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RFP for Supply, Installation, Commissioning, Implementation and Support for ERP Solution at BESCOM


Bangalore Electricity Supply Company Limited (BESCOM)

(A Govt. Of Karnataka Undertaking)

Request for Proposal (RFP)

“ Supply, Installation, Commissioning, Implementation
and Support for Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)
Solution at BESCOM under IPDS Scheme of GOI”

Tender Reference No. BESCOM/GM(ICT&MIS)/BC-48/2017-18/55

MARCH 1, 2018

Bangalore Electricity Supply Company Limited (BESCOM), Office of GM (ICT

&MIS),4th Floor, Maharishi Aravinda Bhawan, Nrupatunga Road Bangalore -
560001, Karnataka, India

Bangalore Electricity Supply Company Limited (BESCOM), Office of GM (ICT &MIS),4th Floor, Maharishi
Supply, Installation, Commissioning, Implementation and Support for ERP Solution at BESCOM under IP

This Request for Proposal (RFP) for Selection of Implementation Agency is issued by
Bangalore Electricity Supply Company Ltd. (BESCOM). Whilst the information in this
RFP has been prepared in good faith, it is not and does not purport to be
comprehensive or to have been independently verified. Neither BESCOM, nor any of its
officers or employees, nor any of their advisers nor consultants accept any liability or
responsibility for the accuracy, reasonableness or completeness of the information
contained in the RFP, or for any errors, omissions or misstatements, negligent or
otherwise, relating to the proposed project, or makes any representation or warranty,
express or implied, with respect to the information contained in this RFP or on which
this RFP is based or with respect to any written or oral information made or to
be made available to any of the recipients or their professional advisers and, so far as
permitted by law and except in the case of fraudulent misrepresentation by the party
concerned, and liability therefore is hereby expressly disclaimed.

The information contained in this RFP is selective and is subject to updating,

expansion, revision and amendment at the sole discretion of BESCOM. It does not, and
does not purport to, contain all the information that a recipient may require for the
purposes for making a decision for participation in this process. Each Party must
conduct its own analysis of the information contained in this RFP, to correct any
inaccuracies therein and is advised to carry out its own investigation into the
proposed project, the regulatory regime which applies thereto and by and all matters
pertinent to this project and to seek its own professional advice on the legal, financial
and regulatory consequences of entering into any agreement or arrangement relating
to this project. BESCOM shall not be responsible for any direct or indirect loss or
damage arising out of or for use of any content of the RFP in any manner whatsoever.

This RFP includes certain statements, projections, targets and forecasts with respect to
the Project. Such statements, projections, targets and forecasts reflect various
assumptions made by the management, officers, employees, consultants, and experts
of BESCOM, which (the assumptions and the base information on which they are made)
may or may not prove to be correct. No representation or warranty is given as to the
reasonableness of forecasts or the assumptions on which they may be based and
nothing in this RFP is, or should be relied on as, a promise, representation or warranty.

BESCOM shall be the sole and final authority with respect to qualifying a bidder
through this RFP. The decision of BESCOM in selecting the Implementation Agency
who qualifies through this RFP shall be final and BESCOM reserves the right to reject
any or all the bids without assigning any reason thereof. BESCOM may terminate the
RFP process at any time without assigning any reason and upon such termination

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(A Govt. Of Karnataka Undertaking)
Supply, Installation, Commissioning, Implementation and Support for ERP Solution at BESCOM under IP

BESCOM shall not be responsible for any direct or indirect loss or damage arising out
of such a termination.

The Bidder shall bear all its costs associated with or relating to the preparation and
submission of its Proposal including but not limited to preparation, copying, postage,
delivery fees, expenses associated with any demonstrations or presentations which may
be required by the BESCOM or any other costs incurred in connection with or relating to
its Proposal (Bid). All such costs and expenses will remain with the Bidder and the
BESCOM shall not be liable in any manner whatsoever for the same or for any other
costs or other expenses incurred by an Bidder in preparation or submission of the
Proposal (Bid) regardless of the conduct or outcome of the selection process.

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(A Govt. Of Karnataka Undertaking)
Supply, Installation, Commissioning, Implementation and Support for ERP Solution at BESCOM under IP

Acronym Definition
ABT Availability Based Tariff
ACR Annual Confidential Report
ADB Asian Development Bank
AMC Annual Maintenance Contract
ARR Annual Revenue Requirement
ATS Annual Technical Support
ABT Availability Based Tariff
ACR Annual Confidential Report
B. Tech./ B.E. Bachelor of Technology / Bachelor of Engineering
BBP Business Blueprint
BC Banker‘s Cheque
BCP Business Continuity Plan
BDS Bid Data Sheet
BOM Bill of Materials (includes Bill of Quantities)
BSDD Business Solution Design Document
BSDS Business Solution Design Simulation
CA Chartered Accountant
CERT-In Indian Computer Emergency Response Team (Government
of India)
CIF Carriage, Insurance & Freight
CIP Carriage, Insurance Paid to
CMMi Capability Maturity Model Integration
CPWD Central Public Works Department
CPG Contract Performance Guarantee
CRA Commercial and Regulatory Affairs
CST Central Sales Tax
CV Curriculum Vitae
CWIP Capital Work in Progress
CIP Carriage, Insurance Paid to
DD Demand Draft
Deptt. Department
DGS&D Directorate General of Supplies & Disposals
DMS Document Management System
DNS Domain Name Service
DD Demand Draft
DRR Daily Receipt Register
ECC Excise Control Code
ERP Enterprise Resource Planning

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(A Govt. Of Karnataka Undertaking)
Supply, Installation, Commissioning, Implementation and Support for ERP Solution at BESCOM under IP

EMD Earnest Money Deposit

EMS Enterprise Monitoring System
EULA End User License Agreement
EXW Ex-Works
FMS Facility Management Service
FRS Functional Requirement Specifications
FY Financial Year (from April to March)
GPF General Provident Fund
GST Goods & Services Tax
GUI Graphical User Interface
HDD Hard Disk Drive
HRMS Human Resource Management System
HTTP Hypertext Transfer Protocol
HTTPS Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure
ICC International Chamber of Commerce
IFRS International Financial Reporting Standards
IP Implementation Partner
IPR Intellectual Property Rights
ISO International Organization for Standardization
ISP Internet Service Provider
IST Indian Standard Time
IT Information Technology
ITB Instructions to Bidders
ITIL IT Infrastructure Library
LAN Local Area Network
LoA Letter of Award
LTC Leave Travel Concession
MIS Management Information System
MOU Memorandum of Understanding
MTR Motor Transport Receipt
NCB National Competitive Bidding
NIT Notice Inviting Tender
NMS Network Monitoring System
NOC Network Operating Centre
NPV Net Present Value
OEM Original Equipment Manufacturer
OFC Optical Fiber Cable
ORAS Occurrence Reporting & Analysis System
OS Operating System
PAN Permanent Account Number
PAT Profit After Tax
PBG Performance Bank Guarantee

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(A Govt. Of Karnataka Undertaking)
Supply, Installation, Commissioning, Implementation and Support for ERP Solution at BESCOM under IP

PDA Personal Digital Assistant

PF Provident Fund
PFC Power Finance Corporation
PIS Personnel Information System
PMI Project Management Institute
PMU Project Management Unit
PPM Project Planning & Management
PSU Public Sector Undertaking
PV Present Value
QCBS Quality and Cost Based Selection
RAID Redundant Array of Independent Disks
RDBMS Relational Database Management System
RFID Radio Frequency Identification
RFP Request for Proposal
SAN Storage Area Network
SCADA Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition
SCC Special Conditions of Contract
SI System Integrator
SLA Service Level Agreement
SLDC State Load Dispatch Centre
SMTP Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
SOP Standard Operation Procedure
SOR Schedule of Rates
SMS Short Messaging Service
STAAD Structural Analysis And Design (Software)
TAN Tax deduction & collection Account Number
TBT Terminal Benefit Trust
TCO Total Cost of Ownership
TCP Transmission Control Protocol
TIN Tax Information Network
TRS Technical Requirement Specification
UAT User Acceptance Test
USB Universal Serial Bus
UTP Unshielded Twisted Pair
VAT Value Added Tax
VPN Virtual Private Network
VRS Voluntary Retirement Scheme
WAN Wide Area Network
WMS Workflow Management System

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(A Govt. Of Karnataka Undertaking)
Supply, Installation, Commissioning, Implementation and Support for ERP Solution at BESCOM under IP

Table of Contents
1. Section I: Introduction .......................................................................................................... 13
1.1 About BESCOM ........................................................................................................................ 13
1.2 Objective of the RFP ............................................................................................................. 15
1.3 Existing Applications ............................................................................................................ 16
2. Section II: Definitions and Interpretations ................................................................... 20
2.1 Definitions ................................................................................................................................. 20
2.2 Interpretations ........................................................................................................................ 23
3. Section III: Instructions to Bidders .................................................................................... 26
3.1 Cost of Bidding ........................................................................................................................ 26
3.2 Language of Bid ....................................................................................................................... 26
3.3 Currencies of Bid .................................................................................................................... 26
3.4 Bid Prices ................................................................................................................................... 26
3.5 Performance Bank Guarantee ........................................................................................... 27
3.6 Bid Validity................................................................................................................................ 27
3.7 Eligible Bidder .......................................................................................................................... 28
3.8 Alternative Bids....................................................................................................................... 28
3.9 Involvement of Sub-Contractor (s) .................................................................................. 28
3.10 Bid Prices and Discount....................................................................................................... 28
3.11 Contents of Tender Document ........................................................................................ 29
3.13 Clarification on Tender Document ................................................................................ 30
3.14 Amendment of Bidding Document ................................................................................ 31
3.15 General Instruction for Bid Preparation ........................................................................ 31
3.16 Preparation of Bid/Proposal ............................................................................................. 32
3.17 Procedure for submission of Bid ..................................................................................... 33
3.18 Corrupt Practice.................................................................................................................. 35
3.19 Conflict of Interest ............................................................................................................... 36
3.20 Unfair Advantage ................................................................................................................... 37
3.21 Right of Purchaser to Accept or Reject Bids ............................................................. 37
3.22 Bid Opening ............................................................................................................................. 39
3.23 Bid Evaluation ........................................................................................................................ 39

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(A Govt. Of Karnataka Undertaking)
Supply, Installation, Commissioning, Implementation and Support for ERP Solution at BESCOM under IP

3.24 Negotiations............................................................................................................................. 42
3.25 Award of Contract ................................................................................................................. 42
4. Section IV: General Conditions of Contracts ................................................................. 44
4.1 Definitions and Interpretations ....................................................................................... 44
4.2 Contract Performance Guarantee .................................................................................... 44
4.3 Assigning work to Sub-contractor(s) .............................................................................. 45
4.4 Purchaser’s Responsibilities .............................................................................................. 47
4.5 Project Inception and Time for Completion ............................................................... 47
4.6 Extension of Time for Completion of Contract ......................................................... 48
4.7 Alterations/Variations in the Contract ........................................................................ 49
4.8 Notice and Correspondences ............................................................................................. 50
4.9 Designated Officer of the Purchaser .............................................................................. 51
4.10 Designated Officer of the Contractor......................................................................... 51
4.11 Inspection .............................................................................................................................. 52
4.12 Billing ...................................................................................................................................... 52
4.13 Payment.................................................................................................................................. 53
4.14 Taxes, Duties & Levies ........................................................................................................ 54
4.15 Liquidated Damages (LD) ................................................................................................... 54
4.16 Termination of Contract ................................................................................................. 54
4.17 Patent Rights & Royalties............................................................................................... 57
4.18 Intellectual Property Rights .......................................................................................... 58
4.19 Confidential Information ................................................................................................ 59
4.20 Merger, acquisition or divestitures of the Contractor ....................................... 60
4.21 Contractor’s staff and their conduct ......................................................................... 60
4.22 Non-solicitation of staff ................................................................................................... 61
4.23 Contract’s Responsibility with other Agencies ........................................................ 61
4.24 Insurance .................................................................................................................................. 62
4.25 Damage to Property or to any Person or any Third Party ................................... 62
4.26 Safety & Security Code .................................................................................................... 63
4.27 Force Majeure ......................................................................................................................... 65
4.28 Limitation of Liability ..................................................................................................... 66
4.29 Settlement of Disputes .................................................................................................... 67
4.30 Compliance with Laws and Regulations ................................................................... 67

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4.31 Change in Laws and Regulations ................................................................................. 68

4.32 Joint Venture, Consortium or Association ................................................................ 68
4.33 Advertising of the Project.................................................................................................. 69
5. Section V: Special Conditions of Contracts................................................................... 69
5.1 General ........................................................................................................................................ 69
5.2 Steering Committee and Project Management Unit ............................................... 69
5.3 Partial Work Order ................................................................................................................ 70
5.4 Partial execution of Scope of Work................................................................................. 70
5.5 Penalty for mis-declaration / mis-representation.................................................... 70
5.6 Version of ERP Product ....................................................................................................... 70
5.7 Supportability .......................................................................................................................... 71
5.8 Schedule of Payments .......................................................................................................... 71
5.9 Price of additional licenses ................................................................................................ 71
5.10 Facilities to be provided by the Purchaser .............................................................. 71
6. Section VI: Scope of Work ...................................................................................................... 73
6.1 Objective .................................................................................................................................... 73
6.2 Site Visits................................................................................................................................... 74
6.3 Deliverables ............................................................................................................................... 74
6.4 Time for Completion of Project ........................................................................................ 74
6.5 Detailed Scope of Work ........................................................................................................ 76
6.6 Software Change Control ........................................................................................................ 91
6.7 Integration with Other Third Party Application ....................................................... 92
6.8 Brief Timelines proposed: ....................................................................................................... 93
6.9 Release Management: ............................................................................................................... 93
8. Section VIII: Functional Specification Requirements (FRS).............................. 111
8.1 Accounts & Finance Management Module................................................................. 111
8.2 HRMS Module ........................................................................................................................... 205
9. Section IX: Service Level Agreements (SLAs) ............................................................. 251
9.1 Purpose of SLA ..................................................................................................................... 251
9.2 Definitions ............................................................................................................................... 251
9.3 Duration of SLA ..................................................................................................................... 252
9.4 SLA Targets ............................................................................................................................. 252
9.5 SLA during Pilot and Rollout -Project Management .............................................. 252

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Supply, Installation, Commissioning, Implementation and Support for ERP Solution at BESCOM under IP

9.6 SLA during FMS/AMC and for DR Cloud hositn- Availability Management 254
9.7 ERP Performance Management ...................................................................................... 255
9.8 Issue Severity Level & Resolution Time ..................................................................... 256
10. Section X: Minimum Technical Specifications............................................................ 262
10.1 Local Area Network .......................................................................................................... 262
10.2 Software Specification ......................................................................................................... 262
10.3 Users ............................................................................................................................................ 283
11. SECTION XI: Pre-Qualification Requirement and Technical Evaluation.......... 284
11.1 Pre-Qualification Criteria .............................................................................................. 284
11.2 Technical Qualification Criteria for Bidders......................................................... 289
12. Section XII: Forms ............................................................................................................... 292
Form: 1 Letter of Application ..................................................................................................... 292
Form: 2 Particulars of ERP Product Vendor ...................................................................... 294
Form: 3 Particular of Implementation Partner ................................................................... 296
Form: 6 Proforma for Bid Security /EMD........................................................................ 299
Form: 7 Proforma for Power of Attorney ......................................................................... 301
Form: 8 Proforma for Declaration....................................................................................... 303
Form: 9 Key Resources Proposed ...................................................................................... 304
Form: 10 Schedule of Payments ................................................................................................ 307
Form: 11 Proforma for Contract Performance Guarantee .......................................... 310
Form: 12 Proforma for Contract Agreement ................................................................. 314
Form: 13 Compliance with the Scope of Work ............................................................ 316
Form: 14 Declaration on not being blacklisted .............................................................. 330
Form: 15 Implementation Experience ................................................................................ 331
Form: 16 OEM Authorization to Bid .................................................................................... 332
Form: 17 Quality Assessment Details (CMMi Level) ...................................................... 333
Form: 18 Hardware Bill of Materials .................................................................................... 334
Form: 19 The Legal entity of OEM .................................................................................... 335
Form: 20 Technical Specification Confirmation............................................................. 337
Form: 21 Patent Rights/copyrights confirmation ..................................................... 373
Form: 22 Support Commitment from ERP OEM ............................................................. 375
Form: 23 Solution commitment from ERP OEM ............................................................ 376
Form: 24 Undertaking on Personnel ................................................................................ 377

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Form: 25 Commitment on latest Software delivery .................................................. 379

Form: 26 Project Plan & Resource Deployment Plan................................................ 380
Form: 27 Price Bid ................................................................................................................... 382
Form: 28 Declaration of Acceptance of Terms and Conditions in RFP .................... 383
Form: 29 Letter of Proposal Submission ........................................................................ 384
Form: 30 Approach and Methodology ..................................................................................... 385
13. Section XIII: Annexure ........................................................................................................ 386
13.1 Annexure: 1 List of BESCOM offices .................................................................... 386
13.2 Annexure: 2 Bid Data Sheet ...................................................................................... 388
13.3 Annexure: 3 List of Deliverables ............................................................................ 389
13.4 Annexure: 4 Standards of Performance .............................................................. 393
13.5 Annexure: 5 Payroll Employees and Pensioner Employees in BESCOM 394

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(A Govt. Of Karnataka Undertaking)
Supply, Installation, Commissioning, Implementation and Support for ERP Solution at BESCOM under IP

Letter of Invitation to Bidders

Tender no.

Name of the Organization Bangalore Electricity Supply Company Ltd. (BESCOM)

Title of Services RFP for Supply, Installation, Commissioning,

Implementation, and Support for ERP Solution at

Dear Sir/Madam,

1. BESCOM (hereinafter called "Employer") is executing the ERP for BESCOM.

2. The employer requires Bidder for Supply, Installation, Commissioning,
Implementation, and Support for ERP Solution at BESCOM. More details on
the services are provided in the Terms of Reference in this RFP document.
3. The RFP includes the following documents:

Section I Introduction
Section II Definitions and Interpretations
Section III Instructions to Bidders
Section IV General Conditions of Contracts
Section V Special Conditions of Contracts
Section VI Scope of Work
Section VII Technical Specification Requirements (TSR)
Section VIII Functional Specification Requirements (F -
Section IX Service Level Agreements (SLAs)
Section X Minimum Technical Specifications
Section XI Pre-Qualification Requirement and Technical Evaluation
Section XII - Forms
Section XIII - Annexures

4. You are invited to submit your proposal as per the attached RFP document.

Yours sincerely,

General Manager (ICT&

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(A Govt. Of Karnataka Undertaking)
Supply, Installation, Commissioning, Implementation and Support for ERP Solution at BESCOM under IP


1 Tender Inviting Authority GM (ICT &MIS), BESCOM

2 Job Requirement RFP for Supply, Installation, Commissioning,

Installation and Support for ERP Solution at

3 Date of Publication of RFP 21.05.2018

4 Last date of Receiving As per e-Procurement portal

Queries/ Clarification
5 Time, Date and venue of Pre - 12.06.2018 @ 15:00 hrs
bid meeting

6 Date of Response to Bidder 15.06.2018


7 Last Date of Submission of bids 06.07.2018 @ 16:00 hrs

8 Bid Processing Fee Payable As per e-Procurement portal

9 Earnest Money Deposit Payable EMD to be Paid : Rs 50 Lakhs as Below

1. Rs 10 Lakhs to be paid on e-Procurement

Portal as per clause
2. Rs 40 Lakh Bid Security in form of Bank
Guarantee to be upload in Technical
Section of e-Procurement Portal. The
Original copy to be submitted to Office of
GM (ICT & MIS), BESCOM within 2 days
of Last Date of bid Submission.

10 Date, Time and Venue of 09.07.2018 @ 16.05 hrs

Opening of bid Proposals

11 Name of the contact person for GM (ICT &MIS), BESCOM

any clarification

12 Date till which the bid 180 days from the last date of submission of
submitted in response to RFP bids.
is valid

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(A Govt. Of Karnataka Undertaking)
Supply, Installation, Commissioning, Implementation and Support for ERP Solution at BESCOM under IP

1. Section I: Introduction
1.1 About BESCOM

BESCOM – Bangalore Electricity Supply Company Limited is responsible for power

distribution in eight districts of Karnataka. BESCOM covers an area of 41,092 Sq.
KMs. with a population of over 207 lakhs. The company has 4-operating Zones –
Bangalore Metropolitan Area North and South Zone, Bangalore Rural Area Zone
and Chitradurga Zone, 9-Circles, 30-Divisions, 119-Sub-divisions and 503-
Section Offices or O&M offices.

The Mission of Bangalore Electricity Company is to ensure absolute customer

satisfaction and continuous profit in business.
 By ensuring total employee satisfaction. By developing infrastructure,
commensurate with growth, thus ensuring reliable and quality power
 By using best technology in communication and best practices in power
In the year 1999, Karnataka embarked on a major reform of the power sector. The
erstwhile Karnataka State Electricity Board was looking after Generation,
Transmission & Distribution of Electricity in the State of Karnataka. But after the
enactment of Electricity Act 2003, KEB was restructured into 6 Companies viz.
Karnataka Power Transmission Company Ltd., has State Electricity Transmission
Company and 5 Distribution Companies viz. Bangalore Electricity supply
Company Ltd.(BESCOM), Mangalore Electricity supply Company Ltd. (MESCOM),
Gulbarga Electricity supply Company Ltd. (GESCOM), Hubli Electricity Supply
Company Ltd. (HESCOM) and Chamundeshwari Electricity Supply Company Ltd.
As a result electricity Generation, Transmission and Distribution Companies were
formed. Bangalore Electricity Company was incorporated on 30th April 2002
under the Companies Act, 1956 and commenced its operations with effect from
1st June 2002. The Company has successfully completed Sixteen year in the
Distribution of Electricity. The Company having its headquarters at Bangalore
City has its jurisdiction comprising the district of Bangalore Urban, Bangalore
Rural, Kolar, Ramanagar, Chikkaballapura, Tumkur, Davenagere and

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(A Govt. Of Karnataka Undertaking)
Supply, Installation, Commissioning, Implementation and Support for ERP Solution at BESCOM under IP

Consumer Base: Bangalore Electricity Supply Company Ltd. (BESCOM), supplies

electricity to 2.07 Crore population across the categories in 8 Districts of
There are about 71.55 lakh Residential, 8.69 lakh Commercial, and 7.70 lakh
Agricultural, 1.8 lakh Industrial and 4.72 lakh other customers.

BESCOM is procuring energy from different source i.e., Hydel, thermal, and
Non-conventional sources through Long term Power purchase agreement, short
term power purchase agreement and bidding process. Purchased energy is being
transmitted through transmission lines of State/Central transmission units.
During transmission, some energy is lost (about 3.80%) as transmission loss.
Transmission Company is incurring cost for maintenance of the existing network
and to build additional network.
BESCOM‘s network is being used to distribute energy to its consumer under high
tension. During high tension distribution, some energy will be lost (about 4.35%)
as high tension distribution loss. Maintenance of high tension net-work and
capacity additions will increase the cost. Major retail distribution and retail
business is in low tension. Here BESCOM caters to bulk business and individual
retail consumers. For low tension consumers, BESCOM has to build network to
step down the voltage through transformers, distribution lines and cables etc.
While distributing energy to bulk consumers at low tension, network cost as well
as operating cost is lower than the retail consumers. Low tension distribution loss
in kind is about 9.05%.
Key highlights

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 Average Power Purchase Cost : Rs 4.60

 Peak Load: 4973 MW @ 3251 Million Units
 Annual Capital Expenditure Budget : Rs.3500 Cr (549 Million Dollars)
 AT&C losses : 12.35 %
 Power Purchase Sources : Hydel, Thermal, Solar, Wind, IPPS, CGS, Co-Gen
& Bio Mass

1.2 Objective of the RFP

1.2.1 The objective of this RFP is to select suitable ERP product and Implementation
Partner (IP) for implementation of the ERP Solution in the following areas of
BESCOM and availing post implementation support services:

a) Accounts & Finance Management Module

b) HRMS module

1.2.2 In addition to above, the Bidder would be responsible for:

a) The Bidder will have to perform a Detailed AS IS Study to finalize the
Functional requirement in Detail with all the Stakeholders. As Part of the AS IS
Study the bidder will have to
• The Bidder should also study the network and end user hardware
existing in BESCOM offices and come up with detailed network
architecture and Bandwidth requirement as well as a BOM for end
user infrastructure required.
• Conduct AS IS Study in detail at a micro level and finalize the
Functional requirement after discussion with various Stakeholders.
• Study various Applications in BESCOM and the Integrations
required in detail.
• Submit the AS IS Report and the Recommendations-TO BE report.

b) Supply of Required hardware (Servers, Network Components at DC for the ERP

Solution and Installation and Commissioning of the same. The bidder needs to
study in detail the network components available already as part of RAPDRP
and propose the required network components for DC.
c) Data collection, data preparation, data cleansing, data entry, Data Digitization
and data migration (including master and transaction data).
d) Providing help desk support and technical support.
e) Providing training to functional users, technical users and end users of

1.2.3 Detailed Scope of work has been specified in Sections VI (Scope of Work) of this
tender document. BESCOM desires to implement the ERP Solution in such a

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(A Govt. Of Karnataka Undertaking)
Supply, Installation, Commissioning, Implementation and Support for ERP Solution at BESCOM under IP

manner that it can provide 24×7 online access of ERP with centralized data base
to all authorized users for executing identified functional processes.

1.3 Existing Applications

1.3.1 Various department of BESCOM are currently using different applications, the
table below lists down the existing IT applications, however these application
doesn‘t cover all Offices under BESCOM. The Successful Bidder would be
responsible for review of all such applications during business solution designing
phase and define the integration point for data exchange/data
migration/phasing-out requirements for each of these applications for making
successfully run the ERP module‘s process. The successful Bidder would also be
responsible for designing and implementation of agreed approach for each of
these applications as a part of implementation of overall ERP Solution. The
Successful Bidder must ensure that all existing business functions remain
undisturbed in the ERP environment.

Sr. Applications Business Functionality User

no. Name Department

1 Work and Asset R-APDRP

Management  Capital Works
System (WAMS-R-  Repair and Maintenance
APDRP) Works.
 Stores Management
2 Total Revenue  New connection module Revenue
Management (TRM-  Metering module
Non-RAPDRP)  Billing module
 Collection module
 Energy auditing module
 MIS reports
3 Customer Care and  New connection R-APDRP
Billing (CC&B)  Metering module
Module  Billing module section
 Collection module
 MIS reports
 Disconnection and
reconnection module
4 Geographical Asset Mapping. R-APDRP
Information System

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(GIS) Consumer Indexing. (ICT & MIS)


5 MDM (R-APDRP)  Data Analysis and R-APDRP

 Validation and Estimation
 Report Generation
 Event/ Exception and Work
Queue Management

6 Master Data  Creating and Managing the Operation

Management (Non- Master data
RAPDRP)  Generating Report for
o Area load dispatching
o Daily power distribution

7 MDA  Collection R-APDRP

 Meter Data Management
 Optimization

8  Funds Requisition,
 Bank Requisition
Financial Cash
 Bills,
Management Management
 Inter Bank Transfer,
Section in
 Payment,
 JV,
 Bank transaction
9  Dashboard and Reporting of
Financial &
Profit & Loss
 Balance Sheet Accounts & RT
 Trial Balance Section
 Store Inventory

10 Biometric Time &  Web Based centralized Admin & HR

Attendance System Available for
Solutions (eSSL) attendance management

11 Pension  Pension calculation CA section


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12 PGRS application  Customer Complaint CR section

handling and redressal

13 Line Clear  Line clearance and Service CR section


14 Ganga Kalyana  Energization of IP sets Operations

Application section

15 CPRI web based  Material inspection Q&S section


16 Line Clear  DAS related line clear CR section

Application for DAS application.

17 MIS (Non-RAPDRP)  Report generation ICT & MIS section

19 Enumeration of IP  Data collection –DTC and IP Operation section

Sets Sets and Comparing the
existing enumeration work

20 Paper Less Office  Paperless file Movement Admin & HR

(PLO) section

21 Inter Unit  Accounting of Power Accounts & RT

Accounting Purchases. Section

22 Solar Rooftop  Online Processing of Solar DSM section

rooftop Applications

23 SDRA  Data Gathering from TRM, Operation section

MDM and SCADA System

24 FSP (Feeder  Feeder grouping and Operation section

Shutdown Protocol) priority assignment
 Feeder prioritization for
load curtailment, etc.

26 KPI (Key  Performance measurement Q&S


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27 HT online  HT Application creation CR


28 LT Online  LT Application creation CR


29 Business  BI Report generation R-APDRP


30 Document  Document consolidation R-APDRP

Repository  Knowledge Management-
RAPDRP section

31 Identity  Provide credentials to R-APDRP

Management RAPDRP users
System  Role mapping

32 Energy Audit  Aggregated energy flow and (ICT & MIS)

losses data section
 Energy consumption
 Calculation of AT& C Loss
 Validation

33 Decision Support  Trial Balance and Accounts & RT

System (DSS) consolidated positions are Section
extracted to Excel Module
 Linked to obtain Balance
Sheet/P&L and related

34 Wheeling &  Processing of online W&B Power Purchase

Banking transaction section

35 Mobile Application  Mobile App for Online Technology

and Customer Payment and Grievance Innovation Center

35 Feeder Based Line  Line Clear System real-time Customer

Clear System feeder based Relations

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2. Section II: Definitions and Interpretations

2.1 Definitions
2.2.1 The following words and expression shall have the meaning/interpretations
hereby assigned to them except where the context otherwise requires. Appointing Authority for the purpose of adjudication shall be the Managing
Director of BESCOM or any other person so designated by him. Applicable Law shall mean the laws and any other instruments having the force
of law in the Government's country, as they may be issued and in force from time
to time. Authorized Signatory shall mean the person authorized by the Bidder (in case
of Consortium, it shall be the Lead Member) through issue of Power of Attorney
for the purpose of this Project and who can sign the Bid and related documents/
correspondences related to this Tender Document. Bank shall mean refers to all scheduled Indian Banks as per RBI current list. Bid/ Bid Document/Proposal shall mean a formal offer submitted by the
Bidder, in response to this Tender Document, to fulfil the specified requirements
of the Purchaser at quoted price. Bidder shall mean ERP Product Vendor or authorized ERP Implementation
Partner or any Consortium who intends to submit and/or submits Bid in
response to this Tender Document to execute this Project. For the purpose of
clarification, the term ―Bidder‖ shall include any company or organization which
has purchased this Tender Document and/or which has sought clarifications on
Tender Document from the Purchaser in writing and/or who has attended pre-
bid conference in respect of this Tender Consortium Member shall mean any individual, company or organization which
is part of the Consortium and signatory to the Consortium Agreement. Consortium shall mean an association of two or more individuals, companies or

organizations (or any combination of these entities) with the objective of
participating in a common activity or pooling their resources for achieving a
common goal (herein, this ―Project‖). Contract shall mean the Agreement entered into between the Purchaser and the
IT Consultant (Supplier), together with the Contract Documents referred to
therein, including all attachments, appendices, and all documents incorporated
by reference therein. Contract Period shall mean the time period during which the Contract
Agreement governs the relations and obligations of the Purchaser and Contractor.

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Supply, Installation, Commissioning, Implementation and Support for ERP Solution at BESCOM under IP Contract Price shall mean the price or prices as specified in the Contract
Agreement. Contractor/Vendor shall mean the ERP Product Vendor or authorized ERP
Implementation Partner or any Consortium (including their legal representatives,
successors and permitted assignees) whose Bid has been accepted by the
Purchaser and to whom the Contract has been awarded by the Purchaser to
execute this Project. Core Implementation shall mean designing, testing and implementation of all
functionalities, across agreed business locations, as per the final Business
Solution Design Document approved by the Purchaser. Day shall mean calendar day. Delivery shall mean the transfer of the Goods and/or Services from the
Supplier to the Purchaser in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth
in the Contract.

2.2.1 16 ERP Product Vendor shall mean the Vendor responsible for development and
up gradation of the ERP Product/ Software and has control over the entire life
cycle of such ERP Product/ Software. ERP Solution shall mean comprehensive ERP system comprising of ERP
Product / Software package, other system & application software, bolt-on
solutions, Third Party tools & applications, databases, clustering tools and any
other tools, accessories and services required to make entire system operational
for the fulfilment of the objective of this Tender Document/ Contract. Financial Year shall mean a period of twelve consecutive months beginning
April to next March as is customary in the Purchaser‘s country. Functional Consultant shall mean a person who understands and evaluates
the functional (business) requirements for ERP Solution through discussions with
the Purchaser's representatives and transforms the essence (logical and technical
views) into an abstract and algorithmic business model. Functional Requirements/ Functional Requirement Specifications shall

mean the functional requirements mentioned in the Scope of Work or elsewhere
in the Tender Document. Go-live/ Commissioning shall mean the stage where ERP Solution is available
to all the authorized users for executing live transactions to successfully carryout
identified functions/processes. Goods shall mean all hardware, software, networking equipment and/or other
equipment accessories and materials that the Supplier is required to supply to
the Purchaser under the Contract.

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hardware and made available for testing/ commissioning. Intellectual Property Rights shall mean any patent, copyright, trademark,
trade name, service marks, brands, propriety information, whether arising before
or after the execution of this Contract and the right to ownership and registration
of these rights. Letter of Intent (LoI ) shall mean intimation through a letter to Bidder that
his Bid has been accepted and successful in accordance with the provisions
contained in the letter. Month shall mean the calendar month of the Gregorian calendar. Net worth shall mean the net worth of the company and shall be calculated as
Equity share capital plus Reserves less (a) Revaluation Reserves, (b) Intangible
Assets, (c) Miscellaneous expenditures to the extent not written-off, and (d) Carry
forward losses. Offices shall mean Corporate Office, Zone Offices, Circle Offices, Division
Offices, Sub-Division Offices and Section/ (O&M) Office. Party/ Parties shall mean either the Purchaser or the Contractor or both. Project Plan shall mean the document to be developed by the Contractor and
approved by the Purchaser based on the requirements of the Contract Agreement
and the Development & Implementation Plan included in the Contractor‘s Bid.
The Project Plan may be changed/ modified during the course of the Project
however ―Agreed Project Plan‖ shall mean the agreed latest version of the Project
Plan which will be referred for the purpose of execution and monitoring of this
Project. Should the Project Plan conflict with the Contract in any way, the
relevant provisions of the Contract, including any amendments, shall prevail. Request for Proposal (RFP) shall mean the written solicitation that conveys to
the Bidder, requirements for products/services that the Purchaser intends to buy
and/or implement and/or avail. Such written solicitation is the collection of
documents, and subsequent amend thereof (if any), issued by the Purchaser to
instruct and inform Bidders of the processes for bidding, selection of the
successful Bid, Contracting as well as the Contractual conditions governing the
relationship between the Purchaser and the Contractor. Scheduled Bank shall mean those banks in India which have been included in
the Second Schedule of Reserve Bank of India (RBI) Act, 1934. RBI in turn
includes only those banks in this schedule which satisfy the criteria laid down
vide section 42 (6) (a) of the Act. Scope of Work shall mean the goods and services to be provided by the Bidder
as specified under this Tender Document.

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Supply, Installation, Commissioning, Implementation and Support for ERP Solution at BESCOM under IP Single Applicant Bidder shall mean ERP Product Vendor who controls the
software development lifecycle of the proposed ERP Product and also undertakes
implementation of the proposed ERP Product and provides Post Implementation
Maintenance Support. Sub-contractor shall mean any person or firm or company (other than the
Contractor) to whom any part of the Scope of Work has been entrusted by the
Primary Contractor, with the approval/written consent of the Purchaser or his
representative and the legal representatives, successors and permitted assignee
of such person, firm or company. Successful Bidder shall mean the Bidder whose Bid has secured the highest
Final Score as per the bid evaluation methodology defined in this Tender
Document. The Bidders other than the Successful Bidder will be categories as
―unsuccessful Bidders‖. System Integrator shall mean a person or company that specializes in

bringing together component sub-systems and ensuring that those sub-systems
function together and hence provides an integrated Solution for fulfilling the
specified objective. Technical Requirements/ Technical Requirement Specifications shall

mean the technical requirements mentioned in the Scope of Work or elsewhere in
the Tender Document. Tender/ Tender Document shall have the same meaning as that of ―Request
for Proposal‖. User Acceptance shall mean the acceptance by the Purchaser that the ERP
Solution (or any sub-system(s) where the Contract provides for acceptance of the
System in parts) is capable of attaining the functional and performance
requirements (relating to commissioning) as specified in the Tender Document
and Agreed Project Plan. Week shall mean seven consecutive calendar days, beginning the day of the
week as is customary in the Purchaser‘s country. Working Day shall mean any day which is not declared to be holiday or rest
day by the Purchaser. Year shall mean a period of twelve consecutive months.

2.2 Interpretations
2.2.1 Following aspects shall have the meanings/ interpretations hereby assigned to
them except where the context otherwise requires for the purpose of this Tender
Document and subsequent activities pertaining to this Project.

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unless it is in writing, is dated, expressly refers to the Contract, and is signed by
a duly authorized representative of each Party hereto. Consortium: Consortium not allowed Country of Origin: The place where the goods, materials, equipment, software
and other supplies for the ERP Solution are mined, grown, designed, developed,
produced or manufactured, and from which the services are provided. Entire Agreement: The Contract constitutes the entire agreement between the
Purchaser and Contractor with respect to the subject matter of Contract and
supersedes all communications, negotiations and agreements (whether written or
oral) of Parties with respect thereto made prior to the date of Contract. Headings: The headings and marginal notes (if any) in the General Conditions of
Contract are included for ease of reference, and shall neither constitute a part of
the Contract nor affect its interpretation. Independent Contractor: The Contractor shall be an Independent Contractor

performing the Contract. The Contract does not create any agency, partnership,
joint venture or other joint relationship between the Parties hereto. Subject to the
provisions of the Contract, the Contractor shall be solely responsible for the
manner in which the Contract is performed. All employees, representatives or
Sub-contractors engaged by the Contractor in connection with the performance of
the Contract shall be under the complete control of the Contractor and shall not
be deemed to be employees of the Purchaser, and nothing contained in the
Contract or in any Sub-Contract awarded by the Contractor shall be construed to
create any contractual relationship between any such employees, representatives
or Sub-contractors and the Purchaser. Language: Unless the Contractor is a national of the Purchaser‘s country and
the Purchaser and the Contractor agree to use the local language, all documents
related to this Project, all correspondence and communications to be given, and
all other documentation to be prepared and supplied under the Contract shall be
written in English, and the Contract shall be construed and interpreted in
accordance with that language. Non-Waiver: Subject to conditions mentioned in the paragraph below, no

relaxation, forbearance, delay or indulgence by either Party in enforcing any of
the terms & conditions of the Contract or the granting of time by either Party to
the other shall prejudice, affect or restrict the rights of that Party under the
Contract, nor shall any waiver by either Party of any breach of Contract operate
as waiver of any subsequent or continuing breach of Contract. Any waiver of a
Party‘s rights, powers or remedies under the Contract must be in writing, must

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be dated and signed by an authorized representative of the Party granting such

waiver, and must specify the right and the extent to which it is being waived. Persons: Words imparting persons or Parties shall include firm, company,
organization or Consortium and government entities. Purchaser’s country: This shall mean India. Severability: If any provision or condition of the Contract is prohibited or

rendered invalid or unenforceable, such prohibition, invalidity or unenforceability
shall not affect the validity or enforceability of any other provisions and
conditions of the Contract.

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3. Section III: Instructions to Bidders

3.1 Cost of Bidding
3.1.1 The Bidder shall bear all costs associated with the preparation and
submission of the Bid and any subsequent events/activities related to this
Tender. The Purchaser will in no case be responsible or liable for these
costs, regardless of the conduct or outcome of the bidding process.

3.2 Language of Bid

3.2.1 The Bid, as well as all correspondence and documents relating to the Bid
exchanged by the Bidder and the Purchaser, shall be written in English.
Supporting documents and printed literature that are part of the Bid may be
in another language provided they are accompanied by an accurate
translation of the relevant passages in English, in which case, for purposes
of interpretation of the Bid, such translation shall govern.

3.3 Currencies of Bid

3.3.1 Bidders may express their bid price in Indian Rupees only. Price Bid in any
currency other than INR will be treated as non-responsive and hence will be

3.4 Bid Prices

3.4.1 Unless otherwise specified in the Scope of Work, Bidders shall quote for the
entire Services on a Single Responsibility/ Turnkey basis such that the total
Bid price covers all the obligations of the Bidder mentioned in or to be
reasonably inferred from the Tender Document in respect of providing the
product/services. This includes all requirements under the Bidders
responsibilities for successful completion of the ERP Implementation Project
as per Scope of Work and, where so required by the Tender Document, the
acquisition of all permits, approvals and licenses, etc. and such other items
and services as may be specified in the Tender Document, all in accordance
with the requirements of the General Conditions of Contract and Special
Conditions of Contract.

3.4.2 Bidders are required to quote the price for the technical, commercial and
contractual obligations outlined in the Tender Document.

3.4.3 Bidders shall give a break-up of the prices in the manner and detail as asked
for in the Price Bid form online in e-Procurement Portal failing which the

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Purchaser shall reserve the right to assume/extrapolate the prices for the
item/services for which the price has not been quoted and the same will be
binding on the Bidders. Responsibility for including all applicable taxes,
duties and levies in the Bid lie with the Bidder and the Purchaser shall not be
responsible for any error/omission on the part of the Bidder.

3.4.4 The taxes, duties and levies shall be indicated by the Bidder in the Price Bid
form online in e-Procument Portal shall be quoted as the rates in force as on
seven (7) calendar days prior to the last date of Bid submission as mentioned
in Annexure: 2 (Bid Data Sheet).

3.4.5 The prices/rates quoted by the Bidder shall remain firm (fixed) during the
entire Contract Period and shall not be subject to any escalation/variation on
any account, unless otherwise explicitly provided. A Bid submitted with an
adjustable/variable price quotation will be treated as non-responsive and
hence will be rejected.

3.5 Performance Bank Guarantee

3.5.1 The successful Bidder shall furnish the performance security equal to 10%
(Ten percent) of Total Contract Value after issue of LOI
The PBG should be only in form of a Bank Guarantee issued by any
nationalized bank within 15 calendar days of the receipt of notification of
award (LOI) from the Purchaser. The Performance Bank Guarantee in form of
Bank Guarantee as per the Purchaser‘s format given in Form: 11 ( Proforma
for CPG).

3.5.2 PBG shall remain valid for full contract period and with a claim period of
another ninety (90) calendar days. No interest shall be paid by the Purchaser
on the Bid Security deposited by the Bidder.

3.5.3 Failure of the successful Bidder to comply with the requirement of Clause
3.5.1 shall constitute sufficient grounds for the annulment of the award and
forfeiture of the EMD, in which event BESCOM may blacklist the successful
bidder and award the contract to the next best value bidder or call for new
proposals from the interested bidders

3.6 Bid Validity

3.6.1 Bids submitted by Bidders shall remain valid for acceptance for one hundred
and eighty (180) calendar days from the next day of the last date of Bid
submission as mentioned in Annexure: 2 (Bid Data Sheet) . A Bid valid for a
shorter period may be rejected by the Purchaser as being non-responsive.

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3.6.2 In exceptional circumstances, the Purchaser may solicit the Bidders‘ consent
to an extension of the Bid validity period. The request and responses there to
shall be made in writing. If a Bidder accepts to prolong the period of validity,
the Bid Security shall also be suitably extended. A Bidder may refuse such
request which will not lead to forfeiting its Bid Security. A Bidder granting the
request will neither be required nor permitted to modify its Bid.

3.7 Eligible Bidder

3.7.1 This bidding process is open to: The ERP Product Vendors who will also implement the proposed ERP
Solution, or The Implementation Partners duly authorized by ERP Product Vendor to

implement the proposed ERP Solution, or

3.7.2 One Bidder can submit only one Bid in response to this Tender Document.

3.7.3 Consortium: Consortium Not Allowed

3.8 Alternative Bids

3.8.1 Alternative Price bids shall be rejected.

3.9 Involvement of Sub-Contractor (s)

3.9.1 Where the Bidder expects to sub-contract a part of the specified Scope of
Work, the same must be clearly stated in the Bid, describing the work to be
sub-contracted, the reasons for sub-contracting and the details of the Sub-
contractor, including previous work done by the Sub-contractor in similar
area. If the Bidder had not envisaged involvement of any Sub-contractor
while bidding, but desires to do so during project execution, the Bidder must
first get this approved by the Purchaser in writing, giving necessary details.

3.10 Bid Prices and Discount

The prices quoted by the Bidder shall conform to the requirements specified

3.10.1 All items in the Schedule of Supply must be listed and priced separately in
the Price Schedules. If an item listed in Price Schedule is not priced, their
prices shall be assumed to be included by the bidder in the prices of other

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3.10.2 If an item is required but not listed in the Price Schedule, price for the same
shall be assumed to be included by the bidder in the prices of other items.
Same item, as and when required, Bidder will provide "free of cost" to the

3.10.3 Prices quoted by the Bidder must be firm and final and shall remain constant
throughout the period of the contract and shall not be subject to any upward
revision, except as specified in Section V: Special Conditions of Contract.

3.10.4 The bidders are advised not to indicate any separate discount. Discount, if
any, should be accounted for in the quoted prices. Discount of any type,
indicated separately will not be taken into account for evaluation purpose.
However, in the event of such an offer, without considering the separate
discount, is found to be the lowest, the Purchaser shall avail such discount at
the time of award of contract.

3.10.5 Bidders should note that any conditional discount will not be considered.

3.11 Contents of Tender Document

3.11.1 The product and services required, bidding procedures, contract terms,
Technical Requirements and Functional Requirements are prescribed in the
Tender Document. Bidders are expected to examine all instructions, terms &
conditions, specifications, annexures, forms and other information in the
Tender Document. Failure to furnish any or all information as required or
submit a Bid not substantially responsive to the Tender Document in every
respect will be at the Bidder‘s risk and may result in rejection of the Bid.

3.12 Bidder to obtain his own information

3.12.1 The Bidder shall for all purposes deemed to have independently obtained all
necessary information for the purpose of preparing his Bid. The correctness
of the details given in the Tender Document is for guideline information only,
to help the Bidder prepare his Bid. The Bidder shall be deemed to have
visited the Site and familiarized themselves thoroughly with the site
conditions before submitting the Bid. The cost of visiting the sites shall be
borne by the Bidder. Non-familiarity with the site conditions will not be
considered a reason either for extra claims or for not providing services in
strict conformity with scope and special conditions of the contract.

3.12.2 The Bidder shall be deemed to have examined the Tender Document and to
have obtained his own information in all matters whatsoever that might

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influence carrying out the proposal at the scheduled rates and satisfied
himself to the sufficiency of his Bid. Any error in description or quantity or
omission there from shall not vitiate the Contract or release the Bidder from
executing the Project comprised in the Contract according to the Scope of
Work and specifications at scheduled rates. He is deemed to know the scope,
nature and magnitude of the work involved in the Project.

3.12.3 The Bidder shall be deemed to have visited the sites and offices, to have
satisfied himself to the nature of all existing business processes and also as
to the nature and the conditions of available facilities and communications
and possible interruptions there to the access and egress from sites and to
have made enquiries, examined satisfied himself of the sites in respect to
requirements for executing the Project and to have made local independent
enquiries on all matters affecting the Contract. Bidder is deemed to have
acquainted himself his liability for payment of statutory taxes, duties, levies,
customs and other charges.

3.12.4 Any neglect or failure on part of the Bidder in obtaining necessary and
reliable information or issues or any other matters affecting the Contract
shall not relieve him from any risks or liabilities or the entire responsibility
for executing the Contract at the scheduled rates and time in strict
accordance with the Contract Agreement.

3.12.5 Any change in sites conditions or technological requirement shall be binding

on the Bidder and no extra claim on this account shall be entertained.

3.12.6 The verbal agreement or inference from conversation with any employee of
the Purchaser before, during or after the execution of the Contract
Agreement shall not in any way affect or modify the terms and obligations
herein contained.

3.13 Clarification on Tender Document

3.13.1 Bidders requiring any clarification on the Tender Document may notify the
Purchaser (at its postal/e-mail address given in Annexure: 2(Bid Data Sheet))
in writing not later than five (5) calendar days before the date of pre-bid

3.13.2 Except for responses to request for any clarifications on the Bid, the
Bidder shall not contact the Purchaser by any means for any matter
related to this Bid from the time of submission of the Bid until the Contract
is awarded to and accepted by the Successful Bidder.

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3.13.3 If deemed fit, written copies of the Purchaser‘s response (including

explanation of queries without identifying its source) will be uploaded in e-
procurement portal.

3.14 Amendment of Bidding Document

3.14.1 At any time prior to the deadline for submission of the Bids, Purchaser may
modify the Tender Document by issue of an addendum/corrigendum.

3.14.2 In addition, Purchaser may issue addendum/corrigendum to the Tender

Document to make/reflect amendment(s) in terms & condition or Scope of
Work specified in this Tender Document.

3.14.3 Any such addendum/corrigendum will be made available at the Karnataka

e-Procurement website. No separate other communication in this regard
shall be made with any Bidder. It will be the responsibility of the Bidder to
regularly visit the website to keep themselves updated on such changes.

3.14.4 No clarification obtained through verbal communication by the Bidders

from any officer, agent or employee of the Purchaser or any staff of the
Program Management Consultant will be deemed as
addendum/corrigendum to the Tender document.

3.14.5 The purchaser, at its discretion for any reason whether at its own initiative
or in response to a clarification requested by a bidder may add, modify or
remove any element of the Goods (including hardware, software, networking
etc.), bandwidth or any component of Related Service entirely or any part
thereof from the bid document till the deadline for submission of the Bids.

3.14.6 In order to provide Bidders reasonable time to take the

addendum/corrigendum into account in preparing their bids, the Purchaser
may, at its own discretion, extend the last date of Bid submission. In such
an event, Bidders shall not be entitled to any compensation, in any form

3.15 General Instruction for Bid Preparation

3.15.1 The Bidders are advised to upload their Bids complete in all respect in the e-
procurement portal of Govt. of Karnataka. The Bidder shall upload a
comprehensive list of attached forms/declarations/certificates etc. in
response to Tender Document.

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3.15.2 The Bidders are advised to fill in the Annexure and Forms, in respect of each
and every item by strictly following the instructions, footnotes etc., to
facilitate the Purchaser in speedy evaluation of Bids. Failure to do so may
prevent the Bid from being considered by the Purchaser.

3.15.3 The Bidders in their own interest are advised to be very careful while writing
quantity and rates in Price Bid. The quantity and rates should be written very
neatly, preferably may be typed and there should be no overwriting or
corrections. In case there are some corrections or overwriting, the same
should be signed by the Authorized Signatory. The quoted prices shall be
inclusive of statutory taxes, duties and other levies.

3.15.4 The Scope of Work specified in this Tender Document shall be executed
strictly in accordance with the conditions specified in the General Conditions
of Contract and other conditions specified in various sections of this Tender
Document. If any of the aforesaid condition is not clear to a Bidder,
clarification may be sought from the Purchaser as per the provisions of clause
3.13 (Clarification on Tender Document).

3.15.5 The Bidders must accept all the conditions specified in the Tender Document
to facilitate early finalization of Bids. Separate set of commercial conditions
(such as Bidder‘s standard printed conditions) enclosed with the offer and
any reference there to may prevent the Bid from being considered by the

3.16 Preparation of Bid/Proposal

3.16.1 Bidder may only upload one Bid/Proposal. If Bidder uploads or participated
in more than one Bid, such Bids shall be disqualified.

3.16.2 The Bid/Proposal as well as all related correspondence exchanged by the

Bidders and the Employer shall be written in English language, unless
specified otherwise.

3.16.3 In preparing their Bid/Proposal, Bidders are expected to examine in detail

the documents comprising the RFP. Material deficiencies in providing the
information requested may result in rejection of a Bid/Proposal.

3.16.4 Depending on the nature of the Assignment/Job, Bidders are required to

upload a Technical Proposal (TP). The Bidder has to satisfy the Pre-
Qualification criteria and only then the evaluation of technical and financial
Bid/Proposals will be taken up.

3.16.5 The Technical Bid/Proposal shall not include any financial information. A
Technical Proposal containing financial information may be declared non

3.16.6 Financial Bid/Proposals:

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portal. It shall list all costs associated with the Assignment/Job, including
the various deliverables costs and taxes. The financial proposal shall not
include any conditions attached to it and any such conditional financial
proposal shall be rejected summarily.

Bidders are to Enter/Key-In the bid price directly in the e-Procurement portal
of GoK, in the financial bid section. This is as per the GOK Circular: ಸುತೆ್ತೋಲೆ

ಸಂಖ್ೆೆ :ಆಇ 165 ವೆಚ್ಚ-12/2017 dated 21/3/2017.As per the circular only the
price entered/keyed-in the e-procurement portal is to be considered for
bidding purpose and no document uploaded as financial bid is to be

Bidders should not upload the Price bid form in the portal in technical or
financial section (there is no provision for upload in financial section of e-
procurement portal.). If bidder uploads financial bid in the technical section
such bids will be summarily disqualified. The best and firm price should only be quoted (as per the format enclosed) The bidder must quote in Indian Rupees (in INR) only. Bids in currencies
other than INR would not be considered and the bid will be rejected forthwith. The prices and other terms offered by bidders must be firm for an
acceptance period of 180 days from the last date of submission of bids. The prices offered shall be on a fixed price basis inclusive of all taxes and
should not be linked to the foreign exchange or any other variable. The prices offered should be inclusive of all the deliverables mentioned in
Section VI: Scope of work. The Prices for the Licenses for the ERP should be valid for 5 years i.e. end
of contract. BESCOM will procure the Licenses stage by stage required for the
Pilot stage first and make the payment for the same. The licenses required for
the rollout will be procured after the pilot is successful. Payment will be made
when the licenses required for the Rollout are procure.

3.17 Procedure for submission of Bid

3.17.1 EMD, Tender Processing Fees and Download/upload of Tender Document: Bidder can download the tender document for free from the portal
( till the due date and time for bid submission.
Bidder shall pay the Earnest Money Deposit (specified in table of Key Events
and Dates) and tender processing fees prescribed in the e-Procurement portal

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to participate in this tender. The tender processing has to be paid through

any of the five e- payment options in the portal:

a) Credit card
b) Direct Debit
c) National Electronic Funds Transfer (NEFT)
d) Over the Counter (OTC) – designated ICICI bank branches located across
the country
e) Net banking Bidder, please note that payments submitted through cheque or demand
draft shall not be accepted. Further details regarding e-Payment, please refer
to e-Procurement portal at the above mentioned website or call e-
procurement helpline 080-22485867. It will be in the interest of the bidders
to familiarize themselves with the e-Procurement system to ensure smooth
preparation and submission of the tender documents.

3.17.2 Modes of Submission All interested bidders shall pay EMD and Tender Processing fee (as
mentioned in e- Procurement Portal) and submit their Pre-qualification,
Technical and Commercial RFP responses electronically using the unified e-
Procurement platform of BESCOM. The e-Procurement (Karnataka) portal is
available at: Bidder shall submit the tenders
only through the unified e-Procurement system before the scheduled date
and time for bid submission. Tenders cannot be submitted after the due date
and time. Incomplete and draft bids shall not be considered. BESCOM will
not be liable or responsible for any glitches such as unavailability of the
portal, the internet link or any other technical issues. All required bid
documents shall be filled by the bidder and submitted along with other
required documents. Incomplete and incorrect documents may lead to
rejection of the bid.

3.17.3 Authentication of Bid The response bid shall be signed by the Bidder or a person or persons duly
authorized to bind the Bidder to the Contract. A letter of authorization shall
be supported by a written power-of-attorney accompanying the bid. All pages
of the bid, except for un-amended printed literature, shall be initialed and
stamped by the person or persons signing the bid.

3.17.4 Validation of interlineations in Bid The bid shall contain no interlineations, erasures or overwriting except as

necessary to correct errors made by the Bidder, in which case such
corrections shall be initiated by the person or persons signing the bid.

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3.17.5 Clarification on Tender Document A prospective Bidder requiring any clarification on the RFP Document may
submit his queries, in writing, at the mailing address and as per schedule
indicated in ―Invitation for Bids/ Key events and dates‖. The queries must be
submitted in the following format only to be considered for clarification.

Sr. Section no./ Page no. Description/ Clarification Sought

no. Clause no. Reference/ Subject

.. .. .. .. ..
The queries not adhering to the above mentioned format would not be
responded. BESCOM will respond to any request for clarification to queries
on the Tender Document, received not later than the dates prescribed in
Invitation for Bids/ Key events and dates. The clarifications (including the
query but without identifying the source of inquiry) will be uploaded on the
Karnataka e-Procurement portal (

3.18 Corrupt Practice

3.18.1 The Purchaser requires bidders, SI, and contractors to observe the highest
standard of ethics during the execution of such contracts.
The following definitions apply: Corrupt practice means the offering, giving receiving, or soliciting,

directly or indirectly, of anything of value to influence the action of any
party in the procurement process or the execution of a contract. Fraudulent practice means a misrepresentation or omission of facts in

order to influence a procurement process or the execution of a contract. Collusive practices means a scheme or arrangement between two or more

bidders, with or without the knowledge of the BESCOM, designed to
influence the action of any party in a procurement process or the execution
of a contract. Coercive practices means harming or threatening to harm, directly or

indirectly, persons, or their property to influence their participation in a
procurement process, or affect the execution of a contract;

3.18.2 The Purchaser will reject a proposal for award if it determines that the
bidder recommended for award has, directly or through an agent, engaged
in corrupt, fraudulent collusive or coercive practices in competing for the

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3.18.3 The Purchaser will sanction a party or its successor, including declaring
ineligible, either indefinitely or for a stated period of time, to participate in
projects if it at any time determines that the Bidder has, directly or through
an agent, engaged in corrupt, fraudulent, collusive, or coercive practices in
competing for, or in executing, a BESCOM contract.

3.18.4 Furthermore, Bidders shall be aware of the provision stated in clause 4.16
Termination of Contract of the General Conditions of Contract.

3.19 Conflict of Interest

3.19.1 Bidder shall hold BESCOM‘s interest paramount, without any
consideration for future work and strictly avoid conflict with other
assignment or their own corporate interest.

3.19.2 Bidder should not be engaged in any such business (excluding any work
assigned to them by BESCOM) which has conflict of interest with the project
for which the bids are being submitted.

3.19.3 BESCOM considers a conflict of interest to be a situation in which a party

has interests that could improperly influence that party‘s performance of
official duties or responsibilities, contractual obligations, or compliance with
applicable laws and regulations, and that such conflict of interest may
contribute to or constitute a prohibited corrupt practice. A Bidder may be
considered to be in a conflict of interest with one or more parties in this
bidding process if, including but not limited to: Receive or have received any direct or indirect subsidy from any of them;
or have common controlling shareholders, or Have the same legal representative for purposes of this Bid, or Have a relationship with each other, directly or through common third
parties, that puts them in a position to have access to information about or
influence on the Bid of another Bidder, or Influence the decisions of the BESCOM regarding this bidding process, or Bidder participates in more than one bid in this bidding process.
Participation in more than one Bid will result in the disqualification of all
Bids in which it is involved. Bidder gets associated as a Consultant/Advisor/Third party independent

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evaluating agency with any of the agencies taking part in the bid process. Bidders have an obligation to disclose any situation of actual or potential

conflict that impacts their capacity to serve the best interest of their
Employer, or that may reasonably be perceived as having this effect. Any
such disclosure shall be made as per the Standard forms of technical
proposal provided herewith. If the Bidder fails to disclose said situations and
if the Employer comes to know about any such situation at any time, it may
lead to the disqualification of the Bidder during bidding process or the
termination of its Contract during execution of assignment.

3.20 Unfair Advantage

3.20.1 If a Bidder could derive a competitive advantage from having provided IT
Services/Assignment/Job related to the Assignment/Job in question and
which is not defined as conflict of interest as per clause 3.19 above, the
Employer shall make available to all Bidders together with this RFP all
information that would in that respect give such Bidder any competitive
advantage over competing Bidders.

3.21 Right of Purchaser to Accept or Reject Bids

3.21.1 The Purchaser reserves the right to accept or reject any Bid, and to annul
the bidding process and reject all Bids at any time prior to award of
Contract, without thereby incurring any liability to the affected Bidder or
Bidders or any obligation to inform the affected Bidder or Bidders of the
grounds for the Purchaser‘s action.

3.21.2 The right to accept the Bids in response to this Tender Document will rest
with the Purchaser. The Purchaser further does not bind himself to accept
the Bid with highest Final Score and reserves the authority to reject any or
all the Bids received without assigning any reason whatsoever.

3.21.3 The Purchaser reserves to himself the right to accept Bids in respect of all
items, any one item or part of an item, and the acceptance thereof shall be
deemed as sufficient notice of the exercise of such right. The Bid shall
thereafter be for the quantity so accepted which will form the Contract.

3.21.4 Bid in which any of the particulars and prescribed information is missing
or incomplete in any respect and/or prescribed conditions are not fulfilled
are liable to be rejected. The decision of the Purchaser in respect of the
above shall be final and binding on the Bidder.

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3.21.5 Canvassing in connection with Bid is strictly prohibited. The submitted Bid
of the Bidder who resorts to canvassing is liable to be rejected. Bid
containing uncalled remarks or any additional conditions are liable to be

3.21.6 The Bid uploaded may be rejected in the following, but not limited to,
circumstances: Any Bid received by the Purchaser after last date and time of Bid
submission as stated in the Bid Datasheet (refer Annexure: 2), or Any Bid submitted by fax or e-mail, or Any Bid mentioning deviations from the Scope of Work and terms &
conditions as mentioned in this Tender Document, or Any Bid which does not have necessary information strictly in a
prescribed formats (Forms or Annexure provided in the Tender Document),
or Any Bid quoting prices for any or all the items in the format not strictly as
per Price Bid (merging of prices of various items into one is not permitted),
or Any Bid quoting prices in the currency other than Indian Rupee, or Any Bid not accompanied by proper authorization from ERP Product
Vendor allowing Implementation Partner to quote in response to this Tender
Document, or Any Bid containing credentials which were found to be misleading/false

based on verification by the Purchaser, or Any Bidder who does not accept the correction of arithmetical errors
(according to methodology as prescribed in this Tender Document) in its
Price Bid, or Any Bidder who conceals any material information or makes a wrong
statement or misrepresents facts or makes a misleading statement in the
bid, in any manner whatsoever, in order to create circumstances for the
acceptance of the bid, or Any Bidder who found to have indulged in any corrupt or fraudulent

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practice or in any practice, which is not in conformity with the highest

ethical standards.

3.21.7 Apart from above, the Purchaser reserves the right to reject any or all Bids
without citing any reason if deemed in the best interest of the Purchaser to
do so.

3.22 Bid Opening

3.22.1 Electronically submitted bid shall be opened first at the same time and date
as specified in the RFP document.

3.22.2 The e-procurement system allows the Employer to download and open the
e-submitted bid files from bidders only after the time for opening the bids.

3.22.3 The e-submitted bids must be readable through open standards interfaces.
Unreadable and or partially submitted bid files (not complying the ITB
Clauses) all be considered incomplete and rejected for further bid

3.23 Bid Evaluation

3.23.1 Confidentiality Information relating to the examination, evaluation, comparison, and post
qualification of Bids, and recommendation of contract award, shall not be
disclosed to Bidders or any other persons not officially concerned with such
process. Any attempt by a Bidder to influence the Purchaser in the examination,

evaluation, comparison, and post qualification of the Bids or Contract award
decisions may result in the rejection of its Bid.

3.23.2 Clarification of Bids During bid evaluation, BESCOM may, at its discretion and if so required,
ask the bidders for any clarification in support of their compliance to
stipulated Qualifying Requirements or any other matter related to its bid
except to the extent in clause of ITB The request for clarification
required from the bidder and the response there to shall be in writing and
shall be delivered by email/fax. No change in the price or substance of the Bid shall be sought, offered or
permitted except to confirm the correction of arithmetical errors discovered
by the Purchaser in the evaluation of the Bids.

