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Q&A Session for 121948 - APJC IN, Virtual, 17 Mar, HCL TECHNOLOGIES LIMITED

Session number: 25525242953

Date: Friday, March 17, 2023
Starting time: 10:26 AM


###Jay Prakash#### - 10:31 AM#

Q: #its ok..i did on my HP####
##Parvesh Chopra#### - 10:38 AM#
A: #

###ULAGANATH K#### - 10:55 AM#

Q: #When there is surge in demand for compute or network or Database . It will be
required to keep apps or service uptime on huge demand ####
##Parvesh Chopra#### - 10:57 AM#
A: #...###


Q: #Automatically add or remove EC2 instances using scaling policies... ####
##Parvesh Chopra#### - 10:57 AM#
A: #..###

###Juhi Maurya#### - 10:55 AM#

Q: #auto scaling is horizontal scaling####
##Parvesh Chopra#### - 10:57 AM#
A: #..###

###Praveen R#### - 9:23 AM#

Q: #Hii Parvesh, Do we get access for practical session####
##Parvesh Chopra#### - 10:58 AM#
A: #..###

###Raghunatha Reddy Kambham#### - 11:01 AM#

Q: #is there any plan that we will see how to track the EC2 metrics like CPU,
Memory, storage usage in AWS?####
##Parvesh Chopra#### - 11:02 AM#
A: #cloudwatch###

###Supriya Pharande#### - 11:05 AM#

Q: #yes fine####
##Parvesh Chopra#### - 11:05 AM#
A: #Not for me.###

###Bhanu Gupta#### - 11:05 AM#

Q: #breaking####
##Parvesh Chopra#### - 11:07 AM#
A: #

###Nihar Ranjan Padhi#### - 11:15 AM#

Q: #depending upon my data also i have to select region. For ex as per Govt
regulation all medical records i can't move outsode my country. So country rules n
##Parvesh Chopra#### - 11:17 AM#
A: #...###

###Sourabh Jain#### - 11:22 AM#

Q: #min distace b/w 2 zones ?####
##Parvesh Chopra#### - 11:23 AM#
A: #within 100KM###

###Supriya Pharande#### - 11:23 AM#

Q: #does they physically connected or virtually####
##Parvesh Chopra#### - 11:24 AM#
A: #Physically.###

###Bhanu Gupta#### - 11:22 AM#

Q: #please the slide again####
##Parvesh Chopra#### - 11:24 AM#
A: #

###Keerthika Sivagnanam#### - 11:21 AM#

Q: #Please paste the link here also ####
##Parvesh Chopra#### - 11:34 AM#
A: #
##Parvesh Chopra#### - 11:35 AM#
A: #
##Parvesh Chopra#### - 11:38 AM#
A: #

###Raghunatha Reddy Kambham#### - 12:13 PM#

Q: #and SG would be for the entire subnet group####
##Parvesh Chopra#### - 12:14 PM#
A: #..###

###Deepak N#### - 12:19 PM#

Q: #is there any firewall at network level?####
##Parvesh Chopra#### - 12:20 PM#
A: #

###Lakshmi#### - 12:27 PM#

Q: #DNS is used to convert human freindly domain names into an internet
protocol(IP) address and vice versa.####
##Parvesh Chopra#### - 12:29 PM#
A: #...###

###Arepalli Praveenkumar#### - 12:29 PM#

Q: #Route 53 is AWS customer registry service name ? ####
##Parvesh Chopra#### - 12:29 PM#
A: #yes###


Q: #Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) is an object storage service offering
industry-leading scalability, data availability, security, and performance####
##Parvesh Chopra#### - 12:43 PM#
A: #...###

###ULAGANATH K#### - 12:40 PM#

Q: #hot/cold/archieval ####
##Parvesh Chopra#### - 12:45 PM#
A: #...###

###shubham kumar#### - 12:43 PM#

Q: #An object is a file and any metadata that describes the file.####
##Parvesh Chopra#### - 12:50 PM#
A: #..###

###Lakshmanan Vinayagam#### - 12:50 PM#

Q: #Just for clarificcation, post that storagre duration, what about data, will
that be deleted, as there any by defaul retention policy applied?####
##Parvesh Chopra#### - 12:51 PM#
A: #No, date ranges is for guiding purposes.###

###Vishesh R#### - 12:44 PM#

Q: #s3 is stateless protocol, we can make use of Rest API to create,delete or
update the bucket in s3####
##Parvesh Chopra#### - 12:51 PM#
A: #..###

###Keerthika Sivagnanam#### - 12:33 PM#

Q: #If we want to refrsh from prod to non-prod, we can copy the data from prod to
S3 using KMS key and from S3 we can copy to non-prod####
##Parvesh Chopra#### - 12:51 PM#
A: #...###

###Poornima Singh#### - 12:52 PM#

Q: #please paste youtube link here as well.####
##Parvesh Chopra#### - 12:54 PM#
A: #

###Sourabh Jain#### - 12:59 PM#

Q: #ok####
##Parvesh Chopra#### - 1:07 PM#
A: #

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