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Running head: Politeness Strategies in YouTube Comments



Nurcholis Ilman Panai





Politeness Strategies in YouTube Comments



This chapter contains the basic information about this study. Including the

background of the study, research questions, aim of the study, and significance of

the study. All of these will be discussed below.

Background of Study

Many factors could influence how we communicate with each other, it

could be social factors, the condition of mentality, and others. One of which is

affected is how polite we are, which was argued to be crucial by Pangestuti

(2015), showing politeness is crucial because it can help reduce the interruption in

social interactions.

It is in line with the politeness theory of Brown & Levinson (1978), which

construed politeness as efforts on redressing the affronts to a person's self-esteem

by effectively claiming positive social values in social interactions. Given its

powerful role in social interactions, showing politeness is a necessity to have a

healthy social life. Politeness is necessary in order for the message that is

conveyed to be received and replied to positively. As a result in social

interactions, both the speaker and the hearer convey their ideas through polite


According to Brown & Levinson (1987), people want to be appreciated or

their self-image to not be threatened or avoided by others. The concept of face in

Politeness Strategies in YouTube Comments

this case is not only the speaker or the hearer, but also the sense of social public

image in society of trying not to be embarrassed or humiliated of ‘losing face’.

Face as the public image of people are desired to be respected in social

interactions. Everyone has a face, which according to Brown & Levinson (1987),

has two forms; positive and negative. Positive face is when the action done by the

person is to be desirable to others or at least some others. Negative face on the

other hand is for the action done by a person to be unimpeded by others.

Politeness is an attitude used in communicating that aims to minimize

conflict and maximize compatibility between speaker and partners in a

conversation by considering individual and group values (Lakoff, 1989).

Politeness itself has a different meaning with polite. The word of polite means to

show respect for the speech partner, while the word politeness means the language

(or behaviour) based on social distance between the speaker and the speech


The theory of politeness strategies are described by Brown and Levinson

(1987, p.68-69) as an act to avoid face-threatening-act or FTA in social

interactions. It explains that there are certain strategies that can be used to

minimize the threats or to save the face of the speakers and the hearers. These

strategies are also used in social media conversations. People may publish

anything on social media, and everyone has the ability to remark or express their

thoughts on it. YouTube is one of the social media platforms that allows users to

leave comments.
Politeness Strategies in YouTube Comments

YouTube is a video-sharing website that has grown in popularity as a

source of information and entertainment. Viewers have a wide range of reactions

and perspectives to the many sorts of content provided by various types of

individuals. All of the responses and opinions are then gathered in the video's

comment area. Given that the comment box is a public forum for individuals to

express their views, it's safe to assume that everyone who viewed the same video

will be able to read the remark and express their reaction or opinion. As a result,

freedom of expression encourages people to dispute as openly as possible,

increasing the likelihood of impolite statements (FTA).

Will Smith SLAPS Chris Rock at Oscars 2022 is a video of the famous

actor Will Smith slapping Chris Rock for his joke about Will's wife Jada Pinkett

Smith, which was released by the channel Entertainment Tonight. This then

grabbed the internet by storm, with everyone having their own view and debating

who is right or wrong in the video's comment area, perhaps leading to a slew of


Based on the researcher’s observation of the comment section, there are

two different opinions about Will Smith being wrong for being offended of a joke

and slapping Chris Rock at a big event like the Oscars, and Will Smith being a

good husband for defending his wife. This difference in opinion is what could

lead to FTA and is what triggers the researcher to look more into the topic and

analyze what are the politeness strategies being used in the comment of the Will

Smith SLAPS Chris Rock at Oscars 2022 video.

Politeness Strategies in YouTube Comments

One of the politeness strategies that is found in the comment section of the

video is positive politeness in a comment from a user named “qopoy dnon” that

stated “Legends say Chris Rick is still smiling to this day”. The comment is

categorized as positive politeness strategy because one of the types of positive

politeness strategy is using jokes, and the comment is a joke referring to the

incident that happened in the video between Will Smith and Chris Rock.

Surpringly from the researcher’s brief observation, this type of politeness strategy

is the most dominant politeness strategy in the comment section, which perhaps

show the tendency of politeness strategy used in social media.

Such research regarding the usage of politeness strategies have also been

done by other researchers. Pangestuti (2015), conducted a research on the

politeness strategies used by Deddy Corbuzier as he hosted his talkshow ‘Hitam

Putih’. The research was done by observing how the host communicate to the

guest and compare the difference between politeness strategies used to entertainer

and non-entertainer guest. The research gives great reference on how politeness

strategies are used in communication, however this research only portray the

usage of politeness strategies in real world communication where the people

communicating are face to face. On the other hand, the current research intends to

unveil how politeness strategies are used in an online platform, specifically in the

comment section of a viral YouTube video of Will Smith slapping Chris Rock at

the Oscars 2022.

The researcher believes that this research is necessary in order to

comprehend how people communicate changes over time and through different
Politeness Strategies in YouTube Comments

media. The way people communicate today is different from how it is done in the

past. Something that might be considered as impolite in the past might not be

viewed the same today and vice versa, the word ‘Negro’ for example in the past

was used commonly to refer to a certain human race, but now saying the “N”

word is considered rude and disrespectful if it is being said by a different race of

human being. The emergence of technology has also definitely brought changes in

how people communicate, with social media people can communicate without

seeing face to face anonymously which can decrease the risk of FTA and make

people less reluctant to commit FTA.

Therefore, based on the explanation above, the researcher desires to find

out about the politeness strategies that are used in the comments of the video

mentioned above to help us better understand the use of politeness strategies

especially through an online platform, in this case the comment of a controversial


Research Question

Based from the background previously explained, to shed a light on how

politeness are practiced in online social interactions, specifically YouTube. The

researcher intended to study with the following research question : What are the

types and meaning of politeness strategies used in the comment section of the

“Will Smith SLAPS Chris Rock at Oscars 2022” video ?.

Politeness Strategies in YouTube Comments

Objective of the Research

This research is conducted to shed a light on the politeness strategies used

in the comment section of the “Will Smith SLAPS Chris Rock at Oscars 2022”

video. The data will be collected from comments taken from the top comments

and will be interpreted and analyzed to later be presented in a table. The data on

the table will later be explained in detail, and a conclusion will be drawn from the


Scope and Limitation of the Research

This research focuses only on the politeness strategies used in the

comment section of the “Will Smith SLAPS Chris Rock at Oscars 2022”.

Specifically, the comments that will be taken as data will be a few of the top 50

comments considering the possibility of always increasing amount of comments

over time. Moreover, the researcher decided to put the limitation in terms of the

theory that is used to analyze the politeness strategies by only using the theory

proposed by Brown and Levinson (1978). They had stated that “a face-bearing

rational agent will tend to utilize the FTA-minimizing strategy according to a

rational assessment of the face risk to participants”. In addition, they linked the

politeness strategies to four discussions: Positive politeness, Negative politeness,

Bald on record, and Bald off record. They provide the definition of politeness

from the speaker and hearers face, which focus on the politeness, that determines

of choosing politeness strategies to avoid the face risk or losing face. The

researcher used this theory because Brown and Levinson’s theory is the most used
Politeness Strategies in YouTube Comments

theory in research on politeness. Therefore, there is an abundance of references

available to help the researcher support and strengthen the result of the research

conducted. In short, this research only focuses on politeness strategies used in the

top comments of “Will Smith SLAPS Chris Rock at Oscars 2022” youtube video

using the theory proposed by Brown and Levinson.

Significance of the Research

This research gives both theoretical and practical contributions to the

readers. Theoritacally it contributes in giving basic theories of pragmatic in terms

of observing the language and its meaning. It is useful for understanding the

language that has implicit meaning, which is uttered by the speaker and

interpreted by the hearer or audience. Furthermore, the theory of politeness will

enlight people on how important politeness is in building a harmonious social


Practically, this research is useful for everyone especially to future

researchers or students to learn about pragmatics or even general linguistics that

are used in social media or other online social platforms, also for them to practice

it in their social life in order to have a healthy social life. The understanding of the

importance of politeness will educate and guide people on how to behave politely

through their utterances and help them attain a polite and cooperative social

interaction. Especially for the researcher himself and his comrades and other

readers majoring in the same field of language education. It can be implemented

on how they educate others after their graduation by using the proper politeness
Politeness Strategies in YouTube Comments

strategy to avoid FTA or negative response from the students to help them learn

comfortably. Therefore, they can determine the appropriate way to use language

to convey message in speech situation which contains greeting elements, address,

context, speech, time, and place (Leech G. , 2014).

