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Aims consequences of natural hazards and suggest

ways of coping with them through sustainable
1. To enable candidates to acquire knowledge
(information) and to develop an understanding of
facts, terms, symbols concepts, principles, 3. To develop skills of drawing maps, surveying,
generalizations, hypotheses, problems, trends, and drawing statistical diagrams and thematic
processes and methods of Geography at the maps.
national and global level.
4. To develop an interest in Geography.
2. To apply the knowledge of the principles of
Physical Geography in explaining the causes and

There will be two papers in the subject: education, map analysis, travel and tourism
Paper I – Theory (3 hours) ….70 marks (to be taught only for the sake of awareness,
not for testing).
Paper II – Practical and Project Work …30 marks
PAPER I: THEORY (70 Marks)
2. Formation of the Earth
1. Geography - its interdisciplinary approach
Theories of formation; Methods of measuring age
and future prospects (not to be tested).
of the earth; Structure and Composition; Rocks.
Geography as an integrating discipline. Physical
(i) Theories of formation of the earth: the Big
Geography and Natural Sciences; Geography and
Bang theory; Planetesimal and Nebular
Social Sciences.
Branches of Geography:
(ii) Methods of measuring age of the earth:
(i) Systematic approach: Physical Geography Radioactivity – a brief understanding.
(Geomorphology, Climatology, Hydrology);
Human Geography (Historical, Social, (iii) Structure and composition of the earth’s
Population and Settlement, Economic, interior: crust, mantle, core; their properties
Political). - temperature, pressure, thickness. Sources of
information – direct and indirect; seismic
– The conceptual and intellectual ideas of waves, their behaviour and inferences, the
a number of new approaches to causes of earthquakes and distribution:
contemporary human geography should effects; isoseismal and homoseismal lines,
be examined to understand the strengths measuring earthquakes and their intensity.
and limitations of each approach within
the context of Human Geography and Case study of earthquakes on a country like
Social Sciences. Nepal.
(ii) Regional approach: Regional/ Area Studies, Vulcanicity-materials and processes; major
Regional Planning, Regional Development. volcanic forms.
Explanation of how volcanoes are formed;
Future prospects of Geography to be discussed:
identification of the type of volcano;
• In the area of GPS, GIS, Remote Sensing for recognition of the properties of volcanic
resource identification. materials; explanation of why volcanoes are
more in the areas of converging plates.
• Applied geography in town and country
planning, environment management and law,
cartography and mapping, geography

(iv) Rocks: The mineral groups responsible for meanders; braided channels, oxbow lakes,
different rocks formed on the earth: silicates, deltas – delta plains.
carbonates, sulphides, metals. Diagrams and examples from India with
Classification of rocks by origin: igneous, photographs.
metamorphic and sedimentary rocks – their (v) Aeolian processes and associated landforms.
distribution in India; characteristics, types,
economic importance. Process of wind erosion – abrasion, attrition,
deflation. Ideal conditions for erosion in hot
The rock cycle. deserts; landforms resulting from erosion -
3. Changing Face of the Earth deflation hollows, pedestal rocks, yardangs,
desert pavement; landforms resulting from
Landforms and Processes of Gradation deposition - sand dunes and their types,
(i) Endogenous processes: theory of plate loess. Diagrams and examples from India
tectonics and the process of drifting with photographs.
continents, theory of Isostasy by Pratt and A. (vi) Glacial processes and associated landforms.
Continental and mountain or valley glaciers,
Definition of endogenetic force, difference processes of glacial erosion – plucking,
between slow and sudden forces, vertical and abrasion, attrition; erosional features, e.g.
horizontal forces and their effects. Folding cirque, depositional formations, moraines of
and Faulting – types, Sea floor spreading, various types. Diagrams and examples from
continental drifting and isostasy. India with photographs.
(ii) Landforms – mountains, plateaus and plains
(vii) Work of ground water and associated
and their types.
Meaning and differentiation between the
three main landforms of the earth. Process of erosion by groundwater solution,
corrasion. Features formed by underground
Classification of mountains on the basis of water (karst topography), depositional
their origin or mode of formation: fold, features – stalactites, stalagmites. Diagrams
block, volcanic and residual with examples and examples from India with photographs.
from the world.
(viii) Marine processes and associated landforms.
Classification of plateaus on the basis of
their situation: intermontane, piedmont and Erosional features; sea cliffs, sea caves, sea
continental with examples from the world. arch, headland inlet, stacks and depositional
Classification of Plains on the basis of landforms, e.g. - bays, bars and lagoons.
formation: depositional with examples from Diagrams and examples from India.
the world. 4. Atmosphere
(iii)Exogenetic process and associated landforms. (i) Composition and structure of atmosphere.
Weathering and gradation – difference Layers of the atmosphere: troposphere,
between the two. Role of weathering in stratosphere, ozonosphere, mesosphere,
gradation. Different types of weathering. ionosphere; their height; composition;
special characteristics of each layer; ozone
(iv)Fluvial processes and associated landforms.
Work of rivers - concept of baselevel;
(ii) Atmospheric temperature.
processes of erosion, transportation and
deposition. Types of erosion - headward, Heating and cooling of the atmosphere,
vertical, lateral; transportation mode and radiation, advection, conduction, convection.
deposition. Insolation and factors influencing it – angle
Landforms made by the river - V shaped of sun’s rays, duration of day, transparency
valley, gorges, waterfalls, levees, floodplains, of atmosphere. Heat budget i.e. balance
between insolation and terrestrial radiation-