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3.23.3 Determination of responsiveness The Purchaser will examine the bids to determine whether they are
complete, whether any computational errors have been made, whether
required securities have been furnished, whether power of attorney of
signatory of the bid has been submitted, whether the documents have been
properly signed and whether the bids are generally in order and
substantially responsive to the requirements of the bidding documents. Any material information/data/document required to be submitted by the

bidders as per provisions of bidding documents, if not submitted by the
bidder, may render the bid to be non-responsive provided such
information/data/documents is such that it may adversely affect the
evaluation. The Purchaser may waive any minor infirmity, non-conformity or

irregularity in a bid that does not constitute a material deviation, and that
does not prejudice or affect the relative ranking of any bidder, as a result of
the technical and commercial evaluation. If a bid is not substantially responsive to the requirements of the bidding

documents, it may be rejected by BESCOM and the same cannot
subsequently be made responsive by the bidder by correction.

3.23.4 Correction of arithmetical errors in price bid Arithmetical errors will be corrected at the time of evaluation of Price bid
and the corrected figure will be considered as evaluated bid price. The
corrections in the bid price shall be done as per the provisions of this clause
and shall be binding on the bidder. If the bidder does not accept the
correction of errors as per the provisions of this clause, his/her bid will be
rejected and the bid security will be forfeited. If there is a discrepancy between the product of unit price and quantity
and the total price, the product of unit price and quantity will prevail and the
total price will be corrected. If there is discrepancy between summation of
subtotals and total price, the summation of subtotal price shall prevail, and
the total price shall be corrected. If there is a discrepancy between words and
figure, the amount in words will prevail. In case unit price or quantity or
both are not filled in against any item, it will be treated as zero and will be
assumed that the Bidder has absorbed the cost elsewhere in the Price Bid.

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3.23.5 Process of Evaluation of Bids shall be done as: Pre-qualification of the Bidders Pre-qualification criteria are mandatory requirements to be met by the

Bidder. The pre-qualification evaluation for Implementation Partner will be
done on the basis of information asked in Pre-qualification of the Bidders
and Technical Evaluation of Bidders. The Bidders will have to provide supporting document(s) sought for each
of the criterion including, but not limited to, copies of customer
order/purchase order, project completion certificate from customer
(indicating name of the customer, duration of ERP implementation lifecycle,
functions/modules implemented, number of transactional and other users
etc.), client testimonials, details of ERP-legacy system integration solutions,
India specific features (localization), documents containing details of ERP
Product like date of first release, detail of version taken out, time taken to
bring out the patches incorporating the Government Policy and Regulatory
changes, details of 24x7 customer support, product catalogues/brochures
etc. Techno-commercial Evaluation of the Bidder Only those Bidder who qualify the Pre-qualification criteria shall be
considered for Techno-Commercial Evaluation of Bidder. Techno-commercial Bid of the Bidder shall be evaluated for acceptability

of techno-functional requirements and techno- commercial suitability. In
case of no response by the Bidder to any of the requirements with regard to
the contents of the Techno- commercial Bid, the Bidder shall not be
assigned any marks for the same. The Techno-commercial evaluation of the Bidder will be primarily done

on the basis of information asked in Technical Qualification Criteria for
Bidders. The marks will be given against each of the criterion as per the
methodology specified in Annexure: 6. The minimum technical score for
qualifying this stage will be 70 marks (out of a maximum of 100 marks) . Price
Bids will not be opened for those Bidders who scored less than this minimum
technical score. The Purchaser shall confirm that the following documents and
information have been provided in the Techno-Commercial Proposal. If any
of these documents or information is missing, the offer shall be rejected.

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Supply, Installation, Commissioning, Implementation and Support for ERP Solution at BESCOM under IP Financial (Price Bid) Evaluation of the Bidders Only those Bidders who qualify the Techno-commercial evaluation shall
be considered for Financial (Price Bid) evaluation. Price Bids will be opened
for those Bidders only who cleared Techno-commercial evaluation. Preferred Bidder will be arrived using QCBS i.e Quality cum Cost
based Selection
The Weightage for Technical and Financial will be 60: 40

Formula for QCBS is as below:

Technical Bid: The bidder scoring the maximum marks (T1) in technical
evaluation will be awarded 60 marks. Each of the bidders scoring below it
will be awarded a score as below:

A: (Marks scored by bidder being evaluated * 60)/ (Marks scored by T1)

Price Bid: Among the bids obtained, the bidder which has submitted the
least price (L1) will be awarded 40 marks. Each of the bidder submitting
bids higher than (L1), will be awarded a score as below:

B: [L1 Amount * 40]/ [Bid Price of bidder being evaluated]

Then A+B is calculated for all bidders and the bidder with highest A+B
score is selected as winner of contract for project (K1).

3.24 Negotiations
3.24.1 BESCOM reserves the right to negotiate with the successful lowest bidder
based on the Evaluation. If BESCOM is not able to finalize a service
agreement with the bidder who stands first, BESCOM may proceed to the
next ranked bidder and so on, until a contract is awarded.

3.25 Award of Contract

3.25.1 Award Criteria The Purchaser will award the Contract to the successful bidder whose bid
has been determined to be substantially responsive and has been
determined as the lowest evaluated bid as per the evaluation methodology of
this document provided further that the bidder is determined to be qualified
to perform the Contract satisfactorily. The Purchaser shall be the sole judge
in this regard.

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perform the Contract, the Purchaser reserves the right to verify the
authenticity of the documents submitted by the bidder for meeting the
qualification requirements and may undertake verification of the
manufacturing facilities available with the bidder

3.25.2 Letter of Intent and Detailed Work Award. After approval of bid evaluation by BESCOM, the successful bidder may be
invited for pre-award discussions. After pre-award discussions and prior to
the expiry of the period of bid validity, BESCOM will notify the successful
bidder in writing by registered letter or by email or fax that his/her bid has
been accepted. This letter (hereinafter and in the Conditions of Contract
called `Letter of Intent' or LoI) shall name the sum which BESCOM will pay
to the Contractor in consideration of the execution and completion of the
scope of work by the successful bidder as prescribed under this tender
document. Within fifiteen (15) days of receipt of the LoI, the successful bidder shall
sign and return one (1) copy of the same to BESCOM as acknowledgment of
acceptance of the same. Within Thirty Days of receipt of LoI the Successful Bidder shall submit the
Performance Bank Guarantee (10% of Contract Value) and Also the Contract
Copy. If the Successful Bidder fails to sign the Contract Agreement within
the specified time limit, the Bid Security(EMD) will be forfeited and the
Purchaser will have right to cancel the LoI .
After the submission of the PBG and Contract Copy BESCOM will Issue the
Detailed Work Award to the Preferred Bidder.

3.25.3 Contract Performance Guarantee Within Thirty (30) calendar days of issue of LoI by the Purchaser, the
Successful Bidder shall furnish the Contract Performance Guarantee (CPG) for
an amount equivalent to ten percent (10%) of the Contract Price. If the Successful Bidder fails to furnish the Contract Performance

Guarantee within the specified time limit, his Bid Security will be forfeited and
the Purchaser will have right to cancel the LOI

3.25.4 Misrepresentation by the Bidder If the bidder conceals any material information or makes a wrong statement
or misrepresents facts or makes a misleading statement in the bid, in any
manner whatsoever, in order to create circumstances for the acceptance of the

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bid, the purchaser reserves the right to reject such bid and/or cancel the LoI,
if issued.

4. Section IV: General Conditions of Contracts

4.1 Definitions and Interpretations
4.1.1 All definitions and interpretations shall be made and understood as per the
provisions of clause 2.1 and clause 2.2 of this Tender Document.

4.2 Contract Performance Guarantee

4.2.1 Upon issue of LoI by the Purchaser, the Successful Bidder is required to
furnish the Contract Performance Guarantee (CPG) in accordance with the
clause 3.25.3. In case the CPG is in form of Bank Guarantee, the issuing bank
should be advised to send a direct confirmation of issue of irrevocable Bank
Guarantee to the Purchaser.

4.2.2 The proceeds of the Contract Performance Guarantee (CPG) shall be payable
to the Purchaser as compensation for any loss resulting from the Contractor‘s
failure to successfully complete its work/obligation under the Contract.

4.2.3 The Contractor shall cause the validity period of the Contract Performance
Guarantee to be extended for such period(s) as the Contract performance may
be extended pursuant to clause covered in this document. As and when an
amendment is issued to the order, the Contractor shall within fifteen (15)
calendar days of the receipt of such an amendment furnish to the Purchaser
an amendment to the CPG rendering the same valid for the order as amended.
The CPG and/or any amendment there to, shall be executed in accordance
with Indian laws in which the same is executed by the Party competent to do
so. On satisfactory performance and completion of the order in all respect, the
CPG will be returned to the Contractor.

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4.2.4 If Contractor (including his Sub-contractors) or their employees damage,

break, deface the property belonging to the Purchaser or others during the
execution of the Contract, the same shall be made good by the Contractor at
his own expense and in default thereof, the GM (ICT &MIS) [BESCOM] may
cause the same to be made good by other agencies and recover expenses from
the Contractor (for which the certificate of the GM (ICT &MIS) [BESCOM] shall
be final).

4.2.5 All compensation or other sums of money payable by the Contractor to the
Purchaser or recoveries to be made under terms of this Contract may be
deducted from or paid by the sale of a sufficient part of his CPG or from any
sums which may be due or may become due to the Contractor by the
Purchaser on any account whatsoever. In the event of his CPG amount being
reduced by reasons of any such deduction or sale, the Contractor shall within
ten (10) calendar days thereafter make good in cash, bank drafts, any sum or
sums which may have fallen short of CPG amount or any part thereof. No
interest shall be payable by the Purchaser for the CPG amount deposited as

4.2.6 The CPG is liable to be invoked on demand of the Purchaser, for any breach
under the Contract irrespective of any dispute or difference between the
Purchaser and the Contractor, pending before any court, tribunal or any other
authority. The decision of encashment by the Purchaser shall be final and
binding on the Contractor.

4.2.7 The CPG shall be valid until the Contractor has successfully completed the
Project in accordance with the Contract Agreement. The CPG shall be returned
to the Contractor within ninety (90) calendar days after receipt of application
for release of CPG along with the project completion certification issued by the
Purchaser. No claim shall be made against the CPG after issue of the project

4.3 Assigning work to Sub-contractor(s)

4.3.1 If the Contractor had not envisaged involvement of any Sub-contractor while
bidding, but desires to do so during project execution, the Contractor must
first get this approved by the Purchaser in writing, giving necessary details.
The Contractor shall not, without the prior written consent of the Purchaser,
assign to any Sub-contractor(s) the Contract or any part thereof, or any right,
benefit, obligation, or interest therein or there under, except that the
Contractor shall be entitled to assign either absolutely or by way of charge any
amount due and payable to it or that may become due and payable to it under
the Contract.

4.3.2 The Contractor shall ensure that the Sub-contractor appointed has sufficient
capacity to undertake the execution of the tasks they will perform under this
Contract. The Purchaser will have an absolute right to accept or reject any

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Sub-contractor without assigning any reason to the Sub-contractor or the

Contractor. Where the Contractor is permitted or denied the engagement of a
Sub-contractor(s) by the Purchaser, the Contractor will continue to be
responsible for the deliverables within the timelines agreed under the
Contract. Failure to appoint/engage a Sub-contractor for whatever reason will
not be allowed as a reason for making alterations to the Project Plan and/or
the deliverables schedule.

4.3.3 The Purchaser will have no obligation whatsoever to the Sub-contractor and
appointment of Sub-contractor will not grant any right to the Sub-contractor
over the Purchaser. The Purchaser will continue to communicate with the
Contractor with respect to the work to be done by the Sub-contractor. The
Contractor will continue to be fully responsible for the work done by the Sub-

4.3.4 The Contractor indemnifies and shall keep indemnified Purchaser against any
losses, damages, claims or such other implications arising from or out of the
acts and omissions of such Sub-contractor. The Contractor shall be
responsible for making all payments to the Sub-contractor as may be
necessary, in respect of any services performed or task executed, and the
Purchaser shall not be responsible for any part or full payment which is due
to such Sub-contractor. The Purchaser reserves the right to hold Contractor
liable for any act/omission of any Sub-contractor.

4.3.5 All rights of use of any process, product, service or facility developed or any
other task performed by the Sub-contractor for the Contractor, under this
contract would lie exclusively with the Purchaser in perpetuity free from all
liens, encumbrances and other Third Party rights and the Contractor shall,
wherever required, take all steps that may be necessary to ensure the transfer
of such ownership in favor of the Purchaser.

4.3.6 Where the Purchaser deems necessary, it shall have the right to require
replacement of any Sub-contractor with another Sub-contractor and the
Contractor shall in such case terminate forthwith all agreements/contracts
other arrangements with such Sub- contractor and find suitable replacement
for such Sub-contractor to the satisfaction of the Purchaser at no additional
charge. Failure to terminate all agreements/contracts with such sub-
contractors, shall amount to a breach of the terms hereof.

4.3.7 The Contractor shall be responsible for ensuring that the Sub-contractor shall
comply with all relevant and applicable provisions of the Contract. Any default
on the part of the Sub-contractor to comply with the terms and conditions of
the Contract wherever applicable, shall amount to breach on the part of the
Contractor, and the Purchaser in addition to all other rights, will have the
right to claim damages and recover from the Contractor all losses/or other
damages that may have resulted from such default.

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4.4 Purchaser’s Responsibilities

4.4.1 The Purchaser shall ensure the accuracy of all information and/or data to be
supplied by the Purchaser as described in this Tender Document, except when
otherwise expressly stated in the Contract.

4.4.2 For the successful implementation of the Project, Purchaser shall provide
feedback on all key deliverables and documents, when requested by the

4.4.3 The Purchaser shall acquire and pay for all permits, approvals and/or licenses
from all local, state or national government authorities or public service
undertakings in the country where the Site is located, which such authorities
or undertakings require the Purchaser to obtain them in the Purchaser‘s
name, are necessary for the execution of the Contract (they include those
required for the performance by both the Contractor and the Purchaser of
their respective obligations under the Contract), including those specified in
the Contract Agreement.

4.4.4 If requested by the Contractor, the Purchaser shall use its best endeavors to
assist the Contractor in obtaining in a timely and expeditious manner all
permits, approvals and/or licenses necessary for the execution of the Contract
from all local, state or national government authorities or public service
undertakings that such authorities or undertakings require the Contractor or
Sub-contractors or the personnel of the Contractor or Sub-contractors, as the
case may be, to obtain.

4.4.5 All costs and expenses involved in the performance of the obligations under
clause 4.4 shall be the responsibility of the Purchaser, save those to be
incurred by the Contractor.

4.4.6 No official or employee of the Purchaser shall in any way be personally bound
or liable for the acts or obligations of the Purchaser under the Contract or
answerable for any default or omission in the observance or performance of
the acts, matters or things which are herein contained.

4.5 Project Inception and Time for Completion

4.5.1 The Successful Bidder shall mobilize adequate resources for inception of the
Project within 30 calendar days of issue of LoI by the Purchaser, irrespective
of whether Contract Agreement has been signed or not. Request for revision of
timeline after Bids are opened will not be considered.

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4.5.2 If the Successful Bidder fails to start the Project within the time period
mentioned in clause 4.5.1, his Bid Security will be forfeited and the Purchaser
will have right to cancel the LoI .

4.5.3 The Time for Completion of ERP implementation shall be as per clause in the
Scope of Work.

4.6 Extension of Time for Completion of Contract

4.6.1 If at any time during performance of the Contract, the Contractor or its Sub-
contractors should encounter conditions impeding timely delivery of the
services, the Contractor shall promptly notify the Purchaser in writing of the
delay, it‘s likely duration, and its cause. As soon as practicable after receipt of
the Contractor‘s notice, the Purchaser shall evaluate the situation and may at
its discretion extend the Contractor‘s time for performance of the Contract, in
which case the extension shall be ratified by the Purchaser and the Contractor
by amendment of the Contract.

4.6.2 Except in case of Force Majeure, as provided under clause 4.27, a delay by the
Contractor in the performance of its delivery and completion obligations shall
render the Contractor liable to the imposition of liquidated damages pursuant
to clause 4.15, unless an extension of time is granted and agreed upon.

4.6.3 Causes for Extension of Time for Completion The Contractor may submit application for an extension of the time for
completion if he is or will be delayed in completing the Scope of Work by any
of the following causes:

a) Additional work ordered in writing

b) Suspension of work ordered in writing by the Purchaser for no fault on the

part of the Contractor

c) The delay in completion of Scope of Work caused for no fault on the part of
the Contractor due to orders/instructions issued by the Purchaser or

d) Force Majeure as per clause 4.27. The Contractor shall give notice to the Purchaser of his intention to make a
claim for an extension of time within fifteen (15) calendar days of the
occurrence of any of the above cause(s). The notice shall be followed as soon
as possible by the claim with full supporting details. The Contractor shall demonstrate to the Purchaser‘s satisfaction that it has
used its best endeavor to avoid or overcome such causes for delay and the
Parties will mutually agree upon remedies to mitigate or overcome causes for
such delays.

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extension of time for completion, unless the Contractor, at the time of such
circumstances arises, has immediately notified the Purchaser in writing that it
may claim such extension as caused by circumstances pursuant to above and
upon request of the Purchaser, the Contractor shall substantiate that the
delay is due the circumstances referred to by the Contractor. The Purchaser
on receipt of such notice/appeal may agree to extend the Contract delivery
date/completion period as may be reasonable and mutually agreed but
without prejudice to other terms & conditions of the Contract. However, there
would not be any revision in the Contract Price due to delay for reasons
attributable to conditions mentioned above.

4.7 Alterations/Variations in the Contract

4.7.1 The Purchaser may by Variation Order to the Contractor at any time before
the Project is taken over, instruct the Contractor to alter, amend, omit, add to
or otherwise vary any part of the Scope of Work. The Contractor shall not vary
or alter any of the Scope of Work, except in accordance with a Variation Order
from the Purchaser. The Contractor may, however, at any time propose
variations to the Scope of Work to the Purchaser.

4.7.2 Prior to any Variation Order under clause 4.7.1, the Purchaser shall notify the
Contractor of the nature and form of such variation. As soon as possible after
having received such notice, the Contractor shall submit to the Purchaser:

a) A description of works, if any, to be performed, its anticipated quantity, the

proposed rate in case of a new item and total adjustment to the Contract
Price. In case of items for which the rates are available in the Contract the
extra quantities shall be executed by the Contractor at the same rates up
to the variation limit of ten percent (10%) or as provided in the Contract.

b) The Contractor‘s proposals for any necessary modifications to the work

plan or to any of the Contractor‘s obligations under the Contract.

c) The Contractor‘s proposals for adjustment to the Contract Price.

4.7.3 Following the receipt of the Contractor‘s submission, the Purchaser shall, after
due consultation with the Contractor, decide as soon as possible whether or
not the variation shall be carried out.

4.7.4 If the Purchaser decides that the variation shall be carried out, he/she shall
issue a Variation Order clearly identified as such in accordance with the
Contractor's submission or as modified by agreement. If the Purchaser and
the Contractor are unable to agree to the adjustment of the Contract Price,
then the provisions of clause 4.7.5 shall apply.

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4.7.5 If the Contractor and the Purchaser are unable to agree on the adjustment of
the Contract Price, the adjustment shall be determined in accordance with the
rates specified in the Price Bid, wherever applicable. If the rates contained in
the Price Bid are not directly applicable to the specific work in question,
suitable rates shall be established by the Purchaser reflecting the level of
pricing in the Price Bid.

4.7.6 On receipt of a Variation Order, the Contractor shall forthwith proceed to

carry out the variation and be bound to these conditions in doing so as if such
variation was stated in the Contract. The Project shall not be delayed pending
the granting of an extension of the Time for Completion or an adjustment to
the Contract Price under clause 4.7.5.

4.7.7 In any case where the Contractor is instructed to proceed with a variation
prior to the determination of the adjustment to the Contract Price, keeping in
mind that the adjustment of Contract Price due to this variation shall be
guided by clause 4.8.5, the Contractor shall keep the necessary records of the
cost of undertaking the variation and of time expended thereon. Such records
shall be open to inspection/verification by the Purchaser at all reasonable

4.7.8 The Purchaser, during execution of the Contract, reserves the right to increase
or decrease the quantity of goods and services for the items included in the
Contract with variation of the total Contract Price but without any change in
unit price or other terms and conditions. The quantity of the individual items
of goods and services may however vary up to any extent within the overall
ceiling limit of the Contract Price.

4.8 Notice and Correspondences

4.8.1 Unless otherwise stated in the Contract, all notices to be given under the
Contract shall be in writing, and shall be sent by personal delivery,
airmail/speed post, courier, fax or Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) to the
address of the Purchaser or the Contractor, as the case may be, with the
following provisions:

a) Any notice sent by fax or EDI shall be confirmed within two (2) calendar
days after dispatch except as otherwise specified in the Contract.

b) Any notice sent by airmail/speed post or courier shall be deemed (in the
absence of evidence of earlier receipt) to have been delivered within Four
(4) calendar days after dispatch except as otherwise specified in the
Contract. In proving the fact of dispatch, it shall be sufficient to show that
the envelope containing such notice was properly addressed, stamped

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and conveyed to the postal authorities or courier service for transmission

by airmail/speed post or courier.

c) Any notice delivered personally or sent by telegraph, fax or EDI shall be

deemed to have been delivered on date of its dispatch.

d) Either Party may change its postal, fax or EDI address or addressee for
receipt of such notices by giving ten (10) calendar days‘ notice to the other
Party in writing.

4.9 Designated Officer of the Purchaser

4.9.1 GM (ICT &MIS) [BESCOM] shall carry out the functions and obligations of
the Purchaser under the Contract.

4.9.2 The GM (ICT &MIS) [BESCOM] shall represent and act for the Purchaser at
all times during the currency of the Contract.

4.9.3 Any decision, instruction or approval given by the GM (ICT &MIS) [BESCOM]
to the Contractor shall have the same effect as though it had been given by
the Purchaser.

4.9.4 All notices, instructions, orders, certificates, approvals and all other
communications under the Contract shall be given by the GM (ICT &MIS)
[BESCOM], except as herein otherwise provided. All notices, instructions,
information and other communications given by the Contractor to the
Purchaser under the Contract shall be given to the GM (ICT &MIS)
[BESCOM], except as herein otherwise provided.

4.10 Designated Officer of the Contractor

4.10.1 Within fifteen (30) calendar days of the issue of LOI, the Contractor shall
appoint the Project manager [IP] as named in the Bid. The Project Manager
shall represent and act for the Contractor at all times during the currency of
the Contract and shall give to the GM (ICT &MIS) [BESCOM] all the
Contractor‘s notices, instructions, information and all other communications
under the Contract.
4.10.2 Any instruction or notice which the Purchaser gives to the Project Manager
[IP] shall be deemed to have been given to the Contractor.
4.10.3 The Contractor shall not revoke the appointment of the Project Manager [IP]
without the Purchaser‘s prior written consent, which shall not be
unreasonably withheld. If the Purchaser consents thereto, the Contractor
shall appoint some other person as the Project Manager [IP], pursuant to the

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procedure set out in clause 4.10.1.

The contractor ideally shall not replace any resource allotted to the project. If
any replacement is done should be done with prior approval of GM (ICT &
MIS) with a equivalent replacement in terms of Experience and Qualification
and a at least a month of Knowledge transfer should be done with both
working together.

4.10.4 The Project Manager may, subject to the approval of the Purchaser (which
shall not be unreasonably withheld), at any time delegate to any person any
of the powers, functions and authorities vested in him or her. Any such
delegation may be revoked at any time. Any such delegation or revocation
shall be subject to a prior notice signed by the Project Manager [IP], and
shall specify the powers, functions and authorities thereby delegated or
revoked. No such delegation or revocation shall take effect unless and until a
copy thereof has been delivered to the Purchaser and the GM (ICT &MIS)
[BESCOM]. Any act or exercise by any person of powers, functions and
authorities so delegated to him or her in accordance with this clause shall be
deemed to be an act or exercise by the Project Manager [IP].

4.11 Inspection
4.11.1 Unless otherwise specified, inspection of all goods and services will be
carried out at the Purchaser‘s premises by the Contractor and the
Purchaser. The Contractor will then submit inspection reports to the
Purchaser. The Purchaser‘s decision regarding acceptance or rejection of
goods shall be final.
4.11.2 The Purchaser may reject any goods or services or any part thereof that fail
to pass any test and/or inspection or do not conform to the specifications.
The Contractor shall either rectify or replace such rejected goods/services
or parts thereof or make alterations necessary to meet the specifications at
no cost to the Purchaser, and shall repeat the test and/or inspection, at no
cost to the Purchaser, upon giving a notice.
4.11.3 The Contractor shall arrange for the Purchaser team of atleast 3 members
for Factory Acceptance testing of hardware, Site visit for any two live
implementation of ERP done by Bidder and the site visit of the cloud service
provider for DR. All the logistics, boarding and lodging will be taken care by
the contractor.

4.12 Billing
4.12.1 The Contractor shall submit the bill in approved proforma (one original and

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three copies) in accordance with the Contract Agreement and agreed billing
schedule to the office of GM (ICT &MIS) [BESCOM] enclosing necessary
supporting documents( the documents will be detailed in the DWA) within
sixty (60) calendar days of having achieved the designated milestone
activities as per the schedule specified in contract .
4.12.2 All the bills submitted by the Contractor must be in Indian Rupee only. The
figure with two decimals shall be rounded-off to the nearest Rupee (i.e. less
than 50 paise shall be omitted and 50 paise or more shall be reckoned as
one Rupee) while calculating the amount to be billed.

4.13 Payment
4.13.1 The price to be paid by the Purchaser to the Contractor for execution of the
Contract and performance of all the obligations undertaken by the
Contractor under the Contract Agreement shall be as per the rates and/or
charges finalized and communicated and accepted in the Contract
Agreement. The rate so ascertained shall (exception only as and to the extent
expressly provided herein) constitute the sole and inclusive remuneration of
the Contractor under the Contract and no further payment whatsoever shall
become due or payable to the Contractor under the Contract.
4.13.2 The Office of GM (ICT &MIS) [BESCOM] shall verify the bill and supporting
documents after receipt of bill from the Contractor. The bills will be
processed by AGM (F&C) in office of GM (ICT & MIS) and Payment will be
released by AGM (E&S), Corporate Office BESCOM.
The Purchaser shall release the payment after deducting applicable taxes,
penalties/liquidated damages and other recoverable within Sixty calendar
days from the date of receipt of the bill (complete in all respect) by the
Purchaser. All the payments made by the Purchaser will be in Indian Rupee
only. No payment made by the Purchaser herein shall be deemed to
constitute acceptance by the Purchaser of the goods or services or any part(s)
4.13.3 If any excess payment has been made by the Purchaser due to difference in
quoted price in proposal and Contractor‘s invoice, the Purchaser may
without prejudice to its rights recover such amounts by other means after
notifying the Contractor or deduct such excess payment from any payment
subsequently falling due to the Contractor.
4.13.4 At its own discretion, the Purchaser shall make payments either through
crossed bank cheque or electronic bank transfer.
4.13.5 Wherever applicable, tax deduction certificates shall be issued at the end of
the month against deduction of statutory taxes.

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4.14 Taxes, Duties & Levies

4.14.1 Except as otherwise specifically provided in the Contract, the Contractor
shall bear and pay all taxes, duties and levies assessed on the Contractor, its
Sub-contractors or their employees by all municipal, state or national
government authorities in connection with the Project. The prices quoted by
the Contractor shall be inclusive of all taxes, duties and levies. The taxes,
duties and levies (including abatement/taxable composition, if any) as
applicable will be paid to the Contractor against documentary evidence.

4.15 Liquidated Damages (LD)

The delivery dates, timetables, milestones and other requirements mentioned in
the RFP and the work order are binding on the Contractor. In the event of delay or
any gross negligence, for causes attributable to the Contractor, in meeting the
milestones and associated deliverables, milestones and time table BESCOM shall
be entitled to recover from the Bidder as agreed, liquidated damages as mentioned
as part of the SLA‘s of this RFP.
The charges levied on the Contractor on account of Liquidated Damages shall be
capped at 10% of the total of Server Side Infrastructure, ERP license and
Implementation Cost quoted by the bidder.
During FMS/AMC phase, penalties which can be levied on Contractor each year
will be capped at 10% of the Total FMS Cost Per year.

4.16 Termination of Contract

4.16.1 The Purchaser, without prejudice to any other rights or remedies for breach of
Contract it may possess under the Contract, give a notice in writing to the
Contractor in the following circumstances stating the nature of the default and
requiring the Contractor to remedy the same. If the Contractor fails to remedy or
to take steps to remedy the same within fifteen (15) calendar days of its receipt of
such notice, then the Purchaser may terminate the Contract forthwith by giving
a written notice of Sixty (60) calendar days to the Contractor.

a) If the Contractor fails to commence the Project in the manner described in

the Contract Agreement, or
b) If the Contractor fails to carry on the work in conformity with the Contract
Agreement, or
c) If the Contractor fails to carry on the work to the satisfaction of the GM (ICT
d) If the Contractor has abandoned or repudiated the Contract, or

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e) If the Contractor becomes bankrupt or insolvent, has a receiving order issued

against it, compounds with its creditors, or, if the Contractor is a corporation,
a resolution is passed or order is made for its winding up (whether
compulsory or voluntary not being merely a voluntary liquidation for the
purpose of amalgamation or reconstruction), a receiver is appointed over any
part of its undertaking or assets, or if the Contractor takes or suffers any
other analogous action in consequence of debt, or
f) If the Contractor assigns or transfers the Contract or any right or interest
therein in violation of the provision of Contract Agreement, or
g) If the Contractor, in the judgment of the Purchaser, has engaged in corrupt
or fraudulent practices in competing for or in executing the Contract
including, but not limited to, willful misrepresentation of facts concerning
ownership of Intellectual Property Rights in, or proper authorization and/or
licenses from the Purchaser to offer, the hardware, software, or materials
provided under this Contract, or
h) If the Contractor submits a false statement(s) which has a material effect on
the rights, obligations or interests of the Purchaser, or
i) If the Contractor accepts any trade commission, discounts or similar
payments from any Third Party in discharging their duties and obligations
under this Contract, or
j) If the Contractor refuses or is unable to provide sufficient goods, materials or
services to execute and complete the ERP Solution in the manner specified in
the Agreed Project Plan at rates of progress that give reasonable assurance to
the Purchaser that the Contractor can meet User Acceptance of the ERP
Solution by the time for achieving User Acceptance as extended; or
k) If the amount of Liquidates Damage (LD) exceeds the limit specified.
l) The Purchaser reserves the right to by way of a written notice of 60 Days
terminate the contract without assigning any reasons whatsoever.

4.16.2 Upon receipt of the notice of termination, the Contractor shall either as soon as
reasonably practical or upon the date specified in the notice of termination cease
all further work, except for such work as the Purchaser may specify in the notice
of termination for the sole purpose of protecting that part of the ERP Solution
already executed, or any work required to leave the Site in a clean and safe
condition. In addition, the Contractor shall:

a) Deliver to the Purchaser the parts of the executed work up to the date of
b) To the extent legally possible, assign to the Purchaser all right, title, and
benefit of the Contractor to the ERP Solution, or sub-system(s), as at the date
of termination, and, as may be required by the Purchaser,
c) Deliver to the Purchaser all non-proprietary drawings, specifications, and
other documents prepared by the Contractor as of the date of termination in

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connection with the ERP Solution,

4.16.3 The Purchaser may enter upon the Site, expel the Contractor, and complete the
ERP Solution itself or by employing any Third Party. Upon completion of the ERP
Solution or at such earlier date as the Purchaser thinks appropriate, the
Purchaser shall give notice to the Contractor that such Contractor‘s equipment
will be returned to the Contractor at or near the Site and shall return such
Contractor‘s equipment to the Contractor in accordance with such notice. The
Contractor shall thereafter without delay and at its cost remove or arrange
removal of the Contractor‘s equipment from the Site.

4.16.4 Subject to the provisions of the Contract Agreement, the Contractor shall be
entitled to be paid the Contract Price attributable to the portion of the ERP
Solution executed as at the date of termination and the costs, if any, incurred in
protecting the ERP Solution and in leaving the Site in a clean and safe condition.
Any sums due to the Purchaser from the Contractor accruing prior to the date of
termination shall be deducted from the amount to be paid to the Contractor
under this Contract.

4.16.5 If the Purchaser completes the ERP Solution, the cost of completing the ERP
Solution by the Purchaser shall be determined. If the sum that the Contractor is
entitled to be paid, plus the reasonable costs incurred by the Purchaser in
completing the ERP Solution exceeds the Contract Price, the Contractor shall be
liable to pay for such excess amount. If such excess amount is greater than the
sums due to the Contractor, the Contractor shall pay the balance amount to the
Purchaser, and if such excess amount is less than the sums due to the
Contractor, the Purchaser shall pay the balance amount to the Contractor. The
Purchaser and the Contractor shall agree, in writing, on the computation
described above and the manner in which any sums shall be paid. The
Purchaser shall pay to the Contractor the Contract Price, properly attributable to
the parts of the ERP Solution executed by the Contractor as of the date of

4.16.6 The Contractor shall be liable to the Purchaser for any losses, excess costs for
such/similar services, provided that the Contractor should continue the
performance of the Contract to the extent not terminated under the provisions of
this clause. If in the opinion of the Purchaser, the Contractor shall not be able to
cure the fault even after notice, such notice shall not be necessary and the
Purchaser may terminate the Contract at the risk and cost of the Contractor.

4.16.7 Consequence of termination

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present a detailed exit plan within five (5) calendar days of termination notice
receipt to the GM (ICT &MIS) [BESCOM]. The GM (ICT &MIS) [BESCOM]
along with designated team will review the exit plan. If approved, Contractor
shall start working on the same immediately. If the plan is rejected, the
Contractor shall prepare alternate plan within three (3) calendar days. If the
second plan is also rejected, GM (ICT &MIS) [BESCOM] (or the authorized
person) will provide a plan for Contractor and it should be adhered by in
totality. The Exit Plan should cover at least the following:

a) Execute all documents that may be necessary to effectively transfer the

ownership and title, including Product warranties (if applicable),
b) Handover all developed codes, related documentation and other
configurable items, (if any) in his possession,
c) Handover the list of all IT assets, passwords at all locations to the
Purchaser. The Contractor and GM (ICT &MIS) [BESCOM] (or the authorized person)
will sign a completion certificate at the end of successful completion (all
points tracked to closure) of the exit plan.

4.17 Patent Rights & Royalties

4.17.1 The Contractor shall indemnify the Purchaser against all claims of
infringement of any patent, registered design, copyright, trade mark or trade
name or other intellectual property right in connections with execution of the

4.17.2 Royalties and fees for patents covering materials, articles, apparatus,
devices, equipment or processes used in the Project shall be deemed to have
been included in the value of Contract. The Contractor shall satisfy all
demands that may be made at any time for such Royalties or fees and he
alone shall be liable for any damages or claims for patent infringements and
shall keep the Purchaser indemnified in that regard. The Contractor shall, at
his own cost and expense, defend all suits or proceedings that may be
instituted for alleged infringement of any patents involved in the Project, and
in case of an award of damages, the Contractor shall pay for such award.

4.17.3 In the event of any suit and other proceedings instituted against the
Purchaser, the same shall be defended at the cost and expenses of the
Contractor who shall also satisfy/comply any decree, order or award made
against the Purchaser. But it shall be understood that no such machine,
materials, facilities or things has been used by the Purchaser for any

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purpose or any manner other than that for which they have been furnished
and installed by the Contractor and specified under these specifications,
final payment to the Contractor by the Purchaser will not be made while any
such suit or claim remains unsettled.

4.17.4 In the event of any apparatus or equipment, or any part thereof furnished
by the Contractor is in such suit or proceedings held to constitute
infringement, and its use is enjoined, the Contractor shall, at his option, and
at his own expense, either procure for the Purchaser, the right to continue
the use of said apparatus, equipment or part thereof, replace it with non-
infringing apparatus or equipment or modify it, so it becomes non- infringing
apparatus or remove the equipment and refund the purchase price plus
transportation and installation cost thereof.

4.17.5 The Contractor shall indemnify and keep indemnified the Purchaser, his
successors or assignees for and against any and all claims, suits, damages,
losses, actions, demands, costs, charges, royalties and expenses arising from
or for infringement, real or claimed of patents, copy rights or other protected
rights, if any, designs, device, machine, diagrams, drawings, or in respect of
the goods and materials supplied by the Contractor or any of the processes
followed by the Contractor are found to have infringed any such rights.

4.17.6 In the event of any claim being made or action being brought against the
Purchaser in respect of any of the matters referred to above, the Contractor
shall promptly be notified and he shall, at his own expenses, conduct all
negotiations for the settlement of the same and any litigation that may arise
there from.

4.18 Intellectual Property Rights

4.18.1 The copyright in all drawings, documents and other goods and materials
containing data and information furnished to the Purchaser by the
Contractor herein shall remain vested in the Contractor or, if they are
furnished to the Purchaser directly or through the Contractor by any Third
Party, including Contractors of materials, the copyright in such materials
shall remain vested in such Third Party.

4.18.2 The Purchaser shall, however, be free to reproduce all drawings, documents,
and other material furnished to the Purchaser for the purpose of the
Contract including, if required, for operation and maintenance of ERP

4.18.3 Further, the copyright of all reports and customized portion of software shall

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lie with the Purchaser. The developed Source-code of software shall be

handed over to the Purchaser upon successful Go-live (within 7 (seven)
calendar days, after Go-live of Phase-I). Any use of the same by the
Contractor shall only be allowed after written permission from the Purchaser.

4.19 Confidential Information

4.19.1 The Purchaser and the Contractor shall keep confidential and shall not,
without the written consent of the other Party here to, divulge to any Third
Party any documents, data or other information furnished directly or
indirectly by the other Party hereto in connection with the Contract, whether
such information has been furnished prior to, during or following
termination of the Contract. Notwithstanding the above, the Contractor may
furnish to its Sub-contractor(s) such documents, data and other information
it receives from the Purchaser to the extent required for the Sub-contractor(s)
to perform its work under the Contract, in which event the Contractor shall
obtain from such Sub- contractor(s) an undertaking of confidentiality similar
to that imposed on the Contractor under this clause.

4.19.2 The Purchaser shall not use such documents, data and other information
received from the Contractor for any purpose other than the operation and
maintenance of the ERP Solution. Similarly, the Contractor shall not use
such documents, data and other information received from the Purchaser
for any purpose other than the design, installation and implementation of
ERP Solution or such other work and services as are required for the
performance of the Contract.

4.19.3 The obligation of a Party under clauses defined above, however, shall not
apply to that information which:

a) Now or hereafter enters the public domain through no fault of that Party,
b) Can be proven to have been possessed by that Party at the time of
disclosure and which was not previously obtained, directly or indirectly,
from the other Party hereto, or
c) Otherwise lawfully becomes available to that Party from a Third Party that
has no obligation of confidentiality.

4.19.4 The above provisions shall not in any way modify any undertaking of
confidentiality given by either of the Parties hereto prior to the date of the
Contract in respect of the ERP Solution or any part thereof.

4.19.5 The provisions of this clause shall survive termination, for whatever reason,

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of the Contract.

4.20 Merger, acquisition or divestitures of the Contractor

4.20.1 In case of merger, acquisition or divestiture of the Contractor, the acquiring
company shall be bound by the terms & conditions of this Contract for a
period of at least five (5) years from the date of completion of the Project, at
no additional cost to the Purchaser. Additionally, the acquiring company
shall continue to provide Annual Technical Support, Annual Maintenance
Support and other related services during the time period as mentioned in
the Contract.

4.20.2 When the Contractor is a partnership firm, the prior approval in writing
from the Purchaser shall be obtained before any changes are made in the
constitution of the firm. Such approval as aforesaid shall likewise be
obtained before such Contractor enters into any agreement with other
Parties, where under the reconstituted firm would have the right to carry out
the Project hereby undertaken by the Contractor. In either case, if prior
approval is not obtained, the Agreement shall be deemed to have been
allotted in contravention of this Contract and the action and consequence
shall ensure as provided.

4.21 Contractor’s staff and their conduct

4.21.1 The Contractor on award of Project shall deploy qualified professionals as
designated in the Scope of Work/Contract Agreement for executing this
Project. At any time in the opinion of the GM (ICT &MIS) [BESCOM], any
additional, qualified, experienced professionals is considered necessary, they
shall be deployed by the Contractor without any additional charge. The
Contractor shall ensure competent and efficient supervision of the services to
the satisfaction of the GM (ICT &MIS) [BESCOM].

4.21.2 If any of the Contractor‘s employees, in the opinion of the GM (ICT &MIS)
[BESCOM], found to be guilty of any misconduct or be incompetent or
insufficiently qualified or negligent in the performance of their duties or that,
in the opinion of the GM (ICT &MIS) [BESCOM], undesirable for
administrative or any other reasons, for such person(s) to be employed for
providing designated services, then at the directions of the GM (ICT &MIS)
[BESCOM], the Contractor shall at once remove such person(s) from this
Project without written permission of the GM (ICT &MIS) [BESCOM].
Vacancy so created shall be immediately filled at the expense of the
Contractor by a qualified and competent substitute. Should the Contractor

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be requested to repatriate any person or removed from this Contract, he

shall do so and shall bear all costs in connection therewith.

4.21.3 The Contractor shall be solely responsible for the proper behavior of his
employees and staff employed by him/deputed by him to provide
consultancy services. The Contractor shall exercise proper degree of control
over them and in particular without prejudice to the said generality the
Contractor shall be bound to prohibit/prevent any of his employees (as
stipulated above) from trespassing or acting in anyway detrimental or
prejudicial to the interest of the community or the properties or occupiers of
land or properties in the neighborhood. In the event of such trespassing, the
Contractor shall be responsible for all consequent claims or actions for
damages or injury or any other grounds whatsoever. The decision of the GM
(ICT &MIS) [BESCOM] upon any matter arising under this clause shall be

4.21.4 If and required by the Purchaser, all Contractor‘s personnel entering upon
the Purchaser‘s premises shall be properly identified by badges of a type
acceptable to the Purchaser which must be worn at all times on the
Purchaser‘s premises.

4.21.5 It is made clear that no relationship of Purchaser and employee is created

between the Purchaser and the Contractor‘s resident engineers, employees
and no claim for employment of any such personnel shall be tenable or

4.22 Non-solicitation of staff

4.22.1 For the purpose of this Contract, both parties to this Contract agree, not to
solicit either directly or indirectly with a view to provide or offer employment
to, offer to contract with or entice a staff member of the other Party to leave
without the consent of the other during the term of this Contract Agreement
and for an additional period of one hundred and eighty (180) calendar days
after termination.

4.23 Contract’s Responsibility with other Agencies

4.23.1 Without repugnance to any other condition, it shall be the responsibility of
the Contractor providing services to submit to and take written approval
from GM (ICT &MIS) [BESCOM] for any other service(s) required. The GM
(ICT &MIS) [BESCOM], before communicating his approval to any such
scheme, with any required modifications shall get the final agreements of all
such agencies, which shall be binding. No claim shall be entertained on
account of above.

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4.23.2 The Contractor shall conform in all respect with the provisions of any
statutory regulations, laws, bylaws, rules or ordinances of any local or duly
constituted authorities or public bodies which may be applicable from time
to time to execute the Contract. The Contractor shall keep the Purchaser
indemnified against all penalties/liquidated damages and liabilities of every
kind, arising out of non-adherence to such statutory regulations, laws,
bylaws, rules or ordinances etc.

4.24 Insurance
4.24.1 The Contractor shall at his own expense carry and maintain insurance with
reputed insurance companies as per the applicable law of India to the
satisfaction of the Purchaser. Insurance shall be provided for all the
Contractor‘s employees engaged in the performance of this Contract.

4.24.2 The Contractor shall also carry and maintain any and all other insurance
which may be required under any law or regulation from time to time. The
contractor shall also carry and maintain any other insurance, which may be
required by the Purchaser.

4.24.3 The Purchaser shall not be liable, in any respect, for any damages or
compensation payable under law in respect or in consequence of any
accident or injury to any employee or other person deployed by the
Contractor or any Sub-contractor(s) for this Project except an accident or
injury resulting from any act or default of the Purchaser or his agents. The
Contractor shall indemnify and keep indemnified the Purchaser against all
such damages and compensation (save and except as aforesaid) and against
all claims, demands, proceeding, costs, charges and expenses, whatsoever in
respect or in relation thereto.

4.24.4 The Contractor shall comply with all relevant and applicable statutory
provisions in respect of the employees engaged by him at his cost and above
stipulations are only indicative and not exhaustive.

4.25 Damage to Property or to any Person or any Third Party

4.25.1 Contractor‘s Price Bid shall deem to include taking into account that he/she
has to work in Purchaser‘s premises and shall take sufficient care in moving
the goods and resources from one place to another so that they do not cause
any damage to any person or to the property of the Purchaser or to a Third
Party including overhead and underground cables and pipelines. In the event
of such damages including eventual interruption of services in any plant or
establishment as estimated by the Purchaser or ascertained or by the Third
Party shall be borne by the Contractor.

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4.25.2 Contractor shall also be responsible for making good to the satisfaction of
the Purchaser any loss or damage to all structures and properties belonging
to the Purchaser or being executed or procured or being procured by the
Purchaser or by other agency within the premises of all the Sites of the
Purchaser, if such loss or damages is due to fault and or negligence or wilful
acts or omission of the Contractors, his employees, agents, representatives
or Sub-contractor(s).

4.25.3 The Contractor shall indemnify and keep the Purchaser harmless of all
claims and damages to property other than Purchaser‘s property arising
under or by reason of this Contract if such claims result from the fault
and/or negligence or wilful acts or omission of the Contractor, Sub-
contractor(s), agents or representatives.

4.26 Safety & Security Code

4.26.1 General Contractor shall adhere to safe working practice and guard against
hazardous and unsafe working conditions and shall comply with Purchaser‘s
safety rule as set forth herein. Prior to start of the Project, Contractor will be
furnished copies of Purchaser‘s Safety Code for information and guidance, if
it has been prepared.

4.26.2 Safety Regulations In respect of all employees, directly or indirectly employed in the Project

for the performance of Contract Agreements, the Contractor shall at his own
expense arrange for all the safety provisions as defined in regulations, rules,
acts or orders applicable in India/ Karnataka State. The Contractor shall
observe and abide by all fire and safety regulations of the Purchaser. Before
starting the Project, Contractor shall consult Purchaser‘s Safety Engineer or
GM (ICT &MIS) [BESCOM] and must make good to the satisfaction of the
Purchaser any loss or damage due to fire to any portion of the work done
under this Contact or to any of the Purchaser‘s existing property. First Aid Facilities Contractor shall maintain first aid facilities for his employees and those
of his Sub-contractor(s).

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premises is strictly prohibited. Violators of the ―No smoking‖ rules as
applicable in India shall be discharged immediately.

4.26.3 General Safety All necessary personal safety equipment as considered adequate by the

GM (ICT &MIS) [BESCOM] should be kept available for the use of the
persons employed at the Site and maintained in condition suitable for
immediate use, and the Contractor should take adequate steps to ensure
proper use of equipment by persons as relevant for the Project at Site/office. When the work is done near any place where there is a risk of drowning,
all necessary safety equipments shall be provided and kept ready for use and
all necessary steps taken for prompt rescue of any person in danger and
adequate provision should be made for prompt first aid treatment of all
injuries likely to be sustained during the course of work. These safety provisions should be brought to the notice of all concerned by
displaying on a notice board at a prominent place at the Sites. The person
responsible for compliance of the safety code shall be named therein by the
Contractor. To ensure effective enforce of the rules and regulations relating to safety
precautions, the arrangements made by the Contractor shall be open to
inspection by the GM (ICT &MIS) [BESCOM] or Safety Engineer or any other
person nominated by the Purchaser. Notwithstanding the above clauses, there is nothing in these to exempt the
Contractor from the operations of any other acts or rules in force in India.
The works throughout, including any temporary works, shall be carried out
in such a manner as not to interfere in any way whatsoever with the traffic
on any roads or footpaths at the Site or in vicinity thereto or any existing
works whether the property of the Purchaser or of a Third Party.

4.26.4 Fire Safety The Contractor will have to use Fire Extinguishers at Sites as

recommended by the GM (ICT &MIS) [BESCOM]. They will have to ensure all
precautionary measures and exercise utmost care in handling the
inflammable material and electronic equipments etc. as advised by the GM
(ICT &MIS) [BESCOM]. Temporary combustible structures will not be built

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near or around the Site.

4.26.5 Security Code Access to the Data Centre Sites and Purchaser‘s locations shall be strictly
restricted. No access to any person except the essential personnel belonging
to the Contractor who are genuinely required for execution of the Project or
for carrying out management/maintenance who have been explicitly
authorized by the Purchaser shall be allowed entry to the Data Centre Sites
and some Purchaser‘s locations. Even if allowed, access shall be restricted to
the pertaining equipment of the Purchaser only. The Contractor shall
maintain a log of all activities carried out by each of its personnel. The Contractor and its personnel or any other person visiting the
Purchaser‘s premises and offices shall comply with all safety and security
procedures in force from time to time. All people visiting any Purchaser‘s
premises shall be liable to security check including, but not limited to,
frisking by security staff at the gate. Any person shall not carry any goods or
materials to Purchaser‘s premise as not permitted by such security
requirements. The Contractor and its personnel or any other person visiting the
Purchaser‘s premises and offices shall comply with all confidentially
requirements about Purchasers business and its activities and shall also
provide in written a confidentiality undertaking in prescribed format required
by the Purchaser.

4.27 Force Majeure

4.27.1 Force Majeure means any event or circumstance or combination of
events and circumstances including those stated below that wholly or partly
prevents or unavoidably delays the Purchaser or the Contractor in the
performance of their obligation under this Contract, but only if and to the
extent that such events or circumstances are not within the reasonable
control, directly or indirectly, of the affected Party and could not have been
avoided if the affected Party had taken reasonable care or complied with
prudent utility practices.

a) Act of God, including, but not limited to lightning, drought, fire and
explosion (to the extent originating from a source external to the Site),
earthquake, volcanic eruption, landslide, flood, cyclone, typhoon,
tornado, war embargo, or exceptionally adverse weather conditions which
are in excess of the statistical measures for the last hundred (100) years,

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b) Any act of war (whether declared or undeclared), invasion, armed conflict
or act of foreign enemy, blockade, embargo, or
c) Any event or circumstance of a nature analogous to any of the above.

4.27.2 Delay or non-performance by either Party here to caused by the occurrence

of any event of Force Majeure shall not

a) Constitute a default or breach of the Contract, or

b) Give rise to any claim for damages or additional cost or expense
occasioned thereby.

If and to the extent that such delay or non-performance is caused by the

occurrence of an event of Force Majeure.

4.27.3 The Contractor or Purchaser shall not be liable for delay in performing his
obligations resulting from any Force Majeure cause as referred above.

4.27.4 If either Party is prevented, hindered or delayed from or in performing any

of its obligations under the Contract by an event of Force Majeure, then it
shall notify the other in writing of the occurrence of such event and the
circumstances there of within fifteen (15) calendar days after the occurrence
of such event.

4.27.5 The Party who has given such notice shall be excused from the performance
or punctual performance of its obligations under the Contract for so long as
the relevant event of Force Majeure continues and to the extent that such
Party‘s performance is prevented, hindered or delayed. The Time for
Completion shall be extended in accordance with clause 4.6.

4.27.6 The Party or Parties affected by the event of Force Majeure shall use
reasonable efforts to mitigate the effect there of upon its or their performance
of the Contract and to fulfil its or their obligations under the Contract, but
without prejudice to either Party‘s right to proceed as per the provisions
under clause 4.27.7.

4.27.7 If the performance of the Contract is substantially prevented, hindered or

delayed on account of one or more events of Force Majeure during the
currency of the Contract, the Parties will attempt to develop a mutually
satisfactory solution, failing which the dispute shall be resolved in
accordance with clause 4.29.

4.28 Limitation of Liability

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4.28.1 Except in cases of gross negligence or wilful misconduct:

a) Neither Party shall be liable to the other Party for any indirect or
consequential loss or damage, loss of use, loss of production, or loss of
profits or interest costs, provided that this exclusion shall not apply to
any obligation of the Contractor to pay liquidated damages to the
Purchaser, and
b) The aggregate liability of the Contractor to the Purchaser, whether under
the Contract, in tort, or otherwise, shall not exceed the amount specified
in the Contract Price. Provided that this limitation shall not apply to the
cost of repairing or replacing defective equipment, or to any obligation of
the Contractor to indemnify the Purchaser with respect to patent

4.29 Settlement of Disputes


BESCOM and the Contractor shall make every effort to amicably settle all
disputes or claims arising out of, under, in connection with or relating to this
Agreement or the breach, interpretation, termination or validity thereof
(―Dispute‖). If within 30 (thirty) days from the commencement of such
amicable settlement process, BESCOM and the Contractor are unable to
resolve amicably such dispute, the matter will be referred to Managing
Director ,BESCOM and his / her opinion shall be taken.
If the Contractor doesn‘t agree with the opinion of the MD, BESCOM, the
matter shall be referred by either Party for arbitration to a panel of three
Arbitrators: one Arbitrator to be nominated by BESCOM, the other one to be
nominated by the Contractor and a third Arbitrator to be appointed by the two
arbitrators jointly. If the Parties fail to appoint their respective arbitrators
and/ or if the appointed arbitrators fail to appoint a third arbitrator within 30
days of the notice referring the Dispute for arbitration, then the appointment
of the arbitrators shall be in accordance with the Arbitration and Conciliation
Act, 1996. The award of the Arbitrators shall be final and binding on the
parties. Proceedings under this clause shall be subject to relevant provisions
of the Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996. The arbitration proceedings
shall be in the English language and the venue of such arbitration shall be
Bangalore. Cost of arbitration and the fees of the third arbitrator shall be
borne by equally by each Party. However, expenses incurred by each party in
connection with the preparation and presentation of its case before the
arbitral panel and the fees of its respective arbitrator shall be borne by the
Party itself. The provisions of this clause shall survive termination of this

4.30 Compliance with Laws and Regulations

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4.30.1 The laws and regulations which are to apply to the Contractor and under
which the Contract is to be constructed shall be Indian Laws and

4.30.2 The Contractor shall, in all matters arising in the performance of the
Contract, comply with in all respects, give all notices and pay all fees
required by the provisions of any national or state statute, ordinance or
other law or any regulation or bye-law of any duly constituted authority.

4.30.3 The Contractor shall adhere to the statutory provisions under Payment of
Minimum Wages Act, Contract Labor (Regulation & Abolition) Act,
Employee‘s Provident Fund & Miscellaneous Provisions Act, Workmen‘s
Compensation Act, Right to Information Act, and other relevant Statutes.
Non-compliance of the statutory provisions i.e. Contract Labor engaged in
the job may attract penal action against Contractor from the Law Enforcing
Authorities. All liabilities arising out of the non-compliance of the Law of the
Land will have to be borne by the Contractor and the Purchaser will not be
responsible in any manner whatsoever for the same.

4.30.4 The Contract shall in all respect be construed and interpreted in accordance
with the Laws in force in India, including any such Laws passed or made or
coming into force during the period of the Contract.

4.31 Change in Laws and Regulations

4.31.1 Unless otherwise specified in the Contract if, after the date thirty (30)
calendar days prior to the date of Bid submission, any law, bylaws,
regulation, ordinance or order having the force of law is enacted,
promulgated, abrogated or changed in India (which shall be deemed to
include any change in interpretation or application by the competent
authorities) that subsequently affects the Project Plan and/or the Contract
Price, then such Project Plan and/or Contract Price shall be correspondingly
increased or decreased, to the extent that the Contractor has thereby been
affected in the performance of any of its obligations under the Contract.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, such additional or reduced cost shall not be
separately paid or credited if the same has already been accounted for in the
price adjustment provisions where applicable, in accordance with provisions
of this Tender Document.

4.32 Joint Venture, Consortium or Association

4.32.1 Consortium/JV not allowed.

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4.33 Advertising of the Project

4.33.1 Any advertising stating the subject of this Contract by the Contractor in India
or in other foreign countries shall be subject to approval of the Purchaser
prior to the publication. Publication of approved articles, photographs and
other similar materials shall carry acknowledgment to the Purchaser.

5. Section V: Special Conditions of Contracts

5.1 General
5.1.1 The Special Conditions of Contract should be read in conjunction with Instruction
to Bidders, General Conditions of Contract, Scope of Work and other sections of
this Tender Document. The Special Conditions of Contract mentioned in this
section or anywhere else in the Tender Document shall prevail over the General
Conditions of Contract in case there is conflict between the two.

5.2 Steering Committee and Project Management Unit

5.2.1 A Steering Committee (SC) will be formed by the Purchaser comprising BESCOM
MD/ Technical Directors of the Purchaser, GM (MIS & IT) and any other
person(s)/agency(ies) as proposed by The Purchaser‘s management. This SC will
periodically review the progress of the project and guide the Project Management

5.2.2 A Project Management Unit (PMU) will be formed by the Purchaser comprising
senior officers of the Purchaser and any other person(s)/agency(ies) as proposed

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by The Purchaser‘s management. This PMU will co-ordinate with the Contractor
and any other stakeholders deemed necessary during project implementation.

5.3 Partial Work Order

5.3.1 The Purchaser, at its own discretion, may award the whole job (entire Scope of
Work) or part of it as found suitable. The Purchaser may also award whole or part
of any line item of the Price Bid as per the quoted rate. All line items mentioned in
the Price Bid will be considered as separate parts for this purpose. For the Scope
of Work related to Annual Technical Support (ATS) for ERP Product and Annual
Maintenance Support (AMS) for ERP Solution, each year will be a treated as
separate part. The Contractor has to execute the whole or part of the Project at the
rate quoted for the awarded Scope of Work through a Contract Agreement.

5.3.2 For such kind of partial order, the payment amount will computed on pro-rata
basis and in line with the payment terms as mentioned in this Tender Document.
Decision of the Purchaser will be final in this regard.

5.4 Partial execution of Scope of Work

5.4.1 If any activity/item mentioned in the Price Bid is not being completed/supplied by
the Contractor or is dropped by the Purchaser from the original Scope of Work
subsequent to award of Contract, the cost of that activity/item will be deducted
from the group total and the payment will be adjusted and made accordingly.

5.5 Penalty for mis-declaration / mis-representation

5.5.1 The Purchaser may impose a penalty on the Contractor for mis-declaration / mis-
representation of facts and figures, if detected at any point in time during bidding
process or during currency of the Contract. The Purchaser shall recover from the
Contractor, a sum equivalent to 5% of the the total price for Licenses and
Implementation Services for each case. The total penalty is Capped at 10% of
Contract value. BESCOM reserves the right to terminate the contract if the
penalty cap is breached.

5.6 Version of ERP Product

5.6.1 At any point of time before the end of Business Solution Design Simulation
(BSDS) if ERP Product Vendor introduces technological advance (including new
version) for ERP Product originally proposed in the Bid, the Contractor shall be
obligated to supply, configure and implement the latest version of the available

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sub-system(s) having equal or better performance or functionality at the same or

lesser unit price as compared to that contained in this Bid.

5.7 Supportability
5.7.1 The ERP Product Vendor must assure ability to support its ERP Product for a
period up to five (5) calendar years from the date of Final Acceptance of ERP

5.8 Schedule of Payments

5.8.1 The Purchaser shall pay to the Contractor in the manner as set forth in Form: 10
(Schedule of Payments).

5.9 Price of additional licenses

5.9.1 The unit price of different type of license as quoted in the price bid should remain
firm and valid for a period up to five (5) calendar years from the date of Final
Acceptance of ERP Solution if the Purchaser desire to procure any type of licenses
(including Transactional licenses, Payroll licenses, Employee Service licenses) in
addition to number of licenses as per the RFP. BESCOM also reserves the right to
revise the number of Licenses basis the As Is Study done by the Bidder and the
unit prices as discovered by the price bid shall hold good for any increase or
decrease in licenses.

5.10 Facilities to be provided by the Purchaser

5.10.1 For the execution of this Contract, the Purchaser shall provide office space with
adequate furniture & fixtures for accommodating Consultants of the Contractor in
their different offices of BESCOM. Providing office space is for the smooth
execution of Contract and non-provision of such space or delay in provision of
such space does not bind the Purchaser and make the Purchaser liable to the
Contractor in any manner except as specifically provided in the Contract
Agreement. Delay in providing such space shall not be cited as reason for delay in
Project completion.

5.10.2 Any other office infrastructure & facilities (including LAN, printer, photocopier,
fax-machine, scanner, computers, servers, networking devices, laptops,
peripherals, stationary, consumables, etc.) and logistic support (including local
conveyance, secretarial assistance, administrative support etc.) required by the
Contractor to successfully execute this Contract shall be arranged by the
Contractor itself at its own cost.

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6. Section VI: Scope of Work

6.1 Objective
6.1.1 Bidders are required to critically review the purpose and requirements of
implementation and shall ensure inclusion of all essential material & services (not
mentioned specifically) for achieving the objective within the time frame for
successful implementation. Bidders should note that the specifications mentioned
in the RFP are only the minimum specification and the bidder should design and
supply the solution appropriately keeping the business functional requirements,
ERP requirements, SLA requirements and scalability in view.

The Purchaser intends to implement the ERP Solution (also referred as ―the
Solution‖ or ―the system‖) within the timelines indicated in this Tender Document.
The Purchaser expects the Contractor to adhere to the approach described in this
Tender Document with possible improvements thereto. ERP will be implemented
centrally at the Purchaser‘s data center. The Purchaser has multiple business
locations across the state of Karnataka and users at these business locations will
be using the ERP through LAN/WAN, therefore the proposed ERP application
must be web-enabled.

6.1.2 The overall Scope of Work primarily consists of following activities:

1. The Selected Bidder has to do a thorough AS IS study within 60 days after the
issue of LOI. Key Deliverables of this Study is finalization of Functional
requirement ,Network Architecture and required bandwidth after studying existing
system ,End user systems required and Data digitization required.

2. Supply of ERP Product licenses for ERP related software (other than ERP Product),
database, clustering tools, integration tools, other tools or any other software to
make the ERP Solutions work as per the requirements of the Purchaser. Supply of
the Requisite Hardware for the Implementation of ERP Solution for BESCOM

3. Implementation of ERP Solution including business process analysis,

conceptualization, design, development, configuration, customization, testing,
audit and quality control services by ERP Product vendor, designing and
conducting training programs and change management workshops

4. Data Digitization, Data cleansing,Data Entry,Data migration etc. is in the Scope

of Bidder.
5. Project management, and Handholding and maintenance support for the entire
ERP Solution for Three years after Final Acceptance
6. 6.1 Please refer to clause 6.5 for detailed Scope of Work.

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6.2 Site Visits

6.2.1 The Contractor needs to conduct visits to all business locations during various
stages of implementation of ERP Solution like initial assessment, process study,
training, change management, data digitization & migration/entry etc. Also the
Contractor has to conduct own site visits for ‗As-Is‘ assessment of ICT
infrastructure (including network connectivity) available with the Purchaser for
developing ICT infrastructure for ERP Project. The Contractor shall include site
visit details in the Project Plan and Project Charter.

6.3 Deliverables
6.3.1 The Contractor should refer Annexure: 4 (List of Deliverables) for the list of
deliverables as part of the ERP implementation. The annexure gives a set of high-
level activities and corresponding deliverables expected, which Purchaser
envisions to be required as part of this Project. The Contractor should use this list
only as guideline in terms of expected deliverables. The Contractor is required to
furnish detailed information regarding each deliverables of every step of activities
proposed during and after implementation of the Project by appropriately
updating Annexure: 4 (List of Deliverables). The Contractor should submit at least
three (3) hard copies (in form of neatly bound book) and three (3) soft copies (in
form of CD-ROM) of all the released versions of each and every deliverable agreed
between the Contractor and the Purchaser.

6.4 Time for Completion of Project

6.4.1 The Contractor needs to arrive at the optimal core implementation and roll-out
strategy after understanding the activities to be carried out at different business
locations of the Purchaser. The implementation of this Project is proposed to be in
to two phases:

a) Phase 1: Core Implementation, and

b) Phase 2: Roll-out.

6.4.2 Core Implementation (Phase 1) at specified locations should be successfully

completed within Twelve (12) calendar months from the date of Issue of LOI and
Phase 2 Roll-out across all other locations should be completed within 6 (6)
calendar months after successful implementation (Go-live) at all Phase 1
locations. After successful completion of Phase 2 Roll-out, Stabilization Period of 6
calendar months will be allowed to complete the Stabilization Test(s) and the
process of Final Acceptance of the ERP Solution.

