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Job Description

Manya Malhotra 23PGDM082
Pratyush kedia 23PGDM090
Ashray Sharma 23PGDM076
Shashank Sharma 23PGDM104
Aditya Verma 23PGDM066
Toushik Banerjee 23PGDM117

What was the job being performed?

I worked as an Associate Dentist for 14 months, from April 2021 to May, 2022.

What were the major duties/responsibilities of your position? Who were all in your work-group?
I was responsible for Diagnosing and treating Oral Lesions and Diseases along with
addressing patient Care and Education, I performed various dental procedures
relating to Endodontics, Prosthodontics and Oral surgery with aids such as
Systemized Radiography and Radiovisiography.
Also, I was accountable for supervising Interns and training them for efficient and
effective oral healthcare.
In my work group, I had my Senior Dentist, who was the owner of the clinic. Aided
by a dental assistant and 2 interns working under us.

What physical location did you work in?

I worked at Arora Dental and Orthodontic Clinic, Sirsa, Haryana.

What were the education, experience, skill, and certification or training program requirements?
Becoming a dentist involves a combination of education, experience, skills and in some cases,
certification or training programs.
First and fore-most requirement is holding a bachelor’s degree, that is, Bachelors of Dental Surgery,
which is of 5 years including 1 year of compulsory internship.
Talking about the skills, one needs to be well versed with all the basic procedures of dentistry, ranging
from scaling to splinting; treatment of common oral lesions to extractions and restorations to root canal
treatment. I learnt the fundamentals of dentistry in my first two years followed by added hands-on
experience in the latter half. This also continued in the 1st year of compulsory internship. Later, to get a
hang of private clinic work culture, I interned at Arora Dental and Orthodontic Clinic, for 3 months,
followed by Job at the same place.

What were the job duties and responsibilities?

Adding to my duties, I assessed oral health conditions of the patients, diagnosed dental problems and
developed comprehensive treatment plans as well as provided personalized care to patients and
addressed their concerns, and educated them about oral health maintenance while adhering to
professional ethics, patient confidentiality and regulatory guidelines governing dental practice.

What were the basis accountabilities and performance standards that typify your work?

Life of a doctor is not easy as we are always under a lot of lot of pressure and need to upgrade ourselves
continuously to provide the best care to the patients. Let me share some of the benchmarks and
standards that I had to follow.

We had to maintain high ethics focusing on patient confidentiality, obtaining informed consent for
procedures, and providing honest and transparent information about treatment options and costs. Also,
effective teamwork and communication were essential to ensure smooth clinic operations and patient

We, as dentists are expected to stay up-to-date with advancements in dental techniques, technologies,
and best practices through continuous education and training.

Talking of performance standards, we employed techniques and medications to manage pain and
anxiety in patients, particularly for procedures that caused discomfort. We are also accountable for
adhering to strict infection control protocols to ensure the safety of patients and staff. This included
proper sterilization of instruments and maintaining a clean and sterile environment.

Another Standard we had to keep in mind was Financial Management. Dentists in private practice need
to manage the financial aspects of their clinics, including budgeting, billing, and insurance claims.

What were the environmental conditions involved?

Key environmental conditions involved in dentistry included Infection Control Measures, Ventilation and
Air Quality, Infection Control Zones, Radiation Safety, Waste Management, Noise Control, Ergonomic
dental chair and maintaining Water Quality
What were the job’s physical, mental and emotional standards?

While working in an organization or a hospital, we need to take care of ourselves at all times. We need
to be physically, mentally and emotionally stable. Though being a doctor in particular, going through
pain of patients, we needed to be extra careful. Let me tell you about some of the standards that we
had set for ourselves.

Physical Standards included manual dexterity and fine motor skills to perform delicate dental
procedures within the small confines of the mouth. Also, visual acuity played role in accurately
diagnosing oral health issues, identifying fine details in X-rays, and performing precise procedures.
Dental procedures can be physically demanding and required us to maintain uncomfortable positions for
extended periods. I would like to add that adequate hearing is essential for effective communication
with patients, staff, and dental assistants. Dentists must be able to hear and understand patient
concerns and instructions.

Talking about Mental Standards:

Dentists possess strong problem-solving skills to diagnose oral health issues, develop effective treatment
plans, and address unexpected challenges during dental procedures. We need critical thinking skills to
evaluate the effectiveness of treatment options, make informed decisions, and adjust treatment plans
as necessary. Dentists must pay close attention to detail when diagnosing conditions, planning
treatments, and performing procedures to ensure optimal outcomes and patient safety. Dentistry can
be emotionally and mentally demanding, so we needed to be extra careful while going through hard

If I am talking about Emotional Standards:

We needed to be empathetic and compassionate, as we often dealt with patients who were anxious, in
pain, or fearful of dental procedures. Demonstrating empathy helped build trust and improve patient
experiences. Patience is essential when working with patients who had dental anxiety or who required
complex treatments. We took the time to listen to patients' concerns and provided reassurance.
Dentists must maintain high ethical standards, including honesty, integrity, and confidentiality. We
prioritized patient welfare and provided care that is in the best interests of the patient.

Meeting these physical, mental, and emotional standards was crucial for us dentists to provide safe,
high-quality care, and to maintain their own well-being in a demanding profession. It also contributes to
positive patient experiences and trust in the dental profession as a whole.
What were the health and safety conditions?

As a healthcare professional, we need to be on our toes at all times to maintain a hygienic and safe

We were sometimes required to wear appropriate PPE, including gloves, masks, and eye protection,
when treating patients to prevent the spread of infections. Strict infection control protocols were in
place, including regular sterilization of dental instruments and surfaces to maintain a clean and safe
environment as well as proper precautions were taken when using dental X-rays to minimize radiation
exposure to both patients and staff. Lead aprons and thyroid collars were used.
Dental chairs and equipment were designed for ergonomic comfort to reduce the risk of
musculoskeletal injuries among dental staff.
The clinic had also established emergency response protocols in case of medical or dental emergencies
during patient treatments.
Safe handling and disposal procedures were followed for hazardous materials such as dental chemicals
and waste.

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