areas of surplus and deficit heat in different (ii) Ocean water - salinity, temperature, density.
latitudes resulting in latitudinal heat
Composition of seawater and factors that
control distribution of salinity, density and
Factors controlling its horizontal and temperature.
vertical distribution, temperature anomalies
and their nature. Isotherms: their (iii) Ocean water movements.
characteristics. Reasons for the variations in Direct and indirect tides – origin, time,
temperature. spring and neap tides. Waves – parts,
Practical work on temperature characteristics, formation. Currents - factors
measurement and graphs to show variations affecting currents, currents of Indian, Pacific
in temperature of one or more cities of and Atlantic oceans. Role of currents in
India. modifying climates of coastal areas.
Introduction to El Nino and La Nina as
(iii) Atmospheric Pressure. conditions that affect the intensity of the
Its horizontal and vertical distribution, monsoons over India.
factors affecting the distribution,
characteristics of isobars. 6. Biosphere – Life on the Earth
Pressure belts and winds – types of winds, (i) Nature of Biosphere, concept of ecosystems,
air masses and atmospheric disturbances, components of ecosystem.
cyclones of temperate and tropical areas;
Meaning, nature of interaction between the
different components of the biosphere.
(iv) Atmospheric Moisture. Understanding the concept of biodiversity.
Processes of evaporation, condensation and To appreciate various reasons for valuing
precipitation; relative and absolute humidity; and conserving biodiversity (ethical, moral,
forms of condensation - cloud, fog, dew, economic, aesthetic).
frost; precipitation – its forms: snow, hail, (ii) Biodiversity for sustenance of mankind.
rain; types of rainfall: orographic, cyclonic,
convectional. The various roles played by biodiversity in
sustaining mankind - as a source of food,
(v) Climate change- causes/factors of climatic medicine, pollution control, etc.
changes in the recent past.
(iii) India as a mega diversity nation.
Natural and man-made factors, with special
reference to climatic changes in India. A basic understanding that India with its
Measures taken to adapt to these changes in varied climate and landscape is home to a
urban and rural India. variety of unique ecosystems and endemic
species e.g. the largest mangrove forest in
Practical work on measuring rainfall and the world - the Sundarbans, vast mountain
use of bar graphs to show variations in forests in the Himalayas, tropical evergreen
rainfall in one or more cities of India. forests in the Western Ghats and the North-
East region, desert vegetation in Rajasthan,
5. The Realms of Water
thorn and scrub forests in the plateaus, etc.
(i) Submarine relief of the Atlantic, Pacific and
(iv) Strategies for conservation of biodiversity –
Indian Oceans.
in-situ and ex-situ.
The depth and the features. The sea floor
Understanding the implications of loss of
deposits and their characteristics, the
importance of marine resources. Ocean
pollution and ways to overcome them. Looking at various in-situ and ex-situ
strategies for their efficacy and viability;

In-situ strategies - protected areas (biosphere PAPER II: PRACTICAL WORK AND
reserves, national parks, wildlife PROJECT WORK (30 Marks)
Candidates will be required to undertake the
Ex-situ strategies - captive breeding, zoo, following Practical work and Project work:
botanical garden, gene banks and their use.
1. Practical Work
7. Map Work Any two of the following four topics to be
A question on map work will be set to identify, undertaken.
label and locate any of the following items (a) Surveying - elementary principles; preparing
studied in topics from Principles of Physical plans of the school compound or a small area
Geography. with the help of chain and tape.

