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1. Can you describe your experience with Spring Boot? .................................................................... 1

2. How have you utilized Git for version control in your projects? ..................................................... 1
3. Can you explain your role in developing microservices? ................................................................ 2
4. Describe your experience with AngularJS and front-end development? ....................................... 2
5. What kind of testing frameworks have you worked with? ............................................................. 2
6. How do you communicate effectively with your team members? ................................................. 2
7. How do you handle tight deadlines and pressure?......................................................................... 2
8. Can you describe a challenging project you worked on at EYLLP? ................................................. 2
9. Can you explain how you implemented authentication and authorization using Spring Security? 2
10. How do you handle transactions in Spring Boot applications? ................................................... 3
11. Describe a situation where you used Java Streams for data processing..................................... 3
12. What are closures in JavaScript and how do they work?............................................................ 3
13. Describe the concept of promises and async/await in JavaScript. ............................................. 3
14. What is the virtual DOM and how does it work in React? .......................................................... 3
15. How do you handle form validation in a front-end application? ................................................ 4
16. What are CSS preprocessors and why do you use them? ........................................................... 4
17. Describe a challenging bug you encountered and how you resolved it. .................................... 4
18. Write Explain the concept of a "Component" in Angular. ........................................................... 4
19. What is the difference between "==" and "==="?....................................................................... 4
20. Create a function in JavaScript that takes a string as input and returns the reversed version of
the string. ................................................................................................................................................ 4

1. Can you describe your experience with Spring Boot?

I developed Spring Boot applications as part of a microservices architecture. This involved
creating RESTful web services, implementing executor services for parallel processing, and
integrating these services with backend APIs.

2. How have you utilized Git for version control in your projects?
I have used Git extensively for version control. I collaborated with team members through
pull requests and code reviews, ensuring that changes were well-documented and properly
integrated into the main codebase.
3. Can you explain your role in developing microservices?
I developed microservices using Spring Boot and Spring Cloud. My responsibilities included
coding, testing, debugging, and deploying these services. I also coordinated with backend
developers to ensure seamless integration with other services.

4. Describe your experience with AngularJS and front-end

I have experience creating web applications using AngularJS, as demonstrated in my role at
Ajanta Pharma Ltd, where I developed UI applications using Angular 6 for internal
deployments. This included working on HTML design, jQuery implementation, and ensuring
responsive and interactive user interfaces.

5. What kind of testing frameworks have you worked with?

I have worked with JUnit and Mockito for writing unit tests and conducting automated
testing. These tools have helped me ensure that code changes do not introduce new bugs
and that the application functions as expected.

6. How do you communicate effectively with your team members?

I communicate effectively through regular meetings, such as daily stand-ups and Scrum calls.
I also use tools like JIRA for tracking tasks and issues, and I ensure clear and concise
documentation to keep everyone on the same page.

7. How do you handle tight deadlines and pressure?

I manage tight deadlines and pressure by prioritizing tasks, staying organized, and
maintaining clear communication with stakeholders. I break down tasks into manageable
parts and focus on delivering incremental progress to meet deadlines effectively.

8. Can you describe a challenging project you worked on at EYLLP?

One challenging project at EYLLP was developing the Content Catalog API, which required
integrating various metadata services. I faced challenges in ensuring data consistency and
performance optimization, which I addressed by implementing efficient data retrieval
strategies and parallel processing techniques.

9. Can you explain how you implemented authentication and

authorization using Spring Security?
I implemented authentication and authorization in Spring Security by configuring
“SecurityConfig” classes and extending “WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter”. I used
“HttpSecurity” to define security constraints, such as login, logout, and access control for
different endpoints. Additionally, I used “UserDetailsService” to load user-specific data and
“BCryptPasswordEncoder” for password hashing.

10. How do you handle transactions in Spring Boot

I handle transactions in Spring Boot applications by using the @Transactional annotation.
This annotation manages the transaction lifecycle, ensuring that operations within a method
are executed within a transaction context. If any operation fails, the transaction is rolled back
to maintain data integrity.

11. Describe a situation where you used Java Streams for data
In one project, I used Java Streams to process a large collection of data efficiently. Using
stream operations like filter, map, collect, and forEach, I transformed and aggregated data in
a concise and readable manner. This approach improved code readability and performance
compared to traditional iterative methods.

12. What are closures in JavaScript and how do they work?

Closures are functions that capture and remember their lexical scope, even when the
function is executed outside that scope. This allows the function to access variables defined
outside of its immediate scope, enabling powerful patterns like function factories and private

13. Describe the concept of promises and async/await in

Promises represent asynchronous operations that can be in one of three states: pending,
fulfilled, or rejected. They provide methods like .then() and .catch() for handling results and
errors. async/await syntax allows writing asynchronous code in a synchronous style, making
it easier to read and manage.

14. What is the virtual DOM and how does it work in React?
The virtual DOM is an in-memory representation of the real DOM. React updates the virtual
DOM first and then efficiently updates the real DOM using a reconciliation process,
minimizing direct DOM manipulations and improving performance.
15. How do you handle form validation in a front-end
Form validation can be handled using HTML5 built-in validation attributes, JavaScript for
custom validations, or libraries like Formik and Yup in React. This ensures user inputs are
correctly validated before submission, enhancing data integrity and user experience.

16. What are CSS preprocessors and why do you use them?
CSS preprocessors like SASS and LESS extend CSS with features like variables, nesting, and
mixins, making stylesheets more maintainable and scalable. They compile down to standard
CSS, allowing for more efficient and organized styling workflows.

17. Describe a challenging bug you encountered and how you

resolved it.
I once encountered a performance issue caused by excessive re-renders in a React
application. I resolved it by identifying the root cause using React DevTools, then optimizing
component updates with React.memo and useCallback to prevent unnecessary renders,
significantly improving the application's performance.

18. Write Explain the concept of a "Component" in Angular.

A component in Angular is a building block of the user interface. Each component consists of
three parts:
Template: Defines the view of the component.
Class: Contains the logic of the component.
Metadata: Provides additional information about the component to Angular.
Components are used to create the user interface and can be reused across different parts of
the application.

19. What is the difference between "==" and "==="?

The operator "==" checks for abstract equality, while "===" checks for strict equality.
In other words, the "==" operator performs necessary type conversions before comparison,
whereas "===" does not perform type conversion. Therefore, if two values are not of the
same type, it will return false when using the "===" operator.

20. Create a function in JavaScript that takes a string as input

and returns the reversed version of the string.
function reverseString(str) {
return str.split('').reverse().join('');

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