Politeness Strategies in YouTube Comments



In this chapter, the researcher provides several overviews of politeness in

which are related to the purpose of the research. The overviews are related to the

politeness strategies that are used in the comment section of the video uploaded by

Entertainment Tonight. In general, the topic has big discussions in many

overviews, but the researcher focuses on the discussion of politeness strategy in



The definition of Pragmatic and Semantic are both mostly discussing

topics that are related to language. Semantic discussion concerns the discussion of

the dyadic relation and how the language are used. Pragmatics on the other hand is

a linguistic field with a study of the relative of language meaning, as

communication tools used by the speaker and interpreted by the hearer in

particular situations. It moots on analyzing what the speakers mean in their

utterances and involves the interpretation of what people said in particular


According to Mey (1993), “Pragmatics is the science of language seen in relation

to its users. Thus pragmatic is the process of producing language and in its

producers, not only in the end product language”. The speakers have to see the

condition and to whom they interact to adjust their utterances to be appropriate

and suitable.
Politeness Strategies in YouTube Comments

One of the concepts of pragmatic is politeness, according to Paputungan

(2020), the phenomena of politeness does not necessarily concerns the way the

message is delivered. But also the real life situation concept towards politeness

and the message interpretation. It happens in real life since it reflects the human

life in the community.

However, the rapid technological development has opened new doors for

communication through social media. Therefore creating a new space for

pragmatics in terms of learning to convey the meaning of messages in online non

face to face communication.


Human behavior by definition is either polite or impolite. People are less

likely to take offense or change their faces during communication or social

contact when consideration of others' feelings is taken into account Pragmatically,

politeness can be understood as the speaker making courteous requests in order to

perform activities in the community, which are typically met with approval. It is

intended to avoid creating any distortion or irreconcilable sensation of menace

toward the listeners. Politeness in communication means, People try to maintain a

good discussion with their partner by not misinterpreting or distorting the other

person's words in an impolite way (Leech G. N., 1983).

There are multiple definitions of the term politeness. One of the definition

is: "marked by an appearance of consideration, tact, deference, or courtesy."

Although politeness is not directly the synonym of behavior, both are mostly
Politeness Strategies in YouTube Comments

related. Therefore, politeness is needed for the sake of a good communication, so

the communication will pay attention to the idea of politeness and the social

differences that impacts politeness in the communicative language (English

Oxford Dictionary).

As a result, people communicate politely more often as it is very

influential to the feedback of the communication. The concept of politeness as

discussed in the pragmatic field tells about the concept of being polite to keep a

safe face. Brown and Levinson (1987, p. 61) states that, face is an image of people

in social interaction, of being embarrassed and humiliated in norms of losing face

in the society, which can be expressed through communication that might be lost,

maintained and attained.

Everyone has a ‘face’, there are two types of faces; positive and negative

face. Face is a tag that adheres to every individual depending on their actions in

the social interactions they have in the community. Everyone’s face wants to be

respected and valued by everyone in the social interactions. Therefore, it needs the

Face-Threatening-Acts to avoid conflict and maintain the face that is desired.

However, online communication provides the abilty to communicate to

each other anonymously by choice, so everyone online may choose to risk their

face or not. This behaviour could impact someone’s choice of politeness because

there could be no risk of losing face, which all in all making politeness online

different than politeness in face to face communication.

Politeness Strategies in YouTube Comments

Face Threatening Act

The concept of face as the image of the person, is suggested by Brown

and Levinson (1987, p. 65), who gives assumptions of face. They argue that,

there are several kinds of acts that intrinsically can be applied to threat the

people’s face. Those acts are face threatening acts (FTAs), which challenges

the face wanted by the person who takes part in a communication, that may

threaten either the speaker and the hearer’s face or might threaten either the

positive and the negative face. FTA is the act needed in minimizing the possibility

of people’s face to threat the speaker and the hearer’s face.

The strategies for doing FTAs, described by Brown and Levinson

(1987, p. 68), as the acts of threats the hearer’s needs to avoid to minimize the

threat to his/her self-image. There are two ways of acts to maintain or protect

the face, those are the speaker’ face and the hearer’s face. These two ways

which argues that people’s responses would possibly use the notion of face

respected as behavior provides by the society. Brown and Levinson suggest

five politeness strategies that could be used by the speakers such as, bald on

record strategy, with positive politeness, with negative politeness, by going

off record, and by not doing the face threatening act (FTA)

Politeness Strategies

The exploration of politeness theory refers to a common theory known as

politeness theory by Brown & Levinson (1978, p. 91) for doing the FTAs. They

had stated that “a face-bearing rational agent will tend to utilize the FTA-
Politeness Strategies in YouTube Comments

minimizing strategy according to a rational assessment of the face risk to

participants”. In addition, they linked the politeness strategies to four

discussions: Positive politeness, Negative politeness, Bald on record, and Bald off

record. They provide the definition of politeness from the speaker and hearers

face, which focus on the politeness, that determines of choosing politeness

strategies to avoid the face risk or losing face.

Bald On Record Strategy

Direct strategies are the strategies that used between two close people in

daily life conversation. Not only on that case, but also if the speaker is in a

position more powerful than the hearer, this strategy mostly appear in the

communication between people who have close relationship in time such as

friends or family. However, the bald on record strategy is defined to two classes

where the first is not minimized or ignored, and second where the speaker

minimize the face treats by implication (Brown & Levinson, 1987, pp. 95-99).

Case of non-minimization of face threat

In certain cases, where non-minimization is occurred, the speaker and
hearer face is not redress in urgency. The speaker does not need being polite
to avoid doing the FTAs, thus there is no redress is required. For example;
Help!, Get up!, careful!, Watch out!, come home now!, etc.
Case of FTA-oriented bald on record usage
In another situation, the case of avoiding face also involves in mutual
interaction. This would happen in the invitation or welcoming person in
greetings that required FTA orientation. For example; sit down, come in, go,
leave it, let me do, all right, etc.

Positive Politeness Strategy

This strategy necessarily redresses the acts to minimize the threats of the

positive face of the hearer that happens in time. And the hearer know to whom

she/he speaking to, fairly for avoiding the conflict in the communication and
Politeness Strategies in YouTube Comments

expression. The strategy of positive politeness is used for the actions that are not

too threatening to the face of the partner/hearer, but the speaker also express the

linguistic behavior between them in the form of positive wants. According to

Brown and Levinson (1987, pp. 101-129), this strategy is usually used between

two people, acquaintances or parties who have established closeness even though

they are not too familiar. There are some types of positive politeness strategies


Give Notice, attend to hearer: (interest, needs, wants, goods)

The speaker before delivers the message, she/he will give notice of
the hearer condition base on the context. For example: that’s such
a beautiful bag, anyway could I borrow your pen ?
Overstate : interest, approval, sympathy with hearer
The speaker will give more intonation or overstate feeling to the
hearer. For example: what an amazing performance you have
done! That is so perfect show.
Intensify interest to the hearer
In this strategy, the speaker will make the hearer feels what the
speaker feels of his/her interest. So the speaker will intensify the
hearer what the speaker experienced. For example: Last night, son
Lucas was in the hospital for surgery and we have financial
problems. I have worked hardly to pay the service, but it is still not
Use in group identity marks
The strategy appear in the group identity interaction, in which the
language politeness of address only in group membership
partners. For example: honey, sweetheart, love, bro, sist, ect.

Seek agreement
The speaker wants to provide the way to seek the possible agreement of
the hearer and collaborate with his/her opinion. For example:
Speaker: look, I’m not an arms dealer.
Hearer: An arms dealer!?
Avoid disagreement
The hearer reflected the responds to agree with the speaker or to
hides the disagreement. There will some marks, drawing
conclusions, or hedging the opinions as not to be seen disagree.
For example:
Speaker: you make money 70 dollars in a week ?
Politeness Strategies in YouTube Comments

Hearer: well, actually its more then what you heard

Presupposed, raise, common ground
The hearer will presupposes the speaker of what on his/her mind to
redressing the strategy. For example: wow, feel likes in a
beautiful room, I love it.
The strategy may use jokes to puts the hearer redefine the
message. For example: Speaker: do you wants to wrap a lizard with
an expensive blanket ?
Hearer: I guess not

Assert and presuppose speakers’ knowledge and concern for hearers’

This strategy put pressure or assert for hearer of the knowledge to
be reacted. For example: I’m serious, I needs a partner for this job,
because you are my friend and you are the only one I believe.
Offer, promise
The use of promise or offers is associated to use in this strategy.
For example: I have promised to come. Should I repeat it ?
This strategy shows the optimistic assumption the speaker of
hearer in terms of expressing the message. For example: I’m sure
that you want to make more money.
Includes the speaker and hearer in the activity
Use inclusive pronoun “us” presents the speaker and the hearer in
the activity. For example: let’s go. We go to Iraq by night driving.
Give and ask for reason
By giving or asking reaction of the hearer, the speaker will
includes hearer to ask for reason. For example:
why don’t you work for me? serious, I need a help
Assume assert reciprocity
The reciprocity is collaborates in conveying the message between
the speaker and the hearer. For example:
if you bring me the international contract, I will make you rich.
Give (gift) to hearer (goods, sympathy, understanding, cooperation)
By giving gifts, the hearer will feels satisfied by the speaker. For
I do understand about all your problems.
Negative Politeness Strategy

The hearer’s position in this politeness strategy redresses the action of

negative face which have greater respect then the positive politeness. Negative

politeness is used when the speaker realizes that there is a threat that can be
Politeness Strategies in YouTube Comments

accepted by the speaking partner/hearer as the social distance or the situation of

the communication. This strategy happens because there is a respect behavior

between the speaker and the hearer (Brown & Levinson, 1987, pp. 129-211).