6.4.3 During Phase 2 Roll-out, the total number of locations (other than those covered
in Phase 1) will be appropriately divided into five (5) clusters for the purpose of
rolling out the implementation (including training and change management) and

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claiming payment after successfully completing roll-out across all locations in

each cluster. Details of clusters will be communicated to the Successful Bidder.

6.4.4 The list of locations (as of date) is given in the table below. Changes in this table
are possible before/during the implementation and the scope of the Contractor
will include all such changes:

Offices under Total no. Phase 1: Core Phase 2: Roll- out

Project scope of Offices Implementation (B)
Corporate Office 1 1 0
Zonal Offices 4 1 3
Circle Offices 9 1 8
Division Offices 30 2 28
Sub-Division Offices 130 8 122

Section/O&M offices 503 28 475

TOTAL (A+B): 677 41 636


a) At present, financial information (e.g. GL & Trail balances) is maintained at 51

accounting units of BESCOM. Under this 51 accounting units, 10 Admin offices also
work and maintain the accounts & financial data in corporate office. Name of 10
Admin offices are mentioned in Annexure I.

b) These numbers are indicative only, final project plan shall be developed by the
Contractor and approved by the Purchaser. During Phase 2 Roll-out, the total
number of locations (other than those covered in Phase 1) will be appropriately
divided into five (5) clusters for the purpose of rolling out the implementation
(including training and change management) and claiming payment after
successfully completing roll-out across all locations in each cluster.

c) All offices to be covered under roll-out will be clubbed in to three groups and one
of the offices in each of these three groups will be treated as one “Roll-out Location”
(all testing staff who are identified as ERP users will join at their respective “Roll-out
Location” for training)

d) Each office along with all Division offices under that Sub-Division & Section office
will be treated as one “Roll-out Location” (all office’s staff who are identified as ERP
users will join at their respective office for training)

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* Purchaser will provide Phase I offices list to Bidder at the time of work award.

# After the Phase I implementation, remaining no. offices will be implemented by

ERP in Phase-II implementation

6.5 Detailed Scope of Work

Listed below is the detailed Scope of Work that the Contractor has to undertake
for successful and timely completion of the Project:

6.5.1 AS IS Study to be done with all relevant stakeholders of BESCOM and come up
with detailed report within 60 days of issue of LOI

A. Finalize the Functional requirement at a Micro level with Discussion

with all the Stake holders concerned for the three modules. The
Functional Requirement Given in the Document (RFP- Functional
Requirements) are quite Exhaustive and the same needs discussed and
additional/new requirements need to be captured and the bidder needs
to submit the Functional Requirement Document. The Bidder as part of
the report should detail the end user workstations/printers etc required
after studying the existing infrastructure already in use.
Bidder is also suggested to study the exact license requirement in
BESCOM and confirm the same in his report.
B. The bidder is required to give a network architecture after performing
the AS IS study and suggest to BESCOM the Bandwidth required with
detailed bill of materials for the same. BESCOM will make provision for
the Network Bandwidth required. Bidder is required to study the
Existing MPLS connectivity in RAPDRP regions and suggest the
The Bidder Shall also give a detailed report regarding the Network
Bandwidth required at data center and Disaster recovery center.
C. Bidder is required to study in detail the requirement of data digitization
with discussion with Stake holder and give report regarding the same
exact data digitization required as part of ERP Implementation.
D. The bidder is required to study in detail the integration required with
various IT Systems in BESOM including the RAPDRP suite of
Applications. Also the Billing application and other associated
application needs to be integrated with the finance and accounts
module. Bidder should as part of his study give detailed Integration
Mechanism and Architecture/documentation for the same. There are
about 35 applications in BESCOM. The bidder is required to quote the
cost for integration as part of the implementation cost considering
integration to RAPDRP applications and at least 10 other applications in
BESCOM. The Proposed Solution architecture by the Bidder should

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have an integration layer for integration to all third party application in

Future as well.
E. As Part of RAPDRP System there is already an EMS/NMS application.
Bidder needs to study if the proposed EMS /NMS to be integrated with
that of the RAPDRP System

6.5.2 Supply of ERP Product, Associated Hardware as indicated and licenses for ERP
related software (other than ERP Product), database, clustering tools, integration
tools, other tools or any other software:

a) The Hardware for DC: The Hardware proposed should be procured with 5
years warranty from the Date of Purchase.

The ERP Product licenses also should be procured with 5 year warranty from
date of purchase.

All other associated software/OS/DB etc should be procured with a 5 year

Warranty from date of purchase.

Supply of latest ERP Product and Third Party bolt-on applications (necessary
to meet the Purchaser‘s requirements, if not available in the proposed ERP
Product), indicating specific modules, tools etc. suitable to meet the technical
requirement specifications laid down in Section: VII and functional
requirement specifications laid down in Section: VIII. All the functions/
modules to be implemented under this Project should be of the proposed ERP
Product only. Modules from different ERP Products, if required to be
implemented, will be considered as bolt-on modules.

b) Supplying suitable database along with clustering tools, integration tools,

other tools or any other software required for running the ERP Solution to
deliver desired performance and to keep the system up and running on 24x7

c) Unless new version of the ERP Product is released, the implemented version of
the ERP Product should be supported till completion of five (5) calendar years
from the date of Final Acceptance of ERP Solution. In case a new version is
released before Business Solution Design Simulation (BSDS), the Contractor
should implement the latest version at no additional cost.

d) Supply of the Hardware (Server/Network) as specified in bill of material and

installation, commissioning of the same for the Data Center. The Network
link for DC will be provided by BESCOM as per requirement specified by
contractor after AS IS Study. BESOM will also provision the Storage and tape
library required for the DC.

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The Contractor should specify the requirement of Storage and Tape library as
part of bid submission document. The same will be finalized during the AS IS
Study stage and BESCOM will make provision for the same in DC.

Contractor is required to size the servers as required to handle the load,

performance and service levels envisaged in this RFP. The servers shall
necessarily be purchased in the name of BESCOM. The application data shall
necessarily be stored in SSD SAN storage ( to be provisioned by BESCOM)
with minimum RAID 5 configuration.

The onus is on the Contractor to define the solution stack and the size of
the server infrastructure required to satisfactorily meet the load handling
requirements and performance service levels specified in this RFP. Should
there be any performance issues during the project period when the system is
handling load lesser than the load requirements specified in this RFP, the
Contractor shall either optimize the application software or augment the server
hardware at its cost.
`The Contractor shall deploy all the servers with the requisite deployment &
redundancy ` configurations at the very beginning of the project as required
in this RFP and as proposed by the Contractor in its technical proposal. The SI
shall ensure 1:1 redundancy between DC-DR. Such redundancy shall be kept
for all servers critically required for service delivery. It is not necessary for the
SI keep a redundant training server for disaster recovery.

e) Hosting of the ERP application in co-located Data center centers.

BESCOM data center will be operational in 2018 only and if it‘s operational the
ERP application need to be hosted in BESCOM DC.

It is proposed that for the DR be hosted on cloud and the Cloud Service
provider should be on the Empaneled list of MIETY with the data Center being
At least tier III.The contractor will quote for the Cloud hosting charges for DR
which is inclusive of the Network Bandwidth as well as Storage for DR.

f) The Contractor will also have to prepare and implement the Business Continuity
Plan for the Purchaser in consultation with the Purchaser and should include
details of infrastructure, location, operation, management and policies based
on Business Impact Analysis.

6.5.2 a) The Contractor shall design the network for connecting all the business
locations with the Purchaser‘s Data Centre with in telecommunication
connectivity with adequate reliability. The Contractor shall also consider the
existing bandwidth in BESCOM data Center as well as the Offices. BESCOM will
provision the Network connectivity for the same.

b) The Contractor all study in detail the data digitization work required and
assist BESCOM with detailed requirement for floating an RFP to onboard a vender
for data digitization works.

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6.5.3 Data collection, data preparation, data cleansing, data entry and data
digitization & migration (including master & transaction data):

The Contractor shall be responsible for data collection, data preparation, data
cleansing, data entry and data digitization & migration (Bidder should identify the
records for digitization at the time of ―As-Is‖ and as per the approval of Purchaser)
for all kind of master data and transaction data required to successfully
implement and operationalize proposed ERP Solution. The data shall be gathered
from various documents, registers, log- sheets, drawings etc., as required for all
proposed modules of ERP. All the hardware and software required for the
Scanning of documents and uploading to the ERP system needs to be provided by
the Bidder.

A detailed plan for the data migration (including master & transaction data)
sexpected from SI during the initial stages of the Project. Bidder should
identify the records for data migration at the time of "As-Is", as per the
approval of Purchaser), which will include data to be migrated for all kind of
master data and transaction data required to successfully implement and
operationalize proposed ERP Solution.

Contractor should also suggest best practice to purchaser, for the process data
digitization as required for phase wise implementation.

The Purchaser's approach to this task will be guided by its specific

requirements, both functional and statutory and the related standard industry
practices. The Contractor is expected to prepare and submit a high level "Data
Preparation, Conversion & Migration Strategy" document describing the broad
data elements to be converted, agreed source of the same, the target ERP
function/ module and the detailed form in which the same will be converted
(i.e . whether at transaction level or at balance level and the coverage period) .
A tentative time frame for developing the necessary scripts, testing the same
and eventual execution on the production environment should also be
indicated. To ensure that the Purchaser gets adequate time to validate the
data, the activities related to data preparation and conversion should
commence during early stage of the Project. Data validation (100%) will be
done by the contractor first and then random validation will be done by
Purchaser. Contractor should take sign off from respective section head (which
section's data are digitized and validated) as both validation completed.

For data collection, the contractor will be required to visit the BESCOM offices
in Different Geographical Location The Task As described above shall include
but not limited to following Activities..

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a) The SI is expected to deploy standard templates as required to run the process

of all proposed modules in ERP) for upload of data and data
collection/digitization migration purpose and share with purchaser in given
time line.

b) 100%, validation from the end of the Contractor and random validation from
the end of BESCOM, before uploading/migration the data on ERP system.
Vendor should take approval from Concerned BESCOM official.

c) Data migration and conservation

d) Creation of new. Additional data mandatory in the new system. It is the

responsibility of Bidder to digitize, enter and migrate any incremental data
before start of the FMS/AMC Phase.

6.5.4 Implementation of ERP Solution including business process analysis,

conceptualization, design, development, configuration, customization, testing,
Integration with other BESCOM Applications, designing and conducting training
programs and change management workshops:

a) Preparation of Project Charter: In the beginning of the Project, the

Contractor shall prepare Project Charter (including Project Plan) and submit it
to the Purchaser for approval.

b) Project Progress Reporting: The Contractor will submit to the Purchaser a

written progress report every week for review. The periodicity of report
submission can be increased during critical phases of the Project. In addition,
the Contractor shall report exceptions and issues that require immediate
attention of the Purchaser on a regular basis. The Contractor‘s Project
Management team (lead by GM (ICT &MIS) [IP-Implementation Partner]) will be
responsible for updating the Project Management Unit (PMU) and Steering
Committee (SC) of the Purchaser in progress review meetings. Project review
meeting to be held as:

i) BESCOM will conduct the project review meeting on a fortnight basis

during implementation and monthly basis during operations and
management, to review the status, progress, quality of services/ outputs
delivered and monitoring the progress. Purchaser may also conduct an ad-
hoc project review meetings based on project requirements and nature if
issue seen during the implementation, operations and maintenance.
ii) It is mandatory for the GM (ICT &MIS), the respective team leaders and
other key resources of SI to attend such project review meeting held be

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iii) Purchaser shall provide a one week notice for the scheduled meeting and
one day notice for ad-hoc review meetings in case of emergencies.
iv) Failure of SI to attend such review meetings shall be treated as material
breach and Purchaser reserves the right to invoke the Performance Bank
Guarantee for failure of the SI in this regard.
c) Design and Implementation of the System Architecture: The Contractor
shall be entirely responsible for the architecture of the system to be
implemented to satisfy all features, functions, Integrations and performance as
described in this document. Light GUI forms/screens shall be designed and
used in the ERP Solution for enhanced performance over low bandwidth
communication connectivity.

d) Business Process Analysis: The Contractor is supposed to undertake current

state assessment of the business processes existing in the Purchaser‘s system.
Following are some of the high level business processes/functions (but not
exhaustive) just to assist the understanding of the Contractor. BESCOM
intends to cover the following business functions, processes and activities in
the ERP project as given in the table below. The details are given in Section:
VIII (Functional Requirement Specifications (FRS)):

ERP Modules Business Core Functions

General Ledger Accounting
Account Receivable
Account Payable
Cash Management
Accounts & Bank Reconciliation
Finance Fixed Asset Accounting
Internal Audit
Budgeting Analysis
Costing & Finance Control
Pension Management (Related to Accounts & Finance)
Miscellaneous Reports

Online Payment
Power Purchase
Project Management
Quality & Safety
Customer Relationship Management
HR Management
Employee Service
Separation Management
HRMS Training and Development

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Performance and Appraisals Management

Grievance Redressal
Succession Planning
Document Management System (DMS) & Work flow Management System
(WMS) for all mentioned modules

Conceptualizing, designing, developing, configuring and testing of

the ERP Solution: The Contractor will be fully responsible for the

i. Preparing own Business Solution Design Document (covering all ‗To-

Be‘ processes) based on analysis of ‗As-Is‘ processes and requirements
of the Purchaser

ii. Conceptualizing, designing and developing the ERP Solution;

configuring the specific ERP modules, Third Party bolt-on
applications, development of interfaces where necessary, etc.

iii. Customizing standard ERP modules (without any limits) to meet all
the functional requirements of the Purchaser

iv. Configuring/ developing all standard reports and customized reports

as per the Purchaser‘s requirements

v. Conducting Business Solution Design Simulation (BSDS) sessions,

User Acceptance Tests and System Integration Tests

vi. Conducting various tests including Stress Tests, Performance Tests

etc. and making necessary changes to the ERP Solution based on
such test results. All tools required for load testing and performance
testing should be standard Third Party tools which are to be procured
or arranged by the Contractor for this Project.

1) User Acceptance Tests (UAT): The Contractor will conduct User

Acceptance Tests (UATs) to ascertain whether the ERP Solution or
any sub-system(s) is capable of meeting the functional requirement

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as per the Business Solution Design Document (BSDD),

Performance requirements (relating to commissioning) as specified
in the and Annexure: 5 (Standards of Performance). Conducting
such tests will be responsibility of the Contractor. The Purchaser
will provide full co-operation to the Contractor in conduct of the
tests. User acceptance tests shall be carried out both on the
development server and on production server to ascertain the full
load capability of the production environment (full load test and
stress test).

2) Go-live Acceptance Tests: The Contractor will conduct Go- live

Acceptance Tests immediately after each Go-live date to ascertain
whether the ERP Solution or any sub-system(s), is available for live
transactions to attain the functional and performance requirements as
specified in this document and the agreed final Project Plan. The Go-live
Acceptance Tests shall be conducted jointly by the Contractor and the
Purchaser in accordance with the test scripts provided by the
Contractor and reviewed by the Purchaser.

3) Stabilization Tests of the ERP Solution: Conducting Stabilization

Tests shall be the primary responsibility of the Contractor, but shall be
conducted with cooperation from the Purchaser to ascertain whether
the supplied system meets the desired Standards of Performance.

The Stabilization Tests will be conducted for the ERP Solution during
the post Go-live period. The test shall be conducted for ascertaining
Response Time Performance and Availability Performance criteria as
defined in Annexure: 5 (Standards of Performance) for minimum twenty
one (21) calendar days continuously. The Stabilization Tests shall be
conducted by powering up and continuous operation of all the systems
on a 24x7 basis to ascertain that all components of the solution are
working in the desired fashion individually and together. During
stabilization test, the Contractor shall deploy performance measurement
tools to establish adherence to desired Standards of Performance.

If the system is found to be lacking in meeting prescribed availability

performance and response time performance, the Contractor shall at its
cost and expense make changes, modifications, and/or additions to the
ERP Solution as may be necessary for fully conforming to the Standards
of Performance. The Contractor shall notify the Purchaser upon
completion of the necessary changes, modifications, and/or additions
and shall request the Purchaser for repeat of the stabilization
acceptance tests. If the ERP Solution (or sub- system(s)) fails after the
second stabilization acceptance test, Purchaser shall levy penalty
equivalent to five percent (5%) of the total price for Licenses and

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Implementation Services for not meeting the response time as

mentioned in Annexure: 5 (Standards of Performance) and will notify the
Contractor accordingly.

For performance below the Standards of Performance as mentioned in

Annexure: 5 (Standards of Performance), the Contract is liable to be
rejected. In such case, the Purchaser may recover the entire cost paid to
the Contractor or alternatively the Purchaser may proceed for
commercial settlement with the Contractor for acceptance of the system
at the negotiated price.

4) Final Acceptance of ERP Solution: The ERP Solution will be taken as

finally accepted after observing performance and response time of the
full ERP Solution at the end of Stabilization Period. On final acceptance
of ERP Solution, the Purchaser shall issue project completion certificate
to the Contractor.

For the UAT and Final Acceptance testing BESCOM will form
a Committee which will perform the testing and give final acceptance.
The Details of the Committee will be made elaborated during the issue of

BESCOM intends to appoint a third party for the Audit of the system for
both the functional and performance compliance. The Third party Audit
agency will do all the testing and report the same to the UAT Committee. It
is the responsibility of the bidder to coordinate with the third party agency
and make good any observations by the agency regarding the functional
and performance of the system.

Also after hosting the application in DC and DR at cloud BESCOM would

also conduct a third party security audit before going live.

DC DR Drill: As part of the UAT there will be a DC DR Switch over /Drill

activity. It is also expected that the bidder perform DC-DR drill once every
year during currency of the contract after final acceptance.

f) Arranging equipment, software and tools for development and testing of

ERP Solution: It shall be the responsibility of the Contractor to arrange
equipment, software and tools (along with necessary licenses, wherever
applicable) required for development, customization, modification, testing of
the ERP Solution. The Contractor will also use regression tools for testing.

g) Designing and conducting training programs,change management

workshops, and Knowledge Transfer: The Contractor will be
responsible for following activities under training programs and change

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management workshops:
i. Training & Change Management Strategy and Plan: The
Contractor shall provide comprehensive and detailed training &
change management strategy and plan describing the proposed
approach and methodology, calendar/timelines, course contents,
course duration, training materials, training tools, training
logistics, etc. The Contractor shall arrange separate training
sessions for different categories (Group I, II, III wise) of participants
in batches (maximum approx. batch size of 30-35 participants).
The Contractor shall submit this document for approval of the
Purchaser before initiating this activity. Purchaser can be categorized
into below categories, based on their influence and role in managing
the change and making it successful:
a) Group I: Identify the key senior officers, who are directly impacted
by ERP with respect to reviewing/ receiving/ analyzing the report
through ERP and others.
b) Group II: Identify the key officers (―B & C‖ category as per
designation wise of BESCOM), who will use and also directly
impacted by ERP with respect to reviewing/ receiving/ analyzing
the report through ERP and others.
c) Group III: Identify the key employees, who will use and fill
necessary data and utilize the basic and advance features of ERP
to facilitate their functional process through ERP and others.

ii. ERP Product/Solution Overview Training: This training shall

be provided to the Purchaser‘s Steering Committee and Project
Management Unit members at Bangalore (Contractor would take
exact no. of participant details from Purchaser for this training) at
the beginning of implementation.

iii. Technical Training: This training shall be provided to the

Purchaser‘s Technology Team members at Bangalore (Contractor
would take exact no. of participant details from Purchaser for this
training) at the beginning of and during the implementation.
Technical training would include training IT Professionals and
identified Functional Resources on programming and system
administration aspects of the proposed ERP Solutions.

iv. Functional Training: This training shall be provided to the Purchaser‘s

Core Team members at Bangalore (Contractor would take exact no. of
participant details from Purchaser for this training) at the beginning
of and during the implementation. The Purchaser‘s Core Team will

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comprise of members from all the business functions and IT. Each
member should be provided orientation training to include ERP
Product/Solution overview, project orientation training (methodology,
tools, project planning, roles etc.), training in the relevant function /
module (mapped to business process) and training on configuration
aspects required for efficiently running the proposed ERP Solutions.

v. End User Training: This training shall be provided to Purchaser‘s end

users (Contractor would take exact no. of participant details from
Purchaser for this training) at Bangalore and all other business
locations of the Purchaser before each Go-live. The Contractor
should be responsible for providing training to Purchaser‘s end
users on Employee Self Service (ESS) functionalities.

vi. Change Management Workshops: The Contractor will suggest to

the Purchaser issues anticipated in the change management process
and proposed solution to overcome the same. The Contractor will
conduct the change management programs for various levels of
personnel (Category A, B, C & D) at different locations. The
Contractor should manage the change management workshops as
per the total no. of participants in Bangalore and also change
management workshops f or field locations spread across the state
of Karnataka as per the total no. of participants. (refer clause 6.4.4)
(Time for Completion of Project).

vii. Training Materials: The Contractor shall be responsible for

preparation of the training materials, handouts and end user
manuals covering ―step-by-step‖ and ―how to use‖ concepts for all
ERP functions/modules to be implemented.

viii. Training Tools: Use of recommended ERP training tools/ software(s) for
providing various training is essential. Adequate training materials which
include training manuals, quick reference cards etc. should be provided
during the training sessions. The recommended training materials can be
in print media (newsletters, posters, banners, leaflets etc.), electronic
media (videos, etc.) with courses on ERP fundamentals, business process
overview, user job activity training etc. and delivery options may include,
but not limited to, on-line trainings, computer-based trainings and
instructor-led class room trainings. All expenses related to training tools
shall be borne by the Contractor.

ix. Training Logistics: The Purchaser shall provide training venue along

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with general logistic support to the Contractor. The training shall be

organized by the Contractor wherein specialized logistics and support
facilities (if any) should be arranged by the Contractor. Such specialized
logistics may include, but not limited to, IT systems, audio visual aids,
training tools, etc. All associated expenses are to be borne by the
Contractor. In addition, all other incidental expenses (travel, lodging &
boarding, local conveyance etc.) pertaining to training programs and
change management workshops shall be borne by the Contractor.
x. Assessment of Training Effectiveness: Preparation of test papers and
conducting test for all participants to evaluate effectiveness of training
programs and change management workshops. The test papers should
be prepared jointly by the Contractor and the Purchaser and conduct
online exam for an hour. The Contractor shall also obtain formal
feedback from each participant after completion of each training
program/change management workshop.
xi. Knowledge Transfer: The knowledge transfer process shall involve the
complete handover of the operations to the team identified by BESCOM,
which would take care of operations after the tenure ends. Exit Plan
has to be submitted by the bidder and approved by BESCOM. The
Knowledge Transfer procedure needs to be carried out as per approved
plan. Exit Plan would include transfer of Intellectual property, transfer
of assets, knowledge transfer( by providing training to the appropriate
team identified by BESCOM ) and smooth transition from the operation
and maintenance team to new team selected and managed by
A detailed program of the transfer process that could be used in
conjunction with the replacement of contractor, including details of
the means to be used to ensure continuing provision of the services
throughout the transfer process or until the cessation of the services
and of the management structure to be used during the transfer.
This Knowledge transfer and Exit Management plan shall be furnished
in writing to the BESCOM within 30 days from the Effective Date of

6.5.5 Project Management: The Contractor must deploy a dedicated full-time Project
Manager to meet the project management requirement of the Purchaser. The
Project Manager will do the overall project monitoring and management
throughout the life cycle of the Project to ensure successful and timely
completion of the Project. Project management will include, but not limited to,

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the following:
a) Co-ordinate all activities with the PMU set-up by the Purchaser

b) Ensure timely delivery of all the deliverables related to ERP Solution as

mentioned in this Tender Document

c) Supervising delivery, installation, testing, commissioning and

implementation of ICT infrastructure as per detailed BOM and
technical specifications of IT hardware and networking equipment

d) Supervising network (LAN & WAN) implementation

e) Co-ordinate among various Stakeholders, Sub-contractors and other


f) Manage entire Project i.e. ERP system delivery, customization and

implementation, co-ordination for Site preparation, networking and
hardware delivery

g) Participate in all meetings and record the proceedings.

h) Define and control project scope

i) Monitor risk management related aspects and project delays

j) Ensure synchronization of all the activities of the Project i.e.

development, ICT infrastructure procurement, implementation, training

k) Any other tasks/activities required to be performed for successful

implementation of ERP Solution.

6.5.6 Provide a well prepared documentation for users in the form of a user‘s manual, a
clear plan for training, educating and hand holding the user and shall from part of
handholding until bringing up the users to use software solution with speed and
efficiency. Handholding and maintenance support for the entire ERP Solution for
the period specified in this clause including technical support to users,
identifications and rectification of bugs/ glitches/ malfunctions, incorporation of
new requirements from time to time, user training when required, version
management (including necessary documentation), release management, data
back-up & recovery, system recovery, assistance in transaction rollback when

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requested by relevant authorized personnel, migration to new hardware/operating

systems/ databases/ browser versions and quality control on ongoing basis. The Contractor shall arrange/ provide post implementation support for ERP
Product and ERP Solution for a period of 3 years after Final Acceptance The
Contractor will also provide the Facility Management services for a period of 3
years from the Date of final Acceptance.. The support will be of two types:

a) Annual Technical Support (ATS): ATS shall be provided by the ERP

Product Vendor (to be arranged by the Contractor). The Contractor
should also have to procure ATS for any bolt-on application(s) which
he has provided as a part of the ERP Solution. The support should
include supply of new versions/releases (including next generation
release), upgrades, bug fixes, functionality enhancements and patches
to cater to changes (including localization requirements related to taxes
& duties, legal, statutory, legislation, policy etc.) along with related
documentation within thirty (30) calendar days of their availability in
India and not later than twelve (12) calendar months after they are
released in the Country of Origin as well as other technical support from
ERP Product Vendor‘s help desk. Annual Technical Support shall be
provided for the following periods:

i. Implementation period: From the date of signing of End User

License Agreement (EULA) up to the date of Final Acceptance of
ERP Solution

ii. Post implementation period: Three ( 03) calendar years from the
date of Final Acceptance of ERP Solution.

b) Annual Maintenance Support (AMS):

i. Help Desk Support: The Contractor shall deploy at least four

(4) dedicated skilled resources at the Purchaser‘s premise for help
desk support from 9AM to 7PM for all working days (considering
six days a week - from Monday to Saturday) of the Purchaser and
its business units. Help Desk support shall include, but not
limited to, basic menu/screen level support, addressing general
queries of users, logging requests, assigning requests to specific
help desk individuals, recording resolution, tracking overall
time taken for resolution, etc. Help Desk Support shall be
provided for the following periods:

1) Implementation period: From the date of first Go-live of ERP

Solution up to the date of Final Acceptance of ERP Solution,

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2) Post implementation period: Three (3) calendar years from the

date of Final Acceptance of ERP Solution.

ii. Technical Support: The Contractor shall provide technical support, in

a suitable on-site and off-site combination, from 9AM to 7PM for all
working days (considering six days a week - from Monday to
Saturday) of the Purchaser and its business units. If off-site support
model is proposed by the Contractor, total (fixed & variable) cost of
network connectivity (leased line/ VPN) between Contractor‘s
Support Centre and the Purchaser‘s data centre has to be borne by
the Contractor and also at least two (2) technical persons should be
deployed at data centre for day-to-day operations (as take permission
and approval from Purchaser). Technical support shall include, but
not limited to, installation of new versions/ releases (including next
generation release) upgrades, bug fixes, functionality enhancements,
patches to cater to changes (including tax, legal, statutory and policy
requirements), any modification or enhancement to existing
business, changes to configurations, customizations, database
administration, data back-up and archiving, security and other
technical assistance. Technical Support shall be provided for the
following periods:

1) Implementation period: From the date of first Go-live of ERP

Solution up to the date of Final Acceptance of ERP Solution, and

2) Post implementation period: Five (5) calendar years from the

date of Final Acceptance of ERP Solution. Support will be provided by the Contractor pursuant to the Service Level
Agreement (SLA) and/or Contract Agreement. Support will include but will
not be limited to the following activities:

a) All the modules of ERP (including Bolt-Ons) and functionalities as

mentioned in this RFP
b) Version up gradation
c) Re-installation of base software
d) Creation/modification of reports to meet business requirements
within timeline stipulated by the Purchaser
e) Modification in workflow and analytics
f) Resolution of reported errors as per SLA mentioned hereunder
g) Data backup
h) Data recovery
i) System restoration

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j) Reinstallation of ERP and all associated and prerequisite software

k) Performance tuning and optimization
l) Changes and modification
m) Enhancement of existing functionalities and configuration
n) Documentation of all the changes and developments made in the system
o) Training on any change or modification of the solution
p) Bridge any functional gap between India version and concerned ERP version
q) Any other support required to ensure smooth and trouble-free operations of
ERP Solution.

6.6 Software Change Control

During the contract duration, there will be instances where BESCOM will require the
Contractor to implement functional requirements not envisaged in the RFP.

Instead of seeking an effort estimate for the envisaged change in software as it

is normally BESCOM will pay the Contractor basis the agreed man month rates for
the resources estimation on the change request. The Contractor will have to give a
proposal to BESCOM regarding the utilization of the resources at the rate quoted as
part of the Bid for a particular change request and BESCOM will evaluate the same.

It is estimated that BESCOM would require 200 Man month efforts for the
Change Requests during the lifecycle of the Project.

BESCOM will accept a functional requirement as a change when there is no

reference to the functional requirement in the RFP. Any changes in page layouts,
minor modifications of reports included in scope and page navigational requirements
will not be constituted as a change.
6.6.1 Qualification Requirements

Lead Programmer
i. B.E. / B.Tech in any discipline or MCA or M.Sc. in Computer Science
ii. Minimum 5 years of work experience in Proposed ERP as a programmer
iii. Should have experience in at least 2 end to end ERP project as lead

Junior Programmer
The junior development resources deployed on-site shall meet the following
minimum qualification requirements:

i. B.E. / B.Tech in any discipline or MCA or M.Sc. in Computer Science

ii. Minimum 3 years of work experience in proposed ERP with at least one
implementation of End to End ERP as programmer.

Solution Architect
i. B.E. / B.Tech in any discipline or MCA or M.Sc. in Computer Science
ii. Minimum 8+ years of work experience in Proposed ERP as a Solution

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iii. Should have experience in at least 3 end to end ERP project solution

Database Administrator
i. B.E. / B.Tech in any discipline or MCA or M.Sc. in Computer Science
ii. Minimum 5+ years of work experience in Proposed ERP as DB admin with
atleast 2 End to End ERP implementation Experience

System Administrator
i. B.E. / B.Tech in any discipline or MCA or M.Sc. in Computer Science
Minimum 5+ years of work experience in Proposed ERP as system admin with atleast
2 End to End ERP implementation Experience

Software Documentation
1. During the course of pilot phase, Contractor is required to submit the below
documents related to the software as a pre-requisite to obtaining System
Acceptance. However, in case there are any other documents which the SI
finds relevant to the project or the end users of BESCOM, Contractor is free to
submit the same:
 Risk Management and Mitigation Plan
 System Study Document/AS-IS Report for the mentioned modules
 To-Be Process Document
 Updated/vetted FRS Document
 Design Documents
 DC and DR Connectivity Report
 Training material, Application and User Manual
 Training Completion Reports
 Data Digitization Completion Report
 SLA Monitoring Reports
 Change Request Logs with their resolution status

6.7 Integration with Other Third Party Application

BESCOM has almost 35 + applications including the RAPDRP Suite of
applications (which includes 17 Modules including Oracle CCB, WAMS, Energy Audit,
ESRI GIS etc). The ERP Solution proposed should be integrated to the RAPDRP
system especially to the Billing system (CCB) as well as the WAMS system. Also for
Non RAPDRP areas BESCOM has a Total Revenue Management System (Bespoke
system) which also needs to be integrated with ERP.

The ERP Solution should have an integration layer for all third party integration
requirement. It is expected that the integration mechanism should be detailed in the
Approach and Methodology.

The contractor as part AS IS Study will have to examine in detail the integration
requirement and the finalize the same. It is expected that apart from RAPDRP system

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which needs to be integration other bespoke systems needs to be integrated with ERP

6.8 Brief Timelines proposed:

The Contractor will have to submit a detailed Work Plan with timlines.At the Time of
Issue of DWA BESCOM will review and suggest changes to the Plan which has to be
adhered by the Contractor. Brief Timelines are given below. Activity Timeline
1. Date of Issue of LOI T
2. Deployment of Project Manager T + 30 days
3. Deployment of at least 2 on-site functional leads T + 30 days
onsite with Team Lead
4. Submission of Detailed Project Plan along with final T + 45 Days
resource deployment as well as training plan.
5. AS IS Study and TO BE REPORT Submitted along T + 60 days
with the Master Data Templates for Data
Digitization requirement.
Network Architecture and End user hardware
Requirement as part of the Report.
6. Supply of Hardware at BESCOM DC T +90 Days
7. Supply of ERP and Associated Licenses for DC T+90 Days
8. Infrastructure Setup at DC and Start T+120 Days
implementing Pilot ( Third Party Audit to be done
after DC Setup)
9. Start Cloud Rental for DR T+ 150 Days
10. Product Configuration and Customization T + 150 days
11. Pilot implementation of Finance accounting Module T+ 7 Months
12. Pilot Implementation of HRMS T+8 Months
13. Test Cases and Test Plan For UAT finalization T+ 10 Months
14. Pilot Implementation Acceptance Testing T+12
15. Go live in pilot phase T+ 12 Months
16. Rollout T+18 Months
17. Stabilization period and Final acceptance T+ 24 Months
18. 3 years Support. T+ 60
6.9 Release Management:

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i) The bidder has to submit a comprehensive Release Management Plan

which defines the set of activities required to plan, build, test and deploy
software and/or hardware changes to the live environment of BESCOM
ERP solution.

ii) This process will be applicable to all changes that are referred to the
Release Management, to deploy them into the live environment of BESCOM
ERP. The Release Management Plan should mandatorily cover the following
 Planning a Release
 Designing and building a Release
 Acceptance criteria of a Release
 Preparing a rollout for a Release
 Subsequent communication, preparation and training
 Deployment and review of the Release

iii) The bidder should ensure that all the releases will follow a systematic
approach, which should mandatorily cover the version control, frequency
and the level to which the ERP environment will be controlled by definable

iv) The Release Management Plan should also cover the process/procedure
for dealing with emergency releases.

v) The bidder should also ensure that all the other OEM releases like
service packs, patch updates for the OS, databases, middleware etc., the
upgrades for third party tools used and the firmware or BIOS upgrades for
the applicable hardware shall be deployed within 6 months of its release.

NOTE: It shall be under the sole discretion of BESCOM to decide the most
appropriate approach towards the Release Management Process depending on
the size and nature of the systems, the number and frequency of releases
required, and any special needs of the users.

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7. Section VII: Technical Specification

Requirements (TSR)
Bidder are required to provide their responses to the Technical Requirements in
the following table:

Sr. Bidder’s Response

1 Yes - If the proposed ERP Solution meets the requirement

2 No - If the proposed ERP Solution does not meet the requirement

3 If the question is for Information purpose, Bidder is required to
provide documentary evidence(s)
4 ERP Product Vendor shall respond to the questions bearing the ‗*‘

Sr. System Functional Requirements Bidder’s Explanation to

no. Response be provided by
the Bidder (If
1. Specify if real-time data update
among modules in the ERP Solution
is supported?
2. Does the system support distributed

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3. Does the system support the TCP/IP

protocol stack?
4. Please specify other network protocols
supported by the proposed ERP

5. Can the system data be kept on

storage media with high tolerance of
failure, such as RAID5 technology?
6. Please also specify other types of
fault-tolerance storage technology
that are supported.

7. Is Auto-switching failover to other

available server supported in case of
server failure?
Sr. System Functional Requirements Bidder’s Explanation to
no. Response be provided by
the Bidder (If
8. Does the system support load
9. Is the system Scalable? Give details of
upward scalability in terms of
maximum number of users and the
maximum volume of transactions
that can be supported.

10. Please specify whether the following

types of system implementation tools
are provided:

(a) Quick implementation/

configuration tools

(b) Development tools (e.g. report

writer, screen painter, programming
language, etc.).
(c) Debugging, auditing and testing
tools (for both functional and
performance testing)

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(d) Provision for remote patch and

version administration

11. Does the ERP Solution support front

end based on user requirements for
the following items :
(a) Screen design

(b) User‘s desktop (e.g. color, font

size, font style)
(c) Menu bar

(d) Toolbar

(e) Varying screens and formats for

different users of the same module

Sr. System Functional Requirements Bidder’s Explanation to

no. Response be provided by
the Bidder (If
12. Specify policy on future upgrades and
Future product release. Also explain
your product lifecycle management
with product-technology roadmap for
the next 5 years.
13. The upgrades should have minimal
impact to the system installed on the
following areas :

(a) Configured parameters

(b) Customized programs
(c) Modified standard program source

14. Do you provide notification and

patches of system enhancements and
fixes to the Purchaser after
implementation on a proactive basis?
Does ATS cover this ?

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15. How many versions have been

released in last five (5) years* (period
ending Mar 2018)? Please specify
detail of versions, month/year of
release, and the changes made with
each release*
16. Are there any major upgrades due? (If
so when are these expected?)*
17. Will the above upgrade affect
adversely the current version?
(Provide information as to what extent
it will affect)

18. Does the ERP system support

Multiple Languages e.g. English,
Kannada & Hindi and any other
languages ?
Sr. System Functional Requirements Bidder’s Explanation to
no. Response be provided by
the Bidder (If
19. Is the system configurable in terms
of data retention, automatic time-
outs to adapt various work load and
usage pattern?
20. Does the system offer ‗Fast-path‘
options for speedier navigation in the
21. Does the system provide data
archiving capabilities, which can,
selectively, archive inactive/obsolete
data into separate storage media?
22. Does the system synchronize the time
(clock) with other Third Party
23. Please specify the utility used to
synchronize the time (clock) with
other Third Party software.

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24. Does the system support real time
updates or interfaces with software
from other Vendors, or in-house
developed systems, including system
like SCADA, Other Data Acquisition
Systems, Oracle Developer, FoxPro
DBF files etc.?
25. Does the system support data
conversion tools? Please specify the
data conversion tools provided?

Sr. System Functional Requirements Bidder’s Explanation to

no. Response be provided by
the Bidder (If
26. Does the system have an inbuilt e-
mail tool?

27. Does the system support e-mail

integration with systems such as
Microsoft's Outlook Express, Novell‘s
GroupWise, and Lotus Notes etc.?
28. Please specify other supported e-mail

29. Can the system integrate with SMS

gateway to allow SMS alerts and
capable to send automatic mail
30. Please specify if the GUI can be
supported on all the following OSs
without the need of any Third Party
(a) Microsoft Windows version

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(b) Unix (Variants)

(c) Linux (Distribution)

If not, then specify the software

31. Please also specify remote access
software that is supported.
32. Does the system support access via
the Internet with secured

33. Please specify how it is supported

and the functions that are
Sr. System Functional Requirements Bidder’s Explanation to
no. Response be provided by
the Bidder (If

34. Does the system support interfacing

with PDA, Mobiles, Smart Card
readers, Biometric Card readers,
RFID devices, data acquisition
systems etc.
35. Does the system support the upload
and download of the following type of
documents into/from the system:

(a) Microsoft Word files

(b) Microsoft Excel files
(c) Adobe acrobat files
(d) Engineering drawing (AutoCAD /
Micro-Station) files
(e) Data files (including ASCII formats
like *.csv etc.)
(f) Image files (all formats)
(g) Microsoft PowerPoint files
(h) Microsoft Project files

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36. Does the system support data export

and import facility to variety of
databases and other software
37. Does the system provide details of
user activity/security violation for

38. Does the system restrict users from

unauthorized access by allowing only
the authorized users with valid
profile/password to access only the
allowed transaction, as well as be
capable of restricting access to
unauthorized users?
Sr. System Functional Requirements Bidder’s Explanation to
no. Response be provided by
the Bidder (If
39. Does the system have multiple levels
of security such as Objects,
Transactions, Forms, and Process
40. Does the system have a capability to
assign activities to roles, and map
roles to users and provide role based
access to users?
41. Does the system have a capability to
track changes to fields or settings
(for audit trail)?
Can this audit functionality be
customized and based on changing
criteria as per the user requirement?

42. Does the system track User ID,

Terminal, and Session etc. as a part
of the audit trail?

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43. Is the system capable of

encrypting/decrypting sensitive

44. Does the system include parameters

on global and user level security?
Specify the configurable security
parameters provided by the software?
45. Does the system provide user and
user group authorization
administration tool to assign security
levels to functions and data, and
allow the access by users/ by groups
with valid security level only?
46. Does the system have the feature of
automatic log-off if there is no user
activity for a specified time period?
Sr. System Functional Requirements Bidder’s Explanation to
no. Response be provided by
the Bidder (If
47. Does the system provide backup and
recovery facility?
48. Does the system support backup of
database while in operation?
49. Is it possible to schedule a backup/
restore task?
50. Does the system have the ability to
run multiple backup tasks in
51. Does the system support parallel
52. Does the system have the ability to
manually override scheduled backup
53. Does the system have the ability to
produce a report for each backup/
restore task?

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54. Does the system support direct

backup of data from one machine to
another / from server to back tapes /
CDs / Storage Area Network etc.?

55. Does the system support transaction
processing monitor with easy to use
56. Does the system provide database
administration with reporting

57. Does the system have system

monitoring with reporting facility?

58. Does the system provide performance

monitoring with reporting facility?

Sr. System Functional Requirements Bidder’s Explanation to

no. Response be provided by
the Bidder (If
59. Does the system provide performance
tuning tools?
60. Does the system provide for
transaction reversal option?
61. Is the system compatible with Third
Party system monitoring package,
such as 4P Open View, CA-Unicentre,
IBM Policy Director, or other Network
Management software etc.?

62. Does the system have the ability to

report the following system alerts to
(a) Network alert
(b) Database alert
(c) Operating system alert
63. Does the system provide methods to
manage and prioritize batch jobs

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64. Does the system support job

65. Does the system offer graphics and
charting capabilities?

66. Will you provide the following

(a) Product Manuals
(b) Functional specification (with the
transaction, report and field level
descriptions, dataflow diagrams,
performance parameter, high level
database and application design)

Sr. System Functional Requirements Bidder’s Explanation to

no. Response be provided by
the Bidder (If
67. Does the system support handling of
errors in the following manner ? :
(a) Error logging

(b) Ability to redo/ rollback a

transaction after recovery from
software/hardware failure to ensure
data integrity
(c) Is the data deletion controlled
centrally as per the defined policy?

68. Does the system restrict users from

deleting data directly unless
authorized to do so?

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69. Does the system support logical

deletion first and physical deletion
should be done only as per the
company policy either at day end or
month end to allow the reversal of
deletion by user whenever
70. Are Temporary data, table or files
generated by the system
automatically managed by the system
71. Does the system allow multiple users
to access the same module
simultaneously ?
72. Can the system display data
according to users specified sorting
order and selection criteria?
73. Does the system allow designing of
workflow with the ability to define
business rules, alerts and triggers
without programming?

Sr. System Functional Requirements Bidder’s Explanation to

no. Response be provided by
the Bidder (If
74. Does the system support creation of
secondary workflow attached to a

75. Does it support Issue management

for tracking of document threads
against an issue (e.g. document
thread against a court case, dispute
76. Does the system provide utilities to
automate report distribution
process, so that user is notified after
a report is generated to facilitate
easy retrieval?

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77. Does the system provide separate

module for implementing Knowledge
Management solution having the
following capabilities?
(a) System should provide fast
access to knowledge repository as
per defined security norms and
(b) System shall have capability to
analyze contribution and/or usage
by groups and users to knowledge
78. Does the system provide database
and application programs migration
tool, which allows migrating database
or server application programs from
one server to another?
79. Does the system support version
control to maximize the productivity
of parallel teams as well as to
minimize rework or confusion?
Sr. System Functional Requirements Bidder’s Explanation to
no. Response be provided by
the Bidder (If
80. Please specify the order used in
creation of objects for performing
export and import of objects*

81. Please convey if the following
benchmarks can be met:

For low complexity transactions:

(i) 90% of online update transaction- 3
(ii) 90% of online enquiry transaction- 3
(iii) Batch update transaction-2 hours

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For medium complexity transactions:

(i) 90% of online update transaction- 4
(ii) 90% of online enquiry transaction- 4
(iii) Batch update transaction- 3 hours

For high complexity transactions:

(i) 90% of online update transaction- 5
(ii) 90% of online enquiry transaction- 5
(iii) Batch update transaction- 7 hours

82. Bandwidth requirements:

(a) Specify typical bandwidth

requirements for transmitting ERP
data from one location to another
location per user
(b) Specify typical bandwidth
requirements for transmitting
information between the client,
application server and the database
per user
Sr. System Functional Requirements Bidder’s Explanation to
no. Response be provided by
the Bidder (If
(c) Specify typical bandwidth
requirement for transmitting ERP
data from a thin client server to thin
client nodes deployed using
communication link per user

83. Can transaction be previewed or
simulated for analyzing accuracy
and effect of transaction before it
taking affect?
84. Can transactions be rolled back?
85. Is drill down to all kind of reports

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86. Can any document or report be

previewed before printing?

87. Can report distribution be

automated, so that user is notified
after report is generated and the user
retrieves report after notification?
88. Does the system provide
functionality to users in
generating reports on their own
without involving technical
89. Does the system provide user-friendly
interfaces and generate graphical
reports and queries?
90. Does system support India specific
requirements e.g. taxes, duties &
other government levies and statutory
requirements, payroll etc.? What is
the roadmap for make the system
compatible with upcoming
regulations on IFRS and GST?

Sr. System Functional Requirements Bidder’s Explanation to

no. Response be provided by
the Bidder (If
91. Are any industry specific solutions
available for Electricity Utilities with
an emphasis on power transmission?
92. If yes, the provide list of Industry
specific list of modules/functionality
Time for which these modules are
commercially available
93. List of reference sites where these
modules have been implemented

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94. Does the system have comprehensive

help facility wherein the users can
obtain system specific technical/
functional help on line?
95. Does the system maintain a database
of FAQ(s)?
O LICENSING- If Licensing
96. Specify the licensing models for
Limited/Full, Employee Service etc.
you are offering
97. Can the system generate relevant
transaction documents, number and
time stamp for future reference and
98. The system should allow
transactions through Leased lines,
Microwave, GSM/WLL connection,
99. Does the system architecture allow
minimizing modifications so as to
preserve the package upgrade path?
Sr. System Functional Requirements Bidder’s Explanation to
no. Response be provided by
the Bidder (If
100. Is the system‘s solution based on
shared and reusable architectures,
that is, applications, systems and
infrastructure are characterized as
service-oriented, component-based &
101. Does the system provide for multi-
tiered architectures with separate
rule engine and reporting layer?

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102. Does the system support

interoperability to the extent that
business processes, application and
data can be shared and integrated
across the enterprise with potential
business partners?
103. Does the system provide application
architectures that are highly
granular and loosely coupled?

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8. Section VIII: Functional Specification

Requirements (FRS)

Response Explanation
Priority  M for Mandatory
 D for Desirable
 O for Optional
SUP Supported through standard feature/ function (―out-of-the-box‖
CST Supported through customization

BLT Supported through a Third Party ―Bolt-on‖ solution

Module Please mention the module from which the functionality will be
Sub- Please mention the sub-module from which the functionality will be
Module addressed

8.1 Accounts & Finance Management Module

Functional Requirements for Accounts & Finance Management Module

Core Process: General Ledger Accounting
Sub Process- General Ledger Master Data
Should maintain the following master data records to store
control information and others, on how postings done into the M
general ledger account:
 Name of the account with Account code and divide in main
group, sub group, GL description
 Description M
 Type of account (e.g. revenue/asset) M
 Income, Expenditure, Asset and Liabilities (Should also
maintain the further classifications in accordance with nature M
with transactions with financial statement of BESCOM)
 Automatic posting to prevent manual posting to all accounts
2 Should create GL master data in hierarchy M
3 Should:

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 Copy accounts between entities M

 Closed accounts - block/ mark for deletion
 Add accounts M
 Delete accounts M
 Change description of accounts M
Should provide facility for mass creation of GL accounts that
 Performing data transfer for GL account master data from
legacy system
Should indicate debit code, credit code and some transactions for
6 M
both in nature
7  Assign an activity status to accounts (e.g. active/inactive) M
 Retrieve an account master record via account alias M
Should send notification to relevant users after creation or change
8 M
of master data
Should provide audit trail to log the creation, amendments and
9 M
deletion of each GL account code
Should control creations, amendments and deletion of GL Master
10 M
data by user-defined authorization
Should support multiple charts of accounts and map
11 M
the transactions automatically onto the different charts.
Should support generation of voucher on serial number
12 M
maintained for units
Should block and delete GL accounts not in use. However deletion
13 M
to be done with proper authorization
Should ensure that only authorized persons are allowed to create
14 M
general ledger master data.
Should system tight integration and automatically fetch required
15 M
data from with Asset Management & HRMS module
Sub Process- General Ledger Account Enquiry
Should display GL account balance in multiple views as follows:
 Desired level of Enquiry-Periods (e.g. Month/Year) M
 Account Heads and Accounts Code in Main Group, Sub Group M
 Geographical or office wise details  M
Should hold balances for multiple ledger types such as:
 Actual M
2  Budgeted M
 Forecast M
 Taxation M
Should allow enquiry by:
3  Account codes and names M
 Wild search M

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 Specific range of period, year and month M

 Batch entry number M
Should display:
 Capturing historical account balances and posted transactions
from the date of the formation of the BESCOM (Historical M
balance will provide in Excel format)
4  Account activity including opening balance, movement for the
Period, closing balance and year to date balance
 Breakdown of balances by drilling down to source document M
 GL account master data M
 Should take store balances for future years M
Sub Process- Chart of Account
Should record the following information for each account code:
 Office wise M
 Expense/ Income M
1  Department M
 Type of Billing M
 Projects M
 Any other related field M
Should transfer account from one office to another in case of
2 M
change of location
Should provide options of centralized account maintenance of
3 M
chart of account value
Should have parent-child hierarchy in chart of account values.
4 M
Addition /deletion of any account code should be restricted
Should provide facility to amend and delete the entities (e.g.:
5 M
department, Office) and its relationship
6 Should Capture short as well as long description of accounts M
Should maintain books of accounts for companies with a single
7 M
chart of accounts
Should provide option to user to view the Chart accounts as drop
8 M
down list restricting to that group or nearby group
Sub Process- Ledger Relationships
Should provide the facility to have multiple, independent
1 subsidiary register/ ledgers/ schedules/ documents to support GL M
Should allow information to be consolidated account code wise
2 balances within and across general ledgers for (month end) M
reporting purposes
Should integrate each General Ledger (GL) with Assets, Subsidiary
register or Sub-ledger (e.g. IUA, stock register, Receivable and
3 Payable Schedule, cashbook), etc. (Whatever is required to perform M
the Accounts & Finance functions) and tightly integrate with Asset
Management module and HRMS module

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Should make a separate control account in the general ledger for

4 M
relating to each sub-ledger
Should open Memorandum Accounts for recording non-financial
5 M
Should automatic posting (Postings to sub-ledgers should result in
6 M
automatic postings to the control accounts in the general ledger)
Should provide functionality to support an unlimited number of
7 M
subsidiary ledgers including both statistical and financial ledgers
Should provide functionality to support a centralized ledger for
8 M
each fund
Should create an audit trail for the GL account created and
9 M
Sub Process- General Ledger Transaction Posting
Should enter journal entries manually or interface journals from
not integrated applications, either individually or in batch. The
information contained in a journal should include the following
1  Header Level anticipated transactions are for voucher series,
transaction reference and accounting period
 Line level transactions will include account code, debit/credit
amounts and analysis codes
Should search account code, account name or responsible area
2 M
during posting of documents
Should provide facility of Look up accounts number and
3 M
descriptions during journal entry
Should electronically route journal for approval to an authorized
user before posting to the general ledger. If rejected, the journal
4 M
should be automatically routed back to the originator for
Should provide alert for action for vouchers pending at different
5 M
Should provide functionality to generate a unique journal Id for
6 M
each journal voucher transaction and transaction line entered
Should provide functionality to define multiple types of journal
vouchers to handle multiple transaction types including, but not
limited to:
7 M
• Manual
• Recurring
• Interfaced
Should provide functionality to reverse manual, recurring, and
8 M
interfaced journal vouchers
The system shall provide functionality to create unique journal
voucher types to be identified to each journal voucher created
9 within the system. Unique journal voucher types will be used as a M
means to easily identify the purpose of the entry, the originating
source, and its contents

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Should support the following types of journal:

 Accrual journals, which automatically reverse themselves in
the following accounting period
10  Skeleton journals where the bulk of information is pre-coded,
only the date and amount to be entered
 Recurring journals which are similar to skeleton journals but
with the values pre-entered, though capable of modification
Should post allocation journals with user-definable rules (e.g.:
11 M
apportionment of expenditure)
12 Should restrict access to certain accounts by user-defined groups M
Should control journal posting function by user-defined
13 M
Should provide function to reverse documentation-individual or in
14 M
mass, after posting by reference document number
15 Should post to a future and prior period by authorized users M
Should suspend and resume, at a later time, entry of journal that
16 M
are incomplete or imbalance
17 Should prevent posting to control accounts of subsidiary ledger M
18 Should update on-line with real time update M
Should allow storing (park) incomplete documents without
carrying out extensive entry checks.
 Specify templates to capture details of recurring transactions
(e.g.: fixed prepayments and accruals)
 Allow amendment or deletion to recurring transactions prior to
 Perform the posting automatically according to user-defined
Should allow for multiple accounting entries (debits and/ or
20 M
credits) for each transaction type
21 Should provide running total of debit/credit amount M
22 Should provide running total of transactions in each batch M
Should perform batch processing as follows:
 Update by batch mode while other users are still active in the
 Provide exception report for batch update M
 Post through overnight batch M
23  Provide information on batch status (e.g.:- posted, processing,
 Automatically assign document or batch number after journals
are posted
 Provide a journal edit listing on screen and printed. The
information should contain but should not be limited to the M

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Should request for authorization of transaction exceeding

24 M
maximum or transaction limits by user-defined authority
Should ensure that all necessary postings from various other
25 M
modules are posted to the ledger before starting the closing run
Should automatically generate the provisions for administrative
26 M
expenses, materials/services received but invoice not received
Should automatically carry forward balances at the end of the year
27 M
to the balance sheet and reset all profit and loss account
Should prevent inactive accounts from appearing on reports and
28 M
financial statements
29 Should send auto alert for odd-balances (debit/credit) M
30 Should integrate with payroll M
Should support input of following illustrative fields on
 Voucher series, Transaction reference, Accounting period
31 M
(to be automatically derived from date) etc. at Header level
 Account code, Amount, Debit/credit indicator, Quantity
(optional), Analysis code etc. at Line level
32 Should support 'park & post' of documents M
Should provide list the 'parked' documents and option to
33 M
'post' them individually or collectively
Should support automatic accounting entries for accounts payable
accounting, fixed asset accounting, accounts receivables , HRMS
34 application, TRM application, CC&B application, Power Purchase, M
and other existing application (whatever required for data), etc.
and as per business needs for successful run the process
Should support budget preparation group wise/department wise/
35 M
location wise etc.
Should support accounting for security deposit and calculation of
36 M
interest on security deposit.
37 Should support reversal of vouchers with a reason code M
Should display individual voucher wise entry for general ledger as
38 well as consolidated total for user specified period for current year M
as well as prior years with office wise.
Should display all outstanding, still to be cleared
39 M
from the system separately in the general ledger report
Should record & report Inter unit / Inter Company transactions
40 O
and to reconcile them periodically
Should assist users in routine vouchers entries by creating
predefined sample vouchers for frequent use. M
Should identify all predefined provisional voucher,
42 which have not been posted in the books of accounts like M
rent, electricity etc.

