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(IT&cs•:> ,rr,, ,.:,
HS- 1201 Communicative English ftlA- 1202 ft1utl,~,,,a,ics - II
l,-T- P: 3--0..0 Cr.:dlt.s : J C redit~ :-'
L-T-1': 3- 1--0
I . Grammar : StnK:turlll poucm; sinaJCword substitution;
Editing _. (6 L«turn)
2. Common aron, Comparison (J Ltttura)
lnfiolte Meric,-:
3. Antonyms: Homonyms; Scnlc:nce bullding (Vocabutuy)
(5 Lectures) \ :-:ouon
•.-t: o f coo,.-...cnc:czndd1,
-·c _ 0e;cnc.c ofmlini1.e,-cncs- t> '
-1. Reading and writing (Comprehension) (J Ltttura) ·- I\ lanbc:rt ·s R:uio lest. compari_s.on kSI.. Rabe. s TC$.. ~ . '
5. Prccis, Essay & Paragraph writing. (4 L«10-ra)
6. Expansion (wo rd & phrase) (3 Ledura) R oot test, allem:i1ing ~cries• Lcihni, lC•l ab">l utc and
7. Offi cial Correspondence, Memorandum; Circular lcu.:r
condition ill con• cri;:cncc. U n iformCon• C1'i=·
(4 Lectures)
8. Applying fora j ob ; Res~ (3 Lectura) (6 t.«turn)
9. J3wincss Correspondence; R~n writing.
( 3 Lectura) Fo urier Afilal)'s b:
I 0, Phonctics(S)1Tibol and Tnu:ucripcion); pronunciation, Reading- ,,,,, C"}_. 1 • • ' .. • •

