s.4 Patriotism

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This chapter will guide the learner to understand

a. the various meanings of patriotism

b. How patriotism is practiced
c. How patriotic Ugandans have sacrificed their resources
d. The importance of patriotism

What is Patriotism?

This is the feeling of love, devotion and sense of attachment to one’s country.

The attachment helps us to devote our love, support and defend the country in any situation.


This is a person who loves and is willing to sacrifice for his country. Examples include military men on frontline,
football team, athletes, doctors in a period of scourge such as COVID 19, Ebola

As A nation we are proud of our cultures and tribes, the environment that is full of different sceneries and our
history as a nation.

Why Patriotism?/ Purpose of Patriotism

a. To promote norms and values of the society/country

b. To instill love for the country among the people
c. For self respect and serve beyond self e.g Rotarians, Lions
d. To promote responsibility among the people.
e. To love and protect the environment
f. Encourage people to contribute towards national development
g. Enable people work together as a nation.
h. Enables the people to sacrifice their life and comfort for the country

Activities depicting Patriotism

1. Flag Raising/Lowering, Patriotic Parades:
2. National Anthem Singing
3. Volunteering for Veterans and Service Members:
4. Civic Engagement e.g Voting, community service
5. Celebrating National Holidays e.g Independence celebrations, Liberation day
6. Preserving Cultural Heritage:
7. Participating in environmental conservation activities
8. Supporting Local Businesses
9. Promoting educational initiatives that focus on the country's history, values
10. Supporting and participating in sports events that represent the country
11. Respecting and honoring national symbols, including the national flag
12. Supporting or participating in events that celebrate the country's arts, literature, music, and cultural
13. Recognizing and showing appreciation for the sacrifices and service of military personnel, first responders,
and law enforcement officers
14. Engaging in activities that promote positive international relations, diplomacy, and cooperation between

The Benefits of Patriotism

1. It helps to build a strong nation e.g the end of National Resistance war against Lord Resistance Army in
2. It improves the quality of life of the citizens e.g the winners get awards
3. International image of the country is uplifted e.g Professor Ogwang discovered Covid 19 medicine that was
used outside the country
4. Nationals develop a feel of belonging.
5. Patriotic successful citizens can pass on generosity to others e.g food, shelter, medicine etc
6. Patriotism enhances development in the country. It comes along with hard word, dedication
7. It helps to protect the country’s image, cultural norms, traditions, customs and economy.
8. National values and symbols are protected e.g the stanzas of National Anthem
9. Patriotism enhances the equitable distribution of resources
10. It increases national revenues as people are encouraged to pay taxes without dodging.

Discuss the areas that need improvement so that we can all feel better in our country.


The transition period from colonialism to self-governance was the most challenging period to many
African countries.
The efforts and work of these patriotic Ugandans is worth recognizing for they made their contribution on
which others were able to add.
 Born in 1905 in Wobulenzi, Luwero district.
 Attended Kings College Budo and gained a scholarship to study Divinity in UK
 He founded the first Political Party; Uganda National Congress in 1952
 Party led to several colonial political reforms before 1962; Agricultural reforms, political
 The UNC party split up later into factions but the groundwork for Uganda's independence
was laid by the UNC and its founder, Ignatius Kangave Musaazi, who died in 1990 at the age
of 85 at Namirembe hospital
 He was buried as a national hero at Kololo Heroes grounds.
 He wasborn in Akokoro village, Apac District.
 He studied from Gulu High school and later Busoga College Mwiri
 He worked in Kenya where he was influenced by the political developments.
 He joined the Uganda National Congress
 Obote was also elected to the legislative council in 1958
 When the party split, Obote became the president of the Uganda National Congress.
 In 1961, he became opposition leader in the Legislative council
 His UPC party joined Kabaka Yekka Party and won the 1962 independence elections.
 He was born on 19th November 1924 to Daudi Chwa
 He was educated at Kings College Budo
 Completed his education at Magdalene College of Cambridge studies.
 Crowned as Kabaka of Buganda on 19th November 1942.
 He opposed the idea of the East Africa Federation and this made him conflict with
Governor Andrew Cohen
 Demanded that Buganda be separated from the rest of the Uganda Protectorate.
 This led to Kabaka crisis of 1953
 He was exiled and this led to massive protests
 After 2 years, he was re-instated as a constitutional King
 He was elected the president of Uganda in 1962
 Kiwanuka was born on 8th May 1922 at Kisambwa in Bukomasimbi Masaka District.
 From Villa Maria primary school, to Nsambya Junior School.
 Dropped out of school due to lack of fees
 1942 – 1946 he was recruited in African Pioneer Corps and worked in Kenya, Egypt and
 In 1946, he returned to Uganda and worked as s court clerk
 In 1952, he went for law studies at London University.
 He condemned the idea of the East African Federation
 Condemned Kabaka’s government for discriminating catholics
 In 1958, he became Democratic Party president
 He became the prime minister in 1962


1. Africanisation of Uganda’s Economy
Since colonial time, Ugandans were segregated from the business world and it became a monopoly
of Asians.

President Amin in 1972, revealed to expel all the Asians from Uganda in a period of 3 months.
Uganda had about 80,000 individuals of Indian origin and 23,000 of them had their Ugandan

This event was called the “ ECONOMIC CRISIS OF 1972”

This is an international service organization whose stated purpose is to bring together
business and professional leaders in order to provide humanitarian service.


These clubs are borne and sponsored by the existing rotary clubs in community. These are rotary clubs of young
adults in education institutions. They are between 18 – 30 years of age.

It is an international organization that believes in self-development through fellowships and service.

Activities of Rotaracts

a. Special professional and vocational forums

b. Business technology updates
c. Management and marketing seminars.
d. Business and professional ethics conference
e. Presentations on finance and credit options for business start ups

Main benefits

a. Friendship
b. Giving back to the community
c. Fun and entertainment
d. Personal growth and development
e. Continued learning
f. Travel opportunities

Interact Rotary Club

These are patriotic secondary school going children. They give opportunities to young age to participate in fun
activities and at the same time become patriotic citizens.


a. Cleaning of the school compound

b. Rotary forms of clubs are in different levels according to age
c. Carries out school and community projects
d. Promotes the international understanding
e. Preparing students for future rotary club membership

Benefits of the interact Clubs

a. To recognize and develop constructive leadership and personal integrity
b. To encourage and practice thoughtfulness of and helpfulness to others
c. To create an awareness of the importance of home family
d. To build respect for the rights of others based on recognition of the worth of each individual


This stands for; Liberty Intelligence and Our Nations Safety.

This is an international non – political, non - religious, non- profit service organization supported by patriotic
membership groups.

The Lions motto is “We serve”

Key activities of Lion Clubs

a. Sight saving
b. Hearing sense
c. Speech abilities
d. Talk about diabetes
e. Youth Outreach
f. International relations
g. Environmental issues

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