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Design a Sarda type fall for a canal from the following data: ft: Discharge = 10 cumecs Full supply level u/s and d/s = 201.5 and 200.25 Bed width = 9m Bed level u/s and d/s = 200.00 and 198.75 ? Bligh's creep coefficient = 8 {PoU 2015 Spring} solution: . ; Here; * ‘ ; Length of crest = d/s bed width = 9m Crest level . Hence, A rectangular crest is provided. Using discharge formula, : 1 Q=1.84 LH”? Ry Let B,= 0.8 mi Hy he 3/2 ( 2 \6 10 = 1.84 *.9 x H 3) H?= 0,582 H=0.72m Now, : Q son 0 Velocity of approach (Ve) = A= @+15)*15~ 0.635 m/s (Assuming side slope of 1 : 1) ay Ma _ (0.635)? Velocity head = 2g = oer =0.02m RL. of TEL. onu/s =R.L, of u/s F.S.L. + Velocity head = 201.5 + 0.02 : =201.52m RL. of crest = RL. of T.E.L. on u/s - H = 201.52 0.72 = 200.8 m Height of crest above u/s bed = 200.8 - 200 = 0.8m ‘Scanned with CamScanner Cistem eee, ee 1 Depth of cistern (X) = t (Hx Hy)? = 4 (0.72 1,25) RL. of cistern = R.L. of d/s bed - X = 198.75 ~ 0.234 = 198,516 i » Length of cistern = 5H x Hy = 50.72 * 1.25 = 4.75 m Provide 5 m cistern length at R.L. of 198.516 m. _ Impervious floor Maximum static head (H,) = R.L. of crest- d/s bed level © 200.80 - 198.75 = 2/05 m Total length of floor required = C * Hs=8 * 2.05 = 164m Let 17 m long is provided, Minimum length of impervious floor d/s =2 (Water depth + 1.2) +H, = 2(1.5 + 1.2) +1.25 =6.65m Let us provide 8 min d/sand remaining (17 - 8 = 9) on u/s 2.05 Uplift at toe of crest = 0.234 +77" x 8= 12m — Thickness required = 25 = Provide 0.9 m thick concrete over 20 cm thick Me layer ; Uplift at 3 m from toe of crest = os +28 Be. 3) = 0.84m Thickness required = = = 0.68 m Provide 0.6 m thick concrete with 20 cm brick bye Uplift at 5m from toe of crest = 0.234 +57 x (8-5) =0.6m Provide nominal thickness of 0: 5 m over 0.2 m thick brick layer from that point. 144, Write short notes on: Fluming of canal, - [PoU 2016 Spring] Solution: See the definition part 6.2. ‘Scanned with CamScanner 16. Hydraulic Structures for Canals « Chapter6| 294 | Design a Sarda type fall with the following data: Discharge 50 cumecs | 50 cumecs Full supply depth | __2.0™m 2.0m Bed width 30.0m 30.0 m FS.L. 185.0 m 183.0 m Drop 2.0m Taking the value of coefficient as 8, design the floor on Bligh's theory. Check the floor design and do changes if required. The safe exit gradient may be taken as 1.5. [PoU 2017 Fall] solution: See the solution of example 3 inside chapter. What is meant by canal regulation and what are different canal regulation 16. works? Describe the necessity and functioning of distributary head regulator and cross regulator. [PoU 2017 Spring] Solution: r The structures (or masonry works) constructed on a canal and to regulate discharge, velocity, depth, etc are known as canal regulation works, Second part: See the definition part 6.3. 