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Supporting lecturer: apt. Reza Alrayan, M.S Farm

Compiled by :
Group (3)
1. Nanda Aditya (10123106)


Practicum Date: Wednesday, 19 October 2023


1. To find out how to calculate the dose and make test preparations.
2. To understand the effect of drug administration on the speed of absorption by
using pharmacological data as a benchmark.


 Tools : Cage
mice Sterile
Syringe oral sonde
Analytical balance
Beaker glass 500 ml

 Materials :
Alkohol swab / Alkohol and cotton


Mice (Mus musculus)

Influence of the mode of

administration of the drug

Mice C1 Mice C2 Mice C6

CTM 0,1 ml

Intraperitonial Oral Subcutaneous

Observe the therapeutic effect

5.1 Student achievement
Name I.v I.m I.p S.c P.o Progress
Marisa Putri Rahmayanti √ -
Maya Megista Wulandari √ -
Maylinda Nur Wulandari -
Meisel Ninda Dangu -
Muhammad Alwan Fakhri √ -
Kalingga Paramudita -
Practicum Date Wednesday, 12 Oktober 2023

Name I.v I.m I.p S.c P.o Progress

Marisa Putri Rahmayanti √ √ ↑
Maya Megista Wulandari √ √ ↑
Maylinda Nur Wulandari √ √ ↑
Meisel Ninda Dangu √ ↑
Muhammad Alwan Fakhri √ ↑
Kalingga Paramudita √ ↑
Practicum Date Wednesday, 19 Oktober 2023

5.2 The development of mice

No. Nama Weight Weight Weight
(5 Oktober) (12 Oktober) ( 19 Oktober )
1. C1 25 grams 27 grams ↑ 29 grams ↑
2. C2 25 grams 27 grams ↑ 29 grams ↑
3. C3 22 grams 26 grams ↑ 31 grams ↑
4. C4 23 grams 23 grams = 34 grams ↑
5. C5 22 grams 25 grams ↑ 28 grams ↑
6. C6 23 grams 27 grams ↑ 27 grams =
7. C7 19 grams 18 grams ↓ 18 grams =
8. C8 23 grams 25 grams ↑ 27 grams ↑
9. C9 23 grams 24 grams ↑ 25 grams ↑
10. C10 21 grams 25 grams ↑ 28 grams ↑

 Wednesday, 5 October 2023

Average weight of mice = 25g + 25g + 22g + 23g + 22g + 23g + 19g + 23g
+ 23g + 21g
= 226g
= 22,6 g
 Wednesday, 12 October 2023
Average weight of mice = 27g + 27g + 26g + 23g + 25g + 27g + 18g + 25g
+ 24g + 25g
= 247g
= 24,7 g ↑
 Wednesday, 19 October 2023
Average weight of mice = 29g + 29g + 31g + 34g + 28g + 27g + 18g + 27g
+ 25g + 28g
= 276g
= 27,6 g ↑

Our group will be divided into two teams, where each team consists of
students. Team 1 is in charge of practicum II (Effect of Drug Administration) and
Team 2 is in charge of practicum II (Analgesics in Experimental Animals).
Our group will be divided into two teams, where each team consists of
students. Team 1 was tasked with working on practicum II (The Effect of Drug
Administration) and Team 2 was tasked with working on practicum II This week the
average weight development of mice has increased, it's just that C6 and C7 mice did
not gain weight. This is because there is a fight for food between other mice. There
are some mice that experience drastic weight gain, thus making C6 mice lose in the
fight for food and in C7 mice the weight is still under 20g which is 18g. This is
because C7 mice are still sick and still have no appetite, to deal with this problem
our group gives ointment to C7 mice and separates them from other mice.
In practicum II, we will learn how to administer drugs parenterally and orally
and observe the effects of administering these drugs. This practicum was conducted
by Meisel, Alwan and Kalingga. Meisel has improved from the previous practicum
that did not dare to do injections. This time Meisel did parenteral administration of
drugs through the subcutaneous route. Alwan did oral drug administration, where the
administration of this pathway has increased from the previous one, where the
incoming drugs are still coming out while in the current practicum the drugs have
entered perfectly. Kalingga has improved from the previous practicum that did not
dare to do injections. This time Kalingga carried out parenteral administration of the
drug through the intraperitoneal route. The steps for administering drugs and the
parameters of this practicum observation, which are as follows:
Name Feeding Observation Data
Rute Time of The time End time Onset Duration
administr of onset of effect
ation of the
M. Alwan Oral 09.38 09.59 10.17 09.38 - 09.59 -
09.59 10.17
(21 (18
minutes) minutes)
Kalingga Intra- 09.29 09.50 10.04 09.29 - 09.50 -
peritoneal 09.50 10.04
(21 (14
minutes) minutes)
Meisel Subcutane 09.24 09.44 10.23 09.24 - 09.44 -
ous 09.44 10.23
(20 (39
minutes) minutes)

