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Reach Out Job Search Media Kit (ROJS-M)

Reach Out Job Search Media Location: Ann Arbor, Michigan E-mail: Phone: 734-328-3025 ROJS News (ROJS-N) Site: ROJS Radio (ROJS-R) Site:

Reach Out Job Search News Blog and Radio Media Kit
What is the Reach Out Job Search Brand?
Reach Out-Job Search Blog (ROJS-B) is a news, political, OP/ED and job board website founded in April of 2010. We strive to provide the latest information on national/Michigan politics, breaking news, unemployment, job search, pop-culture and more. February 2011, we reached the 100K page views mark and is on track to reach 300K page views by December 2011. In our continuing effort to grow and provide information for our readers, ROJS-B receives between 3500-5000 page views per week and 15K-22K page views per month. Our RSS Feeds and newsletters are sent out to over 200 active subscribers and growing daily. Reach Out Job Search Radio (ROJS-R), is a weekend based podcast hosted on Blog Talk Radio on Saturday & Sunday from 11AM-1PM. Links to our live shows can be found on our blog home page, I-Tunes and on the Blubrry site. On ROJS-R format hosts Monica RW and Autumn S. provides analyst to Michigan and National Politics, job search, current news/headlines discussions and more. Starting in September 2010 ROJS-R has received over 68K live and archived listens on the weekly podcast. The weekly show, blog and name "Reach Out Job Search" is owned, produced and hosted Monica RW.

Lets Talk Numbers!

Both our weekly radio show and blog continue to grow 15 to 20 percent each week. It is a great time to get your ad out to a mass audience at a highly affordable rate. Take a look at our numbers! Reach Out Job Search News Blog has received over 275K Page Views since 8/10

Reach Out Job Search Podcast cast has received over 56K listens since 9/10

Reach Out Job Search Media Advertisements Packages

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Reach Out Job Search Media Kit (ROJS-M)

Reach Out Job Search Media Location: Ann Arbor, Michigan E-mail: Phone: 734-328-3025 ROJS News (ROJS-N) Site: ROJS Radio (ROJS-R) Site:

Why advertise at a news blog or a podcast, instead of newspapers and regular broadcast radio?
Internet advertising is an highly effective means of marketing a) 90%consumers follow online recommendations from individual they trust over opinions of unknown users. (Econsultancy, July 2009)

b) Users put great trust in their social networks.-Respondents said they considered information shared on their networks when making a decisionand the proportion was higher among users ages 18 to 24, at 65%. (eMarketer, October 2009) c) 74% said "After interacting with companies or brands via new media, I generally have apositive impression of the company or brand." (Consumers Demand Brand Interaction, October 2009)

d) 75% of US online adults are online social participators. (Forrester, 2008) Podcast radio advertising is more impactful than other traditional forms of marketing a) Amongst people who listen to radio while online (20% of web users at any given time)-57% say they have checked things out on the internet after just hearing about them on the radio (On Radio Research-2009)

b) 39% say that radio ads have prompted me to search for something on the internet (On Radio Research-2009) c) Podcast consumers are more likely to have a college degree and earn in excess of $75,000 (digitalpodcast 2008)

d) Podcasts enable more media consumption: The people consuming podcasts spent approximately 90

minutes longer per week listening to online audio than other online audio consumers (digital-podcast 2008

Demographics information from Quintcast

Reach Out Job Search Media Advertisements Packages

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Reach Out Job Search Media Ad Packages

Reach Out Job Search Media Location: Ann Arbor, Michigan E-mail: Phone: 734-328-3025 Reach Out Job Search News: Reach Out Job Search Radio:

Premium Sponsor Package Gold

Premium Business Sponsorship Section w/Picture ROJS-N Leaderboard Ad Monthly ROJS-N Size 728x90 30 Section Host Sponsor Plug ROJS-R 8 Shows Radio Ad Spot Production w/ script music Business Profile Sponsorship ROJS-R 5 Min. Monthly Cost Monthly Cost Monthly Cost Monthly Cost Two Plays Per Month Total Monthly Cost Total Yearly Value 15% Yearly Savings $70.00 $125.00 $260.00 $30.00 Free! $485.00 $5820.00 $873.00

Yearly Price


Premium Sponsor Package Silver

Premium Business Sponsorship Section w/Picture ROJS-N Full Banner Ad 468x60 or HiRise Ad 150x600 ROJS-N 30 Section Host Sponsor Plug ROJS-R 6 Shows Radio Ad Spot Production w/ script music Monthly Cost Monthly Cost Monthly Cost Monthly Cost Total Monthly Cost Total Yearly Value 15% Yearly Savings $70.00 $95.00 $195.00 $30.00 $390.00 $4680.00 $702.00

Yearly Price


Reach Out Job Search Media Advertisements Packages

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Reach Out Job Search Media Ad Packages

Reach Out Job Search Media Location: Ann Arbor, Michigan E-mail: Phone: 734-328-3025 Reach Out Job Search News: Reach Out Job Search Radio:

Premium Sponsor Package Bronze

Business Sponsorship Section Monthly ROJS-N Half Banner Ad 234x60 or Small Square 125x125 ROJS-N 30 Section Host Sponsor Plug ROJS-R 4 Shows Radio Ad Spot Production w/script music Monthly Cost Monthly Cost Monthly Cost Monthly Cost Total Monthly Cost Total Yearly Value 15% Yearly Savings $60.00 $75.00 $130.00 $30.00 $295.00 $3540.00 $531.00

Yearly Price


Individual Advertisements Services for Reach Out Job Search News/Radio Ad Spots Reach Out Job Search Radio Only 15 Section Commercial Sponsor Plug ROJS-R- 2 Podcasts 15 Section Commercial ROJS-R-2 Podcasts 30 Section Commercial ROJS-R-2 Podcasts Business Profile Sponsor Segment-5 Minutes Reach Out Job Search Radio Business Profile Sponsorship Reach Out Job Search News Premium Business Sponsorship Section w/ Picture & Mini-Square Ad 150x100 Premium 2 Business Sponsorship Section & Micro Bar Ad 88x31 Ad Spot Production Scripting of ROJS-R Ad Spot & Audio Production w/Client Approval Process Original background music with *Client Approval Process Professional Voiceover Talent Services Scripting of ROJS-R Ad Spot & Audio Production ROJS-N JEPG Advertisement Design Services Reach Out Job Search News-JEPG & Text Advertisements Leaderboard Advertisement 728 x 90 Full Banner 468 X 60 Half Banner 234 X 60 Large Square Ad 300 X 250 Hi-Rise Ad 150 X 600 Small Square Ad 125x125 Mini-Square Ad 150x100 Micro-Bar Ad Text Based Advertisement (15-20 Words) Text Based Advertisement (7-14 Words) Three Individual ROJS-R Commercial Spots or ROJS-N Advertisements Reach Out Job Search Media Advertisements Packages

$65.00 $40.00 5$0.00 $60.00 $70.00 $65.00 $30.00 $45.00 $65.00 $20.00 $60.00 $125.00 $110.00 $80.00 $65.00 $60.00 $35.00 $25.00 $20.00 $25.00 $15.00 Save 10% Page 4

Reach Out Job Search Media Ad Packages

Reach Out Job Search Media Location: Ann Arbor, Michigan E-mail: Phone: 734-328-3025 Reach Out Job Search News: Reach Out Job Search Radio: Monthly Discount (180 Day Commitment) Three ROJS-R Individual Commercial Spots or ROJS-N Advertisements Monthly Discount (90 Day Commitment) Save 7%

Reach Out Job Search Media Advertisements Packages

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