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+91 7738905793⋄ Pune, IN ⋄ LINKEDIN ⋄ PORTFILIO ⋄ LEETCODE

Bachelor Of Computer Engineering, Dr D. Y. Patil Institute of Technology, PUNE Expected 2024
C.G.P.A - 9.2
Higher Secondary Education,Mother Mary Jr College 2019-2020
Percentage - 92.24

Technical Skills Java, Python, Javascript
Development React.js, Node.js,Express.js,Firebase,MongoDB,MYSQL,HTML,CSS,Jquery
Tools Git, Github, Balasmiq Wire Framing,Jupyter,VS Code, Eclipse,IntelliJ
Other Problem solving, Data Structures and Algorithms, OOPS

Software Developer Intern Aug 2021 - Sept 2021
Atharva Associates Mumbai, IND
• Implemeneted React.js to develop dyanamic website for the company which increased the growth for the same.
• Designed user friendly GUI for the website and introduced new features.
• Tech Stack : React.js, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, MongoDB

Connectify - A Social Media App. Built a highly effective social media platform as like Twitter wherein user can
post their views, thoughts and other community could like and commnent.Implemeneted React.Js for Virtual DOM
and ExpressJS and MongoDB at the backend.
Tech Stack:ReactJS,ExpressJS,NodeJS,MongoDB,HTML,CSS,Bootstrap (Link)
Uber Clone. Designed a Uber Clone wherein you can book cabs using location o the end user.Used React.js for the
frontend of the project. (Link)
Tech Stack - React.JS, EMail.JS
2048 Game. Developed an lightwieght game using Java Technology. Used Java Swing and AWS Components for
lightweight application. Tech Stack : Java, Java Swing. (Link)

• Programmer - Robotics Club, DIT
As a programmer my role is to hard code the bots developed by the team, Increase the efficiency and optimize
the previous features. Mentoring 100+ students by conducting workshops of the technology.
• Student Coordinator - Entrepreneurship Developement Startup And Innovation Cell
As a coordinator conducted sessions for helping organizations for innovations and guidance.
Invite Entrepreneurs to mentor small scale and new startups


• Walmart Virtual Engineering Program Gold Badge Hackerrank
• Winner Of Industries Association (Smart Wheel Chair) 4+ contributions in Hacktoberfest
• Mastering Data Structures And Algorithms 30 Days of Google Cloud

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