MAP LIST (b) Statistical diagrams - line graphs (simple and

multiple), composite bars, pie diagram, flow
Mountains (To mark and label): and star diagram, (the data used will be that
Himalayas, Hindukush, Elburz, Zagros, Kirthar, used in Paper I ).
Caucasus, Alps, Pyrenees, Carpathians, Urals, (c) Map projections – uses, construction and
Khingan, Kunlun, Drakensburg, Kjolen, Andes, properties of the following:
Rockies, Appalachian, Great Dividing Range.
(i) Cylindrical equal area.
Plateaus (To mark and label): Tibetan, West
Australian, Iranian, Anatolian, Pamirs, (ii) Simple conical with one standard parallel.
Ethiopian, Deccan, Guiana, Brazilian, Arabian. (iii)Zenithal equidistant.
Water Bodies (bays, gulfs, straits, sea, oceans) (d) Aerial photographs – Introduction;
(To mark and label): Arctic Ocean, Atlantic definition; difference between map and an
Ocean, Indian Ocean, Pacific Ocean, Southern aerial photographs; uses of aerial
Ocean, Hudson bay, Gulf of Mexico, Bering Sea, photographs, advantages of aerial
Sea of Japan, South China Sea, Yellow Sea, photography.
Timor Sea, Persian Gulf, Red Sea, Black Sea,
Mediterranean Sea, Caspian Sea, Arabian Sea, Types of Aerial Photographs:
North Sea, Suez Canal, Strait of Magellan, Bay (i) Based on the position of the cameral axis –
of Bengal. vertical photographs, low oblique, high
Rivers (To identify): Mississippi, Amazon, oblique (only definition and explanation).
Parana, Orange, Nile, Zaire, Rhine, Danube, (ii) Based on Scale – (a) Large scale
Volga, Euphrates, Tigris, Ob, Yenisei, Lena, photographs (b) Small scale photographs.
Hwang Ho, Yangtze Kiang, Irrawaddy, Ganga, Scale of Aerial Photograph – (a) by
Murray, Darling. establishing of relationship between photo
Ocean Currents (To identify): North Atlantic distance and ground distance; (b) by
Drift, Gulf Stream, Labrador current, Peru establishing relationship between photo
current, West wind drift, Southwest Monsoon distance and map distance.
current, West Australian current, KuroShio
current, Oyashio current, East Australian
Islands (To identify): Greenland, Hawaii, West
Indies, Tierra del Fuego, Baffin, Newfoundland,
Iceland, Madagascar, Sri Lanka, Philippines,
Papua New Guinea, Indonesia, Japan, New

2. Project Work (Assignment) (iv) World Climatic types
One topic as an assignment. Sketches and Low latitude/tropical climates:
drawings will be given credit).
(a) Equatorial (b) Monsoon and trade wind
(i) Take any physical feature in your littoral (c) Dry tropical (desert).
immediate locality:
Mid latitude/temperature climates:
(a) draw sketches or take photograhs to
(a) Medditerranean (b) Marine west coast (c) Dry
highlight physical features.
sub-tropical (d) Dry mid latitude (cold deserts).
(b) survey how these features have been
High latitude/polar climates –
used and prepare a report.
(a) Borreal (b) Tundra
(c) suggest ways by which the area of
study could be better used keeping in For each of the above climatic types, the
view the needs of the people of the following is to be studied:
• Location, climatic conditions and areas;
(ii) Choose any island area of the world or
• Description of major human activities (both
India and:
farming and forestry).
(a) trace the map of the area and show
physical features, towns and port cities.
(b) prepare a project report using
photographs and pictures from
brochures and magazines to show:
- its origin and formation.
- soil types, vegetation.
- human occupations.
(iii) Any natural hazard like drought, flood,
erosion, landslides, etc. in a local area.
Choose a natural hazard in the local area.
Describe the nature of damage by
consulting newspaper reports, studies,
interviews with local people. Identify the
nature of damage before and after – land,
building, public property, soil, vegetation,
animals, etc. What are the chances of it
occuring again and what precautions are
being taken?


