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1Salsa fadilah, 2 Levia Astyani, 3 Luthfi Surya Binangkit,
4Lutfiah Fitri Selvia,5 Dyah Safriaturahmah
Program Studi Kesehatan Masyarakat, Fakultas Ilmu
Kesehatan Masyarakat,Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr.Hamka , , , ,

This research aims to determine the relationship between sanitation facilities and the
level of tourist satisfaction in the Ragunan Wildlife Park Tourism Area, South Jakarta
in2024.The research method used is the literature review method via Google
Schoolar. The collected data was analyzed using descriptive statistical techniques and
regressionanalysis to evaluate the correlation between sanitation facilities and tourist
satisfactionlevels. We hope that the results of this research will be useful better
knowledge importance of sanitation facilities in improving tourists' experiences in
tourism destinations and provide recommendations for improving sanitation facilities
in WildlifeParks.

Literature Review
A. Definition of Sanitation
Cleanliness plays an important role in supporting human health. The WHO
definition of sanitation refers to the provision of facilities and services for the disposal of
human waste, such as urine and feces. So the word hygiene means maintaining
cleanliness in the management and disposal of waste. Cleanliness also affects
environmental health, thereby affecting the level of public health. (Indonesia Health
Profile 2020, 2021). Sanitation of persons who empty pits and septic tanks, clean
toilets, sewers, and manholes, and manage public toilets. They provide a fundamental
public service particularly in areas where access to municipal sanitation service is
limited. However, the nature of their operations and work conditions has implications for
their health and wellbeing. Thus, despite the critical services they offer, they are often
faced with health and safety risks partly because of the nature of their work
environment. Such risks are exacerbated by weak labour laws and standards and
limited legal protections for informal workers in general (Dery et al., 2023).

B. Availability of Clean Water

Water is very important to meet the needs of living things, including its use as
clean water for hygiene. The use of clean water from groundwater causes
environmental degradation. Like clear water that looks cloudy. Turbidity in clean water
indicates contamination with suspended colloidal particles. Ordinary water has no taste.
I smelled it and it was delicious. Water that has a strange smell is considered
unpleasant. Clean the water tank once a week. This must be done to prevent the
reproduction and spread of diseases such as Aedes aegypti. The habit of passing clean
water bottles more than once a week can have an impact on Aedes aegypti eggs.
Considering that mosquito eggs take 7-14 days to hatch into adult mosquitoes, these
mosquitoes have the opportunity to develop into adult mosquitoes. (Fatmawati et al.,

C. Condition of clean water channels

Sanitary facilities that are not clean can become a breeding ground for pathogenic
microorganisms, vectors and nuisance animals that can transmit disease to humans.
The general thing that needs to be considered when the water channels in tourist areas
are dirty is that they do not cause puddles, especially if they are exposed to rainwater,
the water channels are flowing. smoothly, and dirty water channels are closed tightly. It
does not disturb the aesthetics (Munandar & Mulasari, 2019). Due to the nature of
SPAL, water is collected and stored and the water body becomes a carrier or breeding
ground for rats, flies, worms, etc. According to the Minister of Environment, Waste and
Water Quality. , Article 8 of the Model Authorization Decree Number 112 of 2003
stipulates that businesses are all people who carry out work and employment. Homes,
restaurants, offices, businesses and households must use a closed household waste
disposal method. Containment is a requirement for installing a waterproof system to
prevent wastewater from entering the environment. (Fatmawati et al., 2018).
Wastewater that is discharged directly into the environment without prior treatment can
become a breeding ground for mosquitoes or a breeding ground for mosquito larvae
and pathogenic microbes, causing environmental health problems. Wastewater can
cause unpleasant odors, be unsightly, and pollute surface water, soil and other living
environments. According to research by Bintoro (2017), waste water is produced from
the remains of human activities, such as washing clothes. , Used toilet water often
contains chemicals or dangerous substances, so the chemicals from the waste water
must be washed first. To avoid danger to public health and the environment.