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Should support to drill down the report up to the user level

43 M
Should support posting of expenses identified as 'recurring' on a
44 pre-defined logic and get posted automatically once the program M
has been executed on a specified date.
Should support posting of expenses identified as 'deferred entries'
45 M
on a pre-defined logic
Should able to reverse the entry generated be reversed on the
46 M
specified dates.
Should support clearing of all outstanding entries in
47 M
the general ledger
Should identify separately all outstanding entries pending for
48 M
clearing and all cleared entries.
Should facilitate online document approval process at multi levels.
(System should allow posting to General ledger only after final
49 M
approval is received from the reviewing concern immediate
Should allow the user to review the document
50 M
before final posting.
Should stop the user from further processing if the
51 M
required data/field is not entered.
Should consolidate information within and across general ledgers
52 M
for month end reporting purposes
Should integrate G/L, accounts payable, accounts receivable with
all the sub-ledgers/subsidiary register and synchronize with the
53 M
G/L in on-line, real-time manner. System should facilitate
recording of transactions through sub-ledger/subsidiary register.
Should support the functionality of financial module
to be fully linkup with the asset management, TRM application,
WAMS application, HRMS application and other existing
54 M
application which is required to integrated, thus ensuring that the
operational and financial statement always reflect the same
The system to have a common control account as a link
55 between Subsidiary register/sub-ledgers detail and general ledger M
Should post to control accounts in the general ledger
56 M
automatically, the postings made to sub-ledgers.
Should detect any differences between sub-ledgers and control
57 M
accounts in main general ledger
Should record and do inter-company / inter-unit accounting for
58 M
the transactions
59 The system to report on the inter-company / inter-unit balances M
The system to reconcile accounts of the inter-company /inter-
60 M

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The system to support multiple levels of approval for a journal

61 M
voucher before it is posted into General Ledger.
Sub Process- Accounting Year end Closing

1 Should perform unlimited closing cycles M

Should automatically keep all provisions till 31st March / FY
2 M
3 Should perform month-end (soft closing) and year-end closing M
Should automatically, at period end:
4  Post accruals M
 Reclassify credit and debit balances for reporting purposes M
Should update the closing balance of the previous period and
5 opening balance of the current period with prior period transaction M
postings for all ledger balances. (e.g.: actual, budget)
6 Should automatically initiate a new financial year M
Should provide automatically net off the expense, revenue
7 accounts closing balances to retained earnings account and carry M
the same to the following accounting year
Should process the following types of transactions:
 Current period transactions in the current period M
 Prior year transactions for the previous accounting period
posted in the current period
9 Should track period-end provisions by different voucher series. M
Should identify the need of any corrective measures/items of
10 exceptions with respect to the closing the financial periods, in a M
scenario of multiple modules (sub-ledgers/Subsidiary register) to
be closed before closing the GL.
Should ensure that all pending activities are carried
11 out before closure and prompt any alert or notification if some M
activities are not carried out.
Should allow post adjustment entries in closed period with proper
12 M
audit trail and authorization.
Should carry forward the closing balance of the financial year as
13 M
opening balance to the next financial year automatically
Should maintain monthly accounting periods in the financial year
14 M
followed by the company.
Should facilitate blocking of entries in a particular general ledger
15 M
during the opening of the financial period.
16 Should monitor closing provisional entries separately M
Should automatically carry forward of balances for balance sheet
17 M
Should automatically reset of all profit and loss accounts for new
18 M

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Should provide additional periods for the adjustment entries

19 i.e. say audit entries on the last day of financial year /month M
for any outstanding liability/adjustments
Should allow write off prepaid expenses regularly on
20 M
a predefined basis
21 Should calculate interest as per predefined information. M
Sub Process- Accounting Year end Reporting
Should generate the following financial reports as an office wise
for a user-defined period (for the month, year to date), but should
not limited to:
 Profit and loss account M
 Analysis of Profit and Loss account M
 Analysis of operating expenses M
1  Balance sheet M
 Analysis of Balance Sheet M
 Trial Balance M
 Cash flow and Funds flow statement M
o Conditional funds flow- Depend on performance target of
BESCOM, Loan and interest part
o Unconditional funds flow- Funds provided under some
scheme of Government like RGGVY etc.
Should provide flexible Report Writer with the following minimum
 Specify the format and layout of reports M
 Summarize and total the information to be reported M
 Select records to be included in the report M
 Select details from each record to be included M
2  Perform arithmetic calculation on the information selected or
 Add narrative comments to reports M
 Show financial data in thousands, millions etc. without
creating rounding problem
 Store the report format for later use M
 Produce reports in graphical form for presentation purposes M
3 Should split schedules into multiple sub schedules M
Should produce user defined TDS, CENVAT, Service Tax, Income
4 M
Tax etc. statutory Reports
Should compare actual data to budgeted data and/ or budgeted
data to actual data in:
 Yearly M
 Half-Yearly M
 Quarterly M
 Monthly M

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Should export reports to standard PC applications (e.g. Excel

6 M
spreadsheet, .txt/.csv format)
Should automatically carry forward closing balances of a
7 particular financial year to opening balance of the current year, M
with user defined control and authorization
Should create multiple versions of financial statement report and
8 M
ability to customize reports as required by the user
Should generate comparative statements for various periods as
9 M
defined by the user
Should print various reports as required by users and
10 M
Should support computation of various financial ratios as defined
11 by users and ability to compare the same with the previous year M
and year to date
Should circulate the details required from various users across the
organization from databases for the purpose of accounts
12 closing/auditing and also ability to receive information in response M
to the said circular and automatically generate accounting entries
and MIS
Should track Government Audit Comments and replies there to
13 with facilities to maintain additional relevant details and string M
search facility
14 Should maintain Contingent Liability register M
Should maintain Transaction listing:
 By Account M
 By Date M
 By Voucher Number M
 By Voucher series M
 By User Should M
Should allow for generating financial statements at the following
levels -For Corporate Office
 Across Division Office M
 Across cost centres - Across departments M
17 Should provide for generating financial statements
Should comply with all tax related statutory requirements in force
in India and applicable to the company.
18 M
Should be upgraded with the latest tax laws on a regular basis
before the amendments to tax laws come into force
Should generate all statutory reports applicable to the company
19 M
as per prevailing laws
Should comply with all future statutory requirements like IFRS,
20 M
GST, etc. as and when it is applicable to BESCOM
Sub Process- Consolidation

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Should allow for user-defined rules to facilitate consolidation for

1 M
similar and dissimilar chart of accounts
Should provide facility to make adjustment/provision entries to
2 the consolidated Trial Balance without impacting individual unit's M
Trial Balance
Should facilitate to re-run consolidation multiple times after
3 M
making adjustments to the unit's accounts
 Consolidate at multi levels M
 Consolidate actual and budget at balance sheet, profit/ loss
4 account, cash flow statement, expenses and revenue account M
 Automate generation of elimination transactions M
 Automatic generation of inter Office/ Department balances M
5 Should facilitate to change consolidation logic from time to time M
Sub Process- Schedule/ Calendar
Should define calendar based on organization's accounting and
reporting requirements:
1 Calendar periods should be able to be defined by the user, M
Should facilitate to open multiple accounting periods i.e. open the
next accounting period before closing the current accounting M
Should facilitate to open multiple accounting years by opening
2 M
periods in multiple accounting years
Should close an accounting period to prevent any entries in that
3 M
Sub Process- Reports
1 Should generate Trial balance at periodic intervals M
Should generate Profit/Loss Account & Balance
sheet in accordance with companies act and relevant laws M
Should generate a report on net movement by account, showing
3 opening balance at start of month, net transactions value (or
detailed transaction) and closing balance. M
Should system to have a transaction listing based on:
 By Account M
 By Date M
4  By Voucher Number M
 By Voucher series M
 By User Should M
 By transaction type(s) M
Should allow for generating financial statements at the following
 Across Accounting units M
 Across Project units M

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 Offices M
6 Should maintain audit trail of documents created in the system M
The system should be able to identify the user who created the
7 document , the user who approved the document, user who edited
the document and what all has been edited) M
The system to generate trial balance for any of the units and must
allow consolidation M
The system to generate Trial Balance showing opening
balance, transactions and closing balance M
The system to generate Trial Balance for the period/ date
range input by the user M
The system to generate Profit/Loss Account & Balance Sheet as
11 per the other books maintained (Example IFRS, GAAP Accounting
Standards applicable in India etc.) M
The system to generate Profit/Loss & Balance Sheet for the
period inputted by the user M
The system to allow Quarterly, half yearly and annual
13 consolidation of Financial Statements (Balance Sheet and
Profit & Loss statements) M
The system to have the ability to do projections for a
specified period (Balance Sheet and Profit & Loss
statements) as per books (GAAP, IFRS, Accounting
Standards applicable in India ) M
The system to allow for flexible groupings of units to
facilitate analysis M
16 The system to provide for building an hierarchy of units M
The system to capture a Unit head for each Unit at the
lowest level D
The system to drill-down from the statement to the original
transactions M
The system to reconcile with the general ledger on an
account-to-account basis M
The system to generate any reports, comparing against:
20 • Previous periods
• Previous year M
21 The system to calculate contingent liability M
The system to generate cash flow as per Accounting
22 Standards applicable in India and system to generate funds
flow M
The system to generate capital commitments and approved
'spill overs' M
The system to generate reports on government loans,
equity etc. M

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The system to generate government audit report on bank

loans etc. M
Should automatically create month wise/year wise DCB
statements and consolidates DCB statements M
Should automatically create month wise/year wise CWIP
statements and consolidated CWIP statements M
Should automatically create month wise/year wise Inventory
statements and consolidated Inventory statements M
29 Should automatically create month wise/yearend TB statements M
30 Should automatically create subsidy accounting statements M
31 Should create bench mark/performance review statements M
Should provide details reports of financial statement as per the
company act 2003 schedule-III M
Should provide details for the notes to the financial
statements as per Accounting Standards applicable in India M
Core Process- Account Receivable
Sub Process- Incoming Payments
Should accept various payment methods:
 Cheque, bank draft etc. M
 Bank transfer M
 Offset with other expense or GL account M
Should provide automatically link incoming payment posted to the
general ledger by:
 On-line processing M
 Batch processing M
Should display incoming payment details and produce incoming
payment reports on demand from the system:
 By customer amount M
3  By collection date M
 By method of payment M
 By location M
 By type of payment M
Should refund the customer and automatically post the refund to
4 M
the customer account
Should provide payment method for refund the amount to the
customer as:
5  Cash M
 Cheque M
 Bank Transfer M
Should override the payment method proposed by the system in
6 M
exceptional cases

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Should print petty cash or payment voucher, Cheque and refund

7 M
statement from the system
8 Should post refund transaction automatically to general ledger M
Sub process- Receivable Procession
1 Should provide audit trail for source of invoice M
Should generate periodic billing reports based on different
2 parameters and consolidated report on total receivables at any M
point of time
3 Should create debit and credit memos into customer account M
4 Should reference multiple invoices in single debit/ credit memos M
Should provide automatically link receivables posted to the general
5 M
ledger by on-line/batch processing
Should provide recording non-sales related receivables like
borrowings, deposits, sale of investment, sale of assets,
6 outstanding receivables considering payment terms, Inter-bank M
transfers, rent from quarters, selling of tender forms,
advertisements etc.
7 Should link with payment gateway M
Sub Process- Dishonoured Cheque Processing
Should manage:
 Post adjustment into the customer account. e.g.: reverse the
1 original payment transaction to reinstate the original debt
 Import dishonoured Cheque details in an electronic media
supplied by the bank
Should capture reasons for dishonor of a Cheque and maintain
2 M
customer's payment default history
Should charge penalty to the customer account based on user
3 M
defined conditions
Should re-charge penalty imposed by bank to the customer
4 M
account (if any)
Should reverse payment posting from the general ledger
5 M
Should provide details to user to interface with concern subsidiary
register M
Sub Process- Reports
1 Should generate report as per user requirement but not to limited M
Should generate receivables report customer wise, location wise,
2 division wise etc. M
Should generate report on cheque dishonored and amount
recovered from customers along with the reason
3 code and amount recoverable from customers M
Should provide for customer ledger balances with report on total
4 invoice value, amount collected, outstanding amounts etc. M

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Should generate report on provision made for bad debts on year to

5 date basis M
Should generate the billing statements, including
beginning open items, new charges, credits and payments,
ending open balance and aging recap on a consolidated
6 basis for various customer categories M
7 Should generate report on debtors ageing for different parameters M
Should generate detailed Aging Balance for each customer
category showing open invoice and AR activity (e.g. payments,
8 debit and credit memos, write-off, and comments) M
Should generate AR Invoice Register - list of automated and
9 manually entered invoices with control totals M
Should generate Credit/debit Memos Register for all memos
10 generated M
Should generate Cash Receipts Journal, list all payments received
11 each day M
12 Should generate report on Average age of receivables M
13 Should generate report on Average age of receivables M
Should generate the report on sales order the related billings,
14 customer wise and location wise M
Should generate the desired customer correspondence, like
balance confirmation, payment reminders and the automation of
15 the correspondence M
Should clear the customer open items with the receipt, reversals or
16 debit/credit notes on the basis of predefined rules M
Should download all the reports in various formats e.g.
17 excel, PDF, MS-word, flat file etc. M
18 Should report on invoice generated during a period M
Should generate report on miscellaneous invoices generation for
19 maintenance and other charges M
Should report on receipts for cheques received along with delivery
20 address M
21 Should mail reminder letters (dunning letters) for dues M
22 Should generate report on customer wise outstanding with aging M
Core Process- Account Payable
Sub Process- Payable Processing
Flexible to record payable:
 Automatically record payable entry from other system e.g. all
1 M
 Manually (direct record by the user) M
2 Should provide audit trail for source of invoice M

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Should provide invoice or Bills register (BR) facility by which the

3 invoices could be logged prior to entry into the subsidiary register M
and system should automatically generate BR number
Should provide processing of following payables
 Against purchase order/ contract only M
 Against purchase order/ contract only with a goods receipt
4 note/ service receipt note
 Should automatically generate debit/ credit memos based on
PO, Quality, Inspections and acceptance tests as per BESCOM M
purchase regulation norms
Should correlates of purchase orders in the invoice register by PO
order type like material PO, Central PO, Local PO, Work awards,
5 M
Details work Awards (DWA),etc. or co-relation on PO value,
location of raising PO and master plan wherever applicable
Should capture the following information, but should not be
limited to:-
 Vendor code, Internal transaction reference, vendor transaction
reference, transaction date, due date for payment calculated by
the system from the payment terms, posting period,
transaction value, order value to which the invoice relates, M
6 narrative for purchase ledger entry and multiple tax codes,
multiple tax values, TDS, CENVAT, Service Tax details,
State/Outside state purchase 
 General ledger account code, ledger narrative, value, debit
credit indicator and analysis code
 For other payments (e.g. Rental, Fuel Bills, etc.) necessary
documents should correlate with Bills
7 Should provide manual entry for non-material related expenses O
Should provide facility to capturing the advance paid and
8 M
adjustment in the respective Bill as per conditions specified in PO
Should provide facility for entering invoices pertaining to prior
9 M
Should produce payable reports on demand within the system (but
should not be limited to):
10  By invoice date M
 By vendor type M
 By all offices M
Should trigger a warning if invoice amount exceeds balance of
11 M
operating expenditure budget
Should block posting if invoice amount exceeds balance of capital
12 M
expenditure budget
Should park document before posting in order to verify the
13 M
correctness and completeness of data
14 Should create debit and credit memos into vendor account M
15 Should reference multiple invoices in single debit/ credit memos M

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16 Should post retention request into vendor account M

Should perform:
 Refund retention to the vendor and automatically post the
17 refund to the vendor account (e.g. EMD etc.)
 Automatically offset retention paid up against the balance
outstanding of vendor account
Should provide multiple methods of payment to vendor for refund
18  Cash M
 Cheque M
 Bank Transfer M
19 Should provide functions to block for payment M
Should manage direct payment to vendors by 3rd parties like
20 M
lenders and posting related accounting entries
21 Should comply with all TDS related requirements M
Should trigger automatic alerts prior to due dates of statutory
22 M
requirements like tax payments/ return filings etc.
Sub Process- Payment Processing
Should create a proposed payment list by determining:
 Item to be paid - items to be paid are selected and grouped for
payments based on user-defined rules
 Payment amount - based on user needs (e.g.: due date of the
1  To whom the payment is made - by specifying the payee M
 Payment Method - based on the payment method (e.g.:
cash/Cheque/ Third Party) according to the rules defined by M
the user
 Payment through - the payment is made - based on the
specified bank and a bank account for the payment
Should make payment via methods such as:
 Cash M
 Cheque - manual and pre-printed M
 Direct payment by Third Parties like lenders M
 Bank transfers/ Electronic Fund Transfer M
 Foreign currency O
Should specify a minimum and a maximum amount for a single
3 payment in order to identify the payment method to be selected by O
the payment program
Should over-write minimum and maximum value range and
4 O
specify another payment method during the payment run
Should generate recurring payment voucher (which are supporting
5 O
to JV)
6 Should capture the recurring payment information:-

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 Name of the vendor M

 Invoice number M
 Recurring number M
 Accounting information M
 Start and end payment date M
 Frequency of payment indicator to identify the frequency of the
recurring payment (e.g.: weekly, monthly, quarterly, biannually, M
Should allow recurring payment to be deleted or edited within its
7 O
period of payment
Should make payment in foreign currency:
 Specify the bank account to which the payment is made from O
8  Specify whether it is possible to use the payment method to pay
in foreign currency
 Specify particular currencies per payment O
Should make payment with invoices automatically using user
definable rules such as:
 By oldest invoice O
 By specific invoice O
10 Should match single payment with multiple invoices D
11 Should make partial payments O
Should print the vendor name on Cheque for payment of
12 O
miscellaneous invoice, where vendor records have not been created
Should change payment methods or banks, payee, block items or
13 D
cancel payment blocks
14 Should display changes made and by whom D
Should allow invoices to be released for payment prior to due date
15 D
as per user defined authorization
Should display or print exception listing. The exception listing
should contain blocked items and all outstanding items which the
16 M
payment program did not propose for payment (items that could
not be settled despite being due)
Should divide the task of editing the payment proposal between
17 various users and enable several users to edit large payment runs O
at the same time
Should perform payment approval functions to enable certain
18 M
payments to have prior approval
Should request for authorization of transaction exceeding
19 M
maximum or transaction limits by user-defined authorities
Should :-
20  Carry out payment using the proposal list that has been
approved 

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 Create the payment documents and prepare data for printing

the forms, payment advice notes, payment summaries or M
creating tape or disk
Should print Cheque online and perform the following functions: O
 Define void reasons (used during test print, page overflow and
other user-defined reasons such as printed incorrectly, D
 Determine the next free Cheque number and store the
allocation of payment document number to Cheque number
Should provide facility to print and reprint payment voucher
22 O
together with Cheque
Should mark the reprint copy with the word 'DUPLICATE'. The
23 payment voucher should include vendor invoice number, Cheque O
number, addresses and other user-defined information
24 Should provide feature to cancel payments and Cheque D
Should provide access to payment cancellation information based
25 on user defined selection criteria and print report on cancelled M
Should provide full audit trails for cancelled cheques and payment
26 D
Should split payment to more than one payee (e.g.:- payment
27 O
involving withholding tax)
Should automatically clear items based on user criteria after
payment has been made:
29  By account M
30  By document number M
31 Should post payments for update to the Vendor Account M
Should automatically post to respective Subsidiary Register :
 Cash discounts received M
 Gains or losses from underpayment or overpayment M
 TDS/ CENVAT/ Service Tax M
 Bank Charges M
 Gains or losses from exchange rate differences M
Should provide the facility to offset balances of vendor accounts in
33 AP with balance of customer accounts in AR (for vendors who are D
also customers)
Should provide access to projected cash requirement information
34 based on selected items to notify head office of funds required to be M
transferred to the paying account
Should print TDS certificates and print CENVAT, Service Tax,
35 Income Tax and TDS report compliant with regulations, and in file D
formats which support e-filing
Sub Process- Document Posting

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Should automatically update the corresponding account codes in

1 the general ledger after posting to the individual vendor account in M
the sub ledger
Should provide for automatic integration with cash book, general
2 ledger, bank ledger, penalties/ LD account, purchasing, Material M
management system, TDS account, expense accounts
Should support multi-location payments. Payments through
3 m
multiple Offices
Should credit all payments first to the bank Clearing Account. Post
4 O
confirmation from the bank the same will be updated to the books
Should maintain cumulative register of cheques and to generate
5 M
the cheque register print immediately after printing the cheque
Sub Process- Account Payable Reporting
 Select reports m
 Export reports to a different systems M
 Download data to spreadsheets (e.g. Excel) M
 Generate reports one at a time, multiple reports at a time, ad-
hoc and regular reports together
 Generate reports at on-line basis M
 Generate reports in background M
 Generate reports via batch M
 Allow creation of user-defined reports without need for
technical skills
 Perform calculations (e.g. totaling, percentage) M
 Schedule for specific dates, the generation of these evaluations
on a regular basis
 Restrict report selection based on security of database,
organization structure
Should produce the following payable reports, but should not be
restricted to:
 Invoices selected for payment by period, bank, payment method M
 List of approved invoices M
 List of cheque printed by cheque number and date M
 List of vendors with vendor master details M
 AP Liabilities Listing M
 Invoices under retention M
 List of inactive vendors M
 Outstanding cheques which are overdue M
 List of cancelled and void cheques M
 Details of unpaid invoices (payment proposal exception listing) M
 List of realized and unrealized gains/ losses M
 Number of invoices and vendors processed within a payment M

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 Vendor aging report M
Should provide user defined CENVAT, Service Tax, Income Tax,
3 M
TDS and other statutory reports
Should produce vendor payment history including:
 Payment by vendor M
 Payment by period for the current and prior year M
 Total paid by year M
 Total cumulative payments M
 Date, amount and cheque number last paid M
Should electronically route the reports to allow users to review
5 M
Should provide facility to present report in graphs within the
6 M
7 Should preview report before printing M
Sub Process- Accounting for Power Purchase and Energy interchange
Should maintain records of Source company of power purchase
1 M
for BESCOM and also from Renewable Energy Sources
Should maintain the per unit rate for purchasing the power from
2 M
Should maintain accounting:
 Long term power purchase through power purchase agreement
3 (PPA)
 Short term power purchase on mutually agrees rate M
 Government issued power purchase M
Should allow to interchange of energy (e.g. 33KV level / 11Kv
4 Level, If applicable) between other company of KPTCL i.e. ESCOM, M
Should maintain of bill monthly basis of energy balancing and on
5 M
the basis of data of State Load Dispatch Centre
Should maintain slab kind of structure for payment of UI charges
6 M
based on frequency at which drawl is made
Sub Process- Vendor Master Data
Should be centralized vendor master records facilitating single
1 M
vendor description and code across the organization
Should record vendor records including alternate / short name for
2 vendor, Contact person for each vendor address, vendors bank M
account information
Should record TDS details, PAN/TIN/TAN number and Tax details
3 required for ensuring compliance with Indian Tax laws considering M
both direct & Indirect taxes, Default currency for invoice/payment
Should record vendor specific information relating to an item/
4 vendor relationship. The details should include vendor name, M
address, payment terms, price & quantity, free form comments,

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delivery information, item no. & description, discounts, vendor

performance, after sales service performance and other text
information etc.
5 Should support multiple addresses against each vendor D
6 Should support automatic vendor numbering M
Should define different vendor types e.g. domestic vendors,
7 M
international vendors, etc.
8 Should maintain vendor lists for OEM vendors and trade vendors D
Should maintain vendor list details e.g. company history, saleable
9 D
model, shipment, payment method
10 Should maintain vendor lists for OEM vendors and trade vendors D
Should modify vendor records e.g. bank account information and
11 M
support authorization of changes made
Should support vendor classification (multiple parameters required
12 D
to meet reporting, preferential treatment like waiver of EMD etc.
payment prioritization and other needs) e.g. stationary suppliers,
13 O
electrical suppliers, service suppliers etc.
Should classify vendors with regards to : supplier, Contractor, sub-
14 Contractor, transporter, approved/ registered, M
blacklisted/active/not active, dormant, under trial, etc.
Should support all kinds of sub-contracting activities like goods
15 D
issue, goods receipt etc.
Should provide details of number of employee strength of Vendor
16 D
Should interface vendor information in respect of
17 M
blacklisted/active/not active vendors
Should display vendors based on vendor grouping/ classification
18 e.g. Vendor for Electrical equipment, Vendor for IT Hardware, M
Vendor for IT Software, Vendor for Maintenance etc.
Should block vendors from being used due to a specific reason e.g.
19 vendor bankruptcy, vendor reliability with effective date, with M
facilities to re-activate
Should record vendor transactions history including purchasing
20 M
history, payment history etc.
Should record evaluation of vendor credentials to qualify vendors
21 M
as preferred vendors for specific items
22 Should maintain a preferred vendor listing for specific item M
Should generate vendor registration certificate indicating eligible
23 M
item groups online
Should generate vendor registration certificate indicating eligible
24 M
item groups online.
Should restrict creation of purchase orders for items only for its
25 M
preferred vendors

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Should verify existence of vendor rate contracts at indenting stage

26 M
and display alerts for sourcing
Should evaluate vendors based on multiple parameters like quality
of material, quantity of material and adherence to delivery
27 M
schedule, prices quoted by the vendor, vendor response time and
other user defined parameters
Should provide vendor rating, based on configurable user defined
weightages on multiple parameters (in accordance with Vendor
28 M
Rating Policy adopted by BESCOM and subsequent amendment
Should restrict maintenance / access to vendor master record to
29 M
specific users
Should merge / correlate vendor details (e.g. one vendor taking
30 over another vendor). Enabling tracking change of status from a M
Should pay each invoice individually or multiple invoices together
31 for same vendor and manage outstanding balances accordingly by M
linking payment to invoices
Should link every payment to invoice(s) and manage outstanding
32 M
balances for individual vendors
Should generate alert for predefined vendors/POs/WOs before
33 M
Should prioritize payments based on pre-defined criteria e.g. due
34 M
date, vendor category etc.
Should support Third Party payment options (Bank attachment
35 M
cases, Power of attorney cases, etc.)
36 Should print cheques as per payment instruction M
37 Should support payment through LCs M
Should support predefined approval hierarchy and authorization
38 workflow for payment to vendors based on amount, vendor M
Should appropriate/ adjust advance payments against multiple
39 M
Should provide vendor to register his/her details through online
40 M
41 Should allow vendor‘s request for addition of new items. M
Should display period-to-date, quarter-to-date, year-to-date vendor
42 M
43 Should block payments to vendors M
Should integrate with finance functions e.g. accounts payable,
44 M
general ledger
Should track vendor/ supplier performance against pre-defined
45 M
parameters set by BESCOM or regulator
Should support different business rules and policies for each
46 M
Vendor class/category/type

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Centralized vendor master facilitating single vendor description

and automatic numbering code across the organization (supporting
such parameters as -Multiple addresses against each vendor,
47 Contact person for each vendor address, Bank Account (e- M
payment, cheque payment), Tax details required for ensuring
compliance with Indian Tax laws considering both direct & Indirect
Vendor classification (multiple parameters required to meet
reporting, preferential treatment like waiver of EMD etc. payment
48 M
prioritization and other needs) such as SSI, ANCILLARY, PSU etc.
with effective date
Centralized vendor payment details (with such details as - Default
currency for invoice/payment, Default payment term (e.g.
49 M
Immediate, 30 days etc.),Payment method preferences (e.g. cheque
/DD /Bank Transfer)
Whether vendor is also a customer; If yes, then his customer
50 D
51 Default level of invoice matching (e.g. to PO, Receipt etc.) M
Should Limit maintenance/ access to vendor master to specific
52 M
Should create rate master, item wise/vendor wise for repetitive
53 M
items against value based Purchase master.
Sub Process- Vendor Account Enquiry
Should view the account balances:
 In summary(opening balance, transaction per posting period
and closing balances)
 By line items (drill down from summary) M
 Drill down to document detail (e.g. purchase requisition,
purchase order, invoice, expected delivery date)
Should perform various display functions within a vendor account
such as search, sort, display additional details (e.g. vendor master
2 M
information), total, view by currency, obtain total purchase per
posting period etc.
Should display cheque payment information on-screen based on
cheque number or payment document number. The information
 Details of cheque recipient M
 Details of the cheque issuer M
 Corresponding payment and invoice documents M
Should provide online enquiry capability to vendor information via
4 user defined selection and sorting criteria (e.g. all vendors that are M
on hold)
Core Process- Cash Management
Sub Process- General Function

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1 Should monitor payment flow and safeguard liquidity M

2 Should allow user for tight integration with other two modules M
Sub Process- Cash Management Processing
Should maintain the following master data records to store control
information in cash management:
 Account Heads M
 Accounting Unit Bank with Operative and Non-Operative bank
accounts M
 Supplier details M
 Office wise M
 Project M
Should maintain the fund requisition details i.e. All types of Bills
details M
3 Should maintain the JV details M
Sub Process- Cash Book
Should provide option to user create/ edit/ delete report related
1 the cash book account payable and account receivable payment as M
per office hierarchy and user‘s hierarchy
Should receive automatic postings of the cash book from the
2 accounts payable and accounts receivables together with manual M
postings of other payments and receipts
Should have integration with General Ledger. Posting will update
3 specified general ledger accounts and general ledger cash book M
Should automatically generate daily incoming report and daily
4 M
outgoing report related to all transactions
5 Should generate daily/ weekly/ monthly cash flow report M
6 Should provide daily balances from the Cash Book M
Should support and maintain the account payable/ account
7 receivable related things for both accounts i.e. operative & non- M
operative account and office wise
Sub Process- Inter Unit Accounts (IUA)
IUA for Accounting Unit:
a) Should tightly integration with Asset Management module and
HRMS module for IUA transaction
b) Should provide option to user to records IUA transaction details
for following:
1. i) Inventory (Raw material assets) related to IUA transaction
ii) Assets (Electrical and IT & Non-IT) related to IUA M
iii) Personnel related IUA transaction
iv) Others IUA transaction/ adjustments
c) Should provide user to crate the A.T. (Advice of Transfer) for

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d) Should provide option to user for validation of pricing entered in

A.T. with reference to R.V.
f) Should provide option to user to validate A.T. and send for
g) Should provide option to user to share all required IUA
transaction related details with respective office with account
head/code, location code after the approval of immediate
concern officer of concern office
h) Should automatically send A.T. to respective office accounting
unit for acceptance/ rejection/
i) Should provide details to user like validate the transaction
based on quantity, issuing and receipt asset, acceptance M
j) Should automatically record the A.T. no., after the acceptance
received from respective office and system record required M
information and based of that create J.V. & IUA ledger
IUA for Finance:
a) Should maintain the funds released to the units by the
accounts/expense heads and automatically post the ledger
entries against inter unit account to reverse the inter-unit
account post receipt of funds
b) Should maintain the amount received from accounting units
2 from the from consumer, it will remittance to account of M
Corporate office
c) Should generate the advice for the unit to pass the journal
d) Should allow user for tight integration with Asset Management
Sub Process- Report
Should tightly integrate with fixed asset accounting, Asset
1 M
Management and HRMS module
Should records the material transaction after compilation of stock
2 M
Should record all legibly reference to JV no. with date and with
3 M
total amount of all invoices created by user
Should record A.T. as per financial year with all required details
4 (e.g. Location code wise, Account Code, Invoice no. J.V. no., A.T. M
no., etc.
Should record the receipt and issue details of asset, inventory
5 material, etc. with all respective details and approved authority M
Should record automatically details like Transfer of capital
6 M
expenditure/ Fixed Assets/ Depreciation, etc.
Should records the transfer of Asset depreciation (debit) and Asset
7 depreciation (Credit) and pass the details to JV and then IUA M

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Should record personnel related IUA transaction details with

Employee name, Employee ID no., Employee Designation, Office
8 M
location, type of balance that is being transferred, reason for
transfer and value of amount with date
Should records the derails of transaction for Inventory, Assets i.e.
Asset/ Inventory name, classification, account code/ account
9 M
heads, quantity, value, office location, location code, reason for
transaction, etc.
Sub Process- Cash Management for Payment
Should automatically create details related to forecast cash outflow
based on:
 Liabilities from account payable and borrowings, payroll due
1 M
within a user specified period
 User defined level. For example at Corporate office (e.g.
centralized) for Division Office
Should provide function to create, change and delete payment
2 advice from sending bank (e.g. main) account to the receiving (e.g. M
payment) bank accounts
Should provide function to create bank correspondence and/or
3 M
print Cheque
4 Should post payment advice to the respective bank account M
Should post automatically to the respective bank accounts in the
5 M
general ledger
The system shall provide functionality to support multi-fund
6 accounting with the capacity to segregate funds by type and by M
regulatory requirements
The system shall provide functionality to automatically create due
7 to/due from entries to balance transaction entries by fund based M
on pre-defined rules
Sub Process- Payment Processing
Should provide for the following types of transactions:
 Payments for vouchers generated by all sections (both
1 automatic and manual)
 Cash/bank receipts M
 Electronic fund transfer M
2 Should run the payment lists for specific banks/divisions M
Should select items for payment interactively by the following
 All items older than an input date M
3  All outstanding items on an account M
 Individual items on an account M
 All items up to "X" amount in total M
 Other options as required by business needs to be provided M

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Should prevent payments to vendors of more than a user specified

4 M
Should provide for the payment approval process be mapped in the
5 M
system as per the delegation of authority manual
Should support online processing of payment vouchers, bulk
6 payment and payment across multiple bank accounts and M
authorization through work flow
Should provide for single/ multiple Cheque printing for single and
7 M
multiple line items of Bank Payment and multiple bank payments
Should support payment by Cheque, Demand drafts, including
8 M
accounting for DD charges, Bank letters, Cash, ECS etc.
9 Should include the DD number in the payment advice M
Should provide for upper limits and lower limits on payments for
specific payment methods (e.g. Cash payments should not exceed
10 M
Rs. XXXX with a provision to allow such payments for few
authorized people)
11 Should allow grouping of multiple line items in one payment M
12 Should allow splitting one line item into multiple payments M
Should produce a remittance advice for all payments made
13 M
(irrespective of method of payment)
Should print a cheque register automatically immediately after
14 M
printing of cheques from the system.
Should post, payments to the cash book and update automatically
the general ledger i.e. Vendor ledger control account, Bank
15 M
account, Penalties accounts, recovery from vendors etc., TDS
account (location specific), Expense accounts (DD charges, etc.)
Should record payments in cheques, RTGS, Cash and internet
16 M
Should support batch processing of payment vouchers, bulk
17 M
payment and payment across multiple bank accounts
18 Should record LC payments through the system M
19 Should record bank guarantee details M
20 Should record bank guarantee online by the banks M
21 Should make foreign currency payments for import purchases M
Should record and track bank guarantees, mobilization advances
22 M
and performance guarantees through the system
23 Should generate alerts for non-payment of dues on due date M
Should facilitate hold/release payment to selected vendors
24 depending on information/scheme obtained from the purchasing M
Should support bulk authorization of documents like invoices,
25 M
payment and bulk payments
26 Should record the following details for each bank:

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Name of the Bank, Branch, Address, Telephone number, Fax

number, Contact person (Multiple), Type of account, Account
Number Date of opening, Date of closure, Consortium/ Non-
consortium, CC Limits, Non-fund limits, SWIFT Code, Cheque
Inventory, Authorized signatories (Multiple with limits), Validity
dates for authorized signatories
Should track the time between cheques issued for payment and
27 M
actual date of realization (Stale cheques)
Should automatically generate accounting entries for collection
28 M
charges payable
29 Should keep track of "bounced" cheques M
Should automatically generate accounting entries for cheques
30 M
Should Control and monitor Earnest Money Deposit/ Bank
31 M
Guarantee for the various contracts
Should interface with finance module for auto generation of Bank
32 M
Payment Voucher, Bank Receipt Vouchers and Journal Vouchers
Should automatically send notification to immediate senior after
33 one week, If payment process is not stated by concern user and M
also in this situation user have to give reason for this delay.
Should automatically send notification to next immediate officer if
34 M
Payment process is not initiated by user.
Should maintain approval hierarchy before the release of cash
35 M
Should generate notification to the originating department of the
36 M
payment made
Sub Process- Cash Flow Forecast
Should provide for:
 Electronic bank reconciliation M
1  Drilldown reporting tool M
 Journal/ posting overview (e.g. bank transfers, deposit) M
 Comparison between actual cash flows with forecasted cash
Should produce forecast cash flow statement for at least 12
months with the following minimum details:
 Opening balance for: M
 Cash inflow from: M
o Customers M
2 o Interest received M
o Loan draw down (i.e. Short Terms & Long Terms) M
o Subsidy from Center Govt. or State Govt. M
o Equity M
o Closing Balance M
o Grants form Govt. for some projects M

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o Encasement of deposits M
o Amounts received from KPTCL and others ESCOM M
o Amounts received from the Consumers other than revenue M
o Amounts received from PNG trust M
o Others (e.g. amounts received from IPPs, Incentives/rebate
 Cash outflows for: M
o Loans M
o Capital projects (e.g. Capital project wise (e.g. Scheme wise,
o Revenue expenditure (e.g. Repair and Maintenance &
Administration and General & Employee Cost)
o Interest payment (e.g. Short Term Loan (Principle and
Interest) and Long Terms Loan (Principle and Interest)
o Contribution paid to PNG Trust M
o Others (e.g. Refunds of deposits, Tax, Bank Charges, etc.) M
 Closing balance M
Should provide drill down capabilities to view details of outflows
3 and inflows. For example, payment from capital projects can be M
further analyzed by projects/ jobs
Should allow for medium and long term planning from sources
affecting the liquidity position. This includes:
 Receivables as expected incoming payments M
 Payables as expected outgoing payments (e.g. materials, project
4 and capital expenditure)
 Planned payments of wages and salaries M
 Investments and borrowings M
 Planned dividend payment M
 Planned tax payment M
Should forecast these cash outflow and inflows based on:
 Trends in fees and charges for providing transmission services
based on estimates and collection due dates (Accounts M
5  Expenditure trends based on payment due dates (Accounts
 Fixed deposit and borrowing terms M
 Consolidated forecast of capital projects expenditure from
Project Management
 Enter forecast cash flow amount manually (e.g. dividend) M
6  Calculate averages M
 Apportion forecast amounts based on historical data (e.g.
collection and expenditure patterns) in preparation of cash flow

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Sub Process- Cash Management Reporting

Should provide details related to total Collections into Bank Vs
1 M
total Confirmations From Bank
Should provide details related to total transfers to Division account
2 M
by bank account number and transaction details
Should provide details related to Cheque deposited Vs Cheque
3 M
credited into bank
Should provide details related to Dishonored checks by bank
4 M
account number and identifying issuer of Cheque
Should provide details related to total Cheque issued Vs Bank
5 M
debits by bank account number
6 Should provide details related to Un-reconciled statement M
7 Should account the receipts in cash book/bank book M
8 Should account the receipts based on EFT receipts M
9 Should generate 'Daily Cash Collection Statement' M
At the Divisional Offices and other offices
1 Should provide details related total Bank debits M
Should provide details related to total transfers to Corporate office
2 bank account by non-operative bank account and transaction M
3 Cheque deposited Vs Cheque credited into bank M
Should provide details related to Dishonoured checks by bank
4 M
account number and identifying issuer of cheque
5 Should provide details of Un-reconciled statement M
6 Should support all text format M
Should maintain the transaction details of operative bank account
7 M
for division office and other offices
At the Corporate Office
Should provide details of total transfers to Corporate office bank
1 M
account by bank account number and transaction
Should provide details of cheques deposited Vs cheques credited
2 M
into bank
Should provide details of Dishonoured checks by bank account
3 M
number and identifying issuer of cheque
Should provide details of total cheques issued Vs Bank debits by
4 M
bank account number
5 Should provide details of Un-reconciled statement M
Should provide details of various third party payments i.e. e-
6 Payments/other payment etc. should happen at Corporate M
office/Zone offices/ Circle Offices/ Division Offices, etc.
Should maintain the details of all transaction of debit and credit
7 M
(e.g. Operative and Non-operative bank account), etc.

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Sub Process- Bills Section

Should fully integrate the Accounts payables system with the
general ledger, cash book, accounts receivable, fixed asset,
1 M
purchasing, inventory, Costing and other relevant functions,
etc.(which are required for perform the functional process)
Should fully integrate the Accounts payables system with the
general ledger, cash book, accounts receivable, fixed asset,
purchasing, inventory, Costing and other relevant functions:
2  Vendor invoices M
 Vendor debit / credit notes M
 Vendor advances M
 Adjustment journals M
Should allow to enter invoices for ad-hoc purchases, regular and
3 M
service PO
Should support debit/ credit note for rate differences in
4 M
Should provide for regular and automatic adjustment of invoices /
5 M
credit notes with prepayments/ debit notes
Should allow to track and trace documents through the use of an
6 M
document numbering scheme
7 Should check double invoicing M
Should scan external documents and link these to the system
8 M
generate document
Should create unlimited line items in the journal
9 vouchers/purchase orders/sales order/invoices/bills/debit note / M
credit note
Should record the liability with the due date of payment and
10 M
providing date wise outstanding report
11 Should integrate with Vendor master records M
Should maintain the report of all types of bills e.g. Supply bills,
12 Civil/Electric bills, Establishment bills and Other bills as per office M
Should provide options to user for creating, editing, deleting the
various information for all types of bills as per hierarchy wise and
13 M
also provide options for uploading/attaching bill's soft copy in all
Should provide options to user as per hierarchy wise and office
14 M
wise for approval from immediate concerning officer
Should automatically track and provide the status to respective
15 users related to each and every types of bills, whatever it comes M
from various offices
Should provide notification to user in pending of bills with period
16 M
to user as per hierarchy wise
Should provide option to Internal Audit user for verification,
17 M
certification as per office wise

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Sub Process- Invoice Entry

Should provide an invoice register facility by which invoices can be
1 M
logged prior to accounting in the general ledgers
Should provide for the following types of invoice entry:
• Against a purchase order or contract only M
• Against a purchase order or contract and with a goods M
• Against a purchase order or contract, goods receipt no. M
Should support automatic generation of the Debit/Credit notes on
3 the vendor, based on the purchase order, GRN and the quality M
acceptance note
Should allow collation of purchase orders in the invoice register by
4 Purchase order type (Material purchase order, Other Central M
Purchase Orders, Local Purchase order), Purchase order value etc.
Should provide for Debit/Credit Notes based on proper
5 M
6 Should generate ageing analysis for the outstanding invoices M
Should reflect invoice wise outstanding for a particular vendor and
7 M
for group of vendors.
Should record deductions from invoices under various accounts
8 like cash discount, rebates, charges etc. with reasons for M
intimating to the vendor / contractor
Should support three way checking process for processing of
invoices. (Three way check process specifies that goods are
9 M
received on the basis of purchase order and invoice is accounted
on the basis of goods received in the system)
Should record and account discrepancies arising out of physical
10 M
verification of inventories
Should trace for adjustments in accounts for the transfers between
11 M
units/project sites
Should support claim management with respect to material loss/
12 M
short supply either to the account of supplier or transporter.
Should support automatic generation of accounting entries for PO-
13 M
based invoices from PO/ GRN
Should provide reference and match PO-based invoices with the
14 M
Should record details of the associated tax and miscellaneous
15 M
Should define payment schedules for invoices together with
16 M
associated discounts and penalties.
Should indicate if discounts are based on individual invoice values
17 M
or gross invoice value.
Should specify if payments are to be made to third parties in case
18 M
of PO-based invoices.
19 Should raise item based credit and debit notes. M

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20 Should track over-invoicing, return of good and price variance M

Should record advances against vendor with reference to a general
21 M
reference, multiple purchase orders or multiple proforma invoices.
Should support the functionality of maintaining vendor as
22 M
customer, giving the user the option of transaction set-off
Should support for each vendor invoice, recording of following
Vendor code, Transaction reference (internal), Vendor transaction
23 reference, Transaction date, Posting period, Transaction value,
Order number (to which the invoice relates), Narrative (for M
purchase ledger entry), Tax codes (Multiple), Tax amounts
(Multiple), TDS details, if applicable etc.
Should prompt if any "advance" is outstanding against the vendor
24 M
while posting the invoice.
Should support entering invoices for "pre-paid "expenses and
25 apportion the amount between prepaid accounts and expense M
accounts on a periodic basis
Should allow the flexibility to post expenses pertaining to prior
26 periods in the current period and apportion the remaining M
amounts as pre-paid for the remaining periods
27 Should allow manual entering of invoices M
Should support multiple approval hierarchy for invoices as per the
28 M
delegation of authority of the company.
Should create invoice template and add Logos / modify fonts as
29 M
per user requirements.
Should provide an option as to the gross amount or the net
30 M
amount on which TDS to be calculated
Should deduct TDS on invoice, advance payment or payment
31 M
whichever is earlier
Should define the tax amount on the partial Invoice/PO where
32 M
there is a consolidated invoice/PO for (say) materials & service

33 Should allow user for tight integration with HRMS module

Should provide a warning message in cases of transactions that

34 M
require tax deduction
Should facilitate matching invoice with PO and Goods receipt so
35 M
that data entry is minimal
Should perform regular and automatic adjustment of invoices /
36 M
credit notes with prepayments/ debit notes
Should account for all types of taxes (excise duty, Service tax, VAT,
37 CST, etc.) where applicable during invoice posting/ advance M
payment whichever is earlier
Should generate the TDS certificates in prescribed formats (i.e.
38 M
form 16 and Form 16A) on annual as well as monthly basis

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39 Should account for bills partially M

40 Should manage payments, advances and deductions to vendors. M
Should support receipt of money from vendors (e.g. recoveries,
41 M
advances) etc.
Should allow payment of invoices on the "irregular /one-time
42 vendors" account through the automatic payment processing M
Should make part payment against an invoice and balance
43 M
payment process on a subsequent date
Should facilitate centralized payment vouchers for all the
44 purchases made for the various different project from the same M
Should block invoices and vendors for payment along with reason
45 M
Should provide for a reporting on payments made to a group of
vendors with the statistical reporting on the services or goods
46 supplied. For example, in case of the transporter payments, a M
report on the payments made to the transporter along with the
quantity of goods carried
Should provide a list of proposed payments for invoices based on
47 M
due dates (considering early payment discounts etc.)
Should run the payment lists for specific vendor types
48 M
Should automatically take account of debit notes in determining
49 M
the net amount due
Should make payments as per schedule payout dates
50 M
System track different kinds of advance payments made to vendors
51 M
in the vendor sub-ledger
Should record details of advance payment amount to vendors on
52 the basis of purchase order and for advance payment against M
procurement of services. etc. (If applicable on vendor)
53 Should club credit memo with invoices for consolidated payment M
Should automatically verify by system and monitor that payment
54 M
to a vendor should not exceed the order value
Should record retention money along with details like model
55 M
number, defect liability etc. in the system
Should facilitate hold invoices/ credit notes from payments,
56 M
reverse invoices, and process inter-vendor journal vouchers
Should facilitate hold/release payment to selected vendors
57 depending on information/scheme obtained from the purchasing M
Sub Process- Loans
Should maintain the following information in the loans and deposit
1 master, but should not be limited to:
 Lender M

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 Agreement date (If any) M

 Loan Term, Medium Terms, Short terms, Medium terms,
 Instalment amount and Repayment Schedule (e.g. for the
period of monthly/quarterly/ half-yearly/yearly)
 Interest rate, reset clause ((e.g. for the period of
monthly/quarterly/ half-yearly/yearly)
 Loan type (Borrower‘s note loans, Policy loan, General loan,
 Loan Source (Government or Private) M
 Security Details (e.g. primary/ collateral/ Guarantees/
Margins/ Insurance/ Inspection/ Escrow)
 Other loan details and conditions M
 Penalty clause (e.g. Non-payment of interest /installment
depends on the entire outstanding for the period of default as M
per the terms & conditions of case to case)
 Rebate for making the prominent payment M
2 Should provide the details related to prepayments clause M
Should provide the details related to processing fees, commitment
3 M
Should provide function for handling the complete loan process for
loan given and loan taken e.g. calculation of repayment schedule,
4 Instalments due, Interest calculation, payment of instalment and M
interest, liability calculation and posting into books and reversal
and vice versa
Should view the details source of loan report (local and foreign
5 M
Should provide the details of allocated of revenue budget
6 (Dropdown options provide to user for selecting the long
terms/short terms/medium terms periods M
7 Should define the purpose for borrowing the loan M
8 Should define the tenure of the loan M
Sub Process- Bank Reconciliation
1 Should allow user to create requirement details M
Should provide functionality to accommodate multiple banks and
2 M
bank accounts in the automated bank reconciliation process
Should provide functionality to automatically reconcile bank
activity entered in the system with bank transactions received from
3 M
scheduled bank's account (Operative and Non-Operative bank a/c)
Should set up security by various user groups to restrict access for
4 M
those account ranges

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Should define Account level security by user e.g.: The system

5 should restrict user entering or reviewing balances for certain M
6 Should maintain minimum ten years on-line history M
Should integrate bank reconciliation system with the payment
7 M
recording modules to eliminate any duplicate data entry
Should enter bank statement details:
 Manually M
8  By electronic means to match bank transaction information
 Receipts and payments in the system to produce an electronic
bank reconciliation
Should record bank statement transactions including:
 Bank and other charges M
 Interest received or paid M
 Electronic fund transfers M
 Periodic payments M
 Dishonored cheques (incoming/ outgoing) M
Should automatically generate postings into the general ledger for
outgoing cheques/ transfers as follows:
 Cleared cheque/ bank transfer data delivered by the bank to
generate the clearing entries
Should automatically generate postings into the general ledger for
incoming cheques/ transfers as follows:
 Bank transfers and cheques received/ banked in to generate
the clearing entries
12 Should print cheque deposit and bank transfer listing M
13 Should post incoming cheques individually or in batch M
Should provide function to overview cheque deposit processing
14 M
status online
 Record stop payment of cheques or RTGS (online payment) M
 Enable the matching of multiple receipts in the system with a
single receipt transaction on the bank statement
Should allow for short term planning from sources affecting the
cash position. This includes:
 Bank balances M
 Maturing deposits and loans M
 Notified incoming payments posted to the bank accounts M
 Incoming payments (e.g. cheques) with a value date M
 Outgoing cheques posted to the bank clearing account M
 Postdated cheques M
17 Should:

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 Allow update of bank balance by bank accounts M

 Group bank accounts in a logical hierarchy by the type of
 Display bank accounts by group or in more details by bank M
 Accounts via drill down M
Should automatically reverse items outstanding and also adjust
18 M
the amounts
Cheque register:
19 The system will maintain records of all cheques with all details of
Cash Register:
The system will maintain details of all cash M
Should provide functionality to provide a manual and automatic
21 reconciliation process of bank activity that can be used at the
user's discretion M
Should provide functionality for users to make correction during
the reconciliation process M
Should provide functionality to automatically receive and store
23 electronic deposit information in various formats as well as
generate information to identify and approve the deposits M
Should support and prepare the statements of Supply bills/ Work
24 bills received from various accounting units and value e.g. More
than Rs. 5 lacs and less than Rs. 5 lacs M
Should automatically arrange all type of bills as per limits i.e.
amount less than Rs. 5 lacs and more than Rs. 5 lacs
Sub Process- Reports
Should provide detail report of IUA (for regards, should allow user
1 for tight integration with all required core process of Accounts and
Finance Management module and Asset Management module) M
Should automatically provide required details to user related to
3 Should automatically maintain all the schedules for trial balance M
Should provide details to user for maintaining the Re-Conciliation
funds and cheques with all the accounting units M
Should provide functionality to user to download or upload pass
sheets, daily receipts from each bank are ascertained and create
daily cash flow statement (For Operative accounts and Non-
Operative accounts) M
Should provide statements of daily reconciliation of all these
6 operative and non-operative accounts transactions and closing
balances M
Should prepare advices /correspondences given to the banks for
7 Inter Bank Transfers through RTGS system every day for
transferring the bank balances to the needy bank account M

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Should maintain the details of prepared advices along with date

8 and advice no. of fund release against the requisition received from
various offices M
9 Should maintain Cash book for all bank accounts M
10 Should automatically create local bank wise reconciliation status M
Should provide reconciliation details report related to credited
statement of bank pass-sheets in daily wise M
Should provide reconciliation consolidated reports bank wise and
office wise office M
Should maintain Transfer statement of Local Bank (e.g. Local bank
statement of non-operative accounts of Sub-divisional office) M
Should provide details report of BRS (Balance Reconciliation
Statement) and support in all format of reports M
Should provide details report of CBR Statement and support in all
format of reports M
Should provide details report for cash and collection Cheque
statement M
Should provide details report for Cash and Cheque Remittance
statement M
Should provide details report for Dishonoured Cheque and
unrealized cheque statement M
19 Should provide details report for amount transferred to main a/c M
Should provide details report for Cheque remitted to bank a/c but
not credited statement M
Should provide details report for Cheque remitted to bank during
previous month credited present month M
22 Should provide details report of RTGS/NEFT Statement M
23 Should provide details report of ECS Online payment Statement M
24 Should provide details report of Bank Pass sheet M
Should provide details report for Data wise erroneous debit and
credit statement M
Should provide details report of Cheque Dishonour Cheque SC on
ST Statement M
Should provide details report for Cheque withdrawn in cash book
but not on pass sheet M
28 Should provide report of Cash balance statement M
Should provide details report for Revenue Head wise Collection
Report M
Should provide details report of Cash and Cheque Collection and
Remittance M
31 Should provide details report for Consumer Head wise M
32 Should provide details report of Bank Reconciliation M
Should provide details report of Bank Pass sheet as user required
as per office wise M

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Should provide details report of cash and Cheque Remittance

statement M
35 Should provide details report of Amount Transferred M
Should provide details report of Bank Commission Report
statement M
Core Process- Internal Audit
Sub Process- General
Should allow user for tight integration with all core process of
1 Accounts & Finance Management module and Asset Management M
Should allow user to create/enter / define / view /remarks as per
2 M
Should capture and provide user to access all functional reports
to maintain data not limiting to the following :
 Revenue M
 Purchase Proposal M
 All type of Bills M
 Power Purchase Bills (Short terms, Long terms, etc.) M
 Cash M
 Corporate & Project Section M
 Work and Maintenance M
 Special & Concurrent Audit  M
 Establishments and Service Section M
 Store Audit M
 Meter Testing Report (MT )reports M
 Vigilance Report  M
 Recommendations of internal audits on a particular
transaction 
Should provide option to user as per role wise/hierarchy
wise/task wise and Office wise M
Should provide option to user for concurrent audit functions/
Store Audit/ C-Register Audit and other Subsidiary Register/
Accounts Audit/ All types of Bills/ Establishment/ Leave
Sanctions, etc. M
Should provide user to audit and verification of BRS, Voucher and
5 other Bank reconciliation report for both type of bank accounts
(e.g. operative and non-operative Bank account) M
Should provide option to user, as per hierarchy wise for
6 verification/certification of the cash and Bank remitted as per
daily basis M
7 Should automatically provide statement report of Stock register M
Should provide comparison report of cash balance from Cash
book with Denomination register, whatever is required M

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Should provide option to user for generating the note for

approval/issue etc. M
Should provide user to audit and verification of Domestic lighting
installations and commercial installations M
Should provide details for accounts and RR files of installations
for correctness of tariff applied/Load Sanctioned etc., as per
required by User with details and for approval as per hierarchy
level M
Should provide details of consumer bills for audit purpose as
month wise M
Should provide details of additional deposits, where the existing
deposit is become short M
Should provide option to user of concern audit officer of the
14 respective office for create/arrange the tour programmes of the
Revenue and Cash audit staff for their progress M
Should provide option to user as per hierarch wise and office wise
for verification and certification of Funds requisitions, work bills,
accounts, all types of bills, voucher audit, purchase orders, work
15 awards, establishment (Increments sanctions, earned leave
encashment, pension DCRG, etc.) Bank Reconciliation statement
of Division and Sub-Divisions offices and concern local bank and
main bank account M
Should automatically provide report for recovery of Audit shot
claims M
Should provide Embedded Audit Facilities which allows test to be
17 made at the time the data is being processed for a real time
auditing M
Should store information as it is processed for subsequent audit
review M
19 Should check the integrity of files which have been processed M
Should stop and record items which are of special audit interests
as previously designed by the auditor M
Should provide for tagging transactions with an indication e.g. a
different color when they enter into the system. Should provide
the auditor with print out of the details of the steps in processing
tagged transactions M
Should allow use of valid data is used to check that the
system/software processes the data accurately M
Should allow use of invalid data is used to check the
system/software, gives either a warning or rejects the data M
Should be designed at the output stage so as to handle the audit
test data without unwanted side effects M
Should accept electronic records from the bookkeeping and
25 Accounts & Finance Management module and Asset Management
module M

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Should provide full documentation and recording of all systems

26 and applications, procedures for normal approval and acceptance
of all new and changed applications M
Should provide an audit trail consistent with Generally Accepted
Accounting Principles (GAAP) including those for automatically
generated material transactions e.g. direct debits, complex
calculations, EDI with other organizations e.g. Banks, etc.
Should provide for the portion of the audit trial such as the date
28 and the time of the last change in a record and the person making
the change stored as part of the on-line records D
Should be able to allow data to be retained so it can be used in
other areas of the audit including error identification and
segregation of transactions within accounts, once its verified
using computer a technique D
Should allow analyzing data and generating specific reports using
30 a standard program (data analysis is focused and allows for any
future adjustment to be made with minimal effort) D
31 Should support analytical reports for selecting audit items D
Should provide plan & Release Monthly, Quarterly and
Annual Audit plans at Corporate & other office levels D
Should allow to Identify and assign resources for Audit
Program D
Should have the facility for exception reports in case the
inspections are not carried out as per plan M
Should have the facility to create "Corrective/Correction
35 action" workflow(notifications) based on the results of Audit check
list M
Should allow track Audit completion report submission as per
plans M
37 Should track Replies M
Should support on-line review of Inspection reports at Corporate
office and other offices M
Sub Process- CAG Audit Paras
Monitoring of compliance of CAG Audit paras
1  Recording of CAG Audit Paras M
 Follow up action and compliance M
Monitoring of compliance of Statutory Auditor Paras
2  Recording of Statutory Auditor Paras M
 Follow up action and Compliance M
Sub Process- Reporting Requirements
Should provide option to user for reviewing/monitoring the
1 completed works (e.g. In-progress work status report for revenue,
completed works status report for revenue) M

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Should provide separate audit progress report on period wise i.e.

monthly/quarterly /Half Yearly basis for various offices M
Should provide option to user for consolidate the report (e.g.
Revenue audit short claim (OB, Demand, Recovery, Closing
Balance) and all these report should in tariff wise, Sub -division
wise, Month/Year wise) M
Should provide user to analyze the report of audit short claim
4 demanded and closing balance statement in various audit terms
of Audit M
Should provide option to user to create and analyze the reports
5 i.e. Excess payment, Irregular Expenditure, etc.) as per monthly/
office wise M
Should provide report to user for approval from immediate
concern audit officer at respective office wise M
Should provide options for advise/issue/notes to user as per role
wise M
Should provide option to user for scrutiny and also for comments
on reports i.e. C-register, Account register, Store Report,
Technical report, Work order sanction, Depreciation Report, Meter
testing (MT) division, etc. as per hierarchy level M
Should provide option to user (As per hierarchy wise/Office wise)
for upload/download the details in all format. M
Should provide Status of audit of Bank reconciliation report in
10 way of the terms of Pending/Completed/ In-progress and office
wise M
Should allow customized reports to be generated by the system
and a standard audit trail is maintained M
Should provide option to user as per hierarchy wise to verify,
12 remarks and for certifying the report from the Internal Audit from
office wise M
13 Should capture for bringing documents into the system M
14 Should support for storing and archiving documents M
15 Should for indexing and retrieval tools to locate documents M
Should distribution for exporting documents from the system, If
required M
Should ensure security to protect documents from unauthorized
access M
18 Should provide facility to write notes on the document M
Core Process- Costing and Finance Control
Sub Process- Costing Allocation

Should allocate cost in various levels, for example:

1  Responsibility cost centre (Departments/ Offices/ Projects) M
 Service category/ group M

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 Customer group M
 Activity M
Should allocate actual or budget amount based on:
 Fixed percentage M
 Variable percentage M
 Budgeted value/ quantity M
Should provide facility to process allocations with available amend
3 M
details prior to allocations
4 Should provide facility to reverse allocations M
Should simulate allocation method to check the correctness before
5 M
update run
Should run iterative/non-iterative cost allocation processing in
6 M

7 Should provide facility for mass allocations posted/ reversed M

8 Should monitor and print allocation report before closing account M

Should allocate cost and expense between department/Division

9 M
office/ etc.
Should support multiple cycles of allocating overheads and iterative
10 M
allocation cycles for the same
Should be possible to have multiple basis for allocation of the
11 M
overhead and allow to skip some P&L items from allocations
Should provide the variance based on change in the method for
12 M
allocation and allow user defined allocation mechanisms
Sub Process- Costing Analysis
1 Should define organization structure in hierarchy at various level M
2 Should define main and alternative organization structure D
Should support comprehensive and flexible information system to
3 analyze costs and expenses within organization and must have M
provisions for grouping at various levels
Should analyze costs and expenses on-line, and trace them right
4 M
back to the original document
Should analyze costs and expense separately by responsibility area
5 in account code level, account group level and Functional entity M

6 Should display and call up details of allocation method via system M

Should support multiple sets of information (Budget/Plan/ Revised

7 M
Plan etc.)
Should provide comparisons across periods and automatically
8 M
analyze variance
Sub Process- Activity Based Costing

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Should order to monitor and analyze reporting, but should not be

limited to:
 General Ledger M
 Accounts Payable M
 Inventory Management M
 Order and Project System M
 Budget Controlling M
 Profitability Analysis M

2 Should monitor and control cross-departmental business processes M

3 Should define cost allocation along the value added chain M

Should automatically take resource driver and activity driver from

4 M
5 Should provide flexible mapping rules M
Should upload data from external system, for example, Excel,
6 M
Access into application system
7 Should determine lifetime of defined rules and relationships M
Should set security restrictions at various levels for user access to
8 specific models, period data sets, the type of access (create, change, M
Sub Process- Orders and Projects related Costing

Should define the details of the project on-line, but should not
limited to:
 Project type M
 Project ID, Project name M
 Sub project ID, Sub project name M
 Project responsible person M
 Budget, Actual Cost M
 Start date, finish date M
 Resource required for the work that is carried out internally in a

Should integrate with the following modules at on-line basis in

order to monitor and analyze reporting, but should not limited to:

 General Ledger M
2  Accounts Payable M
 Asset Accounting M
 Inventory Management M
 Budget Controlling M
 Payroll Accounting M

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Should upload data from external system, for example, Excel,

3 M
Access into application system
Should download information to spreadsheet (e.g. Excel) for user
4 M
5 Should trace cost/ expense by project/ sub-project M

Should automatically link wages/ OT/ other benefit from human

6 M
resource module to project system module e.g. man-hour rate

7 Should calculate and post interest from loan to project/ subproject M

Should provide details after project finished e.g. settle costs and
8 expenses occurred in project to fixed asset, WIP or expenses by M
percentage, pro-rate or actual amount

Should automatically link to record fixed asset in asset accounting

9 M
module, after settled
Should provide details after closing project and prohibit to post
10 M
transactions from other module to this project
Should commit budget, when posted purchase requisition from
11 M
purchasing module
Should provide flexible and comprehensive information system that
12 M
assist to monitor and control project easier

Should monitor, analyze and evaluate various information, such as

13  Commercial project reports in hierarchy (single projects, partial

projects or across several projects)
 One or more projects in details by cost element M
Should monitor budget/commitment/actual reports by monthly,
14 M
quarterly and yearly on real time basis

15 Should monitor cumulative budget/ commitment/ actual reports M

16 Should monitor project progress by viewing % of completion M

Should check the history data from system, but should not limited
 Start and Finish date M
17  Resources usage M
 User who change budget M
 Project Status M
 User who close project M

18 Should create own reports to meet specific information needs M

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Should view all information in the project immediately after

19 entering data via other integrated modules and can run the reports M
in the background
20 Should view on-line reports in graphic and Gantt chart M
Sub Process- Profitability Analysis

Should evaluate market segments which can be classified

according to services, customers, strategy business units such as
1 M
core business/ non-core business or any combinations, which
respect to BESCOM‘s profit or contribution margin
Profit Centre Accounting- Should be able to address organization
requirement of getting profit centre based accounting information
2 M
and reports in future, requirements to be collected at the time of
Business Blueprinting Phase
Should breakdown service and market-oriented activities to
3 fundamental cost accounting information, such as identifying M
which services or markets have the highest contribution margin
4 Should support and store multiple currencies M
Should provide time-base distribution such as company-specific,
5 time-based distribution, seasonal cycles, revenue dependent time M
series, and service-dependent time series

Should transfer data from other systems on line, such as

6  Transfer cost centre costs M

 Transfer activity-based costs M
 Transfer billing document M
Should summaries multiple items of sender document into one line
7 M
item during transfer data
Core Process- Pension Management (Related to Accounts & Finance)
Sub Process- General

1 Should allow user for tight integration with HRMS module M

Should integrate with existing HRMS application for Employees

2 M
service records and etc.
Should generate alert for employee due for retirement 1 year in
3 advance and keep sending monthly alert till the same is M
Should identify the multiple pension schemes and however it
applicable for employee (as per state Govt. policy), so that
company's Pension scheme available in public sector can be
incorporated M

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Should automatically stop GPF deductions of the employee,

5 whose retirement order have been issued, 3-months prior to
retirement date of the employee M
Should generate alert and intimate the employees three months
6 before their retirement about their PF subscription, PF Loan,
Gratuity and Pension claim forms etc. M
Should maintain nominee details to facilitate pension
processing M
Should support pension disbursement and support multiple
payment modes for pension M
9 Should automatically calculate family pension and payment M
Should support all related accounting procedures including
generation of vouchers and related reports M
Should perform Income tax calculation and deduction for
pension payment as per Government of Karnataka guidelines M
12 Should verify that employee has shared address, bank account
number and etc. with concern officer M
Should generate alert the data points by designated authorities
using digital signature M
14 Should provide option to concern user for approval M
Should provide option to user or concern authority to make
changes in pension rules based changes in DA rule rate, etc. M
Should allow user to identify pensioners/case for revisions of
pension based on the chages made in pension rules M
Should record the special instructions issued by the
17 authority/other sanctioning authorities regarding recoveries
from pension M
18 Should track enhancement of pensions M
Should generate bills against certain pension accounts and
make payments using cheque/ECS M
Should provide option to verify the pensioner's life certificate on
20 M
a yearly basis
Should make payment of provisional pension or automatically
21 generate pension payment schedules as per the date designated M
in the system
Should automatically update the last paid date as and when
22 communicated by Treasury, Link branch, etc. and make M
necessary alterations to the data in the treasuries
23 Should provide pensioner's Grievance redressal system M
Should able to mark the grievance to the Agencies, which are
24 responsible for rectification like bank, treasury or the concerned M
department for action on the grievance

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Should automatically a unique identification number allocated

25 M
to the grievance by the system
should send notification to concerned officer to update
26 information on action taken within the system against each M
Should provide provision for raising alerts and reminders at
27 periodic intervals if action is not been taken on a time bound M
28 Should provide option to escalate pending cases M
Should provide provision for pensioner to track progress or
29 his/her grievance through internet website as well as through
sms M
Should generate the advice to division with all required
information for the payment of pension M
Sub Process- Reports

Should provide option to user for validation of pension and

1 M
communication amount as per pension rules
Should provide option to user for verification of pensioner by
2 M
Should provide report in employee wise/ Bank wise/ Office wise
3 M
number of live pensions at the end of the month
Should provide report in employee wise/ Bank wise/ Office wise
4 M
number of new pensions sanction during the month
Should provide report in employee wise/ Bank wise/ Office wise
5 number of regular pensions converted to family pension in the M
Should provide report in employee wise/ Bank wise/ Office wise
6 M
number of pensions cancelled/closed during the month
Should provide report in employee wise/ Bank wise/ Office wise
number of detained case where the enhanced family pension to
7 M
be reduced to normal family pension, How many due and how
many have been reduced during the month
Should provide details report in employee wise/ Bank wise/
8 Office wise for restoration of communication, how many due and M
how many have been reduced during the month
Should provide details report in employee wise/ Bank wise/
9 M
Office wise for recovery information how much was recovered
Should provide details report in employee wise/ Bank wise/
10 Office wise for claims and reimbursement received, approved M
sent to Bank

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Should provide details report in employee wise/ Bank wise/

11 Office wise for unclaimed pensions for more than 6 months/one M
Should maintain the bank wise/ office wise un-drawn pension
12 M
for more than 3 months
Should provide office wise/ department wise/ period wise
13 M
pending grievances
Should provide report of Grievance wise pendency & resolution
14 M
Core Process- Fixed Asset Accounting
Sub Process- General Master
Should provide functionality to maintain inventory in the assets
module. Additional data fields would include, but are not limited
to the following:
 Asset Name M
 Asset classifications M
 Accounts Head (e.g. For IT asset, system should
automatically generate the account Heads/ code but in case
of electrical assets and other should follow BESCOM
accounts Heads/ Code)
1  Manufacturer (i.e. licensor) M
 Order number/Work Order no., etc. M
 Order date M
 Quantity M
 Value (in INR Currency) M
 Supplier O
 License term O
 License type O
 Product category/class (e.g. IT asset, Non-IT asset, Electrical
asset, etc.)
Should maintain the following information in the fixed asset
master, but should not be limited to:
 Work Order/ Work Award no. M
 Account Heads (e.g. For IT asset, system should
automatically generate the account Heads/ code but in case
of electrical assets and other should follow BESCOM
2 accounts Heads/ Code)
 Group asset/ Individual asset (G or I) M
 General information (e.g. description, make/model, quantity,
acquisition date, owner unit, using unit)
 Material Codification no. (Schedules of Rate (SR) code)  M
 Posting information (e.g. capitalization date and amount,
asset expiry date)

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 General ledger account assignment M

 Accumulated depreciation M
 Depreciation (depreciation as per asset classifications wise
and according the BESCOM depreciation schedule/rate)
 Gain/ loss on disposal M
 Residual Value M
 Revaluation M
 Information on the origin of the asset (vendor information
e.g. serial number)
 Purchasing information (e.g. vendor number, purchase order
number, receiving number)
 Physical inventory data M
 Budgeting data (e.g. budget number) M
 Insurance data/ warranty M
 Depreciation data - asset useful lives, useful date, residual
value, depreciation method
 Asset location M
 Asset class/sub-class M
 Asset type (e.g. tangible and intangible/ Group/ Individual) M
 Project/ job number M
 Remarks M
For the new assets created the system should have the
functionality to record information including, but not limited to
3  Date of Completion M
 Last date of performance guarantee M
 Details of amount withheld, deposit, bank guarantee etc. M
Should provide functionality to track in process asset which are
4 under creation/development/manufacturing, through M
works/manufacturing accounting module
Should provide functionality for users to directly enter asset
information when the asset is acquired outside of integrated
5 M
system modules like disbursement, works accounting
(Contractor procures on behalf of the State, gift, donation)
Should provide functionality to assign unique identification
6 M
number to all assets
Should provide functionality to integrate the disbursement,
7 works accounting and Asset Management modules to identify M
expenditure transactions or input against an asset
Should provide functionality to be integrated with existing
8 M
purchase modules for various line departments
Should provide functionality to be integrated with new
9 procurement systems (e-procurement) (Office level) as and when M
BESCOM decides to implement them

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Should provide functionality for a free-form narrative description

10 D
field (text box) for entry of an asset item
Should provide functionality to track different types
(class/category) of assets including, but not limited to:
• Equipment M
• Buildings M
• Infrastructure M
• Land M
Should provide functionality to track the budget head or project
12 M
under which the asset is acquired or created
Should provide functionality for users to copy asset record
13 entries for identical items and then assign separate asset M
tag/inventory control /identification numbers
Should provide functionality to record all capitalizable costs
associated with the construction or purchase/acquisition of an
14 M
asset and when applicable, link the asset to the project, sub-
project or grant/head that resulted in acquisition of the asset
Should provide functionality for users to record and maintain
information on work in progress and provide a mechanism to
15 M
transfer accumulated work in progress costs to an asset record
if needed or generate report on cost of work in progress
Should provide functionality for users to create, edit, or delete
16 M
parent/child relationships between assets
Should provide functionality for users to change an asset's
17 useful life, salvage value, and depreciation method when M
Should provide functionality to track (e.g., identify, record,
18 inquire, report) regular/preventative maintenance performed on M
selected assets
Should provide functionality for user inquiries by any element of
19 the asset master record (e.g., asset number, asset description, M
office wise)
Should provide functionality to maintain information on
building assets including but not limited to the following:
 Location (Office wise, district) M
 Building age or date constructed M
 Number of stories - Construction type M
 Department using the asset M
 Square footage (land /built-up) M
 Valuation M
 Insurance information if any (company, policy, coverage
amount, etc.)
 Geographic location (Latitude and Longitude) M
 History (fire, construction, major maintenance activity) M

