250 mg/l is to
be treated by this plant. The effluent BOD is 30 mg/l and
suspended solids 40 mg/l is after treatment. The MLSS
concentration in the tank is 2800 mg/l. If quantity of
waste sludge is 50 𝑚3 /d and waste sludge suspended
solids is 10000 mg/ l. Calculate F//M ratio, efficiency of
BOD removal, sludge age and aeration period.
▪ Design a conventional activated sludge plant to treat
settled domestic sewage with diffused air aeration system
with following data:
▪ Population = 120,000

▪ Per capita sewage contribution = 160 L/day

▪ BOD5 of settled sewage = 200mg/l

▪ Effluent BOD5 required = 35 mg/l

▪ F/M ratio= 0.2

▪ MLLS= 3000mg/l
7.7 Oxidation Ponds: Function,
Theory and Design
Oxidation Pond
▪ Oxidation pond or stabilization pond is open, shallow,
flow through artificially constructed earthen basin used
for treatment of raw or partially treated wastewater.
▪ Construction and operation costs of oxidation pond are
low. This option can be used in rural areas as low cost
▪ Oxidation ponds can be used alone or combine with
other treatment processes.
▪ They can be efficiently for treatment of municipal
wastewater to industrial wastewater. They are more
suitable in hot climate areas.
Theory of oxidation pond
▪ Stabilization of wastewater in oxidation ponds depends
on the symbiotic relationship between bacteria and
algae in shallow ponds.
▪ As wastewater is retained in the shallow depth of
oxidation pond open to atmosphere, aerobic bacteria
oxidize organic matter and produce nutrient like
nitrogen, phosphorous and carbon dioxide.
▪ TAlgae consume these nutrient in the presence of
sunlight and release oxygen. The bacteria take up oxygen
released by algae and oxygen present due to shallow
depth exposed to atmosphere, form new cell and -oxidize
organic matter again. Thus, cycle is closed.
Theory of Oxidation Pond
▪ This relationship between bacteria and algae is known as
▪ Micro-organism such as protozoa and rotifers etc. are also
present in wastewater and feed on bacteria and algae.
Purposes of Oxidation Pond
▪ Following are its main purposes
a. To settled down the organic matter.
b. To reduced load on further treatment unit/process
Construction of Oxidation Pond
▪ Oxidation ponds should be constructed at least 300m from
inhabitants. There should not be obstructions to sunlight.
▪ Oxidation ponds are rectangular having side slope. They
are generally by digging a pit in impervious soil like clay.
▪ If oxidation ponds are constructed in permeable soil then
proper lining of impervious clay is required to prevent
seepage and possibility of ground water contamination.
▪ Oxidation ponds have shallow depth 0.9 to 1.5m to permit
penetration of sunlight to all parts of the pound for algal
Oxidation Pond
Construction of Oxidation Pond
▪ Earthen embankment or dykes of 1 to 1.5m with side
slope of 1 : 1.5 are constructed around the pond to avoid
the entry of rainwater in the pond.
▪ These dykes are provided with stone riprap or brick
lining or PCC to prevent erosion up to 30 cm below and
above of operation level.
▪ They are turfed at upper layer for better appearance. In
oxidation ponds influent lines discharge near the center
of the pond and allowed to spread by wind action.
▪ The effluent overflows from corner through a manhole or
box structure with multiple valve draw off lines.
Oxidation Pond
Oxidation Ponds
Construction of Oxidation Pond
▪ It has very small depth compared to its surface area.
They are constructed more than one in number operated
parallel or in series.
▪ Parallel operation is useful to distribute BOD load and it
reduces odour problems.
▪ Series operation results more BOD removal and avoid
Oxidation Pond
▪ Oxidation ponds are classified according to the biological
activity takes place in the ponds.
a. Aerobic ponds
b. Anaerobic ponds
c. Facultative ponds
Theory of Oxidation Pond
Design Criteria
▪ Detention time depends on temperature and other variables. It is
taken between 10 to 45 days. In hot climate detention time is less
than in cold climate.

▪ Detention time is calculated from

1 𝐿𝑎
t = log 10
𝑘 𝐿𝑡

t = detention time in days

K = BOD rate constant with base 10 (take 0.1/day if not provided)

𝐿𝑎 = Influent BOD

𝐿 = Effluent BOD
▪ Design an oxidation pond for a town with the following

▪ People = 10,000
▪ BOD of incoming sewage= 250 mg/l
▪ Sewage flow= 135 Ipcd
▪ Detention time = 30 days
▪ Organic loading = 100 kg BOD/ hectare/day
▪ Design an oxidation pond for a town with the following

▪ Population = 10,000
▪ BOD of incoming sewage= 250 mg/L
▪ Sewage flow= 120 Ipcd
▪ Required BOD reduction = 95%
▪ Organic loading = 200 kg BOD/ hectare/day
▪ BOD rate constant with base 10 (K) = 0.1/day
▪ Calculation detention time and dimension of an oxidation
pond for a town in Terai Region of Nepal with following

▪ Population = 10,000
▪ BOD of incoming sewage= 250 mg/L
▪ Sewage flow= 120 Ipcd
▪ Assume operation depth at 1.1 m

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