D. Public toilet view

The sink is a sanitary facility for washing hands. Human hands are often carriers of
germs, and pathogens can be transmitted from one person or from nature to another
person through direct or indirect contact. Public toilet standards or equipment that meet
health requirements are: trash bins, soap provided, women's toilets and men's toilets
provided clear signs, tissue available, and clean water available, there is sufficient
lighting and there are chairs. Toilets are also available (Silviana, 2017).

E. Waste management
Compliance with good sanitation is also an important indicator for improving visitor
welfare (Ajisuksmo & Iustitiani, 2020). Satisfaction with the availability of sanitation
facilities is determined by facilities, cleanliness and comfort (Dzulkifl,2020). One form of
cleanliness is cleanliness of rubbish in tourist areas. Because rubbish has a big impact
on the environment. The living environment is everything that is around humans,
whether inanimate objects, real objects, or other living creatures (Yuantari & Andrean,
2022). The environment plays an important role in influencing people's health,
especially those who visit tourist destinations. more waste and if it is not managed
properly can cause problems for health, the environment, society and the government
(Munandar & Mulasari, 2019)
A good trash container is not heavy, easy to empty, the bottom doesn't leak,
sturdy/strong, closed and the waste is easy to carry up to the level-2 waste container,
namely the temporary shelter (TPS), the level-1 waste bin has a waste volume of 50 –
60 liters, trash containers/barrels with wheels 120 -140 liters with a distance of 20
meters between one waste container/barrel and another (Transportation Sanitation,
Tourism and Matra, 2018). Disturbances that arise due to waste not being managed
properly can become a source of soil pollution, surface water sources, ground water or
pollute the air, causing unpleasant odors, disturbing the beauty of the environment
(Phartin Purwaningrum & Asmara, 2019).

F. Condition of office space

Good cleaning areas in the work environment include toilets, urinals, sinks or
toilets, bathrooms, changing rooms, washrooms, and equipment cleaning areas. Toilets
should be easily accessible and not far from staff. Bathrooms should not be more than
one floor above or below the general work area, and the number of rooms should be
proportional to the number of employees. In rooms more than 7 feet high, it's best to
use a long, strong divider. The room temperature must be at least 68˚F and the lighting
must be sufficient so that all parts of the room can be seen clearly. If there is no
sunlight, use the brightest light. Apart from that, the room must have good ventilation
so that air can enter the room.

G. Hygienic condition of the prayer room.

The prayer room is a place for people to gather for worship. Therefore, it is
necessary to implement sanitation efforts in places of worship to minimize the spread of
disease and the risk of disease transmission. One of the sanitary conditions outside the
prayer room that must be met is the sanitary condition of the mosque, because
according to WHO, although every public place has its own type and activities and
number of visitors. vary, but sanitation facilities are still available, including adequate
disposal of human waste or latrines, provision of sufficient clean water according to
quality standards, and disposal of large-sized waste.
One of the sanitary requirements for the outside of the prayer room that must be
met is the sanitary facilities of the mosque because according to WHO, although each
public place has different types and times of activities and the number of visitors, there
must still be sanitation facilities including adequate disposal of human waste or toilets,
water supply. sufficient cleanliness according to quality standards and disposal of large
Requirements for prayer room sanitation in prayer rooms are as follows (Muslikha
dan Friska, 2018):
1) Clean water
• Sufficient quantities/always available at all times
• Odorless, tasteless and colorless
• Bacterial content does not exceed NAB (threshold value)
• Chemical content does not exceed NAB (threshold value)
2) Waste Water Disposal
• Anti-insect waste water disposal
• Water flows evenly
• Watertight channels
• Closed channel
3) Toilets and urinals
• Clean
• The location is not directly connected to the main building
• Sufficient water is available
• Soap and drying facilities are available
• Separate toilets for men and women.
• The quantity is sufficient for the largest number of visitors
• The sewer drainage channel is equipped with an odor barrier (water seal)
• Ventilation openings must be in direct contact with outside air.