When carrying out this strategy, the speaker acknowledges and respects the

negative face of the hearer. Negative politeness straight to mind as the most

conventionalized set of FTA strategy. There are several factors that influence the

negative politeness appears such as;

Be conventionally indirect
This strategy marked with indirect speech that can be done in the
time period. For example:
Open the door please.
Get away from me.
Can you drive the car ?
Give question or hedge
This strategy comes from the speaker that wants not to be
presumed or expected, and not to force the hearer. For example:
I guess, I will not going home right now.
It was amazing. Isn’t it ?
Really ?
The strategy redresses the hearer to be in doubt position in which
takes the hearer to think about the appropriate acts. For example:
Could you finish it in one night ?
Try to minimize the imposition
The speaker try to minimize the imposition of the hearer by giving
encode to be responsible of his/her acts. For example:
I just want to say that, this was an accident.
Give deference
This strategy define base on the speakers humbly of the hearer, or
the speaker use the positive face of the hearer to be treated. For
Yes sir, thank you. Oh yes please.
The speaker give apologize before expressing the message. For
Look, I probably not mastering of this job, but……
Impersonalize speaker and hearer
The way of speaker not to impinges the hearer by not using the
pronoun “I” and “You” For example:
Politeness Strategies in YouTube Comments

Give (it)!, Go (you), it looks (to me) like, ect.

Face threatening act as general rule
The strategy where the communications in general rule,
regulation, or obligation are wants imposed to do. For example:
No Smoking, No Weapon Allowed, Ect.
The strategy nominalize the verb phrase. For example:
Impressive, you may do it, you go, why should I believe you ? etc.
Go on record as incurring a debt or as not indebting the hearer
The strategy where the speaker gives indebtedness of hearer. For
I owe you my life

Off-record strategy

The strategy off record such a way that is not possible to be done. This is

because the strategy means if there are more threats serious about the face of the

partner said, this strategy leave the face out by interpreting indirect strategy,

which to avoid responsibility of FTA by being ambiguous in the communication.

The strategy makes the hearer will go back and front on the speakers’ meaning

because of the use of contradictions meaning or limitless information. Therefore,

this strategy makes the language difficult to be understood and needs more

attention of the hearers’ thought, according to Brown and Levinson (1987, pp.

211-227), there are several types of off record strategy such as;

Give hints: Motive, condition

The speaker will say something that is not basically relevant with
the hint, nut the hearer will try to interpret the relevant meaning of
it. For example:
It is hot here, such a hot room (hearer will turn on the air
Give association clue
The speaker gives the same or relevant clue to the hearer. For
Are you going to campus tomorrow morning ? I will go at 7 (go
with me)
Politeness Strategies in YouTube Comments

The strategy is related to the relevant condition that happens. For
I hope, he will not come late again.
The speaker or hearer use understates strategy to say something
that is less then what is required. For example:
Speaker: Can you finish this job ?
Hearer: It’s not a big deal. (I don’t think this job is difficult)

The speaker or hearer will say something that is more then what is
necessary to be said. For example:
Speaker: why do you come late ?
Hearer: it was raining outside, and I forgot to bring my umbrella
(I’m sorry)
Use tautologies
This strategy says the patent and truth of what it is exactly. For
If I say I’m not going, I’m not!
Use contradictious
The hearer use contras way of repeating the answer. For example:
Speaker: Are you hungry ?
Hearer: Well, not really… ( yes, I am hungry)
Be ironic
The strategy where hearer saying the prosodic, smirk or simply
context clues of the original meaning. For example:
Speaker: Dina has 300 dollars in her bank account.
Hearer: I think Dina just have half of it
Use metaphors
This strategy use metaphors to describe something that is literally
false but have the same quality. For example:
You are the horse (run fast) in the marathon today
Use rhetorical questions
The question that basically have no answer. For example:
Do you know how hard I work this week ? (it is so hard)
The use of ambiguous impression of the speaker to convey the
message to the hearer. For example:
Holis is my bank. ( have lots of money)
Be vague
The speaker uses unclear statement about the object what is the
message referred. For example:
Someone kills the dog.
What makes the rock fall ?
Politeness Strategies in YouTube Comments

Over general
The unclear statements that have over general message will leave
the object of FTA is vaguely. For example:
A car hits a guy on the traffic light.
Displace the hearer
The speaker may talk to all audience for treats someone without
directly treating the real target of FTA. For example:
Turn on the fans please (teacher in the class ask to the students
who is sitting near to the electric switch).

The speaker uses unfinished and limited conversational context by
leaving the FTA incomplete various speech. For example:
Yes, if you come late…….

Social Media

Social media is generally known as interactive media platforms that make

it easier to create and share content through online communities and networks,

including information, ideas, interests, and other kinds of expression. Obar, and

Wildman (2015), argued that although social connection has always been

facilitated by the internet and the World Wide Web, the birth and quick spread of

Web 2.0 functions during the first decade of the new century allowed for an

evolutionary leap in the social aspect of web use. This, combined with decreasing

costs for online data storage, made it possible to provide a wide range of user-

centric spaces for a large number of internet users to access, along with a

correspondingly diverse set of opportunities for connecting these spaces together

to form virtual social networks. In America alone, stated by Greenwood, Perrin, &

Duggan (2016), The Pew Research Center has compiled extensive data on the

various ways Americans use social media to engage with one another and seek out

information during the past ten years. Nowadays, a majority of people in the
Politeness Strategies in YouTube Comments

country claim to acquire their news from social media, and half of the populace

used these platforms to learn about the 2016 presidential election. Americans are

using social media in the context of their jobs (whether to take a mental vacation

from the office or to look for employment) while simultaneously making a

continual effort to handle the complicated privacy issues that these websites bring

to light. Thus, given the intensity of the use of social media in daily lives, it is

only appropriate to use corresponding politeness strategies that are necessary in

social interactions.

Previous Study

Many research has been done regarding politeness strategies, wether it is

observed in social interactions offline or online. Thus, the researcher will review

the studies in which are closely related to the current study. Pangestuti (2015),

also studies politeness strategy, her research was done by observing Deddy

Corbuzier in the Hitam Putih talk show in interviewing entertainer and non-

entertainer. Her research portrayed the types of politeness strategies used, their

differences, and the reasons behind its usage. It has the same subject to the current

research which is politeness strategy but has different object and research


Research of politeness on youtube in particular has been done by many

researchers. Some of which are closely related to the current study. Wardoyo

(2019), also studies the politeness strategies used in youtube comment sections’

online discussions. However, he studies wether the politeness in youtube

comment sections’ online discussions are contagious or not. It is intended to know

Politeness Strategies in YouTube Comments

further whether the politeness strategies used in comments would lead the viewers

to give replies or responds with the same ones or the different ones. Slightly

different from the current study that will highlight solely on the politeness

strategies used in the comment section of a viral YouTube video instead of the

contagiousness of the content of the comment section.

Another similar research to the previous one by Arrasyd and Hamzah

(2019), on the other hand studies the (im)politeness in the youtube comment

section of the 2019 Indonesia presidential debate. It is intended to find

impoliteness strategies used by netizens to Jokowi-Maaruf and netizens to

Prabowo-Sandi based on gender in YouTube comments section based on

Culpeper`s theory (1996). Different from the current study that will portray all of

the politeness strategies available used instead of the (im)politeness in a comment

section of a presidential debate.