7. Design an appropriate cross drainage structure for following data at’ the crossing of a canal and drainage. Canal Drainage Discharge = 40 m’/s High flood discharge = 465 m°/s Bed width = 18 m High flood level = 207 m Full supply level = 1.5 m Bed level = 204.5 m Bed level = 206.4 m General ground level = 206.5 m Side slope = 1.5H:1V [PoU 2018 Fall] Solution: See the solution of Worked Out Examples 6.8 Q.3. 18, Design an appropriate cross drainage structure for following data at the crossing of a canal and drainage. Canal Drainage Discharge = 50 m/s High flood discharge = 475 m°/s Bed width = 16 m High flood level = 210 m Full supply level = 1.5 m Bed level = 205.5 m Bed level = 206.4 m General ground level = 206.5 m Side slope = 2H: 1V [PoU 2019 Spring] Solution: See the solution of Exam Solutions Q. 12. 19, Design a canal drop (Sarda fall) structure for given data: Design discharge = 5 m‘/s Ws full supply level = 110.5 m /s full supply level = 109.5 m Normal water depth at u/s and dis = 1.5 Bed width = 3m [PoU 2020 Fall] Scanned with CamScanner 292 _|AComplete Manual of Irrigation Engineering Solution: 2 Length of crest = d/s bed width = 3.0m Crest level Q 0.91 m provide 0.8 m thick concrete with 20 cm thick brick layer 162 ‘At3m from toe of crest = 0.28 + 2k x (6-3)=0.712m 0. Thickness required = 72 = 057m Provide 0.5 m thick concrete with 20 cm thick brick layer At m from toe of crest = 0.28 + 228 x (6 -5) = 042m ; 0.42 Thickness required = 7 54 = 0.34 m Provide 0.3 m thick concrete with 20 cm thick brick layer and a nominal thickness of 0.3 m concrete on u/s d/s curtain wall 9 Depth of wall = ; = 2 =0.45m Ws cutoff wall Depth of wall = 4+ 06-2 +06=1.05m Provide 0.4 m x 1 m cutoff wall over 0.3 m concrete. Length of pitching = 9 + 2H, =9 + 2% 1.6=12.2m Provide a slope of 1 : 10. 7. Design suitable cross drainage structure of suitable type, if the following data at the crossing of a canal and a drainage are given as: . Discharge of canal = 40 m‘/s Bed width of canal = 30 m Full supply depth of canal = 1.6m Bed level of canal = 206.4 m ‘Scanned with CamScanner —_—_ Es 1. Design a Sharada type Vertical canal fall for the following data. Assumg suitable data If necessary. Show the designed section with prope, sketches. 1) Design bed width of canal at u/s and d/s = 3.5m li) Drop height = 1.8 m ill), Discharge = 10 m/s iv) Bed slope of canal u/s and d/s = 1 : 3000 v) Side slope of canal = 1: 1 Assume safe exit gradient = 0.2 and Manning's roughness coefficient = 0.012. [Pu 2017, Solution: Length of crest = d/s bed width = 3.5 Crest level Q<14m3/s So, a rectangular crest is provided. Using discharge formula, we have, 1 Q=184 LH” Gy Assume, B, = 0.8m Hs (0.8) 10 = 1.84 x 3.5 x HY? x yp 10 0.8" o, H (0.8) yr 1008)! ~ 1.84% 3.5 or H?