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Method Latin word “MODE” means Way

In Education, it means the mode in which the material is communicated from the teacher to the

There are different types of teaching techniques that can be summed up as:
1. Teacher centred methods
2. Learner centred methods
3. Content-focused methods
4. Interactive/participative method.

Teacher-centred Teaching Methods

● Here teacher assumes the main position, he cast himself in the role of being a master of the
subject matter.
● The teacher is looked upon by the learners as an expert or an authority.
● Learners are assumed as passive recipients of knowledge from the teacher.
● Example: lecture method, video presentation which requires little to no involvement of
learners in the teaching process.

Learner centred method:

● In the learner-centred method, the teacher/instructor is both teacher and a learner at the
same time.


● He is not a dictator.
● Places the learner at the centre of the learning. This means that the learner or student is
responsible for learning while the tutor is responsible for facilitating the learning.

3. Content-Focused Method:
● In this category, both the teacher and the students have to fit into the content that is
● A lot of emphases is laid on the clarity and careful analysis of content. Both the teacher
and learner cannot alter or become critical of anything to do with the content.
● Example: Programmed learning approach.

4. Interactive/Participative Method:
● This fourth category borrows a bit from the other three domains without laying emphasis
unduly on the teacher, student or content.
● These methods are driven by situational analysis of what is the most appropriate thing for
us to learn/do now given the situation of the learner and the teacher.

The various types of Teacher Centred Methods are:

Lecture Method:
The lecture method is the most conventional and dominating teaching method and is preferred by
many teachers. In this method, a teacher attempts to explain facts, principles or relationships to
help learners understand. Here, this teacher is an active participant, the students are assumed to be
passive listeners. Usually, the students do not converse with the teacher during lectures by the
teacher. That way, it is one-way communication. The teacher talks more or less continuously to
the class. The class listens, writes and notes facts and ideas for remembering and to think them


over later. It can be made a two-way communication if the teacher allows students to ask few
questions to clarify a point but no discussion is usually held.

Basic Features:
1. It is formal and narrative in nature.
2. It presents a series of events or facts.
3. It explores the problem.

1. It is economical and a single teacher can teach a large number of students at a time which is not
possible by using other methods. It saves much time and the syllabus can be very easily covered
within a limited time.
2. It simplifies the task of the teacher.
3. It is useful for imparting factual information and drawing attention to its important points.
4. During lectures, interruptions and distractions are usually avoided.

1. It provides very little opportunity for student activity, the teacher takes special care to make the
class interesting.
2. It usually does not provide opportunities to learners to solve problems.
3. It offers limited opportunities for checking learning progress, whether the students are attending
and understanding all that the teacher is explaining.
4. The interests, abilities and intelligence of students are not taken care of.
5. It does not allow the individual pace of learning.

Lecture cum Demonstration Method:

The meaning of demonstration is to show. It is based on learning from concrete to abstract.
Demonstration implies the presentation of a pre-arranged series of events or equipment to a group
of students for their observation.

1. It is helpful in explaining materials, objects and ideas.
2. It is effective in explaining abstract concepts.
3. It is helpful to achieve the objectives in cognitive, psychomotor and affective domains as there
is physical and mental participation of learners.

Team Teaching Method:

Developed in 1954 at Harvard University, USA. Also known as the Collaborative or Co-Teaching
method. It is an innovative approach in teaching groups of large size in which two or more teachers
are involved in planning, executing and evaluating the learning experiences for a group of students.



1. Sharing the best faculty with more students.

2. Optimum use of multiple teaching devices and techniques
3. Improvement of teaching quality.

1. Finding teachers to guide the learners effectively is a difficult task.
2. More teachers are required for this method.
3. Not useful for teaching all subjects.
4. Requires much time for planning and scheduling.

TV or Video Presentation:
Video or television presentation is an improved presentation of radio or audio presentation and it
can virtually bring the whole world inside the classroom. Screening of video presentation is
followed by a discussion or task.

1. Many experts and important personalities are brought to the classroom through video
2. Specifically useful for adult learners.
3. Illustrated lectures and demonstrations can be supplemented by other teaching instructional
facilities, such as slides, models, specimens, etc.
4. Easily accessible for learners in remote areas.
5. Specifically useful for subjects, such as astronomy, geography etc.

1. Less possibility for two-way communication.
2. There may be difficulty in adjusting to complicated schedules to the telecast period.

Direct and Indirect Method


The direct method is teacher-dominated. You lecture immediately on what you want the students
to learn without necessarily involving them in the process.

EXAMPLE: You want to teach students how to pronounce a word, how to write a paragraph, how
to add fractions, how to thread a sewing machine, how to dribble the ball, or how to read the map.
To teach them the skills or process, you show them how by demonstrating it. This is the “telling”
and the “showing” method. You are a lecturer and demonstrator.



The indirect method is learner-dominated. You give the student an active role in the learning
process. In the indirect method, your task is to ask your students question to provoke their thinking,
imagination, thought- organizing skills. You are a questionnaire, a facilitator, a thought

EXAMPLE: You ask students to share their comments on a news article, share their thoughts about
the lesson-related picture, their stand on controversial issues like the proposed Charter Change,
Presidential Development Assistance Fund (PDAF). After listening to their thoughts, you continue
facilitating the teaching-learning process by asking more thought-provoking questions and by
leading them to draw generalizations, abstracts or conclusions.

Deductive and Inductive Method

DEDUCTIVE METHOD (teacher-centred) You begin your lesson with generalization, a rule, a
definition and end with examples and illustrations or what is concrete.

1. You start the lesson in economics with the law of supply and demand then give examples to
2. You give the definition of pollination then show a video clip of the pollination process.

INDUCTIVE METHOD You begin your lesson with the examples, with what is known, with the
concrete and with the details. You end with the students giving generalizations, abstracts and

To enable the students to derive the rule, state the formula or give the definition, be sure you gave
enough examples, illustrations and details for them to be able to see a pattern and come up with a
generalization or rule or definition.

EXAMPLE: For the lesson on pollination, you show them a video clip of the process of pollination.
Make your students view the process of pollination, then ask them the state in a sentence what the
process of pollination is.

Which is the best method?

There is no such thing as the best method?

There is no such thing as a better or best method. The best method is the method that works, the
method that is effective, the method that will enable you to realize your intended outcome.
1) teacher’s readiness
2) Learner’s readiness
3) Nature of the subject matter


4) Time allotment for a subject

The inductive-indirect method is superior to the deductive-direct method in terms of learners

engagement. This method is more in keeping with the time-tested principle that learning is an
active process.


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