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Should provide functionality to accommodate multiple

21 M
depreciation schedules that could be applied to an asset
Should provide functionality for users to maintain detailed asset
information required to identify and properly account for all
assets including, but not limited to:
 Asset ID/ Asset code/ Account Heads M
 Description M
 Condition M
 Acquisition date M
 In service date M
 Asset category M
 Asset class M
 Department M
 Office M
22  Model number M
 Serial number M
 Location M
 Procurement method M
 Expenditure Head of Account up to Object code M
 Cost M
 Disposal date M
 Disposal reference M
 Disposal costs M
 Amount collected (to be required if the method of disposition
is sale)
 Profit/Loss on disposal of assets and its recording in account
Should provide functionality for users to modify or remove the
link between a child and the parent asset. (e.g. large equipments
23 M
are typically accompanied which are recorded as separated asset
by there is parent child relationship that exists)
Should provide functionality to automatically update the general
24 ledger (GL) to capitalize any asset acquired through the M
disbursement module
Should provide functionality to automatically update the general
25 ledger to capitalize any completed project that is added to fixed M
Should provide functionality to post accounting entries to the
26 general ledger when additions, deletions, and changes to the M
asset values occurs
Should provide functionality for users to drill down from asset
27 M
summary reports to any source document stored in the system

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Should provide option to user for validation/approval as per

hierarchy wise from concerning officer
Should provide functionality to track the usage of a child asset
independently of the parent asset to which it is linked so that if
28 M
the child moved from one parent asset to another parent asset,
all data is maintained and transferred physical counts that
Should provide functionality for an equipment type to pre-
29 M
populate useful life for an asset
Should provide functionality for each department to define the
useful life of each equipment type (e.g., Dept. A has a useful
30 M
lives of 5 years for asset type copiers and Dept. B has a useful
life of 7 years for copiers
Should provide functionality to amortize the cost of equipments
31 M
to the assets it was used in creating on predefined formula
Should provide functionality to create an asset record for a
32 M
leased asset (State as lessee)
Should provide functionality to maintain repair and preventative
33 maintenance history data for each equipment unit, including M
online access to both summary information
Should provide functionality to generate reports detailing the
34 cost of new assets acquired to replace an asset lost, missing, M
stolen, or destroyed
Should provide functionality to record capital assets that were
35 originally captured as construction in progress in another M
module (e.g., Works Accounting)
Should provide functionality to create reports to be used for are
36 organized and sorted by physical asset location/office M
wise/asset codes wise
Should provide functionality to track and report by each asset
record if the equipment custodian (assigned responsible
employee) is authorized to take his or her assigned assets offsite
37 M
from the State facility and identify the person who authorized
the State employee the privileges or right to take his or her
assets offsite
Sub Process- Fixed Asset Register

Should maintain FA register or Subsidiary register for all

1 M
location offices
Should automatically consolidate FA Register at Area
2 M
Office/sub-station level into FA Register for the company
Should prevent Area Office/sub-station offices from
3 entering/updating data in any FA Register other than their own M
FA Register
Should record fixed assets as either capitalized or work-in
4 M

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Should define fixed assets at different levels such as:

 Group asset (main and components) e.g. Land & Building
Asset class/subclass (Group asset belongs to an asset class M
5 as per user defined norms) e.g. factory land
 Asset type (e.g. tangible and intangible) M
 Balance sheet (asset class is assigned to GL account code.
This forms the balance sheet item)
Should decide the asset categorization at the time of order
6 M
placement/contract finalization
7 Should maintain parent - child asset relationships M
Should differentiate between new asset and value
8 M
adjustment/up gradation to existing capacity
Should record fixed assets with date placed in service in the
9 M
Should record fixed assets with date placed in service in the
10 M
11 Should merge multiple fixed assets into one fixed assets M
Should provide provision to rectify errors in recording fixed
12 M
assets in the same period or in previous periods
13 Should record number of units against each fixed assets M
Should record fixed assets taken on lease, assets on other's
14 M
property etc.
Should generate Fixed Assets schedule in accordance with the
15 M
Statutory requirements
Should generate Fixed Assets schedule in accordance with the
16 M
Companies Act
Should generate Fixed Assets schedule in accordance with the
17 M
Income Tax Act
Should generate Fixed Assets schedule in accordance with the
18 M
Regulatory requirements
19 Should update Fixed Asset Register upon capitalization of asset M
Should capture expenditure under "Capital Works In Progress
20 M
(CWIP)", till completion/commissioning of Asset
Should transfer from CWIP to respective Asset Account on
21 M
completion of work
Should capitalize asset via:
Integration with Accounts Payable M
 Post the asset acquisition and the corresponding vendor
liability in one transaction
22  Integration with Purchasing/ Inventory M
 Upon receipt of asset (with value), before invoice receipt M
 Upon receipt of invoice, asset is received (unevaluated)
 By moving the item from inventory M
Sub Process- Depreciation of Fixed Assets
1 Should support different methods of depreciating an asset, such

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 SLM (Straight Line Depreciation Method) & CERC  M
 WDV (Written Down Value Method) M
 As per Regulatory Requirement M
 User-defined rate tables M
 Sum of digit M
 Unit of use M
 Useful life M
Should provide option to user for create/edit, depreciation as
2 per asset classifications wise and according the BESCOM M
depreciation schedule/rate
3 Support change of useful life and effective rate of depreciation M
Support change in method of deprecation and rates of
4 depreciation for a specific fixed asset or group of fixed assets M
during the life of the asset(s)
Should maintain multiple depreciation rates vis-à-vis the
5 periods to which they apply and Should calculate depreciation M
with retrospective effect wherever required
Should facilitate adjustment of depreciation of fixed assets prior
6 M
to and after updates to general ledger
Should automatically post to the corresponding accumulated
7 depreciation and depreciation expense accounts in the General M
Should provide at least daily and monthly basis of calculating
8 M
Should comply calculating depreciation with accounting
9 M
standard and tax regulation and regulatory requirements
Should provide for recalculations of depreciation expense on
10 assets re-valued e.g. Depreciation = (revaluation amount M
remaining/ new estimated life)
Sub Process- Insurance of Fixed Assets

1 Should record all insurance related details against fixed assets M

Should record multiple insurance policy details against
2 M
individual fixed assets
Should generated alerts/reminders to designated users about
3 insurance premium payable, new policies to be taken, policies to M
be discontinued etc.
Should automatically update insurance record on passing of the
4 M
insurance premium bill with the policy details
Should monitor sale/purchase of insurable assets and update
5 M
insurance records automatically
6 Should update details of claim settled/ partly settled/ rejected M
Sub Process- Physical Inventory of Fixed Asset

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Should print asset listing for physical count based on user

1 M
definable criteria
The following information should be generated for each asset:
 By owner unit M
 By using unit M
 By location/Office wise M
 By asset class / asset category M
 By Date M
 By Retirement date M
2  With asset ID (e.g. For IT asset, system should automatically
generate the account Heads/ ID but in case of electrical assets M
and other should follow BESCOM accounts Heads/ Code)
 With asset Class M
 With asset description M
 With location M
 With quantity M
 With value M
Should capture physical count manually or automatically via
3 M
data upload (e.g. using bar code scanning device, spreadsheet)
Should process the results of the inventory manually or
automatically by:
 Making comparison with information in the database M
4  Retiring the asset if asset is confirmed missing M
 Change location if asset has changed location M
 Enter the inventory date in the assets counted and assets
identified as missing
Should capture the following information for all types of
adjustments such as:
 Date of adjustment M
 Cost, accumulated depreciation and net book values
 Adjustment reference document (if any) and authorization M
Should manually or automatically adjust the acquisition cost
6 and corresponding depreciation for the missing assets to the M
General Ledger upon update of Fixed Asset system
Should ensure that no duplication of the equipment/asset can
7 occur. In other words an item of equipment, once defined, M
cannot be duplicated within the system.
Should define continuous assets/equipment applicable to
BESCOM's transmission assets. The Should provide facility to
8 M
allow an item of equipment to be defined as a function of its
Should record any environmental issues or regulations required
9 M
in the operation of the equipment / asset.
10 Should record the physical location of each fixed assets M

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Sub Process- Link up with process

Should provide automatic integration with General Ledger,

Accounts Payable, Account Receivable, Asset Management
1 Module, Budget including the following capability:
 Automatic interfacing of accounting entries to the G/L
 Drill Drown capability to Account Payable (e.g. Invoice,
Purchase Order, etc.)
Sub Process- Fixed Asset Reporting and Enquiry

Should display asset description at individual asset level,

summarized levels (e.g. asset code, asset Id, accounts heads,
1 asset class, asset group, asset classification (e.g. IT asset, M
Electrical asset, others) by balance sheet) and by particular
asset (e.g. asset number)
Should provide drill-down from asset descriptive details to:
 Balances M
 Depreciation M
 GL account code M
Should provide asset information via screen and print report,
but should not be limited to:
 By date, year (e.g. by year of capitalization, year of disposal) -
By type of transaction (e.g. acquisitions, transferred, M
retirement, written-off, etc.)
3  By asset location - for small assets which are portable M
 By owner unit or using unit (e.g. department and Office
 By asset class (main asset group, sub group, asset number) M
 By user-specified rules M
Should produce reports for various reporting, flexible report
writing tools and on-line enquiry facilities for (but should not
limited) to the following:
 Financial reporting (e.g. audit and taxation) M
 Management reporting M
Examples of standard reports are listed, but should not be
limited to, as follows:
 Assets at gross separately from accumulated depreciation –
for period and year-to-date
 Asset master at summary and detail level M
 Asset additions M
 Asset retirements M
 Asset valuation - gross asset values, accumulated
depreciation and NBV

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 Assets by source of funds (e.g. capital contribution, own

 Assets by acquisition method (e.g. purchasing, donation) M
 Depreciation expense using flexible user selection criteria M
 Depreciation forecast M
 GL posting summary M
 Assets not found at location M
 Asset found at location other than that assigned in the asset
Should provide ad hoc listings via screen and/or print listings
based on user defined specifications such as (but not limited to):
 Select and sort by asset category M
 Select and sort by asset class M
 Select or exclude fully depreciated assets M
5  Select or exclude retired assets M
 Select by GL account codes M
 Select by business units M
 Select by asset status M
 Select by asset location M
 Select by asset life within asset book M
Should provide reports that can analyses asset information:
 By owner unit or using unit (e.g. Division/Circle/ Zones/
Corporate Office)
 By time period (e.g. year) M
 By company, asset type, department and location M
 By movement (such as addition, transfer or disposal) by
account, current month or year-to-date activity
 Provide for complete asset history, for example: M
o Depreciation, depletion and amortization current period,
6 M
year-to date, accumulated
o Net book value and residual value for finance, tax and
regulatory requirement
o Remaining life M
o History transactions with line-item M
o Repair and maintenance tracking M
o Warranty claims and settlements tracking M
o Insurance claims and settlements tracking acquisition and
retirement date
Should provide the following details or reports for taxation
 Additions M
7 o Qualifying cost M
o Non-qualify cost M
o Year of assessment of acquisition M

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 Disposal/ write off M

o Qualifying cost M
o Non-qualify cost M
o Sales proceeds M
o Year of assessment of expiry Adjustments/ transfers M
o Qualifying cost M
o Year of assessment of adjustment/ transfer M
 Reconciliation of fixed asset movements M
o Opening balance M
o Additions M
o Disposals M
o Transfer in/ out M
o Adjustments M
o Qualifying costs M
o Non-qualifying costs M
o Closing balance M
8 Should generate reports on fixed assets at specific location M
Should generate reports related to Capital WIP capturing (but
should not be limited to) the following
 Description of Work M
 Account Code M
 Letter of Award M
 Scheduled date of Completion M
 Total Estimated Cost and break-up in terms of material,
9 M
labor, interest during construction, indirect expenses, etc.
 Payment M
 Total Actual Cost and break-up in terms of material, labor,
interest during construction, indirect expenses, etc.
 Date of Commissioning M
 Source of Funding (Lender's name, loan amount, loan
identification, Equity Contribution, etc.)
Sub Process- Revaluation of Fixed Assets

Should capture the following information:

 Revaluation amount M
 Revaluation date M
 Revaluation method M
 Valuer‘s reference M
 Computation of revaluation surplus/ deficit and diminution M
Should keep the original asset cost details separated from the
2 revaluated amounts and a history of revaluation for each asset M
over time

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Should automatically post revaluation transaction to update

3 relevant accounts in the General Ledger (allowance for M
revaluation (surplus/deficit), allowance for diminution)
Sub Process- Inter office Asset Transfer

 Move an asset, resulting in the need to change asset master
data that cannot be otherwise changed (e.g. the asset class, M
main asset)
 Split up an asset or move part of an asset (transfer between
1 M
asset groups, sub asset group)
 Transfer between Division Offices or one of to another office
 Transfer material from the inventory (current assets) to a
fixed asset (for example, for a replacement part)
Sub Process- Disposal / Retirement of Fixed Asset

Should identify "assets not in use/ awaiting disposal" based on

user-defined criteria (e.g. asset class, Offices). The listing should
contain the following information, but should not be limited to:
 General master data - office wise, location wise , description,
1 M
make/ model
 Acquisition date M
 Asset history M
 Asset values (book value) M
Should electronically route proposed disposal listing to specific
2 M
users for approval within the system
Should perform the following within the Fixed Asset system:
 Perform complete/ partial retirement M
3  Provide simple method of retiring low value assets M
 Perform mass retirement M
 Capture cost of retirement (e.g. removal cost) M
Should make provisions against losses on retirement of assets in
4 M
respect of Assets waiting for disposal
Should automatically calculate the gain or loss on
5 M
Should capture disposal information such as:
 Date of retirement M
 Cost, accumulated depreciation and net book values written
 Sales proceeds M
 Gain/ loss on disposal M
 Reasons for retirement M
 Mode of retirement e.g. sold, scrapped, donated etc. M
Should post automatically or manually to the respective account
codes in the General Ledger:

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 Gain or loss on disposal M

 Sales proceeds M
 Capitalization cost M
 Accumulated depreciation M
 Depreciation M
Should automatically determine the corresponding depreciation
charge for the partial disposal, based on one of the following
8  Amount of the acquisition costs being retired M
 Percentage rate M
 Quantity M
Should manually amend the partial disposal amount calculated
9 by the system and then recalculate the corresponding M
depreciation for posting to the General Ledger
Should post automatically or manually to issue invoice in the
10 M
Account Receivable
11 Should reinstate fixed assets incorrectly retired M
Sub Process- Accounts & Finance Reporting and Enquiry

Should display asset description at individual asset level,

1 summarized levels (e.g. asset class, asset group, by balance M
sheet) and by particular asset (e.g. asset number)
Should provide drill-down from asset descriptive details to:
 Balances M
 Depreciation M
 GL account code M
Should provide asset information via screen and print report,
but should not be limited to:
 By date, year (e.g. by year of capitalization, year of disposal) M
 By type of transaction (e.g. acquisitions, transferred,
retirement, written-off, etc.)
 By asset location - for small assets which are portable M
 By owner unit or using unit (e.g. department, Office wise) M
 By asset class (main asset group, sub group, asset number,
Account Heads, etc.)
 By user-specified rules M
Should produce reports for various reporting, flexible report
writing tools and on-line enquiry facilities for (but should not
limited) to the following:
4  Financial reporting (e.g. audit and taxation) M
 Management reporting D
 Examples of standard reports are listed, but should not be
limited to, as follows:

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 Assets at gross separately from accumulated depreciation -

forperiod and year-to-date
 Asset master at summary and detail level M
 Asset additions M
 Asset retirements M
 Asset valuation - gross asset values, accumulated
depreciation and NBV
 Assets by source of funds (e.g. capital contribution, own
 Assets by acquisition method (e.g. purchasing, donation) M
 Depreciation expense using flexible user selection criteria M
 Depreciation forecast D
 GL posting summary M
 Assets not found at location M
 Asset found at location other than that assigned in the asset
Should provide ad hoc listings via screen and/or print listings
based on user defined specifications such as (but not limited to):
 Select by GL account codes M
 Select and sort by asset category M
 Select and sort by asset class M
5  Select or exclude fully depreciated assets M
 Select or exclude retired assets M
 Select by asset location M
 Select by business units M
 Select by asset status M
 Select by asset life within asset book M
Should provide reports that can analyse asset information:
 By owner unit or using unit (e.g. Corporate Office, Zone,
Circle, Division, Sub-Division and Section Office)
6  By time period (e.g. year) M
 By company, asset type, department and location M
 By movement (such as addition, transfer or disposal) by
account, current month or year-to-date activity
Should provide for complete asset history, for example:
 Depreciation, depletion and amortization current period,
year-to-date, accumulated
 Net book value and residual value for finance, tax and
7 regulatory requirement
 Remaining life M
 History transactions with line-item M
 Repair and maintenance tracking M
 Warranty claims and settlements tracking M

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 Insurance claims and settlements tracking M

 Acquisition and retirement date M
Should provide the following details or reports for taxation
 Additions  M
o Non quality cost M
o Year of assessment of acquisition M
 Disposal/ write off M
o Qualifying Cost M
o Non-quality Cost M
o Sales proceeds M
o Year of assessment of expiry adjustments/transfers M
8 o Quality Cost M
o Year of assessment of adjustment/transfer M
 Reconciliation of fixed asset movements M
o Opening balance M
o Additions M
o Disposal M
o Transfer in / out M
o Adjustments M
o Qualifying cost M
o Non-qualifying cost M
o Closing balance M
9 Should generate report on fixed assets at specific location M
Should generate reports related to Capital WIP capturing (but
should not be limited to) the following:
 Description of Work M
 Account Code M
 Letter of Award M
 Scheduled date of Completion M
10  Total estimated Cost and break-up in terms of material,
labor, interest during construction, indirect expenses, etc. M
 Payment M
 Total Actual Cost and break-up in terms of material, labor,
interest during construction, indirect expenses, etc. M
 Date of Commissioning M
 Source of Funding (Lender's name, loan amount, loan
identification, Equity Contribution, etc.) M
Core Process- Budgeting
Sub process- Budget Preparation
1 Should allow user for tight integration with Asset Management M

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and other required modules for make successful of this process

Should create the following budgets but not limited to:
 Revenue Expenditure budget M
 Capital Expenditure budget M
 Operating Expenditure/Depreciation budget M
2  Forecast Balance Sheet for 10 years M
 Forecast Profit & Loss for 10 years M
Flexibility to:
 Forecast Financial Ratio M
 Forecast Retained Income M

3 Should prepare budget with Top-Down and Bottom-up method D

Should provide function to compute retained Income (RI) and

4 M
cash for investment forecast based on user-defined criteria
Should import/export budget details from/ to external systems
5 M
electronically (e.g. Spreadsheet -Excel)
Should provide Windows-based spreadsheets for budget
6 M
Should check and balance the detailed-level budget and the
7 M
summary-level budget
Should navigate within the budget hierarchy (e.g. expand/
8 M
collapse structure, drill down for details)
Should provide a graphical representation of the budget
9 D

Should calculate and compare budget vs. actual in:

10  Amount variance M
 Percentage variance M
Should provide text facility to document any changes made and
11 M
reasons of amendments within each version of budget
Should retain user-specified versions of the budgets upon
12 M
subsequent reviews
Should maintain the original budget version and the revised
budget version Update the original budget by
 Increasing the budget amounts M
 Reducing the budget amounts M
13  Additional Budget M
 Re-apportion (e.g. within Accounting units & Between the
 Transferring budget amounts. e.g. transfer budget from one
Office to another Office

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Should allow changes to be made to the 5 year forecast revenue

14 and expenditure items either by manual entry or electronic M
Should meet process/reporting requirements of Budget Policy &
15 M
Procedures of BESCOM
Should aggregate the inputs from the different accounting units
16 M
and prepare a draft consolidated budget
Should segregate the final consolidated approved budget,
17 M
accounting unit wise
Sub Process- Operating Expenditure/ Revenue

Should define revenue / operating expenditure budget hierarchy

1 for responsibility areas within the organization to facilitate M
control and monitoring
Should classify revenue and expenditure items by means of a
2 hierarchy. For example, personnel costs may consist of salary, M
wages, overtime, bonus etc.
Should provide edit functions to create, insert, copy, delete
3 responsible area or revenue / expenditure item within the M
Should identify expenditure (controllable & un-controllable) as
4 M
controllable and uncontrollable for budget control purposes
 Disallow posting into a GL account prior to budget
5 approval/Allow posting into a GL account only after
approval of budget

Should control authorization to create, change, delete, budget,
transfer and post by:
6  Budget version M
 Responsible area/ unit M
 Type of expense M
Should provide level of access to create and maintain relevant
assigned budgets:
 Units can only amend/ input their own budget at the time of
 Budgeting Cell can amend/ input all budgets for Area
Offices/zones/ Head Office / departments
 Budget can only be approved by authorized person as
defined in the system
Should copy budget values into a new budget version:
 From a reference budget version (e.g. previous year budget or
8 M
Forecast budget)
 By selecting specific expenditure accounts M

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9 Should revalue budget by percentage and by fixed amount M

Should provide formula (user-defined) for planning/ budgeting
10 M
at the lowest level
11 Should update budgets on-line, either individually or in mass M
Should extract either automatically or manually financial
information for budgeting of expenditure items from:
 Within the system M
 Other external systems M
 Information required includes: M
o Expenditure for transmission charges M
o Expenditure towards power purchase M
o Expected increase in requisition for higher transmission
capacity by existing customers (e.g. based on trend or M
customer forecast)
o New Suppliers (supported by agreements) M
o Loan interest information M
o Information of Subsidy from Government of Karnataka M
o Salaries and wages M
o Historical and projected payroll cost and number of staff
for user defined period
o Repairs and maintenance M
o Preventative maintenance schedule M
o Depreciation (provision for computation of depreciation as
per (i) Companies Act (ii) ERC Regulations 
Should generate monthly/ quarterly/ half yearly revenue/
13 M
operating expenditure budget
Should provide a text editor function up to the lowest budget
14 level (i.e. expenditure accounts) to capture supporting workings M
that derive the budget amount
Should record budgets at all levels of the chart of accounts (all
15 views of account Heads up to lowest level of the accounts and all M
levels of organization)
Should allow input budget data at detail level with automatic
16 rollup to summary level by using aggregation of account (i.e. M
expenditure items) at multiple levels of consolidation
Should allow input budget data at higher level within the budget
hierarchy and perform the following:
 Manually allocate amounts to detail level based on user-
17 M
specified methods
 Allocate via automatic pro-rate apportionment to user-
specified detail accounts
Should allow for manual override of apportioned amounts
18 M
automatically pro-rated by the system

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Should allocate budgeted overheads at the same level that

actual expenses was allocated or based on information from
19 other accounts. For example:
 Budgeted general expenses may be apportioned based on
previous year actual
Should incorporate algebraic, mathematical and logical formulas
into cost allocation formulas at the lowest budget level e.g.
20 M
allocate sick and annual leave budgeted costs to a responsible
office based on percentage of budgeted basic salary
Should provide the option to reflect changes to amounts in a
21 new budget version or without indicating budget as a new M
version (i.e. overwrite original budget)
Should check and highlight missing, incomplete budget items
22 prior to consolidation (for example, a department missing from a M
set of departments defined for consolidation)
Sub Process- Capital Expenditure Budget

Should support both project/ non-project Capital expenditure

1 M
Should define a budget hierarchy for Project/ Sub-project to
2 M
facilitate control and monitoring
3 Should use multiple currency for capital expenditure budget M
 Disallow posting into a GL account prior to approval of
4 budget

 Allow posting into a GL account only after approval of budget M

5 Should provide text editor function for budget exceed M
 Provide for flexible user-defined budgeting period, e.g. 1 year,
3 years or 5 years
6  Provide option for sub-period budgets, e.g. monthly,
quarterly, semi-annually, or annually
 Provide option to create and maintain a 12 months Spill over
Should carry forward budget outstanding from projects to the
7 M
following fiscal year
Should carry forward commitment amount from projects to the
8 M
following fiscal year
Should support multiple budgets by revenue accounts and
9 M
expense accounts. Budgets for each accounting entity
10 Should update budgets on-line, either individually or in batches M

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Should provide the option to reflect changes to amounts in a

11 new budget version or without indicating budget as a new M
version (i.e. overwrite original budget).
12 Should provide budgeting on user defined periodic basis M
Should provide option to user for spill over works for approval, If
13 M
requirements would not complete in current year
Should integrate Corporate Budgeting process with the
14 budgeting and planning of the individual units and support M
Deprecation budget should be based on existing assets and
15 M
budgeted capital expenditure
Should provide comparative report between actual and any
16 M
version of the budget
Should provide multiple options and must track various
17 M
scenarios evaluated
Should provide option for restriction of the budget, If Budget is
18 M
19 Should provide option to user for additional budget M
Sub Process- Budget Control

Should commit budget, after posting purchase requisition in

1 M
purchasing system
Should transfer budget between cost centre/ projects, according
2 M
to the authorization level defined by users
3 Should provide annual approval budget report M
Should integrate with the following modules at on-line basis, but
should not limited to:
 Payroll Accounting: usage budget when post salary, bonus
and wages etc. transactions
 Account Payable: usage budget when post expenses
4 M
transactions via AP
 General Ledger: usage budget when post expenses
transactions via GL
 Inventory Management: usage budget when issue to cost
centre/ project
Should generate document number separately when
5 M
create/change budget
Should perform automatic budget availability checks during
6 M
transaction posting
Should define tolerance limits either as a percentage or absolute
value, depending on the amount exceed, automatically perform
7 the following:
 Trigger warning to user M
 Trigger warning to user and mail to budget owner M

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 Disallow posting M
Should classify budget control type, such as
 Cost/ Expenditure budget M
 Define trigger warning to user when budget exceed M
 Capital Expenditure budget (Project) M
8  Define trigger warning to user when commitment transaction
exceed budget, but disallow posting when actual M
transactions exceed budget
 Capital Expenditure budget (Non-project) M
 Define disallow posting when commitment and actual
transaction exceed budget
Sub Process- Budgeting Reporting

Should download budget information to spreadsheet (e.g. Excel)

1 M
for user analysis
Should provide facility to present budget data in graphs or
2 M
charts within the system
Should provide the following information in the form of reports/
for on-line viewing at multiple levels within the budget
 Comparison of actual against budget figures (in terms of
quantity and value)
3  Budgeted Balance Sheet for 10 years M
 Budgeted Profit/ Loss account for 10 years M
 Budgeted Cash flow for 10 years M
 Budgeted Financial ratio for 10 years M
 Forecast Retained Income M
 Other forecast information M
Should spread budget over the financial periods based on:
 Even spread M
 Seasonal spread M
4  Fixed spread M
 Variable spread M
 Manual allocation (i.e. to enter budget figure to specific
Should provide to open budget information by user of Offices-
defined parameters (e.g., time period, level of detail, activity,
etc.). For example, variance calculations on month to month,
5 M
year to year, year-to-date actual of specified balance sheet or
profit/ loss items (for a particular year) against relevant
budgeted values

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Should generate variance analysis (Actual/ Budget) reports by

user- defined parameters (e.g., time period, level of detail,
6 M
activity, etc.). Should print the report and electronically route
the reports to allow users to review reports
Should provide exception reports for responsible areas (e.g.
Division, Zones) that exceeded budget with details such as:
 Revenue/ expenditure (according to chart of accounts) M
 Actual to date M
 Budget M
 Variance (i.e. amount in excess of budget) M
8 Should provide over/under budget reports M
Should check fund availability real-time basis (for capital
budget) i.e. Reports for Heads of accounts wise, Divisional wise,
9 M
Budget allocated, Expenditure incurred, no. of works, balance
Should view source of fund for each project in capital
10 M
expenditure budget report
Should generate budgeted financial statements for the
11 M
accounting units
Should provide statement of Department wise budget/offices
wise budget i.e. Reports for Heads of accounts wise, Divisional
wise, Budget allocated, Expenditure incurred, no. of works,
12 balance budget M
13 Should provide Budget Variance report M
14 Should generate report for Spill over works, new works M
15 Should download approved and final budget by users M
Core Process- Miscellaneous Reports
Sub Process- Report of Estimates of Financial Resources
1 Should generate report on Financing of Capital Expenditure M
2 Should generate report on Revenue Expenditure on O&M M
3 Should generate report on Rate of Return on Net Fixed Assets M
Should generate report on Outstanding Dues to Central Govt.
Undertakings & Others M
5 Should generate report on Efficiency Improvement Parameters M
6 Should generate report on Financial Statements of SLDC M
Should generate reports to meet all requirements under tax
laws of India M
Sub Process- Report of Annual Financial Statements
(Previous Year- Actual, Current, Budgeted and Ensuring Year-Estimates, etc.)

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Should generate a summary of companies budget as per

1 parameters defined in the company's Annual Financial
Statement (AFS) M
2 Should generate report on Estimates of O&M Expenses M
Should generate report on Estimates of Establishment &
Administration charges M
4 Should generate report on Estimates of Interest Payable M
5 Should generate report on Loans from State Government M
6 Should generate report on Details of Borrowings M
Should generate report on Loans and Advances to the
Employees M
Should generate report on Capital and Revenue
Receipts/Expenditure and Closing Cash Balances M
Sub Process- Reports of Revenue Monitoring

Should generate report on Revenue Realized and Remitted into

Banks M
Should generate report on amount transferred by various bank
to main account of the company M
Sub Process- Reports of Miscellaneous

Should generate reports confirming to technical, operational,

regulatory, statutory and other business requirements M
Should provide necessary information to populate predefined
2 Balanced Score Cards for monitoring of Key Performance
Indicators M
Should meet all Internal Audit related processes/reporting
requirements of BESCOM M
Should support the requirements of Tax Audit and facilitate the
4 preparation of various statements and annexures required
therein M
Core Process- Online Payments
Sub Process- Online payment through Various Channels
Online payments through third party vendors/Payment
aggregators -Karnataka One,Pay TM,ATP etc M
2 Financial Reconciliation of Payments M
3 Reports M
Core Process- CRM
Sub Process- Customer relationship Management
1 To help to achieve single face to consumer M

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2 To manage customer relationship. M

3 To support consumer focused areas. M
To support different consumer interaction channels such as
internet, Mobile based, interaction centers/call centers. M
To support analytics to provide insights to operational processes
and strategic decision making M
6 To help to achieve single face to consumer M
Sub Process: Marketing
1 Consumer segmentation M
2 Trade promotion M
3 Marketing planning and analytics M
Sub Process: Sales
1 Service requests management M
2 Complaint management M
3 Escalation management M
5 Service planning and analytics. M
6 Service requests management M
7 Complaint management M
Core Process- Project Management
Sub Process- Execution

Should break projects into activities, sub-activities indicating

1 milestones with commonly used methods such as PERT and M
Should record vendor drawings & design documents, user
2 M
manuals with all dates of submission, approval/ rejection, etc.
Should register information on inspection calls (date of
3 M
invitation and carrying out)
4 Should store MICC-cum-DI, post inspection D
Should track/ record "Issue Slip" by the designated authority to
5 allot materials to be issued by the store for works at desired M
Should record the status of every item in the BOM (order &
6 M
delivery status)
Should integrate with Material Management system to view real
7 time information on status of delivery of materials related to M
greenfield / brownfield construction projects
8 Should record the status of civil construction and erection D
9 Should record and track quality deviations D
Should reconcile quality check against manufacturing quality
10 M
plans and field quality plans

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11 Should record financial progress status with detailed break-up M

12 Should record physical progress status with detailed break-up M
Should record all communications with local administration
13 M
Should record status of progress on other services to be
14 M
provided by vendor viz. training
Should record completion of each activity, leading to the overall
15 M
commissioning of project
Should track deliverables against individual vendors/ sub-
16 M
Should define contract closing related check-list/ steps and
17 D
issue alert for deviation / non-compliance
Should setup a billing plan, that allows the release of payments
18 D
upon achieving set milestones
Should records 'difficulties' during execution and maintain
19 D
'difficulty register'
20 Should generate alert on 'warranty' expiration M
21 Should create note on 'warranty' extension M
Should record and track quantity deviations and store
22 requisition for such variations after approval from competent M
Should record details of excess materials not utilized in the
23 M
project and sent to stores after commissioning
Should record insurance details like premium payment, claims
24 M
made if any
Should create note on "Time Extension" approval with LD or
25 M
without LD
Should calculate Liquidated Damage based on user defined
26 M
Should define pre-commissioning check-list / steps and issue
27 M
alert for deviation/non-compliance
Should support web based recording of Contract Closing
28 M
Should record status of clearance given by Electrical inspector
29 M
or concerned officer as per hierarchy define by BESCOM
Should record receipt of
 As built drawings M
 Other drawings M
 O&M manuals etc. M
31 Should issue and store "Taking Over" certificate M
Should generate alert on non-compliance to contract closing
32 process (submission of drawings, documents and other M
33 Should generate Contract Closing Certificate M
34 Should generate alert on 'CPG' expiration M

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35 Should create note on 'CPG' extension M

36 Should record and track Bank Guarantee information M
37 Should generate alert on Bank Guarantee expiration M
Should generate note on Bank Guarantee
38 M
39 Should allow hierarchy based approval for notes initiated M
40 Should generate contract closure certificates M
41 Should notify all appropriate personnel, that a project is closed M
Should provide security measures, to ensure that the project
42 M
closure is done by authorized personnel only
43 Should record commissioning status D
Should record delay in commissioning as per scheduled target
44 M
date as per LoA
Sub Process- Reports

1 Should generate customized LoA/ PO M

Should generate MICC-cum-DI formats for issuance at
2 M
inspection spot
3 Should create note on quality deviations approval M
4 Should create note on quantity deviations approval M
5 Should generate material reconciliation statement M
Should generate status report on each activity at any particular
6 M
Should generate status report on:
 Each project M
 Each vendor & sub-vendor M
 Projects started/ scheduled to end (as per LoA) in particular
7 M
financial year
 Projects funded by particular funding agency M
 Type of project (Greenfield/Brownfield/Renovation &
Modernization and lines/bays/transformer/ augmentation), M
Should generate status report on clearance given by Electrical
8 inspector, or concerned officer as per hierarchy define by M
Should generate reports confirming to technical, operational,
9 M
regulatory, statutory and other business requirements
Sub Process- Monitoring

Should give project owners/ managers & project teams web-

1 based access to real-time business-critical project data to make M
timely, informed decisions
Should have a central tracking system that enables project
2 teams to record, assign, & resolve issues and capture related M
risks pertaining to project.

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Should support web based recording of project monitoring

3 M
formats submitted by vendors in the monthly meeting
Should monitor estimates versus actual:
 Time for completion of each activity/ task M
 Payments vis-a-vis milestones M
 Use of resources, etc.
Should monitor project, resource wise, timeline wise,
5 M
department wise and funding agency wise
6 Should monitor actual project expenditure vis-a-vis LoA cost M
Should monitor all projects consolidated, individual projects
7 M
and individual tasks
Should define project based key performance indicators to
8 identify risks, underperforming projects and monitor project M
Should track every drawing submissions, inspection calls, etc.
9 in the project and trace who is the current owner of the file/ M
document, for how long and why
10 Should carryout resource tracking across projects M
Should record delay in activities attributed to externalities (RoW
11 M
issues, Legal cases etc.)
Should record key issues raised by vendors in the monthly
12 M
meeting and their resolution status
Should develop what-if modelling scenarios to understand the
13 impact of trade-offs and evaluate strategies to mitigate risk for M
projects/ schemes
Should record and monitor data on accidents during project
14 M
15 Should store baseline and revised plans M
Should capture all the project management activities for the
entire cycle of construction projects i.e. from the point of
16 M
proposal of a new project to final testing & commissioning of the
Should display current total and accumulated costs in terms of
17 M
actual, capitalized, future commitments etc.
Should generate alerts for delay in starting / completion major
18 M
activities / milestones (post and anticipatory)
19 Should generate alerts for delay in payments D
20 Should record actual completion date M
21 Should record financial implication due to time overrun M
22 Should record of results of safety audit M
Should maintain a comprehensive project database to capture
23 D
the data pertaining to all aspects of projects
Sub Process- Reports

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Should display project activities in Gantt charts, pie charts,

1 histograms, tables, etc. illustrating ‗actual‘ to ‗originally M
planned‘ projects progress in-terms of schedule and cost
Should export relevant project data into MS Excel for relevant
2 M
reporting and analysis.
Should generate pre-customized report formats corresponding
3 M
to the requirements of various external entities like GoK & GoI
Should generate pre-customized report formats corresponding
4 to the requirements of various funding agencies and Financial M
Should generate report on project percentage completed status
5 M
(financial as well as physical) based on work to date
6 Should generate report on delays due to externalities M
Should generate report on safety audit during construction
7 D
Should generate reports confirming to technical, operational,
8 M
regulatory, statutory and other business requirements
Should generate reports confirming to technical, operational,
9 M
regulatory, statutory and other business requirements
Should provide option for hierarchy-based document review and
10 D
approval system , If required
11 Should capture for bringing documents into the system D
12 Should support for storing and archiving documents M
13 Should for indexing and retrieval tools to locate documents M
Should distribution for exporting documents from the system, If
14 M
Should ensure security to protect documents from
15 M
unauthorized access
16 Should provide facility to write notes on the document M
Sub Process- Project Accounting

1 Should record information on payment terms, milestones, etc. M

2 Should store/ record invoice from vendors M
Should integrate with Material Management system to view real
3 time information on status of delivery of materials against M
unique project codes
Should record information of physical progress against unique
4 M
project codes
Should review completeness / correctness of invoice with
respect to payment terms, value, approved variations
5 M
(price/quantity) if any, progress certification etc. and certify
completion of milestone
Should approve invoice and send information to Corporate
6 M
Finance for payments (hierarchy based approval)

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Should integrate with Accounts & Finance Management module

7 to view real time information on status of payments against M
unique project codes and invoice number
Should maintain payment records for the duration of the project
8 M
against unique project codes
Should highlight and correct errors, if detected in project
9 management with proper notifications and authorization M
Should transfer data from Capital Work in Progress to
10 M
completed capital works
Should transfer data relating to completed capital works to the
11 M
Fixed Assets system.
Should record Direct purchasing of goods and services
(purchase orders; goods received notes etc. for goods and
12 M
services which do not pass through the stores system) through
the Purchasing system
Should integrate with Standard accounting journals for areas
13 such as interest capitalization and overheads, transportation, M
14 Should reflect inflation in project costs M
Should generate reports on current accumulated cost of a
15 M
project vis-a-vis estimated cost
Should categorize and generate report on cost incurred in all
16 M
projects in a particular year
Should categorize and generate report on costs incurred in all
17 M
projects supported by a particular funding agency
Should generate cash flow reports on monthly, quarterly, yearly
18 M
basis or as defined by user
Should categorize and generate report on cost incurred in all
19 projects w.r.t. other details like substation or line projects, M
greenfield/ brownfield projects, etc.
Should generate report on budgeted cost of a project (against
20 each unique code) vis-a-vis actual cost on a quarterly basis for M
capital budget monitoring
Should generate reports confirming to technical, operational,
21 M
regulatory, statutory and other business requirements
Sub Process- Reports

Should generate reports on current accumulated cost of a

1 M
project vis-a-vis estimated cost
Should categorize and generate report on cost incurred in all
2 M
projects in a particular year
Should categorize and generate report on costs incurred in all
3 M
projects supported by a particular funding agency

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Should generate cash flow reports on monthly, quarterly, yearly

4 M
basis or as defined by user
Should categorize and generate report on cost incurred in all
5 projects w.r.t. other details like substation or line projects, M
greenfield/brownfield projects, etc.
Should generate report on budgeted cost of a project (against
6 each unique code) vis-a-vis actual cost on a quarterly basis for M
capital budget monitoring
Should generate reports confirming to technical, operational,
7 M
regulatory, statutory and other business requirements
Should provide option for hierarchy-based document review and
8 M
approval system , If required
9 Should capture for bringing documents into the system D
10 Should support for storing and archiving documents M
11 Should for indexing and retrieval tools to locate documents M
Should distribution for exporting documents from the system ,
12 M
If required
Should ensure security to protect documents from
13 M
unauthorized access
14 Should provide facility to write notes on the document M
Sub Process- General
Should interface with other module like Accounts & Finance
Management and also integrate with HRMS, CC&B, WMAS(R-
1 M
APDRP) and TRM (Non-RAPDRP) and other existing applications
(If required to run process)
2 Should receive work orders from Procurement M
Should record Direct purchasing of goods and services
3 orders; goods received notes etc. for goods and services which M
do not pass through the stores system) through the Purchasing
Should transfer final costs to general ledger only on project
4 M
completion certification
Should index project cost codes to relevant general ledger
5 M
Should prevent processing of further transactions against
6 M
completed projects
Should send SMS (Optional)/ Mail alerts to concerned officials
at defined milestones for actions to be taken (e.g. payments)
7 M
and deviations from schedules (e.g. time overrun in control
building erection)
Sub Process- Reports

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Should meet process/reporting requirements of approved

documents like SOP, Maintenance Schedule, Safety Manual,
1 M
Procurement Policy & Procedures, Budget Policy & Procedures,
Standard project reporting formats
Should provide necessary information to populate predefined
2 Balanced Score Cards for monitoring of Key Performance M
Indicators for Planning, Engineering and Project function
Core Process- Quality& Safety
Sub Process- General

Should allow user to create/ enter/ define/ view/ modification/

remarks as per hierarchy M
Should integrates the Quality Management inspection data in the
material master or any other module M
Should manage the material relevant quality information for
different accounting heads/code M
Should provide information of quality characteristics with the
inspection characteristics in the material specifications M
Should manages the quality relevant documents in the central
document management system M
Should provide user to create/update/view of Inward & Outward
register (Tappal) and Dispatch M
Should provide option to user to analyze the CPRI related works
in terms of BESOM policy D
Sub Process- Safety & Quality Planning and Inspection

Should provide information to user for quality planning and

inspection planning M
Should provide option for creating inspection processing with
inspection plan selection and sample calculation M
3 Should provide option for material specifications M
4 Should provide option to user for trigger inspection M
Should allow user and provide option to Performs Inspection and
5 Logs the Breakdown details, In regards Authority can depute the
officer M
Should provide option to user to send notification to deputed
officer for assigned work M
Should provide user to assign the work for inspection (e.g.
7 material, project, Office inspection, store inspection, order
purchase, vendor related documents, etc.) M
8 Should provide user to assign the safety audit, safety workbook.
Should provide option to user to create the result of inspection
and share with immediate concern officer for approval/ remark M

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Should provide option to user for validate the work and certified
the allotted work
Sub Process- Reports

Should provide consolidate report to user, of inspection of

1 complaint enquiry in various ways (e.g. Office wise, category of
work/items, etc.) M
Should provide option to user for preparation/revision/remark in
respect of specification for materials M
Should provide report of Hazardous installations progress and
submission of the same M
4 Should provide report related to safety T&P material M
5 Should provide option to user for creating Accidents statistics M
Should provide option to user for analyzing electrical accidents
occurred by inspecting the spot and report M
7 Should provide report of verifying the GTP/ Drawings M
Should provide option for hierarchy-based document review and
approval system , If required M
9 Should capture for bringing documents into the system M
10 Should support for storing and archiving documents M
11 Should for indexing and retrieval tools to locate documents D
Should distribution for exporting documents from the system , If
required D
Should ensure security to protect documents from unauthorized
access D
14 Should provide facility to write notes on the document D

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Core Process- Power Purchase ty
Sub Process- Power Purchase
1 Power purchase through IPP/solar M
2 Short term Power Purchase through IEX-Energy Exchanges M
3 Financial Reconciliation and Reports M
Should be web based software for smooth functioning of power
purchase section in order to generate energy bills as per the PPA and
its payment to different TPPs. The Work flow is given below

Modules to be covered in Power Purchase Section

1 Software Masters
2 Hydel
1. Masters
• Hydel Power Stations Master
• Generating Units Master
• Sub stations Master
• Constant master based on generating units and sub

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• BESCOM share for financial year

2. Capacity Charges
• Capacity charges will be calculated for each of the
power stations and will be constant throughout
the year
• Select power station
• Select financial year
• Gross block - Manual Entry
• Net block -Manual Entry
• Capacity - Manual Entry
• Tariff design energy Manual Entry
• Actual net metered energy - Manual Entry
• Plant Load Factor (%)- Manual Entry
• Land Cost - Manual Entry
• Recoverable capacity charges - Manual Entry
• Interest Payment - Manual Entry (A)
• Guarantee commission charges -Manual Entry (B)
• Lease rental - Manual Entry (C)
• Depreciation -Manual Entry (D)
• Advance aga inst depreciation - - Manual
Entry (E)
• Total -(A+B+C+D+E)
• Monthly Capacity Charges -(Total/12)

3. Estimated Recoverable Primary Energy Charges

• Return (a) - Manual entry
• 0 & M Expenses (b) - Manual entry
• Tax-Corporate Tax(30%) M AT( l 8%)plus( 5%
SC+3%CESS) (c) - Manual entry
• 0 & M Expenses per month -(0 & M
• Maintenance Spares - Manual Entry
• Receivables - Manual Entry
• Sum -(0 & M Expenses per month +
Maintenance Spares + Receivables)
• Interest on Working Capital (d) -(Su m *
• Total (a to d) -(a+b+c+d)
• Estimated Recoverable Primary Energy

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Charges(Ps./Kwh) -(Total (a to d) I
Tariff Design Energy * 1000)

4. Royalty
• Royalty (4Ps/Kwh) on Net Transmission -(Tariff
Design Energy/I D * 0.04)
• TOTAL -(Total in capacity charges + Total (a to
d) + Royalty (4Ps/Kwh) on Net Transmission)

5. Calculation of primary energy charges

• Period
• Hydel power station
• Net Energy Transmitted up to Previous month
- Load automatically
• Net Energy Transmitted during Present
month - Manual entry
• Net Energy Transmitted up to this month
-(Net Energy Transmitted up to Previous
month+ Net Energy Transmitted during
Present month)
• TOE for the Year -(Tariff design energy in
Capacity charges * I QA6)
• TOE up to the is Month -(TDE for the
year/12 * <con>) where con = I for April,
con=2 for May ... con= 12 for March
• Primary Energy Charges limited to TOE or
Actual Energy whichever is less - [Min(Net
Energy Transmitted up to this month, TOE
1ip to this Month)] (A)
• Estimated Primary Energy Charges in Ps/kwh
- Estimated Recoverable Primary Energy
Charges (Ps./Kwh) from Estimated
Recoverable Primary energy charges. (B)
• Primary Energy Charges for the month in Rs. -
(A*B/ I 00) (C)
• Already Claimed up to previous
month - Previous month claim load
automatically (D)
• Primary Energy Charges for the month -(C-D)

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6. Calculation of Secondary energy charges

• Period
• Hydal power station
• Net Energy Transmitted during Present
month -Net Energy Transmitted up to this
month from Calculation of primary energy
• TOE for the month - TOE up to this Month
• Secondary Energy -(Net Energy Transmitted
during Present month -TOE for the month)
• Equity - Manual Entry
• Secondary Energy Charges=Min (3.28% of
Equity or Secondary Energy @ I 5Ps)
- [Min ((Secondaryy Energy * 0.15),
(Equity*}.28%))) (A)
• Co. Claim - Manua l Entry (B)
• Min of Co. Claim or Actuals - Min (A,B) (C)
• Already claimed during previous month
- Previous month claim load
automatically (D)
• Secondary Energy Charges to be pa id for the
month -(C-D)

7. Abstract
• Period
• Generating Station
• Net Energy Transmitted during the Month
-Net energy transmitted during present
month from calculation of primary energy
• Capacity Charges - Monthly capacity charges
from capacity charges ca lculation (A)
• Primary Energy Charges - Primary
Energy Charges for the month from
calculation of primary energy charges.
• Secondary Energy Charges - Secondary Energy

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Charges to be paid for the month from

calculation of secondary energy charges. (C)
• Royalty Charges -(Net Energy Transmitted
during the Month * 0.04) (D)
• Total -(A+B+C+D)
• BESCOM Share - (Total * BESCOM Share %
from master)
• Co. Claim - Manual entry
• A mount to be admitted - Min(BESCOM Share,
Co. Claim)

8. 8.Power Transmission Readings

• Date
• Hydal power station - Select from master
• Substation - Select from master
• Export - Present month reading - Manual
• Export - Previous month reading - Load
• Export - Difference -(Present month reading -
Previous month reading)
• Export - Constant - Load from master
• Export -Total KWH -(Difference * Constant)
• Total KWH Export -(Sum of Export Total KWH
of all sub stat ions) - A
• Import -Present month reading - Manua l Entry
• Import -Previous month reading- Load
• Import - Difference - (Present month reading -
Previous month reading)
• Import - Constant - Load from master
• Import-Total KWH - (Difference * Constant)
• Total KWH Import -(Sum of Import Total KWH
of all sub stations) -B
• (Total KWH Export - Total KWH Import) - (A -
• Less double reading - Manual Entry
• Total Energy transmitted - [(Total KWH

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Export -Total KWH Import) + Less double


9. Power Generation Readings

• Date
• Hydal power station -Select from master
• Generating unit - Select from master
• Generation - Present month reading - Manual
• Generation -Previous month reading - Load
• Generation - Difference - (Present month readi
ng - Previous month read ing)
• Generat ion - Constant -Load from master
• Generation -Total KWH - (Difference *
• Total KWH Generat ion -(Sum of Generation
Total KWH of all generating units)
• Auxil l iary - Present month reading - Manua l
• Auxil l iary - Previous month reading- Load
• ·Auxil l iary - Di fference - (Present month read
ing - Previous month readi ng)
• Auxiliary -Constant - Load from master
• Auxiliary - Total KWH - (Difference * Constant)
• Total KWH Auxiliary -(Sum of Auxill iary Total
KWH of a ll generating units) -
• Net Consumpt ion - (A - B)

10. ESCOM Bill

The following fields should be there in the ESCOM
• BR No - Manual Entry
• Invoice received date - Manual Entry
• Due date - Manual Entry
• Period - Manual Entry

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• Co. Claims:- Rs. - Manual Entry

• SI no
• Generating stat ions
• ENERGY KWH - Total Energy transmitted from
Power Transmission reading
Share % from master)
• Energy rate - Manua l Entry
• Royalty rate - Manual Entry
• RATE Ps/kwh -(Energy rate + Royalty rate)
• AMOU NT Rs - [(BESCOM Share * RATE
Ps/kwh)/l 00]
• Total KPCL Hyde! - A
• Total VVNL Hyde! - B
• Total ROG DG - C
• Total Amount -(A+B+C)
• Less Colony Consumption - Manual entry
• -Less :Meter Reading charges during <Period> -
Manual entry
• Less: Adjustment of Hydel bills during <Period>
- Manual entry
• Grand Total -(Tota l Amount - Less Colony
Consumption + Less : Meter Reading charges
+ Less: Adjustment of Hyde I bills - 0.25)

11. 100% Energy Report

12. JV
13. Trial balance
1. Masters
• TPS Unit Master
• Transmission Loss Percentage Entry
• Transmission charges entry
• BESCOM share for financial year

2. Readings
• Date

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• For the month

• Select TPS Unit - From master
• Final Reading (Export) - Previous month
reading (Load automat ically)
• Initial Reading (Export) -Present month
reading (Manual Entry)
• Difference (Export) -(Final reading - Initial
• Constant (Export) - Manual entry
• Consumption (Export) -(Difference * Constant)
• Final Reading (Import)- Previous month
reading(Load automatically)
• Initial Reading (Import)- Present month reading(
Manual Entry)
• Difference (Import}- (Final reading - Initial
• Constant (Import)- Manual entry
• Consumption (Import)- (Difference * Constant)
• Net Transmitted -(A-B)
• Total -(Sum of net transmitted energies of all
TPS units)
• Final Reading (Generation) - Previous month
read ing (Load automatically)
• Initial Reading (Generation) - Present month
reading (Manual Entry)
• Difference (Generation) -(Final reading - Initial
• Constant (Generation) -Manual entry
• Consumption (Generation) -(Difference *
Constant) -(C)
• Auxilliary Consumption -Manual Entry - (D)
• Net generation -(C-D)

3. Coal Details
• For the Month
• OB quantity - CB quantity of previous month

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• OB Amount - CB amount of previous month

• Receipt quantity - Manual Entry
• Receipt Amount - Manual Entry
• Total Receipts quantity -(OB quantity + Receipt
• Total Receipts amount -(OB amount + Receipt
• Weighted average rate -(Total Receipts quantity
I Total receipts amount)
• Consum p t ion quantity - Manual Entry
• Consumption Amount -(Weighted average rate
* Consumption quantity)
• CB quantity -(Total Receipt quantity -
Consumption quantity)
• CB amount- (Total Receipt amount -
Consum ption amount)

4. Oil details
• For the Month
• OB quantity -CB quant ity of previous month
• OB Amount - CB amount of previous month
• Receipt quantity - Manual Entry
• Receipt Amount - Manual Entry
• Total Receipts quant ity -(OB quantity +
Receipt quantity)
• Total Receipts amount -(OB amount + Receipt
• Weighted average rate -(Total Receipts
quantity I Total receipts amount)
• Consumption quant ity - Manual Enhy
• Consumption Amount -(Weighted average rate *
Consumpt ion quantity)
• CB quantity -(Total Receipt quantity -
Consumption quant ity)
• CB amount -(Total Recei pt amount -Consumpt
ion amount)

5. Varia ble charges (Vary Month wise)

• For the month

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• RPFCn=Recoverable Primmy fuel cost for

billing period in rupees. -Manua l Entry
• RSFCn=Recoverable Secondary fuel cost for
billing period in rupees.- Manua l Enhy
• THR= Tariff Heat Rate - Constant (Manual
• NMEn= Net metered Energy for the month -
(Net generat ion form Read ings I
• SOC= Secondary Fuel Oil Consumption rate
which shall be 5.525 ml/kwh during stabil
ization period (six month) & 3.867 ml/kwh
thereafter. -(Manual Entry)
• CVSFn=Calorific va lue of Secondary Fuel
duri ng Billing period in (Kcal/ml}- (Manua l
• CVPFn=Calorific va lue of Primary Fuel
consumed during Billing period i n (Kca
l/kg)- (Manual Enhy)
• CPFn= Cost of Pri mary Fuel in Ru pees/KG
used to generated electricity during bill ing
period.- (Weighted average rate of coal from
coal details I I 000)
• CSFn= Cost of Secondary Fuel i n Rupees/KL
used to generated electricity during billing
period.-(Weighted average rate of oil from oi l
details I IOOO)
• AC=Auxiliary Consumptionion - Manual entry
• THR/(l-AC%) -(A)
• (SOC*CVSFn) -(B)
• RPFCn= [ (A-B) I (CVPFn * CPFn) ]
• RSFCn= [ (SOC * CSFn) I 1000000]
• Energy Payment -(RPFCn + RSFCn)

6. Fixed Charges
• For the month
• No. of days -Number of days in that particular

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• Cumulative no. of days - Sum of number of

days up to the current month entry
• NM E in MU-(Net generation from readings I
• DG -Manual Entry
• Total -(NM E in MU + DG)
• Cumulative Energy -(Sum of tota l up to this
• Cumulative PAF - Manual Entry
• AFCAn - [305744758 * No. of months * (M
• FCAFn - Constant - Manual entry
• AFCAn- 1 (previous month) - AFCAn of previous
month (Load automatically)
• Difference -(AFCAn -AFCAn -I )
• BESCOM Share @50.44% - (Difference *
• Company Claim -Manual Entry

7. Incentive calculations
• For the month
• No. of days -Number of days in that particular
• Cumulative no. of days - Sum of number of
days up to the current month entry
• Net Generat ion -(Net generation from Readings
* IO "6)
• Generation in MU's -(Generation from readings *
I 0 " 6)
• Auxiliary -(Auxiliary from readings)
• Cumulative Energy -(Net generation + Auxiliary)
• Cumulative PF - [ Cumulative Energy/(500 *
Cumulative # of days * 24) * 1000
• Difference=Cum.Energy-TG -(Cumulative PLF *
10) - 80
• ABGn - [ (Max (O,APLFn - 80) *0.25) *
Cumulative # of days * 240 * 500 * ( l -
AC% from variable charges) ]
• ABG n - 1 (previous month) -ABGn of previous

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• Amount -(ABGn - A BGn-1)

• BESCOM Share @50.44% - (Amount * 50.44%)

8. Maraliholla unit
• For the month
• Total Consumption - Manual entry
• Consumption @ 50.44% - (Total
Consumption * 50.44%) where 50.44% is
BESCOM Share -(A)
• Transmission Loss at 3.94% - ( A *
3.94/96.06) where 3.94 is the transmission
loss percentage (B)
• Total Auxilliary Consumption ion -(A + B)
• Rate -(Energy Payment from variable charges)
• Billed Amount -(Total auxiliaryy consumption *
• Transmission Charges @35.21 Ps/Kwh -(Total
auxiliary consumption * 35.21 I
• Total Amount -(Billed amount + Transmission
Charges @35.21 Ps/Kwh)

9. TPS 1'' unit Bill

• BR No - Manua l Entry
• Invoice received date -Manua l Entry
• Due date - Manual Entry
• Period - Manual Entry
• Co. Claims:- Rs. - Manual Entry
• SI no
• Month
• Energy KWH -Net generation from readings
• BESCOM SHARE @50.44% - (Energy KWH *
• Fixed charges Rate -(Fixed charges Amount I

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• Fixed charges Amount -(Bescom share

@50.44% from fixed charges)
• Variable charges Rate -(Energy Payment from
Variable charges)
• Variable charges Amount -(BESCOM SHARE
@50.44% * Variable charges Rate)
• ' Incent ive -(Bescom share @50.44% from
incentive calcu lations)
• Total Amount - (Fixed charges amount + Varia
ble charges amount + Incenti ve)
- (A)
• Less: Amount in r/o Maralihalla power
consumption-{Total amount from
Maraliholla unit) -(B)
• Amount in words

10. JV - BTPS 1 unit

11. BTPS 2nd Unit Reading

12. BTPS 2nd Unit Bill
13. JV BTPS 2nd unit


Site master
Power Station master
Substation master
Account head master
Account head for power stations to generate JV
Transmission loss entry
Bill Generation

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8.2 HRMS Module

Functional Requirements for HRMS

Core Process- Organization Management Priority

1 Should define organization hierarchy, organization structure of M
Corporate Office, Zone, Circle Office, Division Office , Sub-
Division Office & Section (or O&M office)
2 Should generate tree structure giving details of all unique role M
holders and reporting employees (defining reporting and
reviewing relationship) - including dual reporting mechanism for
a specific set of employees
3 Should define various categories of employees across class A,B,C M
& D ( list of existing employees stream wise , cadre wise, wing
wise or unit wise on any date or cross section of time along with
a list of officers and staff who will retire within a specified period

4 Should define name of functions, sub-functions and positions M

5 Should maintain reporting structure (hierarchy of positions) - M

including dual reporting mechanism for a specific set of
6 Should support integration of positions with manpower planning M
module to understand staffing requirements
7 Should create new department, functions & positions M
8 Should maintain change in designations due to promotions, M
transfers (Integrate with Promotion Module, Transfer Module)

9 Should define multiple organizational structures (positions) and M

multiple reporting relationships and integrate with the respective
employee data
10 Should restrict making changes in the OM to authorized persons M
11 Should seek confirmation after every change made in the M
structure, changes to be made permanent only on authentication
by the controller of the authorized person.
12 Should change/restore/rollback changes to a previous (given) M
date and report inconsistencies
13 Should define administrative powers for organizational units M
position- wise
14 Should tightly integrate administrative power definitions to work M
flows and approvals

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Sub Process- Reports

1 Should provide reports of total organization hierarchy, M
organization structure of Corporate Office, Zone Office, Circle
Office, Division Office , Sub-Division Office & Section (or O&M
2 Should provide reports on list of vacant positions M
3 Should provide reports on reporting relationships (Functional, M
administrative) in a department
4 Should provide option to calculate the cost implications of adding
a new Department/Function/Position
5 Should generate reports on categories of employees across class M
A,B & C (List of existing employees stream wise, cadre wise, wing
wise or unit wise on any date or cross section of time along with
a list of officers and staff who will retire within a specified period)
6 Should clearly define the hierarchy of Delegation of Power in the M
7 Should issue orders advising to take additional charge and M
charge allowance
Core Process- Human Resource Policies, Rules and Regulations
1 Should define all clauses under BESCOM employees' service M
Regulations, time to time circulars and office orders (Since
adopted by BESCOM)
2 Should define all clauses under DCRB Regulations, 1985 M
3 Should define all clauses under ROPA, 2009 M
4 Should define all clauses under TA regulations, 2009 M
5 Should define delegation of powers to different authorities M
6 Should define all norms relating to Medical Advance and Medical M
re- imbursement in respect of employees and their dependents

7 Should define all prevailing schemes related to Employee welfare M

(including recreation clubs and BESCOM's employees sports and
cultural council matters and holiday homes
8 Should define all prevailing schemes under corporate social M
responsibility and monitoring status of implementations
9 Should define the structure and members of all employee Unions M
and Associations along with information of their registered office,
office bearers etc.
10 Should define and communicate with representation of Unions M
and Associations
11 Should define all applicable labor laws and Should monitor M
compliance/enforcement of such laws
12 Should process cases for constitution of committees and D
reconstitution including trustee boards

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Core Process- Policies for Contractual and Outsourced

1 Should define all applicable labor laws for contracts labourers of M
BESCOM, particular clauses that are related to decision making
by HR&A
2 Should define the policy for outsourcing of manpower in various M
Field Units of BESCOM
3 Should define all Rules, Procedures, Regulations for outsourced M
employees of BESCOM
Core Process- Employee Master (Employee Service Book)
1 Should store and maintain employee personal data such as M
employee no., name, addresses, phone numbers, emergency
contact information and email addresses, Salary Bank Account
Details, PAN Card details, Passport/Aadhar-Card details
2 Should maintain employee's gender, date of birth, blood group, M
citizenship, marital status, religion, caste etc.
3 Should maintain an employee‘s education, certifications, degrees M
and any endorsements (Professional Membership)
4 Should maintain list of all educational Institutes/Colleges M
identified by AICTE/UGC/recognized Universities (by BESCOM)
and provision for updation of the same
5 Should maintain previous (multiple) employment details like M
name of the organization, department, position held
(designation), start/end dates, reason for leaving, last salary
drawn, references etc.
6 Should maintain names, date of birth and contact details of M
spouse, children, dependents, parents, dependents, nominees
under different schemes, etc.
7 Should maintain employee's recruitment category like physically M
handicapped/ sportsperson /ex-servicemen / specialist / SC /
ST / OBC /compassionate grounds/Others
8 Should update employee's recent photograph and photograph of M
9 Should maintain employee's medical details after joining D
10 Should maintain employee's health problems, medical history M
and capture the details (integrate with payroll for reimbursement
amount and health problem details, including low medical
11 Should maintain the details of employees in low medical category D
(like reasons, date of status change, etc.)
12 Should store caste certification verification & police verification M
report and detailed status

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13 Should issue NOC for obtaining passport/visa /study abroad or D

for outside employment
14 Should maintain the languages known with details of speak, read M
and write separately. Clear indication for the mother tongue
15 Should maintain the details of spouse and relatives in the service M
of the organization including name, employee no., unit where
working, designation with provision for automatic updation of
records of the relative as and when it is updated for him by his
controlling establishment

16 Should integrate Organization management with employee M

17 Should integrate PIS and HRIS with the employee master M
including, import/ export employee related data between
BESCOM ERP system (specifically needed for deputed employees)

18 Should maintain details of present designation, salary details, M

reporting hierarchy
19 Should maintain history of trainings attended (prior to joining & M
after joining) like name of the course, name of the Institution,
month & year of training, duration of the course in days/weeks
etc.(integrate with T&D)
20 Should maintain the awards for which nominated/ received by M
the employee including the name of the award, year of award, in
which discipline/field and date of receipt of award and special
status/ privilege, if any, to be given to him for the award

21 Should maintain date of joining, probation period, date of M

confirmation in each grade/post
22 Should maintain details of promotion from one grade / scale / M
discipline to another including any reappointment through
internal selections
23 Should maintain full transfer history of the employee including M
the current & new location, nature of transfer (self-initiated /
company initiated), date of joining and date of relieving at
different locations, number of times cancelled but kept in
abeyance etc.

24 Should maintain present place of posting including date of M

joining of each unit/office, name of the department, present
designation, grade etc.