=149 or, H=127m=13m We have, or, 1 aay AR?3 gH? ppd 35 1 wana 059 [s5r%] Gif or, y=1974m ‘ 10 Velocity of approach (V,) = BS 197) 1974 +197 Toa 0.92 m/s ‘ _ Ya? _ (0.927 Velocity head = 2g ee = 0.043 m Assume F.S.L. at u/s = 105.0 m ‘Scanned with CamScanner HyArAUNCTSHUCHUFERTERCAHAIE % Chapter6| 27 RL. of TEL = u/s FS.L. + Velocity head = 105.0 + 0.043 = 105.043 m RL, of crest = u/s TEL - H = 105,043 - 1.3 = 103,743 m Bed level at u/s = 105 - 1.974 = 103.026 m shape of crest B=055d d= Height of crest above d/s bed = 103. 743 - (103.026 - 1.2) =1.917m B, = 0.55 1.9174 = 0.476 m < 0.8 m (ok) h+d_ (1.3 - 0.043) + 1.917 2 =15m Thickness at base ="“7_ = ws curtain wall Depth =¥2 = 494 = 065:m Provide 0.4 m x 1 m deep curtain wall on u/s Cistem Depth of cistern (X) = i (Hx Hy? = ; x (13 1.2)" = 0.33 m= 0.3m RL. of cistern = 101.826 - 0.3 = 101.526 m Length of cistern = 5 Hx Hi = 5 V13 *1.2= 6.2m Provide 6.2 m cistern at R.L. 101.526 m Total floor length and exit gradient a-bieke air aa vi where, H is maximum static head H = 103.743 - 101.826 = 1.917 97: d= Depth of d/s curtain wall = lew 3 4) +04+03 = 1.7 mwith bottom level at 100.126 m Gz = 0.2 (given) 1917, 1 7a 1 ™ 0.177 or, =0.2= or, ‘Scanned with CamScanner 278 | AComplete Manual of Irrigation Engineering From chart, a=6 ie az or,, b=6%x1.7=10.2, use 12m Minimum floor length required on d/s = 2 (water depth + 1.2) + Ht = 2(1.947 + 1.2) + 1.3 = 7.594 m (say 7 m) Provide 7 m d/s floor and remaining 5m u/s 1917 Uplift at the of crest = 0.3 +-3y-* 7 = 1.418 m 1418 1.418 Thickness required = G7 ="7.94 = 114m Provide 1-m thick concrete with 20 cm thick brick layer 1.917 At3 m from toe of crest = 0.3 ++Fy_* (7-3) = 0.939 m Thickness required = oe 0.75m Provide 0.7 m thick concrete with 20 cm thick brick layer 1.917 12 At5 m from toe of crest = 0.3 + x (7-5) = 0.6195 m ; 0.6195 Thickness required = "54 = 0.5 m Provide 0.5 m thick concrete with 20 cm thick brick layer and a nominal thickness of 0.3 m concrete on u/s 108.743 -—_—_——_ 1.947 “9 = 0.9735 m d/s curtain wall depth = a = d/s cutoff wall depth = y + 0.6 = 0,9735 + 0.6 = 1.57 m. Length pitching = 9 + 2H. =9+2*12=114m Provide pitching at slope 1 : 10. 2. ‘Write short notes on: selection of suitable cross-drainage structures. [Pu 2017] Solution: See the definition part 6.1.1. ‘Scanned with CamScanner 264 | A Complete Manual of Irrigation Engineering 6.9 WORKED OUT EXAMPLES (REGULATING STRUCTURE) 1. Design a vertical drop for the data given below. Full supply discharge u/s and d/s = 1.5 m‘/s Drop height = 1.0m F.S.L. u/s and d/s = 106.0 and 105.0 m respectively Full supply depth u/s and d/s = 0.8 m Bed level of u/s and d/s = 105.2 and 104.2 respectively Bed width u/s and d/s = 1.1m Tot width of crest = 0.50 m Solution: Length of crest = d/s bed width = 1.1m Crest level Q<14 m3/sec So, a rectangular crest is provided. Using discharge formula, are have, or, or, or, 1 ge 184LH" (BF 15 = 184% 11x HY? HY = 0.66 H= (0.66)"°= 0.78 m ; Q 15 Velocity of approach =4'= +08) x08 +08) *08 Let side slope =1:1 Va= 0.99 m/s . Vi i (0.99)" 7 a Velocity head = 2g 19.62 0.05 m RL. of T.ELL. = 106 .0 + 0,05 = 106.05 m RL. of crest = R.L..of T.E.L. - H = 106.05 - 0.78 = 105.27 m Height of crest above u/s bed = 105.27 - 105.2 = 0.07 m Shape of crest B,=0.55+/d d = Height of crest above d/s bed = 105.27 - 104.2 = 1.07 m By = 0.55 1.07 = 0.57 m Let us provide B, = 0.6 m h+d- (H- Velocity head) +d Thickness at base => = 2 (0.78 - 0.05) + 1.07 2 = 0.9 m; provide 1m ‘Scanned with CamScanner u/s curtain wall * Depth = 4-98 «9.97 m Let us provide 0.4 m « 0.4 m curtain wall at u/s Cistem Depth (X) =} (Hx H,)*? = t X (0.78 x 1)? = 0.218; say 0.22 m R.L. of cistern = 104.2 - X = 104.2 - 0.22 = 103.98 m Length of cistern = 5-H © Hy = 5/0178 « 1 = 4.416 m; say 4.42 m Acistern of 4.42 m at R.L. 103.98 m is provided. Impervious floor Maximum static head -(H;) = R.L. of crest - d/s bed level = 105.27 - 104.2 =1.07m Total length of floor= C x.Hs= 6 * 1.07 = 6.42m ‘(Assume C = 6) Let 7 m length be provided. Minimum length of impervious floor at d/s = 2 (water depth + 1.2) + H.=2 (0.8+1.2)+1=5m Remaining 2 m is provided at u/s. 104.2 1,07 Uplift at toe of crest = 0.22 +7 -* 5 = 0.985 m 0.985 _ 0.985 Thickness required = G7 = "794 = 0.8 m Provide 0.6 m thick concrete with 20 cm thick brick layer. 1.07 At3 m from the toe of crest uplift = 0.22 +=7~ x (6 - 3) = 0.525 m 0.525 Thickness required = 94 = 0.43 m Provide 0.4 thick concrete with 20 cm thick brick layer. : A nominal thickness of 0.3 m thick concrete is provided at u/sside. ‘Scanned with CamScanner 266 | AComplete Manual of Irrigation Engineering dis curtain wall ya _ 08 Depth = “9 =") = 0.4m Provide 0.4 x 0.7 m deep curtain wall. dis cutoff wall Depth = 4'+0,6=04+0.6=1m Provide 0.4 m * 1 m cut off wall over 0.3 m concrete. Length pitching = 9 + 2H, =9+2=11m Provide a slope of 1: 10. 2 Design the crest and cistern of a vertical drop structure for data given below. Discharge = 4.5 cumec Bed level u/s = 105.00 Side slope of channel = 1:1 F.S.L. at u/s = 106.5 m Bed width u/s and d/s = 3.0 m Top width of crest = 0.75 m Ca= 0.41 Solution: Length of crest = d/s bed width = 3m Crest level Q<14cumecs Hence, a rectangular crest is provided. Using discharge formula, we have, 1 Q=Cay2g uaa(BF 1 a 3/2( <= 6 or, Q=041 2g LH ® 1 or, Q=182 uen(BF By= 0.75 or, 45=182x3x H"( or, HY? =0.786 H=0.865 m Depth of water in u/s = F.S.L. in u/s - u/s bed level = 106.5 - 105 =15m Due to equal width, depth of water at d/s =1.5m PSL. of d/8= 4/8 bed level + 1.5 = 108.5 + 1.5= 105m ‘Scanned with CamScanner NOATIAIN A Chepior'6| _267 _—__ one P 45 Velocity of _ (Va) 2 * GFT5) x15 = 0.67 m/s (0.67) Velocity head 2 = "70.6.7 0.0227 m Now ; u/s T.BL. = u/s BSL. + Velocity head = 106.5 + 0.0227 = 106.5263 m RL. of crest = u/s T.E.L, - H = 106.523 - 0,865 = 105.658 m Height of crest above u/s floor = 105.658 - u/s bed level = 105.658 - 105 = 0.658 m nne of the crest =055\/d i Height of crest above d/s bed = 105.658 - 108.5 = 2.158 m By = 0.55 2.158 = 0.808 m > 0.75 m Take B, = 0.81 m h+d_ (0.865 - B + 2.158 Thickness at base = ~“G— 0.865 - 0.227 + ais m 2 =15m Cistern f ci X) = dae Hy? Depth of cistern (X) = 4 ( 1) where, H.