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CLASS: XI Max. Marks: 50
Date: Max. Time: 2 Hours

General Instructions:
1. Please read the instructions carefully.
2. This Question Paper consists of 21 questions in two sections: Section A & Section B.
3. Section A has Objective type questions whereas Section B contains Subjective type
4. Out of the given (5 + 16 =) 21 questions, a candidate has to answer (5 + 10 =) 15
questions in the allotted (maximum) time of 2 hours.
5. All questions of a particular section must be attempted in the correct order.
i. This section has 05 questions.
ii. Marks allotted are mentioned against each question/part.
iii. There is no negative marking.
iv. Do as per the instructions given.
i. This section has 16 questions.
ii. A candidate has to do 10 questions.
iii. Do as per the instructions given.
iv. Marks allotted are mentioned against each question/part.


Q. 1 Answer any 4 out of the given 6 questions on Employability Skills (1 x 4 =

4 marks)

i. In ------------- Business activity, the services are intangible and cannot be 1

felt or seen.
a. Manufacturing b. Service c. Trading d. none on these
Ans: b. service
ii. The receiver's response to the message is termed as -------------- 1
a. Feedback
b. Receiver
c. Decoding
d. Channel
Ans: feed back
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iii. The 3ps, Prepare, Practice and ---------------- methods are used to get over 1
the fears and become confident and effective speaker.
a. Pamper
b. Parade
c. Pacify
d. Perform
Ans: Perform
iv. ----------- is the phenomenon of a person exerting less effort to achieve a 1
goal when they work in a group than when working alone.
a. Social facilitation
b. Social loafing
c. Socializing
d. Social misuse
Ans: b. social loafing
v. -------------- super imposes the image on the text. 1
a. Page wrap
b. Background
c. Wrap through
d. No wrap
Ans: c. wrap through
vi A ----------- building is a building that, in its design, construction or 1
operation reduces or eliminates negative impacts and can create positive
impacts on our climate and natural environment.
a. Green b. Red c. Blue d. none of these
Ans: a. green

Q. 2 Answer any 5 out of the given 6 questions (1 x 5 = 5 marks)

i. John McCarthy invented ------- in the late 1950s. 1
a. Julia
b. Scala
c. C++

ii. Which of the following is the requirement for Pearson’s correlation 1

a. Variables should be approximately normally distributed
b. The association should be linear
c. There should be no outliers in the data
d. All of these
Ans: d. all of these
iii. ------ variable is that variable we are trying to understand or forecast. 1
a. Independent variable b. Dependent variable c. Cross-tab variable
e. None of these
Ans: b. Dependent variable
iv. Every story features at least one -------------- 1
a. Conflict
b. Character
c. Piece of data
d. None of these
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Ans: character
v. One of the skills that resolve conflict in data storytelling is ----------- 1
a. Communication
b. Stress management
c. Teamwork
d. All of these
Ans: d. all of these
vi. -------------- is the process of finding instances of real world objects such as 1
faces or bicycles in images or videos.
a. Object detection
b. Classification
c. Localisation
d. None of these
Ans: object detection

Q. 3 Answer any 5 out of the given 6 questions (1 x 5 = 5 marks)

i. Facts simply present -------------- 1
a. Data b. Story c. Conflict d. none of these
Ans: a. data
ii. --------- is the ability of a computer to receive and interpret intelligible 1
handwritten inputs.
a. Hand writing recognition
b. Hand reading recognition
c. Written recognition
d. Reading recognition
Ans: a. hand writing recognition
iii. Jobs which will grow with the help of AI 1
a. Creative jobs
b. Management jobs
c. Tech jobs
d. All of these
Ans: all of these

iv. --------------- are a series of algorithms which are loosely modelled after 1
how neurons in the human brain behave.
a. Computer Vision b. Natural Language Processing
c. Neural Networks d. None of these
Ans: Neural Networks
v. No --------------- are present in an AI system. 1
a. Features b. Emotions c. Cables d. none of these
Ans: b. Emotions
vi. Using ------, vehicles navigate busy roads and hurdles to reach destination. 1
a. Deep learning
b. GPS
c. Camera
d. Lidar
Ans: GPS

Q. 4 Answer any 5 out of the given 6 questions (1 x 5 = 5 marks)

i. Googles's ------------ technology successfully trained neural network to 1
detect more than 50 types of eye disease.
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c. Plantix
d. Deepmind
Ans: Deepmind