There will be two papers in the subject: Himalayas, Nepal Himalayas, Assam
Paper I – Theory (3 hours) ...70 marks Himalayas).
Paper II – Practical and Project Work …30 marks • Indus-Ganga-Brahmaputra Plains
The relief features – bhabar, tarai,
PAPER I: THEORY (70 Marks) bhangar, khadar, doabs. Regional
divisions of the plains: Rajasthan
INDIA IN THE WORLD’S CONTEXT plain (the Great Indian desert),
Punjab plain, Ganga plain,
1. Physical Environment Brahamaputra/ Assam plain.).
(i) Locational setting - India: size and area.
• The Peninsular Plateau
Present importance of the location of India
with reference to the Indian Ocean Rim The Malwa plateau, Chotanagpur
countries. Plateau and Deccan Plateau: the
Extent, position with reference to latitude relief features - badland, Western
and longitude, length of coastline and Ghats, Eastern Ghats, Aravalis.
frontiers with neighbouring countries. The Comparison between the Western
locational advantages of India in the Indian Ghats and the Eastern Ghats.
Ocean and as a subcontinent. • Coastal Plains
(ii) Structure of India – Geological formation, Comparison between Western and
relief and drainage; major physiographic Eastern Coastal Plains and their
divisions and their characteristics. divisions. The relief features:
(a) Outline of the geological evolution and Lagoons, deltas.
structure: • Islands
Names of the main Standard and Indian
Difference between Andaman and
geological eras with reference to Indian
Nicobar and Lakshadweep islands.
Geological evolution of: the Peninsular The above five physical divisions
Plateau, the Himalayas and the Great are to be studied with reference to
Plains. Difference between the their extent, altitude, slope and
Peninsular Plateau and the Himalayas. landform characteristics.
(b) The five-fold physiographic divisions: the (c) Drainage (i.e. rivers) and drainage
Himalayan Mountain complex, the systems: Names and sources of the main
Indus-Ganga-Brahmaputra Plains, the rivers (Ganga, Yamuna, Indus, Sutlej,
Peninsular Plateau, Coastal plains and Brahmaputra, Mahanandi, Godavari,
the Islands of India. Kaveri, Krishna, Narmada, Tapi).
• Himalayan mountain complex: Comparison of Himalayan and
(orthoclinal structure) Peninsular rivers.
The three parallel ranges, the (iii) Climate: India - Factors affecting India’s
northwest and northeast offshoots, climate: Temperature - factors affecting
comparison between Western and temperature. Atmospheric pressure
Eastern Himalayas. conditions during the year; origin and
Regional divisions of the Himalayas mechanism of the monsoon, Jet streams,
(Kashmir/ Punjab Himalayas, Southern Oscillations; wind and rainfall
Himachal/ Uttaranchal/ Kumaon distribution during the year; characteristics of
the four main seasons - hot and dry, hot and

wet, cool and dry, cool and wet with 2. Population and Human settlements
reference to temperature distribution in north (i) Population of India
and south India, pressure, wind conditions –
distribution of resultant rainfall; variability of Population of India with reference to
rainfall, incidence of droughts and floods. percentage of world population and India’s
Temperature and rainfall graphs of Mumbai, position in the world.
Delhi, Chennai, Jaisalmer and Leh. (ii) National and State level patterns of
population distribution.
Role of various factors affecting Indian
climate – latitudinal extent, distance from the Definition of census. Index of concentration
sea, northern mountain ranges, (highest and lowest index of concentration as
physiography, monsoon winds, upper air per the latest census), density of population –
circulation, western disturbances and arithmetic and physiological.
tropical cyclones, southern oscillation, El Spatial distribution of population in India
Nino; understanding of the concept and and explanation of the factors influencing it –
mechanism of monsoon; Indian Monsoonal landforms, climate, accessibility and level of
Regime – onset, rain bearing system, break development that result in this pattern.
in the monsoon, retreat of the monsoon; Comparison of the density at the State level
Seasons of India – with reference to and factors influencing it.
temperature, pressure distribution, wind (iii) Pattern of population growth in the last three
systems and local winds (loo, kalbaisaki/ decades; implications for development.
Norwesters, Mango showers; explanation of Meaning of terminologies such as
the variability of rainfall in different areas population, birth rate, death rate, population
over different seasons. growth rate, natural growth rate and
Droughts and Floods – meaning, causes, migratory growth.
affected areas and mitigation programmes. Population growth of India at national level
Temperature and rainfall graphs of Mumbai, – trends of 1921, 1951 and 1981 to the latest
Delhi, Chennai, Leh and Jaisalmer. Census. Demographic characteristics of
(iv) Natural vegetation: India at the National level- birth rate, death
rate, and natural growth rate from 1991 to
Forest – area covered, importance, use, the latest Census.
misuse and potential both for exploitation
and conservation. Present forest policy. Drawing general conclusions about the:

