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How manyof you grew up like I did not Rich.

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Now I'm not theologicallyor philosophically

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shallow enough to tell youmoney will make you happy.

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Money will not make you happy.

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You get more money.

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It will make you more of what you areright now.

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If you are miserable and you get money,

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you will be lots more miserable.

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If you're a jerkand you get money being a jerk

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and it'll mess with your family too.

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So your money is not going to solveyour problems.

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It's going to make them bigger.

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It's also going to make your opportunitiesbigger.

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If you're a generous person,

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your generosity will go into overdriveto be outrageously generous.

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When you get a lot of money,we'll call you a philanthropist.

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A cool word.

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That means you give a lot of it awayand you have a blast doing it.

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You found the most fun you ever have withmoney is when you find that.

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So we live in a cause and effect world.
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What you plant, you will harvest,you will reap what you sow, right?

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So if you plant stupid,you will get a crop of desperate.

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I've done it.

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And you know, if you plant corn,don't be looking for beans to come up.

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Don't be shocked by

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because what you put intoyour life is what you're going to get out.

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So we found that there's five things thatif you do these five things with money

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over a period of time,like ten or 15 years,

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you will build a level of wealth100% of the time.

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And now I said a level of, well,I don't know what level

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because I can't predictcar wrecks and cancer.

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I can't predict tragedy,and I don't know what your income will be.

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But if you're workingand you do these five things,

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you will build a level of wealth100% of the time.

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And this is not some prosperity thingand it's not mystical or magical.

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When I grow up, these fivethings are all common sense,

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but common sense is so rarenow it's like having a superpower.

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So let's look at the five.

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The first one is get on a budget,a written plan.

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You have to do a budget on paperon purpose before the month begins.

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Every month.

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If you work for a company called You Inc.

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and you manage money for you Inc.,

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the way you manage money for you,now, would you fire you?

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Don't answer that.We misbehave with money.

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And so we're disorganized.

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We don't have a plan.

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Nothing's written down. Decide.

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The interesting thing

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about each one of these principles isyou can just decide today to do them.

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I had a guy working for meand he was not doing this process right.

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And I said, Nowthis is what you need to do.

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And he goes, Well, it'snot the way I do it and I should change.

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And he said, Well,I'm not like you and I should change.

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You can decide today to be goodat this or leave.

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You can decide.

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You can decide to do a budget today,get out a yellow pad or go free

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budget online.

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Every dollar you can decide today, I'mgoing to start managing money
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well today because you're going to keepgetting what you've been getting.

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If you keep doing what you've been doing,you know this right, sowing and reaping.

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And the second one isyou need to get out of debt.

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Now, we know this one.

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You knew DaveRamsey was going to talk about

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getting out of debt because, you know,the Bible says the borrower

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is slave to the lender.

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It's real.

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Now, here's the deal.

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Think about this.

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Your most powerful wealth buildingtool is your income.

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Let me show you what slavery looks like.This week.

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They came out with new data that showsthat the average car payment in America

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today, according to the National AutoDealers Association, is $499.

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That's dangerously close to 500.

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You take 500 bucks a monthand invest it from age 30 to age 70

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in a decent growth stock mutual fund,you have $5.6 million.

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That's what car payment costs you.

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So would you make rich General Motors,Ford, Lexus?

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I don't know. Toyota. Who was it?You made somebody rich.
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And when you and you're driving alongand something you can't afford

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scratching your head wonderingwhy your kid's college fund isn't funded

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Because we're giving it allto somebody else

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and they have nicer furniturein their building.

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Have you noticed something's going onhere?

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Gosh, you know, and some people in heregot a student loan.

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Has been around so long,you think it's a pet?

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You got master card in your life.

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I mean, it's hard to be a slaveif you don't have a masters,

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so you might as well.

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We've discoveredbondage in American distress,

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and it just keeps going and going.And I've done it to you.

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I'm not picking on anybody.I'm just saying, here's the deal.

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Think about this.What if you had no payments?

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Can't even get my head around that.

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Well,you're always going to have a car payment.

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You know, I hear people say thatlittle man can't get ahead.

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You're always going to have a car payment.

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Should drive some nudge YOLO.

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Which, by the way, is addressedin Proverbs says frugal right after that.

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See, those are how we talkwhen we're losing.

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You know, you're going to hear, you know,I sure hope we can elect a president

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who will fix my life. Not going to happen.

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Neither one of them got the goods.

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I'll just tell you,you're in charge of your life.

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It's the only one that's going to workand that's what changes.

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So how do you get out of debt?

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Well, you have to decide or not borrowany more or less first step.

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And we had plastic surgery at our house,had a plus section.

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We decided we're not borrowing moneyanymore.

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it's the Capital One.

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What's in your wallet? Money.

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You're weird, Dave.

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You're right.

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And I'm not broke anymore either.

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I decided I'm going to living like this.

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I am not a credit card in 30 years.You don't have a credit card?
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I don't have a credit card.That's my wallet.