~ odic un c:u on: l·o un~ cri~- 1. uncllon> o f n:t>1trat1 ,

• developing reading skill. (8 Ltttura)
p eriod-Even & Odd ~ tio ns-1lnlf Ran ~ ,p:in!>iOns-
Tut book:
Harmonic: anal) sis- C ~ IC"< Fourier l><Tics}
I. Eoglisb Grammar- Wren&rnartin ~
2. Eoglisb Grammar- Dr. O.Tbakur lLaplac:e Transform : Definitio n and prop,:nic:s o f Laplace
3. English Grammar- J. Ncs6eld
4. Technical English • Sharon j Gcr.;on and StevaJ Transform. Shi fling lbc:on.m. Transforms of dcrhat.ivcs and
M Gerson
S. Business Communication - P.O. Chaturvcdi &. M.
Chaturvcdi- Pearson Pub. 1ntegrals by L.T .. lnv..-rsc TransformS) ~ '(u -
integrals, Multiplicntion by tn. Division b, L E,aJu:uion o r
· ~ Lttturcs) '- ·
lnte~ I calculus II:
Reference b ook.I:
J. Communication in Eoglish for Technical Student-
°l '1,re
~oub e & Triple integrals. Rcctiticot.ion. Compulation of
Orient Longman
2. Business Correspondence & Repon writing -R. s urfaces & volumes, Change of variables in d o uble inlegrals,
C. Sharma & Krishna Mohan - Tata Magraw Hill:
Jacobians o f transformations. Inte g ra ls dependent on
( 12 )
(12 Lectures)
( 13)
--, S-u,,-,
Vector calculus:- (IT&C."Sl:)
'I (j"l PH- 1201 PJ,ysics
Scalar & vector point functions, diffcrentintion of vector, Cr«llu: 5
1.rT-P: J-0-3
velocity :111d accclcrotion, djrcct derivatives. concept of
Ek c1ros1a1ks and Elcctroma~nclic theory: 111c three
gradient. divergence curl, line integral, greens theorem in clccuic \'Cctors. 10 show lhnl norm31comJIOllcnl
plane, Gauss & Stocke's theorem and simple npplicalions.
of D and umgcntial cornponcnl or ~ arc conlinuous 11cro~s
( 12 Lcc111n:s) the bowidlll}' bct\\ccn l\\O diclectri~. Continuity equation
Text Books: (orchnrge. displacement current. Mt1.'(\\cll's£quation in fr'--c
~ace, speed or plnnc clcctromogncti~ \\·av~ tru\ di ng_in
I. Advance Engineering Mathematics - R.K. Jain vneuu~ing.l.cctor. clcc1romagnc11c \\.t\ cs propaga~1on
i in dielectrics in dich:ctrics nnd comluctors. -
S.R.K. lyenger, Narosa Publishing I ouse. ( Lcctu~IO)
2. Higher Engineering Mathcm:itics - B. S. Grewal, Optics 11nd Lu ers: Tcmpornl coherence. Michelson·~
i111c:rfcromc1cr for mcnsurcmcnt or coherence length of a
Khnllllll Publishers. source, line width sp:itiol cohcrcm:c. nwll.)urcmcnt of spatial
• · M th atics NP Bali coherence us ing Yo ung's intcrfc:rometer,.,.,.,rnunhofc r
3. Engineering 8 cm - · • d'"'-
lmu CUOn· by s ·ing IC S1·IL dOUhiC S1·ti 1111d graung.
Reference Books: ( L«lun:s:6)
Advance Engineering Mathematics- E. Krcyszi2.1-fU1Sers and Laser LightS. Einstein·s A lllld B c:oc:nicicnts nnd
lascr...,Population•invcrsion. Light .implilication. opticnl
111 edition, John Wiley & Sons. New York. resonators, resonators. Chomcu~ristics oflnscrs.)lrtiby Lnscr.
8 Wyl' 1low) ie-Ne l11Ser works. ( L«ru~:•S)
2 Advance Engineering Malhematics- ie ~ol:imation: UnpolnrL1.:9JjghL production o r plnne polruizcd
Barrell- Tata McGraw Hill. light b~Lolaroid technique (principle of oc:1ion to be
. cmphas~d) I,\rc~,·stcr·s law,J!.!alutl!ll.vJ)ouble refraction,
vector Analysis 2.i cdi1ion - Chauerjce, Prcnu produc:t!on. Q(.c1rcula~ and elliptical lights, analysis of