= u/s BSL. -d/s F.S.L. = 106.5-105=1.5m aj = 7 (0.865 « 1.5)" = 0.298 m= 0.3 m Provide 0.3 m depth cistern. RL. of cistern = d/s bed level - X = 103.5 - 0.3 = 103.2 m Length of cistern = 5/H x Hy =5-V0.865 x 1.5 = 5.7m Provide 6 m long cistern. 3. Design crest, length and thickness of impervious floor of a vertical drop structure for the data below: Discharge = 1.8 m/s Bed level u/s = 205.05 m Side slope of channel = 1:1 Bed level d/s = 204.35 m F.S.L. u/s = 205.95 m Top width u/s and d/s = 1.5 m Top width of crest = 0.8 Scanned with CamScanner 268 | AComplete Manual of Irrigation Engineering Cu= 0.415 Specific gravity of masonry drop = 2.2 Bligh's coefficient (C) = 6.0 Solution: Length of crest = d/s bed width = 1.5 m Since Q < 14 cumecs, rectangular crest is provided. Using discharge formula, we have, Z 3/2{ 226 Q=184. LH Ca Assume, Be= 0.8m HY 1.8 = 1.84 «1.5 x HY? Gy or, H¥?=0.628 or, H= (0.628) = 0.756 m (say 0.76 m) Q Q 18 Velocity of approach (Va) =“, = @tyy = (15 +0.9)09 = 0.834 m/s Vi _ (0.834) Velocity head (Hy) = 257 ose = 0.035 m RL. of T.E.L. = F.S.L. u/s + velocity head = 205.95 + 0.035 = 205.99 m RL. of crest = 205.99 - 0.76 = 205.23 m Height of crest above bed = 205.23 - 205.05 = 0.18 m Shape of crest B= 0.55 fd d = Height of crest above d/s bed = 205.23 - 204.35 = 0.88 m By = 0.55 -/0.88 = 0.52 < 0.8 (ok) ; ; 76 - 0. ! i Thickness at base = "+4 = 076 “oe an =0.81m Let us provide 1m Upstream curtain wall = 4! = 2 =03m Provide 0.4 m * 0.5 m deep curtain wall on u/s. Cistern ; 1 Depth of cistern (x) = ia x Hy) = 7% (0.76% Hy”? d/sFS.L.= d/s bed level + Water depth = 204.35 + 0.9 = 205.25 m ‘Scanned with CamScanner HVGraUNEISHUGHISRERCRHAN 4 Chapters) 269 HL=u/sFSL.-d/sFS.L. Hy= 205.95 - 205,25 = 0.7m of, ot X= ; (0.76 x 0.7)" = 0,164 m; use 0,2 m RL. of crest = 204,35 - 0.2 = 204.15 m Length of cistern = 5 JH * Hi = 3.65 m; say 3.7m provide 3.7 m long cistern at R.L. of 204.15 m is floor Maximum static head = Crest level - d/s bed level H,= 205.23 - 204.35 = 0.88 m Total length of floor = C x H,= 6 * 0.88 = 5.28 m Let us provide 6 m impervious floor. Minimum d/s floor length = 2 (Water depth + 1.2) + Hi =2(0.9 + 1.2) +07 or, =49m Provide 4.9 m d/s floor and remaining 1.1 m u/s, Maximum unbalanced uplift at d/s toe of crest =0.2 +h xs9-02+°8 x 4.9 =0.92m 0.92 __0.92 Thickness required = G—7 = 3.9 - 0.76 m Provide 0.6 m thick concrete with 20 cm thick brick layer. 