Overall, the current study is intended to shed a light on the politeness strategies

used in the comment section of a video about the newest phenomena of the Oscars

history. Different from the studies mentioned beforehand that has different objects

and purposes to the current study. This study will explore the usage of politeness

strategies in expressions used in social media which is relevant to the current

situation of the world, where a huge margin of the world’s social interaction is

done online through social media. Thus, it will give a new perspective of how

politeness strategies are used.

Politeness Strategies in YouTube Comments



Method of Research

This research were done using descriptive qualitative method. Kumar

(2011), stated that the strength of qualitative method is in the flexibility of

approach and the ability to incorporate new ideas while collecting data. In

addition, Sugiyono (2014), argues that qualitative method is used to understand

social interaction. Given the importance of politeness in social interaction,

qualitative method is the most appropriate method to use to analyze it. This

research is conducted to analyze the politeness strategies in the comments of a

YouTube video, which could be considered as a part of social interaction.

Furthermore, qualitative research produces a literal depiction of the events under

study, according to Vanderstoep and Johnston (2008). That is, qualitative research

focuses on naturally explaining or characterizing the phenomena. It is therefore

pertinent to our study since it looked at the occurrences of politeness actions in

natural communication on social media.

Source of Data

The data of this research were collected from the comments in the video

“Will Smith SLAPS Chris Rock at Oscars 2022” that was uploaded by

Entertainment Tonight YouTube channel. This video was chosen because of the

controversy and the amount of different opinions that people have towards it,

which may lead to a lot of different comments and possibly the use of different
Politeness Strategies in YouTube Comments

politeness strategies. The researcher analyzes the politeness strategy used by

commenters in the comment section of the video. The form of data are the

comments used by the commenters in the comment section. Because a Youtube

video can be watched for an infinite amount of times as long as it is not deleted or

the comment section is not closed, there could be an infinite number of comments.

Therefore, the researcher only collects the data from the top/most liked comments

because it is more likely to be seen or replied by more people or find at least one

of each politeness strategy that is used in the comment section.

Data Collection Technique

The researcher collected the data using note taking method through a

number of steps.

1. The first step was for the researcher to open Youtube and look for the

video titled ”Will Smith SLAPS Chris Rock at Oscars 2022” uploaded by

a channel named “Entertainment Tonight”.

2. The second step was for the researcher to open the comment section of the

video using the top comments filter and scroll through to find the most

suitable comments.

3. The third step was to take notes of all the suitable comments to be

analyzed for the politeness strategy.

4. The last step was for the researcher to collect the comments that use any of

the politeness strategies to be further analyzed.

Politeness Strategies in YouTube Comments

Data Analysis Technique

After the data was collected, these several steps were done to analyze the

data :

1. First step was for the researcher to interpret the comments from the

collected data and determine the types of politeness strategies used out of

the available data.

2. Second step was for the researcher to present the previously analyzed data

using a table containing each of the types of politeness strategies and sub-

strategies as proposed by Brown & Levinson’s theory that was found in

the available data sample.

Below is the table format that is used to present the data.

Politeness Strategies Used in the Comment Section of the Will Smith

SLAPS Chris Rock at Oscars 2022

No. Politeness Strategy Sub-strategy Total

1. Positive Politeness Jokes

2. Negative Politeness

3. Off-record

3. The third step was for the researcher to explain the details of each of the

politeness strategies that was used as previously presented in the table.

4. The last step was for the researcher to draw a conclusion from the

Politeness Strategies in YouTube Comments



This chapter presents the research findings and discussion that are based

on the data discovered. It answered and explained the research question of How

are politeness strategies used in the comment section of the “Will Smith SLAPS

Chris Rock at Oscars 2022” video.

Research Finding

This section presents the analysis of politeness strategies used by

commenters in the “Will Smith SLAPS Chris Rock at Oscars 2022” youtube

video. The analysis focused on the politeness strategies used in the top 50

comments of the “Will Smith SLAPS Chris Rock at Oscars 2022” YouTube video

as it is the most highlighted comments and most likely to be interacted more with

people looking in the comment section and because of the ever growing amount

of comments.

After opening the video on youtube, scrolling through the top comments,

and taking notes on some comments to be analyzed, then the data was obtained.

The data was analyzed using the theory of Brown & Levinson, (1987), in which

according to the theory there are four politeness strategies consisting of positive

politeness strategy, negative politeness strategy, bald on record strategy, and bald

off record strategy. The usage of politeness strategies as mentioned in the theory

of Brown & Levinson are to manage the amount of FTA to the speaker. So it is
Politeness Strategies in YouTube Comments

used depending on how the speaker want to position himself to the hearer, if the

speaker wishes to save face then they would use the appropriate politeness

strategy and vice versa. However, the usage of politeness strategies in social

media specifically in commenting on youtube videos is different because the

commenters can give comments anonymously which makes the commenters have

less risk of losing face. Thus the usage of politeness strategies in the comments of

the Will Smith SLAPS Chris Rock at Oscars 2022 will vary more dpending on the

commentors’ personal opinion rather than the risk of losing face.

Here are the data of the politeness strategy used in the top 50 comments of

the youtube video Will Smith SLAPS Chris Rock at Oscars 2022.

Table of Data of Politeness Strategy Used in the Comments

No. Politeness Strategy Sub-strategy Total

1. Positive Politeness Jokes 8

Intensify Interest to the Hearer 24

Presupposed, Raise, Common Ground 1

Use in Group Identity Marks 1

Overstate: Interest, Approval, Sympathy 9

with Hearer

2. Off-record Give Hints: Motive, Condition 4

Incomplete 3
Politeness Strategies in YouTube Comments

Positive Politeness Strategy

First is the use of positive politeness strategy. Positive politeness strategy

normally are used in actions that are not too threatening to the face of the

hearer/reader. This strategy arise because of the speaker’s intention to show a

good impression through sharing the same views and desires of the hearer/reader.

Intensify interest to the hearer

In this strategy, the speaker will make the hearer feels what the

speaker feels of his/her interest. So the speaker will intensify the

hearer what the speaker experienced.

This sub-strategy is usually used if the speaker want to show a good impression to

the hearer. The speaker will intensify their interest to the hearer in hope to share

the same interest to the hearer and build a positive face. It is the most used

strategy in the comments of the analyzed Youtube video comments section based

on the sample taken from the top 50 comments with a total of 24 out of the 50

comments. Its usage can be seen in the data below.

Data 6.

@_moonlight_fox4798 :

For anyone else trying to understand Chris Rock’s joke:

When Chris Rock says “Jada, can't wait for G.I. Jane 2” it is an apparent

reference to Jada’s shaved hairdo - a result of the hair loss condition

Politeness Strategies in YouTube Comments

alopecia. Rock's joke referred to a 1997 film ‘G.I. Jane’, in which an

actress named Demi Moore played the main role with a severe buzzcut.

Data Analysis

In the data above, the speaker/commenter tried to explain the situation that

happened to the hearer/reader. The commenter said “For anyone else trying to

understand Chris Rock’s joke” referring to the readers that does not understand

the context of the joke that the comedian in the video Chris Rock made to Will

Smith’s wife Jada Pinkett to trigger the attention from other commenters and

proceeds to explain that “When Chris Rock says ‘Jada, can't wait for G.I. Jane 2’

it is an apparent reference to Jada’s shaved hairdo - a result of the hair loss

condition alopecia. Rock's joke referred to a 1997 film ‘G.I. Jane’, in which an

actress named Demi Moore played the main role with a severe buzzcut”, basically

explains the context of the joke that Chris Rock made that made Will Smith slap

Chris Rock and the commenter’s view of interest in what happened and tries to

make sure that the readers share the same view as the commenter. Thus, the

commenter is intensifying his/her interest to the reader as explained by Brown and

Levinson (1987), as part of the sub-strategies of the positive politeness strategy.

Other examples of the usage of this strategy can also be found in other comments

of the 50 samples with slightly different approaches such as the one below.

Data 8.

@lils2968 :
Politeness Strategies in YouTube Comments

“It's not even the slap for me. Its the way will walks away with a cheeky

smile whilst adjusting his suit for me ”

Data Analysis

The data above also shows that the commenter intensifies his/her interest in the

comment that he/she wrote. Different from the previous data that intensifies the

interest in the form of content and providing context for other people to share the

same idea, in this data the commenter intensifies his/her interest by putting

emphasis before the interest in “It’s not even the slap for me”. The commenter

saying “for me” puts an emphasis that the content of his/her comment is of his/her

own interest which can be found in “Its the way will walks away with a cheeky

smile whilst adjusting his suit for me ” that also repeats the same emphasis “for

me” as before along with the use of emoticons “🤣🤣” to further emphasize the

emotion contained in the commenter’s interest.