3 unpolanze~ an~ polonzcd lights.-~ gncto-optics effect,
Hall of Indio. 1ot~-das11c eOcct. electro-optic dTcct. (Leclure:-8(
4 Vector Analysis - K.K. Jha Sp«1al th l'<'ry vr_Relativity:,Michelson - Morleys C:.xpL,
Post~latcs of special theory of relativity, consequences of
5 Real Annlysis - N.P. Ball spec1t1J the~ of rclativity,,.SJalilean tn1nsfonnationJ-orcnz
transformation. ( Lecture:-6)
( I5 )
(1 4 )
..--.:=.. aa::'.-~ ----- ·- ---
.2-~ ~
1•--a---- - - -
,2Y-D( 5£¼,
Q uantum Pbysl~: Planck's theory of black body radiati (JT&CSE)
,.S::ompton effect wave particle duality, dcBroglie wav~n
EE- / 201 Basic Electrical E11gi11eeri11g
;(icBroglic wave velocity, wave and group velocity, Davissio~
CrcdiCs: 5
and Gennan experiment Heisenberg uncenainty l!rinciplc L-T-r : 3-0-3
upplica1ion of the uncertointy principle. wave functions an '
I. fn1rod 11 ction : electrical Elements ond 1hci r
wave equations, Physical interpl'\!llltion of wave function and. clns.sificalion, KCL. KVL equation and node voltage
their nonnalizntion, Expectation valucs,r6chr6di.ngcr• method. O.C. circuits steady stnte analys is with
equation time dependent fom1 and steady stotc fonn in one independent nnd dependent sources, Series and
dimension (Quantum mechanical operators) panicle in a bo pomllcl circuits. star delta conversion. Superposition
potcntiul bw-ricr 111\d tunneling. ( Lccturt:- 12) theorem, Thcvcnin's theorem, Norton's thcorem,
Maximum Power Transfer Theorem.
Tut Books: . ( 12 Lectures)
1. Concept of Modem physics; by Arthur Beiser; 2. A. C. c1rcuils: Common signals and there wavcfonn,
Publicnlion: TMI I RM~ nnd_Averngc v~lue, form facto r nnd peak fnc tor
2. Elements of Electromagnetic: by Mothcw N. 0 o_f s1~uso1dol wave, impedance of series and pnrnllcl
Sodiku Pub: Oxford University Press c!~cu1ts. Phnsor diagrom, Power, Power factor, Power
3. Introduction to Elcctrodynumics: by David 1 rinngle, .c~upled circuits, Resonance and Q-fnctor,
Oriffihs; r ub: r carst>n Educotion. ~upcrpos1t1on, 111cvcnin 's nnd Non on 's Mnximum
◄ . Optics: hy Ajoy Ghatak: l'uh: TMl I I owcr transfer theorem for A.C. circuits.
5. Fundrum:n1ols of Physics !~tended Volume; 3 A c • . ( 12 Lectures)
Resnick I lallida)' and Walker: Pub: John Wiley . : : c1rc u1ts: 3. ph_ase: Star delta. line and hnsc
Sons. Inc. Asian Edition. rclo11on, Power relat101ls, Analysis of bulnnce~ and
4 Mng unbolonccd
r • 3-phose circuits · (8 'a.,c:ctures)
Hcfrttncc Book.\: -
I Modem Physics: by G. Aruldhas & P . n~ ,c ~•rc~its: Introduction. Series & Parallel
Rajagopul: Pub: Prentice Iloll of India. rnngnellc c11·cu1ts Analysis f L '
magnetic circuits 'E o mcar and non-linear
2 Quw11um Physics: by 11. C. Vcm1a Pub: S current and hystcrcsi~ lncr~y storage, A. C. cxcitation, Eddy
fluhlicotions · osscs. (s L t )
3 UJSers and Non-Linear Optics; by 8 . 8 . La 5 . Dosic ind icn ting ins trume nts f cc urcs
Current voltage, Powe En or ~ ensure menl :
Pub. New /\gc lntcmutionol (P) Ltd. r. ergy lnsulnt10n resistance.
4 Principle or Electricity; by Leigh Page Text Book: (S Lec111rcs)
Nonunn Ilsley Adams; l'ub: Eurasia Publish'
I. Basic Electric I E ·
Ilouse. New Delhi. Tota McGraw ~il;ngmcering by Fil7.crnld, ctol,