In this practicum, a trial of CTM drugs was carried out on C1, C2 and C6
mice intraperitoneally, orally and subcutaneously each given as much as 0.1 ml. In
giving CTM drugs, it causes a sleepy effect in mice, from this effect which is used
as an observation parameter from the onset of the effect to the loss of the effect.
From the practicum in oral administration, the onset results were obtained
from the time of drug administration at 09.38 to the time of onset of effects at 09.59
with an interval of 21 minutes and the results of the duration from the time of onset
of effects at 09.59 to the time of loss of effects at 10.17 with an interval of 18 minutes.

Picture 1. Oral Administration

In intraperitoneal administration, the onset results were obtained from the
time of drug administration at 09.29 to the time of onset of effects at 09.50 with an
interval of 21 minutes and the results of the duration from the time of onset of effects
at 09.44 to the time of loss of effects at 10.23 with an interval of 39 minutes.

Picture 2. Intraperitoneal Administration

In subcutaneous administration, the onset results were obtained from the time
of drug administration at 09.24 to the time of onset of effects at 09.44 with an interval
of 20 minutes and the results of the duration from the time of onset of effects at 09.50
to the time of loss of effects at 10.04 with an interval of 14 minutes.

Picture 3. Subcutaneous Administration

From these data, it was found that subcutaneous administration of CTM drugs
in mice had the longest duration of drug side effects, which was 39 minutes. This is
because subcutaneous drug administration has a longer duration than the
intraperitoneal and oral drug administration routes, because the absorption process of
incoming drugs is slower. When the drug is administered subcutaneously, the drug
must pass through the skin layer first, then enter the smaller blood vessels, thus
making the absorption of the drug slower into the circulatory system. This is what
causes the effect of the drug to last longer.
From these data, it was found that subcutaneous administration of CTM drugs
in mice had the longest duration of drug side effects, which was 39 minutes. This is
because subcutaneous drug administration has a longer duration than the
intraperitoneal and oral drug administration routes, because the absorption process of
incoming drugs is slower. When the drug is administered subcutaneously, the drug
must pass through the skin layer first, then enter the smaller blood vessels, thus
making the absorption of the drug slower into the circulatory system. This is what
causes the effects of the medication given to last longer.

1. This week the weight of mice has increased, only 2 mice have not increased,
namely C6 mice weighing 27g and C7 mice weighing 18g weighing under 20g
who still have not gained weight.
2. This week our group has experienced an increase in skills in administering drugs
to mice from those who previously did not dare to do injections and there are still
errors from oral drug administration, this week has succeeded in parenteral and
oral drug administration.
3. From the results of this practicum, it was found that parenteral administration of
drugs through the intraperitoneal route has a faster duration of effect compared to
the administration of two other lines, namely oral and subcutaneous. This is
because the peritoneal cavity has many capillaries that make the drug can be
quickly absorbed into the bloodstream, allowing the distribution of drugs
throughout the body to be faster.
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Count :
Mice used:
1. Mice C6 , Weight 27 gram
2. Mice C1 , Weight 29 gram
3. Mice C2 , Weight 29 gram
Mice dose : 0,008 % = 8 mg : 100 ml = 2 tab : 100 ml = 4 mg : 50 ml
(4 mg)
Human conversion value : 0,0026
1. Mice C6
a. Dose conversion from humans to mice = 4 mg x 0,0026
= 0,0104 mg
b. Mice dose = ( 27 g : 20 g ) x 0,0104 mg
= 0,01404 mg
c. Volume of drug administration = ( 0,01404 mg : 4 mg ) x 50ml
= 0, 1755 ml = 0,2 ml
2. Mice C1
a. Dose conversion from humans to mice = 4 mg x 0,0026
= 0,0104 mg
b. Mice dose = ( 29 g : 20 g ) x 0,0104 mg
= 0,01508 mg
c. Volume of drug administration = ( 0,01508 mg : 4 mg ) x 50 ml
= 0, 1885 ml = 0,2 ml
1. Mice C2
a. Dose conversion from humans to mice = 4 mg x 0,0026
= 0,0104 mg
b. Mice dose = ( 29 g : 20 g ) x 0,0104 mg
= 0,01508 mg
c. Volume of drug administration = ( 0,01508 mg : 4 mg ) x 50 ml
= 0, 1885 ml = 0,2 ml

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