Importance of forest to man; Impact of Impact of rapid growth rate on economic

human activity on vegetation. Forest area development, on environment; need for
and forest cover in India. Forest planned development (to maintain the
Conservation – need, Social Forestry (Agro ecological balance).
forestry, community forestry, commercial (iv) Migration trends over the last 25 years.
farm forestry, non-commercial farm forestry,
urban forestry); Forest Conservation Explanation of the important terms – step-
Movement: Van Mahotsav, Chipko wise migration and migrant, push and pull
Movement. factors.
National Forest Policy (1988): objectives of Types (National and International migration,
the Forest Policy. inter migration and intra migration.
Streams of migration: (rural-rural, rural-
urban, urban-urban and urban-rural).
Causes for migration - natural, economic,
political and social.

(v) Demographic attributes at National level - (cultivable) waste, fallow land, quality and
trends and patterns of: 1. Rural urban size of cultivable land holdings. Methods to
population 2. Age and sex composition reduce fragmentation of land holdings.
3. Literacy levels 4. Working and non-
(iii) Water resources and types of irrigation.
working population; implications for
development. Water Resources: Their demand and
utilization. Types of water resources: surface
Study of the causes and trends of rural urban
and ground water.
composition, age and sex ratio, literacy level,
working and non-working population at the Meaning, importance and need for irrigation
National level (highest and lowest figures for in India.
each of the above) in the latest census. Sources of irrigation:
Implications for development.
Modern methods: sprinkler irrigation, drip
(vi) Rural settlements –Types and patterns in hill irrigation, Perennial canals - Advantages
areas, plains and coastal locations. and disadvantages.
Distinction between Rural and Urban Use and misuse of water for irrigation.
settlements; Rural and Urban Population. Overwatering - reasons and regions affected
Factors affecting the types (distinction by it; dangers of overwatering;
between compact and dispersed) and Conservation of water resources including
patterns (linear, circular, star shaped, their management; rain water harvesting.
rectangular, shapeless) of rural settlements
in plains, coastal areas, mountains and (iv) Agriculture: Types, development and
plateau areas. problems.
(vii) Urban settlements – size, classification of (a) Wet and dry farming, crop rotation,
towns as per the latest census. intensity of cropping, problems of Indian
agriculture; use of technology in
Definition of an Urban area according to the agriculture. Modern inputs, change over
latest census; Urban agglomeration, from subsistence to commercial
conurbation, urban sprawl, slums. agriculture, need for Green Revolution.
Factors that influence the growth of urban Diversifying Indian agriculture –
centres in India. Problems and advantages of importance of animal husbandry.
urban growth. Wet and dry agriculture: Crop rotation.
3. Resources of India and their Utilisation Intensity of cropping – concept and crops
associated; problems of Indian
(i) Need for environmental management vis-à-
agriculture; Use of new technology –
vis development.
Green revolution: Need, second green
Understanding that from the development revolution - its strategies. Diversification
point of view, environment may mistakenly be of Indian agriculture – Animal
seen as a ‘resource’ to be exploited, whereas, Husbandry: meaning and its importance
environment needs to be viewed as a in Indian Agriculture.
‘capital’ that needs to be managed carefully.
(b) Study of crops:
(ii) Land resources: Land use pattern in India –
(i) Conditions of growth (soil,
quality of cultivable land, size of land
temperature, rainfall requirements,
crop seasons.
Defining the term land resource; its
(ii) Major producing States in India of
importance and problems. Land use pattern –
the following crops:
net sown area, area sown more than once,
land not available for cultivation, permanent Food grains – Rice, Wheat, Coarse
pastures and other grazing lands, culturable grains – Sorghum (Jowar) , Pennisetum

