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I Semester II

Supplementary English

Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 80

1. a) Answer the following question in about 150 words. Any one. --10

i) Write brief character sketch of Rosemary Fell.

ii) How O. Henry featured friendship in the story, "The Last Leaf".

b) Answer the following question in about 150 words. Any one. --10

i) Describe Kalpana Chawla's academic career in the U.S. and extra-curricular

activities during her time with NASA.

ii) Describe the steps by which the Stephen Leacock tried to remind Todd about the
borrowed dollar. How did they fail?

2. Answer the following questions in about 15 words. each. Any three --15

i) Explain how the poem 'Still I Rise' paints the picture of the Blacks Suffering.

ii) How does the poem ‘Another Women' bring out the fact that the woman is
unable to find a space of her own?

iii) Why do the in-laws speak ill of the women's parent in ‘Another Woman’.

iv) How does the speaker describe the condition of her grandmother's house?

v) What type of love or relation do you find between the grandmother and the

3. Answer the following questions in about 75 words. Any two --10

i) Why did Rosemary take Miss Smith to her home & what plans did she have for

ii) What was the cause of Johnsy's illness and How did Sue treated her?

iii) How did Kalpana Chawla prepare for her interview at NASA ?

iv) Why exactly Todd borrowed a dollar from the Stephen Leacock ?

4. Change the voices of the following sentences. Any three --06

1) Ganesh ate the strawberry pie.

2) My mother prepares lunch.

3) Rina is reading a book.

4) He helped me

5) She was playing basketball. --06

b) Do as directed. Any three

i) Gold is the most precious metal. (Change into comparative degree)

2) Atul is one of the tallest boys in the class. (Change into positive degree)

3) The poem is too simple to need an explanation. (Change into complex sentence)

4) After I had read the newspaper, I return it to my father. (Change into simple sentence)

5) Work hard to pass the exam. (Change into Compound sentence)

e) Use the following idioms or phrases in sentences of your own --03

1, Crocodile tears

2. an apple's eye

3. at the eleventh hour

5) a) Write an Application to the General Manager of Mahindra Finance Pvt. Co. Ltd.,
Pune, for the post of Finance Officer. –10

Write a letter to a friend about arranging get-together.

b) Write a paragraph on any one of the following topic- --10

i) The Advantages and Disadvantages of Social Media.

ii) The Role of Technology in Education.

iii) My Future Career plans.

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