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25 Should maintain history of disciplinary actions taken / initiated M

against the employee including date of charge, nature of charge,
amount of financial loss to organization, date of punishment and
nature of punishment. This must include Vigilance/ police
department proceedings.

26 Should maintain details of suspended employees (reasons of M

suspension, time duration of suspension, restricted privileges
27 Should change employee job status (Active-Trainee, Probation, M
Extended probation, Regular, Contractual, deputation,
Suspended, absconding (FIR) & Exit Resigned, VRS, Terminated)

28 Should date and time stamp all changes in the database enabling M
data availability on 'as on date/time' basis
29 Should update the data through work flow on real time and M
online basis with make checker concept implemented
30 Flexibility of additionally capturing any information relating to M
employee at a later date
31 Should link employee data with the position based standard M
responsibility (Job) Matrix
32 Should maintain concurrent jobs for employees with additional M
responsibilities/special duties in addition to regular
33 Should link employees with the membership with various D
Committees (permanent or temporary) and membership of any
professional organization
34 Should update only authenticated data reflected in the employee M
master on prompt
35 Should maintain employee data with regards to claims, etc. M
36 Should maintain and view employee leave details M
37 Should maintain employee data with respect to PF, Gratuity, etc. M
and the nominations for the same
38 Should create organizational chart of all positions and reporting M
39 Should provide restricted access to different classes of employee M
master data
40 Should maintain the insurance related details for each employee, M
like insurance number, nominee details, amount etc.
41 Should maintain Audit trial of all changes made to sensitive M
42 Should maintain performance appraisal rating of last all years M
and promotion details

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43 Updation of all information in Employee Master data since M

recruitment (such as personal details, addresses, transfers,
deputation, change of location (Integrate with Transfers/
Deputation Module)
44 Should maintain service files documents in scanned form M
including Proof of Date of Birth, domicile, Bonds, if any,
executed, disciplinary cases details, photograph etc.
45 Should track the physical location of the service file by recording M
the unique file number and place where it is kept (After HRMS no
physical file movement may be required)
46 Should process departmental House Building Loan (For Class-C M
&D employees) for land purchase, house/flat purchase,
construction of residential house, addition/alteration of
constructed house and repair of house
47 Should issue Release Orders to release the loan money by the M
respective accounting unit against sanction order
48 Should provide details of lien against employees M
49 Should provide details of employees applying for employment to M
outside other Govt. organization (not more than twice in a year)
50 Should provide details of employees applying for higher M
51 Should submit and declare of assets by employees M
Sub Process- Reports

1 Should provide reports of employees based on blood group, M

length of service, age, qualification, experience, department,
salary bands etc.
2 Should provide reports to HR&A department on employees M
personal, educational & professional details not updated in the
3 Should provide reports on all employee details as per M
department, class/cadre-wise, location, Department/Section and
designation wise in specified period
4 Should provide reports on employee counts retired, resigned, M
suspended, terminated or left, per department, class/cadre-wise,
superannuating in a specified period
5 Should provide reports on status of details of disciplinary M
proceedings, time, progress, status
6 Should provide reports on personnel released from one place and M
not joined other office

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Core Process- House Building Loan

1 Should process House Building Loan under tie-up arrangement M
with scheduled bank(s)
2 Should provide details for 2nd Charge Mortgage permission is M
accorded in case of obtaining H.B. Loan from outside agency like
Banks/NBFCs in addition to departmental H.B. Loan
3 Should process charges of interest and other terms and M
conditions of tie up arrangements with scheduled banks in
respect to HBL
4 Should process formal permission in case the employees do not M
avail of deptt. H.B. Loan but intend to avail housing loan from
outside agencies
5 Should process receivables from employees of KPTCL with M
respect to HBL taken from BESCOM/KPTCL
6 Should re-conveyance of Registered mortgaged property through M
Registered Re-conveyance Deed by the Office on complete
repayment of H.B. Loans of the Loanees as per verification of
HBL recovery statements and final calculation by the Accounting

7 Should re-conveyance of Equitable Mortgage as per verification of M

HBL recovery statements & final calculation by the
Establishment Corporate under the Corporate Establishment
8 Should process waiver of H.B. Loan for the deceased employees M
with concurrence of the competent authorities.
9 Should penalize for non-utilization or delay in utilization of HBL M

Sub Process- Reports

1 Should generate report son monthly/quarterly /half yearly and M

yearly statements covering sector wise activities of HBL and
retrieve relevant data of loanees of recoveries made and
outstanding amount if any linking the same with appropriate
financial model

2 Should auto-generate NDC or else for grant of HBL, M

recommendation of sanction for HBL, permission for purchase
and sale of properties , conveyance and re-conveyance of
mortgage deeds
3 Should provide reports on all information regarding HBL M
(including recovery stats)

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Core Process- Employee Self Service (ESS)

Sub Process- Employee Details

1 Facilitate employee to apply for changes in permanent & M

correspondence addresses, details of family members, emergency
contact details, contact details, office location, nomination for
various schemes like PF /Gratuity, etc.
2 Should add /update bank information for expense M
reimbursement, PAN no, passport details, driving license no. etc.

3 Should allow employee to update online through ESS the non- M

critical personal data (such as weight, height, etc.)
4 Should provide address proof letter to employer for various M
5 Integrate ESS with Employee Master M
6 Should remind the employee through self-service/e-mail/sms M
regarding modification or requirement of additional data

7 Should send the employee confirmations after changes are made M

Sub Process- Attendance & Leave Management
1 Should integrate with Biometric system for attendance and M
automatic record the attendance
2 Should mark attendance and fill time sheets D
3 Should view list of weekly offs, holidays in an year (Integrate with M
Time Management Module)
4 Should apply for leave under the appropriate category and state M
the reasons for it
5 Should apply for NOC for abroad tour M
6 Should Check the status of leave request M
7 Should approve/cancel/modify leave requests by employees M
8 Should view accrued leave balances M
9 Should approve or cancel leaves of subordinates M
10 Should intimate the controlling officer when an employee goes on M
unauthorized leave (unmarked attendance) / returns back from
unauthorized leave/ extends leave/ reports in the middle of the
sanctioned leave period (along with appropriate reduction in

Sub Process- Reports

1 Should provide reports to subordinates and HR&A in ESS on M

attendance & leave details

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2 Should provide reports to HR&A and HoD on employees presently M

on leave in the department
3 Should provide the Manager consolidated status of M
present/absent employees working under him/her
4 Should provide report on attendance details & leave M
5 Should provide reports on number of employees for whom leave M
has not been approved/declined/modified
Sub Process- Manpower Planning, Recruitment & Selection

1 Should view vacancy list & status of vacancy M

(Filled/vacant/abolished) (Integrate with Recruitment Module)

2 Should post CVs of references as per the vacancy list M

3 Should view department-wise manpower strength by HoD M
4 Should internally apply for a job and view the status of the M
5 Should apply for employment to outside organization through M
proper channel ( not more than twice in a year)
6 Should record requests by employees for passport/visa /study M
and outside employment and permission granted/rejected thereof

Sub Process- Reports

1 Should provide report on list of vacancies M

Sub Process- Compensation & Benefits

1 Should submit / update declarations for Income Tax calculation M

2 Should view compensation and benefit details (Pay Slip) M

3 Should view the Performance Linked Incentives (PLI) earned M

during a year
4 Should apply for Loans & Advances and Check the status of M
approval (Integrate with Payroll Module)
5 Should display and print pay slip information for each pay M
period, including gross pay, taxes, other deductions and net pay,
with pay period and year-to-date totals
6 Should view Income tax computations M
7 Should handle making online application for sanction of M
LTC/HTC/other entitlements through ESS and approval through
8 Should view Insurance related details for self M

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9 Should apply for medical advance, HTC/LTC/Transfer M

TA/Transfer grant/advance/reimbursements
10 Should enter and approve general claims and expenses through M
the system
Sub Process- Reports

1 Should provide report on past salary slips & income tax M

2 Should provide report on month-wise insurance premium M
payment receipt
Sub Process- Training & Development (T&D)
1 Should view the training calendar and nominate oneself and M
subordinate for the same which have been not specified in PMAS
2 Should approve/reject the Training requests for specific M
programmes which were not included as training needs in PMAS
(Performance Management & Appraisal System) form
3 Should view history of past trainings attended M
4 Should apply for higher education M
5 Should record requests by employees for pursuing higher M
education and permissions granted/rejected thereof
Sub Process- Reports

1 Should provide reports on training calendar of present/past M

2 Should provide reports on training programmes attended during M
Sub Process- Performance Management & Appraisal System (PMAS)

1 Should provide option to user to fill appraisal documents in the M

system during each stage of appraisal
2 Should view appraisal documents and provide rating and M
feedback, view status of appraisal
3 Should handle appraisal documents even in case of M
dual/multiple reporting officers (across departments)
Sub Process- Reports

1 Should provide reports to HR&A on status of completion of M

appraisal process during each stage of PMS
2 Should provide reports to PMS approving authority & PMS M
coordinating officer on count of performance appraisal
documents received during each stage of appraisal by the PMS
approving authority & PMS coordinating officer

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3 Should provide reports of employees based on performance M

appraisal initiated and completed, appraisal ratings
Sub Process- E-Exit (Full and Final Settlement)

1 Should request for VRS (integrate with Employee Master for M

status of disciplinary proceedings and HBL)
2 Facilitate employee to fill exit interview form (for resignation) M

3 Should apply for NDC (No Demand Certificate)/clearance from M

various departments at the time of Exit through E-Exit process

Sub Process- Reports

1 Should view clearance request approved/rejected by department M
and the reason for the same
Sub Process- Transfers & Promotions
1 Should make transfer requests by employees M
2 Should initiate for NDC at the time of transfer M
3 Should check status of selection for promotion after interview M

4 Should record request for transfer through employee self-service M

and indicate appropriately at the time of transfer exercise. Record
of such request wherever acceded to be maintained (Integrate
with ESS)
5 Should provide promotion letter/increment letter through the D
Sub Process- Reports

1 Should view clearance request approved/rejected by department M

and the reason for the same.
2 Should generate reports on the total number of employees M
applied for transfers, number approved/rejected/pending
Sub Process- Organization Policies & Procedures

1 Should view HR Policies & Procedures Handbook including list of M

infrastructure facilities for particular level of employees,
authority for various approvals (DoP), special or additional
powers for authorization
2 Should view administration handbook for guidelines on aspects M
such as Travel, Local Conveyance, empanelled car agency, Guest
Houses, Conference Rooms etc.

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3 Should provide links to the important items hosted in various in- M

house websites/ intranet e.g. important circulars/ instructions/
policy documents etc.
Sub Process- Voluntary Retirement Scheme (VRS)
1 Should define VRS guidelines M
2 Should request for VRS as per the rules defined for the scheme M
(Integrate with IR & Legal and Payroll)
3 Should approve for VRS as per the rules defined for the scheme M
(Integrate with Payroll & E-Exit)

Sub Process- Reports

1 Should generate reports on the total number of employees M

applied for VRS, number processed/rejected/pending per year

Sub Process- General HR & Administration Processes

1 Should provide workflows. Accommodates multiple levels of M

review and approval
2 Should facilitate administrator to create new self-service M
transactions as and when required.
Sub Process- Time and Leave Management

1 Should manage on-line application, tracking and approval of M

various kinds of leave through workflow logic and self-service

2 Should update work schedule/shift pattern of employees M

3 Should maintain working hours, weekly offs and national/local M
4 Should define overtime facility M
5 Should define and process overtime allowances cases beyond M
ceiling limit
6 Should define types of leaves: half pay leave, earned leave, casual M
leave, study leave, maternity, paternity, child care - all types

7 Should define admissible leave for employees of all class M

8 Should track attendance and map it with applied leave ( between M
applied and leave granted)
9 Should record employee's punch in/punch out date/time details M
(integrating with access card machine)

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10 Should manually update attendance & leave details of employees M

in case of employees to whom access card is not applicable
(employees in field offices)
11 Should correct attendance & leave details of employees M
12 Should update half day attendances/leaves in the system M
13 Should Integrate Time and Leave Management with OM, ESS & M
Payroll Module
14 Should facilitate leave balances to be merged/ transferred/ M
credited through an accrual process in the system automatically
based on user defined criteria
15 Should record keeping and maintenance of historical data M
Sub Process- Reports
1 Should provide reports on punch in/punch out date/time data M
2 Should provide reports on late coming hours (summing up late M
hours to automatically debit from employee leave)
3 Should provide reports on total number of admissible leave and M
actual leaves taken in a period by an employee
4 Should produce report to reflect the half day leave, unauthorized M
absence, repeated late arrival by employee to job location or
employee working less than their normal working hours for Time
keeping and disciplinary action

Core Process- Payroll

Sub Process- Payroll Management

1 Should allow user for tight integration with Financial Accounting M

2 Should provide Audit trails for all system activities M
3 Should support alert features about scheduled dates like receipt M
of payments
4 Should support for transactions in multiple currencies and cross M
5 Should provide customizable ‗workflow‘ for all internal processes M
& approvals associated with the payroll system
6 Should have provision to define tax rates (including available M
deductions, exemptions, taxation slab rates, standard deduction,
surcharge etc.)
7 Should have provision to define ad-hoc taxes M
8 Should have provision to define negative tax rates and amounts M
9 Should have provision for TDS calculations (if any) & tracking of M
TDS payable to the Government of Karnataka

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10 Should compute TDS based on previous year tax deducted (e.g. M

1/12th deducted on a monthly basis)
11 Should be created like a single employee master and it should be M
integrated with all the company codes
12 Should provide option for Approval limits for expense M
reimbursement (It should be configured based upon the
hierarchy limits)
13 Should be a field in the master to reflect the company code to the M
department to which an employee is associated
14 Should have provision to allocate cost of employee based on M
his/her associated department
15 Should keep option for online availability of TDS, PF or any other M
such returns
16 Should maintain information of the salary bank account M
17 Should allow for the creation of user defined components of Pay M
like Recurring and Ad-hoc Allowances, Recurring and Ad-hoc
Deductions , User Defined Allowances & Deductions
18 Should define various insurance schemes with premium and M
group insurance data generation.
19 Should allow for the computation of the following elements: Fixed M
Pay elements applicable to all employees Like Basic, PF, Special
Allowance, Conveyance Allowance etc.
20 Should allow the setup of multiple payrolls with different payroll M
administrators & combining payroll (clearly def. semi variable,
static and variable payments)
21 Should allow restriction of administrative functions to a few M
select payroll users
22 Should have a data upload Should provide option to upload M
historical payroll data
23 Should allow the maintenance of slab-wise details for statutory M
elements like Income Tax as well as user defined elements
24 Should automatically calculate reduction in salary based on M
attendance policy
25 Should generate Form 16 M
26 Should generate TDS challan & return M

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27 Should allow the following calculation of onetime payment of M

allowance and / or deduction: Incentive, arrear, ex-gratia,
uniform, lease / conveyance maintenance, Foundation day, etc.,
By Amount: enter amount to be deducted or payable, by Days:
enter number of Days for system to compute the amount based
on Basic Pay or gross Pay and/or any other component of Pay,
By Percentage: enter percentage for system to compute the
amount based on basic pay or gross pay and/or any other
component of pay
28 Should allow for input of start and end date for recurring M
payment / deduction
29 Should automatically update Payroll database for changes in O
employee record without interfering with payroll processing (e.g.
Promotions in the middle of month)
30 Should allow Back dated calculations M
31 Should have a full and Final settlement process in place M
(Integrate with E Exit)
32 Should allow a final settlement report for each terminated M
33 Should allow provision to suspend Payroll runs or control final M
settlement processing on a case to case basis
34 Should have the provision to run separate bonus/ incentive runs M

35 Should handle unlimited pay account codes and drawing banks M

36 Should have a provision to process Arrear and backdated M

Payment calculations
37 Should have provision to recover advances in subsequent pay M
periods with a single transaction
38 Should maintain earnings history information (i.e., a record of all M
pay of all activity) for each employee for a user-specified period of
39 Should support multiple banks or savings institutions per M
40 Should support and provide link with Punishments i.e. M
suspension should result in non-payment of subsistence
allowance (Integrate with IR & Legal for input)
41 Should calculate HRA Rebate as per the prevailing Income Tax M
42 Should handle tax exemptions as per the prevailing Income Tax M
43 Should handle Gratuity Calculations M

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44 Should process casual leaves for the part time sweeper and other M
part time employees
45 Should handle Provident Fund/VPF rules like Calculate and M
deduct contributions according to the respective Statutory Acts/
Company policy etc., Maintain individual GPF/VPF accounts and
generate individual account slip for every financial year

46 Should conduct full and final settlement of employee during Exit M

47 Should notify (flag) individuals of any outstanding balances when M
employee is terminated (Integrate with ESS in case of E-Exit
48 Should record an employee's selection of benefit, retirement and M
deduction options
49 Should automatically recover salary advances M
50 Should define multiple payment methods (Bank Transfer/Cheque M
51 Should require approval before a specific payment is made to an M
52 Should forward the overtime schedule to the top management for M
approval if the amount of overtime is over a defined percentage of
the basic salary

53 Should maintain a salary range for each job family or job M

class/career band
54 Should automatically adjust calculations for mid-pay period M
salary, advanced salary, and employment actions
55 Should convert the payroll to an excel sheet M
56 Should assign work calendar (scheduled work days, scheduled M
holidays, etc.) to one or more employee groups
57 Should default standard holiday data, as well as user-defined M
holiday data
58 Should create and maintain work calendars over user-defined M
59 Should provide input to Accounts & Finance module for salary M
payment based on attendance. Statutory and voluntary
60 Should calculate arrears in case promotion is made with M
retrospective effect
61 Should support salary fitment on promotion. The fitment made M
should automatically reflect in payroll
62 Should update salary details on promotion, Succession Planning M

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Sub Process- Support for allowances, reimbursements, loans etc.

1 Should support encashment of Leave, Tours and travel and also M

on retirement with consequent tax adjustments
2 Should release of festival advance and other advances (user M
defined) against salary
3 Should Employee-wise recovery position, recovery list and M
outstanding balances list - month-wise or as user defined
4 Should keep option for payment of medical reimbursement, M
allowances, recovery and taxation (if any) thereon
5 Should support Recovery of club/ union contributions M
6 Should have provision of Housing loan or any other loan M
component to be adjusted against the employee salary
7 Should support payment of educational allowance, transfer M
allowances and any other user defined allowances
8 Should support recovery of all other types of loans with reports M
like recoveries made, overdue list etc.
9 Should support calculation of incremental arrears with M
consequent tax adjustments
10 Should support payment of salary arrears as per the industry M
level settlements with tax adjustments. Also support payment of
arrears calculated in user defined installments or in lump sum

11 Should define loans and its various characteristics such as M

periodicity, interest rate, ceilings details etc.
12 Should attach loan sanctioning rules to every loan type (Integrate M
with Accounts & Finance module)
13 Should allow payroll to deduct the amount due from an employee M
(in case of loans/advances etc.)
Sub Process- Personal Taxation
1 Should define tax rules to determine employees tax liability as M
per changes in statutory legislation for actual tax liability of
2 Should capture employee asset details such as various land M
holdings, investments in shares, any bank deposits and various
sources of income
3 Should provide investment declaration form in electronic format. M
The employee will be required to fill and submit the form
electronically so as to automatically updation of salary record
and tax calculation by the system and can also attach the scan
4 Should ensure support for major statutory reports / certificates M
of taxes in the user defined format

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Sub Process- Deductions

1 Should establish deduction limits for each deduction based on M

various parameters like: Employee, Job Classification, Company,
Benefit plan, Salary
2 Should make deductions effective: In the current period, In any M
pay period or periods selected, In any user-defined frequency
selected, Between user-defined start and stop dates, Until an
user defined limit is reached
3 Should have Start and stop dates for deductions should be M
maintained: On the Employee Master file, On employee level
4 Should reverse deduction to be included in next pay check if M
incorrectly withheld / Option with user
5 Should determine deduction amounts by: Amount of earnings, M
Percent of earnings, Number of hours
6 Should prioritize deductions: Using the deduction code, Using a M
separate priority number
7 Should be prompted by system when employee status changes to M
leave to determine how deductions will be paid while on leave:
take when return lump sum
8 Should apply or stop various deductions based on employee M
status changes
Sub Process- Pay slip Run

1 Should provide for online ad-hoc calculation of employees pay M

slip / salary amount
2 Should perform on-line calculation of pay and benefits for M
terminated employee based upon termination date
3 Should evaluate different scenarios for change in pay-roll M
4 Should provide an impact analysis tool for analysis of impact of M
revision of any / all components like pay, allowances, deductions
5 Should display the status of the Payroll calculations M
6 Should run Payroll multiple times before finalization to ensure M
accurate pay computation
7 Should post the amount of salary paid for each element of pay for M
an employee, based on the relevant GL account code and
employee cost centre information to General Ledger. Financial
postings include: Element, Amount, GL Account, Cost Centre

8 Should Post salary payment advice including multiple payment M

methods such as bank, cash and cheque to General Ledger

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9 Should generate pay slip with following detail: Taxable and non- M
taxable components in separate columns, Tax till date,
Calculated, Recovered, Projected, Loan balances and no. of
installments deducted / left, Provident fund opening balance,
interest till date, closing balance etc.

Sub Process- PF & Terminal Benefit Management

1 Should support pooling the monthly contribution of PF in to the M

online PF management system
2 Should pre-define PF rate (both for employee and Purchaser M
3 Should allow differentiation of employees (e.g. PF not deductible M
based on eligibility criteria)
4 Should support PF settlement process including generation of M
settlement sheets and relevant vouchers for accounting
5 Should support calculation of periodic interest and crediting the M
amount to the accounts
6 Should perform PF application processing, loan sanctioning, loan M
disbursement, modification of loan installments, loan short
closure, recovery through payroll, final settlement during
closing/transfer for different type of PF loans (support linkage
with loans against PF)

7 Should deduct loan installments (& separately track deductions, M

loan balance etc.)
8 Should provide option to Credit sanctioned PF loan / withdrawal M
amount directly to their respective accounts through CBS
9 Should generate all types of MIS reports as per request of Bank M
(like PF ledger, PF loan ledger, Pension rule, PF rule, Gratuity
rule (online) etc.)
10 Should maintain nominee details and payment to nominee in M
case of death of an employee (Integrate with Employee Master)
11 Should provide PF Returns and other statutory forms M
12 Should adjust PF deductions (& other allowances) between M
lending company and BESCOM (applicable for employees on
13 System should generate all types of reports/registers related to M
PF management
14 Should allow multiple user-defined messages to be printed on M
15 Should prepare statutory dues statement details & bank M
clearance month wise as per statutory scheme and remittance
activity to the designated bank account

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16 Should prepare statutory returns as to be limited with payroll M

and trust management functions monthly, yearly and regular
employee wise including other class of employees.

17 Should generate various information as to be required time to M

time by the statutory authority relating to PF settlement, PF loan,
trustee activity information, statutory pension information and
information as pertaining to contractual employees, etc.

18 Should process the statutory pension cases at the time of M

19 Should generate various information as required by the statutory M
authority from time to time regarding awarding contract to the
contractors with job details , payroll information, compliance to
statutory authority in respect of contractors' employees, etc.
Sub Process- Investment of Gratuity Management

1 Should perform gratuity calculation, provision & accounting M

employee- wise as per user defined rules
2 Should perform forfeiture of Gratuity in case of dismissals etc. M

3 Should generate gratuity payment cheques M

4 Should maintain nominee details and payment to nominee in M
case of death of an employee
5 Should generate all types of reports/registers related to Gratuity M
Sub Process- Pension Management

1 Should have multiple pension schemes so that company's M

Pension scheme available in public sector can be incorporated

2 Should intimate the employees three months before their M

retirement about their PF subscription, PF Loan, Gratuity and
Pension claim forms etc.
3 Should maintain nominee details to facilitate pension processing M
4 Should support pension disbursement and support multiple M
payment modes for pension
5 Should calculate family pension and payment M
6 Should support all related accounting procedures including M
generation of vouchers and related reports
7 Should perform Income tax calculation and deduction for M
pension payment as per Government of Karnataka guidelines

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Sub Process- Deputation

1 Should handle employees joining and going out on deputation / M

LIEN along with details like: Leave salary contribution, Pension,
PF, etc., Economic rehabilitation with nomination & other details
Sub Process- Reports

1 Should generate reports on list of employees based on pay scales M

2 Should have provision for generating ad-hoc payroll reports & M

provision for generating user defined reports
3 Should generate reports on list of employees for whom system M
notified error in payroll run
4 Should generate reports about percentage of salary increments M
by employee, by Area Office, by certain jobs family within all Area
5 Should produce reports on employee cost by employee/ M
Organization unit/ Job family, etc.
6 Should be a report generated before posting of salaries at month M
end. This would ensure that the system allows checking of data
prior to posting
Core Process- Employee Transfer
Sub Process- Transfers (Deputation/Job Rotation)

1 Should automate Transfer process M

2 Should record Transfer Policy & Procedure M
3 Should prepare Transfer list (integrate with Recruitment Module M
for Vacancy List) based on the user defined criteria - e.g.
employees who completed 3 years in one location/department
4 Should generate transfer orders M
5 Should record the transfer orders cancelled, approved or deferred M

6 Should request transfers by employees (subject to minimum M

eligibility criteria specified in transfer policy) and approve/reject
transfer requests of employees (Integrate with ESS Module)

7 Should process NDC, obtain clearance from other M

departments/sections and issue the same
8 Should capture details of officers on deputation to outside M
agencies/or deputation to BESCOM

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9 Should generate lists of transfer requests/recommendations M

received to be reviewed by the Competent Authority for deciding
on transfers with/without promotions. The office may also
transfer an employee without any request/recommendation as
per the Transfer Policy

10 Should integrate with list of workmen exempted from transfer for M

being medically incapacitated, being office bearers of recognized
unions and association
11 Should integrate with compensation and benefit module M
12 Should update new designation, change of cadre/class, salary M
details etc. in Transfer Database (Integrate with OM & Employee
Master Data Module)
13 Should maintain complete history of employee transfers since M
recruitment (Integrate with Employee Master, Promotion Module)

Sub Process- Reports

1 Should generate report on transfer history/past services M

(integrate with medical history - Employee Service Master)
2 Should generate reports on count of employees transferred in a M
specified period
3 Should generate reports on total pending, approved/rejected M
cases of transfer
4 Should generate report for employees in difficult area/terrain M
beyond a specified time
5 Should generate reports on status of officers/staff whether M
released or not released or whether joined/not joined ( along with
dates) as per transfers/promotion orders as on particular date or
cross section of time is available readily from this system
Sub Process- Promotion
1 Should automate CPS/APS processes M
2 Should implement Company‘s Career path for various cadres, M
streams, grades and scales as well as special schemes like
Assured Promotion Scheme, Fast Track Promotion Scheme etc.
3 Should define rules for promotion eligibility in terms of tenure, M
seniority, residual service, performance, achievements,
disciplinary actions, low medical category, etc.

4 Should enforce relaxations in eligibility norms to reserved M

category candidates, allocating certain percentage of vacancies
for these categories
5 Should define grade advancements within a channel M
(seniority/merit/time based)

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6 Should carry out the entire promotion process through work M

flows including on-line preparation/printing of Promotion
Appraisal Forms/ Booklet recording of Recommending
Authorities Comments/generation of scores/status regarding
pending vigilance cases

7 Should process cases suitable or unsuitable for promotion as M

well as pending cases if any based on performance, in interview
and other parameters. ( Linkage with other modules)

8 Should generate single page bio-data report for each employee M

due for promotion (promotion calendar to be made user
9 Should allow promotion only on reporting at new place in case of M
officer getting transferred on promotion and generate periodical
detailed report on non- reporting
10 Should upload Promotion List and print Promotion Letters of M
candidates found suitable for promotion (Integrate with
Recruitment Module for Vacancy List and Integrate with PMS
Module for annual performance appraisal ratings)
11 Should issue order of promotion M
12 Should support to maintain the surplus and vacant positions M
13 Should record request for transfer through employee self-service M
and indicate appropriately at the time of transfer exercise. Record
of such request wherever acceded to be maintained (Integrate
with ESS)
14 Should notify to MR/IR (Employee Services Department) on their M
email addresses/SMS about the employees to be promoted as per
15 Should notify to Promotion Department on their email addresses M
about the employees to be promoted as per APS.
16 Should record interview ratings of employee short listed for M
17 Should handle Back Dated promotions with respect to Promotion M
18 Should approve promotion list by appropriate ordering/approving M
authority (Integrate with ESS Module)
19 Should enforce deferred dates of promotions under CPS due to M
punishment imposed
20 Should update new designation, change of cadre/class, salary M
details etc.
21 Should generate Promotion Orders M

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22 Should record the promotion orders cancelled, approved or M

23 Should give input to Payroll Administrator to update salary M
details on promotion as per the Promotion Database
24 Should draw a competency matrix in the system and define the M
competencies /skills/roles/responsibilities required at each
level/position for the purpose of promotion (included in
Competency Management also)
25 Should intimate the outcome of various stages of promotion M
(interview, first shortlist etc.) to the employees through ESS
26 Should redefine the promotion process on change of policy M
27 Should record transfer option of an employee at the time of M
promotion and generate reports for the management for making
transfers on promotion (Integrate with Transfer Module)
28 Should maintain complete history of employee transfers since M
recruitment (Integrate with ESS, Employee Master)
Sub Process- Reports

1 Should generate a list of eligible candidates for promotion of M

different grades and streams in consideration of period spent
under suspension , extra ordinary leave without pay etc.

2 Should generate list of pending cases with requirement of M

3 Should generate reports on status of officers/staff whether M
released or not released or whether joined/not joined ( along with
dates) as per transfers/promotion orders as on particular date or
cross section of time is available readily from this system
4 Should generate seniority list of all officers and staff ( with M
particulars like dob, doj, qualifications) on any date/time
5 Should provide reports on total employees promoted during M
specific period, category wise, unit wise, designation wise (all
6 Should provide reports on employees not selected for promotion M
or cases deferred or pending or dropped with reasons

Core Process- Training & Development (T&D)

1 Provision to define training - short-term, long-term, trainable and M

non-trainable training needs and Provision to capture ad-hoc
courses offered by various entities

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2 Should design selection criteria for various in-house/ external M

trainings especially higher studies
3 Grading training institutions (external) by the training dept. M
4 Should provide training feedback by the employee supervisor 6 M
months post training for training effectiveness
5 Should capture Training Policy and customize process to M
update/edit the policy
6 Should issue letter of permission for undergoing higher studies M

7 Should issue orders granting higher studies without pay M

8 Should issue permission for acting as examiner/faculty M
member/guest lecturer in different technical/management
9 Should capture Training needs of various classes of employees M
through PMS Form (Integrate with PMS Module)
10 Should capture Training needs of employees met/not met during M
the quarter/year
11 Should formulate and update Annual Training Calendar with list M
of Training Programmes, Batch size, target group etc.

12 Should provide input to Finance & Accounts Module for payment M

to Trainers/Institutes
13 Should update list of Trainers/Institutes for various training M
14 Should record participant's attendance in training programmes M
and employees nominated but did not attend a training
15 Should notify HoD/ employees about the nomination for training M
16 Should define and print training nomination letters to be sent to M
employees for invitation
17 Should customize training feedback form, effectiveness form and M
training nomination letters
18 Should manually update training feedback provided by M
participants in the online feedback form
19 Should analyze training feedback M
20 Should seek nomination from employees/HoD for training M
programmes not included in Training Calendar
21 Should capture Training facilities available within the M
22 Should book training rooms by departments for specific training M

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23 Should capture course content of all training programmes along M

with list of Target group, batch size
24 Should support the process of Induction Training for new M
recruitees by integrating with the recruitment module
25 Should maintain topic/subject-wise database of internal & M
external faculty, number and details of courses conducted by
them quarterly, half- yearly, yearly and cumulative
26 Should capture external employees of other organizations trained M

27 Should maintain training budget (for each category of training) - M

cost of training - actual expenses. Link the TA/DA/Hotel
expenses payment records to find out total cost of training. (The
TA bill passing system should be linked to the Training system to
ensure feedbacks)
28 Should maintain data for internal training exam and certification M
obtained by staff
29 Should maintain data on external certifications obtained by the M
30 Should have online registration, cancellation, reminder, and M
confirmation of training classes
31 Should upload external brochures or training programme M
received from external institutes
32 Should define the competency inventory for unique roles in the D
organization across all classes
33 Should raise Requisition / Purchase Orders (PO) for clearing M
professional fees of Trainers/Institutes/Stationery/Photocopy of
training course content/material etc.

34 Should monitor Planned Training against actual training M

conducted based on user defined parameters such as number of
trainings, budget, participants etc.
35 Should maintain training database with full training history of all M
36 Should raise requests for guest house booking for guests & other M
field employees nominated for training
37 Should view status of requests for guest house booking for guests M
& other field employees nominated for training (Integrate with
38 Should provide details of vocational training and GoI/ GoK M
(apprenticeship) - only period of training, name and age/CSR
Sub Process- Reports
1 Should produce individual and departmental training reports M

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2 Should provide report with the participant list and total training M
hours for each employee during specific period
3 Should provide reports on Training Needs not specified by M
employees in PMAS Form
4 Should support the Cost benefit analysis for External training M
institutes or individual trainer
5 Should calculate total Training Cost in a year against the T&D M
6 Should provide reports on training programmes nominated for M
but not attended during employment (reasons for not attending)
7 Should provide reports on vocational training and GoI M
(apprenticeship) training ( integrate with payroll and recruitment
Core Process- Compensation & Benefits

1 Should maintain the compensation and benefits policies of the M

2 Should perform Income Tax calculation M
3 Should calculate compensation and benefit details (Pay Slip) of M
each employees
4 Should issue orders granting annual increments M
5 Should approve loans and advances of employees (by appropriate M
6 Should provide option to check Loan Balances M
7 Should handle making online application for sanction of M
LTC/HTC/other entitlements through ESS and approval through
8 Should process application for medical advance, HTC/LTC M
9 Should approve general claims and expenses through the system M

10 Should track loan requests made by employees and send M

reminders, Feedback & Grievances
11 Should track and record all compensation payment made M
towards accident related cases under Workmen Compensation
Act of 1923
12 Should show details on all aspects, place of accident (office), M
cause, report on how the accident happened, witnesses, name of
investigation officer, and other officers involved in the process at
the field, investigation details and determination of compensation

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Sub Process- Reports

1 Should provide report on past salary slips & income tax M

2 Should provide report on expense requests M
3 Should provide report on month-wise/year-wise accident M
compensation sanctioned and all details related to it
4 Should provide report on month-wise insurance premium M
payment receipt
Core Process- Performance Management & Appraisal System (PMAS)
1 Should automate the process of PMAS M
2 Should generate marks on attendance M
3 Should capture PMAS Policy and customize process to M
update/edit the policy
4 Should define the structure of appraisal process (each stage of M
5 Should define the various stakeholders in PMAS (Integrate with M
Employee Master)
6 Should define Performance Rating Scale M
7 Should help employees select approving authority for PMAS M
(Integrate with OM & Employee Master)
8 Should define the performance appraisal form M
9 Should notify/send reminders controlling officer, PMAS M
coordinating officer & Director (HR&A) on PMS process deadlines
10 Should initiate target setting by employee M
11 Should approve target setting by employee's senior officer M
12 Should initiate mid-year appraisal by employees and record any M
changes in Targets
13 Should review mid-year performance of employees by employee's M
senior and record his feedback and performance ratings
14 Should set year-end targets by employees M
15 Should approve year-end targets by employee's senior M
16 Should initiate year-end target setting by employees M
17 Should review year-end performance of employees by employee's M
senior and record his feedback and performance ratings
18 Should compute annual performance ratings of employees M
automatically based on mid-year and year-end performance
19 Should review completion of target setting, mid-year review and M
year- end review by PMAS Coordinating Officer

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20 Should define self-assessment form M

21 Should fill Training Needs in the appraisal form by employees M
22 Should approve Training Needs of employees M
23 Should provide input to other Personnel Decisions such as M
Promotion Module, Succession Planning Module, T&D Module,
Performance Linked Incentive, Job Rotations
24 Should capture PMAS Guidelines (Employee's guide and M
Evaluator's guide)
25 Design PMAS database to capture annual performance ratings of M
employees of all classes
26 Should record annual performance ratings of employees in PMS M
27 Should maintain appraisal records and ratings of employees for M
all appraisal years
28 Should route the Appraisal form / Evaluation sheet through the M
respective levels for each of the employees
29 Should group employees based on categories of performance M
appraisal ratings
30 Should generate memo letters / mails /SMS workflows for the M
employee in case of unsatisfactory performance
31 Should review and expunge the adverse ratings of employees M

32 Should scan appraisal documents manually filled by employees M

(on field etc.)
33 Should automatically generate if PAR/declaration of assets are M
not received by the appropriate department

Sub Process- Reports

1 Should generate report on employee ratings in the last three M

2 Should provide reports on count/list of total employees M
completing the target setting, mid-year and year-end appraisal
3 Should provide reports on count/list of total employees for whom M
target setting, mid-year review and year-end review has been
4 Should provide reports on count/list of employees based on M
categories of performance appraisal ratings
5 Should generate reports for vigilance clearance and detailed M
status of vigilance proceedings as well as submission of
declaration of assets
6 Should generate performance reports and detailed status M

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7 Should provide reports of special PARs and detailed status for M

the probation period

Core Process- Succession Planning (SP)

1 Should automate the process of Succession Planning M

2 Should capture SP Policy and process to update/edit the policy M
3 Should record and maintain various career options/paths M
available to employees in the organization
4 Should define Vacancy and Talent Database M
5 Should support to define the Talent Assessment Database Form M
for each position/vacancy to capture the details of vacancy,
eligibility criteria & evaluation criteria
6 Should identify key positions (employees who are retiring in a M
span of next 3 years) to formulate the vacancy list (Integrate with
Employee Master Data Module)
7 Should define the eligibility criteria (Age, PMAS Rating, M
Attendance Records, Vigilance Records) for employees to be
included in Talent Database (Integrate with PMAS, Time
Management Module)
8 Should define the list of employees eligible for the Talent M
Assessment Process and capture their professional experience
details, age, department, location, past PMAS rating of 8 years
(Integrate with Employee Master Data Module, PMAS Module)
9 Should provide list of employees short listed for Talent D
Evaluation Process
10 Should update Interview Assessment Sheet Format including the O
rating scale
11 Should update list of Interviewing Authority for each function O
12 Should inform short listed employees and Interviewing authority O
for date, time and venue for conducting interviews of short listed
13 Should update list of questions for interview O
14 Should update interview ratings of employees in Talent O
Assessment Database under Evaluation Criteria
15 Should update list of top 3 successors for each positions in O
Vacancy and Talent Database
16 Should define Individual Development Plan (IDP) Database and O
form for IDP of successors
17 Should send the IDP to PMAS for finalize IDP of successors D
18 Should update the status of IDP completion in IDP Database D
19 Should update list of successors of last years O

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20 Should notify administrator to update successor details after D

21 Should record history of succession planning process of all years D

Sub Process- Reports

1 Should provide reports on list of employees due for retirement in M

a span of 3 years
2 Should provide reports on number and details of Vacancies M
3 Should provide reports of employees eligible/rejected for Talent M
Assessment Process
4 Should provide reports of employees short listed/rejected for M
Talent Evaluation Process
5 Should provide reports of top 3 successors for each position M
6 Should provide reports on employees undergoing/completed IDP D

7 Should provide reports on assessment rating of interviewed D

8 Should provide reports on employees participated/ selected/ D
rejected in succession planning process
Core Process- Staffing
Sub Process- Manpower Planning

1 Should automate manpower requirement/ planning based on M

competencies, skills, experience, qualification and other criteria

2 Should make provisions for direct employment/ promotion/ M

recruitment to specialist categories/part time or contractual
3 Should project cadre-wise/ grade-wise manpower requirements M
for a specified period based on data relating to new upcoming
units/ resignations/ dismissals/ future retirement etc.

4 Should analyze the unit-wise, cadre-wise, grade-wise resources M

available and required and do a gap analysis with specific time
5 Should provide option to create new posts or modify existing M
posts through appropriate approval
6 Should issue alerts before any position falling vacant due to M
retirement/term of temporary or contractual employee getting
7 Should generate a consolidated manpower plan (Department- M
wise/Section-wise/Unit-wise) for approval through work-flow
management system

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8 Should identify critical posts (by function) M

9 Should integrate with the recruitment/promotion module for M
filling up of vacancies
Core Process- Recruitment

1 Should provide option to include the entire process of M

recruitment in the system including the budget involved in it. It
may also include other new areas
2 Should provide Should provide option to define positions for M
internal or external recruitment (define vacancies based on
sanctioned strength and existing employee strength for each
department/unit/section etc.)
3 Should provide Should provide option to define the requirements M
for recruitment of deceased dependents
4 Should provide Should provide option to record the details of the M
applicants of deceased dependents
5 Should provide Should provide option to furnish the list of M
applicants of deceased dependents found eligible for being called
for interview/selection
6 Should provide Should provide option to carry out recruitment M
for different grade/rank of employees and Part time employees
7 Should provide Should provide option to record the time taken to M
assess the financial condition of the deceased dependent
applicants and accordingly take decisions on the eligibility of the
8 Should support vacancy and post based roster system for M
9 Should provide Should provide option to define the specifications M
of the vacancy in terms of qualifications, work experience,
location considerations, skills/competencies required, additional
certifications / professional qualifications, etc. (T& D module -

10 Should provide Should provide option to derive competencies M

automatically from the job or position competency requirements
into vacancy competency requirements
11 Should provide Should provide option for managing recruitment M
for special categories requiring relaxation in norms
12 Should provide Should provide option to draw recruitment M
schedule in accordance with the requirement plan
13 Should provide Should provide option to indicate that an M
applicant has applied for the post through another hiring process
within the organization

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14 Should provide Should provide option for generating M

advertisement for recruitment for internal / external candidates
for publication on HRMS portal, Media and websites
15 Should provide provision for approval of advertisement from M
Competent Authority
16 Should linkage to resumes received from the extranet (careers M
page on websites or homepages on external job sites)

17 Should import resumes from external job sites into the resume M
18 Should provide Should provide option to receive on-line M
19 Should provide Should provide option to attach documents / M
credentials in soft form as a part of the application or at any
other time as decided by the institution
20 Should provide Should provide option to auto generate unique M
identity number for each new applicant
21 Should provide Should provide option to create workflow for M
approval of application through various levels
22 Should provide Should provide option to capture details of the M
Recruitment Policy and to alert users if there is any violation of
the policy
23 Should provide Should provide option to route recruitments M
through various levels of approvals and review. Audit trails of the
entire approval process should be available
24 Should provide Should provide option to report generation for all M
the above functionalities with a provision for dynamic querying
25 Should re-induct a person into the organization after a gap in M
service ( Integrate with employee master)
Sub Process- Selection

1 Should provide option to design tests to be conducted in written D

or online modes
2 Should provide option for generation of call letters for written M
test/interview with allocation of Roll numbers (same as unique
identity numbers allocated during recruitment phase) and venue.
Should support manual intervention in changing venue/centre

3 Should provide option to create a competency framework (matrix) D

for various competency types (functional/ behavioral/ leadership)
with desired proficiency levels for each position/grade

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4 Should provide option to create various competencies and M

categories into various competency types viz. Ability, Skill,
Knowledge, etc.
5 Should provide option to maintain various types of tests and M
maintain a question/answer database of each type of test
(functional, psychometric, analytical etc.) to be administered as
part of the selection process
6 Should provide option to define the evaluation criteria and M
generation of results post- evaluation
7 Should track interview results / Applicant's progression M
8 Should automatically generate merit list of candidates on user M
configurable criteria such as category-wise, centre-wise,
alphabetically, roll no.-wise, score-wise etc.
9 Should record payments made to the panel members/ M
invigilators/ candidates etc.
10 Should maintain details of the candidates resorting to unfair M
11 Should have provision to record comments of interviewers at M
various levels of interviews
Sub Process- Hiring

1 Should have provision of Generation of system driven regret M

letters and/ or offer / appointment letters through both manual
as well as electronic modes (with terms and conditions for
2 Should issue orders of appointment on contract basis M
3 Should issue orders of re-engagement (or extension) of retired M
officers, on contract basis with re-employment terms
4 Should issue order on completion of probation period M
5 Should provide option to user to maintain checklist for M
verification and acknowledgement of various aspects related to
joining viz., medical reports, testimonials, other relevant
certificates, etc.
6 Should allow for maintaining a checklist of details to be M
mentioned in each employee's personnel file
Sub Process- Confirmation

1 Should provide option to change employment status from M

probation to confirmed/not confirmed after one year from the
date of joining
2 Should provide option to integrate with the PAR (Performance M
Appraisal Report) of the employee on probation

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3 Should provide option to attach scanned copy of the vigilance M

clearance certificate after one year of the employee's joining
4 Should provide option to attach service continuity certificate for M
checking unauthorized attendance of the employee on probation
5 Should provide option to attach scanned copy of the police M
verification certificate and medical fitness certificate of the
employee hired on probation

Sub Process- Reports

1 Should provide option to generate reports on Recruitment cost M

incurred/employee and cost per recruitment agency per project
2 Should provide option to generate report on the time taken by M
each agency to recruit for a position
3 Should provide option to generate reports on Time taken for M
filling up a vacancy i.e. from paper advertisement to appointment
4 Should provide option to generate reports on the time taken for M
deceased dependent recruitment (i.e. from receiving application
till appointment)
5 Should provide option to generate reports on No. of days taken to M
respond to an applicant
6 Should provide option to generate reports on year-wise M
manpower profile of BESCOM
7 Should provide option to generate reports on total manpower M
strength (Category-wise, designation-wise in different corporate
and field offices of BESCOM (for each quarter)
8 Should provide option to generate reports on Education and Age M
profile employees
9 Should provide option to generate reports on the details of M
contractual employees in BESCOM
10 Should provide option to generate reports on the Recruitment, M
appointment and confirmation details for each quarter

11 Should provide option to generate reports on the Superannuation M

12 Should provide option to generate reports on the Separation M
details (category wise)
Core Process- Grievance Redressal

1 Should provide option to store and update Grievance Redressal M

Policies & Procedures
2 Should provide option to edit the policies by specified level of M

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3 Should provide option to issue docket number for different M
classes of employees separately
4 Should provide option to define composition of the GR D
5 Should provide option to list various techniques to facilitate D
6 Should provide option to store various GR forms for printing D
7 Should provide option to maintain checklist of the documents M
that employees need to submit as part of the procedures
8 Should provide option to draw schedule for GR meetings M
9 Should provide option to design surveys D
10 Should provide option to alert the users periodically when a M
deadline is approaching nearer
11 Should provide option to track/monitor the status of a pending M
Sub Process- Reports

1 Should record number of court cases filed at labor court & high M
court, industrial tribunal & other competent authority
2 Should record number of grievances disposed per year M
3 Should provide option to generate reports on the total number of M
complaints docketed for a specified period
4 Should provide option to generate reports on the total number of M
grievances handled during a specified period
5 Should provide option to generate reports on the various types of M
grievances handled during a specified period
6 Should provide option to generate reports on the average time M
taken to resolve a grievance
Core Process- Legal
1 Should provide option to maintain database of empanelled M
lawyers and arbitrators and their fees structure
2 Should provide option to maintain and update all engagement M
orders, hearing and outcomes
3 Should provide option to maintain lawyers communications M
along with gist of the orders
4 Should provide option to maintain compliance of the orders of M
different courts
5 Should provide option to maintain record of category of court M
cases at high court such writ, civil revisions, appeal, contempt of
court etc.

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6 Should provide option to maintain details of appeals filed by the M

company against different orders
7 Should provide option to maintain all relevant database for all M
courts, tribunals, Compensation court, gratuity tribunal
including appellate forums
8 Should provide option to maintain database regarding arbitration M
9 Should provide option to maintain database regarding conference M
with different legal professionals/bodies/associations
10 Should provide option to maintain legal opinions given by M
different legal professionals/legal cell
11 Should provide option to maintain database regarding cases for M
out of court settlement through empowered committee
12 Should provide option to check/monitor status of all pending M
cases including cases on service matters related to employees
and contract/ outsourced labourers
13 Should provide option to maintain checklists for defending any M
case filed against the company
14 Should provide option to design awareness programs on legal M
15 Should provide option to record bills of the advocates and M
compare that with their charge rates and appearance dates
16 Should provide option to maintain checklists of the supporting M
documents that an advocate needs to submit while raising bills
17 Should provide option to alert users if advocate bills are stored M
into the system without all supporting documents
18 Should provide option to interface with legal details (Which are M
required for HRMS)
Sub Process- Reports

1 Should provide option to generate reports on total number of M

awareness programs conducted on legal issues during a specified
2 Should provide option to generate reports on the total amount of M
payout on litigation cases during a specified period
3 Should provide option to generate report on review of court cases M
at the site offices.
4 Should provide option to generate reports on the total number of M
legal cases filed against the company by employees (per year)
against disciplinary actions/ non-settlement of terminal
dues/other issues

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5 Should provide option to generate reports on the total number of M

legal cases filed against the company by others during a specified
6 Should provide option to generate reports on the total number of M
employee court cases decided in favor of the company
7 Should provide option to generate reports of pending cases M
allotted to particular advocates by any office
8 Should provide option to generate reports of pending cases M
according to involvement of outstanding dues
9 Should provide option to generate reports of pending cases M
according to date/month of filing the cases
10 Should provide option to generate reports on amount of revenue M
allowed by court in favor of company after disposal of cases
11 Should provide option to generate reports advocate wise and M
office wise legal expenditure
12 Should provide option to generate reports on amount realized M
through out of court settlement
Core Process- Dashboard
1 The number of reports/MIS to be generated need to be discussed M
with top management before finalization
Core Process- Administration
Sub Process- Travel Management
1 Should automate the process of Travel Request M
2 Should define Travel Request (Rail/Air/Road/) Forms M
3 Should define & select calendar and time schedules for travel M
4 Should define Country/state/city for travel planning M
5 Should select type of Travel (Local/Domestic/International M
6 Should select mode of travel (Rail/ Air/ Road) M
7 Should recommend Train Name & Number, Flight Number / M
Name of Carrier
8 Should add number, name, age, department, function of M
9 Should raise Travel Requisition for Local/ Domestic/ M
International Travel
10 Should select the cost centre while raising travel requests M
11 Should define approving authority and reviewing authority for M
checking/ approving/ declining travel requests
12 Should select approving and reviewing authority for approval of M
travel requests

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13 Should provide any additional comments before submitting the M

travel request (lowest fare/ berth preference)
14 Should approve/ decline/ modify travel request of employees by M
approving authority
15 Should check status of approval/ decline of travel requests M
16 Should resubmit travel requests if declined M
17 Should notify Travel Desk of approved travel requests submitted M

18 Should raise request for cancellation of travel tickets or booking M

of Taxis for Local/Domestic Travel
19 Should create request for booking of taxis for Local/domestic M
20 Should approve/cancel/modify requests for taxi bookings M
21 Should create, change, display, review and release travel M
22 Should maintain generation of reminder letters if tours and M
travels final bill is not submitted by employee within the
prescribed time
Sub Process- Reports
1 Should provide expenditure reports for separate cost centers M
2 Should provide reports on employees for whom travel request has M
been approved/declines/modified
3 Should provide reports on all past travel requests with details on M
travel advance cleared/per-diem/allowances claimed and
actually paid
Sub Process- E-Payment

1 Should raise request for expenses such as medical M

reimbursement/travel reimbursement/stationery/local
conveyance etc.
Sub Process- Conference Room Booking

1 Should automate conference room / seminar hall / auditorium M

2 Should raise requests for conference room booking based on M
3 Should cancel/modify conference room booking M
4 Should approve/decline conference room booking M
5 Should add/remove approving authority for approval of M
conference room booking
6 Should add/delete list of conference rooms M
7 Should integrate with finance to generate bill for providing M
conference hall on rent

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Sub Process- Guest House Room Booking

1 Should automate Guest House / Inspection Bunglow / Circuit M

House booking
2 Should raise requests for booking of rooms M
3 Should add/delete list of rooms M
4 Should show availability of Guest Houses/rooms on a specific M
date, time and by the concerned employee/department and
5 Should raise requests to cancel/modify room bookings M
6 Should approve/decline request for room bookings M
7 Should add approving authority for approval for room booking M
8 Should accommodate request of extending/shortening booking M
period for already booked room
9 Should approve/decline request for extending/shortening M
booking period for already booked room
10 Should raise requests for guest house booking for guests & other M
field employees
11 Should view status of requests for guest house booking for guests M
& other field employees
12 Should approve requests for guest house booking for guests & M
other field employees by administrator
13 Should integrate with finance to generate bill for providing GH on M
Sub Process- Departmental quarter allotment

1 Should maintain and update the policies regarding departmental M

quarter allotment
2 Should process application for quarter allotment M
3 Should view/update the list of present occupants of the quarters, M
and list of vacant quarters
4 Should deduct the quarter rent from the salary of the occupants M
(integrate with the Payroll module)
5 Should issue the No Demand Certificate when occupants vacate M
the quarters and consequently stop deducting rent from salary
(integrate with Payroll module)
Sub Process- Reports

1 Should provide reports on the list of present occupants of the M

quarters, quarters they are occupying, and list of vacant quarters

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2 Should provide reports on the total number of applications M

processed regarding quarter allotment in a year
Sub Process- Hiring and renting of space or accommodation

1 Should maintain and update the policies (including DoP) for M

hiring and renting of space or accommodation
2 Should issue orders (according to DoP) for hiring/renting of M
space and generate bills accordingly (integrate with the Accounts
& Finance module)
Sub Process- Reports
1 Should provide reports on total rooms booked/available for M
2 Should provide department-wise reports on total costs of room m
bookings per month/quarter/year
Sub Process- Civil Maintenance Control of Building and Assets, Lifts, Vehicles,
printers, computers, furniture, stores, etc.

1 Should maintain database and show details of all departmental M

quarters, pump house, inspection bunglows and house-rent
matters and information such as year, details of employee
occupants, house rent collected etc.
2 Should maintain database and show information related to M
rooms, furniture, allotment of space in corporate offices and
other offices
3 Should maintain details and show matters related to retention of M
quarters and other allied jobs with respect to all categories of
4 Should maintain database and show details on different M
administrative matters including Accommodation/ House Rent/
Taxes/ Land matters, Vehicle/ excess fuel consumption,
Telephone/Leased Line/Cash Track Machine etc.
5 Should maintain and show all details in database on purchase of M
stationeries and equipments and vendors
6 Should maintain all details and show database on engagement of D
7 Should maintain all details and show database on matters D
relating to Joint Management Council Meetings (Tier-2) and other
8 Should maintain all details and show database on receiving and M
dispatching all letters/Circulars etc. of different Offices to outside
Offices through Central Receipt & Dispatch Section

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9 Should maintain and show all details on procurement of Air & M

Railway tickets
10 Should maintain and show all details on maintenance of M
Telephone (PBX) system
11 Should maintain and show all details on maintenance of vehicles M
of corporate office and other offices (details with all required
12 Should maintain and show all details on maintenance of M
electrical equipment in corporate office and other offices
13 Should raise request for maintenance/ replacement of various M
office equipments/ telephones
14 Should maintain and show all details on maintenance of office M
stationary store
15 Should raise requisition for stationary by each department M
16 Should maintain and show all details on Operation of Telephone M
17 Should maintain and show all details on all matters related to M
supervision of all Guest House
18 Should provide reports on all departmental quarters I.Bs and M
House- rent matters and information such as year, details of
employee occupants, house rent collected etc.
19 Should provide reports on rooms, furniture, allotment of space in M
corporate office and other offices also with detail database related
description of asset
20 Should provide reports on retention of quarters and other allied M
jobs with respect to all categories of employees
21 Should provide reports on different administrative matters M
including Accommodation/House Rent/ Taxes/Land matters,
Vehicle/excess fuel consumption, Telephone/Leased Line/Cash
Track Machine etc.
22 Should provide reports on engagement of HG/NVF/Private D
Security personnel/part time employees
23 Should provide reports on Joint Management Council Meetings D
(Tier-2) and other Tiers
24 Should provide reports on receiving and dispatching all D
letters/Circulars etc. of different Offices to outside Offices
through Central Receipt & Dispatch Section
25 Should provide reports on procurement of Computer & D
peripherals and Liveries and consumable items
26 Should provide reports on procurement of Printed Articles and D
pre- printed computer stationary

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27 Should provide reports on procurement of stationary items and M

purchase through petty cash & Courier Service
28 Should provide reports on procurement of Mobile Phone, M
Photocopy, Fax, Typewriter and its maintenance job
29 Should provide reports on procurement of Air & Railway tickets M

30 Should provide reports on maintenance of Telephone (PBX) M

31 Should provide reports on maintenance of vehicles of corporate M
office and other office (wherever using)
32 Should provide reports on maintenance of electrical equipment in M
corporate office and other offices
33 Should provide reports on request for maintenance of any M
equipment in corporate office and other offices
34 Should provide reports on inventory of office stationery store M
35 Should provide reports on Operation of Telephone Hub M
36 Should provide reports on all matters related to supervision of M
Guest House
Sub Process- Public Relations

1 Should define and update the PR strategies and policy M

2 Should prepare and monitor the production of publicity M
brochures, handouts, direct mail leaflets, promotional videos,
photographs, films and multimedia programmes through ERP
3 Should organize events including press conferences, exhibitions, M
open days and press tours through the system
Sub Process- Reports

1 Should provide reports on the total number of publicity M

brochures, handouts, direct mail leaflets and other materials
produced within a specified time
2 Should provide reports on the total number of press conferences, M
exhibitions, etc. organized within a specified time

Sub Process- Procurement and issuance of medicines

1 Should automate the requisition process for purchasing M

2 Should automate the tendering process for purchasing medicines M

3 Should update the stock amount, number of medicines issued in M

past months, etc.

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4 Should calculate the total amount spent on purchasing M

medicines against the allocated budget, remaining balance, etc.

Sub Process- Reports

1 Should provide reports on the total number of medicines M

purchased within a specified time, number issues, stocks in
balance, etc.
2 Should provide reports on the total amount spent on purchasing M
medicines against the allocated budget, remaining balance, etc.

Sub Process- Employee welfare and CSR

1 Should maintain the history of employee welfare and CSR M

initiatives undertaken over time, separately
2 Should calculate the amount spent on employee welfare and CSR M
initiatives separately
Sub Process- Reports

1 Should provide separate reports on the total number of employee M

welfare and CSR initiatives undertaken within a specified time
with amount spent on each
Core Process- Performance Linked Incentive Scheme

1 Should automate the revised PLI scheme for BESCOM M

2 Should capture the time to revisions/edit any changes in the PLI M
3 Should take input from the corporate and departmental M
scorecards to update data such as target setting etc. for
computing the PLI for BESCOM
4 Should calculate the amount disbursable for PLI for all M
employees in each department and unit of BESCOM
5 Should calculate and maintain the history of PLIs earned by each M
employee in a year
6 Should make comparisons of year wise PLIs earned by M
Sub Process- Reports

1 Should provide reports on the total amount disbursed as PLIs in M

each year (department wise as well as employee wise within a

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Core Process- E-Exit (Full and Final Settlement)

1 Should provide option to "E-Exit process" for employees at the M

time of exit. For retirement, send reminder of the retirement date
to the employee one year in advance
2 Should fill exit interview form by superior & HR (for resignation) M

3 Should process NDC (No Demand Certificate)/clearance from M

various departments at the time of Exit through E-Exit process

4 Should notify (flag) individuals of any outstanding balances from M

various departments such as payroll, time office, purchase,
establishment procurement- whichever applicable) when
employee exits (Integrate with Payroll & other department
Modules in case of E-Exit process)

5 Should generate and print Leaving Certificate / Experience M

Certificate once all approvals are granted
6 Should maintain case details of the employees M
reinstated/reappointed after being terminated
7 Should retrieve details of terminated employees in case he/she is M
reinstated or reappointed
8 Should calculate back pay or other entitlements of M
reinstated/reappointed employees (as applicable)
Sub Process- Reports

1 Should view clearance request approved/rejected by department M

and the reason for the same
2 Should generate reports on the total number of employees M
applied for resignations/VRS, number approved/ rejected/
3 Should view the complete report on the e exit formalities which M
would be available whenever it wants to be seen
Core Process- DMS & WMS
Should support to print / publish reports and save them as
1 viewable files in PDF, TXT, MS-Excel, XBRL, XML and support to
all formats. M
The Bidder must ensure that the proposed ERP Solution covers
the Document Management System (DMS) and Workflow
Management System (WMS). The document and workflow
management systems must have the following basic components: M
Should provide option to user for document review and approval
as per hierarchy M
4 Should capture for bringing documents into the system M

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5 Should store and retrieve the documents M

Should provide option to user for indexing and retrieval tools to
locate documents M
Should support distribution for exporting documents from the
system M
Should ensure security to protect documents from unauthorized
access M
9 Should provide facility to write notes on the document M
Should export and extract data and graphical reports to
10 spreadsheets/ databases/ text/ presentations, etc. for analysis
and reporting. M
Should provide context sensitive help to guide users
11 M
to form the reports required by them
Should define a schedule for generation of each report. (e.g.: daily,
12 M
weekly, monthly)
Should define users to whom the report needs to be
13 sent. The output format can be a paper or electronic Via M
email, etc.
Should support the generation of internal reports and
transactional reports for each of the office/accounting units. It
should be able to report at least on the following heads:
14  By revenue/ expense heads M
 By Asset/Liability heads M
 By transaction types M
 By status in the workflow process like draft, pending M
15 Should create separate physical segregation of data
by organizations/ entities M

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9. Section IX: Service Level Agreements (SLAs)

9.1 Purpose of SLA
The purpose of this SLA is to clearly define the levels of service to be provided by
the SI for the duration of this contract or until this SLA has been amended. The
benefits of this SLA are to:

a) SLA is between the SI and purchaser.

b) Make explicit the performance related expectations on purchaser‘s

requirements from the SI.

c) Assist the purchaser to control levels and performance of services provided by

the SI.

d) Trigger a process that applies Purchaser and SI management attention to

aspects of performance that drop below an agreed upon threshold, or target.

9.2 Definitions
Following terms shall have the meaning set forth below:

a) "Availability" shall mean the time for which the services and facilities are
available for conducting desired operations using the supplied IT
infrastructure/ systems.
System Availability/ Uptime = (1 – Downtime/Total time) × 100% for any
given period.

b) ―Downtime‖ is the time the services and facilities are not available and
excludes the scheduled outages planned in advance.

c) ―Incident‖ refers to any event / abnormalities in the functioning of the

hosted applications/ services or equipment that may lead to disruption in
normal operations.

d) ―Service Window‖ shall mean the duration for which the facilities and
services should be ensured to be available. Expected Service window for
Purchaser is 24x7x365 at Data Center.

e) Scheduled Down Time: Scheduled downtime means any time when the
data center services are unavailable because of urgent maintenance
activities and any other scheduled maintenance or update activities that
may or may not be periodic, and that may be notified to Purchaser at least
36 hrs. in advance. Urgent Maintenance activities in this regard are

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maintenance activities required by application or systems that cannot be

postponed until the next available or convenient maintenance window, and
may include but not limited to restarting applications, rebooting servers,
applying patches or fixes, security alert precautions, reconfiguring storage
allocation, reloading data and making DNS & firewall changes to close
security holes.

f) User: A user can be any Purchaser employee or Purchaser authorized


9.3 Duration of SLA

This Service level agreement would be valid for entire period of contract. This SLA
may be reviewed and revised as per mutual agreement.

9.4 SLA Targets

This section is agreed to by purchaser and SI as the key SI performance indicator
for this engagement. The following section reflects the measurements to be used to
track and report systems performance on a regular basis. The targets shown in
the following tables are for the period of contract or its revision whichever is later.

9.5 SLA during Pilot and Rollout -Project Management

9.5.1 Enterprise Rollout of Integrated solution – Both phase in 9+12 months for
Completion of Enterprise- wide rollout and three (3) months of stabilization
period, from the date of signing the contract.