( 16 ) ( 17 )
Refcrc: ncc Books:
(IT& CSF.)
I. Fundamentnls of Electrical Engin c:enng
. 8
JT- J20 I F1111dame11tal of Information
Leonard S. Bobrow, Oxford. Y
2. Fundamentals of Engineering b IL t.-T-r : J-0,J Credit.>: 5
Prasad, Plil Publication Y
compulcr Oulu: Evolution of Computers, Ocncrutinn 11nd
Classificntion of Computers. Application of
Basic Eleclrkal Engg. Lab Computers, and etc (2 LcC1uroJ

E:.;pcriments concerning verification and applicatio0 Computer Memory and Slonigc: Memory llicr.11Chy. RAM.
ROM. Types ofScconJill) Storage Dcvicc:5. o:nJ
of the concepts defined in Syllabus. Like etc. (2 Lccturo)
I . Kirchoff's Current Law, Information Ttthnology Ba,ics: lnfofflllllion, T,-chnolllg). Roh:
of lnformi>tion Technology. Jnformntion
2. Kirchrro·s Voltage Law
Technology and lnlcmc:I. and CIC.
3. 1l1evcnin's Theorem ( 2 tcctum)
4. Norton's Theorem n,cInternet a nd its Tools: lnLrOduction. Evolution of lntmiet.
5. Maximum Power Transfer Theorem (D.C) Basic Internet Terms Gc11ing Connected to
ln1emc1, ln1eme1 Applications. d:illl over Internet.
6. I Phase and 3 Phase /\.C. vollllge, current
\V~~ro\t5eL_B~wsing ln1i:mc:1 Usini; ln1cmc:1
Power measurements Explorer, E-mnil. Sc:arch Engincs:-"iowint
?. 3 Phru;c/\.C. Power measurement by2 \Ylll Messaging (J Lc:clutts)
Emerging Tr end s In IT: E-Commerce. Elcc:lronic Da ta
method Interchange:, Sman Cmds Mobile Communic:nlion.
B. Magnetisation charac1crislics and etc. (3 L« tuns)
9. Resonance in series and parallel circuiL Computer Programming anti L.• nRu■i:cs: Algorithm. Flow
IO. High Rcsistanee measurement using Megger Chan, Psc:udo Code Program Control Suueturcs,
Programming Langu11gt'S, Generation of
Programming Langungcs. and ct..
(,& Lecru tt$)

( 19)
( I8 )
~ !)_'NJ.. ~
C Language: Basic~. ConstMls, \111riablrs nnd Doto Types, (rT& CSE)
Opcro1ors and expression lnpul & Ou1pu1
ft.1£a J102 Engineering Graphics
opcrolion.s. ( 8 Lrc: turcs)
1,,.:r. r : 2-0-3 Crrdlu: 4
Conlrol Structuru: Decision Moiling & Ornnching. Decision
Making & Loopin&- l9 l,c('turt.,) Introduction. drawing in.strumcnls, shecl layout. lines
Arran: One & Two dimcnsioiul Aml)'. (3 Lc('turu) lcuering. dimensioning. cngi ncc:ring curva . (IZlllpsc.
Fun; tioru: User defined functions. conco:pl or recursion. paroboln. hyperbola. sp iral). (L«tura: 10)
(6 l.ec1urcs)
Orth ograph ic proj ectio n: Proj cc1io n o r po ints,
Tut Books: projection or strnight li nes. (L«turr.,: 10)
0 1.lnlrOdll(don to lnform:11ion Technology, by 111..
Eduailion Solution Lui.. Pearson Educ:llion Projection or plane.,. (Ltctura: 5)
02. Progrnmming in ANSI C b)' E Balogurusruny ~• Projection or solids. (Lte1ura: S)
Section of solids. (Lccluru: S)
RcftN'ntc Books
01 Fundamental of Computer & IT By A. Jais~
Development o r surfoccs. (Ltcturn: S)
(Wcily India)
02. Programming in ANSl C by Asholc N. Kamthnnc ln1crscc1ion or surfoces. {Ltttura: S)
03. The C progr,imming l!..angW1gc, 2c, by Brian W.
isometric projcc1ion. (Lttcura: S)
Kcmighan &. Oc:Mis M . Ritchie PIIVPc:arso
Education Conversion or pictorlnJ view in10 orthographic views .
04. Programming \\ith c by Gottt'rlcd. Toll\ McOrn (l.tttura: I 0)
I till (Scbaum ·s Series). Introduction lo Computer Aided Dru\\i ng.
OS. Mas1ering C by K. R. Vcnugopol, & S. R. p (Ltttures: 10)
Tall! McGraw Hill Text Books:
Pnctical: I. Engineering drawing by N.O. BbJtt & V M
Working in W1n . d ows covironmenl , lnlcrnct,
Panchal. book publication. Anand. • •
ming based on above syllabus.
I •· ;
Understand· h
drawing 20':tj ;:utoCAD windows nod the drafting tools,

(20) ( ?I )

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