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1. __________ is one of the data Base model

2. Akinboro Kamiye made an error while creating her document. She used the word “maroon”
instead of “burgundy” in several places. What is the quickest way for Kamiye to correct her
mistake? A. delete all of the text and start over B. use the find and replace feature C. use the
spelling and grammar feature D. insert SmartArt
3. If you want to add text to the top of every page in your document, which feature would you use?
A. footer B. header C. page layout D. backstage view
4. In order to save an existing document with a different name you need to A. retype the document
and give it a different name B. use the save as command C. copy and paste the original document
to a new document and then save D. use windows explorer to copy the document to a different
location and then rename it
5. ________ is a conceptual of the data structures that are required by database.
6. Ajuwon Janet carried out the assignment project given to her by her data processing teacher Mr.
Ejiro at home upon displaying the document in school she found out it displayed a different font,
what could be the reason for this A. because you have a different printer at school than at home
B. because you have a different monitor at school than at home C. because the font you used at
home is not installed on your school computer D. because the version of windows is different
7. How many different documents can you have open at one time? A. no more than three B. only
one C. as many as your computer memory will hold D. no more than your taskbar can display
8. A document in portrait prints A. the same characters per line with the same document in
landscape B. more characters per line than the same document in landscape C. less characters
per line than the same document in landscape D. smaller fonts in order to fit the same amount of
characters per line with landscape
9. To perform word processing, you will need the following except A. a computer B. a special
program called a word processor C. a printer D. a scanner
10. Word processors that support basic features such as insert text, delete text, copy, cut and paste
etc. are called A. text editors B. full featured word processors C. graphics D. basic word processor
11. The top part of the window displaying Microsoft word that includes the name of the active file,
which also houses minimize, maximize and close buttons for the word window A. menu bar B.
title bar C. control menu button D. standard toolbar
12. A feature that displays only the data in column(s) according to specified criteria A. formula.
13. In which tab of the ribbon can you change workbook views to page break preview? A. view B.
review C. page layout D. data
14. What is the best practice for financial modelling in excel? A. use black font for all hard-coded
numbers and formulas and blue font for only the totals B. use blue font for all hard-coded
numbers and formulas and black font for only the totals C. use blue font for hard-coded numbers
and black font for formulas D. use black font for hard-coded numbers and blue font for formulas.
15. What function was used to find the highest grade? A. AVERAGE B. MIN C. SUM D. MAX.
16. The following options are uses of spreadsheet except A. cash flow analysis preparation B. budget
planning and control C. Income and expenditure D. preparation of memoranda
17. A predefined formula that performs a particular type of calculation A. function B. calculation C.relative
cell references D. chart
18. A collection of information that is organized so that it can easily be accessed, managed and updated is
A. database management B. database C. database management system D. database administrator.
19. An application software that controls the data in the database including overall organization,
storage, retrieval, security and integrity A. data B. database C. database management system D. file
20. The following options are example of database management system packages except A. MySQL
B.Microsoft Access C. Oracle D. Adobe Premier
21 The process of storing the data itself on some storage medium that is controlled by the DBMS A.
constructing B. manipulating C. sharing D. defining
22. Keys are crucial to a table structure for many reasons except A. they ensure that each record in a
table is precisely identified B. they help establish and enforce various types of integrity C. they
serve to establish table relationships D. not all candidate keys make good primary keys
23. A column or a set of columns that uniquely identify a record A. primary key B. composite key C.
superkey D. alternate key
24. The query that select records from the database and save the records as a new table A. crosstab
B. make table C. delete query D. update query
25. The type of query that add records to an existing table A. make table B. delete query C. update
query D. append
26. A database that includes such functions as querying the database to retrieve specific data,
updating the database to reflect changes and generating reports from the data A. sharing B.
manipulating C. defining D. constructing
27. A database that allows multiple users and programs to access the database concurrently A.
manipulating B. sharing C. granting access D. constructing
28. A row of data in a database table consisting of a single value from each column of data in the
table A. field B. record C. file D. database
29._______,________ and_________ are examples of web browser.
30.___________ is connected to the millions of computer to form internet.



A. What is a Word Processor and mention four examples of a word processor
B. Mention three uses of Word Processing
C. Explain the following terms A. title Bar B. Menu Bar C. Tool Bar D. Scroll Bar E. Text Alignment
D. What is difference between Cut and Paste and Copy and Paste



1.define graphics package.
2.state five examples of graphics package.
3.mention five environment of Corel draw.
4.define relational model.
5.mention the three types of file organization.
1.Explain how to open Corel draw.
2.Explain the following terminologies
3.define dbms.


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