(Bajra or Camboo), Eleusine (Ragi), Any three centres for generation of
Pulses. nuclear power in India.
Commercial and Industrial crops – (b) Conventional energy sources - fossil
Coffee, Tea, Cotton, Sugarcane, Jute, fuels, potential in industrialisation
Groundnut, Coconut. (Indian context) and limitations of each
source, methods of harnessing and
Conditions of growth: For each crop, the
environmental consequences of their
type of soil, temperature range, rainfall
range, the crop seasons are to be done.
Conventional energy sources:
Main areas of growth of the above crops
and reasons for growth are to be studied. Coal, Petroleum-their potential in
industrialisation and limitations in India.
Name of the leading States in India for
Environmental concerns with regard to
each of the above crops (Food grains,
their use (global warming, thermal
commercial and industrial crops).
pollution in waters, fly ash, atmospheric
Importance of Market Gardening and pollution, etc.).
Orchard Farming – reasons and trends in
(c) Non-conventional energy sources - types
development in recent years.
of non-conventional sources (bio-mass,
Self-explanatory solar, wind, tidal, geothermal), potential
(Indian context); their environmental
(v) Fishing in India
consequences; need to promote non-
Methods, factors affecting the importance conventional energy sources.
and development, major fishing areas, need
and methods of fish conservation. Advantages and limitations of each non-
conventional energy source.
Understanding of marine and inland
fisheries; deep sea and inshore fishing; Understanding the need to promote non-
pelagic and demersal fishing. Problems conventional energy sources.
affecting fishing in India. 4. Infrastructural Resources (Development of
Two fishing states (Andhra Pradesh and Transport and Communication).
Kerala) in India should be studied and (a) Railways, Roadways, Water transport (inland
factors affecting the development of fishing and coastal), Air transport, Pipelines - these
in the given areas. modes of transport are to be studied with
(vi) Sources of Energy regard to –

(a) Minerals and power resources. Factors that govern their distribution, density
and growth.
Distinguishing between metallic and
non-metallic minerals; ferrous and non- The present position, areas well and poorly
ferrous minerals. served by each mode.

Production and distribution (one Problems and advantage of each mode of

leading State and one leading centre in transport, national goals to be achieved in
each State) of Iron ore, mica, coal and the development of modes of transport (The
petroleum; their uses. Factors affecting Golden quadrilateral - its north-south and
the exploitation of mineral resources, east-west corridor).
effects of mining on the national The major trading Ports (Mumbai, Chennai,
economy. Kolkata, Kochi), their location and
The main power resources – Nuclear, advantage; major exports and imports of
thermal, hydel. Factors influencing its different ports and factors affecting the
nature and direction of trade from the ports.