Type Metric Penalty

Baseline (i) Deployment of Project Manager on- None
site in BESCOM premises within T
+ 15 days
(ii) Deployment of At least 2 functional
lead for As IS Study T + 15 days
(iii) Completion and Submission of AS
IS And TO BE Study in 60 Days
Lower Each day of delay for the first 15th days Rs. 1500 per day per
performance for (i) and (ii) resource
Each Day Delay for the First 61st day Rs 5000 Per Day
delay for (iii) delay

Breach Each day of delay from the 16th day for (i) Rs. 2500 per day per

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and (ii) resource

Each day of Delay from 62nd Day for (iii) Rs 10000 Per Day

9.5.2 Timely Deployment of Server Infrastructure

i. Deployment of server infrastructure in Data Centre within T + 120 days
ii. Deployment of server infrastructure in Disaster Recovery Centre within T + 180
T- Date of Issue of LOI

Type Metric Penalty

Baseline (i) Supply and deployment of server None
infrastructure in Data Centre
within T + 120 days
(ii) Deployment of server infrastructure
in Disaster Recovery Centre within
T + 200 days

Lower Each day of delay after T+ 120 Days for Rs. 5000 per day of
performance DC delay
Each day of delay after T+ 200 Days for
Breach Each day of delay after T+121 Days for DC Rs. 10000 per day of
Each day of delay after T+201 Days for DC
1) SI is required to confirm that it is ready for hardware audit by the 3rd party
auditor and thus confirm deployment of server infrastructure in Data

9.5.3 Timely Implementation of Pilot/Rollout and Stabilization.

Type Metric Penalty

Baseline i) Implementation of Pilot by T+ 12 None
2) Implementation of Rollout by T+ 18

Lower Each week of delay after T+ 12 months 0.25% of the

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performance for Pilot Implementation Cost

Penalty for each week
Each Week Delay for Rollout after T+ 18
Breach Each week of delay after T+ 13 months 0.5 % of the
for Pilot implementation Cost
for each week Delay.
Each Week of delay after T+19 Months for
3) SI is required to confirm that it is ready for hardware audit by the 3rd party
auditor and thus confirm deployment of server infrastructure in Data
Center / Disaster Recovery Centre

9.6 SLA during FMS/AMC and for DR Cloud hosting- Availability

9.6.1 The availability target for different Sub-system of the ERP system are given below:
Availability of the system: Greater than 99% during business hours averaged on a
quarterly basis

Type Metric Penalty

Baseline Availability of the system: Greater than None
98.5% during business hours
Lower Availability of the system = 97% - 5% of the Quarterly
performance 98.5% during business hours payouts
Breach Availability of the system = Less than 8% of the Quarterly
97% during business hours payouts
1) A system is considered available when ping to application / database server
in the production environment (i.e. specifically data center only) receives a
response. A system will be considered as unavailable only when certain
minimum number of consecutive ping gets dropped as agreed between
BESCOM and Contractor during SLA automation.
2) The extent of availability (e.g. 99%) will be computed on a quarterly basis in
sync with the quarter deviation the internet at regular intervals as agreed
between Contractor and BESCOM during SLA automation.
3) Definition of business hours is 0700 hours – 2400 hours on all days of the
week. SI is required do all scheduled maintenance between 0001 hours and
0659 hours. SI shall take concurrence of BESCOM if schedule maintenance
is to be done during business hours. During such maintenance work, the
SLA automation tool implemented to compute availability of the system
shall be shut down.
4) “Quarterly payouts” refers to total of the following payments made to the
Contractor in a Quarter during the FMS/AMC Phase subsequent to the Go-

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9.7 ERP Performance Management

Sr. no. User Activity Maximum
Permissible time
1. Menu Navigation - To display the menu as per the <1 sec <3 sec
defined user role and profile

2. Screen Opening - To display the selected data entry <1 sec <2 sec
screen from the menu chosen

3. Field Navigation - To navigate between the data <1 sec <2 sec
entry fields in the screen

4. Look-up response time - To display items from list of <1 sec <2 sec
5. Look-up response time - To display items from table <5 sec <8 sec

6. Screen navigation - Time taken to navigate from <1 sec <2 sec
one screen (tab page) to another which does not
involve processing in earlier screen

7. Transaction commit - Response time taken to <2 sec <3 sec

commit a simple transaction like Store Issue
Indent, Stores Receipt Indent etc.

8. Query Retrieval Response Time - Simple query <5 sec <10 sec

9. Query Retrieval Response Time - medium complexity <8 sec <12 sec
10. Query Retrieval Response Time - High complexity <15 sec <20 sec
11. Reports Generation Response Time - Simple report <5 sec <10 sec

12. Reports Generation Response Time - Medium <30 sec <50 sec
complexity report

13. Reports Generation Response Time - High complexity <1 min <3 min

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9.8 Issue Severity Level & Resolution Time

9.8.1 Severity Level Following service levels will be applicable to the Contractor for handholding and
maintenance support specified below in table and also in clause 9.8.2.

Type of Metric Measure Threshold Expected Action /

Service Remarks
As per Delivery Initial Critical 1 Hour Initial review for Category,
Problem Response Priority and whether the
Non 4 Hour
Report PR has sufficient
(PR) information to understand
the problem

Assignment to respective
individual for analysis

Respond to initiator
informing of assignment for
further analysis
As per Delivery Complete Critical 6 Hour Detail analysis of Problem
Problem Analysis Non 2 Days Report and provide, root
Report / Critical cause, potential risk/
(PR) Resolutio Medium impact, effort estimate for
n resolution and closing of
the problem

1) Critical: Show-stopper application breakdown/crash. Has serious
implications on running the production server and has impacted all
business critical process. It has affected or may affect >50% of the user

2) Non-Critical

a. High: Serious degradation in the application performance. Has

impacted majority of the business process but still be able to
continue the operations with the system limitations? May have
serious implications on the data integrity. It has affected or may
affect, around 10% to 50% of the user community and also consider
the following issues:

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 Three or more offices are not able to access the integrated

 Integrated solution not available for more than two hours, in
any office
 Any downtime in the system that impacts the regulatory
requirement deadlines

b. Medium: Moderate degradation in the application performance No

implications on the data integrity. Has no impact on the normal
operations/day-to-day working. It has affected or may affect, <10% of
the user community and also consider the following issues:
 More than one and less than five offices are not able to
access the integrated solution
 Any one office is not able to use the integrated solution for
more than thirty minutes and less than two hours.
 Integrated Solution is available with severely degraded
performance or is extremely difficult to use. Average
response time of the application is more than 360 seconds
over WAN

c. Low: Applications are stable and has no impact on the day-to-day

working. It has affected or may affect a single user. For example,
knowledge related calls. Also consider the following issues:
 One office is directly affected leading to complete stoppage
in their work
 IT resource is available with slightly degraded performance
(response time is between 180 and 360 seconds over WAN),
although the work can continue

9.8.1 Resolution time Maximum time to log the call is defined as the time taken within which help
desk has to log a complaint in the system provided by the end user. Help desk
should provide the trouble ticket number to the end user within 30 min of logging
the complaint. Maximum time to restore is defined as the time taken to resolve the problem,
starting from the time of logging the complaint and within the time specified in
table below. Help desk should notify the end user within 30 min after resolution of

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Penalties for the Resolution for Critical Faults

Type Metric Penalty

Baseline A critical fault is resolved within 6 None
working hours of receipt of the request
Lower A critical fault is resolved between 6 – 8 1.25% of the Quarterly
performance working hours of receipt of the request payouts per fault
Breach A critical fault is resolved in more than 2.5% of the Quarterly
8 working hours of receipt of the payouts per fault

Penalties for Resolution for Non-Critical Fault

Type Metric Penalty

Baseline A non-critical fault is resolved within 2 None
working days of receipt of the request
Lower A non-critical fault is resolved between 0.5% of the Quarterly
performance 3-4 working days of receipt of the payouts per fault
Breach A non-critical fault is resolved in more than 4 1% of the Quarterly
working days of receipt of the request payouts per fault

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9.8.2 Incident Management

Parameter Description Target Penalty tools/

Incident All incidents/ 100% calls 1) 95%-99% calls 1) Inspection

logs events raised to be logged logged: 5% based on
with the IT and penalty on the count of
helpdesk intimated to monthly IT trouble
should be the end user support and tickets for
logged into with the Maintenance that month
the system by trouble charges of
the service ticket BESCOM. 2) Complaints
desk number 2) 90% - 95% calls register
within the logged and closed: maintained
time as 10% penalty on by Bidder
specified in the monthly IT and take
the support and signoff
Notification Maintenance from
and charges of respective
Resolution BESCOM. office head
time table of
above BESCOM

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Resolution All incidents/ 95% of calls 1) 95%-99% calls 1) Inspection

of issues events logged should be resolved: 5% based on
in the resolved penalty on the count of
Incident within the monthly IT trouble
management specified support and tickets for
system resolution Maintenance that month
should be time charges of
resolved specified in BESCOM.
within the the table 2) 90% - 95% calls
specified above resolved: 10%
restoration penalty on the
time monthly IT support
and Maintenance
charges of

9.8.3 Configuration Management

Parameter Description Target Penalty tools/
Backup & BESCOM would 100% 5% penalty would be 1) Audit Report
Restore periodically backup levied on the applicable
(once a quarter should be Yearly FMS Charges
on a random restored BESCOM, payable to the
day) request the within SI, if the vendor is not
SI to restore the agreed able to restore the
backup data time backup in the agreed

9.8.6 Breach of SLA

In case the SI does not meet the SLA parameters as defined above for 3
continuous time periods in a quarter, the purchaser will consider this a
breach of SLA and following actions will be taken:

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Supply, Installation, Commissioning, Implementation and Support for ERP Solution at BESCOM under IP The Purchaser will issue a show cause notice to the SI SI should reply to the notice within three (3) working days If the appropriate authority of the Purchaser is/are not satisfied with
the reply, the Purchaser may initiate appropriate provisions under this
contract including not limited to Clause 4.16 (Termination of Contract).

9.8.7 Exclusions
The SI will be exempted from any non-adherence to SLAs under the
following conditions:
a) Force Majeure
b) Delay due to BESCOM or other affiliated like DC, etc.

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10. Section X: Minimum Technical Specifications

10.1 Local Area Network

The project implementation team shall be responsible for recommending

Local Area Network requirement, in the feedback result, after the own As-Is

10.2 Software Specification

10.2.1 Help Desk System

Sr. Specifications Compliance Comments

no. (Yes / No) \

1. The Helpdesk system should provide flexibility of

logging incident manually via windows GUI and
web interface.

2. The web interface console of the incident tracking

system would allow viewing, updating and closing
of incident tickets.

3. The trouble-ticket should be generated for each

complaint and given to asset owner immediately
as well as part of email.

4. Helpdesk system should allow detailed multiple

levels/tiers of categorization on the type of
security incident being logged.

5. It should provide classification to differentiate the

criticality of the security incident via the priority
levels, severity levels and impact levels.

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6. It should allow SLA to be associated with a ticket

based on priority, severity, incident type,
requestor, asset, location or group individually as
well as collectively.

7. It should maintain the SLA for each item/service.

The system should be able to generate report on
the SLA violation or regular SLA compliance
8. It should be possible to sort requests based on
how close are the requests to violate their defined

9. It should support multiple work shifts for SLA &

automatic ticket assignment.

10 It should support the holiday definition & SLA

clock should stop on holiday or non-working days
from 9AM to 7PM for all working days (considering
six days a week - from Monday to Saturday.

11 It should allow the helpdesk administrator to

define escalation policy, with multiple levels &
notification, through easy to use window GUI/

12 System should provide a Knowledge base to store

history of useful incident resolution.
13 It should have an updateable knowledge base
for technical analysis and further help end-
users to search solutions for previously solved

14 It should be possible to specify an expiration date

to a document so that if the same becomes
irrelevant for an organization it will be
unpublished (removed/expired).

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15 The knowledge tools should provide grouping

access on different security knowledge articles for
different group of users.

16 Provide seamless integration to generate

events/incident automatically from NMS/ EMS.

17 Each incident could be able to associate multiple

activity logs entries manually or automatically
events/ incidents from other security tools or
18 Allow categorization on the type of incident being

19 Provide classification to differentiate the criticality

of the incident via the priority levels, severity
levels and impact levels.

20 Provide audit logs and reports to track the

updating of each incident ticket.

21 Proposed incident tracking system would be ITIL

22 It should be possible to do any customizations or
policy updates in flash with zero or very minimal
coding or down time.

23 It should integrate with Enterprise Management

System event management and support
automatic problem registration, based on
predefined policies.

24 It should be able to log and escalate user

interactions and requests.

25 It should support tracking of SLA (service level

agreements) for call requests within the help desk
through service types.

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26 It should be capable of assigning call requests to

technical staff manually as well as automatically
based on predefined rules, and should support
notification and escalation over email, web etc.

27 It should provide status of registered calls to end-

users over email and through web.

28 The solution should provide web based

administration so that the same can be performed
from anywhere.

29 It should have a customized Management

Dashboard for senior executives with live reports
from helpdesk database.

30 It should have an integrated Configuration

Management database for strong Change
Management capabilities. Should integrate with
existing Helpdesk deployed.

31 Configuration Management database should auto

populate the relationship between configuration

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10.2.2 Backup Management Software for Users

Sr. Specifications Compliance Comments

no. (Yes/ No) \

1. The proposed backup solution should be

available on various OS platforms such as
Windows and UNIX platforms and be capable
of supporting SAN based backup/ restore from
various platforms including Tru64 UNIX, HP-
UX, Linux, Open VMS, NetWare and Windows.

2. The proposed backup solution shall support

industry leading cluster solution such as
MSCS, MC Service Guard, and VERITAS

3. The proposed backup solution shall have same

GUI across heterogeneous platform to ensure
easy administration.

4. The proposed backup solution software has

inbuilt Java/Web based GUI for centralized
management of backup domain.

5. The proposed backup solution should support

tape mirroring of the same job running
concurrently with primary backup.

6. The proposed backup solution should allow

creating tape clone facility after the backup

8. The proposed backup solution shall be

configured with unlimited client and media
licenses for LAN based backup.

9. Online backup agents for LAN free backup for

all database servers should be quoted

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10. The proposed backup solution must not

require separate licensing when upgrading
from a lower end server (1-2 CPU-based
server) to higher end server (4-and CPU-based

11. The proposed backup solution supports the

capability to write up to 32 data streams to
a single tape device or multiple tape devices
in parallel from multiple clients to leverage
the throughput of the drives using
multiplexing technology.

12. The proposed backup solution support de-

multiplexing of data cartridge to another set
of cartridge for selective set of data for faster
restores operation to client/servers.

14. The proposed backup solution has in-built

frequency and calendar based scheduling

15. The proposed backup solution has certified

―hot-online‖ backup solution for different
type of databases such as Oracle, MS SQL,
Sybase etc.

16. The proposed backup software must support

open file support for Windows and Novell

17. The proposed backup solution must be able to

rebuild the backup database/catalog from
tapes in the event of catalog loss/corruption.

18. The proposed backup solution shall provide

granularity of single file restore.

19. The backup software should support object level


20. The proposed backup solution shall support

synthetic full back up so that an incremental
forever approach may be implemented, where
an actual full backup is no longer necessary
as it can be constructed directly from the
disk based incremental backups.

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21. The proposed backup solution shall be able to

copy data across firewall.

22. The proposed backup solution must support at

least AES 256-bit encryption capabilities.

23. The internal backup catalogue database should

not have a big foot print

24. The backup software should support object

based restore option which is one of the most
granular option available with any backup
software vendor.

25. The backup software should support instant

recovery of SQL and Oracle databases.

26. The backup software must be compatible with

the Tape Library.

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10.2.3 Enterprise Management System (EMS) & Network Management System (NMS) for
User Network Monitoring (LAN & WAN)

Sr. Parameter Specifications Compliance Comments

no. (Yes / No) \

1 Basic a. All modules of the EMS should

Requireme be of same OEM.
b. Solution should be inclusive
with hardware, OS, patches,
c. Solution should provide for
future scalability of the
whole system without
major architectural
d. changes.
Should be SNMP v1, v2, v3
and MIB-II compliant.

e. Filtering of events should be

possible, with advance sort
option based on components,
type of message, time etc.
f. Should support Web/
Administration Interface.

g. Should provide accessibility

to internal built-in database
via the Application GUI.
h. Solution should be open,
distributed, and scalable and
open to third party integration.

i. Should provide fault and

performance management
for multi-vendor TCP/IP
2 Security a. Should be able to provide
secured windows based
consoles as well as secured
web-based consoles for
accessibility to EMS.

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b. Should have web browser

interface with user name and
Password Authentication.
c. Administrator/ Manager
should have privilege to
create/modify/delete user.

3 Polling a. Support discriminated polling

b. Should be able to update
device configuration changes
such as re-indexing of ports.

4 Fault a. Should be able to get fault

Manage information in real time and
ment present the same in alarm
window with description,
affected component, time
stamp etc.

b. Should be able to get fault

information from
heterogeneous devices —
routers, switches, servers etc.

c. Event related to Servers should

go to a common enterprise
event console where a set of
automated tasks can be defined
based on the policy.
d. Should have ability to
correlate events across the
entire infrastructure

e. Should support automatic

event correlation in order to
reduce events occurring.

f. Should support advanced

filtering to eliminate
extraneous data / alarms in
Web browser and GUI.

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g. Should be configurable to
suppress events for key
systems/devices that are
down for routine
maintenance or planned

h. Should be able to monitor on

user-defined thresholds for
warning/ critical states and
escalate events to event
console of enterprise
management system.

i. Should be able to document

connectivity changes that
were discovered since the last

j. Should provide out of the box

root cause analysis with
multiple root cause algorithms
inbuilt for root cause analysis.

k. Should have self-certification

capabilities so that it can
easily add support for new
traps and automatically
generate alarms

l. Should provide sufficient

reports pertaining to asset and
change management, alarms
and availability of critical
network resources as well as
network response times for
critical links

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m. The tool shall integrate

network, server and database
performance information and
alarms in a single console and
provide a unified reporting
interface for network and
system components. The
current performance state of
the entire network and system
infrastructure shall be visible
in an integrated console.

n. Should provide an integrated

performance view for all the
managed systems and
networks along with the
various threshold violations
alarms in them. It should be
possible to drill-down into the
performance view to execute
context specific reports

o. Should provide the following

reports for troubleshooting,
diagnosis, analysis and
resolution purposes: Trend
Reports, At-A- Glance Reports,
Top N Utilization reports &
What-if capacity prediction

p. Should be able to auto-

calculate resource utilization
baselines for the entire
managed systems and
networks and allow user to set
corresponding upper and
lower threshold limits

5 a. Should provide accurate

Discov discovery of layer 3 and
ery heterogeneous layer 2
switched networks for
Ethernet, LAN and Servers etc.

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b. Manual discovery can be done

for identified network
segment, single or multiple

6 Presentation a. Should be able to discover links

with proper color status
propagation for complete
network visualization.

b. Should support dynamic

object collections and auto
discovery. The topology of the
entire Network should be
available in a single map.

c. Should give user option to

create his /or her map based
on certain group of devices or

d. Should provide custom

visual mapping of L2 and L3
devices connectivity and
7 Agents a. Should monitor various
operating system parameters
such as processors, memory,
files, processes, file systems
etc. where applicable using
agents on the servers to be

b. Provide performance threshold

configuration for all the agents
to be done from a central GUI
based console that provide a
common look and feel across
various platforms in the
enterprise. These agents could
then dynamically reconfigure
them to use these threshold
profiles they receive.

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8 Reporting a. Should able to generate

reports on predefined/
customized hours.

b. Should be able to present the

reports through web and also
generate ―pdf‖/CSV/ASCII
reports of the same.
c. Should provide user flexibility
to create his /or her custom
reports on the basis of time
duration, group of elements,
custom elements etc.
d. Should provide information
regarding interface utilization
and error statistics for
physical and logical links.
e. Should create historical
performance and trend
analysis for capacity planning.

f. Should be capable to send the

reports through e-mail to pre-
defined user with pre- defined
g. Should have capability to
exclude the planned-
downtimes or downtime
outside SLA.

h. Should be able to generate all

sorts of SLA Reports.

i. Should be able to generate

web-based reports, historical
data for the systems and
network devices and Near Real
Time reports on the local
management console.
j. Should be able to generate the
reports for Server, Application,
infrastructure services and
Network devices.

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9 a. Availability and Uptime –

Availability Daily, Weekly, Monthly and
Reports Yearly Basis

b. Trend Report

c. Top N report

d. Custom report
e. MTBF and MTTR reports

10 a. Device Performance – CPU

Performance and Memory utilized
b. Interface errors
c. Server and Infrastructure
services statistics

d. Trend report based on

Historical Information
e. Top N report
f. Custom report
g. SLA Reporting
h. Computation of SLA for
entire Infrastructure
i. Computation of SLA
for entire
11 Integration a. Infrastructure
Should be able to receive and
process SNMP traps from
infrastructure components
such as router, switch, servers

b. Should be able integrate with

Helpdesk system for

c. Should be able to send e-

mail or Mobile – SMS to pre-
defined users for pre-defined

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d. Should trigger automated

actions based on incoming
events/ traps. These actions
can be automated
scripts/batch files.

12 Network a. The Network Management

Management function must monitor
performance across
heterogeneous networks from
one end of the enterprise to
the other.

b. It should proactively analyze

problems to improve network
c. The Network Management
function should create a
graphical display of all
discovered resources.
d. The Network Management
function should have
extensive reporting facility,
providing the ability to format
and present data in a
graphical and tabular display

e. The Network Management

function should collect and
analyze the data. Once
collected, it should
automatically store data
gathered by the NMS system
in a database. This enterprise-
wide data should be easily
accessed from a central
location and used to help with
capacity planning, reporting
and analysis.
f. The Network Management
function should also collect
traffic statistics on client/server
sessions, which cross the LAN
on which it is running.

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g. The Network Management

function should also provide
information on performance of
Ethernet segments, including
capacity utilization and error
statistics for the segment and
the top contributing hosts,
WAN links and routers.

h. Alerts should be shown on the

Event Management map when
thresholds are exceeded and
should subsequently be able
to inform Network Operations
Center (NOC) and notify
concerned authority using
different methods such as
pagers, emails, etc.

i. It should be able to
automatically generate a
notification in the event of a
link failure to ensure proper
handling of link related issues.
j. The Systems and Distributed
Monitoring (Operating
Systems) of EMS should be
able to monitor:
h) Processors: Each processor
in the system should be
monitored for CPU
utilization. Current
utilization should be
compared against user-
specified warning and
critical thresholds.

ii) File Systems: Each file system

should be monitored for the
amount of file system space
used, which is compared to
user-defined warning and
critical thresholds.

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iii) Log Files: Logs should be

monitored to detect faults in
the operating system, the
communication subsystem and
in applications. The function
should also analyze the files
residing on the host for
specified string patterns.

iv) System Processes: The System

Management function should
provide real-time collection of
data from all system
processes. This should identify
whether or not an important
process has stopped
unexpectedly. Critical
processes should be
automatically restarted using
the System Management

v) Memory: The System

Management function
should monitor memory
utilization and available
swap space.

vi) Event Log: User-defined events

in the security, system, and
application event logs must be

13 SLA a. EMS should integrate with the

Monitoring application software
component of portal software
that measures performance of
system against the following
SLA parameters:
i) Response times of Portal

ii) Transaction handling

capacity of application

iii) Uptime of data centre

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iv) Meantime for

restoration of Data
Centre etc.

b. EMS should compile the

performance statistics from all
the IT systems involved
including the EQMS and
compute the average of the
parameters over a quarter,
and compare it with the SLA
metrics laid down in the RFP.

c. The EMS should compute the

weighted average score of the
SLA metrics and arrive at the
quarterly service charges
payable to the Agency after
applying the system of
penalties and rewards.

14 Reporting a. The Reporting and Analysis

tool should provide a ready-
to-use view into the wealth of
data gathered by Management
system and service
management tools. It should
consolidate data from all the
relevant modules and
transform it into easily
accessible business-relevant
information. This
information, should be
presented in a variety of
graphical formats can be
viewed interactively (slice,
dice, drill down, drill
b. The tool should allow
customers to explore the real-
time data in a variety of
methods and patterns and
then produce reports to
analyze the associated
business and service affecting

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c. The presentation of reports

should be in an easy to
analyze graphical form
enabling the administrator to
put up easily summarized
reports to the management for
quick action (Customizable
Reports). The software should
be capable of supporting the
needs to custom make some
of the reports as per the
needs of the organization.

d. Provide Historical Data

Analysis: The software should
be able to provide a time
snapshot of the required
information as well as the
period analysis of the same in
order to help in projecting the
demand for bandwidth in the

15 Enterprise a. Management layer should

Manageme provide ability to determine
nt which part of application is
creating performance issue

b. Ability to determine network

roundtrip times of your user

c. Ability to do usage trend


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d. Effective service level

management: Service levels
are important measures of
business performance. The
management layer should
provide the right measures for
the service level agreements
for business continuity and
operational efficiency. It
should monitor service
availability, performance,
usage, measure availability
and performance from
representative key user
locations, determine root
cause and impact of service
failures on overall service level

e. Application performance
management: The
management framework
should help in enhancing
system performance and
reliability of the system to
ensure improvement in the
overall operational efficiency.

f. Proactive monitoring: The

management framework
should provide for
proactive, unattended
monitoring of the database

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g. Configuration and patch

management: Management
platform must provide a tool
which tracks and analyzes
hardware, database, OS and
application server software
configurations and lowers the
cost of complex operations
such as applying software
patches, enforcing operational
policies and cloning core IT
infrastructure systems (such
as databases and application

h. Heterogeneous platform
Monitoring support: The
management platform must
provide support to monitor
multiple middle tier
application servers like Jboss,
IBM web sphere and MQ, BEA
weblogic, MS IIS server, MS
.Net Platform, multiple
database servers like DB2, MS
SQL, Oracle , multiple
directories servers like MS
active directory, Oracle
internet directory, multiple
Operating Systems like
Windows, linux and Unix and
multiple firewalls like Check
Point Firewall, Juniper
Netscreen Firewall and F5
BigIP Local Traffic Manager

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10.3 Users
Number of approximate user which would be used proposed modules of ERP,
specified below the table. The users use proposed all three ERP modules. The
HRMS module will be used to run payroll for 12500 (approx.) employees. Total
approx. concurrent no. of users, would be used ERP are 100-150 in BESCOM.
Mentioned no. of payroll employees and concurrent users would be increased in
future, it is just for reference of bidder.
The total Offices in BESCOM is given below

SOUTH 3 13 38
WEST 3 12 33
NORTH 3 11 35
EAST 3 13 42
BRAZ RMGC 4 18 61
KLRC 4 16 85
TMKC 4 19 81
DVGC 4 19 94
TOTAL 3 9 30 130 503

Please note that the number of users is given broadly for each module. The bidder
should thoroughly go through the Functional requirement and comply for the
same regarding the licensing of products required to meet the requirement. The
bidder is expected to cost for the same in the price bid
Sr. Office wise estimated no. of Users
Proposed ERP Division Sub Division
no. Corporate Zone Circle Section office
modules Office Office Total
(A) (B) (C) (D) (E) (F)
Finance and
1 100*1=100 10× 4 = 40 20*9=180 10*30=300 130*3=390 75*1=75 1075
2 HRMS -HCM 15 × 1 = 15 5 × 4= 20 5 × 9 = 45 3× 30 = 90 # # 170


3 ESS 1800
4 Payroll 13000

Note: * Approximate total no. of users are specified for proposed ERP modules.
* & # Purchaser any time increase or reduce the no. of users for any offices.

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11. SECTION XI: Pre-Qualification Requirement

and Technical Evaluation
11.1 Pre-Qualification Criteria

Pre-Qualifying requirements for Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM)

Technical Criteria
Requirement Description Supporting evidence required
1 The ERP OEM should be
incorporated in India under the
Companies Act 1956/Limited Certificate of incorporation
Liability Partnership Act 2008
for at least 10 years.
Offered ERP OEM product should
have at least five (5)
implementations in Government in
India with at least 300 ERP users
excluding payroll, ESS & MSS
where at least 3 out of following 5
functional areas are implemented- Work order / Purchase Order,
directly placed on OEM / through SI
 Finance Management / Agreement copy
 Project Management
 Inventory, Procurement
 Asset/ Maintenance
 Management
 Payroll/ HR/Employee Self

3 The ERP OEM Should have

implemented at least Five (5)
project of the offered product in
Power Transmission /
Distribution/ Generation Sector in Work Order / Purchase Order,
directly placed on OEM / through SI
India, with at least 500 ERP users
/ Agreement copy
excluding payroll, ESS & MSS in
each project where at least 3 out
of following 5 functional areas are
 Finance Management

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 Inventory, Procurement
 Asset/ Maintenance
 Payroll/ HR/Employee Self
 Business Intelligence
4 The ERP OEM should have Service
Level Agreement (SLA) based
support for various products
related issues with first level
support point in India. The
support should be available on Details of Support Services with
24x7x365 basis for Technical address of support centers in India
Assistance along with Self Certification by the
Centers (TAC) / Support Center authorized signatory of the OEM.
based in India with minimum
100+ team members for offering
post sales support including Tele
support for a minimum period of 7
years from the date of supply.
5 The OEM of the offered ERP
product should have at least five
(5) Implementation Partners / Self certificate by the ERP OEM along
System Integrators who must have with the list of five (5)
experience in implementation of implementation Partners / System
the proposed ERP product in Integrators
Govt./ Public Sector in India.

6 The ERP OEM product must be

the country specific version for
India with statutory requirements
Self Certifications by the
incorporated and should have a
authorized signatory of the OEM.
localization support in terms of
VAT, Excise, Income Tax, GST etc.
specific to India.
7 The ERP OEM must have at least
one office in Bangalore, India. The OEM to provide list of offices/
ERP OEM should have at least one development centers in India with
(1) development center in India nature of activities.

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8 A self certificate by the

The ERP OEM should not have authorized signatory of the OEM that
been blacklisted by any institution the OEM has not been blacklisted by
of Central/State Government any institution of Central /State
government is to be submitted
9 The ERP OEM Product should
have been integrated with
Non-ERP applications in at least
one company in government sector Self Certificate by the
in India (legacy applications viz, authorized signatory of the OEM
Billing, Stores Management,
Payroll,Projects, Assets
Management etc.) in last 5 Years

10 Proposed ERP Product must have Self-Declaration/Certification by the

inbuilt ―Audit Trail‖ functionality. authorized signatory of the OEM

Financial Criteria
11 The ERP OEM should have a Copy of Audited Annual Report for
turnover of Rs. 500 Crore in the last 3 financial years along with a
each of the last 3 financial certificate from Chartered
years i.e (2014-15, 2015-16 Accountant mentioning year wise
and 2016-17). turnover, profit and net worth

Pre-Qualifying requirements for Implementation Partner (IP)

Technical Criteria
Sr. Supporting evidence
Requirement Description
no. required
1 The IP should be incorporated in India
under the Companies Act 1956/ Limited Certificate of
Liability Partnership Act 2008
for at least 10 years.
2 The IP should be authorized by offered ERP OEM Authorization
ERP product OEM. Certificate
3 The IP should have implemented at least
Five (5) Projects of the offered ERP
Work Order / Purchase
product in India with atleast 100
Order And Successful
ERP users in each project where
Completion Certificate
atleast 3 out of following 5
functional areas are implemented in last
3 Years i.e upto 31st March 2017

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 Finance Management
 Sales & Distribution
 Inventory, Procurement
 Quality Management
 Payroll/ HR/Employee Self Service

4a) Should have work order of minimum 25

Crores with cumulative order value of
maximum Three (3) Projects in last three
financial years ( 2014-15, 2015-16 and
2016-17) of the offered ERP product in
Power Utility Sector (Transmission/
Generation/ Distribution) in INDIA where Work Order / Purchase
at least 3 out of following 5 functional Order from OEM to IP/
areas are covered: Customer

 Finance Management
 Project Management
 Inventory, Procurement
 Payroll/ HR/Employee Self Service
 Quality Management

5 At least 2 projects of the following modules

should have successfully completed in
Govt. Power Utilities with minimum 300
ERP users for each projects
Successful Completion
 Finance Management
 Project Management
 Inventory, Procurement
 Payroll/ HR/Employee Self Service
 Quality Management

6 The IP firm
a) Should have been certification valid as
on bidding date for SEI CMMi Level 5.
Copies of Valid certificates
b) Should have been valid certifications as
on bidding date for ISO/IEC-9001-2015
and ISO/IEC 27001-2013.

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7 The IP must have at least one office and

delivery center in Bangalore, India with Self Certificate & Shop
Minimum 250 Consultant Establishment Certificate

The IP must have Minimum 2000
Consultant of proposed ERP in India on
Self Certificate
their payroll

Financial Criteria
9b) The IP should have an minimum annual Copy of Audited Annual
turnover of above Rs. 350 Crore in any of Report for the last 3 financial
the one of last three financial years years along with a certificate
ending 31st March 2017 ( 2014-15, 2015- from Chartered accountant
16 and 2016-17) and Should have a mentioning year wise
Positive net worth in each of this years. turnover, profit and net
Liquid assets consisting of Cash in Hand The cash in hand, cash at
10 plus cash at bank plus term deposits with bank and term deposits with
bank plus availability of fund based credit bank as on 31/03/2017 or
facility in any scheduled commercial bank at a later date but before
as on 31/03/2017 or at a later date but opening of Technical bid
before opening of technical bid shall not shall be supported by a CA
be less than 25% of amount put to Tender. Certificate and the
availability of fund based
credit facility shall be
supported by a certificate
issued by any scheduled
commercial bank with whom
the bidder has the banking

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11.2 Technical Qualification Criteria for Bidders

Technical Evaluation Matrix for ERP OEM .-Maximum marks 30

Sr. Criteria Description Maxi Marks Respon
No mum Distribution se
. Marks
1 Experie Number of customers of the offered 15 Projects
nce in ERP product in Government Sector in implemented
Govern India (with at least 300 ERP users
ment excluding payroll, ESS & MSS) where 7 no. or above
Sector at least 3 out of the following 5 = 15 marks
India functions are implemented- 6 no = 10
ance Management
5 no = 5

2 Experie Number of customers of the offered 15 Projects

nce in ERP Product in Power Transmission / implemented
Govt. Distribution/ Generation Sector in
Power India, (with at least 500 ERP users 7 no. or above
Utility excluding payroll, ESS & MSS) in = 15 marks
Sector each project where at least 3 out of 6 no = 10
in India following 5 functional areas are marks
5 no = 5

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Technical Evaluation Matrix for Implementation Partner (IP) for Proposed

OEM ERP Product.

Maxim Marks
S.N Criteria Description um
o Distribution
1 Experience in The IP should have work order of 20
Implementati minimum 25 Crores with
on of the cumulative order value of Cumulative Order
offered ERP maximum Three (3) Projects in Value of greater
product in last three financial years ( 2014- than 30 Cr = 20
Power Utility 15, 2015-16,2016-17) of the
(Transmissio offered ERP product in Power Cumulative Order
n/ Utility sector (Transmission/ Value of greater
Generation/ Generation/ Distribution) in than 25 Cr To 30 Cr
Distribution) INDIA where at least 3 out of = 15
Sector following 5 functional areas are
covered — Cumulative Order
Finance Management Value of 25 Cr = 10
Project Management
Inventory, Procurement
Payroll/ HR/Employee Self
Quality Management
2 Experience in
a) Number of Projects where IP 20 Projects Experience
Implementati should have experience of For minimum 2
on of the implementation of the offered Projects
offered ERP ERP product in Power Utility
product in Sector (Transmission / More Than 700 ERP
Power Utility Generation / Distribution) in Users =20 marks
(Transmissio INDIA. 501- 700 ERP Users
n/ b) Atleast 2 projects should be of =10 marks
Generation/ 300 ERP users each in Govt 300 - 500 ERP Users
Distribution) Power Utilities with each project =5 marks
Sector having at least 3 out of following
5 functional areas are covered —
• Finance Management
• Project Management
• Inventory, Procurement
• Payroll/ HR/Employee Self
• Quality Management

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S.No Maximum
Criteria Description Marks
Marks Distribution
3 Presentatio
n by the The IP will be required As per evaluation
to make a presentation 15
bidder and carried out by the
reference to the representatives of Tender Committee of
site visit. the BESCOM. The BESCOM/
proposed project
manager along with the
identified key resources
should be present
during the presentation.

4 Turnkey The Implementation 10

Partner should have at
Project least one (1) turnkey
project work order of
supplying offered ERP
Product Licenses,
Implementation and

5 Approach & Approach & 5

Methodolog Methodology marking
y will be based upon IP
understanding of
BESCOM Scope of work
and Experience of
similar implemented govt

1) For Sl.No 2 Technical Criteria for Bidders, the IP shall be considered as a
Primary Contractor for ERP OEM back-to-back projects subject to
fulfilment of the other relevant conditions mentioned in the criteria.
Further, the bidder shall provide supporting evidence

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12. Section XII: Forms

Form: 1 Letter of Application

(On Company Letterhead of the Bidder)

To, Date: / /2018

The General Manager (ICT & MIS)

Bangalore Electricity Supply Company Limited,
4th Floor, Maharishi Aravinda Bhawan
Nrupatunga Road, Bangalore-560001,
Karnataka, India

Subject: Application for ―Supply, Installation, Commissioning, Implementation and

Support for Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Solution at BESCOM‖

Dear Sir,
 Being duly authorized to represent and act on behalf of <Name of
(here in after referred to as "the Applicant"), and
having reviewed and fully understood all the pre-qualification criteria
provided, the undersigned hereby apply to be pre-qualified by yourselves as a
Bidder for ―Supply, Installation, Commissioning, Implementation and Support
for ERP Solution at BESCOM‖.

 Attached to this letter are authenticated copies of original documents defining:

o The Applicant's legal status:

o The principal place of business:
o The place and date of incorporation/registration:
o Original or certified copies of Power of Attorney in favor of Authorized
Signatory in the standard format (refer Form: 7 (Proforma of Power of

 You and your authorized representatives are hereby authorized to conduct

any inquiries or investigations to verify the statements, documents, and
information submitted in connection with this application, and to seek

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clarification from our bankers and clients regarding any financial and
techno-commercial aspects. This Letter of Application will also serve as
authorization to any individual or authorized representative of any institution
referred to in the supporting information, to provide such information
deemed necessary and requested by yourselves to verify statements and
information provided in this application, or with regard to the resources,
experience, and competence of the applicant(s).
 You and your authorized representatives may contact the person(s) indicated in
Form: 2 (Particulars of ERP Product Vendor) and Form: 3 (Particular of
Implementation Partner) for further information. The undersigned is (are) fully
authorized to act on behalf of the Applicant.
 This Application is made in the full understanding that:
o Bids by Bidders will be subject to verification of all information submitted
against pre-qualification criteria at the time of tendering.

o You reserve the right to (i) Amend the scope and value of any contracts to be
tendered under this Project. (ii) Reject or accept any application, cancel the
Tendering process, and reject all applications.
o You and your personnel and agencies shall not be liable for any such actions
and shall be under no obligation to inform the Applicant of the grounds for

The undersigned declare that the statements made and the information
provided in the duly completed Application are complete, true and correct in
every detail.


Name & Designation

For and on behalf of
(Name of Applicant)
Company Seal:


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Form: 2 Particulars of ERP Product Vendor

Sr. Description Response

A General Information
1. Name of the Firm
2. Nationality of the Firm
3. Complete Address of Head/Registered Office
4. Name of the Contact Person
5. Telephone Number (with ISD & STD Code)
6. Fax Number (with ISD & STD Code)
7. E-Mail Address
8. Type of Firm (Proprietary / Partnership /
9. Private
Year and/ Public)
Place of Establishment
10. Firm is:
Y Member of a group of Companies (if
Yes, give name, address,
connection and description of other
11 ListYofSubsidiary of a large
countries where organization
offices located (if
12. List ofYes,
give full
ERP implemented
of the holding
B IndianCompany)
1. Head of Indian Operations
2. Indian Head/Registered Office Address
3. Name of the Contact Person
4. Telephone Number (with ISD & STD Code)
5. Fax Number (with ISD & STD Code)
6. E-Mail Address
7. Number of offices in India
8. Number of Development Centres in India
9. Number of full time employees
Y ERP Development Related
Y Others
10. Alliances / Partners
C Proposed ERP Product
1. Name
2. Version, if any
3. Release, if any
4. Database
5. Front-end
6. Dependencies on hardware
7. Dependencies on other software
8. Dependencies on other tools
D Support and Upgrades

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1. Describe support offered with respect to

upgrades, bug fixes, changes in statutes,
functional assistance, etc.
2. List support offices in India
3. Number of staff available for ERP support
Y In India
Y Internationally
Signature of Authorized Signatory:
Name of Authorized Signatory:

Designation of Authorized Signatory:

Official seal of the Company:

Note: Where the information cannot be provided in the table format, please furnish the
information on a separate sheet. Please ensure proper reference between the table row and the
additional sheet used.

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Form: 3 Particular of Implementation Partner

Sr. Description Response*

A General Information
1. Name of the Firm
2. Nationality of the Firm
3. Complete Address of Head/Registered Office
4. Name of the Contact Person
5. Telephone Number (with ISD & STD Code)
6. Fax Number (with ISD & STD Code)
7. E-Mail Address
8. Type of Firm (Proprietary/ Partnership /
Private/ Public)
9. Year and Place of Establishment
10. Firm is:
Y Member of a group of Companies (if
Yes, give name, address,
connection and description of other
Y Subsidiary of a large organization (if
Yes, give full details of the holding
11. Net worth (for global operations) at the end
of the last three financial years ending
March 2017 (Please attach document
certified by CA in practice)
12. Annual revenue (for global operations) in
the last three financial years ending March
2017 from ERP Product business (Please
attach certified annual reports for last
three years)
13. List of countries where offices located
14. List of countries where ERP implemented
B Indian Operations
1. Head of Indian Operations
2. Indian Head/Registered Office Address
3. Name of the Contact Person
4. Telephone Number (with ISD & STD Code)
5. Fax Number (with ISD & STD Code)
6. E-Mail Address
7. Number of years in India
8. Number of offices

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9. Number of employees working on

Y Implementation of proposed ERP
Y Support of proposed ERP
Y Others
10. Number of Consultants for proposed ERP
Y Technical
Y Functional
11. Number of employees categorized as
Y Certified by proposed ERP
Product Vendor (implementation
as well as support)
Y Certified by other ERP Product
Y Others

12. Net worth (for Indian operations) at the end

of the last three financial years ending
March 2017 (Please attach document
certified by CA in practice) for the proposed
ERP implementation business

13. Annual revenue (for Indian operations) in

the last three financial years ending March
2017 from ERP Product business (Please
attach certified annual reports) for the
proposed ERP implementation business

14. Please attach copies of Income Tax Returns

for the last three financial years ending
March 2017, Service Tax Registration
Number issued by the Competent
Authorities with details of

15. Alliances with ERP Product Vendors and

other Software Vendors
C Other information
1. Provide details of the implementations of
the proposed ERP Product internationally
in electricity utilities

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2. Provide details of largest implementation

internationally and in India of the ERP
Product in terms of turnover of the
company where implemented
3. Provide details of largest implementation
internationally and in India of the ERP
Product in terms of number of users

4. Provide details of projects in progress

internationally and in India for the
proposed ERP Product

5. Indicate number of experienced Consultants

to work on developing interfaces between
proposed ERP and other non-ERP
applications on your rolls
6. Indicate number of experienced Consultants
who have experience in implementing the
ERP with India localization features on your
7. Please provide details of quality
accreditation such as CMMi
8. Provide details of partnership with the ERP
Product Vendor

Signature of Authorized Signatory:

Name of Authorized Signatory:

Designation of Authorized Signatory:

Official seal of the Company:

* Note:
(i) Where the information cannot be provided in the above format, please furnish the
information on a separate sheet. Please ensure proper reference between the row number
(in above format) and the additional sheet used.

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Form: 6 Proforma for Bid Security /EMD


(To be stamped in accordance with Stamp Act. If any, of the Country of the issuing Bank)

Bank Guarantee No.:



The General Manager (ICT & MIS)

Bangalore Electricity Supply Company Limited,
4th Floor, Maharishi Aravinda Bhawan
Nrupatunga Road, Bangalore-560001,
Karnataka, India
Dear Sir/Madam,

In accordance with your Notice Inviting Tender no. ………………….. having its
Registered Head Office at ……………….. (herein after called the Bidder) wish to
participate in the said Tender for………………………….

As an irrevocable Bank Guarantee against Bid Security for an amount of …………. is

required to be submitted by the Bidder as a condition precedent for participation in
the said Tender, which amount is liable to be forfeited on the happening of any
contingencies mentioned in the Tender Document, we, the …………………………Bank
at …………………………………………………. Having our Head Office/ Registered Office
at ………………………………………………………………………………………... (Address of
Bank) guarantee and undertake to pay immediately on demand by Bangalore
Electricity Supply Company Limited the amount of
………………………………………..… (in word and figures) without any reservation,
protest, demur and recourse. Any such demand made by said Purchaser shall be
conclusive and binding in us irrespective of any dispute of difference raised by the

This Guarantee shall be irrevocable and shall remain valid up to @...................If any
further extension of this guarantee is required, the same shall be extended to such
required period on receiving instructions from M/s……………. …………………..on
whose behalf this Guarantee is issued.

All right of Bangalore Electricity Supply Company Limited under this Guarantee
shall be forfeited and the Bank shall be relieved and discharged from all liabilities
there under unless BESCOM brings any suit or action to enforce a claim under this

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Guarantee against the Bank with in ninety (90) calendar days from the above
mentioned expiry date of validity or, from that of that extended date.

In witness where of the Bank, through its authorized Office, has set its hand and
stamp on this ………………………. Day of ………………2018


------------------------- -----------------------
(Signature and Name) (Signature and Name)

--------------------------- --------------------------------------
(Official Address) (Designation with Bank Stamp)

Attorney as per Power of Attorney no…………………………………………………………..


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Form: 7 Proforma for Power of Attorney



incorporated under the Companies Act, 1956 (or equivalent Act/Law in case of
Foreign Bidders) and having its registered office at ……………………………………
(hereinafter referred to as ―the Company‖) has been authorized by the Board of
Directors of the Company, inter alia, to execute contracts in the name of and for and
on behalf of the Company. Whereas I consider it necessary and expedient that
……………………………………… of the Company be given the authority and
power to sign Tender, Contract, Deeds and Instruments including
amendments in connection with Tender for ―Supply, Installation,
Commissioning, Implementation and Support for ERP Solution at BESCOM‖
floated by Bangalore Electricity Supply C ompany Limited
(BESCOM/Purchaser) vide Tender Notice n o ………………………………..

I accordingly hereby nominate, constitute and appoint above

named………………………. severally, as my lawful attorney to do all or any of the
acts specifically mentioned immediately herein above.

I, the Executant do hereby agree and undertake to ratify and confirm

whatever either of the said Attorney shall lawfully do or cause to be done under and
by virtue of this power of Attorney and the Acts of Attorney to all intents and
purposes are done as if I had done the same on behalf of the Company if these
presents had not been made.

IN WITHNESS where I, ………………………………….. has executed these

presents this the …………………… day of ……………… at …………………………

………………………………………. ……………………………….
Specimen Signature of Attorney Signature of Executant

Name: Name:

Designation: Designation:

………………………………………. ………………………………
Specimen Signature of Attorney Signature of Executant

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Name: Name:

Designation: Designation:

…………………………………………. ……………………………….

Company Seal: Company Seal:

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Form: 8 Proforma for Declaration

I, (name of the Director or equivalent officer) of (address) hereby states that:

I am currently a Director (or equivalent officer) of ……………………………………

I understand that the Purchaser has provide an officer in relation to ―Supply,

Installation, Commissioning, Implementation and Support for ERP Solution at

I confirm that neither the Contractor nor any of the Contractor‘s Personnel shall
engage in any personal, business or professional activity (except activities which are
specifically excluded in conflict clause) which conflicts or could conflict with any of
their obligations in relation to this Project.

I confirm that I have made enquiries of all appropriate persons and taken other
steps as appropriate so as to obtain the knowledge and information as required to
make this declaration.

Words and expressions which are defined in the Tender Document issued by the
Purchaser have the same meaning when used in this Declaration.

I confirm that I have responded to this Tender Document strictly in line with it‘s
requirement as per the formats provided in the same and I understand that
deviations from any clause/instruction of the Tender Document will result in
rejection of my proposal at any phase of the Bid evaluation.

AND I MAKE this solemn declaration conscientiously believing the same to be true.

MADE AND DECLARED at this ………………………… day of ……………….2018

Authorized Signature



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Form: 9 Key Resources Proposed

Provide details of key resources of Project Implementation Team as applicable.

Sr. Name of Designation Role Proposed Remarks

no. Resource*
1. Project Manager (Full-
2 Functional Lead -
Project Accounts &
Finance Management
3 Functional Lead –
Asset Management
4 Functional Lead -
HRMS Management

5 Lead Programmer

6 Database

7 Infrastructure Lead

8 Change Management

[* Important Note: Except in case of resignation or severe injury or death of proposed

resource, replacement of key resources is strictly not allowed in the entire duration of the
contract without prior permission and formal approval of the Purchaser. In case replacement is
inevitable (only in the circumstances as specified above), the same should be done within thirty
(30) calendar days by providing another resource having equivalent profile (in terms of
qualification, experience, certification etc.) after obtaining formal approval from the Purchaser)

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Please provide the detailed CV of all the key resources (as mentioned above) in the
format given below:

Sr. Attribute Remarks

1. Proposed position (only one candidate
shall be nominated for each position)
2. Name of Firm
3. Name of Staff
4. Designation

5. Date of Birth

6. Nationality
7. Language (Speak/ Read/ Write)

8. Education (indicate college/university

and other relevant specialized
education of staff members, giving
names of institutions, degrees
obtained and year of completion)

9. Membership and professional


10. Other training (indicate significant

training / certification which are
relevant for this Project)

Project 1 Name:
Project Detail:
Position Held (from month/year-to
Individual‘s Role & Responsibilities:
Details of relevant projects where Individual‘s Deliverables:
staff has worked
Key Achievements:

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(Name of the ERP Product must be Project 2 Name:

mentioned in each ERP project)
Project Detail:
Position Held (from month/year-to
Individual‘s Role & Responsibilities:
Individual‘s Deliverables:
Key Achievements:
Project N Name:
Project Detail:
Position Held (from month/year-to
Individual‘s Role & Responsibilities:
Individual‘s Deliverables:
Key Achievements:

12. Countries of work experience

13. Employment Record From month/year-To month/year:

Position held:
Role & Responsibilities:
From month/year-To month/year:
Position held:
Role & Responsibilities:

14. Details of Certification(s)

15. Signature of Staff / Authorized

16. Date & Place From month/year-To month/year:
Position held:
Role & Responsibilities:

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Form: 10 Schedule of Payments

Phase Activity Payment Schedule Milestones

(A) Supply of 45% of cost quoted for On management confirmation
Hardware/equip Hardware/Equipment that material is received at
ment as per required for ERP Site as per the Work order
approved Bill of Implementation for DC
warranty and
charges. 45% of cost quoted for On System testing by Vendor &
testing, Hardware /Equipment management confirmation that
Commissioning required for ERP material installed &
l Cost
& Implementation for DC commissioned as per the Work
Configuration order
pment along
with Operating
installation as
per approved
Bill of quantity
DR Cloud Year 100% for year 1 cloud On Submission of Cloud
1 Chargesand charges quoted Charges for year 1

DR Cloud Year 100% for Yearly The Payment will be made

2-5 Charges cloud Charges Quoted quarterly on submission of the

(B ) Supply of ERP 100% of cost quoted for On management confirmation

Product ERP Product licenses that material (required No. of
ERP licenses and required for Pilot and ERP Product licenses and
Product other other Software/OS and other Software/OS etc.) is
and Software/OS ATS charges for 1st year received at Site as per the Work
Software etc. at site as for the Licenses. order.
Cost per approved ATS first year will be paid
Bill of Quantity quarterly on submission of

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Supply of ERP 100% of cost quoted for On management confirmation

Product ERP Product licenses that material (required No. of
licenses and required for Rollout and ERP Product licenses and
other other Software/OS and other Software/OS etc.) is
Software/OS ATS charges for 1st year received at Site as per the Work
etc. at site as for the Licenses. order.
per approved
Bill of Quantity
ATS charges from 100% of cost quoted for On Submission of ATS
2nd year to 5th ERP Product licenses
year invoice by the bidder in each
(C ) Finalization of 20% of cost quoted for On management confirmation
AS-IS Study and Implementation and that all the deliverables up to
TO-BE process Installation and including B l u e P r i n t
mapping along Report is completed and
with Blue Print. acceptance as per the Work
order and agreed & finalized
Instal Configuration 25% of cost quoted for On management confirmation
Project Plan.
lation and Testing of Implementation and that all the deliverables up to
Cost the ERP Installation and including Successful
software along Completion of all Testing of
with data ERP S/w has been completed
migration and accepted by Utility.

Integration with 10% of cost quoted for On management confirmation

other legacy Implementation and that all the deliverables up to
system /DC/DR Installation and including Integration
and RAPDRP Development with other legacy
Applications system/RAPDRP Applications
as required has been
10% of cost quoted for completed and Accepted
Upon Completion of all End by
User Training
Implementation and Utility.
User & Technical trainings and
Installation on supply of manuals

Pilot Go-live 10% of cost quoted for On successful completion of

Implementation and Go- Live and Issue of Go-Live
Installation Acceptance certificate from
10% of Hardware cost
for DC
On Complete Rollout 15% of cost quoted for
Implementation and

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On completion of Six 10% of cost quoted On successful completion of 6

months stabilization period for Implementation months of Stabilization Support
and Installation and Issue of Stabilization
Acceptance certificate from
(D ) Quarterly at end of On Submission of AMS invoice
Post Stabilization Annual each quarter for 12 by the bidder.
Maintenance Support for quarters.
ERP application for 3 years

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Form: 11 Proforma for Contract Performance Guarantee

Proforma for Bank Guarantee (For or Contract Performance Guarantee)

(To be stamped in accordance with Stamp Act, if any, of the Country of the issuing Bank)

Bank Guarantee no……………………………….

Date: / /2018
The General Manager (ICT & MIS)
Bangalore Electricity Supply Company Limited,
4th Floor, Maharishi Aravinda Bhawan
Nrupatunga Road, Bangalore-560001,
Karnataka, India

Dear Sir/Madam,
In consideration of the.... [Purchaser’s Name] ……………. (Hereinafter referred to
as the ‗Purchaser‘ which expression shall unless repugnant to the context or
meaning thereof, include its successors, administrators and assignees) having
awarded to M/s …………….. [Contractor’s Name] ……………… with its
Registered/Head Office at........................... . (Hereinafter referred to as the
‗Contractor‘), which expression shall unless repugnant to the context or meaning
thereof, include its successors, administrators, executors and assignees), a
Contract by issue of the Purchaser’s Letter of Acceptance no. ................ dated
.................. and the same having been acknowledged by the Contractor, for
…………… [Contract sum in figures and words] for ………. [Scope of Work] and the
Contractor having agreed to provide a Contract Performance Guarantee for the
faithful performance of the entire Contract equivalent to ten percent (10%) of the
Contract Price of the aforesaid work under the Contract to the Purchaser.

We............... [Name & Address of the Bank]..…........ having its Head Office
at................... (hereinafter referred to as the ‗Bank‘, which expression shall, unless
repugnant to the context of meaning thereof, include its successors, administrators,
executors and assignees) do hereby guarantee and undertake to pay the Purchaser, on
demand any and all monies payable by the Contractor to the extent of ............... ……….
(*) ............................. as aforesaid at any time up to.......................................................
(@) ........... [days/month/year] without any demur, reservation, contest, recourse or
protest and/or without any reference to the Contractor. Any such demand made by the
Purchaser on the Bank shall be conclusive and binding notwithstanding any difference
between the Purchaser and the Contractor or any dispute pending before any Court,
Tribunal, Arbitrator or any other authority. The Bank undertakes not to revoke this
guarantee during its currency without previous consent of the Purchaser and further
agrees that the guarantees herein contained shall continue to be enforceable till the

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Purchaser discharges this guarantee or till ……………[day/month/year] whichever is

The Purchaser shall have the fullest liberty, without affecting in any way the liability of
the Bank under this guarantee, from time to time to extend the time for performance of
the Contract by the Contractor. The Purchaser shall have the fullest liberty, without
affecting this guarantee, to postpone from time to time the exercise of any powers vested
in them or of any right which they might have against the Contractor, and to exercise
the same at any time in any manner, and either to enforce or to forbear to enforce any
covenants, contained or implied, in the Contract between the Purchaser and the
Contractor or any other course or remedy or security available to the Purchaser. The
Bank shall not be released of its obligations under these presents by any exercise by the
Purchaser of its liberty with reference to the matters aforesaid or any of them or by
reason of any other act or forbearance or other acts of omission or commission on the
part of the Purchaser or any other indulgence shown by the Purchaser or by any other
matter or thing whatsoever which under law would, but for this provision have the effect
of relieving the Bank.
The Bank also agrees that the Purchaser at its option shall be entitled to enforce this
Guarantee against the Bank as a principal debtor, in the first instance without
proceeding against the Contractor and notwithstanding any security or other guarantee
that the Purchaser may have in relation to the Contractor‘s liabilities.

Our liability under this Bank Guarantee shall not exceed …………………..

This Bank Guarantee shall be valid up to and including ………………………

We are liable to pay the guaranteed amount or any part thereof under this Bank
Guarantee only and only if the Purchaser serve upon Bank a written claim or demand
within ninety (90) calendar days from the above mentioned expiry date of validity or,
from that of the extended date.

Dated this……………………. day of ………………………….. 2018



…………………………… ……………………….
(Signature) (Signature)

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…………………………. ……………………….
(Name) (Name)

……………………………. ………………………………………..
(Official Address) (Designation with Bank Stamp)

Attorney as per with Power of
Attorney no…………………….
Dated / /

Note: The stamp paper of Rs. 500/- value shall be purchased in the name of guarantee issuing

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Form: 12 Proforma for Contract Agreement

** To be finalized when DWA issued.

THIS AGREEMENT made the ……………………….. day of ………………… between

……………… of …………………… (herein after ―the Purchaser‖) of the one part, and
………………………………….. of (herein after ― the Contractor‖),of the other part:

WHEREAS the Purchaser invited bids for Supply, Installation & Implementation of
and Support for ERP Solution in BESCOM and has accepted a Bid by the Contractor
for the same in the sum Of …………………………. (hereinafter ―the Contract Price‖).


1. In this Agreement words and expressions shall have the same
meanings as are respectively assigned to them in the Contract referred to.
2. The following documents shall be deemed to form and be read and construed
as part of this Agreement, viz.:
(a) The Purchaser‘s Notification (LoA) to the Contractor of Award of Contract
(b) The Bid Forms (including Price Bid) submitted by the Contractor
(c) The Special Conditions of Contract
(d) The General Conditions of Contract
(e) The Scope of Work (including FRS and TRS)
(f) ……………………….
(g) ……………………….
This Contract shall prevail over all other Contract documents. In the event of
any discrepancy or inconsistency within the Contract documents, then the
documents shall prevail in the order listed above.
3. In consideration of the payments to be made by the Purchaser to the
Contractor as indicated in this Agreement, the Contractor hereby
covenants with the Purchaser to provide the goods and services and to
remedy defects therein in conformity in all respects with the provisions of
the Contract.
4. The Purchaser hereby covenants to pay the Contractor in consideration of the
provision of the goods and services and the remedying of defects therein, the
Contract Price or such other sum as may become payable under the provisions of
the Contract at the times and in the manner prescribed by the Contract.

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IN WITNESS whereof the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be

executed in accordance with the laws of ……….. ………………….on the day, month
and year indicated above.

Signed by ………………………………………….. (For the Purchaser)

Signed by …………………………………………. (For the Contractor/Lead Member)

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Form: 13 Compliance with the Scope of Work

The bidder shall meet all the mandatory compliance criteria. The following table depicts
key components of the Scope of Work. Failure in meeting the mandatory compliance
criteria will result in disqualification of the bidder. Please fill the following form:

Sr. Scope of Work Response

A Product Related
1. Proposed ERP Product Name of the
2. Proposed ERP Product Version Name
Version / Number

3 Proposed ERP product Yes/No

with Offline Functionality
for all Modules

4. Modules proposed Name of Modules

5. Is the ERP Product Yes/No


6. Warranty ( Including Yes/No

Annual Technical Support)
from ERP Product Vendor
for a period of five (5)
calendar years from the
date of Final Acceptance of
ERP Solution
7. Does the ERP Product Yes/No
support 24x7 operations
since the business units
work on all the three shifts
and requisitions from the
stores may happen at any
time of the day.
8. Database(DB) proposed Name of DB

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Sr. Scope of Work Response


9. DB server configuration, Yes/No

administration, trouble
shooting and Performance
10. Installation of applications, Yes/No
database and related tools

11. Maintenance of database Yes/No

and other tools including
application of patches

12. Taking necessary backup, Yes/No

performing necessary
13. restores
High availability/failover Yes/No
system is considered
(clustering etc.)
14. Bolt-on Application Name of Bolt- on

15. Brief functionality of bolt- Functionality

on software

16. Developed code for the The title, rights and IPR Yes/No
software over such customization
will be passed on to the

B Implementation Related

17. Detailed Project Plan Yes/No

indicating the key phases
and activities of the
Project and the expected
timeline is proposed in
Techno- commercial Bid

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18. The Contractor conduct Yes/No

an ‗As-Is‘ business
process and information
requirement study at the
Purchaser‘s unit level

19. Based on ‗As-Is‘ Business Yes/No

Process and Information
Requirement study, the
Bidder will prepare a
task level ‗To-Be‘
Business Process

20. Solution Development

21. Configuration of modules Yes/No

as per agreed ‗To- Be‘

22. Based on the agreed Yes/No

Business Solution Design
Document, the Bidder will
prepare solution prototype
(including all
23. customization, interfaces
Interfacing of bolt-ons Yes/No
24. System Integration Tests Yes/No
will be done

25. Availability of ESS screens Yes/No

in English
26. Provide the entire Yes/No
necessary ICT
infrastructure (Hardware,
networking, all software
and other tools) during
development and testing

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Sr. Scope of Work Response


27. Business Solution Design


28. The Purchaser expects that Yes/No

the prototype validation
will go through multiple
iterations (often referred to
as Business Solution
Design Simulation
sessions). Changes to the
solution must be presented
to the users in next round
of BSDS. This will be an
iterative process till the
29. The
BSDS BSDS validation
is signed-off asmust Yes/No
be conducted
acceptable by in
PMUa formal
set up with proper test
scripts prepared by the
Contractor and approved
by the Purchaser. The
feedback provided to the
Bidder after each round of
BSDS must be
documented and
submitted to PMU. The
30. User Acceptance Testing action on feedback will be
approved by PMU.
31. User acceptance tests shall Yes/No
be carried both on the
development server & on
production server to
ascertain the full load
capability of the
production environment
(Full load and stress test).

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Sr. Scope of Work Response


32. Performance and stress Yes/No

testing will be done using
tools other than those
provided by the ERP
Product Vendor.
33. Go-live Acceptance Test

34. The Go-live Acceptance Yes/No

Tests shall be conducted
jointly by the Bidder and
the Purchaser in
35. Access Control Matrix for accordance with the
User roles in ERP approved test scripts.

36. The Bidder will submit an Yes/No

Access Control Matrix
Template to the Purchaser.
Once the template is filled
up by the Purchaser, the
Bidder will configure the
Access Control Matrix in
C Master Data Related the ERP application.

37. Preparation of master Yes/No

data list in consultation
with the Purchaser for
machinery, parts,
consumables, stores, raw
material etc.

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Sr. Scope of Work Response


38. Preparation of Yes/No

codification scheme for
all the master data,
wherever applicable, in
consultation with the

39. Preparation of codes for Yes/No

all the above mentioned
products in consultation
with the Purchaser

40. Data preparation and Yes/No

entry of all master data
in the ERP Solution

D Data Conversion Related

41. Identifying the data Yes/No
elements to be converted/
collected based on
business requirement

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Sr. Scope of Work Response


42. Preparing formats in Yes/No

which the identified data
elements must be
collected to facilitate data
clearly categorizing
mandatory and optional

43. Data preparation, data Yes/No

entry, data migration and
data digitization of data
provided by the
Purchaser in physical
register or any other form

44. The Bidder must validate Yes/No

the data in terms of

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Sr. Scope of Work Response


45. The Bidder will prepare Yes/No

necessary data
conversion scripts and
document the same.
He will also identify /
provide necessary reports
to facilitate verification of
data converted.

