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Course Name: Decision Support System

Name: Umar Yameen

Father Name: Muhammad Yameen

Student ID: 20903

Date: 25th June, 2024

Consider Your research topic and give answers to the following questions

i. Write main Components/Sections/Departments of your selected organization Topic

ii. Write the list of Activities and Processes

iii. Write at least 3 Interactions among three Sections/Components

iv. Write at least 4 inputs,4 outputs, 4 activities 4 resources: at any one Process and 4 Environments
of your proposed system


i. Main Components/Sections/Departments of the organization "Hate Speech Detection System" using


1. Data Collection Section: Responsible for gathering social media data.

2. AI Model Development Section: Develops and trains AI models for hate speech detection.

3. Content Review Section: Human moderators review AI-flagged content for accuracy.

4. System Maintenance Section: Ensures system uptime and resolves technical issues.

ii. List of Activities and Processes:

- Data collection and preprocessing

- AI model training and testing

- Content analysis and flagging

- Human review and validation

- System monitoring and maintenance

- Model updating and refinement

iii. Interactions among three Sections/Components:

- Data Collection Section → AI Model Development Section: Provides preprocessed data for model

- AI Model Development Section → Content Review Section: Sends flagged content for human review.

- Content Review Section → AI Model Development Section: Provides feedback for model improvement.
iv. Inputs, Outputs, Activities, Resources, and Environments for the "Content Analysis and Flagging"


- Preprocessed social media data

- Trained AI model

- Configuration settings


- Flagged content

- Accuracy metrics

- Model performance reports


- Data analysis

- Model execution

- Flagging and logging


- AI model

- Computing resources

- Memory and storage


- Development environment

- Testing environment

- Production environment

- Cloud-based deployment environment


Explain the following terms through giving example on your Research topic


1. DSS Improve effectiveness of human decision makers

2. DSS supports not replace human judgment
3. Shortly explain types of Problems DSS deals with
4. The scope of DSS

b) Explain WHY DSS is required through giving explanations of the following reasons:

i. Increasing complexity of decisions

ii. Technology
iii. Information: » “Data, data everywhere, and not the time to think!”
iv. Number and complexity of options
v. Pace of change

ii. Increasing availability of computerized support

i. Inexpensive high-powered computing

ii. Better software
iii. More efficient software development process

iii. Increasing usability of computers

i. COTS (Commercial on The Shelf) tools

ii. Customization

Here are the explanations:

Answer: a)

1. DSS improves effectiveness of human decision makers: A hate speech detection DSS can analyze
thousands of social media posts quickly and accurately, providing human decision makers with a
prioritized list of potentially harmful content, improving their effectiveness in identifying and addressing
hate speech.

2. DSS supports not replace human judgment: The AI-powered DSS detects hate speech, but human
moderators review the results, making the final decision on what content to remove or address, ensuring
that context and nuance are considered.

3. Types of problems DSS deals with: DSS addresses semi-structured problems, which require some
human judgment, like detecting hate speech, where AI can identify patterns, but human interpretation is
needed for context and subtlety.
4. Scope of DSS: The scope of a hate speech detection DSS includes data collection from social media
platforms, analysis using machine learning algorithms, and reporting to human moderators for review
and action.


i. Increasing complexity of decisions:

- Technology: Social media platforms and AI algorithms evolve rapidly, making it challenging for humans
to keep up.

- Information: "Data, data everywhere, and not the time to think!" describes the overwhelming amount
of social media data, making it difficult for humans to analyze and identify hate speech.

- Number and complexity of options: Various AI models and techniques can be used for hate speech
detection, requiring careful evaluation.

- Pace of change: Social media trends and hate speech tactics evolve quickly, demanding adaptive

ii. Increasing availability of computerized support:

- Inexpensive high-powered computing: Affordable computing power enables processing large social
media datasets.

- Better software: Advances in AI and machine learning software facilitate hate speech detection.