International trading patterns and products in Sugar Industry:
the last five years.
Maharashtra (Ahmednagar and Pune),
Distinguishing between harbour and port; Uttar Pradesh (Muzaffarnagar and
natural and artificial harbours. Location of Saharanpur),
major ports in India (Mumbai, Chennai,
Cotton Textiles:
Kolkata , Kochi) and their advantage; main
items of export and import from different Maharashtra (Mumbai and Pune),
ports and the factors affecting the nature and Gujarat (Ahmedabad and Surat).
direction of trade from the ports. (ii) Mineral based industries – Iron and
International trading patterns in the last five steel, Petrochemicals, including
years. refineries.
(b) Communication – importance of The following industrial centres of each
communication in rural and urban industry are to be studied.
development and its policy. Importance of
infrastructure as key to the development of Iron and Steel:
an industrial economy. TISCO (Jamshedpur), Vishweshvarya
Modern means of communication - satellites Iron and Steel Plant (Bhadravati), Bhilai
and remote sensing - Geographic Iron and Steel Plant (Bhilai), Rourkela
Information Systems (GIS), cellular phones, Iron and Steel Plant (Rourkela),
radio, doordarshan, internet; difference Hindustan Steel Limited Plant
between mass communication and tele (Durgapur), Bokaro Iron and Steel Plant
communication. (Bokaro), Salem Iron and Steel
Plant (Salem), Vishakhapatnam Iron
5. Industries and Steel Plant (Vishakhapatnam).
(a) Study of the location and distribution of (Integrated and mini steel plants:
important industrial centres; a general meaning, advantages and disadvantages
comparison of disparities. also to be studied.)
Self-explanatory. Petro Chemicals:
(b) Major industrial regions – factors governing UDEX (Koyali), IPCL (Vadodara).
their growth.
Oil refineries:
Reasons for the spread of industrial areas;
Understand how the distribution of heavy IOCL (Barauni, Haldia and Digboi),
and consumer industries varies in the HPCL (Mumbai and Vishakhapatnam).
different regions; Understanding why certain NOTE: Factors responsible for the
industries are more in a particular region. location, development and present
Major Industrial regions: Mumbai-Pune, status of the Agro and Mineral based
Hooghly, Bengaluru-Tamil Nadu, Gujarat, industries mentioned above, as well as
Chota Nagpur, Vishakhapatnam-Guntur, the distribution centres are to be
Gurgaon-Delhi-Meerut. studied.
Factors governing the growth of the above to Difference between key and footloose
be studied. industry; industrial clusters and indices
to identify industrial clusters.
(c) Location, production and growth of the Maps and sketches of Industrial regions
following industries: and centres (location of agro based and
(i) Agro based industries – Sugar, cotton mineral based industries) should be the
textile basis for explaining the pattern of
industrial development.

(d) Tourism industry – Major natural and Khasi, Jaintia hills, Patkoi hills, Naga hills, Mizo
cultural tourist areas in India. Their special hills.
features and level of development - impact Plains (To mark and label):
on environment and local economy. Tourist
Indus-Ganga-Brahmapurtra region, Konkan,
flows. Kanara, Malabar, Coromandel, Northern
Definition of tourism, growth of tourism, Circars.
advantages of tourism, important places – Plateaus (To mark and label):
both natural and cultural. Positive and
Malwa, Chota Nagpur, Deccan, Meghalaya.
negative impact of tourism, problems of
tourism and measures for developing eco- Peninsula (To mark and label):
tourism. Kathiawar, Kachchh.
Lakes (To mark and label):
6. Regional Economic Development
Chilika, Pulicat.
(Case studies)
Waterbodies (To mark and label):
Case studies will be preceded by a brief Arabian Sea, Bay of Bengal, Palk Strait, Gulf of
understanding of the meaning of development, Kachchh, Gulf of Khambat,
multilevel planning and planning regions. These
case studies will be undertaken with reference to Passes (To mark and label) :
the advantages and disadvantages that have Karakoram, Shipki La, Nathu La, Bomdi La,
accrued to the people and area - aspects covered Palghat, Bhorghat, Thalghat.
will be their geographical location, resource base, Rivers (To identify) :
developmental history, agriculture and industrial
activities, issues of development. Indus, Jhelum, Chenab, Ravi, Beas, Sutlej,
Ganga, Yamuna, Gomti, Ghaghara, Gandak,
1. Area development in Chhattisgarh region – Kosi, Chambal, Betwa, Ken, Son, Damodar,
mining, silk industry and farming. Luni, Narmada, Tapi, Mahanadi, Godavari,
2. Electronics industry in Bengaluru– reasons Krishna, Kaveri, Brahmaputra.
for its development, extent, national and Population (To identify):
international linkages and problems. The States of India (according to the latest
3. Growth of Haldia port, its industries and Census) for the following: The Lowest density of
hinterland. population, highest density of population,
highest level of urbanization, lowest level of
7. Map Work urbanisation, highest Index of Concentration of
A question on map work will be set to identify, population, the highest sex ratio, the lowest sex
label and locate any of the following items ratio, the highest literacy, the lowest literacy;
studied in topics 1-6. Urban cities of Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai and
Kolkata, Bengaluru, Ahmedabad.
Agriculture (To identify):
Locational setting of India (To identify):
Main producing States/regions of India for: Rice,
804’N-3706’N, 6807’E- 97025’E (Latitudinal and Wheat, Coffee, Tea, Cotton, Jute, Sugarcane,
longitudinal extent of India); 23030’ N (Central Groundnut, Coconut.
latitude) and 82030’E (Central longitude); Indira
Col and Cape Comorin (Northern and Southern Power resources (To identify):
point of mainland India). Nuclear Power Stations (Kaiga, Kalpakkam,
Mountains (To mark and label): Tarapur, Rawatbhata, Narora, Kakrapara),
3 parallel ranges of Himalayas (Greater, Lesser, Industries (To identify):
Outer), Trans Himalayan range – Karakoram, Sugar Industry: Ahmednagar, Pune
Aravallis, Vindhyas, Satpura, Western and Cotton Textiles: Mumbai, Ahmedabad, Surat
Eastern Ghats, Nilgiris, Cardamom hills, Garo,