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It's got green presidents faces.

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It's got four pieces of plastic in here,two debit cards, one on my business,

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one on my personal account,which you'll do everything

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your stupid credit card will do.

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I travel more than any toyou put together. Shut up.

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It works. Okay.

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You're a good man. Airline Miles. Yeah.

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I've met a lot of millionaires,and none of them said no.

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You know,I made it all on my airline, Miles.

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I haven't heard that one, so.

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so I got my driver's licenseor my handgun carry permit.

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The third thing, once you're out of debt,

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then you need to be careful to fosterhigh quality relationships.

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What's that got to do with money?

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There's a huge correlation

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for those that build wealthand who they hang around with

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because you becomewho you hang around with.

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Have you noticed that
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you don't let your kids hang aroundwith little juvenile delinquents, right?

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If little Johnny down the streets,a weed head,

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you don't let your kid runwith little Johnny because you know

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you're going to have a weedhit in your house, right?

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We know this.

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So we come home with that mouth on themand you're going, Where'd you learn that?

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We getyou locked in next week in this house?

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Or did you think you could get awaywith that?

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I'll take you out and make another onelook just like you, you know? I mean,

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you know, it's becausewe're hanging out a little Johnny, right?

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You know what happens? We're the same way.

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Yeah, we're the same way.

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You talk likethe people you're hanging around with.

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You read the books,

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they talk about if you don't readand all your friends watch The Bachelor.

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Here's a clue. Okay, here'swhat's going on.

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This is all you know about is reality TV.

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It's not a reality. Probably.

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We need to change our diet,you know, read a book.

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And so Charlie tremendous.

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Joan said five years from today,you'll be the same person

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you are today, except of the booksyou read, the people you meet.

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Don't be deceived.

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Evil company corrupts good habits.And you know this.

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The studies have

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shown that over a ten year period of timethat your income will approximate will

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become within 10 to 20% of the averageof your ten closest friends income,

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because you have the same habits,they've got the same diet into your self

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that they've got.

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You have it.

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You can't stop yourself from doing it.

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You will become who you hang around with.

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And all of the studies show

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that we have a tendency nowthat's not to say I'm some kind of snob,

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but I don't have any friendsand aren't rich friends.

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Not at all.

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I have lots of friends,but my closest hangs are people

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I want to be like, That's my closest onesand I'll talk to anybody.

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Like when our daughters were growing up,they're grown and married to wonderful men
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now, but you know, they're in high schooland they're wanting to go on a date.

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We didn't do missionary dating.

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You don't get to date little Johnnythe weed head and lead him to Jesus.

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That's not going to work, okay?

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We're not doing this.

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Little Johnny could go to campand get saved again.

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You know, we'll work on this, right?

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And so now we come up in our house,pick up one of our daughters,

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honk your horn.You better be delivering a pizza.

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All right.

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So coming in and talking to the old man,you know, I'll be cleaning my gun

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when you get home.You know the song, right?

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And so,

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I mean, this this guy and I'm teachingDad, all the boys in the youth group

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are scared of you. Good.

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Keeps away to things you don't want,baby doll.

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You don't want jerksand you don't want wusses.

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And if I can keep both those away.

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And then I can teach you tohow to keep them away, you can pick. Good.

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And guess what? They both picked good.
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They both pick that bird studs.

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Man, I got some son in law. Unbelievable.

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My sons are awesome.And it wasn't an accident.

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You see what I'm saying?

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Know, you need to make these choices very,very carefully.

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The fourth thing isyou need to save and invest

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in the house of the wiseor stores of choice.

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Food and oil wise.

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People save money. That's what this means.

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And so it was used in the marketplacelike we use green presidents, faces

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as a medium of exchange.

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If you had a carafe of oil,you were ready to do business.

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It was a sign of wealth.

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There were two classes of people,poor people and rich people.

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Most of the people were poor people.

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This is the Mediterranean.

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We're talking.

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They ate hummus and olives,no meat, little bit of bread,

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maybe, maybe a fish if they got some meat.

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But that was it.

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Rich people eat what we eat every day.

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Spices, good meat, Charleston food scene.

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You know what I'm saying, right?

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Cooking it up, right.

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That's fine.

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Food stores of choice, foodand oil choice, food or symbols of wealth.

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So let's read that again.

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In the house of the Wivesare stores of money.

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By the way, the rest of that one says,and a foolish man devours all he has.

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If you spend everything you make,the Bible just called you a fool again.

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I've been a fool.

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Call me a fool too. And I decided

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to change.

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Watch people save money.

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Why? We'll start withwe save for an emergency. Right?

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Grandma said it.

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She said save for a rainy day.

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It's going to rain.

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You're going have a car wreck.
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The cruise your job.

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Something's going to happen.

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You need some money, Dave.

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You need to be positive.

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I'm positive. It's going to rain.

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Something's going to come up.