Ii -------------- and ----- AI driven chat bots of Facebook developed their own 1
secret language and were carrying conversation with each other
a. Alice and Bob
b. Alice and McCarthy
c. Sophia and DWX
Ans: Alice and Bob

iii Sometimes it is required to have a ----------- to control a situation and keep 1

thing working.
a. AI
b. Fake data
c. Bias
d. none of these
Ans: Bias
iv Data Detective is a ------------ 1
a. AI Tech job title b. detective c. UN job title c. none of these
An: a. AI Tech job title
v -------------- uses image recognition based technology to identify the 1
nutrient deficiency in soil.
a. Plantix
b. LME
c. Lens
d. None of these
Ans: Plantix
vi BYOITF stands for 1
a. Be Your Own Inspiration Talented fulfilling person
b. Become Your Own Inspiration Talented fulfilling person
c. Bring Your Own IT Facilitator
d. none of these
Ans: c. Bring Your Own IT Facilitator

Q. 5 Answer any 5 out of the given 6 questions (1 x 5 = 5 marks)

i. Numeric and alpha numeric data is used ing ------- domain. 1
a. Computer Vision b. Data Science c. NLP d. All the above
Ans: b. Data Science
ii Narrow AI is also called as ----------- 1
a. Super AI
b. Dull AI
c. Smat AI
d. Weak AI
Ans: Weak AI
iii The goal of ----------- is to simulate human thought processes in a 1
computerized model.
a. Cognitive Computing
b. Recommendation system
c. Prediction computing
d. none of these
Ans: a. Cognitive Computing
iv ------ is a field of AI that trains computers to interpret and understand the 1
visual world.
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a. Data vision
b. Computer Vision
c. Visual Computing
d. Digital Vision
Ans: Computer Vision
v ------ is a computer software that mimics the network of neurons in a brain. 1
a. Deep Learning
b. Machine Learning
c. NLP
d. None of these
Ans: Deep Learning
vi Statement 1: Machine Learning is the most advanced form of AI. 1
Statement 2: Everything that is Machine Learning is not Deep Learning.
a. Both statement 1 and 2 are correct
b. Both statement 1 and 2 are incorrect
c. Statement 1 is correct but statement 2 is incorrect
d. Statement 2 is correct but statement 1 is incorrect
Ans: d. Statement 2 is correct but statement 1 is incorrect


Answer any 3 out of the given 5 questions on Employability Skills (2 x 3 = 6 marks)

Answer each question in 20 – 30 words.
Q. 6 What are the factors affecting communication perspectives? 2
Ans: Visual perception, language , past experience, feelings
Q. 7 What values does a successful entrepreneur have? Write any two 2
values with example.
Ans: Personal values ex honesty, determination etc.
professional values eg. Ethics, leardership etc,
social values ex. Creativity, empathy
Q. 8 Explain the role of stakeholders in green economy. 2
Ans: Government – plicy making, budgeting
Private agencies
The people
Q. 9 Elaborate on factors that influence teamwork. 2
Ans: Team norms, team cohesion, social loafing, loss of individuality.
Q. 10 How can you track changes in writer? 2
Ans: to start tracking the changes clicl Edit->changes->record.
To show the changes
Edit->changes-show to be used.

Answer any 4 out of the given 6 questions in 20 – 30 words each (2 x 4 = 8 marks)

Q. 11 Define AI winter. 2
Ans: this is the period of time wher AI faced shortage of funding due to
non acceptance.
Q. 12 Explain resolution with an example. 2
Ans: Resolution of an image refers to the number of pixels in an image,
across the width and height. Fro example a monitor of 1280x1024
means there are 1280 pixels from one side to the other and 1024 pixels
from to bottom.

Q. 13 What are the three types of correlation? 2

Ans: positive, negative and zero
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Q. 14 What are the three forms of story telling? 2
Ans: Visual, narrative and data story telling.
Q. 15 Explain any four areas where NLP is used. 2
Ans: search, text extraction , summary based extraction , sentiment
Q.16 If you do an image search for vacations on a popular search engine, the 2
first few searches mostly return the picture of beaches. What is the
concern here? Explain.
Ans: The given scenario speaks about AI bias. Any bias can transfer
from developer to the machine while the algorithm is being developed.
Answer any 3 out of the given 5 questions in 50– 80 words each (4 x 3 = 12 marks)
Q. 17 Mention some job titles that are expected in future. 4
Ans: Data detective
Man-machine teaming manager
Robotics programmer
Data mining analyst
Q. 18 (i) What are the challenges paused by AI? 4
(ii) Ccompare Smart-bot and Script bot
Integrity of AI - vulnerable to bias. unemployment. data privacy
Smart bots are flexible and powerful
Script bots have limited application. simple, easy to make

Q.19 The following table shows the temperature and heaters sold on different
months. Calculate correlation.

Q. 20 4
Visualize the following data on bar graph

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Q. 21 (i)What are the sources of AI bias? 4

(ii) Write few applications of Computer Vision.
Ans: (i) data, algorithm, people
(ii) facelock in phone, self driving car

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