- More efficient software development process: Faster development and deployment of DSS solutions.

iii. Increasing usability of computers:

- COTS (Commercial on The Shelf) tools: Pre-built AI models and libraries simplify hate speech detection

- Customization: DSS solutions can be tailored to specific social media platforms and hate speech types.

DSS is required because it helps manage the complexity and volume of data, provides timely insights,
and supports human decision makers in addressing hate speech on social media.
SOLVE the following parts of the question:

i. What is Decision Making?

ii. Write main Phases of Decision making.

iii. Shortly explain the 7 steps of the decision-making process on your research topic


i. What is Decision Making?

Decision making is the process of selecting a course of action from among multiple alternatives
based on one's preferences, values, and beliefs. It involves analyzing options, evaluating pros and
cons, and choosing the best solution to a problem or situation.

ii. Main Phases of Decision Making

The main phases of decision making are:

1. Problem Definition: Identifying a problem or opportunity

2. Information Gathering: Collecting relevant data and information

3. Option Generation: Generating potential solutions or alternatives

4. Evaluation: Analyzing and evaluating options

5. Choice: Selecting the best option

6. Implementation: Putting the decision into action

7. Review: Evaluating the outcome of the decision

iii. 7 Steps of Decision Making Process for Detecting Hate Speeches on Social Media using AI

Here are the 7 steps of the decision-making process applied to the topic:
Step 1: Problem Definition: Identify the issue of hate speeches on social media and the need for AI-
powered detection.

Step 2: Information Gathering: Collect data on existing hate speech detection methods, AI
algorithms, and social media platforms.

Step 3: Option Generation: Generate potential solutions, such as machine learning models, natural
language processing techniques, and keyword-based approaches.

Step 4: Evaluation: Analyze the pros and cons of each option, considering factors like accuracy,
efficiency, and scalability.

Step 5: Choice: Select the best approach, such as a deep learning-based model, and decide on the AI

Step 6: Implementation: Develop and train the AI model, integrate it with social media platforms,
and deploy the system.

Step 7: Review: Continuously monitor the system's performance, evaluate its effectiveness, and
update the model to improve accuracy and address emerging challenges.


Explain the Key Characteristics and Capabilities of DSS giving proper examples


A Decision Support System (DSS) is an interactive computer-based system that provides information
and analysis to support decision-making. The key characteristics and capabilities of a DSS include:


1. Interactive: Allows users to interact with the system to enter data, ask questions, and receive

2. Flexible: Can be used in a variety of situations and can be adapted to different decision-making

3. Adaptive: Can learn from experience and improve its performance over time.
4. User-friendly: Provides an intuitive and user-friendly interface.


1. Data Analysis: Performs data analysis and statistical calculations to support decision-making.

- Example: A sales DSS that analyzes customer data to predict future sales trends.

2. Modeling: Uses mathematical models to simulate different scenarios and predict outcomes.

- Example: A financial DSS that uses financial models to predict the impact of different investment

3. Reporting: Provides reports and summaries of data to support decision-making.

- Example: A marketing DSS that provides reports on customer behavior and preferences.

4. Forecasting: Uses statistical techniques to predict future events or outcomes.

- Example: A production DSS that forecasts demand for products to optimize production planning.

5. Optimization: Identifies the best course of action based on a set of criteria.

- Example: A logistics DSS that optimizes delivery routes to reduce costs and improve efficiency.

6. Sensitivity Analysis: Analyzes how changes in assumptions or variables affect outcomes.

- Example: A financial DSS that performs sensitivity analysis on investment returns based on
different interest rates.

7. What-If Analysis: Allows users to explore different scenarios and see the impact on outcomes.

- Example: A budgeting DSS that allows users to see the impact of different budget scenarios on
financial outcomes.

Examples of DSS include:

- Business intelligence systems

- Expert systems

- Executive information systems

- Management information systems

- Data analytics platforms

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