Data 12.

@DS-of6ui :
Politeness Strategies in YouTube Comments

“Seriously!! If smith hadn't slapped Chris I wouldn't have even known

that the oscars took place”

Data Analysis

In this particular data, the commenter also use emphasis to intensify his/her

interest. However, the emphasis that is used is in “Seriously!!” that puts an

emphasis on the interest that the commenter later insert in “If smith hadn't slapped

Chris I wouldn't have even known that the oscars took place😂😂” is different from

the previous data 8 that was explained before that puts its emphasis on referral to

the commenter’s interest in “for me”. The usage of “Seriously!!” emphasizes that

his/her interest in “If smith hadn't slapped Chris I wouldn't have even known that

the oscars took place😂😂” is truly what he/she feel. Furthermore, the commenter

also used emticons like the previous data to emphasize the emotion contained in

his/her interest.


The strategy may use jokes to puts the hearer redefine the


Jokes are part of the sub-strategy of the positive politeness strategies used to

engage in a positive manner by making the hearer laugh from the ambiguous
Politeness Strategies in YouTube Comments

message sent by the speaker for the hearer to redefine and find its true meaning.

Out of the 50 top comments collected, 8 of them is using this sub-strategy and its

usage can be seen from the data below.

Data 5.

@catbarbadinho :

If someone doesn't slap Chris Rock, There's always someone who WILL.

Data Analysis

The data above shows that the commenter said “If someone doesn't slap Chris

Rock, There's always someone who WILL” referring that even if Will Smith did

not slap Chris Rock, someone else will because he deserves to be slapped due to

the joke that he made about Will Smith’s wife Jada Pinkett. However, the

commenter put an emphasis on the word “WILL” by writing it using all capital

letters referring to the name of Will Smith which means that what the commenter

was actually joking and meant to say that there is no one else willing to go to the

extent of slapping Chris Rock except for Will Smith. It shows that the commenter

thinks what Will Smith did was not necessary and not the right thing to do. Thus,

the commenter used the word “WILL” as a way for the readers to redefine the

message that the commenter wrote. Therefore the commenter used a joke for the

reader to redefine the meaning of what the commenter said as explained by Brown

and Levinson (1987), as a sub-strategy of the positive politeness strategy.

Politeness Strategies in YouTube Comments

This sub-strategy can be used in different ways however the speaker/commenter

desire to use. It can be done by using emphasis such as the previous data, or it can

use other ambiguous ways to make the reader/hearer redefine the message like

metaphors followed by a punchline like the following data.

Data 50.

@bigginsg8711 :

“He blackened the Oscars right up! Along with Chris Rock's eye!”

Data Analysis

The commenter in the data above said “He blackened the Oscars right up!”

followed by “Along with Chris Rock’s eye!”. Upon first impression or

interpretation, “He blackened the Oscars right up” have the literal meaning of

“he” in this case Will Smith made the Oscars turn into the color black or made it

dark. However, taking the context into account that Will Smith did not turn the

Oscars black, his and Chris Rock’s ethnicity and cultural background of being an

African-American that could be associated with violence in the United States is

the only possible explanation for the usage of “blackened” which resulted in the

redefined meaning of “He blackened the Oscars right up!” as Will Smith made the

Oscars violent because of his action in slapping Chris Rock that is followed by the

punchline “Along with Chris Rock’s eye!” that could take the “blackened”

meaning different from the previous line making the meaning literal as in Will

Smith made Chris Rock’s eye black as a consequence of his slap.

Politeness Strategies in YouTube Comments

The ambiguity that is utilized in joke to make the hearer/reader redefine can also

be emphasized using other means such as emoticons as the modern way of

expressing emotions in writing form such as the one displayed in the following


Data 34.

@Ammiel-s_Christmas_tree :

“This still slaps hard”

Data Analysis

The commenter in the data above said “This still slaps hard 💀💀”, if interpreted

literally means that this video still slaps hard that indicates that the commenter

rewatched the video after some time and commented that the slap on Chris Rock

was still as hard as the last time he/she saw it. However, “slaps hard” can be

interpreted as a slang that means “To recognize as being ingenius and amazing”

(Urban Dictionary : Ingredient Produckshins, 2006), or otherwise can be

interpreted as funny or hilarious. Furthermore, the usage of the emoticon “💀💀” as

explained in Emojipedia (2024), commonly expresses death or dying of laughter

emphasizes that the usage of “slaps hard” in the comment means that the comment

is a joke because it indicates that the commenter was dying of laughter.

Politeness Strategies in YouTube Comments

Overstate : interest, approval, sympathy with hearer

The speaker will give more intonation or overstate feeling to the


Overstate is a sub-strategy of the positive politeness strategy that as the name

suggests is when the speaker will overstate their interest or feeling to the hearer by

using intonation or putting emphasis in written form. There are 9 comments using

this sub-strategy out of the 50 top comments and the data below shows its usage

in the comments of the youtube video.

Data 1.

@fallendevonish1869 :

everybody would’ve forgot that joke in 5 minutes but Will Smith has made

everyone remember it forever.

Data Analysis

The data above showed that the commenter said “everybody would’ve forgot that

joke in 5 minutes” implying that the joke that Chris Rock made in the

commenter’s opinion is insignificant and that people will get over it quickly, but

unfortunately Will Smith did not act according to what the commenter think he

should do, and the commenter overstates his/her feeling about what Will Smith

did in the video by saying “Will Smith has made everyone remember it
Politeness Strategies in YouTube Comments

forever”, implying that he/she feels Will Smith should not have done that and that

it only made things worse for him by making it a more memorable incident for the

whole world that saw it.

In spite of the fact that there are 9 uses of this strategy in the data sample, all of

them share the same essence or meaning only displayed using slightly different

diction or way of saying. Such as the data below.

Data 9.

@kari-3795 :

“Everyone would have forgotten that joke in 15 seconds but Will just

made sure everyone remembers it forever”

Data 10.

@zoey935 :

“Legendary moment that will never be forgotten”

Data 16

@7Seveneleven7715 :

“Will made the joke immortal and it will be remembered for decades to


All the data above share the same meaning or essence which is the moment that

occurred in the video of Will Smith slapping Chris Rock will be very memorable
Politeness Strategies in YouTube Comments

or hard to forget and all of the data above also uses overstate by putting emphasis

on the time only using different diction such as “never be forgotten”, or

“remembers it forever”, ect.

Presupposed, raise, common ground

The hearer will presupposes the speaker of what on his/her mind to

redressing the strategy.

Presuppose according to the Dictionary (Merriam-Webster, n.d.) means “to

suppose beforehand” or “to require as an antecedent in logic or fact”. This sub-

strategy utilizes presupposition of what is in the speaker’s mind to ease the

conversation with the hearer.

Data 4.

@jessebella9901 :

“This is the most honest act ever seen on the Oscars. If this happened

more often, I'd actually watch it.”

Data Analysis

The commenter first said “This is the most honest act ever seen on the Oscars”,

which refers to the action of Will Smith slapping Chris Rock because of a joke

that Chris Rock made about Will Smith’s wife Jada Pinkett. Then the commenter

added “If this happened more often, I’d actually watch it”, meaning that if such

things occur more often the commenter would willingly watch the Oscars.
Politeness Strategies in YouTube Comments

However, from the highlighted part of the comment which is “If this happened

more often” it implies a meaning or a presuppose that the commenter either

wished that it would happen more often or saying that it does not happen often.

Either way, it makes the hearer/reader presuppose of what was on the

commenter’s mind.

Use in Group Identity Marks

The strategy appear in the group identity interaction, in which the

language politeness of address only in group membership


In this sub-strategy of positive politeness strategy, group identity marks are used

to build or establish a relationship or a bond between the speaker/commenter and

the hearer/reader which will change their way of communicating to be closer or

more intimate.

Data 45.

@sonofgreattani2607 :

“Well done my boy… we shouldn’t make someone’s weakness and

suffering as joke specially when they r with u.”

Data Analysis

The data above showed the commenter saying “my boy” which refers to Will

Smith because from the context of the next thing the commenter said “we
Politeness Strategies in YouTube Comments

shouldn’t make someone’s weakness and suffering as joke specially when they r

with u” means that “my boy” cannot be Chris Rock because he was the one

making the joke, so by process of elimination “my boy” must be referring to Will

Smith. The meaning of “my boy” itself if it is interpreted literally means my son.