Iron and Steel: TISCO(Jamshedpur), Bhilai Iron topographical sheets. It will include the
and Steel Plant (Bhilai), Vishakhapatnam Iron description of location, extent, relief features,
and Steel Plant (Vishakhapatnam). drainage, land use, settlement patterns,
Petro Chemicals: UDEX (Koyali) and IPCL communications and inferences about human
(Vadodara); occupations and stage of economic
Oil refineries: IOCL (Digboi, Barauni and development of the area.
Haldia); (v) Introduction to Geographic Information
Transport (To identify): System: Elements of visual interpretation of
remote sensing maps/ images.
Trace the route of: Golden Quadrilateral - 4
sides, North South Corridor, East West Corridor; Colour significance in the image and true
State with the Highest Density of roads. colour (false colour composition): texture;
Ports (To identify): size; shape; shadow; association.
Mumbai, Kochi, Haldia, Chennai, Kolkata. (Reference material – Wikipedia, Google.
earth, IIRS Hyderabad).
(vi) Elementary principles of surveying an area:
Candidates should be able to draw, label,
preparing two plans of school compound
understand and interpret the sketch maps related
to the following topics: and/or a small area using Plane table/ GPS.
• Locational setting of India; 2. Project Work (Assignment):
• Relief of India; Local field surveys on any one of the following
• Climate; will be submitted as Project Report. These
surveys should be organized with a table of
• Population; contents, sample taken and statistical methods
• Industries; used, interview schedule. The report should be
organized systematically, and the conclusions
• Transport should be clearly stated.
PAPER II: PRACTICAL WORK AND (i) Agricultural land use survey.
PROJECT WORK (30 Marks) Choose a district or topographical map of an
Candidates will be required to undertake the area 1: 250000 and make a sketch map
following Practical work and Project work . showing land use; compare the patterns of
these. Alternatively, a local village could be
1. Practical Work: chosen and the fields mapped from the
Any two of the following topics to be undertaken: cadastral map with information on the crops
(i) Drawing of scales: linear, graphic scales grown in different seasons and the location
showing primary and secondary divisions; of the village, its roads and landmarks, if
representative fractions and statement of any.
scale methods. (ii) Household survey of about 30-60 households
(ii) Drawing of cross-section or profiles of of a village or locality.
important contours, viz. ridge, plateau, Family size, age structure, educational
escarpment, valley, conical hill, types of background, occupation, involvement of men
slope, sea cliffs, waterfalls, spurs, by using and women in economic activity, educational
vertical exaggeration and horizontal service. Draw conclusions to reflect the
equivalent. economic development of the households.
(iii) Understanding and illustrating location (iii) Amenity study.
references of SOI maps. Study of hospitals in a city, schools (school
(iv) Map reading and interpretation of survey of where you studied), post offices, municipal
India maps: Study will be based on zones within the city (blocks in a village
representative portions of any two study) – reasons for travel (based on the

importance and demand for the place), travel The Practical Work and the Project Work will be
time, travel distance, mapping the hinterland assessed by the teacher and a Visiting Examiner
of the service. appointed locally and approved by the Council.
(iv) Study of a manufacturing industry or a self- No question paper for practical work and project
employed person. work will be set by the Council.
Visit a manufacturing unit or self-employed Evaluation of Practical Work and Project Work will
person – cycle or car repair shop, small be as follows:
fabricating unit, factory if nearby and find Practical file (Sessional Record): 10 marks
out – source of raw material, supply routes, Assignment (Project Report): 10 marks
final product, areas where it is sent,
manpower strength and their organization. Viva voce: 10 marks
(v) Area development of a multipurpose river
valley project – impact on the region.


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