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16 JUNE 2024


1. Acknowledgment 3

2. Abstract 4

3. Introduction 5

4. Problem statement 6

5. Objectives 7

6. Methodology 7-8

7. Results 9-11

8. Discussion 12

9. Conclusion 13

10. References 14


Thanks to Allah SWT's infinitely powerful assistance, which included giving us a healthy body,
enough time, and approval to ensure that we could complete the task well, I have completed the task.
I can't accomplish anything without the assistance of the lecturer and my friends.

I also would like to extend a special thank you to our lecturer, Madam Norsaniah Binti Md
Noh, for giving me the chance to complete this Website Security Evaluation, which also assisted me
in conducting extensive research and providing such a clear and helpful guide that allowed me to
learn about a variety of new topics. I am extremely grateful to each one of them.

Not to mention, I'd like to thank our parents. Despite their hectic schedules, I am so grateful
for their unending support in my studies and life. Without their approval, I would have struggled to
complete this task. I am also grateful to all my friends and classmates who have assisted me in
completing the task. To those who assisted me in guiding me through any questions or concerns I had
about the task.


An important entity in promoting and aiding the Malaysian film industry is the National Film
Development Corporation Malaysia (FINAS). In addition to providing money, resources, and
networking opportunities, FINAS's evaluation emphasizes its major contributions to the industry's
expansion. But it also highlights serious issues with the company's online platforms, like out-of-date
software, significant security vulnerabilities, and inadequate user accessibility. This necessitates
comprehensive updates, enhanced security protocols, and a better user experience on FINAS' digital
platforms. By addressing these issues, FINAS can better serve the diverse needs of Malaysia's film
community, resulting in a more secure, efficient, and inclusive environment that promotes industry
growth and development.


Figure 1: FINAS Logo

Established in 1981 by the National Film Development Corporation Malaysia Act,

FINAS (Perbadanan Kemajuan Filem Nasional Malaysia) is the Malaysian National Film
Development Corporation. FINAS, under the Ministry of Communication and Multimedia, aims
to strengthen and expand Malaysia's film industry. In the present-day age of technology, the
websites of FINAS serve as the main information centers for everything about the Malaysian
film industry. They provide valuable insights into the most recent industry trends, policy
updates, funding opportunities, and market data. By utilising these platforms, users gain
access to a wealth of information that is critical for making informed decisions in the highly
competitive world of film and media production FINAS (National Film Development
Corporation Malaysia) operates a network of websites to meet the diverse needs of
Malaysia's film and creative industries. These websites have been meticulously designed to
provide comprehensive information, resources, and services to filmmakers, producers, and
industry stakeholders.

Another important purpose of the FINAS website is to keep industry professionals

updated of the most recent news and developments. Updates on new initiatives, market
trends, policy changes, and forthcoming events are provided. To stay competitive, make
educated decisions, and react to changes in the market, industry stakeholders depend on this
timely information. Regular updates ensure that users are always aware of the current state of
the industry and can anticipate future opportunities and challenges.

Additionally, the FINAS websites function as venues for showcasing Malaysian film to
both local and foreign viewers. They include details on upcoming film releases, festivals, and
screenings featuring Malaysian filmmakers' work. By drawing viewers and causing interest in
the nation's film industry, this promotion elevates the profile of Malaysian cinema. Through
demonstrating the skill and originality of Malaysian filmmakers, the websites support the
cultural and economic development of the sector.


Through the accessibility of resources, funding details, industry news, and networking
opportunities, the FINAS websites serve as vital tools for the advancement and support of the
Malaysian film industry. However, several issues limit their effectiveness and user experience.
Addressing these issues is critical for realizing the websites' full potential and ensuring they
meet the diverse needs of the Malaysian film community.

Figure 2: FINAS Websites

According to my study findings, FINAS websites have encountered some significant

issues, including limited multilingual support, intricate navigation and usability problems,
technical performance, mobile responsiveness, outdated and incomplete content, security
and data privacy concerns, and a dearth of interactive and engaging content. To provide with
more details, I will use SUCURI to figure out the issues this website is having to discover
more about it.