46. The Bidder will execute Yes/No

data conversion on test
instance for each data
element and get sign- off
from the Purchaser in
terms of adequacy and

47. The Bidder will clean the Yes/No

data entered by them
from the register after
validation by the

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Sr. Scope of Work Response


48. Bidder should assign a Yes/No

resident full-time GM
(ICT &MIS) with
qualifications as specified
in this Tender Document

E Document Management System

49. Document digitization Yes/No
and indexing

50. Document history Yes/No

F Handholding and Maintenance Support

51. Provide on-site post Yes/No

implementation support
for a period of five (5)
From Date of Final

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Sr. Scope of Work Response


52. The Contractor shall Yes/No

deploy at least four (4)
dedicated skilled resources
at the Purchaser premise
for help desk support from
9AM to 7PM for all
working days (considering
six days a week - from
Monday to Saturday) of
the Purchaser and its
business units for a period
of five (5) calendar years
from the date of first Go-
live of ERP Solution. Help
Desk support shall
include, but not limited to,
basic menu / screen level
support, addressing
general queries of users,
logging requests, assigning
requests to specific help
desk individuals, recording
resolution, tracking overall
time taken for resolution,

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53. The Contractor shall Yes/No

provide technical support,
in a suitable on-site and
off-site combination, from
9AM to 7PM for all working
days (considering six days
a week - from Monday to
Saturday) of the Purchaser
and its business units for a
period of five (5) calendar
years from the date of first
Go-live of ERP Solution. If
off-site support model is
proposed by the
Contractor, total (fixed &
variable) cost of network
connectivity (leased
line/VPN) between
Contractor‘s Support
Centre and Purchaser‘s
data centre has to be
borne by the Contractor
and also at least two (2)
technical persons should
be deployed at data centre
for day-to-day operations.
Technical support shall
include, but not limited to,
installation of new versions
/ releases (including next
generation release)
upgrades, bug fixes,
enhancements, patches to
cater to changes (including
tax, legal, statutory and
policy requirements), any
54. Have you suggested Yes/No
modification or
appropriate SLA for
enhancement to existing
maintenance support?
business, changes to
customizations, database
administration, data back-
up and archiving, security
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and other technical
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Sr. Scope of Work Response


55. Annual Technical Yes/No

Support (ATS) of ERP
Product for a period of
five (5) calendar years
from the date of supply of

56. The support should include Yes/No

supply of new versions /
releases (including next
generation release)
upgrades, bug fixes,
functionality enhancements
and patches to cater to
changes (including tax,
legal, statutory and policy
requirements) along with
related documentation
within thirty (30) calendar
days of their availability in
India and not later than
twelve (12) calendar months
after they are released in
the Country of Origin as
G Training and Change Management
well as other technical
57. ERP Product / Solution support from ERP Product Yes/No
Overview Training for Vendor‘s help desk.
Steering Committee &
Project Management Unit
members at the
beginning of

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58. Technical Training for Yes/No

Purchaser‘s Technology
Team members at the
beginning of the

59. Functional Training for Yes/No

Purchaser‘s Core Team
members at the
beginning of

60. End User Training for Yes/No

Purchaser‘s end users
spread across all the
location before each Go-
61. Change management Yes/No
programs as per agreed

H ICT Infrastructure Procurement

62. Network (LAN & WAN) Yes/No
design for Purchaser‘s
business locations

Sr. Scope of Work Response


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63. Visit to key locations for IT Yes/No

Hardware & Network
requirement and sizing

64. A tentative hardware list Yes/No

is provided

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Form: 14 Declaration on not being blacklisted

(To be submitted on the Letterhead of the Company)


The General Manager (ICT & MIS)

Bangalore Electricity Supply Company Limited,
4th Floor, Maharishi Aravinda Bhawan
Nrupatunga Road, Bangalore-560001,
Karnataka, India

Dear Sir/Madam,

We confirm that our company is not blacklisted for any fraudulent actions by
BESCOM or by any state/central Government institution or any Public Sector

It is hereby confirmed that I/We are entitled to act on behalf of our company/
corporation/firm/ organization and empowered to sign this document as well as
such other documents, which may be required in this connection.


Name & Designation

For and on behalf of

Name of Applicant

Company Seal:



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Form: 15 Implementation Experience

ERP Implementation Project Information (one form for each project reference duly
certified by authorized signatory)
(provide details of projects executed, and as per required criteria mentioned in RFP,
in specified financial years ending with 31st March 2017)
1 Client Information
Name of client
Name of the person who can be referred
to from Client‘s side, with name,
designation, postal address, contact
phone, fax no., email id
Nature of business / operations of client
Revenue/Budget (in case of Government
dept.) of the client
Size of operations of customer impacted
by the solution in terms of turnover,
2 Project Details
Brief description of the Project
Functional areas of business covered in
the project
Implementation Geographical Location/
Number of Locations / business units at
which the project is implemented
Project Value in INR
Duration of engagement (with Start date
and end-date/expected end-date)
Scope of the Project (Consulting, ERP
Implementation, Networking, Training,
Post- Implementation,)
Details of the Solution in terms of the
Modules implemented
Version of Product Implemented
Current version of the product
Information about upgrade
3 Supporting Documents
(As per specified in RFP)
Relevant experience certificates/
documents issued by the Customer
indicating the successful completion of
the project

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Form: 16 OEM Authorization to Bid

(To be submitted on the Letterhead of the Company)

The General Manager (ICT & MIS)
Bangalore Electricity Supply Company Limited,
4th Floor, Maharishi Aravinda Bhawan
Nrupatunga Road, Bangalore-560001,
Karnataka, India
Sub: Authorization of <Company name of SI) to Provide Services Based on our
product (s)

Dear Sir/Madam,

This is to certify that I/We am/are the Original Equipment Manufacturer in respect of
the products listed below. I/We confirm that <name of SI> (―SI‖) is a certified partner to
provide implementation services of our solution and have due authorization from us to
provide services, to BESCOM that are based on our product(s) listed below as per
Request for Proposal (RFP) document relating to providing of the project of ERP Solution
We further endorse the warranty, technical support and licensing terms provided by SI
Sr. Product Name Version

(Authorized Signature (In full and Initial)

Name & Designation

For and on behalf of

Name of Applicant

Company Name Company Seal


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Form: 17 Quality Assessment Details (CMMi Level)

(To be submitted on the Letterhead of the Company)


The General Manager (ICT & MIS)

Bangalore Electricity Supply Company Limited,
4th Floor, Maharishi Aravinda Bhawan
Nrupatunga Road, Bangalore-560001,
Karnataka, India

Dear Sir/Madam,

We would like to provide/confirm the following information on the quality

certification of our organization.

Level of CMMi Assessment

Date of Assessment
Validity of the Assessment
Name of the Assessing company and their contact details
Units/Locations Assessed
Mandatory Supporting Documents
Proof of Assessment issued by auditors

We have attached a copy of the certificate in support of the above information.

Dated this ___ day of ___201_

(Authorized Signature (In full and Initial)

Name & Designation

For and on behalf of (SI‘s Name)
Name of Applicant

Company Name Company Seal:

Place: Date:

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Form: 18 Hardware Bill of Materials

(To be submitted on the Letterhead of the Company)

The General Manager (ICT & MIS)
Bangalore Electricity Supply Company Limited,
4th Floor, Maharishi Aravinda Bhawan
Nrupatunga Road, Bangalore-560001,
Karnataka, India

Dear Sir/Madam,

We would like to provide/confirm the following information on the Bill of Materials

for Hardware to be procured for DC and DR.

MODEL Specification
Sl.No Item Description UOM Quantity OEM
Data Center Infrastructure
1. Web server Number
2. Number
3. Database server Number
4. Training server Number
5. Number
6. Number
7. Number
equipment 1
8. Number
equipment 2
9. Number
equipment … n
10. system support Number
/ licenses
11. for application Number
12. software support Number
/ licenses
Anti-virus for the
13. Number

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Any other server

14. Number

Disaster Recovery – Hosted on cloud Bidder to Detail the cloud service

provider as well as the specification of
the cloud infrastructure

(Authorized Signature (In full and Initial)

Name & Designation

For and on behalf of (SI‘s Name)
Name of Applicant
Company Name: Company Seal:

Form: 19 The Legal entity of OEM

Details of the Organization

Nature of the legal status in India
Nature of business in India
Date of Incorporation
Date of Commencement of Business
Registrar of Companies - Reference no.
Address of the Headquarters
Address of the Registered Office in India
Other Relevant Information
Mandatory Supporting Documents:

a) Certificate of Incorporation from Registrar of Companies(ROC) Relevant

sections of Memorandum of Association of the company or filings to the
stock exchanges to indicate the nature of business of the company
b) Certification on commencement of business

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Form: 20 Technical Specification Confirmation

(To be submitted on the Letterhead of the Company)

The General Manager (ICT & MIS)
Bangalore Electricity Supply Company Limited,
4th Floor, Maharishi Aravinda Bhawan
Nrupatunga Road, Bangalore-560001,
Karnataka, India

Dear Sir/Madam,

Please find the Responses to the Technical Specification

Sr. System Functional Requirements Bidder’s Explanation to

no. Response be provided by
the Bidder (If
1. Specify if real-time data update
among modules in the ERP Solution
is supported?
2. Does the system support distributed
3. Does the system support the TCP/IP
protocol stack?
4. Please specify other network protocols
supported by the proposed ERP

5. Can the system data be kept on

storage media with high tolerance of
failure, such as RAID5 technology?
6. Please also specify other types of
fault-tolerance storage technology
that are supported.

7. Is Auto-switching failover to other

available server supported in case of
server failure?

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Sr. System Functional Requirements Bidder’s Explanation to

no. Response be provided by
the Bidder (If
8. Does the system support load
9. Is the system Scalable? Give details of
upward scalability in terms of
maximum number of users and the
maximum volume of transactions
that can be supported.

10. Please specify whether the following

types of system implementation tools
are provided:

(a) Quick implementation/

configuration tools

(b) Development tools (e.g. report

writer, screen painter, programming
language, etc.).
(c) Debugging, auditing and testing
tools (for both functional and
performance testing)
(d) Provision for remote patch and
version administration

11. Does the ERP Solution support front

end based on user requirements for
the following items :
(a) Screen design

(b) User‘s desktop (e.g. color, font

size, font style)
(c) Menu bar

(d) Toolbar

(e) Varying screens and formats for

different users of the same module

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Sr. System Functional Requirements Bidder’s Explanation to

no. Response be provided by
the Bidder (If
12. Specify policy on future upgrades and
Future product release. Also explain
your product lifecycle management
with product-technology roadmap for
the next 5 years.
13. The upgrades should have minimal
impact to the system installed on the
following areas :

(a) Configured parameters

(b) Customized programs
(c) Modified standard program source

14. Do you provide notification and

patches of system enhancements and
fixes to the Purchaser after
implementation on a proactive basis?
Does ATS cover this ?
15. How many versions have been
released in last five (5) years* (period
ending Mar 2018)? Please specify
detail of versions, month/year of
release, and the changes made with
each release*
16. Are there any major upgrades due? (If
so when are these expected?)*
17. Will the above upgrade affect
adversely the current version?
(Provide information as to what extent
it will affect)

18. Does the ERP system support

Multiple Languages e.g. English,
Kannada & Hindi and any other
languages ?

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Sr. System Functional Requirements Bidder’s Explanation to

no. Response be provided by
the Bidder (If
19. Is the system configurable in terms
of data retention, automatic time-
outs to adapt various work load and
usage pattern?
20. Does the system offer ‗Fast-path‘
options for speedier navigation in the
21. Does the system provide data
archiving capabilities, which can,
selectively, archive inactive/obsolete
data into separate storage media?
22. Does the system synchronize the time
(clock) with other Third Party
23. Please specify the utility used to
synchronize the time (clock) with
other Third Party software.

24. Does the system support real time
updates or interfaces with software
from other Vendors, or in-house
developed systems, including system
like SCADA, Other Data Acquisition
Systems, Oracle Developer, FoxPro
DBF files etc.?
25. Does the system support data
conversion tools? Please specify the
data conversion tools provided?

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Sr. System Functional Requirements Bidder’s Explanation to

no. Response be provided by
the Bidder (If
26. Does the system have an inbuilt e-
mail tool?

27. Does the system support e-mail

integration with systems such as
Microsoft's Outlook Express, Novell‘s
GroupWise, and Lotus Notes etc.?
28. Please specify other supported e-mail

29. Can the system integrate with SMS

gateway to allow SMS alerts and
capable to send automatic mail
30. Please specify if the GUI can be
supported on all the following OSs
without the need of any Third Party
(a) Microsoft Windows variants

(b) Unix (Variants)

(c) Linux (Distribution)

If not, then specify the software
31. Please also specify remote access
software that is supported.
32. Does the system support access via
the Internet with secured

33. Please specify how it is supported

and the functions that are

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Sr. System Functional Requirements Bidder’s Explanation to

no. Response be provided by
the Bidder (If

34. Does the system support interfacing

with PDA, Mobiles, Smart Card
readers, Biometric Card readers,
RFID devices, data acquisition
systems etc.
35. Does the system support the upload
and download of the following type of
documents into/from the system:

(a) Microsoft Word files

(b) Microsoft Excel files
(c) Adobe acrobat files
(d) Engineering drawing (AutoCAD /
Micro-Station) files
(e) Data files (including ASCII formats
like *.csv etc.)
(f) Image files (all formats)
(g) Microsoft PowerPoint files
(h) Microsoft Project files

36. Does the system support data export

and import facility to variety of
databases and other software
37. Does the system provide details of
user activity/security violation for

38. Does the system restrict users from

unauthorized access by allowing only
the authorized users with valid
profile/password to access only the
allowed transaction, as well as be
capable of restricting access to
unauthorized users?

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Sr. System Functional Requirements Bidder’s Explanation to

no. Response be provided by
the Bidder (If
39. Does the system have multiple levels
of security such as Objects,
Transactions, Forms, and Process
40. Does the system have a capability to
assign activities to roles, and map
roles to users and provide role based
access to users?
41. Does the system have a capability to
track changes to fields or settings
(for audit trail)?
Can this audit functionality be
customized and based on changing
criteria as per the user requirement?

42. Does the system track User ID,

Terminal, Session etc. as a part of
the audit trail?

43. Is the system capable of

encrypting/decrypting sensitive

44. Does the system include parameters

on global and user level security?
Specify the configurable security
parameters provided by the software?
45. Does the system provide user and
user group authorization
administration tool to assign security
levels to functions and data, and
allow the access by users/ by groups
with valid security level only?
46. Does the system have the feature of
automatic log-off if there is no user
activity for a specified time period?

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Sr. System Functional Requirements Bidder’s Explanation to

no. Response be provided by
the Bidder (If
47. Does the system provide backup and
recovery facility?
48. Does the system support backup of
database while in operation?
49. Is it possible to schedule a backup/
restore task?
50. Does the system have the ability to
run multiple backup tasks in
51. Does the system support parallel
52. Does the system have the ability to
manually override scheduled backup
53. Does the system have the ability to
produce a report for each backup/
restore task?
54. Does the system support direct
backup of data from one machine to
another / from server to back tapes /
CDs / Storage Area Network etc.?

55. Does the system support transaction
processing monitor with easy to use
56. Does the system provide database
administration with reporting

57. Does the system have system

monitoring with reporting facility?

58. Does the system provide performance

monitoring with reporting facility?

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Sr. System Functional Requirements Bidder’s Explanation to

no. Response be provided by
the Bidder (If
59. Does the system provide performance
tuning tools?
60. Does the system provide for
transaction reversal option?
61. Is the system compatible with Third
Party system monitoring package,
such as 4P Open View, CA-Unicentre,
IBM Policy Director, or other Network
Management software etc.?

62. Does the system have the ability to

report the following system alerts to
administrator ?:
(a) Network alert
(b) Database alert
(c) Operating system alert
63. Does the system provide methods to
manage and prioritize batch jobs
64. Does the system support job
65. Does the system offer graphics and
charting capabilities?

66. Will you provide the following

(a) Product Manuals
(b) Functional specification (with the
transaction, report and field level
descriptions, dataflow diagrams,
performance parameter, high level
database and application design)

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Sr. System Functional Requirements Bidder’s Explanation to

no. Response be provided by
the Bidder (If
67. Does the system support handling of
errors in the following manner ? :
(a) Error logging

(b) Ability to redo/ rollback a

transaction after recovery from
software/hardware failure to ensure
data integrity
(c) Is the data deletion controlled
centrally as per the defined policy?

68. Does the system restrict users from

deleting data directly unless
authorized to do so?

69. Does the system support logical

deletion first and physical deletion
should be done only as per the
company policy either at day end or
month end to allow the reversal of
deletion by user whenever
70. Are Temporary data, table or files
generated by the system
automatically managed by the system
71. Does the system allow multiple users
to access the same module
simultaneously ?
72. Can the system display data
according to users specified sorting
order and selection criteria?
73. Does the system allow designing of
workflow with the ability to define
business rules, alerts and triggers
without programming?

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Sr. System Functional Requirements Bidder’s Explanation to

no. Response be provided by
the Bidder (If
74. Does the system support creation of
secondary workflow attached to a

75. Does it support Issue management

for tracking of document threads
against an issue (e.g. document
thread against a court case, dispute
76. Does the system provide utilities to
automate report distribution
process, so that user is notified after
a report is generated to facilitate
easy retrieval?
77. Does the system provide separate
module for implementing Knowledge
Management solution having the
following capabilities?
(c) System should provide fast
access to knowledge repository as
per defined security norms and
(d) System shall have capability to
analyze contribution and/or usage
by groups and users to knowledge
78. Does the system provide database
and application programs migration
tool, which allows migrating database
or server application programs from
one server to another?
79. Does the system support version
control to maximize the productivity
of parallel teams as well as to
minimize rework or confusion?

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Sr. System Functional Requirements Bidder’s Explanation to

no. Response be provided by
the Bidder (If
80. Please specify the order used in
creation of objects for performing
export and import of objects*

81. Please convey if the following
benchmarks can be met:

For low complexity transactions:

(iv) 90% of online update transaction-
3 seconds
(v) 90% of online enquiry transaction- 3
(vi) Batch update transaction-2 hours

For medium complexity transactions:

(iv) 90% of online update transaction-
4 seconds
(v) 90% of online enquiry transaction- 4
(vi) Batch update transaction- 3 hours

For high complexity transactions:

(iv) 90% of online update transaction-
5 seconds
(v) 90% of online enquiry transaction- 5
(vi) Batch update transaction- 7 hours

82. Bandwidth requirements:

(a) Specify typical bandwidth

requirements for transmitting ERP
data from one location to another
location per user
(b) Specify typical bandwidth
requirements for transmitting
information between the client,
application server and the database
per user

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Sr. System Functional Requirements Bidder’s Explanation to

no. Response be provided by
the Bidder (If
(c) Specify typical bandwidth
requirement for transmitting ERP
data from a thin client server to thin
client nodes deployed using
communication link per user

83. Can transaction be previewed or
simulated for analyzing accuracy
and effect of transaction before it
taking affect?
84. Can transactions be rolled back?
85. Is drill down to all kind of reports
86. Can any document or report be
previewed before printing?

87. Can report distribution be

automated, so that user is notified
after report is generated and the user
retrieves report after notification?
88. Does the system provide
functionality to users in
generating reports on their own
without involving technical
89. Does the system provide user-friendly
interfaces and generate graphical
reports and queries?
90. Does system support India specific
requirements e.g. taxes, duties &
other government levies and statutory
requirements, payroll etc.? What is
the roadmap for make the system
compatible with upcoming
regulations on IFRS and GST?

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Sr. System Functional Requirements Bidder’s Explanation to

no. Response be provided by
the Bidder (If
91. Are any industry specific solutions
available for Electricity Utilities with
an emphasis on power transmission?
92. If yes, the provide list of Industry
specific list of modules/functionality
Time for which these modules are
commercially available
93. List of reference sites where these
modules have been implemented
94. Does the system have comprehensive
help facility wherein the users can
obtain system specific technical/
functional help on line?
95. Does the system maintain a database
of FAQ(s)?
O LICENSING- If Licensing
96. Specify the licensing models for
Limited/Full, Employee Service etc.
you are offering
97. Can the system generate relevant
transaction documents, number and
time stamp for future reference and
98. The system should allow
transactions through Leased lines,
Microwave, GSM/WLL connection,
99. Does the system architecture allow
minimizing modifications so as to
preserve the package upgrade path?

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Sr. System Functional Requirements Bidder’s Explanation to

no. Response be provided by
the Bidder (If
100. Is the system‘s solution based on
shared and reusable architectures,
that is, applications, systems and
infrastructure are characterized as
service-oriented, component-based &
101. Does the system provide for multi-
tiered architectures with separate
rule engine and reporting layer?
102. Does the system support
interoperability to the extent that
business processes, application and
data can be shared and integrated
across the enterprise with potential
business partners?
103. Does the system provide application
architectures that are highly
granular and loosely coupled?

Help Desk System

Sr. Specifications Compliance Comments

no. (Yes / No) \

1. The Helpdesk system should provide flexibility of

logging incident manually via windows GUI and
web interface.

2. The web interface console of the incident tracking

system would allow viewing, updating and closing
of incident tickets.

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3. The trouble-ticket should be generated for each

complaint and given to asset owner immediately
as well as part of email.

4. Helpdesk system should allow detailed multiple

levels/tiers of categorization on the type of
security incident being logged.

5. It should provide classification to differentiate the

criticality of the security incident via the priority
levels, severity levels and impact levels.

6. It should allow SLA to be associated with a ticket

based on priority, severity, incident type,
requestor, asset, location or group individually as
well as collectively.

7. It should maintain the SLA for each item/service.

The system should be able to generate report on
the SLA violation or regular SLA compliance
8. It should be possible to sort requests based on
how close are the requests to violate their defined

9. It should support multiple work shifts for SLA &

automatic ticket assignment.

10 It should support the holiday definition & SLA

clock should stop on holiday or non-working days
from 9AM to 7PM for all working days (considering
six days a week - from Monday to Saturday.

11 It should allow the helpdesk administrator to

define escalation policy, with multiple levels &
notification, through easy to use window GUI/

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12 System should provide a Knowledge base to store

history of useful incident resolution.
13 It should have an updateable knowledge base
for technical analysis and further help end-
users to search solutions for previously solved

14 It should be possible to specify an expiration date

to a document so that if the same becomes
irrelevant for an organization it will be

15 unpublished
The (removed/expired).
knowledge tools should provide grouping
access on different security knowledge articles for
different group of users.

16 Provide seamless integration to generate

events/incident automatically from NMS/ EMS.

17 Each incident could be able to associate multiple

activity logs entries manually or automatically
events/ incidents from other security tools or
18 Allow categorization on the type of incident being

19 Provide classification to differentiate the criticality

of the incident via the priority levels, severity
levels and impact levels.

20 Provide audit logs and reports to track the

updating of each incident ticket.

21 Proposed incident tracking system would be ITIL

22 It should be possible to do any customizations or
policy updates in flash with zero or very minimal
coding or down time.

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23 It should integrate with Enterprise Management

System event management and support
automatic problem registration, based on
predefined policies.

24 It should be able to log and escalate user

interactions and requests.

25 It should support tracking of SLA (service level

agreements) for call requests within the help desk
through service types.

26 It should be capable of assigning call requests to

technical staff manually as well as automatically
based on predefined rules, and should support
notification and escalation over email, web etc.

27 It should provide status of registered calls to end-

users over email and through web.

28 The solution should provide web based

administration so that the same can be performed
from anywhere.

29 It should have a customized Management

Dashboard for senior executives with live reports
from helpdesk database.

30 It should have an integrated Configuration

Management database for strong Change
Management capabilities. Should integrate with
existing Helpdesk deployed.

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31 Configuration Management database should auto

populate the relationship between configuration

Backup Management Software for Users

Sr. Specifications Compliance Comments

no. (Yes/ No) \

1. The proposed backup solution should be

available on various OS platforms such as
Windows and UNIX platforms and be capable
of supporting SAN based backup/ restore from
various platforms including Tru64 UNIX, HP-
UX, Linux, Open VMS, NetWare and Windows.

2. The proposed backup solution shall support

industry leading cluster solution such as
MSCS, MC Service Guard, and VERITAS

3. The proposed backup solution shall have same

GUI across heterogeneous platform to ensure
easy administration.

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4. The proposed backup solution software has

inbuilt Java/Web based GUI for centralized
management of backup domain.

5. The proposed backup solution should support

tape mirroring of the same job running
concurrently with primary backup.

6. The proposed backup solution should allow

creating tape clone facility after the backup

8. The proposed backup solution shall be

configured with unlimited client and media
licenses for LAN based backup.

9. Online backup agents for LAN free backup for

all Oracle database servers should be quoted

10. The proposed backup solution must not

require separate licensing when upgrading
from a lower end server (1-2 CPU-based
server) to higher end server (4-and CPU-based

11. The proposed backup solution supports the

capability to write up to 32 data streams to
a single tape device or multiple tape devices
in parallel from multiple clients to leverage
the throughput of the drives using
multiplexing technology.

12. The proposed backup solution support de-

multiplexing of data cartridge to another set
of cartridge for selective set of data for faster
restores operation to client/servers.

14. The proposed backup solution has in-built

frequency and calendar based scheduling

15. The proposed backup solution has certified

―hot-online‖ backup solution for different
type of databases such as Oracle, MS SQL,
Sybase etc.

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16. The proposed backup software must support

open file support for Windows and Novell

17. The proposed backup solution must be able to

rebuild the backup database/catalog from
tapes in the event of catalog loss/corruption.

18. The proposed backup solution shall provide

granularity of single file restore.

19. The backup software should support object level


20. The proposed backup solution shall support

synthetic full back up so that an incremental
forever approach may be implemented, where
an actual full backup is no longer necessary
as it can be constructed directly from the
disk based incremental backups.

21. The proposed backup solution shall be able to

copy data across firewall.

22. The proposed backup solution must support at

least AES 256-bit encryption capabilities.

23. The internal backup catalogue database should

not have a big foot print

24. The backup software should support object

based restore option which is one of the most
granular option available with any backup
software vendor.

25. The backup software should support instant

recovery of SQL and Oracle databases.

26. The backup software must be compatible with

the Tape Library.

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Enterprise Management System (EMS) & Network Management System (NMS) for
User Network Monitoring (LAN & WAN)

Sr. Parameter Specifications Compliance Comments

no. (Yes / No) \

1 Basic a. All modules of the EMS should

Requireme be of same OEM.
b. Solution should be inclusive
with hardware, OS, patches,
c. Solution should provide for
future scalability of the
whole system without
major architectural
d. changes.
Should be SNMP v1, v2, v3
and MIB-II compliant.

e. Filtering of events should be

possible, with advance sort
option based on components,
type of message, time etc.
f. Should support Web/
Administration Interface.

g. Should provide accessibility

to internal built-in database
via the Application GUI.
h. Solution should be open,
distributed, and scalable and
open to third party integration.

i. Should provide fault and

performance management
for multi-vendor TCP/IP
2 Security a. Should be able to provide
secured windows based
consoles as well as secured
web-based consoles for
accessibility to EMS.

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b. Should have web browser

interface with user name and
Password Authentication.
c. Administrator/ Manager
should have privilege to
create/modify/delete user.

3 Polling a. Support discriminated polling

b. Should be able to update
device configuration changes
such as re-indexing of ports.

4 Fault a. Should be able to get fault

Manage information in real time and
ment present the same in alarm
window with description,
affected component, time
stamp etc.

b. Should be able to get fault

information from
heterogeneous devices —
routers, switches, servers etc.

c. Event related to Servers should

go to a common enterprise
event console where a set of
automated tasks can be defined
based on the policy.
d. Should have ability to
correlate events across the
entire infrastructure

e. Should support automatic

event correlation in order to
reduce events occurring.

f. Should support advanced

filtering to eliminate
extraneous data / alarms in
Web browser and GUI.

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g. Should be configurable to
suppress events for key
systems/devices that are
down for routine
maintenance or planned

h. Should be able to monitor on

user-defined thresholds for
warning/ critical states and
escalate events to event
console of enterprise
management system.

i. Should be able to document

connectivity changes that
were discovered since the last

j. Should provide out of the box

root cause analysis with
multiple root cause algorithms
inbuilt for root cause analysis.

k. Should have self-certification

capabilities so that it can
easily add support for new
traps and automatically
generate alarms

l. Should provide sufficient

reports pertaining to asset and
change management, alarms
and availability of critical
network resources as well as
network response times for
critical links

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m. The tool shall integrate

network, server and database
performance information and
alarms in a single console and
provide a unified reporting
interface for network and
system components. The
current performance state of
the entire network and system
infrastructure shall be visible
in an integrated console.

n. Should provide an integrated

performance view for all the
managed systems and
networks along with the
various threshold violations
alarms in them. It should be
possible to drill-down into the
performance view to execute
context specific reports

o. Should provide the following

reports for troubleshooting,
diagnosis, analysis and
resolution purposes: Trend
Reports, At-A- Glance Reports,
Top N Utilization reports &
What-if capacity prediction

p. Should be able to auto-

calculate resource utilization
baselines for the entire
managed systems and
networks and allow user to set
corresponding upper and
lower threshold limits

5 a. Should provide accurate

Discov discovery of layer 3 and
ery heterogeneous layer 2
switched networks for
Ethernet, LAN and Servers etc.

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b. Manual discovery can be done

for identified network
segment, single or multiple

6 Presentation a. Should be able to discover links

with proper color status
propagation for complete
network visualization.

b. Should support dynamic

object collections and auto
discovery. The topology of the
entire Network should be
available in a single map.

c. Should give user option to

create his /or her map based
on certain group of devices or

d. Should provide custom

visual mapping of L2 and L3
devices connectivity and
7 Agents a. Should monitor various
operating system parameters
such as processors, memory,
files, processes, file systems
etc. where applicable using
agents on the servers to be

b. Provide performance threshold

configuration for all the agents
to be done from a central GUI
based console that provide a
common look and feel across
various platforms in the
enterprise. These agents could
then dynamically reconfigure
them to use these threshold
profiles they receive.

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8 Reporting a. Should able to generate

reports on predefined/
customized hours.

b. Should be able to present the

reports through web and also
generate ―pdf‖/CSV/ASCII
reports of the same.
c. Should provide user flexibility
to create his /or her custom
reports on the basis of time
duration, group of elements,
custom elements etc.
d. Should provide information
regarding interface utilization
and error statistics for
physical and logical links.
e. Should create historical
performance and trend
analysis for capacity planning.

f. Should be capable to send the

reports through e-mail to pre-
defined user with pre- defined
g. Should have capability to
exclude the planned-
downtimes or downtime
outside SLA.

h. Should be able to generate all

sorts of SLA Reports.

i. Should be able to generate

web-based reports, historical
data for the systems and
network devices and Near Real
Time reports on the local
management console.
j. Should be able to generate the
reports for Server, Application,
infrastructure services and
Network devices.

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9 a. Availability and Uptime –

Availability Daily, Weekly, Monthly and
Reports Yearly Basis

b. Trend Report

c. Top N report

d. Custom report
e. MTBF and MTTR reports

10 a. Device Performance – CPU

Performance and Memory utilized
b. Interface errors
c. Server and Infrastructure
services statistics

d. Trend report based on

Historical Information
e. Top N report
f. Custom report
g. SLA Reporting
h. Computation of SLA for
entire Infrastructure
i. Computation of SLA
for entire
11 Integration a. Infrastructure
Should be able to receive and
process SNMP traps from
infrastructure components
such as router, switch, servers

b. Should be able integrate with

Helpdesk system for

c. Should be able to send e-

mail or Mobile – SMS to pre-
defined users for pre-defined

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d. Should trigger automated

actions based on incoming
events/ traps. These actions
can be automated
scripts/batch files.

12 Network a. The Network Management

Management function must monitor
performance across
heterogeneous networks from
one end of the enterprise to
the other.

b. It should proactively analyze

problems to improve network
c. The Network Management
function should create a
graphical display of all
discovered resources.
d. The Network Management
function should have
extensive reporting facility,
providing the ability to format
and present data in a
graphical and tabular display

e. The Network Management

function should collect and
analyze the data. Once
collected, it should
automatically store data
gathered by the NMS system
in a database. This enterprise-
wide data should be easily
accessed from a central
location and used to help with
capacity planning, reporting
and analysis.
f. The Network Management
function should also collect
traffic statistics on client/server
sessions, which cross the LAN
on which it is running.

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g. The Network Management

function should also provide
information on performance of
Ethernet segments, including
capacity utilization and error
statistics for the segment and
the top contributing hosts,
WAN links and routers.

h. Alerts should be shown on the

Event Management map when
thresholds are exceeded and
should subsequently be able
to inform Network Operations
Center (NOC) and notify
concerned authority using
different methods such as
pagers, emails, etc.

i. It should be able to
automatically generate a
notification in the event of a
link failure to ensure proper
handling of link related issues.
j. The Systems and Distributed
Monitoring (Operating
Systems) of EMS should be
able to monitor:
i) Processors: Each processor
in the system should be
monitored for CPU
utilization. Current
utilization should be
compared against user-
specified warning and
critical thresholds.

ii) File Systems: Each file system

should be monitored for the
amount of file system space
used, which is compared to
user-defined warning and
critical thresholds.

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iii) Log Files: Logs should be

monitored to detect faults in
the operating system, the
communication subsystem and
in applications. The function
should also analyze the files
residing on the host for
specified string patterns.

iv) System Processes: The System

Management function should
provide real-time collection of
data from all system
processes. This should identify
whether or not an important
process has stopped
unexpectedly. Critical
processes should be
automatically restarted using
the System Management

v) Memory: The System

Management function
should monitor memory
utilization and available
swap space.

vi) Event Log: User-defined events

in the security, system, and
application event logs must be

13 SLA a. EMS should integrate with the

Monitoring application software
component of portal software
that measures performance of
system against the following
SLA parameters:
j) Response times of Portal

ii) Transaction handling

capacity of application

iii) Uptime of data centre

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iv) Meantime for

restoration of Data
Centre etc.

b. EMS should compile the

performance statistics from all
the IT systems involved
including the EQMS and
compute the average of the
parameters over a quarter,
and compare it with the SLA
metrics laid down in the RFP.

c. The EMS should compute the

weighted average score of the
SLA metrics and arrive at the
quarterly service charges
payable to the Agency after
applying the system of
penalties and rewards.

14 Reporting a. The Reporting and Analysis

tool should provide a ready-
to-use view into the wealth of
data gathered by Management
system and service
management tools. It should
consolidate data from all the
relevant modules and
transform it into easily
accessible business-relevant
information. This
information, should be
presented in a variety of
graphical formats can be
viewed interactively (slice,
dice, drill down, drill
b. The tool should allow
customers to explore the real-
time data in a variety of
methods and patterns and
then produce reports to
analyze the associated
business and service affecting

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c. The presentation of reports

should be in an easy to
analyze graphical form
enabling the administrator to
put up easily summarized
reports to the management for
quick action (Customizable
Reports). The software should
be capable of supporting the
needs to custom make some
of the reports as per the
needs of the organization.

d. Provide Historical Data

Analysis: The software should
be able to provide a time
snapshot of the required
information as well as the
period analysis of the same in
order to help in projecting the
demand for bandwidth in the

15 Enterprise a. Management layer should

Manageme provide ability to determine
nt which part of application is
creating performance issue

b. Ability to determine network

roundtrip times of your user

c. Ability to do usage trend


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d. Effective service level

management: Service levels
are important measures of
business performance. The
management layer should
provide the right measures for
the service level agreements
for business continuity and
operational efficiency. It
should monitor service
availability, performance,
usage, measure availability
and performance from
representative key user
locations, determine root
cause and impact of service
failures on overall service level

e. Application performance
management: The
management framework
should help in enhancing
system performance and
reliability of the system to
ensure improvement in the
overall operational efficiency.

f. Proactive monitoring: The

management framework
should provide for
proactive, unattended
monitoring of the database

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g. Configuration and patch

management: Management
platform must provide a tool
which tracks and analyzes
hardware, database, OS and
application server software
configurations and lowers the
cost of complex operations
such as applying software
patches, enforcing operational
policies and cloning core IT
infrastructure systems (such
as databases and application

h. Heterogeneous platform
Monitoring support: The
management platform must
provide support to monitor
multiple middle tier
application servers like Jboss,
IBM web sphere and MQ, BEA
weblogic, MS IIS server, MS
.Net Platform, multiple
database servers like DB2, MS
SQL, Oracle , multiple
directories servers like MS
active directory, Oracle
internet directory, multiple
Operating Systems like
Windows, linux and Unix and
multiple firewalls like Check
Point Firewall, Juniper
Netscreen Firewall and F5
BigIP Local Traffic Manager

Dated this ___ day of ___201_

(Authorized Signature (In full and Initial)

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Name & Designation

For and on behalf of (ERP OEM‘s Name)

Company Name: Company Seal:


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Form: 21 Patent Rights/copyrights confirmation

(To be submitted on the Letterhead)

The General Manager (ICT & MIS)
Bangalore Electricity Supply Company Limited,
4th Floor, Maharishi Aravinda Bhawan
Nrupatunga Road, Bangalore-560001,
Karnataka, India

Sub: Undertaking on Patent Rights/copy rights during implementation of ERP Solution


I/We do hereby undertake that none of the deliverables being provided by us is

infringing on any patent or intellectual and industrial property rights as per the
applicable laws of relevant jurisdictions having requisite competence.

I/We also confirm that there shall be no infringement of any patent or intellectual and
Industrial property rights as per the applicable laws of relevant jurisdictions having
requisite competence, in respect of the equipment‘s, systems or any part thereof to be
supplied by us.

We shall indemnify BESCOM against all cost/claims/legal claims/liabilities arising from

third party claim in this regard at any time on account of the infringement or
unauthorized use of patent or intellectual and industrial property rights of any such
parties, whether such claims arise in respect of manufacture or use. Without prejudice
to the aforesaid indemnity, we shall be responsible for the completion of the supplies of
the software/applications including upgrades as and when they are made available and
uninterrupted use of the software solution and/or system or any part thereof to
BESCOM and persons authorized by BESCOM, irrespective of the fact of claims of
infringement of any or all the rights mentioned above.

If at a later date it is found that it does infringe on patent rights, I/We absolve BESCOM
of any legal action and BESCOM will have the right to claim damages.

Yours faithfully,

On behalf of [ERP OEM‘s Name]

Authorized Signature [In full and initials]
Name and Title of Signatory:
Company Name: Company Seal
Place: Date:

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Form: 22 Support Commitment from ERP OEM

(To be submitted on the Letterhead)

The General Manager (ICT & MIS)

Bangalore Electricity Supply Company Limited,
4th Floor, Maharishi Aravinda Bhawan
Nrupatunga Road, Bangalore-560001,
Karnataka, India

Sub: Undertaking on providing support during Implementation and Post


Dear Sir/Madam,
We the provider of ERP system, do hereby undertake that our products being
implemented by <<SI‘s corporate name>>, pursuant to the Request for Proposal
(RFP) document relating to providing of the ERP Implementation, training &
maintenance services, to BESCOM will have support from OEM During
implementation and As well post implementation till end of the contract

Dated this ___ day of ___201_

Yours faithfully,

On behalf of [ERP OEM‘s Name]

Authorized Signature [In full and initials]
Name and Title of Signatory:
Company Name: Company Seal

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Form: 23 Solution commitment from ERP OEM

(To be submitted on the Letterhead)

The General Manager (ICT & MIS)

Bangalore Electricity Supply Company Limited,
4th Floor, Maharishi Aravinda Bhawan
Nrupatunga Road, Bangalore-560001,
Karnataka, India

Dear Sir/Madam,

We, the original owners of the ERP system, would like to confirm that the components
proposed to be licensed to BESCOM, against the functional requirements elaborated in
the RFP and shared with by the SI (company name), meets the requirements of
BESCOM both in terms of functional coverage and scale of operations.

Dated this ___ day of ___201_

Yours faithfully,

On behalf of [ERP OEM‘s Name]

Authorized Signature [In full and initials]
Name and Title of Signatory:

Company Name: Company Seal



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Form: 24 Undertaking on Personnel

(To be submitted on the Letterhead)

The General Manager (ICT & MIS)

Bangalore Electricity Supply Company Limited,
4th Floor, Maharishi Aravinda Bhawan
Nrupatunga Road, Bangalore-560001,
Karnataka, India

Sub: Undertaking on Personnel

Dear Sir/Madam,

1. I/We do hereby undertake that those persons whose profiles were part of the
basis for evaluation of the bids and have been identified as ―Key Personnel‖ of the
proposed team, including Project Director,Technical/Solution Architects,
Network/Database Expert, Business Analyst, and Domain Expert for the design
and development and implementation of ERP system and shall be deployed
during the Project as per our bid submitted in response to the RFP.

2. I/we undertake that all the resources proposed for deployment on the Project at
BESCOM site are Indian Citizens as per the Citizen Act and we are open for
verification and security clearance of the above resources by BESCOM.

3. We undertake that any of the identified ―Key Personnel‖ shall not be removed or
replaced without the prior written consent of BESCOM.

4 Under exceptional circumstances, if the Key Personnel are to be replaced or

removed, we shall put forward the profiles of personnel being proposed as
replacements, which will be either equivalent or better than the ones being
replaced. However, whether these profiles are better or equivalent to the ones
being replaced will be decided by BESCOM. BESCOM will have the right to accept
or reject these substitute profiles.

5. We also undertake to staff the Project with competent team members in case any
of the proposed team members leave the Project either due to voluntary severance
or disciplinary actions against them.

6. We acknowledge that BESCOM has the right to seek the replacement of any
member of the Project team being deployed by us, based on the assessment of

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BESCOM that the person in question is incompetent to carry out the tasks
expected of him/her or found that person does not really possess the
skills/experience/qualifications as projected in his/her profile or on the ground
of security concerns or breach of ethics.

7. In case we assign or reassign any of the team members, we shall be responsible,

at our expense, for transferring all appropriate knowledge from personnel being
replaced to their replacements within a reasonable time.

Yours faithfully,

On behalf of [SI‘s Name]

Authorized Signature [In full and initials]
Name and Title of Signatory:

Company Name: Company Seal




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Form: 25 Commitment on latest Software delivery

(To be submitted on the Letterhead)


The General Manager (ICT & MIS)

Bangalore Electricity Supply Company Limited,
4th Floor, Maharishi Aravinda Bhawan
Nrupatunga Road, Bangalore-560001,
Karnataka, India

Dear Sir/Madam,

I/We do hereby confirm to deliver the latest versions of the software as available on the
date of delivery on mutually agreed terms, that addresses the requirements of BESCOM,
pursuant to the Request for Proposal (RFP) document relating to providing of the ERP
Application and associated software components, Implementation, training and
maintenance services, Information Technology Infrastructure and System Integration
services to BESCOM at the same cost committed in the Price proposal.

Yours faithfully,

On behalf of [SI‘s Name]

Authorized Signature [In full and initials]
Name and Title of Signatory:

Company Name: Company Seal




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RFP for Supply, Installation, Commissioning, Implementation and Support for ERP Solution at BESCOM

Form: 26 Project Plan & Resource Deployment Plan

(a) Project plan: The proposed project plan shall commensurate with the requirements laid down in clause 6.5
(Scope of Work)

Sr. Key Key Name of Project Plan Total

no. Activity Deliverable(s) Key M1 M2 M3 M4 …. Mn Input
Resource(s) W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W days)
1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4

(A) Phase 1: Core Implementation


(B) Phase 2: Roll-out & Stabilization


TOTAL (Phase 1 + Phase 2)
Supply, Installation, Commissioning, Implementation and Support for ERP Solution at BESCOM under IP

(b) Resource Deployment Plan: The Resource Deployment Plan shall commensurate with the
requirements laid down in clause 6.5 (Scope of Work):

Sr. Name of Role assigned Key tasks On- Resource Deployment Plan Total
no. Resource assigned site Input
M1 M2 M3 M4 …. Mn
/ Off- (Man-
W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W days)
1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4

(A) Phase 1: Core Implementation

1. On-site
2. On-site
3. On-site
… On-site
(B) Phase 2: Roll-out & Stabilization
1. On-site
2. On-site
3. On-site
… On-site
TOTAL (Phase 1 + Phase 2) On-site

Nomenclature: M1: Month-1, M2: Month-2, Mn: Month-n, W1: Week-1, W2: Week-2, Week-3: W4: Week-4 etc.,

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Form: 27 Price Bid

Note The Price Bid Form should be entered/Keyed in the e-Procurement portal in financial bid section. Please refer to section
3.16.6 of this document.

Bidders should not upload the Price bid form as part of technical Bid. If the price bid is uploaded the bidders will be disqualified.
Note: “The final quantity for each of line item in the above table may vary and shall be finalized during the issue of LOI/DWA to the
successful bidder. BESCOM reserves the right to add or reduce the quantity at any time during the contract period”.

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Form: 28 Declaration of Acceptance of Terms and Conditions in RFP

(To be submitted on the Letterhead)

The General Manager (ICT & MIS)

Bangalore Electricity Supply Company Limited,
4th Floor, Maharishi Aravinda Bhawan
Nrupatunga Road, Bangalore-560001,
Karnataka, India

Sub.: Selection of Bidder for Supply, Installation, Commissioning, Implementation and

Support for ERP Solution at BESCOM.

Dear Sir/Madam,
I have carefully gone through the Terms & Conditions contained in the RFP document
[Tender no. …………………………………..]

Regarding Selection of Bidder for Supply, Installation, Commissioning, Implementation and

Support for ERP Solution at BESCOM.
I declare that all the provisions of this RFP/Tender Document are acceptable to my
company. I further certify that I am an authorized signatory of my company and am,
therefore, competent to make this declaration.

Yours faithfully,

Authorized Signature [In full and initials]

Name and Title of Signatory:

Company Name: Company Seal


Supply, Installation, Commissioning, Implementation and Support for ERP Solution at BESCOM under IP

Form: 29 Letter of Proposal Submission

(To be submitted on the Letterhead)

The General Manager (ICT & MIS)

Bangalore Electricity Supply Company Limited,
4th Floor, Maharishi Aravinda Bhawan
Nrupatunga Road, Bangalore-560001,
Karnataka, India

Dear Sir/Madam,

We, the undersigned, offer to Supply, Installation, Commissioning, Implementation and

Support for ERP Solution at BESCOM in accordance with your Request for Proposal dated
[Insert Date] and our Proposal. We are hereby submitting our Proposal on e-procurement
portal, which includes
a) Pre-Qualification and Technical Proposal
b) Financial Proposal
c) EMD of the prescribed amount (paid online as defined in the e-Procurement platform)
d) Bid processing fee of the prescribed amount (paid online as defined in the e-
Procurement platform)

We hereby declare that all the information and statements made in this Proposal are true
and accept that any misinterpretation contained in it may lead to our disqualification.
If negotiations are held during the period of validity of the Proposal, we undertake to
negotiate on the basis of the proposed staff. Our Proposal is binding upon us and subject to
the modifications resulting from Contract negotiations.

We understand you are not bound to accept any Proposal you receive.
Yours faithfully,

Authorized Signature [In full and initials]

Name and Title of Signatory:
Company Name: Company Seal
Place: Date:

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Form: 30 Approach and Methodology

[Technical approach and methodology are key components of the Technical

Technical Approach and Methodology. In this chapter you should explain your
understanding of the objectives of the Assignment/job, approach to the
Assignment/job, methodology for carrying out the activities and obtaining the
expected output, and the degree of detail of such output. You should highlight the
detailed technical architecture of the solution including hardware details, training
methodology, Operations, Acceptance Testing and Maintenance Activities. Bidder
should also explain the methodologies you propose to adopt and highlight the
compatibility of those methodologies with the proposed approach. The
documentation should include details regarding application architecture, database,
network infrastructure requirements, back-up and disaster recovery plan. All the
manuals shall be in English and the documentations should be clearly indicative of
the overall solution with architecture diagram.

AM should necessarily have but not limited to

1. Functional Architecture
2. Solution Architecture
3. Deployment Architecture
4. Technology Stack
5. Product features and Modules
6. BOM of DC
7. Configuration for DR –cloud.
8. Work Plan and Project plan
9. Resource Deployment

Yours faithfully,

Authorized Signature [In full and initials]

Name and Title of Signatory:
Company Name: Company Seal


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13. Section XIII: Annexure

13.1 Annexure: 1 List of BESCOM offices
Sr. no. Office Name No. of office
1 Corporate Office 1
2 Zonal Office 4
3 Circle Office 9
4 Division Office 30
5 Sub-Division Office 130
6 Section / O&M office 503

b) Administrative Offices in Corporate office:

Sr. Other Administrative offices

1 ECS (OPC Section)

2 Corporate Office (Est. Section)

3 Cash Management Section

4 Loans & Budget- Corporate Affairs

5 Regulatory Affairs

6 GM( Power Purchase)

7 GM DAS & Smart Grid

8 CGM (Projects)

9 GM (ICT &MIS) – R-APDRP - Part-A Section

10 GM (Revenue)

11 Administration and HR

12 GM(DSM)

13 GM(Procurement)

14 GM(Costing)

15 GM(QS &S)

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13.2 Annexure: 2 Bid Data Sheet

Tender Title RFP for Supply, Installation, Commissioning,

Implementation and Support for Enterprise Resource
Planning (ERP) Solution at BESCOM
Tender No. BESCOM/GM(ICT&MIS)/BC-48/2017-18/55
Method of selection Quality & Cost Based Selection (QCBS)
Date of issue of Tender As per e-Procurement portal
Last date of submission
Document As per e-Procurement portal
of clarifications on
Tender Document
Date* and time of pre-bid As per e-Procurement portal
Venue of pre-bid As per e-Procurement portal
Last date* and time of As per e-Procurement portal
Bid submission
Mode of Bid submission Karnataka e-Procurement portal

Date*, time* and venue* As per e-Procurement portal

of Bid opening
Place of Bid opening

Bid Security/EMD EMD to be Paid : Rs 50 Lakhs as Below

1. Rs 10 Lakhs to be paid on e-Procurement Portal as
per clause

Rs 40 Lakh Bid Security in form of Bank Guarantee to

be upload in Technical Section of e-Procurement Portal.
The Original copy to be submitted to Office of GM (ICT &
MIS), BESCOM within 2 days of Last Date of bid
Minimum period of Bid One hundred and eighty (180) calendar days from the
validity next day of the last date of Bid
Designation & contact GM (ICT & MIS), 4th Floor, Maharishi Aravinda Bhawan
details of Officer of the Nrupatunga Road, Bangalore-560001,
Purchaser Karnataka, India
Tel.: +91 (80) 22101912

*In case of any change due to unforeseen event, notification of change will be
notified on BESCOM official website

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13.3 Annexure: 3 List of Deliverables

Sr. Scope Deliverable(s)

1. Preparation of Project  Project Charter
2. Supply and  ERP Product licenses for all functions / modules
installation of ERP and all related technical documents
Application, Database  Licenses for ERP related software (other than
and Related Software ERP Product)
 All database, clustering tools, integration tools,
other tools or any other software to make the
ERP Solutions work

3. AS IS STUDY AND TO o Network Design Document and B/W required for

BE DC/DR and Field Offices
o End User Hardware BOM
o AS IS REPORT and TO BE report. Fianlized FRS

4. Data collection, data  Data Preparation, Conversion & Migration

preparation, data Strategy document
cleansing, data entry  Templates for collection of master and
and data migration transaction data
(including master &  Codification of materials, equipments (as per
transaction data) BESCOM), etc.
 Data Conversion/ Entry Progress report with
issues and resolution
 Completed Data Conversion / Entry Report
 Sign-off on Completed Data Conversion/
Entry Report

5. Business Process  ‗As-Is‘ Analysis of specified business processes

Analysis  Gap Analysis Report covering process changes
required for ERP implementation

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6. Conceptualizing,  ‗To-Be‘ business processes

Designing,  Business Solution Design Document
Developing,  System Architecture
Configuring and  System Configuration Report
Testing of the ERP  Business Solution Design Simulation
Solution  Sign-off on Business Solution Design Simulation
 Technical Specifications for all developments
 Details of reports, integrations (with required
existing applications), enhancements and
forms built
 User Manual, Technical, Functional and any
other manuals
 Developed code (software)
 Reports containing details of interfaces and
integration made with legacy systems
 Installation Progress and Completion Report
 System testing plan, schedule, use cases and sign-
 Integration testing plan, schedule, use cases and
sign- off
 Load testing plan, schedule, use cases and sign-off
 Performance testing plan, schedule, use cases and
 Acceptance testing plan, schedule, use cases and
sign- off

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7. Conducting Training  Training & change management strategy and

Programs and Change plan describing the proposed approach and
Management methodology, calendar/ timelines, course
Workshops contents, course duration, training materials,
training tools, training logistics etc.
 Training Materials for
o ERP Product/ Solution Overview Training
o Technical Training
o Functional Training
o End User Training

 Change Management Workshops for participants

(participant from all level of offices, from
different designation also. The list will provide
by Purchaser only)
 Online Test for an hour (Test paper will
prepare in objective) will conduct after each
training program and change management
workshops (It is compulsory to get 70% marks
in test for all participants)
 Test result will submit with office name and
participant name
 Feedback from participants
 Sign-off on completion of Training Programs
and Change Management Workshops

8. Audit and quality  Review report and validation certificate

control services for ICT Infrastructure sizing done by IP
 Audit and Quality Control Plan
 Solution Review Report with
 Sign-off on action taken on
 Development Review report with
 Sign-off on action taken on

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9. Annual Technical  ATS Contract Agreement

Support (ATS) for the  New versions / releases (incl. next generation
specified period release)
 Upgrades, bug fixes, functionality enhancements
and patches to cater to changes (including tax,
legal, statutory and policy requirements)
 Issue log reports
 Issue resolution reports
 Response time reports
 New User/Technical/Product/Training Manuals

10. Handholding and  AMS Contract Agreement

Annual Maintenance  Issue log reports
Support (AMS) for the  Issue resolution reports
specified period  Response time reports
 Updated Functional and Technical Manuals

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13.4 Annexure: 4 Standards of Performance

Sr. User Activity Maximum

no. permissible time
1. Menu Navigation-To display the menu as per the < 1 sec < 3 sec
defined user role and profile
2. Screen Opening-To display the selected data entry < 2 sec < 5 sec
screen from the menu chosen

3. Field Navigation-To navigate between the data entry < 1 sec < 2 sec
fields in the screen
4. Look-up Response Time-To display items from list of < 1 sec < 2 sec
5. Look-up Response Time-To display items from table < 5 sec < 8 sec

6. Screen Navigation-Time taken to navigate from one < 1 sec < 2 sec
screen (tab page) to another which does not involve
processing in earlier screen

7. Transaction Commit-Response time taken to commit < 2 sec < 3 sec

a simple transaction like Stores Issue Voucher,
Stores Receipt Voucher etc.
8. Query Retrieval Response Time-Simple query < 5 sec < 10 sec

9. Query Retrieval Response Time-Medium complexity < 8 sec < 12 sec

10. query
Query Retrieval Response Time-High complexity query <15 sec < 20 sec
11. Reports Generation Response Time-Simple report < 5 sec < 10 sec
12. Reports Generation Response Time-Medium < 30 sec < 50 sec
13. complexity report Response Time-High complexity
Reports Generation < 1 min < 3 min

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13.5 Annexure: 5 Payroll Employees and Pensioner Employees in BESCOM

Group D category of employees are not needed training

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13.6 Annexure: 6 Minimum Technical Requirement for Infrastructure


Database Server

1. Minimum 8 or More CPU Core per CPU Socket. The server should be offered with
atleast 16 Cores and scalable to at least 6 processors sockets processor with 2.6
GHz or higher
2. OS support: Microsoft® Windows Server Enterprise Edition / Red Hat® Enterprise
Linux / SUSE® Linux Enterprise Server / Solaris for x86 or higher
3. Memory (RAM): Min. 64 GB scalable to 256 GB
4. RAID controller: with RAID 5 with min 256 MB cache
5. Disk bays: Support for min 8 small form factor hot plug SAS / SCSI hard drives
6. HDD hot pluggable: 4 x 300/450 GB 2.5‖ 10 K RPM HDD or more
7. Ethernet ports : atleast 4 x 10/100/1000 Mbps or more
8. Fiber Channel Ports : 2 x 8 Gbps
9. Security: Power-on password / admin password / unattended boot / selectable boot
/ boot without keyboard
10. Power supplies: Hot plug redundant AC power supply
11. Management feature to identify failed components even when server is switched off
12. Should be Rack Mountable
13. Should provide Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) 128 bit
14. Should support Encryption and Secure Shell (SSH) Version 2 and VPN for secure
access over internet
15. Should be able to manage systems through a web-browser
16. Should include all necessary power cords, adapters, data cables, connectors, CDs,
manuals, brackets accessories, wire managers, etc. required for installation and
commissioning of the equipment
Application Server
1. Minimum 4 or More CPU Core per CPU Socket. The server should be offered with at
least 8 Cores and scalable to at least 4 processors sockets processor with 2.6 GHz or
2. OS support: Microsoft® Windows Server 2008, Enterprise Edition / Red Hat®
Enterprise Linux 5 & 4 AP / SUSE® Linux Enterprise Server 9 / Solaris for x86 or
3. Memory (RAM): Min. 64 GB scalable to 256 GB
4. RAID controller : with RAID 5 with min 256 MB cache
5. HDD hot pluggable: 4 x 300/450 GB 2.5‖ 10 K RPM HDD or more
6. Disk bays: Support for min 8 small form factor hot plug SAS / SCSI hard drives
7. Ethernet ports :At least 4 x 10/100/1000 Mbps or more
8. Fiber Channel Ports : 2 x 8 Gbps
9. Security: Power-on password / admin password / unattended boot / selectable boot
/ boot without keyboard
10. Power supplies: Hot plug redundant AC power supply
11. Management feature to identify failed components even when server is switched off

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12. Should be Rack Mountable

13. Should provide Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) 128 bit
14. Should support Encryption and Secure Shell (SSH) Version 2 and support VPN for
secure access over internet
15. Should be able to manage systems through a web-browser
16. Should include all necessary power cords, adapters, data cables, connectors, CDs,
manuals, brackets accessories, wire managers, etc, required for installation and
commissioning of the equipment
Web Server
1. Minimum 4 or More CPU Core per CPU Socket. The server should be offered with at
least 8 Cores and scalable to at least 4 processors sockets processor with 2.6 GHz or
2. OS support: Microsoft® Windows Server Enterprise Edition / Red Hat® Enterprise
Linux / SUSE® Linux Enterprise Server / Solaris for x86 or higher
3. Memory (RAM): Min. 64 GB scalable to 256 GB
4. RAID controller: RAID 5 with min 256 MB cache
5. HDD hot pluggable: 4 x 300/450 GB 2.5‖ 10 K RPM HDD or more
6. Disk bays: Support for min 8 small form factor hot plug SAS / SCSI hard drives
7. Ethernet ports :At least 4 x 10/100/1000 Mbps
8. Fiber Channel Ports : 2 x 8 Gbps
9. Security: Power-on password / admin password / unattended boot / selectable boot
/ boot without keyboard
10. Power supplies: Hot plug redundant AC power supply
11. Management feature to identify failed components even when server is switched off
12. Should be Rack Mountable
13. Should provide Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)
14. Should support Encryption and Secure Shell (SSH) and support VPN for secure
access over internet
15. Should be able to manage systems through a web-browser
16. Should include all necessary power cords, adapters, data cables, connectors, CDs,
manuals, brackets accessories, wire managers, etc, required for installation and
commissioning of the equipment
Test servers
1. Minimum 4 or More CPU Core per CPU Socket. The server should be offered with at
least 16 Cores and scalable to at least 6 processors sockets processor with 2.6 GHz
or higher
2. OS support: Microsoft® Windows Server Enterprise Edition / Red Hat® Enterprise
Linux / SUSE® Linux Enterprise Server / Solaris for x86 or higher
3. Memory (RAM): Min. 64 GB scalable to 256 GB
4. RAID controller: with RAID 5 with min 256 MB cache
5. HDD hot pluggable: 4 x 300/450 GB 2.5‖ 10 K RPM HDD or more
6. Disk bays: Support for min 8 small form factor hot plug SAS / SCSI hard drives
7. Ethernet ports : At least 4 x 10/100/1000 Mbps or more
8. Fiber Channel Ports : 2 x 8 Gbps
9. Security: Power-on password / admin password / unattended boot / selectable boot
/ boot without keyboard

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10. Power supplies: Hot plug redundant AC power supply

11. Should possess the management feature to identify failed components even when
server is switched off
12. Should be Rack Mountable
13. Should provide Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)
14. Should support Encryption and Secure Shell (SSH) and support VPN for secure
access over internet
15. Should be able to manage systems through a web-browser
16. Should include all necessary power cords, adapters, data cables, connectors, CDs,
manuals, brackets accessories, wire managers, etc, required for installation and
commissioning of the equipment
1. Database should address all the structured and un-structured data storage
requirements of the proposed system
2. Database should have a high tolerance of failure
3. Underlying database should support 24x7 high availability
4. Data scalability and manageability should be integral part functionality of the
5. Should support User-defined Data Types & User-defined Functions
6. Should provide Unicode support
7. Database should support native automated disaster recovery capability with
seamless switch over and switch back between primary and disaster recovery sites
8. Database should be capable to support plug and play data transfer across platforms
or operating systems
9. Database should be able to support various types of content like Texts, Images,
Multi-media, and XML content natively
10. Database should ensure data synchronization between database servers across
database servers in heterogeneous platforms on near real-time basis by capturing
messages at the source database, stage messages in a queue, propagate messages
from one queue at the source to another queue at the target and consuming
messages.Data redundancy across modules must be minimized to eliminate real
time synchronization needs
11. Database should support database encryption, backup encryption and support for
external key management
12. Database should be capable to deploy fine grained access control, separation and
segregation of duties and native encryption capabilities. The database should also
prevent access to sensitive application data by highly privileged users
13. Database should control access to the applications, databases and data with flexible
security controls
14. Solution should provide options or utility to encrypt/decrypt sensitive data
15. Solution should support data export and import facility to variety of databases and
other software packages
16. Solution should provide backup (hot & cold) and recovery facility
17. Solution should be able to schedule a backup/restore task
18. Solution should be compatible with 3rd party system monitoring package.
19. Solution should support selective encryption of the stored data
20. Database should support a single unified data model hosted on a single database
21. Database platform should support enhanced configuration and management of

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Supply, Installation, Commissioning, Implementation and Support for ERP Solution at BESCOM under IP

22. Database design & architecture should be in line with the functional and non-
functional requirements of the proposed system
23. Database should be highly available with every processing node providing full view
of data. This means, in case of failure of one server, each remaining server in the
cluster should provide full access to all data at any point in time
24. Should support clustering exploiting rapidly emerging disk storage and interconnect
25. Should provide disaster recovery solution to maintain transaction consistency
26. Should provide restrictive data access that enables different types of users to have
secure, direct access to mission-critical data sharing
27. Should control data access down to the row-level (row-level security) so that multiple
communities of users with varying access privileges can share data within the same
28. Should provide Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) support
29. Should provide support for comprehensive auditing for ‗inserts‘, ‗deletes‘, ‗updates‘
and ‗selects‘, and quickly spot and respond to security breaches
30. Should store XML content native to database
31. Should have the ability to index, search, and analyse text and documents stored in
32. Should support different partitioning schemes to split large volumes of data into
separate pieces or 'partitions' which can be managed independently
33. Solution should have automatic way of migrating the data of existing database in
case of data structure change during transfer to new versions
34. Solution should support export and import of data possible from different legacy
systems/ other systems/ databases in different file formats (Text, Excel, MS-Word,
XML) & on specified time intervals
35. Database should support the resource allocated to the per user session
36. Database should support standalone / integrate with Operating system security
37. Should support the connectivity to the database through ODBC, OLEDB, JDBC or
through Native drivers
38. System should be able to archive data, based on user specified parameters (i.e. data
range) and restore archival data for on-line use when required
Other General Requirements
1. Should be highly scalable and capable of delivering high performance as & when
transaction volumes/ users increases( to support upto 1000 users) without
compromising on the response time
2. Patch upgrades should not affect the current version adversely
3. Solution architecture should be with minimum package modifications so as to
preserve the package upgrade
4. All components should be based on standards to avoid compatibility issues
5. Should have ability to withstand all single point of failure by providing clustering
6. Should support the use of fault tolerant multiprocessor architecture & cluster
7. Should support auto-switching to available server in case of server failure

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Supply, Installation, Commissioning, Implementation and Support for ERP Solution at BESCOM under IP

8. Should support distributed processing

9. Should support load balancing
10. Should be possible to configure data replication synchronously or asynchronously
11. Development infrastructure should support ongoing development/upgrade needs
during and post implementation

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