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I) MCQ : ( 10 x 1 = 10 )

1. What did the child want to eat at the fair?

A) Burfi B) pastry C) ladoo D) jalebi

2. What did the child do when he realized that he had lost his way?
A)cried and ran here and there B)felt a sense of relief
C)eported to a police officer D) none
3. When was Evelyn’s deafness confirmed?

A) by the age of 5 B) by the age of 6 C) by the age of 8 D) by the age of 11

4. Where did Bismillah play the Shehnai on 15th August 1947?

A) at Ganga Ghat B) in Banaras C) near Red Fort D) at Kaashi

5. What did Evelyn want to spread through her music?

A) message of love , peace and happiness B) music is not difficult

C) music is not difficult for deaf people D) deaf people can learn music
6. What was the source of inspiration for Bismillah?

A) Red Fort B) Royal Palaces C) Ganga Ghats D) None

7. Why did Bismillah refuse to go to the U.S.A?
A)because the Shehnai had no future there B)he didn’t like the place
C)because of his love for Banaras and river Ganges D)All of the above
8. Who is the renowned percussionist who praised Evelyn?
A)James Brown B)James Blades C)James Horn D)James Woodson
9. What festival were the people going to celebrate?
A)The festival of Holi. B)The festival of Spring. C)The festival of Dussehra. D)The festival of Diwali.
10. What does tyrant’s way refer to?
A)Happy B)Cordial C)Cruel D)Upsetting
II) ANSWER THE FOLLOWING : (ANY 5 ) ( 5 X 2 = 10 )
11. Where did the child meet a kind-hearted person?
12. “Everything suddenly looked black.” Why did Evelyn feel this way?
13.Difference between Pungi and Shennai .
14. Why did Evelyn say “Men with bushy beards give me trouble”?
15. Why does the lost child lose interest in the things that he had wanted earlier?
16. When does he realise that he has lost his way? How have his anxiety and insecurity been
III) LONG ANSWER : ( 2 X 5 = 10 )
17. Compare the attitude of the child before and after his separation from his parents. The company of
parents is more important than the things of pleasure. Do you agree?
18. Which values of life strengthened Evelyn against the handicap of her deafness? What does her career
teach to the handicapped people?

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