However, that particular meaning is not possible because Will Smith’s father has

already been deceased since 2016, so the commenter said “my boy” not to refer to

Will Smith as his father but as an identity marker that has the qualities meaning as

someone reliable, someone you love or adore, or in this case for the commenter is

as someone that he/she is a fan of. Thus, the usage of “my boy” in this data is used

as an identity marker for someone the commenter admire as a celebrity which is

Will Smith.

Off-record Strategy

The off-record strategy is a strategy that leaves the face out by interpreting an

indirect strategy, it is used to avoid responsibility of FTA by being ambiguous in

the communication. The strategy makes the hearer a bit baffled by the

contradictory meaning contained in using this strategy.

Give hints: Motive, condition

The speaker will say something that is not basically relevant with

the hint, nut the hearer will try to interpret the relevant meaning of


This sub-strategy is used to give hints or motives of the speaker in an indirect

manner leaving the hearer to interpret what the speaker actually want or what is
Politeness Strategies in YouTube Comments

the motive behind the thing that the speaker has said that is basically irrelevant of

what they spoke of beforehand. There are 4 of the 50 top comments that use this

sub-strategy, some are explained below.

Data 2.

@gemmacabanas3978 :




Data Analysis

The commenter said something that is not basically relevant with the hint. The

commenter tried to reenact what happened between Will Smith and his wife in the

commenter’s personal opinion of what happened based on what he interpreted

from what happened in the video. The comment “HIS WIFE: I’M NOT

LAUGHING; WILL: I’M NOT LAUGHING”, hinted that at the beginning

Will Smith was not offended by the joke that Chris Rock made about his wife but

ended up acting the way he did in the video because he thought his wife was

offended by it.

Made up conversations such as the data above was also utilized in other comments

in the data sample such as.

Data 19.
Politeness Strategies in YouTube Comments

@bl_pan :

“Organizers: How do we make people remember this night forever?

Chris Rock: I'll just make a joke about Will's wife and he'll come up the

stage to slap me.

Will Smith: Say no more”.

Data Analysis

The data above is a made up conversation lsmilar to the previous data that

displays the usage of the strategy explained. The commenter first said

“Organizers: How do we make people remember this night forever?” asking in the

made up conversation between the organizers and Will Smith and Chris Rock.

Chris Rock later replied “I'll just make a joke about Will's wife and he'll come up

the stage to slap me” followed by Will Smith “Say no more” which is irrelevant to

the hint if interpreted as “shut up” or “be quiet”. However, the true meaning of

“Say no more” in the data above is meant to be interpreted meaning that Will

Smith agreed. Thus, the line “Say no more” is a utilization of the strategy Give

Hints: Motive, Condition.


The speaker uses unfinished and limited conversational context by

leaving the FTA incomplete various speech.

Politeness Strategies in YouTube Comments

This sub-strategy like other sub-strategy of the bald off-record politeness strategy

leaves the face out of the picture to avoid FTA by using indirect strategies. In the

case of this particular sub-strategy, the speaker/commenter uses incomplete

sentences to avoid FTA by making the hearer/reader to interpret the meaning

themselves instead of the speaker/commenter saying it directly and risking of

getting FTA.

Data 13.

@gos_alex3743 :

“The way Chris Rock is laughing when Will Smith walks to him ”

Data Analysis

The commenter in the data above said “The way Chris Rock is laughing when

Will Smith walks to him”, which is an unfinished sentence because the meaning

of it is incomplete and there is no added detail of what is going on with the way

Chris Rock is laughing when Will Smith walks up to him. However, the

commenter added “🤣” at the end of a sentence as an indirect way of saying that the

commenter found what happened in the video was funny. Thus perfecting the

indirect strategy using the incomplete and limited context that the commenter

provided in the comment.

Politeness Strategies in YouTube Comments

The usage of emoticon or emoji in implementing the incomplete strategy by

giving indirect context can also be found in other comments in the data sample

such as.

Data 47.

@tehya6912 :

“The drama 😂”

Data Analysis

Similar to the previous data, this data also uses incomplete strategy by just saying

“The drama” without giving any other context of what is going on with “The

drama” or is it good or is it bad to avoid FTA. However, as the commenter in the

previous data did, the commenter in this data also uses emticon or emoji “😂” to

finish the incomplete sentence by giving context that means that the drama is

funny to the commenter.


Based on the findings, there are only two types of politeness strategy that

were used in the top 50 comments of the Will Smith SLAPS Chris Rock at Oscars
Politeness Strategies in YouTube Comments

2022 youtube video. These are the positive politeness strategy and the bald-off

record strategy.

Positive Politeness Strategy

The positive politeness strategy was found in 43 out of the 50 top

comments as the sample data, making it the most used strategy out of the two

politeness strategy found. Furthermore, the 43 comments that were found consists

of five different sub-strategies namely jokes with 8 uses; intensify interest to the

hearer with 24; presupposed, raise, common ground with 1; use in group identity

marks with 1; and overstate: interest, approval, sympathy with hearer with 9. The

usage of politeness strategy itself is to save face or to create a positive image on

one’s self for others by acting with consideration of norm and certainty widely

utilized in society and avoiding giving offense by emphasizing friendliness

(Sijabat, 2019). Therefore, taking into account the nature of commenting in the

youtube platform that provides people with the ability of being anonymous by

freely choosing their own username, the dominant usage of positive politeness

strategy in the findings showed that people still tend to try and be friendly to each

other to save face or create a positive image despite of their ability to stay

anonymous. However, the sub-strategies that were used further explain the details

of how the commenters try to save face, which are provided below.

1. Jokes

The 8 usage of jokes showed that 8 commenters intend to leave a positive

impression by trying to make the hearer/reader laugh. It is in line with the opinion
Politeness Strategies in YouTube Comments

of Hafid et al. (2022), which states that the strategy of using jokes is a way to

strengthen friendships. This agrees with Spero's (2013) assertion that laughter

happens when people are at ease with one another and feel approachable and

transparent. The greater the relationships within a group, the more laughter there


Based on the data analysis provided in the findings, the usage of the jokes

strategy were applied through ambiguity that triggered the hearer/reader to

redefine the message or the comment sent by the commenter. It is shown in the

analysis of data 5 which used capitalization to form ambiguity, data 50 which

used the situation and context to form ambiguity, etc

Thus, the jokes strategy which is a sub-strategy of positive politeness

strategy was used 8 times from the total sample data using different methods such

as capitalization, usage of in-group exclusive context, or anything else to form an

ambiguity that caused the hearer/reader to redefine the message to result into a

funny or humorous meaning. The strategy was used to establish a stronger bond

between the commenter and the hearer/reader by sharing a laugh or sharing a

similar emotion or interest through jokes as previously explained.

2. Intensify Interest to the Hearer

Politeness Strategies in YouTube Comments

This strategy was the most used strategy found in the 50 sample data the

researcher used. The strategy was found in 24 comments of the 50 comments as

the sample data. It is a sub-strategy of the positive politeness strategy that is used

to show a good impression to the hearer by intensifying their interest to the hearer

in hope to share the same interest and build a positive face with the hearer.

Based on the findings of the research, the strategy of intensifying interest

to the hearer was used by the commenters to share their view or interest on the

content of the Will Smith SLAPS Chris Rock at Oscars 2022 youtube video. The

execution of the strategy itself that was found in the findings was through detailed

explanation of the context shown in the video or the commenter’s own interest,

and putting emphasis on the comment that highlights the commenter’s interest in

the comments.

In light of this information, the intensify interest to the hearer strategy is

the most used strategy based on the findings of this research with a total of 24

usage in 24 of the 50 comments as the data sample. This fact shows that most

people that commented prefer to build a positive face by sharing and intensifying

their interest to others using methods such as detailed explanations that shows the

commenter’s interest, addition of emphasis in the comments that highlights the

commenter’s interest, and others.

3. Presupposed, Raise, Common Ground

Politeness Strategies in YouTube Comments

This strategy was only used 1 time out of the 50 data samples. It is also a

sub-strategy of the positive politeness strategy, it utilizes presupposition of what is

in the speaker’s mind to ease the conversation with the hearer. Based on the

findings, this strategy was used by the commenter to make the hearer/reader

presuppose what is in the commenter’s mind. The commenter in the findings

stated “This is the most honest act ever seen on the Oscars. If this happened

more often, I'd actually watch it.”, the highlighted part of the comment implies a

meaning or a presuppose that the commenter either wished that it would happen

more often or saying that it does not happen often. Either way, it makes the

hearer/reader presuppose of what was on the commenter’s mind.