0.88 At3 m from toe of crest d/s =.0.2+@" * (4.9-3) =0.48m 0.48 Thickness required = 7 = 04m Provide 0.3 m concrete with 20 cm thick brick layer and a nominal thickness of 0.3 m concrete at u/s side. 4. Design a 1.5 m Sarda type of fall for a canal having a discharge 12 cumecs with the following data: Bed level u/s = 103.0 Bed level d/s = 101.5 m Side slope of channel = 1: 1 ‘Scanned with CamScanner 270 _ | AComplete Manual of Irrigation Engineering F.S.L. ws = 204.5 m Bed width u/s and d/s = 10 m Soil = Good loam ‘Assume Bligh's coefficient (C) = 6 [POU 2014 Fat Solution: Here; Length of crest = d/s bed width = 10 m Crest level Q<14cumecs Hence, a rectangular crest is provided. Using discharge formula, we have, 1 Q=184 LH? a Let B= 0.8 m 1 or, 12=1.84« 10x we(BF or, HY = 0,623 H=0.755m*0.76m Now, 2 = GOFF ~ 0696m/s Velocity of approach (V,) = : Vi * (0.696) Velocity head = 2 = seer = 0.025 m u/sT.EL. =R.L. of u/s F.S.L. + Velocity head = 104.5 + 0.025 = 104.525 m RL. of crest = RL. of T.E.L. on u/s-H = 104.525 - 0.755 =103.77m Height of crest above u/s floor = 103.77 - 103 = 0.77 m Shape of the crest Here; dis the height of the crest above d/s bed = 103.77 - 101.5 = 2.27m Width of crest (B) = 0,55 fd = 0.55 +/2.27 = 0.825 m Keep 0.85 mwidth of crest h+d__ (0.755 + 0.025) + 2. Thickness at base =~ = E a 227 45m Remaining patt of design: See the example 2. | ‘Scanned with CamScanner ~ SS rs #% UNaprer 0 Sager, 7 mee NOP cial | if. Design a vertical drop in 10 m wide canal (side slope 1 ; 1) discharging a flow of 20 m*/s. The canal bed level u/s and d/s are 102 m and 100 m respectively, whereas the F.S.L. ws and d/s Is 105 m and 103 m respectively. Determine design crest level, length of cistern and u/s floor length using Bligh's safe hydraulic gradient as it solution: Given that; Width of canal = 10 m Side slope = 1:1 Discharge = 20 m3/s u/s and d/s bed level = 102 m and 100 m u/sand d/s F.S.L. = 105 m and 103 m Now, Length of crest = Width of canal = 10 m Crest level A trapezoidal crest is provided since Q > 14 cumecs. Using discharge formula, a 3/2( 24)1/6 ono) Assume top width of crest (Bj) = 1m ot, 20=1.99* 10x wn(Z)* 20 5/3 = = ot, H"=T99 x qo = 1.005m o, H=1m 20 Velocity of approach (V,) -2 = G0 +38 ~ 0.51 m/s ; Va _ (0.51) _ Velocity head = 2g" 19.6 ~ 0.013 m u/s TEL. = u/s FS.L. + Velocity head = 105 + 0.013 = 105.013 m RL of crest = u/s T.E.L. - H = 105.013 - 1 = 104,013 m Adopt crest level of 104.013 m Shape of the crest Width of the crest (B,) = 0.55JH + d d= Height of crest above d/s bed = 104.013 - 100 = 4.013 B= 0.55+/1 + 4.013 = 1.25 Adopt By= 1.25 Adopt a trapezoidal crest with top width of 1.25 m and u/s slope 1:3 and d/s slope 1:8. ‘Scanned with CamScanner in vompléte Manual of Irrigation Engineering te) Sea 1 Depth of cistern (X) = 7 (H * Hy)? Hi = 105 - 103 = 2m 1 X=4(1x 2°" =04m R.Lvof cistern = R.L. of d/s - 0.4 = 100 -0.4= 99.6m Length of cistern = 5-H xHp=5y1*2=7m Provide 7 m long cistern. Impervious floor Maximum static head (H,) = R.L. of crest - d/s bed level = 104.013 - 100 =4,.013m : Total length required = Cx H,=8 x 4.013 = 32.104m Minimum length of d/s floor from toe of crest wall = 2 (Water depth + 1.2) + Ht =2(34+1.2)+2 =104m u/8 floor length = 32.104 - 10.4 = 21.7 m 104.13 m 9.6m I 7m ——— eS 27m 10. Scanned with CamScanner

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