There are many valuable benefits to evaluating websites with SUCURI, especially when it
comes to security, performance, and general site health. The following goals will be applied to
the evaluation of the platform's security issues:

1. Use SUCURI Site Check to assess the FINAS security level.

2. Figure out which security measures FINAS can put in place to strengthen the
security of its website.

3. Evaluate the effectiveness of FINAS' current safety measures.


Figure 3: SUCURI Logo

SUCURI, one of the Google security checking tools, will be used to assess the
security of this website. There are many advantages to using SUCURI for website evaluation
and protection, including improved security, increased performance, thorough site audits, and
prompt support. Website owners can use SUCURI's advanced tools and services to ensure
their sites are secure, fast, and reliable, resulting in a better user experience and protecting
their online presence. The functions offered by SUCURI are crucial for preserving a robust
and healthy online presence, regardless of the size of the e-commerce platform or small
business website. SUCURI is a highly regarded website security platform that provides a
comprehensive set of tools for monitoring, protecting, and improving website security.
Evaluating websites with SUCURI provides numerous benefits, particularly in terms of
security, performance, and overall site health.

Figure 4: SUCURI Website Scan

As the figure above illustrates, to locate malware and other security risks, we must
enter the website of your choice link and allow the website to scan the websites.

Figure 5: SUCURI Loading

Once the chosen website's link has been entered, click "Scan Website". After clicking
the button, we must wait for SUCURI to detect any issues related to the website. SUCURI will
shortly provide results that include evaluations of critical security issues such as malware,
blacklisting, defacements, outdated content management systems, and security threats.


The website's results will be displayed as follows once the detection process is finished:

Figure 6: SUCURI Website Result

The screenshot from SUCURI that is attached highlights several serious problems
that require immediate attention with the FINAS website ( The
review identifies the following key areas of concern:

1. Outdated Software
- The website is using PHP version 7.0.33, which is out of date and no longer
receives security updates, posing a significant security risk. To ensure security and
performance improvements, use the latest supported PHP versions.

2. Security Risk
- The use of out-of-date software is the main reason for the high rating for overall
security risk. This increases the site's vulnerability to possible exploits and attacks. By
fixing the software update problems, this risk will be greatly decreased.

3. Hosting and Server Information

- The report does not go into detail about the hosting provider.

4. Blacklist Status
- Since the website is not on any major security database's blacklist, it has not been
reported as malicious or harmful. This is a good sign because no active malware was
detected during the scan.

Figure 7: SUCURI Website Result

Further details regarding the security and condition of the FINAS website can be
found in the second screenshot from SUCURI. Based on the data supplied, the following
assessment has been made:

1. The website is currently free from malware, spam injection, defacements, internal
server errors, and outdated software, indicating its security and integrity. No
malware detection, no injected spam, no defacements, and no internal server
errors are detected, indicating the site's functionality without critical issues.
However, the outdated software poses a significant risk, necessitating regular
updates to mitigate potential vulnerabilities.

2. The website has been cleaned by multiple security services, indicating it is not
blacklisted, thus maintaining search engine rankings and user trust.

3. The website lacks active monitoring and a Web Application Firewall, making it
vulnerable to web attacks like SQL injections, XSS, and DDoS. Implementing
comprehensive monitoring and a WAF can enhance the website's security

Figure 8: SUCURI Website Result

The "Hardening Improvements" for the FINAS website are highlighted in the last
SUCURI screenshot. These improvements are aimed at strengthening security by addressing
protection gaps and adding the necessary security headers. To strengthen the security of the
FINAS website, the hardening enhancements described by SUCURI are crucial. By
addressing the lack of a WAF and implementing the recommended security headers, the
site's vulnerability to various web-based threats and attacks is significantly reduced. By
implementing these measures, the website's security will be improved along with user trust
and compliance with web security best practices.