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This oneI don't understand. Unexpected pregnancy.

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So what?

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Okay, but people come up with all kindsof things that are emergencies, right?

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Something's going to happen.

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And then you need to save and invest.So you retire with dignity.

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You know, I'mgoing to spend everything I make

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and hope the government,

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which is well known for its abilityto handle money, will take care of me.

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Dumb idea.

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I'm not I'm sure some of themhave opposable thumbs up there.

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You know what I'm saying?It's just ridiculous.

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And we're counting on them andsome whacked out kind of way to come be.

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They're not coming.

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There is no white horse.There is no Calvary.
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You're here, okay?

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You are in charge of your destiny.

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And that's great news.

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And so all worried about the electionand I'm not worried about the election

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because I made money under both parties.

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It turns out it wasn't up to them.

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In either case,I've lost money under both parties.

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None of them sent me a check.

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They all just want money.

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They're extracting like a tick,extracting blood all the time.

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That's all they do.

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This is the deal.

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The last one is all about generosity.

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But this is all about cheerfulness.

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Generosityis not just a transfer of funds.

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Generosity is a spiritwhere you decide to be a generous person.

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Generous people are more attractive.

00:10:31:17 - 00:10:33:09
They smile, they're not grouchy.

00:10:33:09 - 00:10:34:28
It's not all about them.

00:10:34:28 - 00:10:36:26
They're the ones that open the door.

00:10:36:26 - 00:10:39:24
They're the ones when the grocery baghas the bottom drop out and your groceries

00:10:39:24 - 00:10:42:01
are rolling all over the parking lot,they're the ones out there

00:10:42:01 - 00:10:43:12
helping you pick it up.

00:10:43:12 - 00:10:44:04
These are the people

00:10:44:04 - 00:10:47:18
that when they go out to eat,they leave a tip you cheap and ridiculous.

00:10:47:19 - 00:10:48:05
Well, us.

00:10:48:05 - 00:10:51:10
I'm not only big tipsbecause it's a form of generosity.

00:10:51:16 - 00:10:52:28
Well, they didn't give me good service.

00:10:52:28 - 00:10:53:24
shut up.

00:10:53:24 - 00:10:56:24
Or carrying a tray that weighsmore than you figure it out.

00:10:57:07 - 00:10:59:20
They park your car in the rainand in the heat. Shut up.

00:10:59:20 - 00:11:03:06
Give them some money and park your hundred30,000 on a car and you give them $3.

00:11:03:06 - 00:11:03:25
What are you, a nut?

00:11:03:25 - 00:11:06:09
That's Ferris Bueller parkingthe car there.

00:11:06:09 - 00:11:07:29
You take care of that, man.

00:11:07:29 - 00:11:10:13
I give them a $20 bill. My carstill sitting there when I come out.

00:11:10:13 - 00:11:11:29
It's amazing.

00:11:11:29 - 00:11:14:18
That guy's working his waythrough college or something right there.

00:11:14:18 - 00:11:16:11
And if he says better than I deserve,
00:11:16:11 - 00:11:18:05
that's just codefor I'm getting out of debt.

00:11:18:05 - 00:11:21:05
If I say that, you got to get hima double tap, so I get him 40.

00:11:21:13 - 00:11:23:11
My wife's like, I'm on Park your car.

00:11:23:11 - 00:11:24:10
No, you're not.

00:11:24:10 - 00:11:26:13
You're not workingyour way out of college.

00:11:26:13 - 00:11:28:02
You've already put up with mefor 30 years.

00:11:28:02 - 00:11:29:04
So it's all right.

00:11:29:04 - 00:11:30:20
Generosity is a spirit.

00:11:30:20 - 00:11:33:01
It changes everything in your life.

00:11:33:01 - 00:11:35:12
But it's also tough to get out ofif you're broke,

00:11:35:12 - 00:11:39:08
if you're in debt and you hadn'tsaved any money and you don't have a plan

00:11:39:12 - 00:11:43:08
and you're not hanging out withother people who are givers and change,

00:11:44:18 - 00:11:45:01
you get to

00:11:45:01 - 00:11:48:01
decide today, it'll change your life.

00:11:48:04 - 00:11:50:12
It'll change your family tree.

00:11:50:12 - 00:11:54:06
You will change everyonewith your last name that follows you.

00:11:54:22 - 00:11:58:05
If you do these things, it'sthat powerful.

00:11:58:12 - 00:11:59:23
It's unbelievable.

00:11:59:23 - 00:12:02:20
The sorrows are deeperand the joys are higher.

00:12:02:20 - 00:12:04:14
It changes everything.
00:12:04:14 - 00:12:07:13
And when you move this money piece around,it gives you the tools

00:12:07:13 - 00:12:10:17
to be that in the marketplaceand to be that for your family

00:12:10:24 - 00:12:14:23
and to get this monkey off your backand to get that elephant out of the room

00:12:14:28 - 00:12:15:26
because he's got to go.

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