Udaan Project, Memoon Zehra

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Memoon zehra, DAV E and I Club

A re-usable organic sanitary napkin.
Project greeNapkins
Founder: Memoon Zehra

Class: LLB (2019-21) III semester

Date of birth: 23 March 1999

Co-founder: Diviksha Pal

Class: LLB (2019-21) III semester

Date of birth: 27 June 1997

Aim: to curb the bio-medical waste by switching off to organic re-

usable sanitary pads to achieve the UN Sustainable Development Goals
ie: (3) Good health wellbeing, (6) Clean water and sanitation and (8)
Decent work and economic growth.

Material required:

❖ Cotton cloth; INR 50 per mtr.

❖ Natural rubber sheet; INR 130 per kg.
❖ Tich buttons; INR 10 per packet.
❖ Scissors and thread; approx. INR 50.
❖ Filling: three types of fibers could be used:

banana coconut
jute fiber
fiber fiber

Banana fiber: INR 150 per kg.

Jute fiber: INR 45 per kg.

Coconut fiber: requires chemical treatment for softening, thus must be

ruled out.

Procedure and steps:

1) Cut the thin natural rubber sheet (1-3mm thick) into 27cm*7cm.
2) Cut the cotton cloth into 30cm*8cm.
3) Take a square (5*5cm) shaped cotton cloth and cut into two
identical triangles.
4) Take a pair of tich buttons, stictch the male tich button on one
and female button on other triangle.
5) Stitch the triangles sideways on cotton piece of cloth mentioned
in step 2; to work as wings of the napkin.
6) Now keep the cotton assortment on bottom, and place
considerable amount of raw banana or jute fibers on it to serve as
a filling.
7) Place the cutting of natural rubber sheet on top.
8) Now, safely secure the three layers and stitch them together.
Neatly fold the extra cotton on the end by the loops of threads in
the stitch to give a nice finishing.
9) Secure the tich button over the rubber sheet to check if it fits
10) Your organic greeNapkins are ready to use.
11) Dispose the bits of extra material, which can’t be used in
making another napkin, safely.

Estimated cost: INR 300-390 for 7-10 pieces

How to use: A greeNapkin can be used like a normal sanitary pad, while
the wings could be secured with the help of tich button. It can be used
for 3-5 hours depending on the menstrual flow. Once it’s used for the
day, it should be washed properly with help of cold water and
detergent. Then, it should be doused by Dettol or similar antibacterial
solution. The last step would be to dry it properly before re-using. The
product could last a year.

Safety related issues: traditionally cloth napkins were used as sanitary

products, and still most of the women in rural and adjourned areas, are
not aware of modern sanitary napkins and continue to use the former.
According to times of India only 18% women were aware of any
sanitary products ie, napkins, tampons etc at all!

Often, these cloths were not properly washed and were tucked away in
dark nook and corner, in the quest of keeping them unseen. And if the
cloth had many folds, there was a risk of bacteria build up in areas
which were not washed thoroughly. The ‘Global review of sanitation
system trends and interaction with menstrual management practice'
recognized the similar practice with modern gel based sanitary napkins
as well. This practice can turn hazardous because gel locks the blood
within it, and it is not possible to wash it all out.

GreeNapkins is designed to link the old age traditions of re-usable

sanitary napkin with modern day health and safety standards. The
natural rubber used at the bottom heightens the holding capacity,
banana and jute fiber has huge moisture retention capacity, and can
soak menstrual blood easily. The cotton cloth at the top, provides
comfort and durability to the product. Together, these three makes a
durable product which can easily withstand multiple washing. The
instructions on re-using has three steps: (1) washing the GreeNapkins
with cold water and detergent; to determine that they are thoroughly
washed. Since the product does not have many folds, but loose fiber
filling, the blood can easily be washed away from inside it. (2) to douse
the GreeNapkins with Dettol or similar antibacterial solution; this step
is to further kill any sort of bacteria immediately. The last step is to (3)
drying it properly, preferably in sunlight; to eliminate moisture retained
during washing it and sunlight too, kills bacteria.

Once, all the instructions are carried out, there are no chances of any
residual blood and bacteria. Thus, they are as good as new to use. They
can withstand several washings. Overall durability of product depends
on personal hygiene practices. If the user finds any difficulty in washing
it properly after several washes, the greeNapkin must be disposed.

How to dispose GreeNapkins?

Since GreeNapkins are chemical free, organic products, they largely falls
under bio-degradable waste category. They can easily be buried and
would decompose completely within 8 months.

Impact on society: India is one of the fastest developing nations; which

is constantly engaged in production but has not devised a proper way
of disposing the resultant waste. Sanitary napkins are one such bio-
medicinal waste which has no effective method of disposing it. While
Incinerators produce smoke and stench, if installed in college or other
such premises; landfills are not effective since plastic used in sanitary
napkins makes them non-biodegradable waste, thus takes a long time
to decompose.

In absence of viable solution of disposing the non-biodegradable waste,

greeNapkins provide a way to eliminate the non-biodegradable
elements itself. GreeNapkins can totally decompose in 8 months.

Not only they are environment friendly, but also healthy and prevent
rashes and infections caused by a regular sanitary napkin. Considering
the durability of product, the cost spent on napkins reduce
considerably as well.

As much as GreeNapkins focuses on safety measures and effective

waste management, it equally aims on changing the menstrual
practices in society. Most of the problems arise due to lack of
awareness and lack of proper hygiene. GreeNapkins is the tool to bring
the Change in society, where menstrual practices are openly discussed
and women educated. GreeNapkins is not just a healthier options for
health and environment but for society as a whole as well.
GreeNapkins have potential to steer society towards an eco-friendly,
healthy and cost effective menstrual practice. It is the modern solution
of modern problems.


❖ Re-usable sanitary pads.

❖ Prevents rashes and infections.
❖ Easy to dispose, easy to decompose.

Problems it may face:

❖ Some ingredients like natural rubber sheets are mostly available

on bulk orders.
❖ Changing the mindset of society regarding re-usable sanitary
napkins and assuring them that it is healthier than the gel-based
onetime use alternative.

Suitable location for implications: workshop can be set-up easily

anywhere with a desk space.

Why did you opt for this idea?

Menstrual cycles have always been a hush-hush topic in Indian society.

The menstrual blood was supposed to remain unseen, the pain and
side-effects of sanitary products, unheard. It had led to millions of
women suffering with rashes, infections and even major diseases like
cancer. Many of the women are yet to afford it considering high cost
and onetime usage. But the most vicious problem it created was
accumulation of piles of non-biodegradable solid waste, which was
either flushed in the toilet or burned; causing severe repercussion of
blocked sewers and environmental hazards.
The best solution in my opinion was to curb the waste itself by making
the product in eco-friendly and healthy way, rather than managing the
waste later on. The idea of greeNapkins gave me a ray of hope for an
open society where women can express their problems, devise their
own solutions and work together towards an economic, healthy and
sustainable lifestyle.

Additional information: no patent has been violated*

Date: 14/August/2020. Memoon Zehra ,and Diviksha Pal

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