H. Personal Hygiene Nutritionist

Hygiene is a preventive health behavior that focuses on people's personal health.
Health is related to physical, mental and social well-being, so that as health improves,
everyone's well-being will increase. Public awareness increases, especially when
developing tourist attractions into healthy tourist attractions by providing facilities and
infrastructure around tourist areas. The development of facilities and infrastructure
influences the attractiveness of tourist destinations and increases tourist satisfaction
(Munandar and Mulasari, 2019). For personal hygiene, food handlers, processors and
handlers should wear clean clothing and, if necessary, special clothing. When handling
or serving food, wear loose clothing that covers the shoulders and arms, such as an
apron, separate work clothes from daily work clothes, and instruct them to change into
daily clothes (Pranee, 2015). ). Clean work clothes ensure cleanliness and hygiene
during food preparation. Clean work clothes indicate that the clothes are not
contaminated with dust or dirt that could contaminate food.

I. Food Sanitation
Food Sanitary conditions of food To avoid contamination of food with substances
that can cause health problems, it is necessary to monitor food. Food hygiene is an
effort to secure and store food so that it remains clean. According to Yuantar and
Andreani (2022), the real goals of food hygiene efforts are:
1) Guarantee food safety and hygiene.
2) Prevention infection and disease.
3) Prevention of food that damages the circulation of society
4) Reducing food or defects.

J. Zoo Management
Zoo management must maintain good hygiene standards regarding personal
hygiene of staff as well as cleanliness and maintenance of enclosures. In this case there
is three competencies, namely (Sitestone, 2018):
1) Cleanliness. Zookeepers can maintain cleanliness and hygiene practices who is good
at work.
2) Cleaning safety. Zookeepers can clean up accordingly guidelines and safety
3) Hygiene and Biology Expert.
Zoo keepers can carry out cleaning according to the biological needs of each
species. So the food and drink given to the animals must meet the nutritional and
nutritional standards needed by the animals. The food must be natural, for example
according to the diet of forest animals. Visitors are not allowed to feed the animals
because it can harm the animals. The drinking water provided must be hygienic and
clean and must be provided every day. The water tank should also be washed regularly
to prevent disease.

Research Methodology
This type of research is observational with a cross-sectional approach where the
research is carried out directly at a certain time. The research location is Ragunan
Wildlife Park, South Jakarta, the independent variable is the availability of sanitation
facilities and the dependent variable is the comfort level of visitors. The data collection
technique was carried out in two ways, the first was direct observation of the existence
of sanitation facilities in Ragunan Wildlife Park, South Jakarta. Another way to collect
data is through questionnaires. In this study, 100 respondents used a sampling
technique using quota sampling, namely a population sampling technique with certain
characteristics up to the desired amount.

Research Instruments

Questionnaire on Availability of Sanitation Facilities at Ragunan Zoo, South Jakarta

Very Pretty Not Very
Question good Good good good less

Writing and images in information center

Facilities in toilets
Number of lighting
Condition of guardrails
Condition of pedestrian paths
Condition of parking
Place of signs
Drainage function Availability of rubbish

1 = Very less
2 = Not good
3 = Pretty good
4 = Good
5 = Very good

Visitor Comfort Level Questionnaire at Ragunan Zoo, South Jakarta

Very Quite Less Very
Question Satisfied
satisfied satisfied satisfied Dissatisfied
Convenience of having an
information board
Convenience of having a toilet

Convenience of lighting
Security of guardrails
Feeling safe and comfortable
for pedestrians
Feeling comfortable and safe
parking in the zoo city
Satisfaction with drainage
Feeling comfortable with the
presence of a trash can
1 = Very Dissatisfied
2 = Less satisfied
3 = Quite satisfied
4 = Satisfied
5 = Very satisfied

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