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Job Profile Discussion

Name: Sumit Singh

Group: B4
1.What was the job being performed?
A. Biology Faculty and Student Counsellor at Gyanveer English Medium School, and
Co-founder at "Swadesh Academy"
B. Independent Distributor at Vestige Marketing Pvt. Ltd.
2.What were the major duties/responsibilities of your position? Who were all in your
A. I was a Biology Faculty and Student Counsellor at Gyanveer English Medium School
while also co-founding "Swadesh Academy" to provide educational services.
B. As an independent distributor at Vestige Marketing Pvt. Ltd., I was responsible for
promoting and selling the company's products, recruiting, and leading a team of 7+
distributors, and maintaining relationships with more than 250 loyal monthly consumers.
Major Duties/Responsibilities:
A. Teaching biology to higher classes at Gyanveer English Medium School.
Providing counselling and support to students at Gyanveer English Medium School.
Co-founding and managing "Swadesh Academy," which involved strategy making,
marketing, student and parent relations, and teaching.
B. Promoting and selling Vestige Marketing's products.
Recruiting and leading a team of 7+ distributors.
Maintaining relationships with more than 250 loyal monthly consumers.
A, My work-group at Gyanveer English Medium School would have included other faculty
members and staff. At "Swadesh Academy," I co-founded it with My cousin, so it would
primarily involve the two of us but then we built a team of 6 members.
B. In Marketing Company my work-group included the upper management and the team of
7+ distributors I recruited and led.

3.What physical location did you work in?

From my hometown Chhindwara, MP, I worked at Gyanveer English Medium School,
Swadesh Academy, and Vestige Marketing Private Limited.
4.What were the education, experience, skill, and certification or training program

 At least Bachelor’s Degree

 Experience in teaching biology
 Experience in student counselling
 Strong communication and interpersonal skills
 Ability to work independently and as part of a team
 Relevant sales and marketing experience, leadership skills, and knowledge of the
company's products would have been valuable.
 Various training programme were also provided by both organisation.

5.What were the job duties and responsibilities?

A. At the school, My duties included teaching and counselling. At "Swadesh Academy," I had
broader responsibilities, including strategy, marketing, and teaching.
B. In marketing company , my main duties included sales, team recruitment and leadership,
and customer relationship management.

6.What were the basis accountabilities and performance standards that typify your work?
A. For teaching, my performance would be assessed based on student progress and outcomes.
At "Swadesh Academy," success would be measured by student enrollment and satisfaction.
And performance in distributor role would be judged based on sales performance, team
growth, and customer satisfaction.

7.What were the environmental conditions involved?

A. As a Biology Teacher: At a school, I work in a classroom environment with a set schedule.
I utilize textbooks and lab equipment, manage class sizes, and sometimes incorporate
classroom technology to enhance lessons.
As a Co-founder of Swadesh Academy: As a co-founder of "Swadesh Academy," I oversee
office operations, collaborate with a team, and develop curriculum. Marketing and budgeting
are part of my responsibilities. I maintain a flexible schedule, often working long hours
during critical periods, focusing on the academy's comprehensive management and growth.
B. As an independent distributor in Vestige Marketing Pvt Ltd, I operate in a dynamic sales
environment, leading a team of 7 distributors and nurturing relationships with over 250 loyal
consumers. I must adapt to market fluctuations, maintain strong team dynamics, provide
excellent customer service, and stay compliant with company and regulatory guidelines to
succeed in this role.
8.What were the job’s physical, mental and emotional standards?
A. In my dual roles as a Biology Faculty and Student Counsellor at Gyanveer English
Medium School and as a co-founder of "Swadesh Academy," the job's physical standards
required adaptability for teaching and counselling. Mentally, I needed strong teaching skills,
strategic thinking for Swadesh Academy's growth, and counselling expertise. Emotionally,
resilience was crucial in balancing two demanding roles while maintaining positive
relationships with students, parents, and colleagues.
B. In my role as an independent distributor in Vestige Marketing Pvt Ltd, the job's physical
standards include mobility for meetings and potential travel. Mentally, I need strong product
knowledge, analytical skills for market trends, and the ability to strategize. Emotionally, I
must be resilient in the face of sales challenges, adaptable to changing market conditions, and
empathetic in managing customer relations and team dynamics.

9.What were the health and safety conditions?

Gyanveer English Medium School (Biology Faculty and Student Counsellor) And
Swadesh Academy (Co-founder): In an educational setting, health and safety conditions
focused on classroom safety, including proper handling of laboratory equipment, ensuring a
secure environment for students, and adhering to school safety protocols.
Additionally, standard safety measures for a business establishment, such as fire safety and
emergency procedures, were necessary to provide a secure learning environment.
Vestige Marketing (Distributor): While working as an independent distributor, standard office
safety measures applied. This included maintaining a safe and comfortable workspace,
adhering to company policies, and ensuring the safety of team members during meetings and
In all roles, maintaining a healthy work-life balance was vital for overall well-being.

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