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MMT Review
The Chart
The Worst Answer
Brazilian tourists like at the beach than Chinese,American and Turkish tourists
Chinese tourists like reading books than American,Turkish and Brazilian tourists
Turkish tuorists like visiting places than American,Turkish and Brazilian tourists
The Good model Answer
The bar chart compares the amount of time each day that people from China,
America, Turkey, Brazil spent doing activities while on holiday in Greece in August
2015. The activities were at the beach, reading books, and visiting places
Overall, the tourists spent the most time reading books and going to the beach while
they spent the least time visiting places. The Chinese tourists spent the longest reading
books with a total of eight hours per day. By contrast, the Brazilians spent the longest
at the beach with a total of 4 hours.

Both the American and the Turkish tourists spent the same time every day visiting
places with three hours each day. Likewise, the Turkish tourists and Brazilian tourists
groups spent a total of four hours each reading books, only half the amount of time
reading books as the Chinese tourists. However, the tourists from America and Turkey
spent three times the amount of time visiting places as the Chinese tourists.
● Comparisons were good.
● Details were good.
● Clearer organization is needed.
○ What are the parts of the task?
○ What is the sequence for that task style?
● Speculation and theories are not needed!
● Talk about the data, not the chart objects.
○ “Hours” and “people,” not “bars” and “lines”
1. Writing Part 1: Graph overviews
2. Speaking Part 2: Writing useful notes
3. Writing Part 2 and/or Speaking Part 3
4. Passive Voice
5. Extra: Parallelism
To Practice 6. Extra: Paraphrasing
7. Student Choice
(Process overviews, transitions and sequencing, number
verbs, number prepositions, feelings and experiences,
habits, describing people, etc.)
Writing Part 1:
Writing Part 1: Overviews

● What does the graph show?

(Most of you can already do this.)

● What are the main features?

(Most of you need to practice this.)
○ How can you tell?
Writing Useful
Speaking Part 2: Useful Notes
● Choose a topic. ● Choose a topic.
○ Art ○ Hobby
○ Book ○ Website
○ Advice ○ Journey
○ Routine ○ Person (who is…)
○ Exercise ○ Music
○ Family ○ News item
○ Gift ○ Photograph
Writing Part 2: Opinions
Do you agree…
Education To what extent…
How do you feel…
Public Transport Do you prefer…
Criminal Justice
Should we…
Youth Crime
Technology Why does…
Government Spending
Speaking Part 3: Your Ideas
● Choose a topic. ● Choose a topic.
○ Art ○ Hobby
○ Book ○ Website
○ Advice ○ Journey
○ Routine ○ Person (who is…)
○ Exercise ○ Music
○ Family ○ News item
○ Gift ○ Photograph

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