Although the FINAS websites are invaluable tools for the Malaysian film industry,
several issues limit their usefulness and negatively impact the user experience. Addressing
issues such as limited multilingual support, complex navigation, technical performance,
outdated content, security concerns, limited support, and a lack of interactive content is
critical for realizing the websites' full potential. By addressing these issues, FINAS can make
sure that its websites function as thorough, user-friendly, and entertaining platforms that
further the expansion and advancement of Malaysia's film industry.

The FINAS websites have a contemporary, eye-catching design. They use high-
quality images, videos, and graphics, which improves the overall user experience. The design
elements, such as colour schemes, fonts, and layouts, are consistent throughout the pages,
giving it a cohesive and professional appearance. Users can navigate the websites more
easily and without experiencing sudden design changes due to this consistency. The FINAS
websites have excellent visual appeal, which is essential for maintaining user engagement.

The websites run by FINAS have strong functioning. A variety of interactive features
are included, including online forms for registering events, applying for funding, and providing
feedback. An enjoyable user experience is enhanced by these features, which are seamlessly
integrated and operate. Furthermore, the websites load quickly and are responsive on both
desktop and mobile devices. To keep users engaged and guarantee a flawless experience,
this technical dependability is crucial. The websites are regularly updated and maintained,
ensuring that there are no technical glitches or downtime.

The FINAS websites offer a very satisfying user experience in general. Through
interactive features, announcements of upcoming events, and dynamic content like industry
news updates, they successfully engage users. This keeps viewers up to date on and
interested in the most recent advancements in the motion picture business. Users can easily
seek assistance and resolve any issues they encounter thanks to the availability of support
services like contact forms, FAQs, and helplines. Additionally, by providing forums,
networking opportunities, and directories of industry professionals, the websites support the
development of a sense of community and collaboration within the Malaysian film industry.


There are numerous benefits to using SUCURI for website evaluation and protection,
including improved security, increased performance, thorough site audits, and prompt
support. By utilizing SUCURI's cutting-edge tools and services, the owners of websites can
guarantee that their sites are dependable, safe, and quick—improving user experience and
protecting their online identity. The functions offered by SUCURI are crucial for preserving a
robust and healthy online presence, regardless of the size of the e-commerce platform or
small business website.

Although there are currently no indications of active malware, spam, or defacements

on the FINAS website, and it is not blocked, its outdated software and absence of
sophisticated security features like active monitoring and a WAF pose serious security risks.
To stop potential threats in the future and keep the website secure and dependable, these
vulnerabilities must be fixed. FINAS can greatly enhance website security and give users a
safer experience by putting the suggested actions into practice.

In summary, the FINAS websites play a crucial role in the growth and support of
Malaysia's film industry. They are an invaluable resource for industry professionals due to
their interactive features, comprehensive content, and user-friendly design. FINAS has the
potential to improve user experience and sustain its role as a major contributor to the
development and success of the Malaysian film industry by addressing areas that require
improvement, such as adding more interactive content and improving multilingual support.
The FINAS websites will remain important in supporting Malaysia's exciting and dynamic film
industry through ongoing development and adaptation.


Briones, J.-P. (2017, May 9). What is Sucuri? And Does It Help Protect
Websites? InMotion Hosting Support Center.

GEEKFLARE. (2015, February 12). 11 Online Free Tools to Scan Website

Security Vulnerabilities & Malware. Geekflare.

Is your website secure? (n.d.). Betterize. Retrieved June 16, 2024, from

Main. (n.d.). Finas.

National Film Development Corporation Of Malaysia (Finas). (n.d.). ASEF


Sectigo. (n.d.).


Sucuri. (2015). Website Security: How to Secure & Protect Your Website.

The Importance of Website Security - Central Coast Websites. (2023,

October 23).

Website Security 101: How to Secure Your Website. (n.d.). Mailchimp.

WordPress Security - A Review of Sucuri. (n.d.). Usability Geek. Retrieved

June 16, 2024, from




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