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Part 1. Organization Change: Setting the Context

The challenge of change

- Discuss the statement “People is the most important resource of the business”
-Change Architecture:
“A set of arrangements, systems, processes through which organizations engage people in “productive
reasoning” focused on creating a new better future”

Part 2: Models of change

- Lewin’s model: 3 stages of change (details of each step)
- Kotter’s 8 steps model of change: Name of each step
Part 3: Change Management

Technique External environments for change:

- PESTLE Analysis: (Week 4) How to use to model, meaning of each factor

- Evolutionary cycle of competitive behavior: (Week 4) How many phases are there? Meaning of each
Internal environments for change: (Week 4)

- Identifying Key Success Factors (KSF): Definition

- Resources Audit: Definition and how many elements are there?
Diagnosing change: Week 5

- Efficiency and effectiveness: what are the differences? (textbook page 197,198)
- Understanding the “human” dimension of change: Assumption models: Rational-economic man, social
man, self-actualizing man, complex man (text book page: 211-215)
Managing major change: Week 6

-Managerial skills for effective organizational change: Summary slide 42

-Coping with change: the coping cycle (Carnal)
-Barriers to change
-Resistance to change

Strategy for organizational effectiveness

- Force field analysis (Lewin): How to use and the meaning of keywords: Driving forces, restraining forces,
Culture Models and Organizational Change

-Models of organizational culture (Hofstede; Trompenaars)

Part 4: Themes and issues in Organization Change

Leadership in practice: Week 11,12

-Leaders and Situations: Paul Hersey and Ken Blanchard ( Leadership style and Employee’s readiness)
-The context of Leadership
-Managers and Leadership

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