4. Use in Group Identity Marks

In this sub-strategy of positive politeness strategy, group identity marks

are used to build or establish a relationship or a bond between the

speaker/commenter and the hearer/reader which will change their way of

communicating to be closer or more intimate. In the particular comment that was

found using this strategy however, it was not used to establish a relationship or a

bond between the commenter and the hearer/reader but to showcase the fondness

of the commenter to one of the person involved in the video which is Will Smith.

The commenter used the identity marker of “my boy” which contains a meaning

of adoration, endearment, or fondness to describe Will Smith. Thus, the comment

was written using the use of in-group identity mark strategy to build or establish a

bond between the commenter and Will Smith that was showcased in the comment

section of the video for everyone to see.

Politeness Strategies in YouTube Comments

5. Overstate: Interest, Approval, Sympathy with Hearer

Overstate is a sub-strategy of the positive politeness strategy that as the

name suggests is when the speaker will overstate their interest or feeling to the

hearer by using intonation or putting emphasis in written form. In the findings,

this strategy is used to emphasize what the writer/speaker is saying. Hyperbole is

typically used to exaggerate, emphasize, or overstate what the speaker/commenter

is saying. This strategy was used 9 times in this research data.

Based on the findings, all of the usage of this strategy in this research was

to exaggerate or overstate what the commenter wants to say. Data 16 for example

shows the commenter saying the word “immortal” to refer to the events that

happened in the video being unforgettable for everyone. The commenter

exaggerated by using the word “immortal” to emphasize how the commenter feel

about the video and the impression it left on the commenter. All other comments

found that used this strategy also used the same method.

Thus, the usage of this sub-strategy of the positive politeness strategy as

found in the findings to be used 9 times were used to emphasize what the

commenter feel by exaggerating or overstating how the commenter feel using

things such as hyperbole.

Bald Off-record Strategy

Politeness Strategies in YouTube Comments

The bald off-record strategy was only found to be used in only 7 out of the

50 data samples of the comments of the “Will Smith SLAPS Chris Rock at Oscars

2022” YouTube video. Only 2 sub-strategy of the bald off-record strategy was

found used; Give hints with 4 usage, and Incomplete with 3. The off-record

strategy itself is a strategy that leaves the face out by interpreting an indirect

strategy, it is used to avoid the responsibility of FTA by being ambiguous in the

communication. The strategy makes the hearer a bit baffled by the contradictory

meaning contained in using this strategy. The usage of this politeness strategy is

effective in scenarios in social media such as YouTube like in this research

because of its nature to leave the face out of the conversation by being ambiguous

and the anonymity of commenting in social media like the YouTube comments

section. Furthermore, the sub-strategies that was used by the commenters in the

data found will be further explained below.

1. Give Hints: Motive, Condition

This sub-strategy is used to give hints or motives of the speaker in an

indirect manner leaving the hearer to interpret what the speaker actually want or

what is the motive behind the thing that the speaker has said that is basically

irrelevant of what they spoke of beforehand. Four of the fifty comments as the

data sample use this sub-strategy.

Based on the findings, the usage of this strategy was done by the

commenters by saying things irrelevant to the hint in the video. Purposefully

making it ambiguous for the reader/hearer to interpret which leaves the

Politeness Strategies in YouTube Comments

commenter’s face out of the comment. Thus, 4 out of 50 of the commenters chose

to use this strategy and leave their face out of the comment to avoid FTA by

leaving ambiguous remarks in the comments.

2. Incomplete

This sub-strategy like other sub-strategy of the bald off-record politeness

strategy leaves the face out of the picture to avoid FTA by using indirect

strategies. In the case of this particular sub-strategy, the speaker/commenter uses

incomplete sentences to avoid FTA by making the hearer/reader to interpret the

meaning themselves instead of the speaker/commenter saying it directly and

risking of getting FTA.

Based on the findings, this strategy was used 3 times out of the total 50

comments as the data sample. The strategy itself was used by the commenters by

leaving incomplete remarks to leave an ambiguous effect for the reader/hearer to

interpret. It leaves the commenter’s face out of the comment and free them of the

risk of FTA. Thus, the usage of this sub-strategy share the same goal as the

previous bald off-record sub-strategy but uses different method which is using

incomplete sentence or context to leave an ambiguous effect and make the

reader/hearer guess the meaning.

Politeness Strategies in YouTube Comments


This chapter presents the research conclusion and recommendations. The

conclusion are based on the findings from the research question formulation.

Then, the researcher also gives the recommendation to future researchers who are

interested in conducting a research on politeness strategies.


The researcher has made the conclusion based on the data that has been

found in this study, which is about the politeness strategies used in the comment

section of the youtube video titled Will Smith SLAPS Chris Rock at Oscars 2022.

In this study, the researcher used Brown & Levinson’s (1978) theory of politeness

strategy consisting of four main strategis which are positive politeness strategy,

negative politeness strategy, bald on-record strategy , and bald off-record strategy.

However, based on the findings and disscussion, the researcher only found

two out of four politeness strategies as proposed by Brown & Levinson (1978)

used in the top 50 comments of the Will Smith SLAPS Chirs Rock at Oscars 2022

YouTube comment section. These are; positive politeness strategy, and bald-off

record strategy. The researcher did not find the usage of negative politeness

strategies and bald on-record strategy due to the comment section of a YouTube

video being an open forum that opens the commenters to the possibility of FTA

but still give the commenters enough freedom to express themselves due to the

freedom of choosing a username that will be displayed that gives the commenters

the ability to stay anonymous.

Politeness Strategies in YouTube Comments

Additionally, out of the two politeness strategy that were found, the

positive politeness strategy was the most used politeness strategy with a total of

43 out of the 50 top comments as the sample data utilizing this strategy divided to

5 different sub-strategies which are jokes with 8, intensify interest to the hearer

with 24, presupposed, raise, common ground with 1, use in group identity marks

with 1, and overstate: interest, approval, sympathy with hearer with 9.

Comparatively, the usage of the bald off-record strategy was only 7 out of the 50

top comments with 2 sub-strategies namely incomplete strategy with 3, and give

hints; motive, condition strategy with 4.

In conclusion, the politeness strategy that is used in the comment section

of the Will Smith SLAPS Chris Rock at Oscars 2022 are positive politeness

strategy and bald off-record strategy because the commenters intend to share or

express their idea without the risk of FTA while still not being overly polite by

using a strategy like negative politeness strategy because of their freedom to be

anonymous that is provided by the YouTube platform. This unique factor is what

differentiates the usage of politeness strategies in real-life communication from

the politeness strategy that is used in online platforms without direct face-to-face

communication such as the YouTube comment section as proven by the

researcher in this research.

Politeness Strategies in YouTube Comments

The researcher provides recommendations for everyone who is interested

in politeness strategy. The researcher expects this research to be a reference

material for future research regarding the topic of politeness strategy. The

researcher suggests that those who are interested in conducting a research in the

same topic to explore more. As this research only focuses on the types of

politeness strategy that is used in the comment section of the Will Smith SLAPS

Chris Rock at Oscars 2022 YouTube video, future research can discuss it further

by analyzing the politeness strategy that is used in the YouTube video instead of

the comment section. Furthermore, The future researcher can also try analyzing

the politeness strategy used in different YouTube videos or different online

platforms altogether like Instagram, Twitter, Whatsapp, etc.

Politeness Strategies in YouTube Comments

Arrasyd, A., & Hamzah, H. (2019). Impoliteness Strategies in Youtube Comment

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Politeness Strategy on Social Media WhatsApp Based on Level of

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Merriam-Webster. (n.d.). Presuppose. In dictionary.

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Telecommunications policy, 745-750.




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Paputungan, R. (2020). An Analysis of Politeness Strategies Used by the

Characters in War Dogs Movie. Gorontalo: Universitas Negeri Gorontalo.

Skull. (n.d.). In Emojipedia. Retrieved January 23, 2024, from

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Wardoyo, C. (2019). Contagiousness of Politeness on Youtube. Paradigm, 139-

Politeness Strategies in YouTube Comments


Data Finding in Will Smith SLAPS Chris Rock at Oscars 2022 Comments

No. Corpus of Politeness in Comments Politeness Strategy Sub-Strategy

1. @fallendevonish1869 : Positive Politeness Overstate

” everybody would’ve forgot that joke in 5

minutes but Will Smith has made everyone

remember it forever.”

2. @gemmacabanas3978 : Off-record Strategy Give Hints: Motive, Condition




3. @qopoydnon5798 : Positive Politeness Jokes

Politeness Strategies in YouTube Comments

“Legends say Chris Rick is still smiling to this


4. @jessebella9901 : Positive Politeness Presupposed, raise, common ground

“This is the most honest act ever seen on the

Oscars. If this happened more often, I’d actually

watch it.”

