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1. Complete the following sentences, using the verb in the bracket in the infinitive of
purpose form and adding an idea of your own.
Example: I used the scissors (cut) to cut the picture from the magazine.
(a) We use a dictionary (learn) __________________________________________________
(b) My brother wanted the remote (change) ________________________________________
(c) Sara’s mother keeps the radio on (listen) _______________________________________
(d) The students will study hard (pass) ____________________________________________
(e) Tom went to the mall (buy) __________________________________________________
2. Complete the following sentences using the correct question tag.
(a) Janet loves playing the piano, __________ ?
(b) You’re never on time, __________ ?
(c) He doesn’t like swimming early morning, __________ ?
(d) They could dance perfectly if they wanted to, __________ ?
(e) You have been to New York, __________ ?
3. Complete the sentences using one of the following words: who, where or that.
(a) The teacher brought a lot of books __________ belonged to the library.
(b) My Dad is someone __________ enjoys fishing during the weekend.
(c) Sam, the superhero, protected the people __________ were in danger.
(d) The Sunday Market was a place, __________ we could buy anything and everything.
(e) Mother had made pancakes for those __________ were hungry.
(f) The trucks __________ carried the rocks were too heavy to move.

4. Read the following sentences and re-write them by adding the correct punctuation.
(a) what’s going on she asked
(a) careful you’ll end up squashing the fruit she exclaimed
(b) jamie jamie jamie chanted the crowd
(c) he was a kind man who tried to make others happy said the villagers
5. Complete the following sentences using the present perfect tense.
(a) There _____ _____ an accident. ( be)
(b) I _____ _____ at home for two hours. ( study)
(c) We _____ _____ our breakfast already. (take)
(d) The baby _____ _____ all night. (sleep)
(e) I _____ _____ Peter all my life. (know)
6. Complete the following sentences using the present perfect of the verbs in the
brackets and also using the word since or for.
(a) The children __________ (draw) pictures ________ the exhibition.
(b) Martha __________ (speak) to me ________ three hours.
(c) The shop __________ (be) open ________ morning.
(d) The friends __________ (know) each other ________ Grade 2.
(e) Peter __________ (not / eat) any junk food ________ several weeks.

7. Fill in the blanks using suitable words.

One fine day, __________ (noun) decided to go to the beach. He packed his
_________ (adjective) bag and travelled by __________ (noun). When he __________ (verb) the
beach, it was crowded with _________ (noun). He went to a corner and built a __________
(adjective) sandcastle. Next, he decided to swim. He __________ (verb) a pair of swim shorts and
dived in. After a while, he came out of the sea and felt __________ (verb). He bought an ice cream
and ate it __________ (adverb). By the end of the day he felt _________ (adjective) and set home.

8. Fill in the blanks using the correct quantative pronoun (indefinite pronoun)
(a) Joseph called his friend, but __________ answered the phone.
(b) Let’s get __________ to eat after our class.
(c) Did you hear that? I think __________ rang the doorbell.
(d) I found a wallet at the bus stop, but there was __________ in it. It was empty.
(e) __________ was on time. No one was late.
(f) Linda understood __________ that her teacher said.
(g) There’s __________ under the bed. You must be dreaming.
(h) It is very dark in the cellar. I can’t see anything.

9. Fill in the blanks using too / both / whereas

(a) Mum and Grandma __________ enjoy cooking.
(b) Anna likes playing music __________ her brother likes playing basketball.
(c) Grandpa likes jogging and Grandma enjoys jogging __________.
(d) Patrick and his brother are __________ eating their dinner.
(e) Sandra likes reading stories __________ her friend prefers watching stories.

10. Use me too / me neither to fill in the blanks.

(a) The restaurant is great. I really like the food. __________ . The food is awesome.
(b) I want to go to the party, but I can’t. __________ . I have another appointment.
(c) I don’t like swimming. I feel scared. ___________ . I always feel like am drowning.
(d) I love French bread. __________ . It’s so yummy.

The Empire State

(a) What is the other name used for New York? Why is it called so?


(b) What is the famous attraction first seen by people who come to New York by boat? Which
country gifted it?
(c) What is the famous waterfall found in New York?
(d) How many parts make the waterfall and from where does each part originate?

(e) Describe the Eiffel Tower and its location.

(f) List two specialities of the Eiffel Tower.

(g) Give two different names used for the Eiffel Tower.

(h) State (T) true or (F) false for the following statements:

(i) The capital city of New York is Big Apple.

(ii) Ellis Island is in New York harbor.
(iii) United States of America is in the northeastern part of New York.
(iv) People attempted daredevil tricks in the Statue of Liberty.
(v) New York is a state full of wonders.

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