5. @catbarbadinho : Positive Politeness Jokes

“If someone doesn't slap Chris Rock, There's

always someone who WILL”

6. @_moonlight_fox4798 : Positive Politeness Intensify Interest to the Hearer

“For anyone else trying to understand Chris

Rock’s joke:

When Chris Rock says “Jada, can’t wait for G.I.

Politeness Strategies in YouTube Comments

Jane 2” it is an apparent reference to Jada’s

shaved hairdo – a result of the hair loss

condition alopecia. Rock’s joke referred to a

1997 film ‘G.I. Jane’, in which an actress

named Demi Moore played the main role with a

severe buzzcut”

7. @Naila.360 : Positive Politeness Jokes

“Will Smith from “laughing at the joke” to

“slapping Chris” to “crying during the speech”.

A well deserved Oscar for these mood swings.”

8. @lils2968 : Positive Politeness Intensify Interest to the Hearer

“It's not even the slap for me. Its the way will

walks away with a cheeky smile whilst

Politeness Strategies in YouTube Comments

adjusting his suit for me ”

9. @kari-3795 : Positive Politeness Overstate

“Everyone would have forgotten that joke in 15

seconds but Will just made sure everyone

remembers it forever”

10. @zoey935 : Positive Politeness Overstate

“Legendary moment that will never be


11. @Phobosz : Positive Politeness Intensify Interest to the Hearer

“What saddens me is the fact that the audience

didn’t do anything about it and instead started


12. @DS-of6ui : Positivie Politeness Intensify Interest to the Hearer

Politeness Strategies in YouTube Comments

“Seriously!! If smith hadn't slapped Chris I

wouldn't have even known that the oscars took


13. @gos_alex3743 : Off-record Strategy Incomplete

“The way Chris Rock is laughing when Will

Smith walks to him ”

14. @VARJAGAMINGENTERTAINMENT : Positive Politeness Overstate

“This scene forever will be remain history and

never be forgotten ”

15. @ingamedetails : Positive Politeness Overstate

“You can literally feel the decades of bottled up

Politeness Strategies in YouTube Comments

rage permeate through that slap. Lmao!”

16. @7Seveneleven7715 : Positive Politeness Overstate

“Will made the joke immortal and it will be

remembered for decades to come”

17. @elchrispr7873 : Positive Politeness Intensify Interest to the Hearer

“Honestly if Will Smith never slapped Chris I

genuinely wouldn’t have know the Oscar’s even


18. @mikeenyinna4775 : Positive Politeness Jokes

“Chris deserves an instant Oscar for his

theatrical reaction”

19. @bl_pan : Off-record Strategy Give Hints: Motive, Condition

“Organizers: How do we make people

remember this night forever?

Politeness Strategies in YouTube Comments

Chris Rock: I'll just make a joke about Will's

wife and he'll come up the stage to slap me.

Will Smith: Say no more.

20. @KashifKashif-sn1mn : Off-record Strategy Incomplete

“The way Chris rock is laughing will Smith

walks to him”

21. @PickleDood69420 : Positive Politeness Intensify Interest to the Hearer

“It’s absolutely insane that Will Smith can hit

someone at an awards show, sit back down,

then win an award and get a standing ovation”

22. @MayaByrne : Positive Politeness Intensify Interest to the Hearer

“Honestly. Chris Rock is a comedian. He

wouldn’t be able to make any jokes if he did not

Politeness Strategies in YouTube Comments

hurt anyone verbally! Anyways Chris hurt him

verbally but Will hurt him physically”

23. @NigelGoode1 : Positive Politeness Intensify Interest to the Hearer

“Defending your wife's honour... good on ya

Will ”

24. @redsquirrel5308 : Positive Politeness Intensify Interest to the Hearer

“Will literally had a smirk on his face waking

back to his seat. I just hope someone would

have taken action against him like you can’t just

walk up and smack someone like that. What is


25. @Ilovethebeatles104 : Positive Politeness Overstate

“’You have to have people disrespecting you

Politeness Strategies in YouTube Comments

and you have to smile and pretend it’s OK’

that’s exactly what you did”

26. @arcade_matt : Positive Politeness Intensify Interest to the Hearer

“Had no clue the Oscars were even on”
27 @taiyorenai7690 : Positive Politeness Intensify Interest to the Hearer

“The fact that Will laughed at the joke before

immediately putting on the whole offended

mask makes it impossible to take any of his

reactions seriously”

28. @Beto-pn6rl : Positive Politeness Overstate

“Freakin' insane! how a person can destroy his

entire career in just 5 or 6 seconds”

29. @jamescooling : Positive Politeness Intensify Interest to the Hearer

“’Love will make you do crazy things’ That

wasn’t love, that was something else”

Politeness Strategies in YouTube Comments

30. @redschnee5850 : Positive Politeness Intensify Interest to the Hearer

“Say whatever you want, but if it wasn’t for that

controversial moment, I couldn’t even know

there was an Oscar Awards show in that night

(hopefully I’m not the only).

And also we deserved the slap as the best meme

of the year.”

31. @user-gw4zg1qm8m : Positive Politeness Intensify Interest to the Hearer

“The worst thing about this whole incident is

Will actually laughed at that. That was a light


32. @zodiacqueen8677 : Positive Politeness Intensify Interest to the Hearer

“Was having a bad day So revisited this SLAP

Politeness Strategies in YouTube Comments

to cheer me up 🥸”

33. @kimmyanna1324 : Positive Politeness Intensify Interest to the Hearer

“Chris Rock handle everything like nothing

happened though after getting a slap

He was on the next level”

34. @Ammiel-s_Christmas_tree : Positive Politeness Jokes

“This still slaps hard”

35. @ChandranPrema123 : Positive Politeness Jokes

“A slap can neither be created nor be destroyed

can only be transferred from one face to


36. @clubredken13 : Positive Politeness Intensify Interest to the Hearer

“For me it wasn’t the slap.

Politeness Strategies in YouTube Comments

It was when Will Smith yelled ‘Keep my wife’s

name out of your mouth.!’


37. @DS-of6ui : Positive Politeness Intensify Interest to the Hearer

“Seriously!! If smith hadn’t slapped Chris I

wouldn’t have even known that the scars took


38. @mahmudaparvin2948 : Positive Politeness Intensify Interest to the Hearer

“Ok will yelling at Chris was wayyy more

akward than the actual slap”

39. @JustArkon : Positive Politeness Overstate

“Everyone would have forgotten that joke in 15

seconds but Will just made sure everyone

Politeness Strategies in YouTube Comments

remembers it forever”

40. @mehraj6352 : Positive Politeness Intensify Interest to the Hearer

“”love will make u do crazy things” man tht is

the most truthful quote I ever heard”

41. @joshuafazekas9464 : Positive Politeness Jokes

“More people have seen this slap than the

movie Will got an award for.”

42. @Howlingburd19 : Positive Politeness Intensify Interest to the Hearer

“Honestly, if it wasn’t for this, I wouldn’t even

have known the Oscars were happening lol

And Smith’s “award” will forever be

overshadowed by this xD”

43. @pavilionman64 : Positive Politeness Intensify Interest to the Hearer

Politeness Strategies in YouTube Comments

“He could have handled the situation in an

elegant way, go to Chris Rock and take the

microphone away from him and demand an

apology for the joke, looking him in the face.”

44. @yaelmoskowitz5741 : Positive Politeness Intensify Interest to the Hearer

“Will could have made a statement gracefully,

without laying hands on another adult on live

television. Chris Rock made a JOKE, Will

Smith ASSAULTED SOMEBODY, there is no


45. @sonofgreattani2607 : Positive Politeness Use in Group Identity Marks

“Well done my boy… we shouldn’t make

someone’s weakness and suffering as joke

specially when they r with u.”

Politeness Strategies in YouTube Comments

46. @tynielsen : Positive Politeness Intensify Interest to the Hearer

“This was the first Oscar ceremony I watched

live. Some first time ”

47. @tehya6912 : Off-record Strategy Incomplete

“The drama ”

48. @onlythalapathyvijaymaster3324 : Off-record Strategy Give Hints: Motive, Condition

“Will: haha that was funny

Jada: no it wasn’t

Will: You’re right”

49. @leonemesis87 : Off-record Strategy Give Hints: Motive, Condition

“Love will make you do crazy things.. like

laughing your ass out of a joke, then realizing

it’s not cool and conclude to hit the comedian to

Politeness Strategies in YouTube Comments

be the hero of the night. Love love love”

50. @bigginsg8711 : Positive Politeness Jokes

“He blackened the Oscars right up! Along with

Chris Rock's eye!”

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